From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:37 PM
Cc: Tom Brecht; San Diego FBI; Seth Lubove;; Cliff Benn;; Dan Weinstein; Matthew Margo Esq. – CBS 60 Minutes ; Roger W. Robinson;; Toni Atkins -
San Diego City Counsilwoman 3rd District
Subject: Next Symposium (:) The compact version...---...Off with them heads says the Queen of hearts...---...The things u can control versus the things u cannot...---... (:)


Dear CVII,


Monday is usually my day of rest and relaxation other than Pypeetoe’s Iron Dog training as the likes of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. begin executing their weekly plans tu die the richest people in the grave, a good number of us having missed last week’s “CBC’s 60 Minutes” [sic] making certain that these yoyos, hi Mathew Margo, don’t go too weeks in a row without at least one person calling them tu task, their segment on “Evangelical Christianmesses” [sic] so incredibly transparent the revolving doors of politics and religion, agree?


U know when the economy is on the verge of going south folks turn tu organized religion, where else can one find comfort with others in pain other than in sport, nothing tho quite like a ballgame tu fill up on Aspartame and carbos?


And then when the “grand slams” return, back we go into politics, u remember of course that English was ripped out of the Latin, like Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic one of the spiritual languages by politicians hell bent on keeping the masses dwelling on their misery while building Ivory Towers 4 themselves, agree?


So why Morely Safer who looks as Jewish tu me as Roger W. Robinson




Valerie Schulte Esq. of the NAB, i.e. the “National Association of very Big Business” [sic] never thought tu ask these “My way




The Hi-Way” [sic] folks whether they would be willing tu lift up “their kimonos” and show us exactly how much remains in the coffers 4 those following “blindly” as the chairman of the board of one of Citicorp’s “fronting companies” was “prone tu say”, Mr. Newell Starks deciding at the 11th hour and 59th minute tu “sell his soul” rather than become a priest, agree?


Why shouldn’t these folks who seem so certain they alone will be saved in Armageddon that they not subject themselves tu the type of audit folks like Mr. Starks, Mr. King Golden Jnr. Esq. and his bosom buddy Roger W. Robinson would expect from the likes of me, The Rattlesnake, my having yet tu post up the part II “Heads Up” of my first communiqué with Tom Brecht of Brecht Automotive, the more things change so they remain the same, only if u r idiotic enough tu be caught out in left field, agree?


The excuses of not being properly informed at this time is nothing short of pure folly, hi Lazarus clan and their pitiful supporters who fricken dare tu refer tu my missives as “crap”, agree?


Today, despite the trying times [X] is not going tu be all that different, the time just going on 5PM PST and it has been one incredibly gorgeous day, my assuming u have examined in the minutest detail Forbes Magazine’s latest expose on Melvyn Weiss Esq. et al not forgetting as I mentioned this weekend tu Mr. JRK’s wife, Campbell Soup, that my good friend Jeffrey take a look at the back of page 20 of the February 16th print edition, sumthing about a diamond exchange, that mentions Citicorp, although Citicorp along with a medical doctor didn’t exactly get an honorable mention by the too authors who I hope one day will be included in my email address list, agree?


Sumtime in the next 24 hours my plan is tu send out an email like non other, first tho, I will respond tu Mr. Graham Kluk, a Carmel College Alumni who back on January 15th sent me an email using my Nextraterrestrial email address that only contained what I assume is Graham’s home address, 406 Essenwood Road, Durban, South Africa, along with a telephone number, my seeming tu recall that my grandfather, Israel “Issy” Gevisser, lived in a rather frugal penthouse in a building on that road, possibly called Essenwood Lodge, not tu forget the 1 million plus hits per day has been receiving on average 4 the past 4 weeks, that number becoming ever more meaningful tu the point that the “mean” and the “average” will soon converge, nothing quite like a RAT [Right Angle Triangle] that divides up so well?


My “like non-other” complaint will be lodged with Ms. Dobransky a relatively low level bureaucrat at Wells Fargo bank, whose “control person”, I believe, remains non-other than Warren “BO” Buffet, who in a matter of days once we get out Part 8 of the 8 Part Mini Series to Ms. Diana Henriques of The NY X will have Mr. Body Odor very much “underwater”, agree?


I just can’t wait tu show u the ancient Tar Steps near the Ccrest Café in Minehead, England, a number of folks from Durban, South Africa up-set about a number of things I have written as of late hoping it seems, against all odds, I should add, that by them focusing on my having referred to my disgusting step-grandmother, Jenny Gevisser, as the “witch” in a recent communiqué the raucous from this maddening crowd will create a massive big wave sumhow breaking my stride?


Just a matter of time be4 I will unveil how it comes tu pass that the rich while getting richer are [r] not exactly mindful unless of course one is referring tu the cuc build up in the space between their ears, on the odd occasion such folks more intelligent than the poor, the inbreeds that we r, by virtue most of all from the masses being ill-nourished, the “nauseous new riche” in particular so incredibly forgetful as they go about expanding their lots, whereas the old money such as the Duponts who continue tu plough full steam ahead making things like bombs choosing ever so smartly tu keep rather modest beach house cottages while holding out in places like Montecito, California which few folks realize although just up the street from Rancho Sante Fe where the anorexic “stick-like” cousins of Manhattan’s upper east end hang out, is a whole lot greener, agree?


So who really deserves the “hand outs”?


U have tu remember how young I was back in December 1967 on that incredible “eye opener” train ride with my amazing mother from Zurich, Switzerland tu Kitzbuel, Austria that now has even moderately wealthy people around the world increasingly deafeningly silent, my need 4 an editor quite apparent, the manner in which great fortunes have continued tu be made having absolutely nothing whatsoever tu do with their increased productivity, 




Their flexing of what little remains of the non-vacuum of space between their 2 ears 4 the betterment of mankind,


Butt instead, tu facilitate the chipping away of our “heartland” first by clearing the rainforests which come about by not being so incredibly dumb so as tu bribe a public official and risk being caught in a “plea bargain” of sorts




Even corrupting an entire city council tu mention just in passing once again the all omnipotent California Coastal Commission but rather empowering the very best tax attorneys in each country by suggesting they empower those in a “command and control” position tu “stick tu their knitting” that by getting convoluted tax legislation passed they postpone a number of things including comforting such public officials, those with just a wheeny-beanie bit of worldly education with a sickening dose of organized religion thrown in, never having tu worry about things such as reelections




Having the dollar bills available tu entice a hot stripper tu just


“Come on down and let my doggie boy such as Joe Campos my Wetherly Capital Group [WCG] renter first get in his kid-licks” [sic].


Mr. Campos quite the arranger of too rather important meetings with former California Governor Davis on




About December 28th 2001, all part of the “fix”, my now advising the FBI tu move things faster “up the ladder” be4 the likes of Mr. Joe Campos and the likes of Mr. Dan Weinstein the one co-managing director of the WCG, also a close confidante of Mr. Ron Burkle who made that “questionable hire” involving our former President, the not-yet-disgraced-enough Bill “Kitchen-Wallpaper” Clinton, start having “selective memory”, worse yet, think their only way out is say a “hit and run”?


Butt then again all these folks r tu a large extent neutralized at this time, none of them very certain of who within their inner circle they can trust given the fact that they know 4 a fact I have all the goods that would not only have more than a handful of them spending time in “penistentiaries” [sic] now coming tu grips of how much a command I have of my faculties, they may not, unless they start co-operating with the authorities be given the privilege of being placed in padded cells, protected from the rest of the inmates who r getting more and more informed of how crime actually pays really well not that the majority of folks in jail today haven’t figured this part out, the masses in jails simply not having quite the parents and mentors I was blessed with from the earliest of age, agree?


Never, never, never tu forget that there remain more than a handful of Kings and Queens in pivotal position passing out favors tu those who “jester well”




Off with them heads says the Queen of hearts,


Since getting back tu the top notch tax attorneys such tax proposals generally have a “timing factor” attached, much like ticking time-bombs that get passed along tu the ever growing “shell shocked” generation of young voters who assuming they can overcome the “denial” stage of being “abused” then immediately “step into” the “resignation stage” where they think the smart thing tu do is tu engage?


No, not get married, remembering sex is sinful unless making babies, the smartest of the smart, not even bothering tu hire the most brilliant tax attorney who simply get encouraged tu preach stuff like “stepped up basis” be4 moving on tu “generation skipping” income tax “minimization” techniques, very, very, very few of the very very very smart tho get tu reach the status of the likes of Charles “Very much Non-Jewish” Engelhard who u may recall chose non-other than my stuttering uncle, David “Very Orthodox Jewish” Gevisser, tu oversee his worldwide estate, u very possibly wandering why my mother a whole lot smarter than my terrific uncle David Gevisser has gone so “schtoom” which is Yiddish 4 “infantile” which came either right be4




Immediately after she started acting “senile”, take your pick, my extraordinary mother, Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman has either resorted tu playing with dolls




In defiance of what she and my step-father wrote about the basics of good sex in their best-seller The Winking Cat getting 4 themselves a dog which could simply have been their excuse 4 not staying long enough in the United States of America 4 sumone such as Mr. JRK Esq. tu arrange, not 4 them tu get a “quick divorce”, hi Professor BrownNose


Butt rather say 4 say his partner, Mr. Howard Finkelstein Esq., a former U.S. Attorney who has so much “time on his hands” tu hand deliver a “complaint”




Too that would be enough 4 these too incredibly brilliant individuals tu make peace with say my step-father’s former business partner Abe Dubin who according tu my step-father, Alan Zulman, made off with the “crown jewels”, Abe at the time the Chairman-CEO of South African Clothing Industries [SACI] not tu be confused with SAIC [Science Applications International Corporation], hi Cliff Benn, hi Hylton Strous, where King “Left of left wing” Golden Jnr. Esq. back in the early 1980s was General Counsel not tu forget that SAIC is one of the foremost military “offense” contractors in the United States tu mention just in passing, once again, Mr. Golden Esq.’s “bosom buddy” Mr. Roger W. Robinson who appeared sum 3 weeks back on 60 Minutes doing nothing short of “trashing” our great President George W. Bush, Esq., RWR during the early 1980s a member of the rather secretive NSC [National Security Council] at least that is my opinion, what’s yours?


Tu mention little of Abe Dubin tasked with when on his “road shows” overseas arranging 4 fabric vendors tu deposit the “excess” payments courtesy of the public “kaffirs” [sic] the result of rather unsophisticated “over and under” invoicing tax avoidance techniques into numbered Swiss Bank accounts?


Bearing in mind, I have only heard Alan’s side of this rather pitiful saga tu mention just in passing that SACI was part of Dubin Investments which I believe was a public company still traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, although of course, there have been a number of name changes over the past of 30 odd years, my ability, however, tu recall, the details of conversations I had back when I was just 10 years old rather good 4 sumone who has smoked a joint




Too of Durban Poison mostly tho inhaling the residue left over by the likes of King and Roger W. Robinson and so what do u really think of King “Lefty” Golden Esq’s other close buddy, conservative Radio Talk Show host Roger Hedgecock who still despite my pleas has not returned my fricken Avenger Pitching Wedge, my thinking of calling up Gary Player 4 a replacement, Mr. Player that genius South African golfing entrepreneur we saw on TV the other day picking up horse shit saying how incredibly healthy it was as he “swung away” effortlessly without even a club in hand mentioning in no uncertain terms how his “kaffirs” [sic] were so fricken happy with their lot, picking up after him, the greatest gift Mr. Player who is a buddy of my mother’s ever gave me was once on an international flight suggesting that one of the best ways other than getting laid




Perhaps he said “when waylaid” over Paris, is tu have a shot of espresso, all that just tu bring a smile on tu the face of my good friend Derrick Beare, my still waiting tu hear back from his uncle Jonathan Beare as tu what else other than the fact that the Lazarus clan of Durban North remain “filthy rich” does he, Jonathan, have anything whatsoever tu do with them




Anyone else who has become so incredibly co-dependant on these monsters, this all reminding me so much of poor, poor “Rich Kid  Cooper” [sic], all cooped up thinking like a handful others that I will “fly the coop”, only if instructed by my “god” [sic] who is not talking and despite it being sum 80 degrees here in the sun, Pypeetoe is buried under the covers thinking perhaps that Marie will soon come home appreciative of him warming up her pillow which I have placed below his head so as tu improve my dog’s comfort.


Tu mention little of how by the time I reached full-on puberty I not only understood how worldly was my mother most of all in knowing sumhow it would not pay 4 her tu be a “pig at the trough” while in a position tu command pretty much the same sort of fees, relatively speaking, that I could command should I decide tu take on Wall Street in earnest, which is exactly what I am doing this very moment,


Butt I knew tu listen so very carefully tu this “one of a kind” mater who never got to big 4 her boots, so well aware of when things were about tu go “down the tubes” tu always point me in the direction of those that knew more about the all the “remaining” ways of the world without my becoming “a target” without once going as far as arranging an interview with one of her many business colleagues, nurturing me ever so carefully, however, about the essence of the way “the west was won” having really nothing whatsoever tu do with those who knew in which direction tu point the barrel of a gun but rather those who provided the critical services, insurance the most important beyond day care 4 children at schools which brought about the home security services at one time both such services being “free”, agree?


My “full-on” education about the insurance industry coming about long be4 I got tu my last year of high school where I chose tu “cruise along” biding my time by first and foremost having a jolly good time, following my friends who left Carmel College going tu schools 4 more “retarded” kids if such a category existed, agree?


The kids raised in deficit need households the one’s who should have most of our sympathy which is not tu suggest that they get a disproportionate amount of the limited resources tu get them tu wake up, agree?


Most of all what bothers many amongst the so-called Jewish people from Durban, South Africa, is the fact that a senior member of this community now living in La Jolla, up the street from us here in Del Mar during a conversation I had with her on November 8th 2000 during which Norma Essakow couldn’t recall while “instructing me” tu “vote your conscience… we need Joe Forgetful Jew Lieberman in the White House” [sic] exactly what Senator Lieberman and the Democrats did during the 8 year Clinton reign tu alleviate the “pain and suffering” of a fellow Jewish person in the form of Jonathan Pollard, not tu include the White Don of Africa, Jonathan Beare, in this category, since Jonathan only recently returned tu participate in the “sharp frenzy” [sic], Dubin Investments once having the rights tu distribute Sharp products in South Africa, that last hyperlink showing a photo of my sharp calculator from high school tu mention in passing how a “shark frenzy” so stimulates a Casino Mentality that currently exists in South Africa, agree?


Remember, Jonathan Pollard is the American-Israeli spy who did the unconscionable thing of violating his oaths to the United States and sharing secrets pertaining tu what one reliable source at the time told me was “enemy troop movements” against Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East, the dumbness of Mr. Jonathan Pollard on a par with the deafening silence from Norma Essakow that caused me first tu walk sum 30 meters down Parish Lane and do exactly what she suggested which was “tu vote my conscience” my being ever so polite in reminding the mother of one of my closest friend’s growing up, “The name Gevisser means ‘certain’ in German, Gewissen meaning ‘conscience’”,


Butt tu take Norma’s “lead” and get on the blower tu close colleagues of mine in Florida where the polls were still open, kicking in my “after burners” once speaking on the phone with Mr. King Golden Jnr. Esq. and Ms. Valerie Schulte Esq. in Valerie’s Georgetown terrific home, both of them providing me with sufficient “scienter” i.e. culpable state of mind, that the media, remembering Valerie is a senior attorney at the National Association of Broadcasters, had “rigged” the election in calling it “Florida Gore” while things were still very much “ in the balance” with the Florida Pan Handle, a Republican stronghold, yet tu finish making “their mark”, my reminded at this time of “Beware of still waters.”


dNA” [sic] of course when one has much more than a “belief” in the Almighty God one is fearful of nothing, other than coming back as an ant which our Jonathan reminded me the other evening can carry sumthing like 6 X its body weight my not bothering tu let him know such vital statistics offer little comfort my only fearful of returning as say a porcupine if worse yet a Jeffrey Pine starved of water 4 not at least trying tu fulfill my destiny tu help make this place a better place than when I arrived, no different tu that which I “know” different tu “I believe” each and every one of us is tasked with performing, tu mention little of who can forget both Valerie and King protesting, the Roman Catholics that they r, when it suits them, i.e. when not having sex with married partners, that the undocumented workers in places like Miami back on November 8th 2000 were being “turned away” from the voting booths, agree?


This “pointing of fingers”, i.e. he says, she says, not even close tu being on a par with the irrefutable evidence in my position pertaining to the hijacking of the California Gubernatorial Elections by members of the Democratic Party elite, held sum 2 years later on November 8th 2002 tu mention just in passing a handful of documents soon tu be in Mr. JRK’s et al’s possession that will in just a matter of moments in this “Brief history of time” result in our great President, once again, doing the smart thing, following both his conscience as well as smart economic policy, putting in motion the wheels tu suspend trading of public companies, so as tu prevent a “meltdown” of epic proportions, from which there can be no possibility of recovery, agree?


Just this morning Marie and I decided tu provide Danielle now going on 15 years of age more of a reality check, informing her that despite all the protestations out there, the apologies blah blah that Ms. Janet Jackson’s bearing of her breast was a “boardroom mistake” [sic] the evidence suggesting more and more otherwise tu mention oh ever so briefly Danielle’s Sperm Donor, at the very last minute decided this past week tu provide Marie with the detail of the expenses which he deducts from Marie’s monthly child support check, sumone obviously making The Sperm Donor aware of Marie’s ultimatum, since he continues tu protest he “no longer reads emails”, my wife so well equipped tu respond in a variety of ways tu his and his mother, Elizabeth Stewart’s incredibly poor parenting skills including going both to Family Court as well today not thinking more than twice about hitting the streets with my sandwich board suggestions, agree?


One can only wonder whether the Sperm Donor at this time has contacted the Medical Director of Sharp Memorial Hospital as well as its illustrious board members who in turn have put their Professional Liability insurance carrier on notice of what might become if so much as a freckle gets discolored on those I happen tu care 4, tu mention in passing the Sperm Donor’s girlfriend who has quite a history of “conflict”, Ms. Dawn “Kilicat” [sic] along with Ms. Kathryn “Watch List” Murry hereby advised tu pay ever so careful attention tu the next series of emails that in my opinion will have more than one Grand Jury investigation beginning tu mention little once again of the feature story in this month’s Forbes Magazine which has Ms. “Kilcat’s” [sic] east coast boss, Mr. Melvyn “MweissmanWeiss on the cover and her west coast boss, Mr. Bill Lerach, looking in a sumwhat somber mood, all these yoyos, already very much paralyzed, again just look at what is taking place on the website specifically The Buck Stops Here doing nothing short of “koching

” i.e. vomiting although my communication tu Mr. Kitchen on July 21st 2000 with sum assistance given by Mr. Newell Starks, the current chairman of the board of the Sterling Holding Company, a Citicorp “fronting” company, speaking volumes at this time.


So have u heard of the term “Hair shirt” which I understand is how Ed Koch a former mayor of New York City began his autobiography, a Jewish term, hair shirt, that is, sumone who irritates people productively, much like a hair biting intu your skin that u cannot get rid of?


I just had tu “cut & paste” that one paragraph from a previous Next Symposium, warning just one more time my adversaries that if they so much as place one step in the wrong direction including filing a frivolous lawsuit which is all they could do at this time, I and/or my heirs will respond with superior and overwhelming force, so help us G-d, hi Mr. George Money Talks Hurst Esq.


Once anyone with an Intelligence quotient of over 85 reads my email to Ms. Dobransky and has at least one index finger able to either press the forward button on their email system




Control their farts so as tu utilize the latest voice recognition technology, hi again Ms. Diana Henriques of The New York Times, and then select each and everyone on their email address list including their “delete list” I suspect it shouldn’t take more than 4 hours 4 George W. Bush tu immediately begin setting the wheels in motion to suspend trading of all the stock markets and while he is at he might as well suspend the trading of The Diamond Invention beginning with shutting down 47th Street in Madhatten

 allowing vendors of “rock cocaine”, imitation of course, tu set the pace 4 the Justice Department investigating once more how a bunch of yoyos, just too families, were responsible 4 perhaps the greatest con job of the past century odd, no one in their “write mind” [sic] would consider either Ernest Oppenheimer or Charles Engelhard the too of three “one man shows” tu be “Mafioso”, agree?


The 3rd biggest crook in the world at the time u might well suspect at this time, given the clues I have given over the past several weeks, no surprise tho tu the SCALs [Shareholder Class Action Litigators] now committing huge resources tu investigating the importation of chemicals in to the United States that Aristotle Onassis who was in a “command and control” of the “high seas” would want tu prevent another outbreak of “sheer lunacy” that comes from someone without much artistic talent but heap loads of perseverance possibly once again inciting the masses, calling upon none other than my incredible mother tu chaperone this Greek kid coming from a poor mountainside village, tu mention little of can u imagine what my rather shrewd mother would have charged Mr. Onassis 4 such an important assignment that he couldn’t find anyone else in his entire “out of control” organization tu arrange?


I am copying on this email in addition tu u a statistically valid representative sampling of the world’s population only a handful of whom have had the opportunity tu meet my 88 year young friend Gene who had tu have been thinking just the other evening that despite going on 90 that he may get tu attend my funeral, agree?


Good luck” is all I can say, hi Seth Lubove.


This past weekend I ran by Gene the essence of what I plan tu broadcast in my first communiqué tu Ms. Dobransky who after giving no more than too seconds deliberation commented,


Take cover, so should the President of the United States, should he stand up to Big Phatso Business” [sic],


Gene, like Marie, a person of few words, and ever so eloquent, never once I have heard pigeon English come out of his mouth, this week he is getting his eyelids “fixed” and his teeth which are whiter than those of most people I know, cleaned, Marie tho was the one who suggested I use the word “shit” in my communiqué tu Ms. Smiley, hi Ms. Smiley.


Just a few weeks ago Gene who is so very careful in terms of how he impacts the environment even when doing his 100 pull-ups each and every day while jogging on the beach tu mention little of his good hour a day of Pilates so effortlessly responded tu the “heads up” I gave him of my “one of a kind” next communication, not letting his $600 ticket get in the way of his upbeat spirit, his crime of having 3 dogs unleashed quite sumthing especially when u consider that too of them including one which is a 100% wolf don’t belong tu him, my sending out last evening a communiqué tu Ms. Smiley, a regular columnist 4 The Del Mar Times a local weekly newspaper all geared toward setting the “cat amongst the foul” [sic] already making “its mark” more than a handful of local Del Martians getting quite agitated.


And of course u know that angry kids r raised in households with angry parents, there being no correlation I know of between vandalism and socio-economic conditions once one takes into account the passive aggressiveness one finds so often amongst the affluent kids with over-controlling parents, agree?


We have a pretty good sense of which neighbor set the authorities on this “one of a kind” incredibly “low impact” friend who lives the most simple life of anyone I know while giving back tu society in ways I suspect only the Good Lord is capable of measuring.


Marie and I r also, looking forward to seeing you for diner on the 24th ( I turn 48 on the 22nd so we'll celebrate”, and why not take the rest of the afternoon off and prepare just like Citicorp’s as well as the Wetherly Capital Group’s attorneys 4 what’s up next, my suggestion when u get thru this email not forgetting tu click on tu the hyperlinks once in a while there always being sumthing new not necessarily as revealing as sum would like, nothing perhaps as interesting tu the authorities assuming they want tu be part of solving the problems of the world as these next too hyperlinks.


Hang loose,







-----Original Message-----
Saturday, February 07, 2004 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: My retort - Bush covered it


i mailed hard copy to my congressman - I'm tired of the lies -


glad you didn;t read it


looking forward to seeing you for diner on the 24th ( I turn 48 on the 22nd so we'll celebrate )


later buddy –





-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser <>

Date: Saturday, February 07, 2004 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: My retort - Bush covered it

…, my dear friend, please remember that I have it from very reliable sources that each and every one of my communications are now being examined in detail by the authorities.


Even tho I welcome an exhaustive investigation one cannot forget how easy it was 4 the Sperm Donor tu get a Restraining Order, albeit temporary, issued against me, his willingness tu sign a declaration under oath, “under penalty of perjury” and thus potentially resulting in him one day being incarcerated, not in any way mitigating the horrific experience Marie and I went through 4 a period of sum 6 weeks that could have contributed greatly tu my one attorney, Mr. James C. Ashworth, being “hospitalized”, my communications with the NRCC where his niece worked rather “incriminating” in terms of the Republican hierarchy not willing tu investigate the “smoking gun evidence” in my possession of political corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic Party.


One point being, such communications below may not be seen as “amusement” by those soon, in my opinion, being tasked with conducting a Grand Jury investigation into a number of areas where I now sit in “pivotal” position, once again, my unwillingness tu even read stuff that suggests a “cover up” by our great G-dly President George W. Bush.


Enuf said.




-----Original Message-----
From: Anonymous CVII
Saturday, February 07, 2004 8:19 AM
Subject: My retort - Bush covered it


for yor amusment




Investigation and prosecution of Clinton by Dan Burton's commitee with regards to pardongate, lying under oath, and the selling of supercomputers to china (which Bush is currently doing as well)

Bush covered it ...up


Bush's 30+ year involvement with the Bin Laden family in middle east construction companies and the carlyle group

Bush covered it ...up


9/11 investigation into prior knowledge, NORAD in-action on that day, put options on American airlines, destruction of evidence of the crime scene, and general gov't involvement.

Bush covered it ...up


Halliburton's no bid contract in middle east where the US taxpayer is paying $2.25/gal for Iraqi oil to be sent to Isreal

Bush covered it ...up


Bush's military service record, of which no supporting documentation can be shown to prove that he was even there

Bush covered it ...up


Evidence that shows  that there was no proof of WMDs in Iraq, used as justification for war and subsequent "rebuilding", no bid contracts.

Bush covered it ...up


Campaigning on smaller gov't, secure borders and national sovereignty - giving us open borders, a weak dollar, signing onto UNESCO, and creating an enormous gov't with an unconstitutional Patriot Act that violates the premise that this country was founded on....

Bush CAN'T cover it ...up - and hopefully won't get away with it.


There is hardly any difference between the Dem and Repub party, the lesser of 2 evils is still evil and both are taking us down a path of UN subserviency, and towards a police state.


Libertarian party is all that's left, until the paperless voting system (thank you mr Bush) is fully in place.


PS - Hillary should be in jail with her impeached husband in connection with the death of Vince Foster as well as numerous other capitol offenses.




Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily lives, and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.
--- John Fitzgerald Kennedy