From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:56 PM
To: Margaret Moore c/o MJ & LS

Cc: Letters sd union; Bruce Bigelow – San Diego Union Tribuine; George Money Talks Hurst Esq.; Rob McLusky Esq.
Subject: Next Symposium (:) "FAMILIES BREED CONTEMPT" [SIC OR NON-SIC]? (:) Seacrest=Ccrest


Margaret - I made a conscious decision after hearing from Ccrest’s former owner Valerie about your grief tu wait 4 u tu show your “bright side.”


U can access the email Valerie sent me as well as my response to her by clicking on to this hyperlink.


I will begin by addressing the business of Seacrest=Ccrest. I think I understand what you want to do and I am letting you know ahead of time that when the café reopens it will be exclusively vegetarian.


Second, I have asked you several times and I am asking you one last time, provide me with the gross sales from the moment u took over in July-August of last year, i.e. count the daily sales no different to what I assume is required at the pastry store where u used to work.


Third, provide me with an accounting of all monies deposited with my attorney Mr. McLusky, bearing in mind that Mr. McLusky although very possibly the smartest attorney west and east of California as far as I am aware unless he is keeping sumthing from me, cannot tell u anything more than “take care” for the simple reason that Mr. McLusky knows a thing or too about “sticking tu his knitting” agree?


And if it turned out that Rob McLusky were tu have given u advice on how tu run the operation then he would very possibly find himself in my “cross hairs”, i.e. the minute someone turns tu an attorney 4 business advice, especially when it is on “my nickel” as in “Heads u win Tails I lose” then one begins tu show “one’s underbelly.”


Remember, I have this thing about my dog Pypeetoe, different tu being left holding on tu the “hind tit”, i.e. I am responsible 4 feeding him, Marie making certain his hind legs continue looking as good as hers and our JoNathan cares mostly about his one-third interest, Pypeetoe’s head


That “Heads u win Tails I lose” hyperlink should give u sum perspective of my “opportunity cost”, i.e. my next best alternative in terms of having tu continuously address matters which Marie and I thought were “put tu bed” after how many cups of tea tu mention little at this time of your delicious scones?


I do not expect u tu follow everything that I write but u should have given the amount of time we spent together this summer have come tu realize that I didn’t just get off a boat,




Am I likely tu go “overboard” the odds of that less, I can assure u, than your ability tu gauge to the nearest million dollars how much Citicorp would pay tu have the lawsuit I am preparing against them go away.


Sum may argue that I should just leave matters where they are at this point and not risk u becoming any more resentful than u r presently, that tu even suggest u r resentful might be enough 4 u tu burn the entire property down tu the ground, but I doubt it.


On the other hand u should be fully aware at this time that I have absolutely no fear of man-woman, most fearful tho of G-D who given the fact that today could be my last day would undoubtedly begin by working backwards asking me stuff along the following lines,


So how did u stuff yourself today?


And my comeback would possibly be,


So why is it that men seem tu enjoy stuffing, more, than, women?


After telling the Good Lord that I took no “crap” from anyone including Mr. Merrick Wolman whose uncle, Sol Kersner, a gambling “czar” possibly “born” as well as “bred” in my hometown of Durban, South Africa, sumone few if any would be willing tu confront “toe tu toe” as I am now doing.


The instant I show the slightest sign of weakness that is when I figure the Almighty Lord will have me starting “tu count my chickens”, i.e. my quest tu die the “richest person in the grave” will soon end, the human race having got so caught up in its superiority that the numbers of those who view graciousness as kindness slowly but surely being taken over by those who c kindness as weakness, agree?


My still not being able tu get over Marie mentioning tu me the other day when speaking on the phone tu our friend Marius, that by him moving into my former digs, known as The Cave, he could find himself over at the Del Mar Plaza a “Rich Chick” although my French is a little rusty, at best.


Margaret I have no fear as to what has become of your granddaughter and to provide u with such proof you might have to step inside my brain, the saddest thing tu me tho, is tu watch a good mind turn tu rot most often the result of an over-controlling parent which is not tu suggest that your daughter or the child’s father, my not assuming the parents were married, were anything but the very best, your loss, however, will be undoubtedly sumone else’s gain.


Once one begins tu understand the workings of an Almighty G-D which really isn’t all that difficult, remember it wasn’t that long ago that a human being just like you and me who went by the name Albert Einstein figured out General Relativity which this ingenious man referred tu as “The mind of G-D” given its absolute precision that has been proven out time and again, agree?


Time tho, as the expression goes, “waits for no man-woman”, time, motion, space all very much intertwined, the worst thing imaginable, in my opinion having picked up a thing or too in another of my quests is tu assist in completing the work of Einstein in coming up with a


Unified theory

For the inner workings

Of the Universe,


is tu simply take up space, leaving less space on this planet 4 UFOs tu land, grab our virgins and then head back out into Deep Space, agree?


I can be just as silly as the next person seated right next tu me unless they have lice, my ability tu play the fool and within an instant be down tu very serious business, rarely if ever aloof, makes sum folks a little queasy, agree?


Nothing bothers me more than those who consume more than what they put out, and being miserable in one’s own misery seems, again just in my opinion tu suggest that this world is all about “me, me and me” as opposed tu “us, us and us” and of course this is not a “paid 4 commercial” by the United States Government although if any government worker anywhere in the world would like tu start contributing tu our cause including ordering advance copies of the first edition of my book Manager Minute One [MM1] email me or simply call Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. USA-1-619-238-1333 extension 24.


MM1, all about empowering the kids tu parent the parents who need the most help, that would certainly bring even more of a smile tu my face, and make no mistake I am one very very happy fellow, knowing a thing or too about how G-D looks, never tho would I suspect he would tolerate 4 a single moment anyone who “looks the other way”, no matter, their “ugly-duck looks”




Who “turns the other cheek” says one thing one minute and then sumthing else the next, “Cleanliness is next tu G-Dliness” and then fails tu pick up his-her dog’s mess while “turning a blind eye” tu a “stranger in distress”, agree?


So at what point do we move from being “a stranger” tu feeling like we can “take advantage of the situation”, we all know the expression, “Families breed contempt” [sic]?


U have tu trust me on this point, that there is little difference in intelligence amongst us at the time of birth, up tu our parents-care givers tu provide us with a conscience, so much so that the minute we begin to start fooling ourselves, ignoring things such as math and science we begin a spirally path that leads to nothing butt hell, hell is only here on earth, 4 those who have become co-dependants




Who make it their business tu make co-dependants of others and so the “cycle of violence” continues ad-infinitum from one generation to the next, there being no such thing as a generation gap only a credibility gap, agree?


Again, u may not agree with everything I have tu say but bear in mind I am pretty descent in a pick-up game of rugby, choosing tho as best I can tu be on a “winning team”, although I could, I must admit, do a better job, relatively speaking, of picking up after myself, there being no excuse 4 tardiness, even if one is like me fixated on making the space I take up more “spotless” than when I arrived, the need to constantly recognize that this world is not about “me, me and me” but rather “wee wee, blah blah” never forgetting to drink your 8 glasses of water a day thinking about the complexities associated with when u pee,




Why it is that water is waterproof, yet made up of particles each on their own highly combustible, the need tu be “constantly smart” requires that we “always be on the move”, change does more than simply build character it prevents most of all the waste rising into the brain, there being only so much garbage that our anus, the only perfectly round sphere I am aware of in the entire fricken universe, can put up with, be4 “backfiring”, u by now well aware that a fart is nothing more nor is it anything less than airborne particles of feces, agree?


So u get my drift about the need tu constantly be on the move “otherweiss” [sic], hi Melvyn Not So Smartass Weiss Esq., one risks assuming there are no prevailing winds one’s farts making their way through the other orfeces, agree?


U know that 4 every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost, as one valve opens up, another shuts down, try closing one ear, u c what I mean about how easy it is 4 a perfect vacuum tu take hold between one’s ears, none of this a suggestion that one should entertain, doing one’s Pilates while on the toilet, only I assume 4 those at the expert level, bearing in mind, again, I have yet tu read the Pilate instructions, only watched the beginners video once.


Generally I only have tu be told things no more than 5 times be4 I get it whether it be picking up after myself or solving more complex problems like building a suitcase nuclear bomb, my just checking that members of the FBI copied on this email are not getting bored.


Again, remember 4 every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is anything, absolutely nothing lost, butt so much time gets wasted by people so caught up in their own self-pity resorting so often tu feeding themselves to death, agree?


My reminded at this time of when my eldest brother based on very poor instruction from Bruce Willis and Demi Moore’s vet fed a whole litter of Demi Moore’s “thoroughbred” dogs tu death by overfeeding them, although the dog’s mother was responsible 4 ripping apart at least one of her offspring, my having tu take Neil Gevisser’s word on that since my sister, Kathy-Gevisser-Danziger, and I only showed up just in time tu watch the rest of them die the most horrible death, to this day I don’t think Neil has fully recovered from that experience along with when he drank the ashes of one of his super rich clients thinking it was tea leaves, although come tu think of it I am almost certain it was their cat, certainly I don’t think Neil would have torn the legs off the first born of Demi’s favorite pet, agree?


In time u will c how by always telling the truth u do most of all yourself the biggest of favors and perhaps why when one reads about “the favorites” in Plato’s Symposium which clearly talk to homosexuality involving young boys there is a level of honesty that is pervasive despite the act itself being so horrific tu a whole number of us, whole numbers, as in integers, remember r both real and imaginary, careful tho we judge people of a different age who didn’t have things such as The Internet to keep the “rapacious” in check, agree?


Sum might agree with me that such behavior of 2,000 + years ago may have in sum ways protected women and children from the raging hormones of men as they ravaged the countryside, today Europe has lost a lot of its forests the result mostly of men behaving rather badly, the hand that rocks the cradle tho, is one we all must admire so long as that person, man or woman is properly conditioned, the right type of schooling essential.


The numbers never lie, in the end everything and I mean everything adds up, remember again and again, 4 every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost, unless of course one begins to lose one’s mind, a mind a terrible thing to lose, nothing imaginary when dealing with Alzheimer’s patients, agree?


Perhaps a whole lot more unpleasant than losing a loved one, G-D not working in as mysterious ways as sum particularly those involved in organized religions would want tu suggest, agree?


Butt u wouldn’t necessarily know if u had lost your mind,




Been fiddled with,






Mobbed as in











What goes around comes around, agree?


We know of no such thing as a perfect circle, at least mathematically speaking that is, and of course the anus may be more oval shaped, my simply wanted tu get a dialogue going at this time with Mr. George Soros, agree?


U will agree that mathematics is the most pure of all languages, butt be4 agreeing on this, at least agree that we know of no perfect circles anywhere in both the cosmos or at the subatomic level other than say a Black Hole, my thinking at this time about another trip tu Peru where its capital, Lima, like most capitals of countries that have been “raped and pillaged” are nothing short of Black Holes, agree?


What then about the rings within a tree trunk or what we c when cutting the stem of a plant which brings me back to the study of mathematics made so incredibly boring the result in my opinion of men’s testosterone getting so out of control, their muscles bulging fixated on having things their way, using brute force behaving like gorillas as opposed tu stepping back once in a while tu smell the roses, even tho, it is a whole lot of fun once in a while to wrestle, weary always should we be of going overboard, my simply clearly not evolved at this point tu quite understand the enjoyment of smelling sumone else’s anus, having a hard enough time picking up my beloved dog’s poo, what about u?


Tu think, how much easier it would be once in a while tu be able tu plunge straight ahead, not worrying about an instruction manual that everything should be as easy as pressing a button and up pops your Microsoft Outlook Inbox, agree?


We have come a long way in a rather short period of time considering how long it took 4 man to develop sumthing as simple as the light bulb, how much quicker in the space of time if women hadn’t been kept out of the math and sciences which is all about problem solving using multi-task oriented techniques, agree?


Well not very much when one considers how slow evolutionary changes occur, were it not 4 the Romans who morphed into the Roman Catholic Church riding roughshod placing “under wraps” the type of things that the likes of great men such as Aristotle, Socrates and Plato discussed openly then perhaps today we would all be getting along a whole lot better, friction has it virtues, fire a “necessary evil”?


Butt man had learned to control fire long be4 the Romans came along, the population growth along with the suppression of information that fueled the fire that kept this fricken insidious institution alive so long is perhaps more so than anything responsible 4 the mess we are in at this time, bearing in mind were it not 4 the Catholic Church who did a pretty good job of preserving art over the centuries we wouldn’t get tu c great artisans such as Michelangelo poking fun at his masters, agree?


This communication is no different to the rest, geared toward provoking folks to think differently, tu explore different approaches to “problem solving” and if anyone is anxious about sum of the things I have to say, if it causes them say tu fart once in a while, especially “the runners” out there, hi Trevor Goldberg, perhaps say in the case of The Sperm Donor, Marie’s former husband, propelling him out the window ending up in this bush, so be it, agree?


That is Marie walking away, smiling from ear to ear, my having come tu realize that with “time running out” there is little tu be gained by latching doors having armed guards patrolling our properties watching out in the heat of the night when not using night vision goggles 4 shadows that may be lurking, having absolutely no fear is quite comforting, agree?


And why I refuse tu attend funerals, not only does it take up time but to watch pitiful people incapable of looking beyond the edge of their noses 4 the meaning of life, the Lord Giveth, the Lord taketh away, giving back “time and again” each of us teaching others less fortunate, i.e. those kids who have become co-dependants through no fault of their own tu “get smart” and if necessary “break away” ending the “cycle of violence” deafening silences tu repeat time and again as deadly as someone taking a baseball bat, bearing in mind that there is always the possibility of the kid being able tu “duck in time” versus as my eldest brother would say,



The late worm misses the bird.


I am able to do a rather decent job considering the complexities to describe the inner workings of what Einstein referred to as “The Perfect Mind of God” [sic] when describing his work in the area of General Relativity, in the end though my hope is that I will be given enough time and the necessary space tu complete my calling, then again there are others better equipped certainly in terms of their command of the English language tu spell out more clearly removing possibly offensive material making short of my quest that each of us should be our own managers from minute one, my focus at this time moving more and more back into “the physical world” gearing up tu own the world insurance market in 7 days or less.


Let me know if u have trouble accessing the hyperlink to Valerie since my website is being inundated as a result of recently “putting my foot to the pedal” and I will simply “cut and paste” it and send it just like it appeared to Valerie perhaps with an additional hyperlink or too.


More and more people r getting used to my style of writing, again, all geared toward getting people to think differently, the young much better able tu cope with change, which oftenX [oftentimes] means having tu dig real deep and if one carries a lot of baggage the job can get quite tiresum, nothing quite like having tu dig one’s own grave, so who do u think was the most tu blame 4 the rise of Hitler, the Jews who forgot the 1st Commandment, the Business-man Pope at the time, those English of very close German descent, i.e. The Royal-German family still housed in Buckingham “Not So Kosher” Palace or the masses of English people out in the countryside such as Minehead, England enjoying the “fireworks” display as the fricken Nazi bastards bombed the crap out of Wales and Bristol within an eyeshot of Ccrest?


Be4 taking another step, forward, backward, left or right I want u tu first call me using my cell phone. My telephone number here in the United States is 1-858-735-6398




1-858-SEL-NEXT, butt don’t think 4 single minute I have any intention of ever selling Ccrest, at least not in this lifetime.


There are a number of people dependant on me these days and those numbers are growing exponentially, i.e. one times one is one and two times two is two and three times three is nine and four times four is sixteen and five times five is twenty five and six times six is thirty six and seven times seven is forty nine and eight times eight is sixty four and nine times nine is eighty one and ten times ten everyone knows 4 certain is 100?


Yet again, we also know that there is no such thing as a perfect circle which is sumthing I believe Albert Einstein should have given more thought to when he concluded that as precise was his General Relativity [GR] it contained a “twist” given the fact that even Einstein knew at the time that as we approach the speed of light which is “c” in the mathematical equation E=mc˛ everything becomes mathematical, i.e. time comes tu a standstill which means exactly what in terms of E which stands for Energy and M which represents Mass, the connections between numbers and letters enough tu make “a poor man cry”, agree?


So much important matters tu discuss while this world goes so topsy turvy, at least tho imagine what it will be like if a whole number of us r in fact correct that the speed of light is not a constant in a non-vacuum environment such as SpaceShip earth that light can move up and down just like a dimmer switch perhaps even tu the point of its speed being equal tu 1 kilometer per second and remember a hummingbird has sumwhere in the region of 1400 heart beats per second, i.e. 1 kilometer per second still pretty fast, then at that point Energy would equal Mass much like more than a handful of people with far more formal math and science than me would agree was how things were at the time of the last Big Bang, agree?


And then what if I am right and things r in fact speeding up as folks get “lighter on their feet” there being less and less overweight people as the trend continues of “survival of the fittest”, remember Mass always remains a constant as described by Newton’s first principle, i.e. 4 every overweight being there is sumthing counterbalancing, u would be hard-pressed tu disagree that the ants are taking over, agree?


Few fully understand GR which suggests amongst a number of things the need tu go “even handedly” with one another, never allowing anyone tu get “bigger than their boots”, that there is balance throughout the cosmos as well as at the subatomic level, up tu each one of us while reaching 4 the stars tu remain ever so grounded, the pull of gravity quite awesum, power of knowledge having both “good” and “evil” attached tu it making it each of our responsibility tu contain the urge of just one reckless individual who could upset things with just one stroke of a pen, agree?


And no one comes more tu mind than Hitler who was able to convince more than a handful of people that he was the epitome of the Aryan male, short, dark hair, brown eyes, ugly as shit, much like me and a whole number of Jewish people, u know of course that Hitler and I shared the same Jewish mother?


Part of the reason for this exercise is to see whether you are finally paying attention to what I have to say as opposed to what you want tu hear and then proceed letting me know how tired you are that I simply don’t get the message, the point being in a nutshell, what the heck are we talking about?


I never came to you to help me build a rocket ship to the moon




Perhaps, less difficult, a perpetual motion machine,




Do I recall me once asking you to assist me in completing Einstein’s pursuit of a UFO, agree?


All I wanted was 4 u tu appreciate the opportunity I had given you and for you to respond with nothing short of “loving kindness”, u, me, Marie as well as the kids sat around on at least 3 occasions discussing all that had gone wrong with the previous management, u more so than anyone else making me aware of their “evil acts”, agree?


Yes, when someone lies, they steal at a minimum my time, when they steal they cheat me out of the things that give me the most pleasure including my right tu give out my crumbs to whoever I choose whether it be my dog, my gardener, the person next door and then there is my incredible wife who bust her back getting the place back into shape, while I tickled her fancy, whatever that means which is not tu suggest that she would like another set of tits, hers as close as it gets tu perfection, agree? Hi Money Talks Hurst Esq.


And to this day I don’t have the foggiest idea what became of all our discussions other than I happen to know, quite different to believe, remember I have quite the analytical mind, that what goes around comes around, gravity though is quite sumthing else, the smartest minds of all time have battled with this incredible phenomenon that is all geared toward keeping us, once again, all grounded.


While writing this email I have also been replying to an email from my “china” Tony Unruh who sent me an E-mail earlier today, arriving sum 49 minutes be4 yours arrived which is possibly why when I said 7X7 I came up with the number 49 instead of 42, but can u explain why if 1 multiplied by 1 equals one why wouldn’t too when multiplied by itself also be two, the need to examine things in the minutest of details helps while maintaining perspective, agree?


Looking at the big picture which is what GR is all about we can in fact find balance in our lives, point being, in my opinion if Einstein hadn’t got so caught up in thinking he had worked out the “Mind of G-d” then in all likelihood he would have seen the wood for the trees, embraced Quantum Mechanics that says amongst a number of things that that which goes forward must work the same exact way “in reverse” much like my one website still under construction, remember the crumbs, which I will get back tu in short order. is sumthing few if any would dare at this point in time to mock for the simple reason that when you combine everything that I have been saying 4 sum time now, which ever way u look at this “expression” it forms the “backbone” of “my UFO” and when u “place it” in the “N Stone” i.e. convert the expression into numbers using the word NEXTRATERRESTRIAL as a basic “building bloc” u end up with one bloc-buster success, the number 72 quite important in Jewish mysticism.


Let me know if u have any trouble following the steps outlined in the “N Stone” hyperlink.


Now nothing I do is “cast in stone” i.e. if someone else has a better way of reaching G-D I will most assuredly jump on to their bandwagon although I prefer trains, time tu rethink TRAMS in our quest tu get really SMART, agree?


4 I c nothing wrong in going from greener pastures to even greener pastures, something I have been doing from the “word go” much like I assume has taken place with the rest of us here today?


Well, remember again, Newton’s basic principle that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost, i.e. what goes around comes around, in one form or another, my sense at this time unless someone shows me evidence of it being otherwise is that the reason the ants are taking over the world, conventional wisdom that is, because most of us are nothing more than “little shits” who “lie, steal and cheat” which leaves the balance, i.e. the remainder, i.e. people like u and me as well as those former “pieces of shit” managers having done a number of things right to have been given the opportunity tu entertain once again this most amazing, caring, loving Almighty G-d, “G-D is one, I am the Lord thy G-D, Hear O Israel” the most profound words ever expressed, again just my opinion, other than, “Let there be light”.


Marie Dion is quite easy tu please and I say this not simply because she couldn’t have found herself a better equipped “sex slave”, she is simply from “out of this world” not in the least bit wordy not tu be confused with the word “worldly”, hi King Golden Jnr Esq..,


I am typing away at nothing short of “light speed” wanting to complete these two emails be4 sunset, constantly reminded of all the incredible good there is in this world sumthing I pick up each and every day as I watch Marie perform nothing short of miracles, her artistry reflected in everything she touches while managing a household comprised of the likes of me, too kids so very dependant on her keeping it all together while her fricken despicable nincompoop out-of-control former husband, The Sperm Donor hopes against all hope that I will loose my cool with him the same way he did with me on September 8th 2002 right be4 Marie’s very own eyes, nothing quite like having one’s “LOOT” well deposited, agree?


And of course our rock cabin #11 in the mountains above San Diego has its well producing miracles each and minute sum 11 gallons per minute is my estimation, not tu suggest that sumone couldn’t “swing by” and “poison the well”, tu which I respond, “Watch Out”, agree? Hi Kathryn Murry, u should ask King Golden Jnr Esq. sumtime about the education he once got from former U.S. Marine and Navy Officer, Amos Wright on the subject of picking your friends, nothing tho as ugly or 4 that matter as entertaining as watching someone with such a dirty nose, armpits that once stunk up the entire house jumping in on all 4s intu other people’s concocted by oh so dirty business, agree?


Besides 4 spitting out time and again, I WILL HOUND YOU THE REST OF YOUR LIFE”  while seeking confirmation perhaps “absolution” from Marie who is not an eye doctor that there was nothing wrong with his eyes and then 3 days later trots on down to the Criminal Court House in downtown San Diego, the Sperm Donor’s blinkers no doubt carefully placed over his eyelids which is probably the excuse he will one day give as tu why he had our JoNathan alongside, managing tho, tu file a criminal complaint against me describing me as 5 feet 11 inches tall, sum 3 inches taller than when at a full stretch, a 24 inch dick, which is possibly how he came up with me weighing sum 180 pounds which is sum 40 pounds over my “fighting weight” agree?


Best of all, the Sperm Donor, remember signing such a complaint “under penalty of perjury”, placed me sum 5 years younger at about the exact same age as his on-off-on girlfriend Ms. Dawn “Kilicat” [sic] who has had quite her share of rowdy child custody battles, mistakes happen when one “cuts & pastes”, agree?


Did I mention, once again, that Ms. Dawn is, I would guess give or take one eighth of inch, exactly 5 feet 11 inches in height, give or take a McDonald’s quarter pounder out of her diet, exactly 180 pounds, at the time, and since then it seems both The Sperm Donor and Ms. Dawn have been on a “crash diet” butt 4 sum reason neither of them seem willing tu appear in Penthouse Magazine




4 that matter are they married, yet, no doubt “hooked at the hip” as I now apply glycerin tu my lips; u know after a while sitting out in the sun enjoying one of the most beautiful days I have experienced all week one can get caught up in the wonders of this magnificent world despite sum human beings making the beasts look rather bad, agree?


And remember The Sperm Donor is a pathologist, mentioning twice in the complaint about me attempting tu make “contact” with the one biological daughter of his that we know of, mentioning no where about his reasons why he chose tu build her a bedroom in the closet of his master bedroom in the Big House and I assume he does more with his time each day in front of his microscope other than wank off and read my emails 4 kicks, agree?


Do u agree that,



Next tTOo

Breeding is everything?


Thanks to the Digital Age I have this scoundrel and his dwindling pitiful supporters tu mention little again and again of his Money Talks attorney, all of them, in nothing short of “check mate” agree?


All will become clearer with each tick of the clock, just try it once in a while when doing your Pilates, that is, the rocking “back & forth” not quite as easy as they make it out on that fricken video tape, eventually tho u get the “Bang of it” [sic], the Hand of G-D moving in not so mysterious ways, agree?


It is in the way we say things that tells everything about not only who we are but how much we genuinely care about the next person, relationships come and go, people have been dying since the beginning of time but we seem to be the only species that have this lust for blood as described in one of my recent emails which u should be able tu find given the amount of time u have on your hands, my business, “risk assessment” is not pure science as in Pythagoras’ “This +/and This = That” but it is pretty close and for the life of me I cannot explain why the financial markets have not imploded, yet, and nor can any expert in the field of Chaos Theory, that u can take all the way tu the bank, agree?


They financial markets will, however, implode, it is just a question of exactly when, unless the likes of me get the word out on the nature of how rigged the markets are, beginning with the tax structures, that have the likes of real estate people like Jeffrey Essakow playing “toughie” while the real “Men In Black” mostly tho lilly-white-wheaty-eating grown men laugh all the way tu bank, time and again, agree?


So what lessons do u think I learned from my incredible mother on that fateful train journey from Zurich Switzerland to Kitzbuel, Austria in December 1967, and then give sum thought tu why Mr. Epstein never mentioned my uncle David Gevisser as Charles Engelhard’s “male heir” in his book The Diamond Invention?


Suffice 4 u to know that I have painstakingly attempted to get the smartest minds out there, the top journalists supposedly fixated on stuff like getting out the truth out tu engage me in debate, their deafening silences speaking volumes at this time no different to the deafening silences I got from u when simply wanting to get the most basic information such as how much money u took in each and every day since taking over running the operation back in July-August of last year, to mention little of how much it irritates me when someone plays “the victim” role, agree?


And of course I have not forgot the tragedy of your household but what about “my crumbs” those dependant not just on my money, there is this thing called “goodwill” which accountants from the beginning of time have “tangled with” no doubt u have heard of the expression, “O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” my need tu send a crystal clear message tu my ever dwindling adversaries, relatively speaking that is, that I take no “crap” from anyone whether it be a person from the San Diego Union Tribune calling me in the morning as I am sipping my Gipsy Coffee, sum poetic license allowed, letting me know that as he causes me tu vomit telling me how wonderful a day he is having in disturbing my peace wanting tu sell me a fricken subscription tu this pitiful newspaper, hi Bruce Bigelow?


Sidebar tu Bruce: Let me know if u and/or your other colleagues at the San Diego Union Tribune need an attorney at say Luce Forward tu help u respond tu a “series of interrogatories”, my thinking of calling any minute now Tori Spelling, the daughter of a Jewish Hollywood mogul who I ran into back on or around February 26th 2002 just b4 leaving Los Angeles on my first trip that year tu Peru, Marie now running into the granddaughter of the founder of Luce Forward, a one-time “close buddy” of Ms. Kathryn Murry, twice in the past couple of weeks.


My “chance meeting” with Tori, where Pypeetoe as usual “stole the show” took place at the 4 Seasons Hotel as a number of us kibitzed away including the daughter of one of my mother’s former models, Madeline Usher, quite the perfect woman, Ms. Usher, who was empowered as best I recall tu stand up tu our Chief Rabbi from Durban, South Africa, Professor Doctor Rabbi Weiss who remains AWOL [Absent Wanking Off Losers], tu mention little of when u visited with me at our rock cabin sum time back as I had u “sweeting” [sic] in the hot yellow armchair, had u continued down the “spirally path” u chose 4 yourself ,




so it seems, u would have possibly run into at the “turnaround” the managing partner of an even more prominent law firm, John, who remembers King Golden Jnr Esq. when Mr. Golden was an aspiring politician, perhaps as managing partner of the firm that has a freeway or too named after it our “touch football” neighbor may just drool simply thinking of getting his teeth intu a complaint or too, tu mention just in passing the deposition questions I will smack u with if I so much as hear a single fart in my direction, u rotting porcupine, u r either incompetent or culpable, take your pick! Hi Jeff Rabin of the Los Angeles Times.


Margaret my spelling things out a little more than usual, these being quite extraordinary times, hi Vicky “Sticky” Schiff, 4 the simple reason that there are folks, according tu 60 Minutes which I think u get in the United Kingdom, who are taught all the colloquial expressions using all sorts of different accents to make “customers” feel “at home” when the person on the other end of the line may in fact be living in a “shit hole” or “dump” as sum might say, or “pigsty” in the case of Marie’s former husband, i.e. in other words to quote what I told Ms. Kathryn Murry “an accomplice” of Dr. Sperm Donor JBS when she sent me a threatening E-mail,


I very much appreciate the fact that you are increasing the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day. This is a very affirmative and positive step on your part that is highly appreciated.


You can access that entire communication by clicking on the previous hyperlink, this next hyperlink will take u tu a follow up email tu Ms. Kathryn Murry whose saw fit tu go on national TV telling the world of the “peace of mind” it gave her in communicating with the killer of her father, a Mafia attorney, who was gunned down in front of her, the killer having delayed the execution by sum 24 hours after knocking the previous day on the door of the next door neighbor who then, I assume redirected, the “hired gun” tu mention in passing Ms. Murry, a mother of 3 children seeing fit tu have as her on-off-on again boyfriend an English boytoy who was in the United States illegally, his business of cultivating, harvesting and distributing illegal narcotics over Interstate Lines paying dividends of sorts, tu mention just by the way The Sperm Donor and his attorney choosing tu use Ms. Murry as a “character witness” in support of The Sperm Donor, which actually makes all the sense in the world, agree?


And of c course there is no mention in The Sperm Donor’s complaint of the size of my dick but what else do u think could make up 4 the additional 40 pounds of weight I apparently carry around, my thinking at this time of what I wrote a few seconds ago in the email tu Tony Unruh about Dan Weinstein, the co-managing director of the Wetherly Capital Group who masterminded and executed the rigging of the California Gubernatorial elections held on November 8th 2002, and what he did with his 5 meter tail after being “racked over the coals” by Dick Heckman, the founder of U.S. Filter, now owned by the French conglomerate Vivendi who saw their 42,000 odd acres of land in the Imperial Irrigation District of Southern California as “ripe 4 the picking” in terms of “quid pro quo”, nothing quite says it right like “greasing of the wheels”, better yet hi Melvyn “Pimp” Weiss Esq. my Bottoms Up Schooling, taking hold with each tick of the clock, agree?


So when u examine carefully the names I have gone about painstakingly mentioning in this communication as well as the one tu Anthony Unruh, u will begin I suspect, tu better appreciate why I titled my email this past Wednesday to Tony Johnston, WWIV, Tony the grandson of Percy Johnston who had a book written about him titled, Knowledge is Power.


To repeat time and time and time again, I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.


The instant we turn a “blind eye” to evil, making “judgment calls” in terms of who is a “bigger bad wolf” than the next person with an equally bad haircut who could be in fact the Devil out of disguise then we begin the process of “playing G-D” and I happen to know that there is only one G-D and his name is Pypeetoe, so go ahead prove me wrong, at this time I am simply exhausted by calling out time and again and again and again to the likes of Diana Henriques, Peter Blo, etcetera etcetera


“Come on down you fricken bought and paid 4 wimps, show me what you got, butt in the meantime get down right now this very fricken instant and give 500 situps 250 pushups, now please, please, please, you have to remember to breathe, in through the nose to the count of 5 and out as well, again through the nose to the count of 5 and how many times do I need to repeat that when you are doing the bicycle maneuver you must not, under any circumstances, even if your dog is trying to hump you, forget tu stretch your toes and again, one more time 4 now.”


Again and again the Digital Age is nothing short of a G-D-Send, by going “back & forth” examining in the minutest detail everything and I mean everything we can get pretty much get all the answers we need, enough resources tu feed, cloth and provide the basic state-of-the-art needs tu every single human being, those who shall remain while the rest get shipped off exactly where?


Yes, it is all about using our minds and why should I feel compelled tu tell u everything at this time, first show me my money and then I will think about giving u a break on the $27 price tag I have placed on my book Manager Minute One.


Proof is all about evidence and right now I am on a “fact finding mission” referred tu in many spots around the globe as a “fishing expedition” simply gathering evidence, which u surely know by now by heart, that the better the evidence the better the proof, agree?


I assume your heart is pumping better these days for the simple reason u must do doing more exercise and less eating now that the café is closed, agree?


It wouldn’t be smart 4 me at this time tu give away “all the tricks” of my trade since I have mouths to feed, Perfect Storms like this, however, will undoubtedly sell more books, one of the main purposes of Manager Minute One and the 100+ websites supporting it is tu show people how tu resolve conflict by not going the lawsuit route helping the likes of the San Diego Police Department and the FBI go after “bigger game”, agree?


Butt the fight we are all in, the fight tu build back trust, to empower the kids to parent the parents who need the most help is anything but a game, it is serious business and when I mean business I mean business and when people whether it is u or the CEO of a Fortune 100 company plays it “fast and loose” and then starts throwing in the personal stuff thinking that I will buy into this “victim mentality” means u have a ways tu go in figuring me out.




And of course I didn’t spell it out 100% exactly like that when we sat around counting our blessings but the thing that I have going for me that that makes the likes of the Sperm Donor and his attorney and every one of the other rascals mentioned, including all the bought and paid for media folk, is my rather stellar reputation, the result of building up quite the stellar track record that has them doing nothing short right now butt fricken shaking in their boots, and yes I once skated in the ice-show “Big Fricken Puss in Boots” [sic].


How many people do u know given the deep pockets I have tu lose, tu mention little of how I much stand tu gain by never having been a “pig at the trough”, willing, however, tu call a 1,000 pound gorilla attorney such as Melvyn Weiss Esq. nothing short of a “FRICKEN PIMP”, moreover, taking on one of my “supposed own” because he or sum fricken rabbi says he is Jewish, all tu gain and very little tu lose when one understands tu what extent we r all on “borrowed time”.


Impressive, hearing how one religious group gain their power by knocking another religious group, perhaps because none of them on their own actually sell all that well, agree?


I have now given u as well as others a whole lot to think about tu mention little of opening up for debate, NOT an argument that requires having tu provide proof of G-D’s existence but with the overwhelming evidence I have now put together I am “turning the tables” around sumwhat having these fricken Prima Madonnas, the atheists the agnostics one and the same, provide proof that G-D DOES NOT exist, agree?


Agnostics perhaps more so than atheists in denial, very possibly their sexuality has sumthing to do with, certainly by the time I am done with them even if I don’t have their sex partners hooked tu a lie detector machine passing along compliments, doubtful they will survive one fricken round with me or anyone within my inner circle that is growing in leaps and bounds, agree?


I will do fricken anything other than expose my own shortcoming tu get just one of these folks with a broadcasting license to take me up on such a debate, the intellectual midgets that they r, agree?


I have found throughout my life that whenever someone has tried to “take advantage” of me they have always ended up “cuming up short”.


Now the fact that I am short doesn’t prevent me from being able tu count my blessings bearing in mind that being “more grounded” has it virtues which is not tu suggest u go out and have sex with midget, and yes remember this Next Symposium is about, “Familiarity breeds contempt”, agree?


Again I may very well have a competitive advantage over say Dr. Sperm Donor JBS, i.e. my neurons not only firing far brighter but reaching the edge of my toes as I apply “gas to the pedal” tu mention little of my fingers responding that much quicker, an argument I expect the Sperm Donor to make in explaining his ongoing pitiful parenting skills, agree?


So what do u think triggered this very poorly conditioned kid, now a medical specialist, again a pathologist mind u, tu take on me and my Marie?


Quite sumthing the coincidence of the Sperm Donor’s neighbor doctor now charged with “molestation” and another neighbor having the sense to notify both the Sperm Donor and Marie at the same time just as Marie came by the Big House this past Tuesday morning, the Sperm Donor I now understand not showing much concern about JoNathan, Marie only hearing him respond tu the next door neighbor, “Well Danielle doesn’t go out much” which is quite understandable in this testosterone clad world of thinking at first of only a girl-woman being molested but say within a picoseconds or too one would also be thinking about one’s 11 year old boy, agree?


I would now like to take a survey of everyone reading this email if they believe that say after 30 minutes of hearing this story from what I understand is a rather reliable next door neighbor whether they believe the Sperm Donor thought about the implications as they related to JoNathan; second what steps if any do they think the Sperm Donor took; and third when he eventually communicated such matters to the children tu what extent did he make the too kids aware of the NBC Network coming back again, mindful, however, that such charges, pointing out that individual may or may not be a “Godly doctor” may have absolutely no foundation just like the Sperm Donor’s “false and misleading” complaint against me signed “under penalty of perjury” agree?


My thinking at this time of two things, one a sidebar to Detective Steele of the San Diego Police Department as well as to the FBI but there is a birdie in my ear saying “Hold off, 4 the time being” and the other is getting Marie a Specialist mountain bike tu replace the one I recently trashed in the surf while training my dog, Pypeetoe for the Iron-Dog Competition we will be hosting on something I just thought of right now.


And be4 I fly, the possibility existing that I might call 4 a full scale audit, the monies for such an audit I would expect 4 u tu provide, let me suggest how u begin the conversation with me when u call,


“Gary, I don’t have an exact number 4 u at this time, but I can gauge from the amount of Somerset Clottered cream we purchased from our supplier who has detailed records of everything that the total sales are around X and that your attorney Mr. McLusky has received Y so far and by the end of the day he will receive the balance Z and of course Mr. McLusky has been receiving the rent monies as I had promised.”


Please notice that there is no “blah blah” in that suggested monologue, the point being I do not want to get into any dialogue with you on these matters whatsoever.


Repeating, when the operation opens whether it is this coming summer or 50 years from now, given other things I have on my plate it will be a full-on vegetarian café-restaurant, the only meat items will be prime cuts of steak, much like what was served at Rainwaters the last time Pypeetoe, Mr. Krinsk Esq. and I all dined together, Rainwaters one of the fancier downtown San Diego restaurants, and u would have guessed right that such servings will only be served tu pets, period.


The next time I visit Minehead the possibility exists both co-executors of my estate will be alongside and regardless of what happens tu me, rest assured I will be there in spirit, perhaps even with my friend Tony Unruh now seeking a break from his phone possibly ringing off the hook, wanting this “one of a kind” architect tu build the likes of Mr. Krinsk a new environmentally sound palace, with enough space between Mr. Krinsk and his Godly spouse, Campbell Soup, assuming she gets over the fact that “over my dead body” will Senator John Kerry replace our great President George W. Bush.


Suffice tu say, I know a thing or too about “what sells” and it is only right that Mr. Krinsk Esq, in feeding me stuff like what else billionairess Teresa Heinz has tu put up with when going down on her husband Senator John “Junk Food Cookie King” Kerry besides 4 his fricken catheter getting in the way, be given the appropriate privileges in “making love” tu my wife, my naturally waving all rights and remedies should Marie decide tu “against all odds” divorce me, and run off with either of my co-executors, bearing in mind tho, that Marie never reads my emails.


Think tho, very very very carefully be4 placing that call tu me. And if the phone 4 sum reason the cell phone is not working, I believe we are still in the 6 month window before it would be deactivated, please use the land line and deduct such monies from any amounts owed tu me and Marie.


Rest assured as much as I can play the “warm and fuzzy” character I know exactly when I have been had, again the deafening silences, the ignoring of my written requests are not sumthing open to debate at this time.


Do not forget I may not fully understand the Mind of this Almighty G-D who undoubtedly is taking good care of your granddaughter, I would think u r now looking more than ever for sum incredible “grand design”, agree?


Begin, may I suggest by reading the Z Question contained in the Z hyperlink above, providing us with all of your edits, what else do u have to do with your time these days other than your Pilates, u surely not feeling that miserable, at this time, agree?


My heart goes out tu u only to the extent that you cannot see beyond the edge of your nose which is a whole lot shorter than the big ugly blob that sits atop my face, butt my thoughts are more global at this time examining ways tu get SpaceShip earth into tip top condition once again, the population growth as out of control as most peoples egos in the developed world or so it seems, agree?


Unlike my mother who only debates people who agree with her I only want tu debate people who disagree with me, not focused at this time with those cheering me on, my looking forward tho, tu hearing one of these days real soon, I can only pray 4 enuf time, which again, is slowing down, just enough 4 a “handful of us” relatively speaking that is, tu get their “shit together”, the less u eat the less u crap, at least lets agree on that, a time when there will be no noise other than the sound of the waves, the birds singing, the church bells ringing, religious institutions not burning to the ground but turning into meeting places where properly trained teachers interact “full on” with their students, sumthing I heard about just the other day from an American couple who had spent ten years raising their too boys in Jerusalem, I forget the name of the institution, my Hebrew not quite what it used to be.


There is a time and place for everything. Nothing, absolutely nothing is gained by going “to war” with me. I am not the enemy and I certainly could care less about how many fricken enemas it takes u or anyone else tu get with the program, begin, may I suggest one more thing with exercising your mind, healthy mind, healthy body, I just want to be left in peace to do my thing with those “tired of blood and overpriced bubblegum”, Man-woman no longer an enigma, agree?


G-D bless.





-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 12:59 PM
To: gsg
Subject: seacrest


Dear Gary

After the saddest xmas and new year we have ever had, on the loss of our granddaughter we are trying to get back into some sort of normal living, it is very hard, her mum and dad are devestated. Seacrest is closed at the present time. no people about very wet,windy and cold

weather, we are waiting until nearer half term to see about opening then as it will depend on the weather. Can i ask you if you are in agreement for us to carry on with seacrest for this year? i would like to, but before we can open there are one or two things which will need to be done, and want your ok before we commit ourselves. Can you please send reply to Mark.

hope you are all well
