From: Gary S. Gevisser

To: Amos Wright

Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 7:22 PM

Subject: Time to think very carefully



Amos, I can understand full well your initial reaction to the first part of my E-mail to Chuck. In fact I could understand if you managed to get through it all feeling sumwhat let down.


I am not though the one responsible for you feeling the way you do. On the contrary you should be elated that just like Jeffrey Krinsk has had to come to terms how incredibly awful are the Democrats so should you feel equally satisfied before meeting our maker that you can look him square in the eyes and say, "It never really did make much sense this two party business" to mention little of the wasted time, space and money taken up by State governments.


Amos, the point of my communications as long winded as you might think them at times to be, there can be no getting away from the fact that there can be no meaning to our lives here on earth if we simply keep turning a blind eye.


I had warned Chuck from the very beginning not to waste my time or get involved in putting me in touch with a bigwig Republican unless he knew for certain that the person would be able to carry the football.


You need to look at the chronology of events very carefully to understand how Chuck wanted it "all to nothing" which is to say he was happy as "a pig in shit" unless it interfered with his business-personal relationship which is my point about how we go "back & forth" between "business" and "personal" one day "Mr. Good Cop" and next day "Mr. Bad cop" and no wonder we have so many good, hard working folk being "co-opted" in to doing the wrong thing.


This world is topsy turvy because we have people like Jim Gibson who have people like Chuck who is a person just trying to make ends meet but who ends up being "co-opted" as so well illustrated in that last communication and then there are Democrats in the form of Ted Kennedy and the likes who use folks like my lady friend Laurie Black with her good looks and zest for life in all likelihood never having stolen a dime off anyone nor for that matter do I have any evidence that she had tried to get her way in any way whatsoever with a politician and of course the same cannot be said about her father the former ambassador to Switzerland, Larry Lawrence.


And then there is someone like Jeffrey R. Krinsk who has everything on the line, the most incredible life, a new bride who has a home "to die 4" and Jeffrey just wanting to do the right thing knowing that at the end of the day if one were to take a very careful look at the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans it all boils down to taxation, nothing whatsoever to do with large versus small government blah blah.


There are liars and thieves on both sides but the liberals at least are very clear, nevertheless misguided, that there can be nothing served over the long term by the rich getting richer as the poor get poorer and when one examines very very carefully as I have, not just here in the United States but everywhere, not just in the last 40 days of my life but over the entire 40 years that I have been compis mentis, at the end of the day those against levying high taxes on the superwealthy, most who have as I will show on September 11th, stolen their way into the pound seats by never paying anywhere close to their fair share of taxes, who have used the guise of "big is better" hiding behind all sorts of facades such as corporations and trusts, socking it to those who work the hardest, time and again, generation after generation to the point that given the Digital Age those who toil so hard during the day can now come home and if only they could break away from that dam TV set and tune in to one of my websites would understand they have to be nuts to go to work the next day, given the fact that the biggest pigs at the trough, those who run the insurance companies that instead of being built on trust are all about tax avoidance schemes going back to the year dot.


To really tell the truth though, the current unacceptable trend began sum 200 years ago with the establishment of the New York Stock Exchange and until such time as we stop calling people stupid names like Republicans and Democrats and focus instead on who can get the fricken job done we are all dead ringers.


The 3 ringed circus is about to close its door and there is nothing you, Chuck, Jeffrey Krinsk, Gary Gevisser, Devin Standard, Ron Bellows or anyone else in my "inner circle" can do about it for the simple reason the entire system is now broke.


I mentioned I had prepared a script for a brain dead telemarketer to read over the telephone to anyone he-she knew and then for that person to do the same thing until such time as we had reached everyone in the universe; now of course Rome wasn't built in a day which is why I gave Jeffrey R. Krinsk et al a week to get their acts together while I went to the island of Barbados to soak up the sun and collect my royalty check.


And one last thing, when it comes to gatherings whether it be a synagogue or a church or a mosque or sum Buddhist temple the truth of the matter is that for folks still trying to make a living, with mouths to feed it is all about either cheap day care or business networking little or nothing to do with doing the right thing otherwise how could it come to pass that the clergy got away with ripping little boys underwear for ions and the likes of King "Altar boy" Golden et al kept their mouths so quiet once in the seat of power, living the so-called "good life?"


It takes each one of us examining our lives on a daily basis, holding not necessarily hands but those around us in check and why my slogan 



Next tTOo

Breeding is everything 


is starting to catch on much like





Built tTOo




I wasn't born in a stable but I was taught from an early age to call a spade a spade and not be afraid of hard work.


Hard times ahead only for the wicked, for the remainder it is going to be "fun & games" of that I am certain.


