From: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: rest;
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...wouldn't you agree?...
Chantal - your reply, in my opinion, does not call
necessarily for a response
but given your ending ※Good Luck§ and the fact that I consider
the youth all of our futures, those with visible as well as not altogether
transparent disabilities, I didn*t think you*d mind my making a point
tT﹢ about an article that appeared in
the June 10th 2002 edition of Forbes Magazine, titled Hot Water Wars nothing I could tell
impacting your dexterity to hit the delete button at any time altho I would
prefer u hit the forward button and pass this on to everyone on your email
list, those wonderful users groups not to feel left out, agree?
Who knows with the way things are speeding up and time
therefore slowing down u may even find it worthwhile for your entire family not
just you to pay a wee bit more attention what has
increasing numbers of people viewing my missives as a pretty good way of
staying in tune with the heartbeat of the universe,
even the editor of the Del Mar Times saw fit to publish one of my endless missives that may have helped a
Mr. Burke resign than continue to go
※to bat§ with the likes of yours truly,
Mr. Burke no relation I know of to
Without water in a desert environment it is tough to survive
for more than 24 hours, agree?
How long would u estimate this charade of ※God eat God§ [sic]
world can continue when it is becoming increasing apparent to momworker63s, orphans, widows, pensioners and
those thinking they can be an island unto themselves that they
have all been ※used and abused§?
The momworkers in particular the ※backbone§ of our western economic
structure who support companies trading on stock exchanges, on average selling
for significantly more than private companies that trade ※for between 3 and 5 times predictable earnings plus
liquidation value§, where the owners are the m
In other words, The Internet now 15 years old fast drawing to
a close this ※cycle of violence§ where the rich get richer and
poor when eventually dirt poor get placed in ※harms way§, wars man*s
time tested way of dealing with those who DARE
to question ※conventional wisdom§, agree?
The computer, the Digital Age is nothing short of a G-D-Send,
those of us with the courage to tackle ※conventional wisdom§ that ※black hands can lay white eggs§, not
quite as vulnerable as in the past which brings me back to Seth Lubove*s article in this
supposedly so incredibly stellar business publication, Forbes Magazine owned by a ※fiscal conservative§?
Hi Steve.
Nothing worse than finding out that u have been ※played
with§, hi Malcomb Forbes, which is really at the
heart of Mr. Lubove*s and his colleagues deafening silences that has many
more folks than just the FBI beginning to pay very very
very careful attention to what I have to say these days although even when I
helped run a not altogether insignificant insurance marketing publishing in the
mid to late 1980s it was not only the ※top g-ds§ [sic] that paid attention, very
few words that I spoke to mention little of only
broadcasting a flowchart in my 5 year stint, again as best I recall, suggesting
how our employees do business #1 and #2, u surely not surprised that I worked ※hand
in hand§ with a gentleman who funded one of the very first stent
programs at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, California.
You may have no interest at this moment in time in knowing
the truth about how the likes of
Which brings me to the subject matter of degenerative
diseases, a half hour dialoguing with Professor Kelly back in the summer of
2002 while enjoying a glass of wine, watching an incredible sunset over at the
Del Mar Plaza revealed a very dark secret that if Professors Kelly and Price of John Hopkins University
were to do the ※right thing§ would free up tons of
capital to help address degenerative diseases head on, leaving I can assure you
sufficient billions in reserve to help not only deal with the symptoms of
autism but combat it head on with enough left over to feed the starving masses
who could be counted on to make up their own minds that it is perfectly ok to enjoy
sex without populating the universe.
It really does not require all that much effort to get
youngsters to think on their own t﹢ feet, better yet
that us Americans fully embraced the metric system, agree?
I make it my business to examine the ※quiet ones§
learning at a rather young age how deadly they can be in addition to Beware of the Yellow
Peril and surely you have picked up from my missives these past
couple of days my dispelling of the perhaps the greatest myth of the 20th
Century, that the rise of the Nationalist Nazi Party in South Africa 3
years after the defeat of Nazi Germany and their iron-fist rule which
lasted some 40+ years was no ※Act of Dog§ [sic] but very very very sick
puppies in the form of the Oppenheimer and Engelhard families
conspiring, the South African Oppenheimers in the form of DeBeers and
the American Charles Engelhard in the form of Englehard Minerals and Chemicals Co.
※If not now then when? If I am only for myself who am
I? If I am not for myself who is for me?§
Last night I traveled several miles burning fossil fuels in
my Bavarian Motor Works [BMW] Mini
Cooper S just to buy my partner-wife Marie Dion
what I consider to be the greatest dessert I have ever tasted from a new
Italian restaurant in Cardiff which is 2 towns north of Del Mar and while my
dog Pypeetoe entertained the patrons also very attracted to this spot owned and
operated by a male German-Italian, incredibly athletic as well as good-looking
to mention little of the backbone of his restaurant being the most beautiful
Italian chef, I got to dialogue with a most delightful couple not in the least
bit bothered by Pypeetoe running around the place like he
owned it, going up to each table with this
look on his face like he hadn*t eaten in a
month, the gentleman it turns out used to date
Arlene Krok, one of the Krok sisters u may have seen on one of those TV talk
shows, a good number of folks believing that Joan Rivers more so than
any other celebrity contributed to both the success and demise of Epilady
which as I have yet to say in print was a device engineered by
non-confrontational men to inflict pain and suffering on women.
I had nothing whatsoever to do with the incredible success of
this essentially one product company but everything to do with putting the
final nail in its coffin to mention in passing I did in fact have a plan of
action that could have realized for its principals a couple of bucks more than
the $500 million odd the likes of Merrill Lynch placed on this one of a kind company within 2 years after
its launch, some 10 million women in the United States and C
Once, however, I encounter ※resistance§ most of
all a failure on the part of those to acknowledge their mistakes I simply ※turn
off§ a subject I should defer to talking
more about in my book Manager
Minute One, again if you
Anyone else would like to place orders in advance for this
one of a kind book that will be delivered to the first 1 billion buyers along
with a t-shirt
don*t hesitate, just send me $27 + $4.99 for postage and handling
care of P O Box 307, Del Mar, California 92014.
Interesting wouldn*t u agree how today so many of the
French-French were resistance fighters during WWII, hard to imagine how the VC
kept a handle on things akin to the South African Oppenheimer dolling out their
ill-gotten gains during WWII to making certain General Smuts got distracted in
matters of international importance,,, okay I will spell this point out so that
I can reach my target audience of 79 IQ points and above.
For the very first time thousands if not millions of Africans
of all racial groups are now aware that the Beware of the Yellow Peril was
absolute BS, a distraction technique by the ruling elite, again the
greatest if not the only conspiracy of the 20th Century was
perpetrated by the Oppenheimer-Engelhard families affecting each and
every one of us to this day, the price we ※pay at the pump§ a function
of the ※squeaky wheel§, agree?
Today*s big news other than President Reagan passing away was
a $369 odd million award to the owner of
a Ford Motor Company SUV, the bulk of the award some $200 million in punitive
damages since the jury believed Ford Motor Company built into their ※cost of
sales§ the ※cost of getting caught§ but no where in the New York Times article did I see any
mention of ※trickle-down-sparkling-economics§ addressing the additional
cost of bandages which u will have to pay should u and your children ※slip and fall§ in say a K-mart,
Insurance is a business I understand
rather well and again u not only do your children a disservice by being so
incredibly smug but worst of all you do yourself the most damage since the
studies show that a childs brain continues developing until around age 25
whereas you are already on a downward spiral, at least that is my opinion,
which I would be happy to engage u in debate in any forum of your choice as
long as u find an audience willing to pay my hourly rate of $300,000 an hour,
And why add to your misery by being in such incredible denial
Are you already at the resignation stage like Mr. and Mrs.
U will notice that as of
And u may think, no more than a picosecond, however, that
these ※tangents§ may allow u to deflect the rather good points I have
been making, u surely have enough neurons firing in your brain to gather your
wits knowing that my approach to ※problem solving§ is catching on like
wild fire, the game of life, like the game of chess, getting your opponent to
play to your advantage.
I am the product of being raised in a loving, nurturing
household that impressed upon me THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMEN as well as, ※It is
better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out
and remove all doubt.§
Gary S. Gevisser
The Rattlesnake
Ps 每 Yesterday afternoon as I was taking our 2 dogs to the
beach I ran into our neighbor Patty Pratt who informed me that she and
her husband Steve who appeared fairly recently on the Oprah
Winfrey Show peddling his pitiful diet book, ※r
headed 4 Mars§ [sic], again Steve*s body
language causing a number of younger folks tuned in to my missives to question
whether his ※stiffness§ was his ※subconscious kicking
in§, hi again Po-li.
Patty while letting me know that they were most likely going
to be heading back to live in their old stomping grounds of stogy Rancho
Sante Fe gave me no indication that she has ever received a single email
from me which of course is possible although generally when I have an incorrect
email address either it is returned, ※U screwed up the email address§
※Recipient thinks u r a jrk§ [sic]
As is most of the time a deafening silence which reads, ※Please
please please GG continue to light my fire§ which is not to suggest for a
moment that Patty is one of those bored housewives having an affair with this
one pool attendant at a Rancho Sante Fe country club while ※moonlighting§
as a little league baseball coach.
I will not be the only one missing Patty who is stunning and in incredible
shape something not lost on any of the neighborhood*s younger heterosexual men,
※their simply not much room left for
old farts so as myself§ [sic], not to forget the ever growing
number of lesbians and gay men to mention little of the ※sharks§ who ※cruise§ this ※rich chick§ enclave while getting some flesh
which serves as both ※free bait§ to make ends meet while loaning
monies derived from well ※laundered§ sources at lets just say ※above market§
interest rates, the word spreading that I am searching to refinance a
tT﹢, so extraordinarily
helpful in my ※risk assessment§ business,
quite the perpetual motion money making machine I am in the process of perfecting, wouldn*t
u agree?
Such a terrific expression, ※Wouldn*t you agree?§
a phrase told to me by my mother if not on this train ride from Zurich Switzerland to
Kitzbuel Austria back in December 1967 then very shortly thereafter,
Quite something wouldn*t u also agree that Ms. Kathy Keeton who
remains the Vice-chairman of Penthouse Magazine despite being dead now
some 5 years used to be at least according to Royal Mater a ※dancer§ at the Butterworth
Hotel in downtown Durban, South Africa just a ※hop-jump-and-a-scotch§ [sic] from the train
station where a ※terrorist§ bomb planted by folks under the ※command
and control§ of Nelson Mandela killed
and injured ※soft targets§, such a crime in no
small measure I believe leading to Mr. Mandela spending some 27 years in prison, doubtful Mr.
Mandela ran into Dr. Death which u
can read about in the ※soft targets§
My very recent disclosures of the ※power behind the
throne§ perhaps easing up the ongoing ※hatred§ towards Mr.
Mandela altho, given the ※shark
feeding frenzy§ i.e. the ※casino mentality§ that has
been awarded the ruling Lily white wheaty eating elite who have made out
like ※band-ids§ [sic] in the decade since the
Apartheid puppet regime were overthrown in one of the most amazing bloodless
coups in the history of our species, agree?
Thanks due the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, no longer that much of a mystery,
wouldn*t u agree Mr. Merrick Wolman,
Number the essence of all things, good
Evil, agree?
Ps I 每 I am thinking of using our communiqu谷s as a hyperlink in
my pitch to Oprah Winfrey to help ease the possible pain some believe
she and her screeners may feel, agree?
So far, from what I can gather Oprah has only addressed the
problems of AIDS failing her audience,
in my opinion, in coming up with a very specific economic plan which I hope to
fine tune in one of my next missives, perhaps to Deborah ※Aggressive§ Sturman,
Mr. Lee Selbo, not to
forget Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss although I
might seek some guidance from Mr. Neil Gould so far the only other ※born and bred§ South
African on my email list spelling things out rather well, both Neil and I as well
as the approximately 400 South Africans, black and white on my email list which
again represents a statistically valid representative sampling of the world*s
literate population knowing that each time one of these gals
Fellows is sitting say at a fancy restaurant whether it be in
Manhattan, Sandals perhaps, even thinking of taking refuge with Sol Gambling Czar Kerzner who in turn
may have moved in with my extraordinary mother and her second husband in their
enclave in Wivesliscombe, England, the stares that they*re
getting will continue to grow exponentially, on that, u have my word, A NAME FROM HERE YOU CAN TRUST OVER.
Ps II 每 I wonder if u would be surprised to hear that the vast
majority of people who receive my communiqu谷s either directly
As a result of someone else who has not let their formal
education interfere with their learning forwarding my ※protests§ believing what I have to say of
sufficient importance to enter their ※space§ if they cannot put aside what
they are doing immediately, place the communiqu谷-s in a folder, is that a ※Yes§
A ※No§
A ※Maybe§?
I am told a rather large number of folks use their corporate
networks as a ※backup§ willing to
risk being fired, then again I have slowly but surely been informing such folks
of their ※rights and liberties§ in the event a renegade boss were to
bother them, agree?
U may also be very well aware that such other important
distractions that result in a ※delayed
reaction§ could include actions such as chopping off the penis
along with the testicles of their pitiful male lover, agree?
Why go only half way, important to also examine if there is
tail, the tiny robotics hooking up folks in the last few hundred meters of the
superhighway is taking place through the sewer system courtesy of Mr. King Old time Democratic Communist Party puppet Golden Jr.
Esq, not to forget the issues of Aspartame that may be causing u to feel
some paralysis at this time, u surely by now aware of the ※insurance tail§
that is biting each of us in the ass this very minute assuming of course u r
not desensitized with the garbage pummeled by the farmaceutical companies
stinking up the chest pharmacy?
Ps III 每 The ※CAP§ hyperlink contained in the word ※space§ in a
tT﹢ above has
been up on The Internet now since
Pay equal attention to the hyperlink placed on the ※Wetherly Capital Group§
containing a reference to one of their clients as u do to the rest of the
hyperlinks including this one, I am getting quite hungry at this
CAP as of February 8th 2002 was made up of
myself, Mr.
This gathering of ※partners§ may appear to more
than just you at odds with my having been ※terminated§ some 23
days prior, on ※January 15th, 2002§, there also apparently, ※no
agreement§ according to the honorable Mr.
Could I stop you?
following my informing
I have "smoking
gun" proof that a group of business people in conjunction
with the highest-ranking members of
the Democratic Party have hi-jacked
political system.
May I share it with you?
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Streetsweeper
there are only 24 hours in a day and I have 2 kids to raise besides my
full-time work plus helping build resources for people with autism in the
coimmunity (volunteer work).
Not wanting to add anymore to my list of email,books, magazines or
whatever to read is not a comment or critique on the content of materials, just
a way for me to m
I nicely gave you my email address 'in case you had any questions' which I
though had to do with writing or publishing. I did not give you permission to
add it to a list to receive mail on a regular basis.
I really have no time and no interest at this moment for more reading materials
or discussion, I have a full life already and choose to spend any extra time
with my children and not my computer.
Thank you for respecting my request.
Good luck, Chantal
Gary S. Gevisser wrote: