From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Andy
Cc: Devin Standard
Subject: RE: FW: Sorry for the delay
Can you explain why since I have complied with all your requests?
More importantly, given the critical time line I am working with,
why would u have waited this long in getting back to me?
Again, when I make a mistake, I am always willing to pay for it as
best I can which I think you would agree should not involve being “boned
up the ass by Bubba” unless of course I were to be convicted of rape, and by the same token when u make a
“mistake” at this time my willingness to give you the benefit of
the doubt, then what exactly are my options other than make my
“audience” aware of the facts as best I know them, agree?
So go ahead, lets begin a meaningful dialogue, the last words I
uttered when leaving a most wonderful 2nd night Passover dinner was
impressing upon the incredibly enlightened hosts, “I don’t believe
in luck.”
Gary S. Gevisser
The Rattlesnake
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy
To: gsg
Subject: Re: FW: Sorry for the delay
I'm sorry I don't think this is going to work out.
Good luck.
– what is happening with my order?
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent:Tuesday, April 06, 20049:36
Subject: RE: Sorry for the