From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 7:10 PM
To: Mayor Richard Earnest – Del Mar City, California, United States of America
Cc: rest; FBI; Michael Willis; Devin Standard
Subject: Next Symposium {:}.... When is the next meeting... resign in shame...{:}


Summary: Please click on “Risk Assessment


Mayor Earnest – Please advise me when the Del Mar City Council will next meet in a public setting letting me know whether it will be televised




whether I should bring my own TV crew to provide some degree of counterbalance to cheerleaders like Hershell Price who I assume has seen the wisdom of withdrawing his antennae, recognizing no gain, feeling the heat of my “microscope” were he to obtain a Del Mar City council seat in the next presidential election.


Back on August 16th of 2002 some 3 odd months before the California Gubernatorial elections that were held on November 8th 2002 Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk in one our “pong” phone calls after informing me that his 99 year old grandmother had passed away said in passing,


“...It seems the earth will soon start sinking from the aggregation of your enemies congregating on the back end of the planet to unbalance the gravitational pull of the earth and in so doing the earth will slowly sink in to Jupiter’s satellite...You are hopefully on the side of the sun. I for one am going to bounce off and take a detour to Mars...” [sic].


I am still in the recovery stage of having been hoodwinked into to believing that polka dots painted on to the one hermit crab by our 11 year old and his friend were natural, incredible that these creatures that I first thought were snails can live to 20 years of age, agree?


Mr. Earnest, this email was begun several days back when I first loaded up the “risk assessment” summary on my one website’s pdf file directory.


A fair amount has occurred since and given the way that I have things organized it won’t take u very long to follow “my drift” assuming u r like others we know who have as their homepage not the website but rather my pdf file directory which Attorney George Money Talks Hurst bent over backwards in explaining to Judge Hendrix, a Superior Court Judge back on October 24th 2002 how easy it was to infiltrate my proprietary database as the world around Attorney Hurst and his client Dr. JBS began to implode.


My most recent communiqué a couple of hours ago to a lady who has been with the Republican National Committee [RNC] for 8 months contains just 2 hyperlinks which is 2 more than the first “risk assessment” communiqué I sent to the Fox Network back on July 23rd of 2002, Mr. JRK providing rather good editorial comments before I hit the send button at 6:10 PM PST.


I will assume unless I hear otherwise from u that u can in fact click on to my hyperlinks.


U must surely be wondering about a number of things at this time including why given all the great service u have done for our great country should u now have to put up with me, a transplant, from of all places South Africa altho for all I know u and I could be full brothers, I have no proof that my mother who married my father at the ripe old age of 18 hadn’t been married possibly several times be4, agree?


I am in fact still rather trusting of everyone I meet despite being in the “work out” business from a rather young age being all too familiar with the “art of larceny” by the time I was all of 13 years of age when my amazing father lost his job and sought comfort from me who didn’t think much of it since I knew he could still fly a plane and all that I needed was to get my hands on some uranium 235 look up on The Internet how to build 50




so suitcase size nuclear bombs and then bomb the crap out of all the scoundrels who had “turned a blind eye” not realizing at the time that it wouldn’t be that much fun to play with my friends mourning over their dead fathers.


Now if u click on to enough hyperlinks u will see my amazing father, fighter-bomber-pilot Bernard Nathan Gevisser pleading with me not to go “overboard” then again for all u know I could be all alone in this world having made up all sorts of fictitious stories, set up email accounts with “bought and paid for” surrogates, which sounds superfluous then again English is not my first language.


Unlike my most amazing father I do not suffer from dyslexia a learning disability which in fact brings out tremendous creativity if properly nurtured but I do suffer fools rather badly not, however, anywhere close to how I despise and detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil does not come in the form of a pointed tail




Pitched fork.


As I mentioned in this E-mail back on Saturday July 24th my Partner-Wife, Marie Dion, would like to attend the next showdown since in her words, “Things seem to be getting interesting” to mention little once again of her one comment I happen to like a lot,


“When the dialogue becomes t monologues it is the beginning of the end” [sic].


And then of course u may have seen the one bringing a smile to the face of a number of women quite fed up with over-controlling men-women,


“The world would be much better off if women were on permanent PMS then they wouldn’t put up with any of the bullsh1t” [sic].


U may recall at the start of the 3 minute “bitch” session back on July 19th I thanked u all for continuing to smile asking to take note of your pulses since u had ample opportunity to calm down following the obfuscation I encountered following my asking the simple question,


Have u given consideration to limiting construction of new homes or redevelopment of old ones to one story”.


I also pointed out when looking directly at u Mr. Mayor that I was not seeking any of your resignations, to mention just in passing I have yet to hear back from Yasmine Martin the General Manager of Peru Rail owned by a multi-national conglomerate




From Councilmembers Drucker and Crawford, Ms. Martin tho, appears to have a reasonable excuse, outside of the United States the game of soccer is a religious experience and even the “final week of the Copa America” is over I will grant my friend Yasmine another wee of grace given the fact that Peru was the host country and then perhaps another 6 months for rather beautiful Yasmine to recover from all the partying, agree?


With all that said I have now after very careful consideration changed my mind. U should resign in shame.


Not only do I feel u should resign “post hates” [sic] but anyone including councilmember “Crawfoot” [sic] on the city council as well as any staff member who knew as much as u so quick to pull the trigger in letting me know without a moment’s hesitation that the consultant u hired to assist with burdening residents of Del Mar with another tax had NOT conducted a “risk assessment” to determine the impact such a study could have on triggering a real estate market crash.


It is my earnest desire for Devin Standard, the executor of my estate, to show up assuming u provide us with a sufficient “heads upok?


Not to suggest that any of u had anything to do with the “breaking & entering” of my Mini Cooper S, which leads me back to the E-mail I sent on Friday July 23rd to the principal of the Del Mar Hills, the summary of this 4142 odd word communiqué reading,


One purpose of this communiqué is to get a written response from both you as well as the Del Mar Hills Elementary School Board why the matters mentioned below should not be raised at the next sitting of the Del Mar City Council.


On the first “go around” don’t bother clicking on to any of the hyperlinks but feel free at any time to check out BUD.


It is doubtful the new Poster Boy for the Democratic Party, Po-Li Pollak, will show up, perhaps tho, in disguise, bearing in mind the next A NAME FROM HERE YOU CAN TRUST OVER THERE ad that will address in no small measure the failure of elected officials in conjunction with the mainstream media to address the culpability of former United States Attorney General Mr. Robert F. Kennedy in perpetuating The Diamond Invention, specifically his “failure” to read both the American Mr. Charles Engelhard and Harry “Reluctant Tycoon” Oppenheimer the “riot act” when visiting South Africa back in 1966 while Charles Englehard and Harry Oppenheimer the head of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel colluded to subvert American justice to mention just in passing the South African Oppenheimer family deriving tremendous benefit from the cheap labor pool of colored peoples courtesy of the former South African Apartheid regime, agree?


Not to suggest again that simply because all of u in the “power seats” r Lilly White Wheaty Eaters that u would object to possibly more colorful folk such as my other good friend Michael Grant showing up, agree?


I must tell u that based on my experience black people do have a much better sense of humor perhaps going along with their higher emotional intelligence than us Lilly White Wheaty Eaters which combined with their “above averageIntelligence Quotients make them-us altogether more intelligent, careful that we don’t be mean when computing “average”, agree?


U would surely agree with our 11 year old JoNathan who told me the other day,

The world would be better off with more black surfers!


Naturally, u will eventually come around to my way of thinking giving the empirical evidence that people of color have beyond a shadow of a doubt, “on average”, far superior “hand-eye” coordination than those of us Lilly White Wheaty Eaters, laziness perhaps more so than money and greed, the root of all evil, agree?


In the interests of making things perfectly understood to the streams of new listeners unfamiliar with any of my writings to mention just in passing the importance of being a woman plays in my “Bottoms Up Schooling”, my email list “make” [sic] up of a statistically valid representative sampling of the world’s literate population, let me explain a little further that that when u answered my question at the last meeting of Del Mar’s Lilly White Wheaty Eating elitists without giving a moment to reflect on how out of control u were at the time perhaps simply “par 4 the course” [sic], agree?


Your unequivocal statement, “No!”, that the consultant u hired to assist with stuffing on to Del Mar residents this new property transfer tax was to repeat not tasked with conducting a “risk assessment” to determine whether such a tax could trigger a real estate crash, agree?


And of course being a fighter-pilot in Vietnam, somewhat different to being a fighter-bomber-pilot during WWII u would know assuming u were capable of reading your instruments that which goes up eventually trickles down even to those renters amongst us, the world not so topsy-turvy-curvy as the higher up would like those at the bottom of the pyramid to believe, wouldn’t u agree?


Quite earth shattering news Dr. Stephens Hawking deciding finally to fall on his sword, according to the New York Times,


 “that he had been wrong in a controversial assertion he made 30 years ago about black holes, the fearsome gravitational abysses that can swallow matter and energy, even light... information...swallowed by a black hole could never be retrieved...”,


quite ingenious that the “winner of the bet” would “get an encyclopedia, from which information could be freely retrieved”.


The New York Times, to their credit, correctly pointed out, “This esoteric sounding debate is of great consequence to science, because if Dr. Hawking had been right, it would have violated a basic tenet of modern physics: that it is always possible to reverse time, run the proverbial film backward and reconstruct what happened in, say, the collision of two cars or the collapse of a dead star into a black hole. Now, on the basis of a new calculation, Dr. Hawking has concluded that physics is safe and information can escape from a black hole.”


Now the fact that Dr. Hawking who sits in the Lucasian “chear” [sic] sat in by Isaac Newton who never to the best of my knowledge conceded his basic principle, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost” felt the need again according to the New York Times to state rather astoundingly “I want to report that I think that I have solved a major problem in theoretical physics” is suggestive, at least to me, that Dr. Hawking is trying to make light of a problem he and perhaps a whole handful of TOEs thinking themselves so fricken godly were responsible for inventing in the first place, nothing more entertaining than watching folks responsible for lighting fires eventually collapsing into a heap of tears, agree?


U recall of course Newton’s “4 every action...” [sic] only got “thrown out the window” with General Relativity where m [mass] along with E [energy] are the variables, the only constant in the ingenious summary equation being the speed of light commonly referred to as c, E=mc² as Albert Einstein correctly pointed out is “The mind of G-D” certainly in a perfect vacuum environment such as “Deep Space" but what about “The Hand of G-D” in a non-vacuum environment such as the space between each of our ears that only becomes, at least in my opinion, a perfect vacuum once we allow others to interfere with our sequencing each of us in all likelihood born within 24 perhaps 25 standard deviation of intelligence, agree?


The mere fact that “Dr. Hawking's new calculation was received by other physicists with reserve” gives u a sense of the drama currently unfolding as these folks’ gravy train is finally about to grind to an abrupt halt, at least if it was on my watch, agree?


No longer can these TOEs who I have been “poking fun at 4 sum time” [sic] continue indefinitely fooling the masses of folk so distracted by these yoyos into believing that there r such things as “parallel universes” where one can move “In N Out” leaving behind your troubles coming out the other end, i.e. “all information about what had fallen in - whether it be elephants or donkeys - would be erased.”


Again, the communist elitist New York Times got it right again when stating, “In a riposte to Einstein's famous remark that God does not play dice, rejecting quantum uncertainty, Dr. Hawking said in 1976, ‘God not only plays dice with the universe, but sometimes throws them where they can't be seen.’


What do u think of having Dr. Hawking eat his words and then find someone on the Del Mar City council to interpret what if anything comes out of his rear end,,, now where is our JoNathan when I need him to make certain that all 6th graders around the planet will understand what I mean when I mean business-personal.


Now of course Einstein was not around in 1976 to listen to this astrophysicist babble on and on those benefiting the most from such wittiness on the part of Dr. Stephen Hawking making out like “band-ids” [sic], the $100 billion odd so far spent on White Elephants like the space station returning for the average human being battling to make ends meet, here in the United States of America the average wage earner not the folks who own 2nd, 3rd, 4th and in some cases I am told more than 10 homes several owning more than their “fare share” of real estate in our backyards courtesy of exactly who other than being able to afford the bought and paid for lobbyists who dole out big time bucks to politicians who act like they r “at war” with each other when in fact they r all in on the “string” [sic], agree?


A terrible feeling to wake up knowing u have been had, agree?


Nothing quite like being in my shoes, Mr. Mayor, the ultimate insider, agree?


My extraordinary mother back on Sunday July 25th, just prior to us leaving for the Turf Club after a rather revealing conversation asking me NOT, “What more can I do to help you get the message out” but choosing her words rather carefully, “Are you not worried for yourself, what about Marie and the kids?”


I can only be concerned with one thing at this time given my “knowledge” versus “belief” of an Almighty SMART G-D who summons each of us to simply use what remains of our common sense to do the “right thing” even the most poorly conditioned kids, and I don’t include pathological people like Dr. John Ben Stewart, r capable of examining evidence and reaching their own conclusions how to make this entire world altogether safe by each one of us checking on the next person, not worrying in the least bit about “Big Brother” watching over us as long as there is a Big Sister watching over the Big Brother and so and so on, agree?


Those who cry out about the intrusion of Big Government are more often than not part of the vicious circle, members of the revolving door clubs who see thanks to the Digital Age their gravy trains coming, to repeat, an abrupt end, agree?


One can fool the people only so long as they remain either in denial




Worst yet like Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk in the resignation stage, although I remain optimistic that Mr. JRK, cannot be quite as confident about Mrs. JRK, will eventually see the “writing on the wall” and join in with the “winning team” as we go about knocking on folks’ doors, agree?


Not that we would ever be so dumb as to exert unnecessary energy by pounding the pavements when the Light Age simply has folks even those who have had their legs chopped off below the knees, no use of anything other than perhaps their tongues yet capable of pointing the cursor first to “forward” followed by pressing the “send” button and of course assuming their tongues have been removed their Big Brother and/or


Sister having got hungry waiting for the “entitlement pogrom” [sic] to arrive then given the speech recognition technology they could try whistling, agree?


I am in fact using this missive to once again blow a big time whistle, just a matter of moments in the history of time be4 the entire world gets in tune with the heartbeat of the universe, my ability to debate the existence of G-D with any single individual u wish to bring forth at the next City Council meeting would while making very possibly excellent entertainment might interfere “sumwhat” [sic] with explaining in simple 4th grade English how my PW MD and I have come up with a bullet-proof, watertight solution for solving all the world’s clean drinking water problems while disposing of the waste in an environmentally sound way without the burden once again being on those who truly “toil the soil” to mention little of just about everyone who does not have a real estate agent in their household feeling very much at one with my Client Partner-Wife Marie, agree?


Again to repeat verbiage u can find in that one of kind New York Times article,


"Until Stephen [Hawking]'s recent reversal, he was about the only person still getting it wrong," said Dr. Leonard Susskind, a theorist at Stanford.


Again, it is rather difficult to get those who have allowed their formal training to interfere with their learning to let go of the problems that they and they alone were responsible for creating in the first place, to repeat,


Dr. Hawking spoke yesterday at the 17th International Conference of General Relativity and Gravitation. He was added to the program at the last minute, only two weeks ago, after sending a note to the organizers that he had solved the problem.


The fact, however, that the New York Times states that, “His dramatic timing seems sure to add to his legend” seems to suggest at least to me that these communist puppets of those on the far left and far right who feed off the folks battling to find balance being in the center of the storms that they and they alone create, other than of course the Almighty SMART G-D not being so stupid as to provide each and every one of us with the right answers ahead of time but to use the Technology, the result of each successive generation building upon the next to eventually work out that the meaning of life is to simply share and to teach others to improve themselves constantly by looking at things from all different perspectives until such time as we can all agree on everything beginning with the need to get folks out of the clutches of those who feed off the poor remaining hooked on to entitlement programs, taking again just each of us with an Internet hookup to spread the word, never to be rushed since again, time is relative, the past, the future all coming together in the present, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained




Lost what goes around comes around, agree?


So how many coincidences does it take Mr. Mayor be4 it is no longer a coincidence bearing in mind that whatever your answer u must surely conclude given Dr. Hawking falling on the sword there is design everywhere, agree?


As things speed up so does time slow down and when the speed of light reaches the critical 1 kilometer per second then once again we would have E=m much along the lines few would argue today is what took place at the time of the most recent Big Bang, agree?


Change is “built into the equation”, again nothing ever so precise as E=mc² which in my opinion reflects everything in a non-vacuum environment such as what we have in SpaceShip and instead of “c” being the constant, m as Newton protested right until the “bitter end” remains the constant, and based on more than a handful of direct experiments already completed at low temperatures we know for a fact that the speed of light at least within the medium of water and air is anything but a constant, agree?


How folks choose to go about “twisting” the facts to suit their particular agenda will remain their business until such time as they meet up once again with their maker and I for one could care less how much satisfaction the likes of Mr. and Mrs. JRK will get from ultimately debating with no one but themselves as they end up in an abyss of their own making, doubtful the Almighty SMART G-D would waste His-Her Breath on those who only debate those who agree with them, eventho, I contend that G-D is within each one of us that the Mind of G-D and The Hand of G-D are perfectly synchronized, time relative only to mankind, agree?


May I suggest u take a look at the E-mails between Professor Dewitt and myself and my sense is that despite this rather smart professor capable of spelling out fairly complex subject matters such as Quantum Gravity in simple English while not replying to my most recent missive there “remains” enough information to stir if not your mind then what about the youth who r all our futures, deafening silences a thing of the past, only in a non-vacuum environment such as SpaceShip can we “hear”, paying attention to one section where I point out the “connectivity” between Pythagoras’ Right Angle Triangle [RAT] and Special Relativity, more “relativistic” than General Relativity, in Professor Dewitt’s words, “the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the difference of the squares of the sides rather than the sum”.


So careful should we be in how go about “discarding” the cards each of us is dealt with every passing moment particularly the “negatives” who make it their business to seek “negative attention” versus “positives” that can operate pretty much alone while going “back and forth” trying to get others to “tow the line” which gets obviously tougher with every passing moment as our breath gets weaker, gravity teaching us everything about living in the moment never getting bogged down by those hell bent on having everyone be a part of their hell which of course is only here on earth, agree?


Better, yet once u c how easy it is to remain “positive” from birth to grave by keeping negative influences to an absolute minimum then and only then will u fully acknowledge that Knowledge is Light, hang tight, the end is “in-cite” [sic].


Again, I come back to the New York Times article, “Theorists have worried about the fate of information in black holes since the 1960's. In 1974, Dr. Hawking stunned the world by showing that when the paradoxical quantum laws that describe subatomic behavior were taken into account, black holes should leak and eventually explode in a shower of particles and radiation. The work was, and remains, hailed as a breakthrough in understanding the connection between gravity and quantum mechanics, the large and the small in the universe. But there was a hitch, as Dr. Hawking pointed out. The radiation coming out of the black hole would be random.... That was a violation of quantum theory, which says that information is preserved, and quantum theory is a foundation of all modern physics.”


Back finally to Professor Dewitt’s Quantum Gravity that was published in the December 1983 Scientific American,


If Einstein could come back in spirit to witness what has become of his theory, he would certainly be astonished, and I think pleased. He would be pleased that physicists at last, after years of hesitation, have come to accept his view that theories that are mathematically elegant deserve to be studied even if they do not seem to correspond immediately to reality. He would also be please that physicists now dare to hope a unified field theory may be attainable. He would be particularly pleased to find his old dream that all of physics may be explainable in geometric terms seems to be coming true.


Above all he would be astonished. Astonished that the quantum theory still stands pristine and unmoved in the midst of it all, enriching field theory and itself being enriched by it. Einstein never believed the quantum theory expressers ultimate truth. He never reconciled himself to the indeterminism it implies and thought it would someday be replaced by a nonlinear field theory. Exactly the opposite has happened. The quantum theory has invaded Einstein’s theory and transmuted it.


Mr. Mayor, your brazenness, ignoring the pleas of councilmember Drucker to ignore me did nothing short of wiping off your so incredibly well polished demeanor suggesting to me at least that u shouldn’t wait another nanosecond before submitting your resignation even if it turns out that my call for you to take a pay cut may be, “totally off the wall”.


I believe it was Dr. John Pollard suggesting as my PW MD cleaned up at the Turf Club, not that Marie Dion was one of the help, rather her “tattered clothing” causing a number of the well dressed ladies to reexamine their priorities in terms of what turns on some of us folks who have not allowed our formal education to interfere with our learning while having quite the handle on numbers, unzipping members of establishments that foster Emperors without clothes my stock in trade, Sheer lunacy, here we come, agree?


The fact that u didn’t even question exactly what I meant by “risk assessment” meant either your testosterone was simply once again out of control , i.e. not competent to be head of the Del Mar City Council




U were culpable, take your pick!


Good Day,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake.


Ps – Please also let me know your thoughts on how I can introduce in the public record the irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of political corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic Party with direct ties to the California Coastal Commission which I believe grants u folks “authority” to issue things like building permits, which is not to suggest that all the top dogs at the NRCC have whitest of black hands, agree?


Ps I – do u subscribe to conventional wisdom that black hands can lay white eggs?