From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 3:23 PM
To: Glenn Shapiro
Cc: Bernie Black – Stanford Law; Joe Grundfest - Stanford; FBI; Y Smith-National AAA; Diana Henriques- NYTimes; Larry Winokur; JRK;  BB - New York State Bar; Po-Li; Roy Essakow; Valerie Schulte Esq.; Del Mar Times - Editor; Dan Weinstein –Wetherly Capital
RE: Blackened Hands...autoerotic...prostitute...class warfare...Yellow Peril...mastered the victim role


Trust me when I tell u that we r communicating and it has nothing and everything to do with the fact that I am bending over backwards to stay both alive as well as on top of the basic things which trip up man-woman, my still trying to locate my poor BMW Mini Cooper S which was towed back on April 19th by the “Barbarian Motor Works [BMW] Company” [sic].


So far only a Ms. Yolanda Smith of the National AAA has been willing to give me her Email address but I have the names of supposedly 2 other top dogs, Thomas Gwitt who apparently reports to a Jason Black who could possibly be related to Lori “Absolution” Black which is something I don’t recall mentioning to a Ms. Dawn from BMW Roadside Assistance before she hung up on me earlier today.


How, I sumX [sometimes] wonder, does the average Joe Blow get by in this world other than “just upon a smile not fortunate enough to have a “rich-chick” partner-wife such as Marie Dion content to let me spend my days whistling in the wind when and only when surf conditions are so horrible that I come inside to take care of the occasional nuisance bearing in mind that her generosity comes at a hefty price, the moment my body fat exceeds that of my dog Pypeetoe then u could bet your bottom dollar I would be out on my ear, no surprise to sum that G-D gave us “too” [sic] ears and one mouth so that we should listen twice as hard as we speak, both kids yesterday getting a kick out of seeing the bull video by clicking the IN-FINITY sign within the circle on the homepage of NeT when we visited the local Radio Shack store.


And trust me again, I have not cut a strategic alliance deal with Radio Shack, yet.


I was at one point thinking before calling Kenneth Standard Esq. this past Friday well aware that I would most likely reach his wife of making a legal recording of the conversation but I had Marie as a witness to confirm how succinct I was despite the constant artistic distractions of the beach house, my responses to Mrs. Standard’s questions perhaps creating some of the anxiety that Marie only began displaying yesterday although she is the last person in the world to overreact, women have been shown to be far better suited to defending another human being in troubled situations, agree?


Naturally those of the other species who are not as testosterone clad and ill-bred as the biological father of her offspring still listen much better than us normal men, although we do in fact listen better than most women give us credit for, not to forget that as backup I still have my 30 pound SIG [Super Italian Greyhound]+++.


So what does this say about Diana Henriques of the New York Times who failed to respond to this question put to her back on September 1st of last year,  


Question: If a man speaks in a forest and there is only a woman around, is he still wrong?


With that said, I am taking a bigger than usual deep breath this afternoon, my communiqué to Richard Cooper back on October 30th 2003 which can be accessed in the A[M]A hyperlink along with my missive to my mentor, retired U.S. Marine and Navy Officer Amos Wright back on September 9th 2003 indicative of my not altogether laid back style, both rather precise communiqués quite helpful, I would think, to someone such as Larry Winokur of Baker Winokur Ryder, a good friend, who I feel should have first thought of bringing along axel grease before shoving his crap up my rear end, clearly not interested to find out how it came to pass that former Mayor of Los Angeles, Mr. Richard Riordan got “rear ended” by criminals at the highest levels of the Democratic Communist Party.


And if I hear one word




Even pick up on a fart that someone is suggesting that I am a member of the cowardly Republican Party I will vomit, yet again, such intellectual dishonesty in recognizing that I am simply interested in the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me G-D seems acceptable wouldn’t you agree under the United States Constitution?


It possibly that such “shell shocked” individuals perhaps, unaware that our backbone was all geared toward at least a handful of us standing tall, yet to figure out the “unholy alliance” between the bureaucrats in both parties dancing to the tune of political lobbyists bought and paid for more often than not by foreign groups operating within the laws that they have got passed by their bought and paid for lobbyists, again there being absolutely no conspiracy whatsoever at the highest levels of society, such ego maniacs barely standing the sight of their equally greed-cultivated brethren, the breath of fresh air in the form of our great President George W. Bush only coming along once in a while, agree?


To recap ever so briefly:


Richard Cooper became unglued by my simply asking him to give his opinion on an article suggesting that Michael $5 billion Hedge Fund Chief Steinhardt had ties to organized crime.


Steinhardt shrouds himself in “Jewish Orthodoxy” having perhaps the most celebrated Rabbi in the world taking care of the nuptials between his daughter and a fellow Carmel College alumni by the name of David Berman which, in my humble opinion, does nothing more than spread Anti-Semitism all around the world to the point that when another Jewish brother of mine and yours such as Maurice Hank Greenberg hires an Israeli-Jewish person the first thing that comes to the minds of many a good gentile, i.e. Christian, Mormon, “Has-id” [sic] Jew working on 47th Street in New York City serving as the front for the most horrific anything but Jewish organized crime syndicate on the planet in the form of DeBeers, is their reflection of the likes of Rabbi Abner Weiss ducking once again instead of focusing on the real issue which is to never let one evil act pass you by, their justifiable focus, see “Israeli” hyperlink,


Born in Israel, Frenkel from 1987 until 1991 was economic counselor and research director of the IMF.”


And why Mr. Greenberg who I consider to be the most ethical of any top insurance executive in the world I have had either the pleasure of meeting




Speaking with in person would hire right out of Merrill Lynch a


Former University of Chicago economist and Israeli central bank governor Jacob A. author of more than 15 books on international economics”,


leaves me speechless.


The fact that "Jacob Frenkel brings a wealth of distinguished experience to this new position at AIG [American International Group]" is so reminiscent of Michael Steinhardt hiring another Israeli banker by the name of Shimon Topor, not exactly a household name but then again not that many people other than the likes of yours truly are as intimately familiar with how MichaelStone Heart” Steinhardt who started out back in 1967 with seed capital provided by the likes of Richard Cooper’s father, Irving Cooper a one of a kind entrepreneur who I miss very much, managed to build up such an incredible fortune that will almost certainly guarantee that when Steinhardt’s heart stops beating this rogue of Jewish rogues will be buried in one of the Jewish peoples’ most sacred spots, Mount of Olives becoming known by future generations as the choice location for those planning on spending a lifetime perfecting the art of lying, stealing and cheating, having got away enough times to have bought off both the secular as well as the religious leaders engaged in “dance warfare” that has gone on some might argue from the beginning of time, agree?


Not to forget that Merrill Lynch is known for merrily lynching momworker63s, orphans, widows, widowers, ignoramuses etcetera etcetera, nor must I forget that Mr. McDermott of WAMU-SHAMU-SHAME has yet to respond to my latest communiqué to refinance my Santa Monica, California property, that train ride which can be viewed in the 1967 hyperlink while giving me a “leg up” on most 10 year olds at the time, my parents careful not to take the fun out of growing up, has the likes of Michael Steinhardt who disbanded his $5 billion Hedge Fund leaving with a reported $400 million in his back pocket wondering my next chess move while I raise the question of what exactly was Shimon Topor doing all that time before Irving Cooper sent me into the Steinhardt highly secretive organization to do my “due diligence” on the pitiful Steinhardt Divestiture Fund, surprise, surprise that not long after “smoking out” Shimon Topor, Michael Steinhardt decided to hang up his “boxing gloves”, perhaps just another coincidence of being in the right place at the right time?


To repeat back on




Around December 10th 1996, Maurice Hank Greenberg the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AIG made the very quick and smart decision to include Thomas Tizzio, the President of AIG in on our call which in total lasted no more than 20 minutes resulting in the head of AIG’s Merger and Acquisitions group hightailing it out to Las Vegas to meet with me and “kick the tires”, my telling a temporary worker manning the phones for BMW [Bavarian Motor Work-Hard] after Ms. Dawn put the phone down on me that I was giving his boss Mr. Gwitt until 8:20 AM PST which was sum 360 odd minutes ago to respond appropriately otherwise I was going to have Diana Henriques of the New York Times get her ass into high gear and make something good come out,,, of her day other than taking up more space on this already overpopulated planet.


Another nuisance matter I would like to address today other than finding the paperwork to renew my American passport is to take my notes that I began preparing when last in England and send a communiqué to the former manager of our Ccrest Bed and Breakfast café in Minehead, Somerset located right on the Bristol Channel across from Wales which not everyone may know is located in the United Kingdom, again my mother’s United Kingdom telephone number is, direct dialing from the United States of America 011-44-984-6-24-0-88 and don’t forget to say I said, “Hi!and at the same time let her know that I also expect to be left whatever remains of her Love That Pink Revlon lipstick, hi Mr. Debonair JRK and Robert Kaplan Esq, former United States of America Justice Department attorney.


Glen, my decision at this time to broadcast the next missive which may in fact go well beyond 10,000 words which could defeat at least one purpose which is to get Ms. Margaret Moore to simply pay her bills no doubt accomplishable in 30 words




less is based on the following rational:


I have attempted to communicate with members of law enforcement, the most stellar politically positioned people I know of including the most elite of the elitist Lilly-white-wheaty eating business journalists to simply introduce me to those prosecutors supposedlyat war” with Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes and Lerach.


My plan at this time is to give the FBI, in particular, a clearer directive within the 10,000 word and growing missive than the one I gave them back on January 21st after I responded to their question,


Please clarify to whom this email is addressed


Perhaps, their thinking was that I was asking them to help find Marie an alternate “slave” in the event I were to go missing, agree?


U would think someone controlling the “power grid” would examine how it comes to pass that Mr. Dan Weinstein co-managing director of the Wetherly Capital Group [WCG], copied on this missive, manages to be an alternate on the all omnipotent California Coastal Commission, his ties to “organized crime” syndicates apparent I would suggest to the vast majority of 6th graders schooled even here at the Del Mar Hills ELEMENTARY School were they to be presented with the evidence of wrongdoing just a hop-jump-and-a-skip to where I am seated at this time, to mention in passing not a single person willing to sit down with me allowing me to present in person the irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of political corruption relating to the rigging of the elections of the 6th largest economy in the world, these facts alone should be enough for a modern day best selling book, agree?


And remember now I have publicly on at least 2 occasions instructed a member of the California State Bar, Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk who also goes by the alias Mr. Debonair JRK, a named partner of the law firm of Finkelstein and Krinsk to hand over documents he has in safekeeping to the FBI, such documentation having the “dirty paw prints” of the 2 managing directors of the WCG a fronting organization financed by the likes of Ron Burkle whose business partner is former President Bill Clinton, the WCG responsible for masterminding and executing the rigging of the California Gubernatorial elections held on November 8th 2002.


The reason for the deafening silences, not to bar Mr. Kenneth Standard Esq. whose office at the New York State Bar is also copied on this missive, from these all important proceedings, appropriate wouldn’t u agree that everything be aired in a public forum, is the fact that each and every one of these folks if they were to do the right thing is also forced to look inward and what they see is far worse than what I believe a prostitute feels who while being paid exactly what she-he bargained for cannot be certain what may appear next time around the corner, disease




Ending up mutilated of really no concern in this quick fix, get rich quick, quick sex, hi Po-li Pollak,dog eat dog” [sic] world, rather it is the thought of having to come to grips with the fact that so far not a single such named individual is apparently capable of looking themselves in the mirror saying,


I have led a mostly meaningful life”


without vomiting.


Then again, the possibility exists that Mrs. Standard simply got distracted in preparing for her husband being sworn in as the next president of the New York State Bar perhaps my forgetting to mention to the executor of my estate’s mother that Melvyn Weiss Esq. who serves as Professor Aaron BrownNose Brown’s pimp, notice again how quiet this Yeshiva University professor of finance is at this time, has his prostitutes operating within New York State, i.e. who other than the New York State Bar would have the guts to place the likes of Melvyn Weiss Esq. on the shortest of leashes, agree?


Then again once one is as familiar as I am with the wheels within wheels that allows trains to move along brushing aside all who get in their way never thinking that “their” gravy train will end, train smashes limited to those in economy and business class, one never fails to question why the likes of Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes and Lerach would welcome not 1 but 2 Grand Jury investigations there no guarantee that our great President George W. Bush would offer the same sort of pardons as he gave to another of our supposed Jewish brother, Marc Rich’s pardon coming at the 11th hour and 59th minute, better to push things along, act so indignant in public, get puppets such as Lenzner and Lambert of Forbes Magazine to take their best shot while sending so many conflicting signals to the jury pool who get so easily caught up in the loop de loops, the threads of fiction and non-fiction filtered out so meticulously in this “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we are idiotic enough to practice what we preach” [sic].


The likes of Melvyn Weiss, Bill Lerach, Jeffrey R. Krinsk, Howard Finkelstein, Bob Kaplan and the list is really not that large understand full well how so important it is that they be allowed to keep “milking this sacred cow” so as to be “offshore” before the next tidal wave, the “polishing” of profits not continuing “forever”, my lack of knowledge about the specifics of insurance coverages is countered by my thorough understanding of the “risk assessment” business, my ability to be “stiletto like” one minute and “colorful” the next all part of my Bottoms Up Schooling [BUS], not a single living soul on this planet willing to engage me in “open debate” as to why the likes of such an incredibly well run company such as AIG would be so pressurized as to “cook the books” when they have so many other “option plays”, agree?


The world getting smaller and smaller in this Digital Age as we go about “chipping away” at past myths, never to forget Pythagoras’, “This + This = That” as in x²+y²=z² while taking mysticism and superstition out of the equation kept everything in perfect balance, not quite as universal as E=mc², that for “sum” [sic] reason lights up many a face which takes nothing away from the fact that Pythagoras, the very first scientist-mathematician, very likely didn’t understand the workings of artificial light which would include all negative numbers such as the square root of negative one, most kids raised even in an incredibly dysfunctional society as Durban, South Africa would likely recall being told once in a while that an integer is both “real and imaginary” so caught up r we that we fail to c the writing on the wall, agree?


The need to go “back and forth”, gathering evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof, examining the past, moving in to the future requires an understanding of at least the basics of Quantum Mechanics that ties the past and future together in the present, our differences are our strengths,








Neil Graham Gevisser


So catchy the DeBeers slogan, “A Diamond is forever”, nothing worse than being around someone who wakes up one day to find they their supposed “best friend” has been cheating on them, agree?


And when the masses of Americans wake up to how poorly they have been mistreated, not simply losing our young to a war George W. Bush had the courage to confront with so little time left on the clock but rather having to compete against the Chinese so ill-equipped thanks to Bill Clinton’s fixation on having sex in the White House with an “intern




Too” [sic], gave the Chinese who don’t sleep unless having sex enough of a signal to do what they do best, lay railway lines on foreign soil, agree?


Beware of the Yellow Peril, my simply teeing you up to ask my extraordinary mother how much Chinese tea she fed me along with mother’s milk, time to keep one’s chin up, and one’s friends ever so close, agree?


Most folks in power positions while knowing that we are living on borrowed time choose to forget how fortunate they are that their skin has been saved this time around, avoiding tapping into what little remains of their conscience thinking that by ignoring my entreaties when the time comes for them to meet their maker they will have mastered the victim role.






Ps – Don’t be fooled by my displaying the responses of Chip and Larry Winokur for the world to see since, as best I recall, Larry Winokur may be the second person I have said in response to a request not to be made a mockery of,




Perhaps “whipping boy” would be a better choice of words, clearly I still need an editor, I will not add, such folks needing a light journey, to my delete list which currently numbers 20, perhaps 21, and Chip is someone I probably haven’t even met, very possible he-she is the partner of a student of Sebastian Capella.


Such folk wishing to remain in the dark, at least from a superficial standpoint, are not very statistically relevant when one considers the size of my email list not to forget that I believe on average each person receiving a communiqué from me forwards such a missive to at least 10 other people/organizations such folks who I don’t know placing my communiqués on The Internet, bearing in mind, however, I do in fact pay most attention to these nincompoops seemingly indifferent to the cries of the masses since it is essential if I am to reach my target audience of the world’s literate population that I find a way to bring even those with Intelligent Quotients [IQs] of less than say 85 into the fold which is not to suggest that Chip as well as Larry Winokur when combined have an IQ of less than 170, not to suggest at the same time there is conspiracy between these 2 very possibly worldly persons




That they are in love with anyone but themselves, moreover, the fact that there continue to be so many such as Professor Grundfest of Stanford University, former chairman of the SEC [Security Exchange Commission] hunkering down like never before will ultimately be uplifting to the masses who have not allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning, agree?


Not to dismiss altogether Professor Bernie Black of Stanford Law School who I strongly suspect is not the only one checking in from time to time with this hyperlink that can also be accessed in the “Bernie Black” hyperlink which contributes in no small measure to the incredible number of hits my websites are getting, even a genius like Larry Winokur’s would be hard pressed to come across a more infantile looking website than, agree?


Lots to remember and with G-D’s help along with TLC to help pull the kids who have “dik-s” [sic] as parents along, we shall overcome incredible odds, agree?


And who knows maybe what I have planned next for Professor Rabbi Abner “I deeply regret that our contact was severed some time ago Weiss, will have our long time family friend dig deep and get the likes of Michael Steinhardt to wake up to the realities that in this Digital Age, a G-D-Send, no will ever get away “Scott Free”, there being the certainty, at least in my mind, that our Good Almighty SMART G-D will not be as forgiving as our religious “bought and paid 4” [sic] leaders have led so many a congregation to believe.


Ps I – To repeat, it’s not class warfare that I am encouraging by questioning the fairness of the tax codes throughout the world that allows the rich to get richer, the poor when eventually dirt poor to be sent in “harms way”, its class welfare I am questioning.


And I am a member of the favored class, my finding the classless jokes about black people aired on CNN founded by Valerie Schulte Esq.’s lover of 15 odd years as sickening as visualizing Valerie and Ted Turner sticking their awful tongues into each other’s mouths checking out their “cadavers” [sic].


Second, the only people who should pay taxes are the members of the political party since they get more than their taxes back in the form of economic preferences extorted.


Third, the first most self indulgent act is thinking that the number of people at your funeral will be other than determined by the weather, the second most self indulgent act other than Autoerotic Sex, just checking that u r paying attention, is believing you can make a difference.


Fourth, the reasons why u get married are very selfish but the act itself is not because it is a giving act and adds complexity to your life.


Fifth, the myth of education, learning to talk and somehow using that as a substitute for wisdom stems from coming out of university a different idiot than what one went in, but an idiot nevertheless.




-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Shapiro

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:05 AM
Subject: RE: Blackened Hands


Bend over and read this slowly:


When your messages get succinct -- these delete requests will decline


If that feels like a kick -- then we are communicating.



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 6:39 PM
To: Chip
Devin Standard
Subject: RE: Blackened Hands


Chip - I have deleted your name from my email list.


Should u at any time wish to be added back just let me know, otherwise u can always simply go to the home page of and click on “...less said the better” and get a sense why more and more folks in tune with the heartbeat of the universe prefer to get their news from us than perhaps any other media outlet that is not “bought and paid 4” [sic].


And of course at the same time if u think we are doing a good job at encouraging “transparency” which as an artist




Lover of an artist-painter you would know is something to look out for in a good painting then please be my guest and contribute generously to our social cause, such contributions, however, not tax deductible [Federal, State and local], my back at work on a missive to the former 70 year odd operator of our Ccrest Bed and Breakfast Café that could top 10,000 words, my planning on covering subjects such as,  Senator Hilary Clinton...Autoerotica sex...hand and with neighbor...Debonair JRK... puts a bomb...FBI...thank...George W. Bush..", point being if any of this interests u let me know and I will include u along with +




- 1500 other folks that in addition to being a statistically valid representative sampling of the world’s literate population are made up of momworker63s, orphans, widows, widowers, pensioners, nincompoops, complete ignoramuses, the Wetherly Capital Group responsible for masterminding and executing almost to perfect the rigging of the California Gubernatorial elections held on November 8th 2002, Professor Joe Grundfest, a Stanford University Professor and former Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission, etcetera etcetera





-----Original Message-----
From: Chip
Monday, May 10, 2004 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: Blackened Hands


Hi Gary,


Is there some reason I keep getting cc'd on your emails?





----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser

To: Jodi Ruiz

Cc: ; Jeffrey W. Steele ; Ghurst

Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 2:20 PM

Subject: Blackened Hands


Attention: Jodi Ruiz – Paralegal for James C. Ashworth Esq. and Katherine Ashworth Esq.


Dear Jodi,


Please inform the Ashworth-Forsyth family...