From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:30 PM
To: Robert Lenzner, Forbes Magazine
Cc: rest; FBI
Subject: FW: Next Symposium {:}...---...skirt...---...{:}



Robert, the sooner u and the rest of your colleagues stop “dragging your heels” the greater the likelihood we can all rest in peace with the big time “hoods” sitting in prison.


How many of your Lilly-white-wheaty-eating cronies who feed u folks so much bs day and night, feeding mostly its seems your testosterone having u rise early every morning pointed in the “write direction” [sic]




[Non-sic], do u think,,, actually get to sit in the back of this bus, worried about being blah blah, do u think as bad




Good as being ROBBED




How about MOBBED?


I assume u like anyone with a “healthy mind, healthy body” feels real good about yourself each and every morning without feeling the need to “pull punches”, in the words of Devin Standard,




Spot on!

Not much more can be said?

Any, and all moral highground is undermined if the minute one's proprietary

skin has been saved, one turns a blind eye to lesser, equivalent, or

greater evil. The fact that the gift of one's life has been spared

obligates one to, if not ruthlessly wield the sword of righteousness, to

at the very least, shine a light into the dark corners where evil

manifests. Otherwise you are abetting the Devil you've recently dodged. Cheers, D



Which came in response to this,



Subject: Re: ?If I am not for myself who is 4 me? And if I am only 4

myself, who am I? If not now, then when?



Good evening,


Gary S. Gevisser



Ps – Unless u are in tTOoLib


or” [sic] at this time I am hard-pressed to come up with any excuse that would satisfy my audience?


Ps I - I assume u have by this time run my material further up the pole, does the name Steve Forbes mean anything to you, what about the deafening silences of the NRCC who got a heads up a good one week be4 the California Gubernatorial elections that they were “rigged”?


Ps II - Just so that u know who u r dealing with, not just me but a rather worldly world audience, don’t be moronic in suggesting anything more stupid along the lines of “what does AIG have to do with the price of eggs?”, i.e. More than a handful of folks these days understand remarkably well that the game life is like the game of chess getting your opponent to play to your advantage, leverage being the name of this game and by me not being born just yesterday, walking off a ship with more than just the shirt on my back unlike my terrific grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser I am well-equipped to educate the masses with




Without your assistance.


Ps III - Why test my patience when I already have the numbers all figured out, u r long in enough in the tooth to know that it was the “cover up” that tripped up Nixon, No Devil Lived On=No Devil Lived On?



-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sunday, March 21, 2004 5:40 PM
Derrick Beare (
Cc: rest
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...---...skirt...---...{:}