Start reading from the bottom up!



From: Gary S. Gevisser 
Tuesday, November 2, 2004 5:30 PM PT
Cc: rest; FBI; Tony Unruh;
Subject: Pull out all stops! ...1652 the year the Dutch East India Company discovered the
Cape of Good Hope?


Dear Mr. President, just this very minute, 5:10 PM PT, it starting to get a little chilly on the deck of my friend’s house with the most incredible view of the Pacific “Oshon” [sic], our 12 year old JoNathan calling to let me know that they had a “mock election” at his public school and Kerry-HEINZ won, “but there were a lot of us who voted for Bush”.


Having Mrs. Theresa-John HEINZ Kerry in the White House will in fact bring down the house of cards and those common folks in places like Peru supporting the share price of our multinational public companies may end up having to fend for themselves once again, unlikely HEINZ-Kerry will have the stomach to take up arms against a grass roots organization, agree?


Quite a balancing act assuming HEINZ-Kerry has the bulk of their assets in Heinz stock whose Price/Earnings ratio is around 16 not much different to Coca Cola, both public companies’ P/E substantially below that of the average public corporation and again in my very credible opinion both company stocks r significantly overvalued, either way Mr. JRK fully understands that he is in a no-win situation if in fact again he does not pull out all stops to see u re-elected, agree?


This past Saturday due to my Ducati ST4s’ ignition malfunctioning I missed the party celebrating the 80th birthday of our neighbor Ms. Mary Imogene Evans Johnson in the family’s historical home built in 1887 by Mary’s great-grandfather, Samuel Church Smith. According to the invitation, Mr. Smith’s, “portrait hangs in the parlor, where Mary’s grandparents, Lillian Smith and James Graham Reeder, were married on May 18, 1887. Mary’s mother, Marion Graham Reeder Evans celebrated her ninetieth birthday here in 1985.


A number of things of importance took place in each of lives back in 1985, doubtful any of us could really argue convincingly about why what happened to one of us was more important than the person next door, rich or poor, famous or not, but I think we may all eventually agree that the introduction of Aspartame around this time in to our diet may be the single event to have us all now find common ground because if we don’t wake up soon to the “writing on the wall” there really won’t be any point to us even wasting time sitting around a table bullshitting which u may now be tired of hearing was first suggested at our most recent party, to mention little of once again Mary Johnson’s father deciding to leave California for Ohio fed up with us crybabies after he was nearly killed by a man committing suicide, jumping for his life out of a building in of all places Los Angeles, the City of Angels having apparently lost everything of importance back in the crash of 1929, again to the best of my knowledge not a single human being actually jumped out of a building on Wall Street which says everything about the brain damage done to those who invest in lost causes like the Democratic Communist Party, agree?


Risk Assessment is my business.


May the good Almighty SMART G-D bless u and keep u.


Yours respectfully,


Gary S. Gevisser


Ps – I only glanced thru what TU sent me this past Saturday picking up on the words “traitor” and “coward” and I kept thinking that maybe my China TU will see the light just like Adam Tucker and throw in the name Marc Rich, but again I could have missed this scoundrel’s name, again and again what to make of Rich’s pardoning at the 11th hour and 59th minute by another scoundrel who trashed our Constitution.


Interesting that TU chose to copy Roy Essakow on this email, Mr. Essakow again is someone I have known since kindergarten who has yet to advise me when he will be providing us with his trades as well as telephone logs when hanging with fugitive Marc Rich in Zug, Switzerland, Marc Rich, in my humble opinion, having done more to strengthen oil despots, i.e. weaken both the defenses of the United States as well as Israel, our strongest ally in the area, than even someone like Dr. Jonathan Pollard, the not all that bright American-Israeli spy who to the best of my knowledge remains here in the U.S. in solitary confinement.


Again I will repeat the Post Scripts at the start of this missive that began this past Friday evening.


Ps – Back on January 25th the FBI replied to an email of mine with the following:


Please clarify to whom this email is addressed to.


Thank you - San Diego FBI


I will suggest once again that they do whatever they think is appropriate assuming their mandate remains to “investigate” and then inform The Commander in Chief and for your publicist to begin making the case to those Jewish people particularly the elderly in Florida why they owe u today a great debt of gratitude for having already very possibly saved the world, such a long overdue briefing in my humble opinion making certain that u have sufficient numbers of folks on the ground conversant in sign language just in case they begin behaving mute, and I see no reason why they shouldn’t be handed this missive-mission titled:


Find Gary S. Gevisser, A NAME FROM HERE YOU CAN TRUST OVER THERE just one current or former member of Israel’s Flotilla 13 commando unit who would even dream of supporting Mrs. John HEINZ Kerry after they have engaged The Rattlesnake in “open debate”.


It is one thing to live out the remainder of one’s life in denial but another altogether in the lap in luxury so illogically supportive of the Democratic Communist Party who many supposedly Jewish people prefer to believe supports the common man, agree?


There is nothing common or for that matter comical about a handful of our Jewish brothers and sisters providing back at the time of Nazi Holocaust the backbone to the DeBeers Diamond Cartel delivering with precision timing the critical diamond tipped drilling bits that gave the Nazi Military Machine it’s competitive advantage to mention little of the vitally important “Terms of Sale” until such time as mostly G-D fearing Christian North Americans and their Canadian brothers and sisters stepped in with the likes of my amazing father dive-bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards in an effort to help out those mostly devoid of hope, their imaginations going up in the most unimaginable smoke stacks of the slave-murder camps, enough to make u vomit uncontrollably when realizing that the same organization with the same grass roots Jewish support continues to this very day perpetuating the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time taking place post WW2 in DeBeers Consolidated Mines’ backyard of South Africa, the country of my birth.


Ps I – Between now and when the voting polls close on election day I will be doing everything in my power to increase the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day.


Ps II – It would be nice Mr. President at some point perhaps when u join on as a founding member of the Clean Water Fund project 4 u to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the incredible economic mess former President Bill Clinton left on the Oval Office desk that when visiting this past summer I failed to notice The Buck Stops Here sign but then again I was constantly being distracted by this one incredibly smart and beautiful FBI agent doing one amazing job of staying one step ahead of me as I searched to find sticky sperm spots that may have been missed by Clinton’s maid, how else to describe Senator Hilary Clinton who picks up so well after her scoundrel husband who trounced on our Constitution no different to the Kennedys beginning with his pointed filthy index finger, “That Woman!”


Incredible that u who surrounds yourself with the best and brightest, none of us having totally white hands, demonstrating most of all a willingness to accept differing opinions as opposed to the most incredibly weak underlings that former President Bill Clinton played pong with, no doubt his wet behind the collar pipsqueaks deriving great satisfaction in looking the other way as he trampled over the rights of employees in the work place to mention little of the double standard of court marshalling members of our armed forces who commit adultery, moreover what it means to the youth when the President of the United States of America commits perjury, lying under oath, nothing quite like the scoundrel’s efforts to subvert justice, to mention little of how sickening will it be to have that incredibly ugly Mrs. Theresa HEINZ Kerry hosting parties for likes of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Krinsk, agree?


The saving grace, however, would be each and every one of us on this planet up to speed on my missives getting quite entertained thinking about the wet dreams Mrs. Theresa HEINZ Kerry has when she envisions having once again “under the table” sex with Mr. Debonair JRK, agree?


It all comes down to values and who u can trust in this “Dog eat God” [sic] world, agree?


Rest assured the vast majority of people in this world who understand both the real as well as the metaphysical world, that which goes around comes around but with a vengeance are counting on u to do the right thing for the general good which includes calling for an immediate suspension in the trading of shares of public corporations for reasons that require no further explanation than what I have stated in previous broadcasted missives.


Again I “know” versus “believe” with each tick of the almighty powerful clock my writings r being increasingly understood by the vast majority of the world’s literate population. 


[word count 1652]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, November 2, 2004 4:50 PM
Cc: rest; FBI; Tony Unruh
Subject: Love of money




Dear Mr. President, again don’t fret, design everywhere, u can count on me that in the end all will work out just fine.


In the meantime I will get back to telling u a little about the little I know about Mr. Tony Unruh who I have known some 30+ years, TU’s failure, however, to address the “proof” I have been providing about us Jewish people being complicit in our own Holocaust, the same group of Jewish people complicit in the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time taking place post WW2 in TU and my backyard of South Africa, his pitiful distraction techniques forwarding me other peoples’ emails speaking volumes, ear shattering, however, when compounded with the conversations I have been having the past several days with Mr. Amos P. Wright a retired U.S. Marine and Navy Officer during WW2 who worked for the only man to have beaten John D. Rockefeller at his “own game” to mention little of Amos being on the Mount McKinley, an amphibious group command vessel that housed the U.S. Marine General as well as the Navy Admiral in charge of Marine landings, imploring each and every one on the ship to kneel in prayer as the Japanese fleet headed south from Japan, the “writing on the wall” rather clear in terms of how “outgunned” we were in the Letey Gulf just south of Philippines, and for reasons yet to be explained the Japanese fleet turned back, all this again should have u smiling ear to ear, agree?


Watching every step I make at this time r a handful of people like Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of law firm Finkelstein & Krinsk, Mr. JRK is someone I have only known as mentioned earlier since the spring of 1999 but someone who understands me and I in turn understand Mr. JRK far better than I could say the same about TU and me.


Mr. JRK knows that I could do with an editor or “tTOo” [sic] but there is this thing called credibility something TU in my opinion is not only void of but much more importantly at this time it is TU’s tactics I can assure u that make Mr. JRK cringe since again Mr. JRK and I have done quite a bit of business together the same cannot be said of TU and me, TU as well as his accountant brother, lets just say, way, way out in left field.


It does not take a rocket scientist familiar with the rather “classified” business of SCALs [Shareholder Class Action Lawsuits] the specialty of Finkelstein & Krinsk to recognize what someone such as myself gaining “competitive advantage” over the airwaves thanks to the likes of TU can do to upset their “pong games”.


It is all about the money trail something I am rather expert at and why someone such as Mr. JRK, a major if not the major fundraiser for the Democratic Communist Party here in southern California would bring me, The Rattlesnake, “into the fold”, Mr. JRK and his arch rivals, Milberg Weiss-Lerach’s love of money supersedes their “love of country” my now, with this very communiqué letting Mr. JRK know that should in fact he FAIL to pull out all stops to see u re-elected come election day I will pull out all stops to not only stop his and his arch rivals gravy train but rich and poor alike will understand it is nothing personal, just pure economics at work, my simply wanting to avoid a precipitous decline in the stock markets around the world that would benefit greatly the likes of F&K at least in the short term which is really what people who have no kids care only about no different to the “brainne dead” [sic] like TU.


To be continued...


Good Evening,


Gary S. Gevisser


The Rattlesnake





From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 3:36 PM
Cc: rest; FBI;
Subject: FW: Next Symposium {:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fixe...stuff...1960"


Dear Mr. President – You’re surely not discouraged by Ron Bellows, an AIG risk management executive possibly “fenced in” by both his boss, Maurice Hank Greenberg and Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York, emailing me, “We may have reached an impass in pt of view here - which will require some face to face discussion - possibly in decembers trip out west” in reference to my 3rd point in an email detailing a mathematical oddity that captures the imagination of all those particularly the young who have not let their formal education interfere with their learning.


Instead I would be willing to bet my bottom dollar that u r right this very minute smiling from “ear to ear” as we move at “light speed” to stuff those beginning with those disgusting Kennedys who stuffed the ballot boxes in the 1960 Presidential election leading to the rat of all rats Robert F. Kennedy becoming Attorney General of United States, his complicity in The Diamond Invention a mark of shame not just on us Jewish people who the DeBeers Diamond Cartel have seen fit to “use and abuse” for “sum” [sic] time, time tho, has yet to stand still and for us all to pray that G-D-Speed lights up the way for my Jewish brothers and sisters in the all important State of Florida to get with the program and vote their conscience, agree?


No longer can they hide behind myths and innuendos in terms of who exactly financed our Holocaust of all Holocausts at least up thru the end of WW2, the same bunch of anything but Jewish South African Oppenheimers going on, using their ill-gotten gains from having “serviced” the Nazi Military War Machine to create the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time beginning in 1948 in my backyard of South Africa, agree?


RFK’s trip to South Africa in our summer of 1966 a rather Black mark on each and every one of us on this planet who was alive at the time, particularly those of us Lilly White Wheaty Eating Jewish South Africans in particular who were in a position to do something about this evil of evils that continues to this day unabated.


Mr. President, I will continue after another short break beginning with explaining more about Mr. Tony Unruh who must simply be pitied at this time, no where near as well “home schooled” as me to know “right from wrong” my willingness at this time, as painful as it is, to take on family members who as I have stated time and again were far better than most of the Lilly White Wheaty eating lightweights I got to know rather well in the 21 odd years I lived in South Africa, is as a result of us for the very first time in recorded history to while setting the record straight, begin to build a whole new world order based on truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help each of us G-D.


To be continued...


Yours respectfully,


Good Evening,


Gary S. Gevisser


The Rattlesnake



Ps – None of our audience should forget that there cannot be even the possibility of us sitting around a table bullshitting without there being security and for u to have left it up to my Israeli brothers and sisters to take care of Saddam Hussein would have created, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a whole more risky world than Ron Bellows who I still consider the number one risk management person in the world, even if handcuffed at this time, incapable of getting his arms around the collateral damage, the result of even a highly skilled and experienced Israeli commando belonging to Flotilla 13, the most elite of Israel’s special forces, “calling it wrong”, agree?


Not every single Israeli child is painstakingly raised on kibbutzim like my good friend Guy Friedman, agree?


How can we forget it was one of our Israeli Jewish brothers from an orthodox University who chose to take the law into his own hands and murder in cold blood our Israeli Prime Minister who dared to give peace a chance, agree?


Bear in mind, most importantly, again and again and again that while Israel may very well sit on the most sophisticated nuclear weaponry it has, again beyond a shadow of a doubt, lost it’s “first strike capability” the “blueprint” of its very fragile democracy, agree?


Never also to forget the year, 1948, when Israel became the first and only Democracy in the Middle East, the same year the South African Oppenheimer family instituted into power the Nationalist Nazi Party who exercised their “diamond tipped iron fists” in wrecking havoc on tens of millions of peoples, in my humble opinion the world’s most colorful, agree?


Nor should we forget it is time to hold off on producing children ad-infinitum given the number of orphans this world already has to mention little of procreating being the most incredible selfish act given how we r no longer in a “race for survival”, agree?


And more on point, I think Mr. Bellows who still disagrees “we” could own the world insurance market in 7 days or less would not put up much of a fight if I were to suggest that I know of no one other than myself capable of “assessing risk”, the security risk when coupled with the “off the charts” risks in the financial markets enough to humble the smartest amongst us, agree?


Then again I have yet to engage in open debate with Dr. Jonathan Beare who I consider to be one of the very best financial engineers in the world, certainly in my humble opinion the cash richest person in the world who understands, I am quite certain, that if in fact I survive, i.e. remain “compos mentis” [sic] thru the summer of next year I will more likely than not, be ahead of him to die the richest person in the grave, leaving my heirs made up of “us” to “fight it out”, agree?


My sense is, however, once we get the founding members of our Clean Water Fund to sign off on this epic of epic projects guaranteed to succeed Mr. Bellows will in fact change his “point of view” that “i see no way to own any part of the ins mkt ( never mind all of it ) in 7 or 70 days - but alas i am a pessemist, bearing in mind my very dear good friend has yet to even comment on the rather remarkable overview of the CWF that was put together by Dr. Rod Smith with good insight first provided by my rather ingenious Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion with me throwing in my “tTOo” [sic] pennies, thank u again, Commissioner Pennie M. Carlos, Mr. Bellows focusing, I would wager a penny, at this very precise moment anticipating my next move to reach Spitzer just in the event Mr. JRK has not managed to “pull out all stops”, agree?


[Word count 1177]



-----Original Message-----
Adam Tucker
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Next Symposium {:}...{:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fix...stuff...1960"


Why weren't u this concise a month ago? I will be forwarding this to my friends, I don't know what their reactions will be but hopefully there is still time to reach them... I will be voting this evening with Julia.


Bush 222

Kerry 207


looks good so far



----- Original Message -----


From: Gary S. Gevisser  
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:50 PM
Cc: rest; George Money Talks Hurst Esq.; FBI Subject: Next Symposium {:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fix...stuff...1960From: Gary S. Gevisser 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:50 PM
Cc: rest; George Money Talks Hurst Esq.; FBI
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fixe...stuff...1960"


To be continued ...


Mr. President, let me indulge u and our audience once again in recapping a number of things be4 I get into telling u a little more about Mr. Tony Unruh, it important not so much that u read each and every word I write but to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your primary adversaries, the financial backers of Kerry-HEINZ while shaking to their core with each character I place in print r in fact praying at this very precise moment in time that u not only win but that u win by a landslide, the likes of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk getting little comfort as they have in the past when young, enthusiastic people pick up on possible shenanigans that distract them from how the likes of Mr. JRK who make a good deal of money going after big time Wall Street crooks engage in the very same crooked tactics, the idea of it “takes a thief to catch a thief” interesting conversations when sitting around a table bullshitting no longer able to carry much weight as the likes of me, the “ultimate insider” shed light on the distracting techniques of the Democratic Communist Party bosses who make their ill-gotten gains principally off big government primarily in the “entitlement” area of both Federal and State budgets, the game of life like the game of chess getting your opponent to play to your advantage now not only in full swing but being understood with each tick of the almighty powerful clock by even the Lumpen proletarians.


Should the forces of light prevail and u win by even the slimmest of margins, china TU, in my humble opinion, will be deserving of full credit, more so than anyone else given how his deafening silences vis si vi his failure to answer a handful of relatively simple questions regarding his poor breeding, continue to speak volumes, now having the likes of Mr. JRK cringe, piercing short-circuits creating more of a vacuum of space between their ears, so so sad them increasingly less capable of hearing Ching Ching.


The failure of his German parents to address in an honest manner how it was in fact us Jewish people through the 10 “front line” Jewish diamond merchants that provided the DeBeers Diamond Cartel the wherewithal to not only supply the Nazi German Military Machine with its much needed diamond drilling bits both prior to and throughout WWII but at least equal in importance was how this out-of-control monopoly in creating the most fictitious money imaginable, far more egregious than any central money bank like the Federal Reserve which is at least mandated to exercise, “good judgment”, did nothing short of finance our own Holocaust, pale in comparison, however, with the mass enslavement, torture and murder that awaited tens of millions of Black-colored peoples throughout not just Africa but around the world, thanks to Robert F. Kennedy, my extraordinary mother’s most out-of-control client, who while Attorney General of the United States of America tasked with enforcing violators of our sacrosanct Anti-Trust laws kowtowed to his benefactors, my uncle David Gevisser’s main benefactor, the American Charles Engelhard and the South African Oppenheimer family, the co-conspirators of The Diamond Invention to mention little of the educational light journeys I am taking the likes of TU on pale in comparison to what awaits your competitor and his out-of-control money making machine, Mr. JRK, a very “skilled and experiencedSCAL [Shareholder Class Action Litigator] right this very moment knowing perfectly well not only am I “firing straight”, far “tTOo” [sic] late in this chess game of chess games to take any prisoners, having him and his arch rivals, the 2,000 pound gorilla law firm of Milberg Weiss-Lerach in nothing short of “check mate”, agree?


Mr. President, they have simply no way out, the idea of giving anyone in this “dog eat god” [sic] world an escape hatch simply defies logical thought processing given the propensity of those who have stolen the most, having built into their cost of goods sold the cost of getting caught coming back time and again to pull off stunt after stunt, light journeys the only option for those who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning, agree?


No doubt Mr. JRK’s one buddy Dr. Paul Tierstein considered, according to Mr. JRK, in the top 3 cardiologists in the world seeing at least briefly an opportunity to make another killing as he thrusts in to the deadening arteries of these scoundrel SCALs one stent after the next, and for my so “fast and loose” talkative pals Dr. Teirstein and Mr. JRK just to ponder their navels reflecting back on when we all met for the very first time in the spring of 1999 at the Matre D. restaurant in La Jolla, California where Mr. JRK’s named partner Mr. Howard Finkelstein, a former United States Attorney was not allowed entry since he was, and to the best of my knowledge, still remains on this overrated restaurant’s “banned” list together with the “art” lesson “gifted” to Dr. Paul “TechnicianTierstein by my Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion wearing for the one and only time this red feathered hat, enough for each of them including their wifeys to have at the count of 3 the grandest of heart attacks, agree?


Couldn’t happen, however, to better bunch of scoundrels, to mention little of the only name u see copied on this continuing one of a kind missive besides for the San Diego Chapter of the FBI is Mr. George Money Talks Hurst Esq. the lawyer-liar for Dr. John Ben Stewart, my CPW Marie Dion’s former husband who is now on notice, come the sooner of my death-incapacitation and next July I will have posted up on the Internet for the world to see and judge for themselves why I consider Dr. JBS and his pitiful band of supporters made of Ms. Kathryn Murry, Mr. King Golden Jr Esq., Dr. JBS’ on-off girlfriend Ms. Dawn “Castlmean” [sic] a typist at the lawyer-liar law firm of Milberg Weiss-Lerach as well as Money Talks the most dangerous group of people on this earth who should be under surveillance, in my humble opinion, 24/7, agree?


So important, Mr. President to pay attention to the deafening silences around me as well as the disclosures I have been making in the course of the past 72 hours, connecting up the dots on a number of important issues of the day including why someone like Ted Turner would trust a lawyer-liar like Valerie Schulte Esq. of the National Association of Broadcasters, to share with me how one can by feigning mental illness hoodwink one’s bankers allowing the CNN network with its mighty broadcasting capability to employ an idiot Jewish person like Larry King Live, my credibility again Mr. President is much more, however, than heresy, the disclosures earlier this morning about Mr. Maurice Hank Greenberg being possibly in possession of my irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of political corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic Communist Party with very possible tie ins with senior members of the Republican party simply cannot be ignored, agree?


Come tomorrow morning no matter who wins I will be making Mr. Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York, with or without the help of big talker Dr. John Cotter an offer he simply cannot refuse.


Right now I am sitting atop the cliffs overlooking the Pacific “Oshon” [sic] with my dog Pypeetoe soaking in both the incredible fresh ocean swept air along with the amazingly hot sun, just immediately to the left of this photo, just to the right of a jungle gym where my 88 year old friend Gene does his daily 100+ pull-ups.


In a short while I will be visiting with my very good friend continuing this missive that I know will lead to Mr. JRK doing the right thing for the general good not because he is on the “side of light” but because he has now run out of space to move, i.e. zero options when time, motion and space all come together, the past, the future all coming together in the present, agree?


Either way Mr. JRK’s money making machine days are over, by him failing to pull out all stops to get u elected despite him throwing everything he could including his wealth to unseat u, come tomorrow morning when I wake up and u r not in the White House for another 4 years I will begin instituting measures around the world that will bring a precipitous end to his business model, my ability to “stabilize” the stock markets thereby interfering with his business model which is dependant on “regulated” movements in the financial markets which requires an extraordinary level of trust not something which one can say with the straightest of faces gets handed down from one generation to the next, precipitous drops in the share price of public companies so very very important to keep the top dogs happy, happy, happy.


No matter what the outcome of today’s Presidential race I guarantee that u will be blessed with a continuous stream of smiles, us just moments in the space of time when every single literate human being will be up to speed with what it means to “turn the other cheek” to the sufferings of others all “in love with money” versus continuously seeking spirituality which to fully appreciate does require a basic understanding of science and mathematics at the highest levels, so very much at odds no matter what one’s intellect with “quick fixes”, agree?


By Kerry-HEINZ winning the SCALs will be able to play out their “windfalls” for a little less longer than if u win, the resignation stage that follows the denial stage all about grabbing as much as one can as quickly as possible and then I will unleash a series of Perfect Storms that will have them disappearing altogether, not able to show their face in public, Fools Names, Fools Faces in Public places, the winds of change very much in the air for likes of Mr. Debonair JRK.


Furthermore, should the fix be “tTOo far” [sic] set in, neat to know that there is another Perfect and Complete Set of numbers such as the 4 digits 1421, I would be most happy to nominate u as a founding member of our Clean Water Fund project.


To be continued...


Good Morning,


Gary S. Gevisser


The Rattlesnake



Ps – The most amazing things have already happened today, so far 2 people with beachfront properties here in Del Mar have offered to “put me up” until such time as Pypeetoe and I find permanent digs, one incredibly beautiful and sexy lady letting me know that I could have full use of her front deck, both Pypeetoe and I also having full access to her amazing house so generous in helping ourselves to whatever is in the incredibly stuffed refrigerator as long as I don’t mention her name in my book Manager Minute One and it would not surprise me when she returns later this afternoon letting me know as she departed, “I should be back by 2 and if u want to rest up feel free to make use of any of the 5 bedrooms” that in addition to providing me with her name she might very possibly hand over her credit card.


Moreover, a prior landlord of mine when seeing the other incredibly beautiful woman taking pity on me and my poor street dog Pypeetoe let me know that he thought he could arrange for me to rent the most prized property in all of Del Mar.


[Word count 1960]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Friday, October 29, 2004 5:40 PM
Cc: rest; FBI;; Tony Unruh
Subject: This missive in the right hands will guarantee u a landslide victory.


Dear Mr. President,


I will accept that White House staff considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns but may I suggest they also consider the remaining citizens of the world not altogether “brainne dead” [sic].


So very important that your staff be properly equipped to examine the deafening silences focusing like any master painter on the “negative space” so as not to get caught up in the colorful distractions “part and parcel” of the subject matter, not so much a “Diamond is a girl’s best friend” but what has I “know” versus “believe” struck the most incredible raw nerve in your adversaries, my statement this past Wednesday to the wife of my friend Sidney Abelski Esq., the son of “tTOo” [sic] holocaust survivors:


Once again it is a very gentile and balanced man in the White House saving our bacon, were it not for the vast majority of G-D Fearing Christian Americans Israel would be on its own to deal with an enemy it no longer has the advantage of “first strike capability” and then where would we all seek refuge given how all the top spots on Mt. of Olives have been set aside for big time crooks clothed in religious trappings, agree?


The fact that through pure logical thought processing I have managed to convince Mr. Adam Tucker one of my programmers to vote for u this coming Tuesday while no doubt making u feel pretty good is tantamount to a death sentence for your adversaries best reflected in Mr. Tony “China” Unruh’s non-response response of his to my rather precise articulation of the extent his German parents fiddled him uplifting I believe even to the Lumpen proletarians as I shivered to death some 4,000 feet above sea level clothed lightly, my dog Pypeetoe and I kept warm by Maggie our Chocolate Labrador both dogs getting an honorable mention in court last week.


May I begin in explaining this “raw nerve” bit that should light up the way to a stunning victory by having u go back to 1905 when Albert Einstein first began to prove out his theories of what causes the cosmos to rock in perfect synchronicity around the same time I suspect United States Justice Department officials invigorated by the courageous journalist Ida Tarbel leading the way in ripping apart John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil began to examine the insidious dealings of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel.


So what exactly has held up the Feds from nailing shut the coffin of the most criminal enterprise in the history of our species responsible for the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time beginning with the relatively small number of my Jewish brothers and sisters murdered during WW2, our numbers of enslaved, tortured and murdered pale in comparison to what DeBeers Consolidated Mines managed to accomplish in their own backyard of South Africa post WW2, be4 cookie cutting their “tried and proving” winning formula wherever diamonds clustered?


Such brilliant precision on the part of DeBeers Consolidated Mines perhaps of the same magnitude as Einstein arriving at “The Mind of G-D” like Pythagoras with his Right Angle Triangle Theorem some 2500 years prior taking all mysticism and superstition out of the equation, applying the highest levels of science fortunate enough to have at his side Mr. Grossman providing the critical mathematics affording the smooth transition from Special to General Relativity that has now stood for almost a 100 years the most rigorous of direct experiments, GR tuning upside down the standard of Newton’s mass being a constant, a mainstay of the scientific community for “sum” [sic] 400 years, agree?


Again, other than the fact that Ida Tarbell is no longer with us what other excuse do we have for ignoring the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time aided and abetted by the highest ranking members of the United States Justice Department other than the fact that such officials deserve an incredible round of applause for doing such a marvelous job of distracting each and every one of us or so it seems in this “Dog eat God” [sic], smitten by absolutely brilliant gorilla marketing?


Not so incredible tho, when one examines every facet of how smart lawyers-liars have assembled in the United States Capital compared to when Congress felt compelled to break up Standard Oil, failing miserably despite the most incredible advances in technology to keep track of the all important money trail to pick apart the DeBeers Diamond Cartel who in broad daylight have taken over all of 47th Street just a “hop-jump-and-a-scotch” [sic] from 26th and Broadway where John D. Rockefeller after continually lowering his head incapable of responding to the blows of Ms. Tarbell eventually collapsed in to a heap of tears at Standard Oil’s headquarters, never showing his face, fools names, fools faces in public places, this miserable specimen’s offspring thinking that by joining the Democratic Communist Party they could assuage their guilt, promoting policies that destroy economic opportunity for those who are trying to make a living, agree?


Well some might argue those snack bars and a handful of pitiful restaurants offering BLTs, my one relation’s favorite, provide a hook for rich democrats so self absorbed to hang their hats on, façade of free enterprise at work, agree?


So incredibly superficial have we as a people become thanks again to those mostly lawyer-liars in all of our capitals, not just in Washington DC and Sacramento, California but throughout the world, then again there is Arnold and u, agree?


I would always wonder why Mr. Rappeport of the Rappaport Diamond Report an orthodox Jewish person who helps “fix” the pricing of wholesale diamonds, like most going “back and forth” as well as “up and down” the elevators of high security buildings lining this one of a not so kind street just off main street as in Avenue of the America’s and 5th Avenue in New York City couldn’t find another organization other than Codiam Inc. to hang with who perhaps not Jewish when eating their bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches would be “sumwhat” [sic] less hypocritical, agree?


Then again I was thinking at the time back in 1980 of a number of different things mostly just regaining my strength having come down with a rare disease that eventually had me returning to South Africa for treatment and while recuperating going “back and forth” between Capetown on the Atlantic and Durban on the Indian “Oshon” [sic] I began to think more about the circumstances of what got me in to the inner sanctums of this incredibly evil underworld never once hearing the likes of Dan Rather conduct an exhaustive investigation if he were say in charge of the United States Justice Department noticing in his infinite wisdom when walking by 47th Street to his command post at CBS’ headquarters further up the west side of “Madhatten” [sic] the cluster of my Jewish brothers and sisters, agree?


How difficult would it really be for such an observant newsman to single out someone like Mr. Rapaport with his so well broadcasted Rappaport Report and to bribe him say with a corn beef on rye sandwich to spill the beans, agree?


Can u just imagine breathing in the foul air right this very moment if u happened to be walking anywhere near the vicinity of 47th street in NYC?


And yes Mr. President I am calling right this very minute for all G-D-Fearing people to boycott 47th street until such time as Mr. Nicholas Oppenheimer of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel not only fesses up but digs deep into his pocket book.


Quite understandably the more I thought about finding another Ida Tarbell the healthier I got but then word came from my relation Stephen “BLT” Cohen the top dog of Codiam Inc. that my services were no longer needed.


So was Mr. Cohen, a close relation of my uncle David Gevisser the “male heir” of Charles Engelhard the co-conspirator in the Diamond Invention a mind reader or had someone else within my family “tipped their hand” in terms of the myriad of questions I had been expressing during my recuperation again shuffling back and forth between Capetown and Durban eventually finding Dr. Michael Moshal who at age 44 was a G-D-Send, the gastroenterologist of gastroenterologists, dead tho at age 45 due to lung cancer never once having smoked a cigarette?


The cigarette debacle is another of the great distractions courtesy of the pharmaceutical companies and their “bought and paid 4” doctors knowing how much such a non-contagious disease cuts into their profits, nothing quite like folks dying young, no band-aid solutions to keep them ticking on and on, NO DEVIL LIVED ON=NO DEVIL LIVED ON, agree?


So what’s with slogans like “A Diamond is Forever” and our fixation of “saving life and limb” at the expense of the next generation as the older generation selfishly produce offspring given the fact we r no longer in a “fight for survival” against the other animal species, so fricken full of themselves r the vast majority of aging population who didn’t take care of their G-D-Given bodies, kept alive again and again by the greedy and rapacious pharmaceutical companies and their “bought and paid 4” [sic] doctors now thanks to yours truly feeling the heat of their hypocrisy, the Hippocratic oath now very much under the spotlight as the youth who r all our futures begin to examine in earnest what they have left to build upon as our elders from generation after the next have mortgaged their future, agree?


And so as I began to methodically examine members of my immediate family while keeping track of the incredulity of the United States Justice Department failing to nail shut the coffin of this one cancer that has the world hooked on one distraction after the next, the pursuit of the brass ring at any cost, my noticing most of all the damage being done mostly to the favored class, especially their offspring having to deal with the burdens of inheritance something they didn’t bargain 4 when exiting their mother’s womb, agree?


Obviously there was more going on than meets the eye when it comes to getting criminal indictments especially since it didn’t seem to interfere one bit with the South African Oppenheimer family, a crime family like none other in the history of the world, partying as their tentacles spread further and further throughout the fabric of society, playing havoc once again mostly with the offspring of the favored class, does the name Osama Ben Laden ring a bell?


And so I began to look ever so closely at the politics of the South African Oppenheimer family who I knew had to be familiar with my family’s vast commodity holdings, tea and coffee not quite as important as our timber holding nothing tho as valuable as our golden Gevisser name to mention little of my extraordinary mother, Zena Gevisser, being a household name in South Africa not simply consigliore to the likes of Aristotle Onassis and Robert F. Kennedy, not that many people alive today that were present at the matrimonial ceremonies of Aristotle Onassis and the former First Lady of the United States of America back in October 1968, to mention little of how so proud is my Royal Mater of her links to the South African Communist Party.


And the more I peeled away at the onion never getting distracted by what I read in the newspaper since my extraordinary mother had schooled me well never to believe a thing I read unless it was my own obituary what saddened me most was no matter how I sliced it all up the dots kept connecting up to the rise of Nazi Germany, how an impoverished country decimated not so much by its loss in WWI known as The Great War to End all Wars but the repatriations demanded by Allies, the Treaty of Versailles as even an amateur historian knows was the foundation of WWII, but what about those bricks that kept the crematoria of Auschwitz so well insulated, to mention little of their precision engineering?


I am jumping a little ahead of myself but again it is starting to get rather cold alongside the road a few miles from our rock cabin which is the only spot I can get a wireless Internet connection, it getting even a little difficult to press the buttons on the keyboard.


So how on earth did Hitler afford his sharp uniforms and those glistening medals on what seemed to be the greatest fighting force ever assembled in the history of the world all in less than “tTOo” [sic] decades or how about simply Hollywood doing one incredibly “make up” job?


And of course I hear some of my orthodox Jewish brothers and sisters rejoicing thinking that those who protest that the Nazi holocaust didn’t take place will find comfort in my writings, on the contrary those idiots can only take great pride in knowing that once I am finished and done with my own who live a life of denial their reasons for existing disappear into thin air, those who make light of those murdered by the Nazi bastards are no different than those who make more of it, agree?


Unless one was chatting with someone such as Tony Leon who as far as I know is still alive and the head of the opposition party in South Africa what u would still hear from the vast majority of South Africans both black and white, putting aside of course those tuned into my missives, was that the South African Oppenheimer family were strongly opposed to the South African Nationalist Nazi Party that “took power” in 1948, it interesting how certain South Africans including many Jewish South Africans who opposed the Nationalist Nazi Party take offense by my referring to the South African National Party as the Nationalist Nazi Party.


Again it all comes down to the fact that no one likes to be “had”, best observed in the recent “back and forth” between myself and pseudo intellectual China TU, Tony Unruh again making a very telltale decision to respond not to the more recent broadcasted communiqué he received that spelled out more succinctly the complicity of the Jewish people in their own Holocaust during WW2 but even more telling was the fact that in picking up my point,


So far not a single human being has provided any logical rebuttal to my contention that it is us Jewish people who aided and abetted the mass murder of 6 million of our own


instead of providing a “logical rebuttal” TU simply shows the extent to which he has in fact like many I grew up with been “had” beginning with his bullshit “stories from my German parents”, agree?


Mr. President, again I cannot stress enough that despite the complicity of members of the GOP to at a minimum turning a blind eye to the rigging of the California Gubernatorial elections held back on November 8th 2002 I can guarantee u winning your reelection by a landslide given all the facts I have available not only at my fingertips but being spread at light speed around the world reaching most of all those Jewish brothers and sisters of mine in the all important State of Florida but u must not waste any time in assembling your forces and may I suggest once again that your staff focus on those words, “Where would we all seek refuge...?


I will continue this missive later once I warm up a little cycling in the hills east of San Diego a good 300 meters above our rock cabin, us Americans really should transition ASAP over to the metric system if we r to have any hope of competing in the real world having lost so precipitously our manufacturing base during the Clinton Administration and by that time my laptop batteries will also be charged but in the meantime u can go to scroll down to where u can examine the ongoing dialogue between myself and Adam Tucker who thank G-D is now on board.


Yours respectfully,


Gary S. Gevisser




Ps – Back on January 25th the FBI replied to an email of mine with the following:


Please clarify to whom this email is addressed to.


Thank you - San Diego FBI


I will suggest once again that they do whatever they think is appropriate assuming their mandate remains to “investigate” and then inform The Commander in Chief and for your publicist to be begin making the case to those Jewish people particularly the elderly in Florida why they owe u today a great debt of gratitude for having already very possibly saved the world, such a long overdue briefing in my humble opinion making certain that u have sufficient numbers of folks on the ground conversant in sign language just in case they begin behaving mute, and I see no reason why they shouldn’t be handed this missive-mission titled:


Find Gary S. Gevisser, A NAME FROM HERE YOU CAN TRUST OVER THERE just one current or former member of Israel’s Flotilla 13 commando unit who would even dream of supporting Mrs. John HEINZ Kerry after they have engaged The Rattlesnake in “open debate”.


It is one thing to live out the remainder of one’s life in denial but another altogether in the lap in luxury so illogically supportive of the Democratic Communist Party who many supposedly Jewish people prefer to believe supports the common man, agree?


There is nothing common or for that matter comical about a handful of our Jewish brothers and sisters providing back at the time of Nazi Holocaust the backbone to the DeBeers Diamond Cartel delivering with precision timing the critical diamond tipped drilling bits that gave the Nazi Military Machine it’s competitive advantage to mention little of the vitally important “Terms of Sale” until such time as mostly G-D fearing Christian North Americans and their Canadian brothers and sisters stepped along with the likes of my amazing father dive-bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards in an effort to help out those mostly devoid of hope, their imaginations going up in the most unimaginable smoke stacks of the slave-murder camps, enough to make u vomit uncontrollably when realizing that the same organization with the same grass roots Jewish support continues to this very day perpetuating the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time taking place post WW2 in DeBeers Consolidated Mines’ backyard of South Africa, the country of my birth.


Ps I – Between now and when the voting polls close on election day I will be doing everything in my power to increase the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day.


Ps II – It would be nice Mr. President at some point perhaps when u join on as a founding member of the Clean Water Fund project 4 u to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the incredible economic mess former President Bill Clinton left on the Oval Office desk that when visiting this past summer I failed to notice The Buck Stops Here sign but then again I was constantly being distracted by this one incredibly smart and beautiful FBI agent doing one amazing job of staying one step ahead of me as I searched to find sticky sperm spots that may have been missed by Clinton’s maid, how else to describe Senator Hilary Clinton who picks up so well after her scoundrel husband who trounced on our Constitution no different to the Kennedys beginning with his pointed filthy index finger, “That Woman!”


Incredible that u who surrounds yourself with the best and brightest, none of us having totally white hands, demonstrating most of all a willingness to accept differing opinions as opposed to the most incredibly weak underlings that former President Bill Clinton played pong with, no doubt his wet behind the collar pipsqueaks deriving great satisfaction in looking the other way as he trampled over the rights of employees in the work place to mention little of the double standard of court marshalling members of our armed forces who commit adultery, moreover what it means to the youth when the President of the United States of America commits perjury, lying under oath, nothing quite like the scoundrel’s efforts to subvert justice, to mention little of how sickening will it be to have that incredibly ugly Mrs. Theresa HEINZ Kerry hosting parties for likes of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Krinsk, agree?


The saving grace, however, would be each and every one of us on this planet up to speed on my missives getting quite entertained thinking about the wet dreams Mrs. Theresa HEINZ Kerry has when she envisions having once again “under the table” sex with Mr. Debonair JRK, agree?


It all comes down to values and who u can trust in this “Dog eat God” [sic] world, agree?


Rest assured the vast majority of people in this world who understand both the real as well as the metaphysical world, that which goes around comes around but with a vengeance are counting on u to do the right thing for the general good which includes calling for an immediate suspension in the trading of shares of public corporations for reasons that require no further explanation than what I have stated in previous broadcasted missives.


Again I “know” versus “believe” with each tick of the almighty powerful clock my writing r being increasingly understood by the vast majority of the world’s literate population. 



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:07 PM


Thank you for e-mailing President Bush.  Your ideas and comments are very

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From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 5:30 PM
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest;; Leader (; (;; Roy Essakow
Subject: Fools Names, Fools Faces in Public Places


Adam  - again I am on the fly – my “off the cuff” comments in red.


With time running out I will now begin my broadcasted email to our great almighty smart and godly inspired President George W. Bush letting him know that he can count on not only your support but everyone u can possibly touch between now and election day using your time and G-D-gifted logical thought processing ever so wisely.


Again, the entire world should if we r just mildly successful in broadcasting the speech George W. has yet also take the time out to give a very big thank u to my pal China TU, this non-response response of his to my rather precise articulation of the extent his German parents fiddled him uplifting I believe even to the Lumpen proletarians, let me know tho if u think my 6 questions to TU could have been improved upon.


Welcome aboard.





-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Tucker
Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:57 PM
Subject: Re:


With my new understanding regarding Israel, I can see more clearly why Bush had to move quickly with Iraq. I think as a Jew, it hits home more than it would to someone else, but again I am torn by my objectivity, and desire to not be selfish in my selection for President; At the same time, I understand that impact of the Middle East would not be encapsulated to just effect Israel and the US, and for that reason, I can get beyond my original reservations about Bush and the invasion. I don't know if I told you or if you remember but my father fought in the Israeli army during the Yom Kippur war in 1973, and my mother served to aide the wounded. I have Israel close to my heart and had my parents not met there, I would not be here today... My desire to be objective in my decision almost led me to turn a blind eye to a perspective that I had not explored.


I still am not happy with Bush's lack of separation of church and state.


May I suggest u reread the Constitution with regard to the non-issue of “church-state separation.


I have a rather well worded email from Devin Standard on this subject while at the same time noticing not even Mrs. John HEINZ Kerry would dare to debate at least not with me the issue of her husband being granted absolution by the Roman Catholic Church although I believe the word is “annulment”, my simply making another point of rich Democrats such as Ms. Laurie “Absolution” Black the daughter-in-law of the not yet disgraced enough former Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton Administration who constitute the upper echelons of the Democratic Communist Party a matter I will also touch on in my communiqué to George W.


Never, ever, ever to forget Clinton’s 11th hour and 59th minute Presidential Pardon of Marc Rich who while a fugitive from U.S. justice was openly embraced in Zug, Switzerland, need I remind u of the Swiss having quite a history of using their so-called neutrality to “trade with the enemy”.


Shame on anyone who DAREs to call him-herself Jewish while failing to call upon my school-hood buddy Roy Essakow to provide a rebuttal to my contention that no matter how many times he washes his hands be4 breaking bread in his kosher home his hands will remain blackened from now until when he meets up with our maker returning Roy I suspect as a black stink beetle unless he gets promptly with the program and provides us with each and every single one of his trades along with a log of all his phone calls when working alongside the traitor Marc Rich in Zug, Switzerland.


And u will recall Roy’s mother, Norma Essakow, my step-father Alan Zulman’s close relative, on November 8th 2000 imploring me to “vote your conscience... we need a Jew in the White House” and how I then painstakingly went about contacting as many people as I knew with links to folks in Florida particularly in panhandle area where they could like me vote their conscience, thank G-D again and again for the great George W. Bush.


This fairly recent article in the Wall Street Journal takes pretty good aim at the political demographics, bearing in mind I have no less issue with the WSJ as I have with the New York Times, both extremes linked arm in arm feeding off the hardworking masses increasingly getting up to speed thanks to the likes of u and me applying logical thought processing each and every step of the way to mention just in passing again and again that without the poor there would be no church nor would there be government entitlement programs that hook the masses on not working for a living while mostly benefiting rich democratics, agree?


Again follow the money trail of the lawyers-liars most of all don’t get caught up in wars u don’t have first hand knowledge of especially given your access to things I have first hand knowledge of including irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of political corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic Party, agree?


Easier tho, to get one’s arms around a rapacious, anything but Simple landlord, begin with clicking on to this Thank You hyperlink and then on to this “in check” hyperlink and again and again this 10 Day Notice hyperlink paying particular attention to the deafening silence of the law firm of Kimball Tirey & St. John so incredibly far down on the food chain of government entitlement programs than the likes of Milberg Weiss-Lerach and my not so good pal Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk it is not even funny, agree?


Those sad looks on public defenders giving the poor and downtrodden nothing but a false sense of security should be enough to have u do much more than vomit as this time, get off your chair, walk to the window, not to lean out “tTOo” [sic] far and scream at the top of your lungs, “Enough is Enough – check out” and then with a breath of fresh air deep inside of your lungs “got at it” posting up on every single message board working 24/7.


The failure of the legal profession to address this matter of “Time is of the essence” allowing instead misleading documents to be posted on the front page of very time sensitive bullshit legalize while pontificating, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” should be enough to warm the cockles of your heart that we r not only on the “right track” but have “light speed” at our side, gaining competitive advantage over the “bought and paid 4” [sic] mainstream media with each tick of the almighty powerful clock, agree?


My ever dwindling number of adversaries, again relatively speaking, now beginning to suck air like never be4, not knowing again with each tick of the almighty powerful clock who to trust as I go about exposing their modus operandi, nothing quite like actually watching a “MOth to the flames” and of course don’t be surprised if there r not more folks like Dr. John Ben Stewart and his Money Talks attorney who will try their “luk” [sic] at usurping their limited authority having allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning, agree?


Desperate people do act desperately and why again I call upon law enforcement to do the “right thing” for the “general good” and keep very careful track of those increasingly finding themselves very much alone having no one other than themselves to blame for their deep depravity.


Fear not anything other than fear itself, take both pride and strength from the likes of Augusto Benito Vargis who again with each tick of the almighty powerful clock r beginning to flex their muscles and watch out is all I can say to anyone who even thinks about interfering with the right of the poor and downtrodden to express themselves who r doing more than simply voting their conscience, using whatever little savings they have to place the Coca Colas of the world on notice that I, The Rattlesnake and/or my designated heirs will be calling, leveling the playing field is all that I am doing, not forgetting for a moment, it’s not class warfare I am encouraging, it’s the welfare system I am questioning and I am a member of the flavored class.


Not for a minute should u ever forget the deafening silences of my rather savvy family of traders and of course we should all thank G-D who if only they could find a way to hide the money trail would contribute heavily towards my China Tu taking a slow boat to China.


Nor am I happy with the financial state of the US... however trusting what you tell me regarding the mess that he inherited when he moved into office, I can understand better how we got here. Clinton intentionally leaving a mess makes sense considering he knew he could serve no more terms in office (and therefore wouldn't have to fix anything) and more importantly also knew that he could set up the Republican party to look poorly by doing so.This boils down to trust which is what we discussed this evening when we spoke, and so I will have to trust that your information is correct. With that said, I want the people that have been following our correspondence to understand that I am not giving up, that my decision to vote is based on information and a perspective that I did not have before. I still oppose the Bush administration's stance on Stem Cells, Gay marriage, free speech, and lack of diplomacy. But I feel that all of the issues pale in comparison to world safety.


You have explained a perspective that I had asked my uncle and all others that had opposed my Democratic vote to explain, and all I ever got was "why not to vote Kerry". If the President's advisors had taken the time to explain as opposed to smearing, he could have had an extra supporter a long time ago. I suppose that the advertisements must appeal to the masses which probably don't have the attention span to listen (which is why you need to shorten your emails if you want people to pay attention).


U must understand first and foremost that everything I say other than my father having invented this conveyor belt system that had him impressing the FAIR MISSes of his virility, able to throw 500 as well as 1000 pound bombs out of his cockpit as my extraordinary mother only until very recently protested, can be verified.


Again notice the deafening silences amongst my “favored” class who know I speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help each of us G-d, never ever ever to forget how incredibly pitiful they appear at this time, especially my Jewish highly educated brothers and sisters unwilling to debate me even on the subject matter, “G-D does NOT exist”, the scientific and mathematical evidence I have already mounted today making them shake to their core on a par with their certain knowledge of my “above average” command of economics along with a G-D-Given-Gift 4 numbers that has each and every single sophisticated “phat cat” [sic] around the globe not simply “in check” but in “check mate”, my giving them all with this response a “heads up” that they will be better served coming forward at this time than having me name them publicly, Fools Names, Fools Faces in Public Places.


I told you at some point that I was open to the idea of voting for Bush if you could explain to me why... and I think that you have sufficiently. If Bush is as intelligent as you say he is I wish that he had taken a few more Speech classes in college because he is definitely not conveying it properly... None-the-less he will have my vote in 5 days.







From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, October 27, 2004 2:23 PM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest; Tony Unruh; Roy Essakow;; FBI;;
Subject: RE:


Adam - I have taken a break alongside the road, still raining cats and dogs, the temperature in the low 40s.


I have received a number of interesting responses in addition to the one u sent me to that all important question u posed.


I understand u have now registered that will allow me to post up interesting responses.


If I cannot convince u then I am in big trouble altho I remain quite optimistic based on the reactions I am getting that altho u may think I need to make more headway, even at this late hour my sense is that we might still be able to prevail should we get enough swing votes amongst Jewish people in Florida taking off their guilt ridden shackles recognizing that it all comes down to economics, the financing by us Jewish people of our holocaust during WW2 while u may not think important to these elections smacks of the magnitude of the destruction others have “cast”  on our youth who r all our futures, such matters I will cover hopefully better when I get to a warm spot where I can stretch my legs while sending u digging deep to understand the deep depravity that comes from being “fiddled” by your own, first denial, just picoseconds be4 the resignation stage sets in and one becomes no different to Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk.


Just examine once again the money trail and which group of lawyers-liars supports the likes of Kerry-HEINZ-Kennedy, the Romans responsible for bringing in to the homes of the common man Roman Law as well as the Roman Catholic Church indoctrinated with “blind faith” to produce offspring ad-infinitum, the men when bored with washed out women, playing maid ad-infinitum then turn to interns be4 finding absolution in one disgruntled priest after another, agree?.


It all comes down to trust.




Ps – In the interest of saving time I will make notes in red below.



-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Tucker
Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:06 PM
Subject: RE:




I read your response and am not really sure what to say. My take on your response was that as a Jew I should be grateful to have someone on my side that is not afraid to stomp on aggressors. I could argue that this is dangerous, but only time will tell how things play out.


How will u be able to argue if in fact time runs out, u should know that at the moment we reach the speed of light time slows down to zero at which point everything becomes “mathematical”, agree?


Mathematics is the most precise of languages requiring logical thought processing, “mistakes” thrown in along the way to keep one thinking on one’s own “tTOo” [sic] feet, balance tho throughout both in the cosmos as well as within SpaceShip Mother Earth, E=mc² rather well described by Einstein as “The mind of G-D”, my doing, despite a rather pitiful 3rd world education at the crappy University of Natal, South Africa, a “failed business-accounting tutor” to boot, a rather good job of explaining matters at the highest levels of math and science being understood by most 7th graders who have not had their sequencing interfered with, agree?


Again I can keep “G-D” in or out of the equation depending on my audience, so far not a soul on this planet willing to debate me either way, perhaps as telling as the deafening silences of the mainstream media to my “charges” to mention little of the evidence showing in all “probability” that Saddam Hussein had beyond a shadow of a doubt demonstrated he saw no problem in gassing his own people and us Jewish people who seek sanctuary in Israel during the tough times have this thing about gas chambers, agree?


Again, unlike folks like u and my good pal and sidekick Tony Unruh, neither of u have much if any of a “public record” of success at the highest levels of the “real world” so it would be one thing for the likes of Joe Grundfest former Commissioner of the Securities Exchange Commission [SEC] to ignore u if u were to suggest that u have in your possession irrefutable “smoking gun evidence” of political corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic Party versus someone such as myself who understands the Wall Street “shell game” as well if not better than any fricken bureaucrat not able to get out there and compete in the real world, Grundfest now taking refuge as a Professor at Stanford University, agree?


Then again u must surely understand I am at quite the competitive advantage by NOT having been “spoon fed” the greatest gift bestowed by very caring parents that I would never “inherit a dime”, my ingenious mother Zena Gevisser feeling positive enough about me her youngest son to introduce yours truly formally to her very private Swiss banker Mr. Jost at age 10, to mention little once again and again that until u get with the program and understand the bullshit numbers put out by folks like the Federal Reserve your inability to focus on the fundamental economics has u playing right into the hands of the “phat” [sic] cats, who want u to keep going around and around in circles until the “kows” [sic] come home, u know what I mean?  


Again why not confer with Roy Essakow to have my school boy pal explain to u why it would take a Democratic Communist Party stooge like Bill Clinton to grant his boss Marc Rich who made a couple of bucks trading with the enemy a Presidential Pardon at the 11th hour and 59th minute, not someone such as George W. Bush who had to pick up after this so distracted stooge who couldn’t take care of Osama Ben Laden while stuffing cigar butts up the vagina of interns to mention little of who to trust when u should be able to recall this disgusting former President pointing his dirty finger declaring to the world, “That woman!” unaware that Monica Lewinsky had held on to her sperm stained dress.


I have already spelled out rather clearly again and again and again that while us “phat” [sic] cats live the life of Riley particularly in the United States of America, the largest polluter in the world, banter about going “in and out” when it suits us, changing channels with our remotes, our very nervous brothers and sisters in Israel manning border posts, Special Forces commandos looking for a plume of smoke that registers something out of the ordinary, those Israelis with their fingers on the most sophisticated nuclear weaponry in the world r not fricken dumb enough to wait sitting around a table bullshitting for say a sign from “dog” [sic] to “respond in kind”, agree?


Israel has always not only maintained “first strike capability” but has executed almost flawlessly such capability going back to the War of Independence which began with very brave and courageous WW2 fighter bomber pilots hiding aircraft not from the Nazis but from the English and the American forces long be4 the war in Israel broke out 1948, the same year the South African Oppenheimer-DeBeers Diamond Cartel empowered the Nationalist Nazi Party of South Africa, the Diamond Invention “aided and abetted” by its first tier wholesale diamond merchants made up of predominantly sell-out Jews, to mention little of even Flotilla 13 the most elite of Israel’s Special Forces having taken a number of hits in recent times not something appearing on the front page say of the New York Times, agree?


The traders on 47th Street in New York City, no different to the Jewish Capos in the slave-gas camps of WW2, not to forget as well that like in Florida most of the so-called Jewish people of “Madhatten” [sic] vote for the Democratic Communist Party who r financed primarily by rich democrats so self absorbed that they promote policies to assuage their guilt that destroy economic opportunity for those who are trying to make a living.


Remember in Quantum Mechanics which governs the Digital Age, a G-D-Send, there r no “certainties” only “probabilities”  


Even though I am Jewish, I try to look at things from all sides and perspectives even though I know that many of the Iraqis and Arab fundamentalist would sooner see me dead than give me the same consideration. It is this perspective though that scares me, my fear of Bush is more in realm of what if as opposed to where we are at now (although I am not too impressed with the way we got into Iraq, nor our current financial, and diplomatic position).


Blah blah.


That same desire to look at things objectively also gives credit to Bush for dealing with information that never reaches the press, and possibly taking actions and not having the liberty to explain them to us... much like G-d I suppose... Although your argument, to me at least, seemed heavily focused on the religious aspect, which coincidentally also represents the biggest fear of mine. As you mentioned that people that resort to swearing or yelling in a debate or argument demonstrate weakness, I look at organized religion under a similar light. Though raised as a reformed Jew, I have yet to fully embrace a religion. I have the utmost respect for all followers of religion, providing that it does not dictate their lives... without digressing too much I believe that the morals that are attached with organized religion are their best attributes. With that said, I fear blind followers, people that can be shown facts and find a way to justify it to their belief system because they are conditioned not to question (i.e Rush Limbaugh and his drug adaptation, or Billy Grahm and his infidelity)... to me, that is a sign of weakness; reality (which after taking a couple of philosophy classes) can soon become subjective, and then you end up with a few chiefs running the show and bunch of Indians that follow blindly into battle. I have never been a blind follower. A person has the capacity for intelligence, possesses the ability of free and independent thought, and the potential of rationality. People collectively, however are fickle and move in a defined and possibly orchestrated path. My fear is that the path be dictated by someone of unscrupulous character with questionable motives. At this point I still don't fully understand Bush's motivations and that is why I have reservations about re-electing him.


Blah blah


I don't know if the above makes sense, I have re-read it a couple of times but don't know how else to word it to convey my thoughts in a more clear manner.


Blah Blah


Despite you feeling patronized, I do respect your opinion as I mentioned before. You have not yet won me over enough to change my vote, but I am listening and loosening my footing.


I couldn’t agree more that u r not yet deserving of a “footsak.”





Ps – Lets see if Poli Pollak the new poster boy for the Democratic Communist Party can lend u a hand, I am hoping be4 my batteries run out to respond with a “foot” communiqué to a real estate broker in Minehead, England “sumwhat” [sic] confused with my previous E-mail?



To: Adam Tucker

From: GsG

Uploaded: Tue 10/26/2004 3:55 PM PT


Adam, your question, “Please explain to me why I should vote for Bush, not why I should not vote for Kerry” is greatly responsible for me taking this 7 day sabbatical, nothing like taking long hikes in the mountains to rejuvenate intellectual thought processing.


May I suggest that we begin what may turn out to be the most important Next Symposium since the time of Plato by placing our dialogue “back and forth” on each and every message board on The Internet and for each and every person to take out an ad in their local newspaper no bigger than this A NAME FROM HERE YOU CAN TRUST OVER THERE with simply a hyperlink to where by clicking on to one hyperlink they will be able to read within the comforts of their surroundings your and my point of view and to make up their own minds and to vote both their conscience and logic.


It is getting increasingly difficult for hard working people battling to make ends meet to be respectful of the law, transparency is tho emerging thanks to the Digital Age, a G-D-Send to mention little of how easy it is to accumulate vast sums of money by simply building in to one’s “cost of goods” the “cost of getting caught”, the money trail so very important, again so much easier to track in this Digital Age which has mostly rich Democrats feeling rather queasy at this time, while people like George W. Bush see fit to go into places like Iraq to deal with an imminent threat the likes of sleazy people like the Kennedys still the backbone of the Democratic Communist Party spread their false sense of security to the masses with imposters such as Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, a matter I will address in more detail in this Next Symposium.


Back at the time of The Symposium it seems a good number of rather bright people identified the key problems of the day including the destabilizing effects of owning real estate for speculative purposes, it not taking very long, however, for things to have got lost in the shuffle, including the genius of those scribes making gambling a “sin”.


Interesting wouldn’t u agree that the biggest “Gambling Czars” in the world today happen to be mostly those with thick Jewish blood running thru their veins without I believe one single internationally recognized rabbi screaming out loud from his-her pulpit,


“Shame on me for falling asleep at the wheel while getting as phat as a pig my rot wasting away from the waist up, so full am of I of my own bullshit, my farts, nothing less than airborne particles of feces contributing to the blocking of my arteries and what cannot pass by fills up what remains of the perfect non-vacuum of space between my ears” [sic].


Again the deafening silence of internationally renowned Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss my family’s closest friend for half a century not exactly falling on deaf ears especially amongst us “favored” class who have a very good idea where I am heading with more than a little common sense tucked under my belt, the “Save Zena” broadcast by Dr. Leizer Molk this past Wednesday at 9:42 PM PT is not lost on a single human being who understands the rather incredible intellect of both my uncle Leizer and my extraordinary mother, Zena Gevisser, their close relationship going back to 1947 when my mother stepped foot off a ship, camping out at the 5 Star Mt Nelson Hotel at the base of Table Mountain in Capetown, South Africa, her rather rich family’s digs a far cry from the fate that awaited the next generation of colorful rich South Africans who were about to receive death sentences within a year of epic proportions far greater than the holocaust of our Jewish people, agree?


The likes of Rabbi Abner Weiss serve a purpose no different to Roman Catholic priests granting absolution after getting their “rocks off” hearing all the sordid details during confession,


“I lied to my mother, kicked my sister, made love to 100 handcuffed golden-bronzed serfers [sic],


eventually the handful of spoiled rotten rich kids follow in the footsteps of their “phatso” [sic] “dik” [sic] parents the backbone of the church, agree?


The apple tho, not always falling close to the tree, every so often a prince or princess comes along and picks it ever so gently letting it ripen amongst apples of its own size, quite the ACT-G-D-NA, agree?


G-D forbid there were no poor what would we do with so many clergy out of work other than to have them seek absolution from their benefactors, everything in the end adds up, Perfect Numbers, Prime Numbers not quite the perfect set as those digits which when added and multiplied result in the same number, 123 and 1421 perhaps the “tTOo” [sic] most awesome of the 9 figure set, 123 leading in to 1421 The Year China Discovered America simply by squaring each of the digits, Pie not round Pi r², so awesome again is 22/7 there no such thing as a perfect circle in mathematics the most precise of languages, agree?


Numbers rather important especially when it is so difficult to define the makeup of us human beings let alone what constitutes a Jewish person other than an acquired taste for herring, agree?


Never to forget to credit my extraordinary mother for raising “em” [sic], agree?


So many including us Jewish people so talkative in terms of search for the truth, forgetful that Jesus Christ was born, raised, died and very likely buried a Jew according to strict orthodox Jewish custom, and what exactly is so terrible that Jesus Christ is purported to have done other than point out what was wrong with the abuse of the system of laws first designed by an Almighty Good and very SMART G-D, agree?


I have yet to get thru the first page of the New Testament, my hearing that the book of Matthew is, however, virulently anti-Semitic, the only thing I ever picked up about Matthew was this nonsense about The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth which apparently came at the end of a verse and of course reading things backwards as prescribed by Hebrew it may in fact make perfect sense since teeth only came later in the Evolutionary process, The Meek With Teeth Shall Inherit the Earth is what I think should be the basis of forming one single tribe based on truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help each of us G-D, agree?


Now I could understand if Jesus Christ was say Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, anarchist, blah blah as the reason for us Jewish people getting offended by this “Sun of Dog” [sic] business then again given our knowledge of DNA few can really argue with any one of us pronouncing ourselves to be the “Son of G-d”, but more importantly than these titles is how we seem to miss the main thrust of Jesus Christ’s argument that something was amiss in the House of David, something that was never, not once, ever brought up in my Jewish orthodox education, so go stuff that in your pipe and tell me exactly what comes out of your rear end.


Remember I not only love u, i.e. trust and respect your logic, but I happen to like u a lot, so gentle in your thinking when not harboring all your Jewish guilt, agree?


Nothing quite tho, as destructive to the human psyche than to see while being raised Roman Catholic this statue of a Jewish person without the hooked nose, broad lips, black as the ace of spades skin, but with blood oozing out of every wound imaginable other than his anus, which I guess would mitigate the raping by Roman Priests of so many altar boys who didn’t bend over quite enough, agree?


When will we begin to examine the deep deprivation of all organized religions which base themselves on fundamental goodness but got lost in their way of serving the ruling elite who saw the means to rule by divine authority fitting in so well with this issue of the “Son of God” obfuscating the real issue of this incredibly unholy alliance of Church and State and why someone like Howard Stern should stop with his “lamb to the slaughter”, Howard a little “tTOo” [sic] old for that sort of crap routine more likely a sheep following in the footsteps of the Rich Democrats who r so self absorbed that they promote policies to assuage their guilt that destroy economic opportunity for those who are trying to make a living.


The plight of those who fail to stand up to evil each and every step of the way rather well described in Exodus another of the 5 books of Moses where a rather good, almighty incredibly SMART G-D simply couldn’t do enough to help a downtrodden people get back their dignity yet in an age of enlightenment when the world had seen with its own eyes the slave and murder camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, flesh draped over bones, news reels depicting the whole truth and nothing but the truth about man’s depravity that there could be established any place on this earth, moreover South Africa, very possibly the birthplace of modern man, an organization that based its fundamental principles on the philosophical tenets of the 3rd Reich making absolutely perfect sense given the fact that to the best of my knowledge not a single human being has yet to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help each of us G-D about the rise and fall of Nazi Germany beginning with examining the all important economics.


Consequently I will now attempt in the remaining 20 minutes of battery time I have up here in the hills above our rock cabin where I have once again a rather good wireless connection to provide a historical economic perspective examining actions and/or inaction and the result.


The Romans brought the “rule of law” to the common people providing the common man-woman with a forum to express their point of view which was limited to what they were told or could hear a far cry from The Internet which gives each and every human being with access to The Internet a full perspective including the other side of coin which had the Romans jumping on to the band wagon of change, the net result a rather mixed bag when considering the Romans morphed into the Roman Catholic Church representative of everything that Jesus Christ was objecting “tTOo” [sic] about the Jewish leadership who had kowtowed to their oppressors, agree?


The concept of Jewish Capos did not originate with the Holocaust, agree?


So important to address the “State of Affairs” of what party made up of what type of individuals here in the United States was in the seats of power when the likes of Hitler, a puppet, emerged on the scene, especially at this time given the current fight underway where every single human beings individual liberty is at stake, the dawning of the nuclear age along with the Digitization that allows each and every single human being with any destructiveness in their bones to kick back as I am doing this week and contemplate using their equal access to The Internet what it would mean not simply to create a suitcase size nuclear bomb but how to use such an ill-advised weapon to intimidate the likes of the President of the United States to kowtow to their demands when in fact not a single extremist I have heard of, whether it be a Buddhist, Muslim, atheist or Jewish extremist, or a so full of himself godly doctor has yet to come up with a solution to bringing each and everyone of us 6.3 billion different human species in to a common goal, achieving spirituality by sharing knowledge through Light-G-D-Speed Technology, agree?


More than a handful of people at this very moment far more sophisticated in the area of international finance than Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, understanding perfectly well that the risk of a worldwide economic meltdown is far greater than the smartest amongst us without much effort to speak of building a suitcase sized nuclear weapon, Greenspan probably knowing less as he begins to enjoy the prospects of senility than I knew at age 10 when I was formally introduced to my mother’s private Swiss Banker, my now mentioning Mr. Jost’s name for I believe only the 4th time causing more than simply my extraordinary mother to seek greater refuge in her senility, her knights in shining armor, her first husband, my amazing father failing miserably to deliver her poison tipped arrows and now her ex-brother-in-law Dr. Leizer Molk in a last ditch effort to “Save Zena” now using what little air remains in his lungs to possibly summon her other ex-brother-in-law who plays on Prince Nicholas Oppenheimer’s cricket team which I understand now accepts Jewish people given how a member of this disgusting DeBeers Diamond Cartel has taken to Jewish orthodoxy, all this according to my rather well informed Royal Mater, Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman listening religiously to a nincompoop like Peter Jennings of the ABC network in accordance with conventional wisdom,


“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!”


Adam then again for all I know u may have had smarter parents than me who felt u were equipped to “take possession” of the “crown jewels” well be4 reaching age 10 and the same with Alan Greenspan who I can assure u like Dr. Coster a retired physicist now coaching small time Chief Executive Officers as a “bought and paid 4” [sic] member of The Executive Committee [TEC] would not have the first clue in terms of how to debate with me why Certificates of Insurance should or should not be included in the all important Money Supply numbers, agree?


And if u have not yet worked out the critical nature of M1, M2 and M3 trust me u r not alone, there very few folks on this planet including Greenspan and Dr. Coster who really have the slightest clue what they actually mean other than the fact they both know for absolute certain they mean absolutely zero, different to “nothing” since as long as no one pays attention to these all important numbers, much like Deep Space where matter and anti-matter cancel out to zero, leaving it ultimately to monetary traders determining in their ever dwindling “ignorance” the relative value of one currency or one country’s economy to the next, then there is simply nothing to worry about since sophisticated traders such as myself r waking up each and every day to the knowledge that we r not alone in understanding perfectly well how the real world works, distraction the name of the game, the game of life like the game of chess getting your opponent to play to your advantage to mention little of folks like Augusto Benito Vargis and his 600 rather well educated Peruvian Inka trail guides getting equally up to speed knowing what we know that all 3 Money Supply computations mean absolutely “nothing”, agree?


The fact that there is absolutely no substance to M1, M2 or M3 other than such convoluted bullshit has kept the rich getting richer and poor the picture that they must be “sumhow” [sic] stupid as in “ignorance is bless”, better to remain ignorant than to be enlightened and assert their muscle, to breed offspring like there is no tomorrow, remain 4ever on the poverty line, learn a few lines of Latin, Greek and Italian and with your good looks nail those Lilly White Wheaty Eating “phatso” Americans bored to death with their egotistical, highly testosterone clad male partners, such whiners using their perfected vocal cords in repeating, “I got a headache” to scream out loud when visiting places like Machu Picchu as their male partners cry like babies not able to handle the Inka trail despite everything being provided for, keeping the likes of Marie and me awake at night eventually laughing ourselves to sleep playing the “What if” games until the wee hours of the morning, so now u know why I insist Marie take a photo of every toilet we visit, agree?


U will let me know by the end of his missive if u need further explanation on any of these rather important points.


In all likelihood given the disconnects I have received over the past week it is very likely Chairman Alan Greenspan will receive a copy of this missive even be4 it enters your inbox, then again Mr. Greenspan will have only himself and his wifey a “bought and paid 4” [sic] journalist to blame 4 remaining in the dark should in fact just one single member of the grass roots organizations we r helping empower around the world choose to use the information I have provided that addresses in no uncertain terms their incredible muscle for destructive purposes without having to do much more than get a handful members of their particular grass roots organizations to send an email say to the CEO of Coca Cola giving him-her 24 hours to make Coca Cola’s board of directors aware of their management’s shortcomings and for the board to take no more than 2 seconds in deciding to make their shareholders aware or face the prospect of an epic of epic Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit that could be initiated in any court of law anywhere around the world even as far away as South Africa, u know what I mean jelly bean?


I am this very moment using this missive to inform a handful of rather sophisticated attorneys in conjunction with very worldly private bankers to prepare such a complaint for my review that deals in no uncertain terms with the failure of such public corporations to inform their shareholders of the insurmountable weaknesses each of them face in “hot spots” around the world where the Digital Age provides the likes of Augusto Benito Vargis protected by the likes of Yasmine Martin, General Manager of Peru Rail with a whole lot more than a bunch of aces up their sleeve, the instant u forget for a picosecond the implications of the lawsuit filed by Mr. Eliot Spitzer the Attorney General of New York without naming all members of the “First Insurance Family” it will demonstrate at least to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that the nicest thing I could say about u returning the next go around is as a jelly bean, u know what I mean jelly bean?


Now let me describe to u this incredibly beautiful and very sexy Yasmine Martin who may in fact given the possibility that all her body guards r also her lovers make it all but impossible for u to get a leg up, Ms. Martin as best I can tell telling it exactly the way it is, despite being surrounded wherever she goes by rather sturdy men constantly moving about in circles as the likes of Yasmine engage in rather meaningful discussions with the likes of me and my Client Partner Wife Marie Dion, very much demonstrating at least so far that she is willing to take it on the chin certainly more so than my pitiful male partners running our Rupa Wasi Hostel who talk a big game but when push comes to shove r rather lame.


Poor excuses, deafening silences not lost for a minute on the likes of me and Augusto Benito Vargis and his equally smart and also rather beautiful wife who know a whole more about truth and who to trust in this “dog eat god” [sic] world than what u can ever imagine unless of course u have trekked along the Inka Trail paying ever so careful attention to the changing winds and how incredibly diplomatic these folks r, knowing full well how quickly death can enter their homes, bash their kids’ head against a stone wall and the rest of the world continues to think they r an island unto themselves.


So important this issue of there being so much lack of trust, such negativity we must now use to our advantage, the game of chess again like the game of life getting one’s opponent to play to your advantage, the truly great chess players knowing having worked out the math that it pays to protect most of all one’s pawns who return time and again as Queens as opposed to creating short-circuits within one’s brains computing the most incredible odds playing this incredible game according to “conventional wisdom” leaving the “most average” to claw their way to the top of the pyramid not having the slightest clue about how to really enjoy themselves having simply played an archaic system like the Bell Shaped Curve leaving the likes of very balanced individuals like our great President George W. Bush who like most people I know worth saving “at any cost” have most of all balance in their lives, healthy mind, healthy body, having taken their licks while they were young, managing in the end to stick with their incredibly beautiful partners who “sumhow” [sic] manage to age incredibly well, able to address while being able to enjoy great sex, achieving the highest levels of spirituality, the important issues such as Security, Health care, education, economics and most of all survival of our fittest, healthy mind, healthy body, agree?


There can be no escaping the number of Special Forces personnel, particularly Israeli Special Forces personnel roaming the planet right now being paid top dollar to take on an enemy that is often themselves, more than a handful members of Israel’s Flotilla 13, the most elite of Israel’s special forces, that most in the know would agree even “retired” members such as my friend Guy Friedman still rank head and shoulders above most if not all active Special Forces fighting the right fight for the general good, today rather savvy about how much incredible power they have no different to the likes of Augusto Benito Vargis in terms of being able to cause a total meltdown of the world’s financial markets that will bring with it in an instant the prospect of nuclear war in to each of our backyards, my having recently suggested to Augusto that he hold on to his life savings that he was going to use to buy a ticket to meet with Derrick Beare and me this coming November 8th and to rather spend it wisely, sandwich boards a terrific medium for the poor and downtrodden to express themselves while staying in shape and for us guys, well I am sure u get the picture, agree?


Just one rogue human being hooked in to my network able in my humble opinion to execute a series of “buy and sell” orders untraceable by any toothless tiger such as the Securities Exchange Commission to wreck havoc with the mind of Alan Greenspan no matter how many filters he places on his incoming emails he like anyone remains attracted to sandwich boards, just mentioning sandwich boards enough times is sufficient again, in my humble opinion, to have the likes of Greenspan feeling his age, aging faster than he ever thought possible but more importantly feeling as rotten as any human being can feel at this time other than those dying of thirst or starving as a result of disgusting people so full of themselves so in love with the bullshit fed to them by an adoring class of elitists, the mainstream press all around the world puppets of a handful of elitists, agree?


Again once one begins to get one’s arms around how a failed artist-painter could attract the likes of Goebels getting cinematographers of cinematographers to display some awesome weakness in ways that only Hollywood could imagine constantly connecting up the dots of The Diamond Invention, “A Diamond is 4ever” [sic] all emerging on the scene pretty much at the same time, everything making perfect sense, the past, the future all coming together in the present, agree?


The likes of pitiful former chairman of the SEC, Professor Joe Grundfest, his deafening silence at this time speaking as much volume as Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss, agree?


I mentioned in my draft communiqué to lawyer Ted Kimball Esq. of Kimball Esq. how a neighbor’s husband had written the book Happiness is a Swiss Bank Account and without further ado I will now have u help me begin to address the key differences between President George W. Bush and John Kerry dealing with the following topics.


1.    Security

2.    Health care

3.    Education

4.    Economics

5.    Survival of the fittest.


As much as your question, “Please explain to me why I should vote for Bush, not why I should not vote for Kerry” may make for a good sound bite, unless one has something to compare oneself to u simply have no frame of reference, much like comparing me to say a rattlesnake who would prefer to just be left alone, agree?


Nothing like telegraphing my punches ever so carefully so as to again not be the cause of an epic meltdown that will make me so ticked off for not just hanging with the likes of Derrick Beare on Robbin Island watching Table Mountain move itself at light speed as we enjoy a scaif along with a pot of Gipsy Coffee and/or tea, u know what I mean?


It is easy to refer to the likes of me as Don Quixote when I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt such people r either in denial or in the resignation stage of grabbing as much as they can as quickly as possible be4 meeting their maker, agree?


Again quite the selfish act to be producing offspring at this time knowing everything we know both about the dangers of overpopulation and there no guarantee that even someone as caring as yourself can maintain either your intellectual reasoning in raising a kid or guaranteeing such a kid that u will live longer than the very next moment given the unstable nature of the world’s economies so incredibly interwoven that again just a single trade by a savvy investor could have the markets imploding in no time at all, agree?


Again not a single human being willing to debate me on a number of important issues of the day including providing pure logic as to why the financial markets have not imploded, yet, without such intellectual midgets throwing G-D into the equation, agree?


I believe u would agree that u know of no one who could provide a logical rebuttal to the pure logic I bring to the Next Symposium even if I chose not to cut out all the name calling which generally shows weakness of argument altho u must agree it makes for good entertainment when it is the truth, backed up by an abundance of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof, truth that which does not change, critical to maintain a sense of humor otherwise I am not sure it is worth it, agree?


Careful not to fall into the trap of the likes of great human beings like Dr. Martin Luther King who may have taken himself a little “tTOo” [sic] seriously, agree?


Now, however, we r down to the short strokes, my only finding out the other day for certain when speaking to “tTOo” [sic] retired elementary school teachers that this “make or break” presidential election takes place on November 2nd, and I am quite frankly not absolutely certain about that date given the noticeable short circuits I encountered in what was an otherwise logical conversation, both the lady and the man as fixated as someone as deprived as Tony Unruh that George W. Bush was the evil incarnate.


I could easily remove the adjective “deprived” when referring to an imbecile like Tony Unruh but it is my point of view that by the time our Next Symposium is over covering the 5 points above not only will u do the right thing for the general good and vote for our great great President George W. Bush but if all forms of transportation shut down to get on your hands and knees and crawl to Florida to ensure those very very sick elderly Jewish people finally wake up from their slumber of denial, acknowledge that they and their previous generation-s financed in no small measure their own holocaust and vote their conscience for our great great President George W. Bush who is the greatest protector of the State of Israel, done more for us Jewish people than anyone other than perhaps Jesus Christ and before him Moses, altho I could see a strong argument being made that Abraham was pretty much on the right track.


There can be no getting away from this very important moment in time the DeBeers Diamond Cartel continuing to finance a far greater holocaust, the pitiful United Nations failing to take action in places like Sudan not even willing to use the word “genocide” says everything, agree?


But then lets not get caught up in the word game and rather stick to following the money trail, the DeBeers Diamond Cartel using the monies it made during WW2, trading with the enemy, as well as lessons they learned from their mistakes in financing the Nazi Military Machine while getting Hollywood starlets to wear their glistening anything but rare stones, agree?


And for u to add any number of other topics to the 5 mentioned above just fine with me as long as u can tie them altogether just like I plan to do in tying the likes of TU into knots who r in fact far less dangerous to the psyche of the next generation given the ability of the likes of folks like Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk who choose not to have children for the very logical reasons I have previously illuminated while understanding rather well how easy it is to manipulate complete and utter nincompoops like TU who undoubtedly right this very minute has a rough case of the runs, agree?


Mr. JRK, however, not counting on TU’s children who may in fact be reading this moron of morons the riot act telling TU to go stuff whatever pitiful wealth he plans on passing on to them where the sun don’t shine as TU collapses in to a heap of tears right this minute very likely just mumbling the words Jewish people say just be4 meeting their death, “Hear O Israel, I am the Lord thy G-d, G-D is one.


Important not to confuse TU with Cliff Benn still figuring out what logic to provide his children in his decision despite being a member of the favored class to engage in Illegal Diamond Buying in his quest to beat Dr. Jonathan Beare in the footrace to die the richest person in the grave and when caught red handed this pitiful school hood buddy cowardly swallows the rough diamonds, now possibly suggesting to his kids who may have already contacted their private banker to assist in changing their last names, as I have been prompting him that that the grooves in the anus, the one body part closest to a perfect circle, was designed by our Almighty SMART G-D for such an event, agree?


The following is my Theory for the rise of Hitler, a failed artist painter when a barrel of Deutch Marks could barely translate in to a loaf of bread and for u to come back without any emotion but pure logic in rebutting my case, not to forget who the French-French knew they could rely on to keep their riches flowing out of Vietnam, the likes of the Kennedy clan like none other in recent times who went around the world providing the likes of tens of millions of enslaved Black South Africans nothing more than a false sense of security, destroying their hope, during the height of the so-called civil unrest, again the likes of cross-dressers like J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI at the time while making mincemeat of folks like Dr. Martin Luther King able to hold the likes of John Kennedy and his equally disgusting brother the Attorney General of the United States RFK by their short hairs, the disgusting Kennedy clan using their command of the English language, their pitiful mumbling Boston accents along with their good looks to woe mostly bad lawyers and simple people, agree?


So where does the money trail begin and end?


Who exactly derived the most satisfaction from the German Nazi Military Machine getting its mite when the German people made up of many different peoples were deprived of basic human rights following the Treaty of Versailles where the victors once again failed to reflect on the cause of wars where money is no object?


Economics I teaches the basics of how the economies of the world work, buy low, sell high, the winner controls the water, the most basic human right, such mite grabs the land, eventually owning the bank.


History has a way of repeating itself if we fail to make the necessary adjustments and examine carefully things like who in fact paid for the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles that today remain as a symbol of man-woman’s deeply deprived humanity incapable it seems of reasoning logically, agree?


The Diamond Invention, a book available over The Internet spells out a number of truths about the greatest conspiracy of all time that resulted in the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time following the DeBeers Diamond Cartel in cahoots with my father’s first cousin’s benefactor Mr. Charles Engelhard doing one terrific job of “greasing the wheels” of the United States of America’s Justice Department, the incredibly strong relationship between the South African Oppenheimer family, Charles Engelhard and the Kennedys explained in rather simple English, here and here.


Then why is it that the vast majority of my elderly Jewish brothers and sisters living in the State of Florida so critical in the upcoming Presidential election just days away seem hell bent on not exploring the truth given all their current access including their children, grandchildren and in many cases great grandchildren to the truth, that which does not change, the Digital Age, The Internet, a G-D-Send, agree?


The backbone of the German Nazi Military Machine required not simply diamond tipped drilling bits courtesy of DeBeers during the ramp up that took place before the world’s eyes as the rich all over the world not just in Germany got richer but the poor the picture who while not having access to all the information available to the ruling elite did in fact without having to go to business school know that a critical component in buying low and selling high had and has everything to do with “terms of the sale”, agree?


The financing of Nazi Germany courtesy once again of The Diamond Invention where the trafficking in this anything but rare commodity was however, ever so carefully controlled exactly like our brother and sister Jewish Capos doing the dirty work of the Nazi SS, rarely if ever did Nazi Storm Trooper have to soil their hands entering the slave labor camps relying on those so forgetful of their heritage to keep the rest of the finely tuned clock in perfect synchronicity, agree?


Sickening each time I hear the outgoing message on Derrick Beare’s Orange Phone digitized answering service, nothing quite tho as tragically comical as my Royal Mater’s and her puppy Alan Zulman’s outgoing message,


“Sorry, we are out solving the problems of the world, please help save my wife Zena, otherwise don’t bother leaving a message” [sic].


Again their number direct dialing from the U.S. 011-44-98-46-24-0-88.


Nothing quite like being able to move such an incredibly controlled substance as Diamonds about in diplomatic pouches in and out of so-called neutral territories like Switzerland, the Nazi Swiss and Nazi Germans having more than simply border crossings in common, agree?


U know of course the accounting principle of FIFO as in First In First Out and LIFO, Last In First Out when computing “cost of goods”, its relationship with “Ending Inventory” quite important, keeping millions of accountants such as Mr. Jeffrey Malatskey gainfully employed at no time, however, as best I recall there being any auditing procedure that has the likes of Jeffrey Malatskey sitting with honest gemologists at every single port of entry/exit asking the likes of my extraordinary mother to detach the diamond studded broach from her brazier in an effort to determine whether they are real and then combine this knowledge of how the rich get richer and the poor the picture by the role played by casinos all over the world which serve besides for being the most regressive forms of taxation imaginable as mostly money laundering operations in the event a smart ass regulator were to come along and say,


“How come u now wear fake jewelry?”


Interesting that there is no requirement for any casino anywhere in the world to report an individuals losses?


Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, there never any reporting requirements as wealth gets transferred at the 11th hour and 59th minute, u know what I mean?


Interesting that the Rothchilds and the Oppenheimers and just a handful more of the super wealthy prior to WW2 had any wealth remaining given the fact that Hitler was not a complete idiot, knowing enough to go after “the gold” never tho to bite the hand that feeds, then again Hitler was a rather well behaved puppet, agree?


Most tragically comical r the thoughts, again just my theory on who is to blame for the first and ongoing Holocaust, that come to mind when one examines in the minutest detail the rise of Hitler again and again a failed artist painter, an Austrian much like Hendrik Vervoed considered by most history books the architect of South Africa’s Apartheid, not one history book I can recall ever even alluding to the Oppenheimers-DeBeers Diamond Cartel complicity, agree?


What I see emerging are the blackened hands of my Jewish brothers and sisters, the backbone of the Diamond traders throughout the world not just on 47th Street in New York City none more powerful, again in my humble opinion, than my not all that distant relations who control Codiam Inc., an organization I happen to be intimately familiar with both in terms of its ownership, it tight relationship with the disgusting, virulently “anti-Semitic” Central Selling Organization under the “command and control” of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel still as it was prior to WW2 under the “command and control” of the South African Oppenheimer family, and most of all Codiam’s trading practices, agree?


Did u just notice the skipped heartbeat by a good number of folks reading this Next Symposium at the same time as u?


Think about what it will mean if u do the right thing for the general good using a catchy headline to post this up on each and every message board on The Internet be4 the voting booths close on election day, agree?


Nothing I would think given how passionate u r about this election than to be working on this project 24 hours a day, perhaps taking a cat nap here and there, never forgetting to make love to your Julia no less than 5 times a day, agree?


Perhaps why Ms. Kathryn Budig a United States Postal Inspector investigating along with Assistant United States Attorney Richard Robinson the “trading practices” of the 2,000 pound gorilla law firm of Milberg Weiss-Lerach has chosen to go rather silent on me despite my sitting once again on irrefutable “smoking gun proof” that would get her and Mr. Robinson their long sought after criminal indictment against this one of many criminal law firms because she knows perfectly well that once in the witness box there is no way she can control what I may reveal to a jury made of common sense individuals, opening up once and for all the Pandora’s box leading to finally nailing shut the coffin of the most corrupt criminal enterprise of all time, DeBeers Diamond Cartel “aided and abetted” by a United States Justice Department made up of many if not mostly lawyers-liars subscribing to the warped philosophies of the disgusting Kennedys, agree?


Again, I am intimately familiar with the business of current and former United States of America Justice Department lawyers-liars and none come more to mind than Mr. Robert Kaplan of Kaplan Kilsheimer and Fox who I had to threaten with the Revlon Make Up cartoon in order for him and his co-counsel Mr. JRK to do the right thing for the general good and file a lawsuit against one of their own, the big-time financial supporter of the Democratic Communist Party, Mr. Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman who again not so incredibly finds daily refuge in an orthodox Jewish synagogue just down the street from where he lives alongside my pal Mr. Pipee who lives the Life of Riley on the upper east end of New York in such incredible denial, so in love with his “phatso” [sic] belly, hi Pipee.


Very very interesting wouldn’t u agree that my uncle, Dr. Leizer Molk, my father Bernie Gevisser’s brother-in-law would step up to the plate to “Save Zena”, my mother Zena Gevisser while in his mid seventies mostly lazing around in bed watching TV more likely to live longer than her first husband, my amazing father, Bernie who Leizer knows is really not worth saving given his leaky heart valve to mention little of the pig valve that replaced my dad’s other heart valve showing far more “wear and tear” at this very precise moment in time than Leizer’s cardiologist cum lobotomist son Dr. Barry Molk would have ever envisioned in his wildest wet dreams to mention little of how the likes of Johnson and Johnson pay a cardiologist bullshitter like Dr. Paul Tierstein “sum” [sic] $20 million upfront for blasting “phatsos” [sic] blocked arteries with radiation that most surely is nowhere near as radioactive as my Client Partner Wife Marie Dion when she gets her arms around the facts, agree?


Nothing quite as hilarious as the very first time we met Dr. Paul Tierstein, Marie having Paul down on his knees, panting, as she delivered stiletto like blows one after the other, talkative Paul at a loss for words in responding to her, “U r a technician not an artist, now stop playing with yourself” [sic], few arguing when not confronted with beauty and brains Paul Tierstein if not the number one cardiologist on the planet than certainly the one cardiologist sitting on the most amount of cash, marrying only once, and again part of the Rich Democratic crowd smart enough not to produce offspring making certain his wifey who I like a lot makes enough money from giving folks hair treatments, head trips to boot Paul owning, such knowledge courtesy of Mr. JRK keeping me “happy as a Laerke” [sic], more vacant condominiums in New York City than any slum lord I know of, perhaps even more than Mark “Trump” Weinstein, agree?


The other night be4 Marie left me to defend for myself in the rock cabin which Mr. JRK refers to as Stonehenge II I saw part of this movie Magnolia starring Tom Cruise that has me thinking once again of why someone like Oprah Winfrey would want to toss out all her male worshippers and replace them with one Tom Cruise simply talking to her even without disrobing in to his briefs, less said not always the case once u understand the human psyche, agree?


By now I may have well answered your question, why to support George Bush, agree?


Quite desperate have my family become as I reveal our close connections to Charles Engelhard, his lawyers on Bush Street in San Francisco who couldn’t buy me off as they did my uncle David Gevisser who then tried to soil my rather clean white hands by connecting me up with the rogues of Codiam Inc., agree?


Interesting wouldn’t u agree that from the day I stepped foot in to Codiam’s offices on 47th Street in New York City I was as sick as a dog, never not once placing my hands as best I recall on a single document but managing to during my brief stay to get the full picture that has those at the highest levels of the socio-economic ladder trembling to the core.


Adam I ask u as well as everyone reading this including Tony Unruh to forward this to as many folks around the world ASAP to get with the program be4 the lights go out for each and every one of us.


TU like Norma Essakow in the last presidential election may end up being the person most responsible for our great great President George W. Bush beating the crap out of Mrs. John HEINZ Kerry, John Kerry representing the likes of Ron Burkle, Jeffrey R. Krinsk, Melvyn Weiss, Bill Lerach, Mark “Trump” Weinstein, Dan Weinstein of the Wetherly Capital Group etcetera etcetera none of them by any stretch of the imagination Jewish, Christian, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist etcetera etcetera just rich Democrats so self absorbed that they promote policies to assuage their guilt that destroy economic opportunity for those who are trying to make a living.


If we move fast and spread the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help each of us G-D, the great, most honorable, G-D fearing George W. Bush will win by a landslide.


Do yourself, your girlfriend, your family, your possible future children the favor of responding without any bullshit emotion, applying straightforward logic to dispel my contention, that as difficult as it may be, as tragic as was our Jewish Holocaust it is not only pale in comparison to the holocaust of Black South Africans post WW2, but in examining the money trail, the numbers in the end all have to add up, number the essence of all things, good or evil, how else can u accurately reflect on the rise of Hitler than to state loud and clear, given the fact that the vast majority of “first tier” DeBeers diamond traders have thick Jewish blood running thru their veins and have been the front line of both defense and attack of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel since the discovery of diamonds, vast quantities in confined spaces, DeBeers never stopped trading with Nazi Germany as our Jewish brothers and sisters slaved away in armaments factories be4 going up the chimney stacks of Auschwitz, Buchenwald etcetera etcetera, that in a nutshell we financed not only our own Holocaust but the greatest holocaust of all time that continues to this very day, agree?


And why else would we have such denial on the part of people like Sidney Abelski at this time not wanting to hear the truth?


Again Sidney Abeleski while far from being as rich as Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk who is very skilled and knowledgeable, simply not as bright as Sidney, both, however, very troubled like so many other Jewish people, now visibly demonstrating the incredible guilt they have been forced to carry on their shoulders by parents who failed most of all to let them fly free and high from an early age to feel ever so comfortable in conforming to the most basic element of Judaism eventually being able to recognize the importance of “Wrestling-Struggling with G-D”, to work out on one’s own the genius of an Almighty Good and very SMART G-D who provides each of us with choices each and every moment of the day to play the cards we r dealt each and every moment of the day as well as night to recuperate, making light, staying in shape with our G-D given bodies to make good use of our time, each go around, agree?


Number the essence of all things, good or evil, agree?


Such failure to hail our great chief the most honorable George W. Bush falling less and less on the deaf ears of the Lumpen proletarians who r beginning to rise with the tide, change in the air, a paradigm shift in the way we do business so well illustrated in our Clean Water Fund project.


President George. W. Bush at great personal risk both to his own wealth and reputation knowing, however, that us Jewish people suffer most of all from very poor memories has in picking up the gauntlet taking on Saddam Hussein been fighting our fight, agree?


Shame on not just any Jewish person but any single human being with a conscience who fails to applaud a most honorable Gentile such as Mr. George W. Bush who at least in my book will deserve a place in history subscribing brilliantly to the fundamental tenets of Judaism alongside the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King and anyone else genuinely interested in human rights as opposed to scoundrels like the Kennedys and Kerry-Heinz who so enjoy their fricken clam bakes, may the Good Almighty SMART G-D smite all such scoundrels that they return as stalagmites buried deep under ground, agree?


Please respond ASAP, time running out 4 the wicked, the indifferent as well as those who make a choice to “duck and dive” given the Digital Age A G-D-Send, their failure to use The Internet to go to primary sources to gather the evidence that I know versus believe will demonstrate that I am not only right but on the side of light, to mention little once again of the deafening silence of Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss who in my opinion right this very minute is seeking counsel from our Almighty Good and extraordinary SMART G-D.


G-D only help us if in fact people like u fail at this most important time to do the right thing for the general good, and why not think of taking that $15,000 that your uncle once offered for your wedding celebration which like barmitzvah’s have simply become a good excuse with a bought and paid for member of the clergy to show off what r mostly ill-gotten gains and do something positive like taking your girlfriend on a trip leaving tonight stopping off first say in Florence where u may run into my very good friend Derrick Beare and his wife who needed to get away for a couple of days the result of a week of celebrating a family member’s barmitvah and after circling the tower of pizza until u get giddy or u simply get tired of Derrick throwing apples on top of your head to high tail it to Florida, meeting up again with Derrick who could just simply blast u with soccer balls until u get with the program and go knocking door to door on anyone who looks remotely Jewish handing out this missive along of course with your response, and please don’t forget to set up on the home page of a box which will allow folks from all over the world speaking 42 languages to click on to our dialogue pointing them to translation tools if necessary.


Change is in the air, change builds, character, time for new beginnings, the past, the future all coming together in the present as we begin celebrating the breaking of the “light speed barrier” as well as welcoming in the next cycle of remembrance.




Ps – So sad to find as our learned that Manzineta is the Spanish word for “little apple” 3 long-tailed fox dead, all within a quarter mile of one another, the first on a very exposed flat rock, its stomach ripped to shreds very likely a hunter’s bullet, and of course as Marie and I interfered with these modern hunters in their late afternoon hunt I couldn’t help while I was armed to the teeth with only Pypeetoe and Maggie not able to find cover due the burnt brush that made these testosterone clad men so incredibly full of themselves, not moving more than a handful of feet from their motorized vehicles, the riot act; such wimps deciding in the end rather than going to war with me and my “gods” [sic] to sling high powered rifles with telescopic lenses over their shoulders and high tail it back to town, next time tho when returning they may decide to dress in civilian clothing rather than army fatigues spraying themselves with all sorts of human rather than deer scents as they blow out the back of my head, agree?


Nothing quite enough to camouflage the sickening scent of so many human beings having this thing for zeroing on any moving target, agree?


Ps I – Never to get away from the fact that Bush represents truth and until u wake up and understand how worthless our currency is at this time thru no fault of George W. that the poor and downtrodden all around the world thanks again to the like of me r not so stupid as Rich Democrats profess them to be, remember without the poor there is no church, getting increasingly up to speed on the unholy alliance between State and Church, such exposure having quite a dampening effect on the parties of the “rich and famous”, the rich getting the picture more and more as the world goes full on topsy turvy curvy with each tick of the almighty powerful clock, agree?


Again and again u of all people cannot keep escaping the truth about us Jewish people continuing to be in denial about us Jewish people the backbone of the greatest criminal enterprise of all time aided and abetted by mostly rich United States Democrats who remain to this very day so self absorbed that they promote policies to assuage their guilt that destroy economic opportunity for those who are trying to make a living.


Neither u nor any other literate human being on this planet can continue to get away with arguing my symposiums are “tTOo” [sic] long for virtue of that fact from my most recent day in court the lawyer-liars from the almighty, omnipotent law firm of Kimball Tirey and St. John submitted a bill for $2800 causing Commissioner Pennie M. Carlos to role her eyes eventually lowering the boom reducing the amount they sought from me to $500 despite pitiful, head hung low Kristin L. Connor Esq. protesting it seemed that neither she nor Ted Kimball or any one of those lawyers-liars from this out of control law firm now coming to grips with their “in check” position could take their eyes off my missives even those not addressed to them, downloading stuff off my website that required them having to go into my website directory.


The days of bad lawyers and simple people thanks to the Digital Age, a G-D-Send fast drawing to a close.


Ps II – Perhaps u could also come up with a summary of this Next Symposium which I will place as a follow up reply to one poster on an Internet message board who felt I might know more than the average Joe Blow about The Diamond Invention.


Again it takes one person to save this world and just one person to destroy all the good that is out there and for u to do all within your power knowing that in all probability I am right that there is one incredible Almighty Good and extraordinary SMART G-D watching each and every one of our moves, no better use of your time I suggest than posting our dialogue, making edits where u deem fit, spreading the message of hope all linked up to the homepage of even as u make headway using the prevailing winds to Florida to incite, no strike that, in flame, no strike that, to get each and every one of our Jewish brothers and sisters no matter how much they r in denial, using every single available tool I have provided included embarrassing the crap out of them to vote what remains of their conscience and in the process see to it that the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazi’s, aided and abetted by the South African Oppenheimer family aided and abetted by in fact a relatively very small number of Jewish people, did not die in vein.


Blood is as thick as experience, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help each of us G-d, shall set us all free, never forgetting that the State of Israel was meant to be a safe harbor from stormy weathers and for the “Children of Israel to be a light unto the Nations” not as a fricken spot for crooks to find a resting spot, able to count on the likes of our bought and paid for rabbis to grant them a lasting wish as they get buried on Mt. Olives, enough to make me vomit, Pypeetoe just this very instant throwing up right next to me.


Ps III – Let me know your thoughts on the Supreme Internet Court [SIC].



From: Adam Tucker
Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:37 PM
To: GsG
Subject: Re: 10 days to election...twist...AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?


Please explain to me why I should vote for Bush, not why I should not vote for Kerry.



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:10 AM
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest;; FBI; Zimasa Qanda; Po-Li;; Guy Friedman


Adam – The wind right now has calmed down considerably, nothing quite like it was earlier this evening when I was on the beach barely able stay on my feet, the wonderful “Oshon” [sic] swept air forced in to my lungs allowing me at this time to respond perhaps more directly than in my earlier missive.


What exactly have u been smoking or has the mainstream media hooked u on to some mainline drug like heroin mixed in with Aspartame?


May I respectfully suggest that u conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether the grower is on Mrs. John HEINZ Kerry’s payroll.


As u well know I could care less about either party and please spare me the knife twisting accolades, “despite my respect 4 u” [sic], I am while doing my level best to get George W. re-elected very committed to implementing our Clean Water Fund project all over the world irrespective of what takes place on November 8th, more than willing to invite George W. in as a founding partner whether or not he is re-elected should the other founding partners agree, to mention little of my sincere belief that George W. is a G-D-Send and a man should our species remain who will go down in history as not only one of the most intellectually honest politicians of all time if not the most honest, a lot to be said for his healthy mind-healthy body, agree?


I just love the fact that he was a party animal growing up; can u imagine what it would have been like had George W. gone to Emory University at the same time Derrick Beare scored some 64 goals in one season to mention little of the misses they both could have passed on to their not as well equipped midget sized armed friends but in addition George W. is someone who in not letting his formal education interfere with his learning chose to step up to the plate at the right time to do the “right thing” for the “general good”.


Again I have to come back to my training, it is not so much what u say but equally important what u fail to say that leads me to believe your drug supplier could also possibly be one of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk’s many gardeners, u recall Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk is a major fund raiser here in southern California for the Democratic Communist Party, agree?


Emails only become monologues when one fails either intentionally, inadvertently or because one is simply “brainne dead” [sic] otherwise it is, in my humble opinion, the best way to dialogue other than when having sex with someone on the exact same wavelength, my just reading about Bill O Reilly of the Fox Network having phone sex with his producer which is probably why he has been “tTOo” [sic] busy to respond to any of my missives, yet, agree?


The most important thrust of my prior email to you was the line that read,


“Not so FCUKEN nervous tho if in fact Saddam Hussein were in power, AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?”


Your first sentence below contains the words, “his [George Bush’s] occupation in office” the word “occupation” is the sort of language used by folks at the United Nations mostly despot representatives when referring to the United States’ strongest ally in the Middle East which u may recall is this country made up of about twice the number of nervous Jewish people than what we find on the island of “Madhattan” [sic] in New York City that serves as the launch pad for the distribution of the most “blackened handed” snake oil courtesy of The Diamond Invention, the principals behind the DeBeers Diamond Cartel responsible for the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time continuing to this very day, agree?


The South African Oppenheimer family having reaped great financial rewards in aiding and abetting the Nazi Military Machine during WW2 leveraged their holdings while learning from the mistakes of the 3rd Reich to create a solid footing by getting an American Jewish person in the form of Charles Englehard who saw fit co-opt my father’s first cousin with the golden Gevisser name to do sugarcoat the misdeeds of the Oppenheimer family who were as Jewish as anyone Jewish person I know who is not “brainne dead” [sic] who supports the Democratic Communist Party, not to forget the Oppenheimers and Charles Englehard could never have pulled off their shenanigans if they didn’t have the full cooperation of the Attorney General of the United States, so please let me hear loud and clear u supporting me in having this scoundrels white cross removed from our sacred Arlington Memorial Cemetery, agree?


Shameful the deafening silences of those who no longer have the excuse of not being told the truth, speaking volumes with each tick of the almighty powerful clock, wouldn’t u agree?


Just a matter of moments in the space of time be4 the masses around the world wake up to how the first family of the Democratic Communist Party here in the United States of America was a full on partner in the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time at a time when civil rights movements around the world not just here in the U.S. sought guidance from the likes of Robert F. Kennedy who they believed was on their team, this scoundrel when visiting South Africa in our summer of 1966 creating nothing but false hope for the masses of colored people around the world, such fancy footwork again well documented in The Diamond Invention, agree?


Perhaps what is needed to convince u in addition to the urgent need to change your supplier or to at least suggest that he-she cut back on the Aspartame filler so that u can begin to focus on the hypocrisy of the Democratic Communist Party is to get u an invitation to the next clam bake at the Kennedy compound which is why I carbon copy Mr. JRK, do u get my drift?




Do u think I need to spell things out a little more in terms of what may very well be the cause of you ignoring how incredibly more dangerous this world would be if in fact Saddam Hussein were “occupying” Iraq having his hands on petrol dollars using middle men like traitor Marc Rich to execute his trades to secure an everlasting world peace, r u vomiting?


Quite obviously my economics 101 lesson falling deaf ears, agree?


Lets keep this all very tight since a whole lot is at stake, much more than our ability to logically thought process, i.e. while u and I have yet to face the prospect of dying of thirst or hunger increasingly tuned in to my missives-emails are folks like Augusto Benito Vargis who have in fact more formal education than both u and I combined who r now depending on the likes of me and Dr. Rod Smith to execute our Clean Water Fund project ever so efficiently.




Ps – While walking along the beach tonight I couldn’t help but notice all the lights that were on in Mrs. Dick Heckman’s orange mansion, her former husband, Dick Heckman, u probably don’t recall is the founder of U.S. Filter that was later sold to Vivendi the French water conglomerate, Dick, Dan Weinstein, the co-managing director of the Wetherly Capital Group and I enjoying a wonderful afternoon in Palm Desert just east of Los Angeles around this time back in 2001 when I was spearheading another water fund project for the WCG which is when Dr. Rod Smith and I first became acquainted, in fact the very day Rod and I met and broke bread the person who had organized our gathering which included another Professor from the University of California Riverside mentioned within moments of us sitting down at a table in a restaurant just down the road from the WCG’s former headquarters how the Chief Financial Officer of U.S. Filter refused to sign off on the company’s “cooked” financial statements.


Suffice to say Joe “Big Talker” Campos is the very same individual who arranged 2 rather important meetings with former Democratic Governor of California, Gray Ho Chi Min Davis, the first meeting involving the very top executives of Vivendi in the U.S. and the second meeting just 10 minutes later on December 28th 2001 included Dr. Rod Smith, Joe Campos and the Governor, the subject matter of that discussion I will leave up to your imagination altho if u click on this hyperlink, a clearer version in Mr. JRK’s possession by now possibly in the hands of the FBI, u will get a better idea of why Vivendi decided to reward Joe “Big Talker” Campos once again for “greasing the wheels”, the last I heard was that Mr. Campos was back working for Vivendi, agree?


Not to forget just 2 things, one is that exactly 6 days later after Democratic Communist Party Governor Davis was briefed by Dr. Rod Smith on the White Paper Rod, quite the water authority, had prepared for this rather important meeting the share price of Vivendi and its 63% owned Vivendi Environmental began a 280 day $63 odd billion precipitous decline, the “angle of the dangle” decline that attracts the attention of folks like Mr. JRK who pay top dollar for risk assessment” specialists like myself, January 3rd 2002 just so happens to have been the day my Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion had her neighbor Mr. Jim McFarland Esq. witness her will, and the second thing to remember is Democratic Communist Party Governor Gray Ho Chi Min Davis never did get back to Dr. Rod Smith on the all important topic of water which didn’t however, stop Dan Weinstein, Ms. VickyStickySchiff the other co-managing director of the WCG as well as Joe Campos from heading out once again to Vivendi-U.S. Filter’s headquarters in Palm Desert on or around January 11th 2002 to “brainstorm” how the WCG could be “rewarded” for “greasing the wheels”, do u get the drift of why the likes of Augusto Benito Vargis think it is time us Americans stopped with all the bullshit, and may I further suggest u email Ms. Schiff to fill u in on any of the missing links, agree?


It all comes down to who u can love, i.e. trust and respect and I happen to not only love our great, great, President George W. Bush but I am convinced that once u conduct an assay on what I assume is low grade pot u may eventually confirm my worst fears leading me to make an appointment 4 u with my cardiologist cousin for a free frontal lobotomy consultation altho I firmly believe that there is sufficient time for u to get in shape, healthy mind, healthy body and that u will not only love our great President but like him as much as I do, agree?


Other than seeking a reason not to engage in logical conversations with your other human beings, perhaps simply to avoid having sex, why else other than low quality pot would u waste precious time watching TV supporting the likes of my pal Valerie Schulte Esq. of the National Association of Broadcasters stooges of Rich Democrats who r so self absorbed that they promote policies to assuage their guilt that destroy economic opportunity for those who are trying to make a living, which is not to suggest u should only smoke pot that u grow yourself, G-D forbid I were to even suggest u even know what pot looks like, agree?


In the end I am confident that u will do whatever it takes including panhandling on street corners to afford the bus ride to Florida so that u can get all those deprived Jewish brothers and sisters of ours in the State of Florida to join your crusade to get our great great great President re-elected since I might very well decide that if I cannot convince the likes of u with the purest of logic to vote for George W. then I might just follow in Pierre Salinger’s footsteps and resign myself to living in exile until such time as us Americans wake up and smell the coffee, agree?


I just read in the latest issue of Time Magazine that this stooge of the Kennedy clan while running a bed and breakfast in the south of France in self imposed exile after I helped George W. first get elected, recently kicked the bucket, thank G-D, the cover of Time quite interesting agree, “Is God in our genes” [sic]?


Ps I – Don’t forget to give me your thoughts on the question I hope to pose in court this Thursday assuming I am allowed to “cross examine” each and every liar-lawyer of the law firm Kimball, Tirey and St. John.



-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Tucker
Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: 10 days to election...twist...AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?


I have to play the what if game becaseu what else to I have to make a decision based on? It defintely would not be in Bush's best interest for me to decide based upon his occupation in office or his recent debates. I would rather make a dialogue of this in person or on the phone becasue email is inherenatly a monlogue but I know that what I write may not just be intended for you.


I respect you and the fact that you are in the know more than I am. In fact this will be my first election that I have registered for. Despite my respect for you, your argument of the corruption of the Democrats of the past (and probably present) is not enough to sway my vote. Yet...


I do not take offesne to your attacks on Mrs. John Heinz Kerry, I wish that I had another person that I could vote for,  but there are only two parties that have any chance of winning. You did not address my issue with Bush's rejustification for Iraq, nor did you give me justification for voting Bush besides the argument of saying why I shouldn't vote Kerry. I am genuinely scared for my future more so than ever before. Bush's campaign has been using the angle of instilling fear of terrorist to tell people to support him... But than how can they or you explain why the guy that actually admitted to killing Americans (Osama) is free and a guy that was not an immediate threat (at least no more so than North Korea) has been over thrown? My vote is admitedly emmotional, but I feel less safe than before 9/11 especially without the support of the rest of the world (which we had just post 9/11).


Does it not scare you that the United Nations has been ignored? The "what if" game has to be used when we have a leader that reports to no one but his G-d. The established "police" of the world were superceded because we wanted Sadam and could not wait until a propper investigation could have been made. That would have been justifiable had he been an actual threat or had we admitted that he was no longer a threat and pulled out. I understand your argument of showing weakness, but you also talk about learning from history. I don't believe that adding Iraq to "the only democracy in a sea of despots" is the right path. If our intentions were to spread liberty to that part of the world, why couldn't we have picked a more likely candidate that had a less opressive society. Reactions are finite if examined close enough, and it is human nature to react by over compensating. If I see a deer in the road, I am more likely to swerve much more than would be needed to avoid hitting the deer. When you give freedom to someone that is use to being oppressed it is no different sending a domesticated animal like pipeetoo into the wild. Freedom and a Democratic society must be attained with evolution which takes time. We will not be able to force the Iraqi people to be democratic if it is not what they want. There are a lot of waring parties in Iraq much like our civil war amongst others, but it is no more our responsibility to get involved than it is National Geographics responsibility to stop a zebra from being eaten by a lion. I only think that there can be two justifications for intervtions of this nature; genocide or a direct threat to our safety. All other reasons I believe are immoral and arogant.


I know you have intimate knowledge of Democrat corruption from childhood, but are you voting Bush becasue he represents your beliefes, ideology, and you? Or are you voting for Bush becasue he is the lesser of two evils. This is what I ultimately asked my unlce and did not get a clear response. I hope that you can explain it to me better, becasue I am open to your thoughts and hungry for knowledge.





----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 3:13 PM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest; Dad; FBI;; Roy Essakow

Adam - I will address at a later time “selfishness” being the only reason a logical person can give for procreating...---...