From: Gary S. Gevisser
Friday, October 22, 2004 8:01 PM
Cc: rest; Kathy “Gardener” Connor;
Adam Birnbaum-Principal Planner-City of Del Mar; Devin Standard


Mr. Kimball – Prior to lunch today I sent a draft of an email I planned to send to u to a select audience who altho relatively small did in fact, in my opinion, represent a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate pollution, no strike that, population, and then I ran into the leasing agent who leased me my studio, the studio since changing hands, and instead of repeating myself, please in the event u were not copied on my reply to Ms. Belville Esq. head of mergers, acquisitions and divestitures of those not subscribing to fair trading practices allowed under the fair housing standards established to give the poor and downtrodden a pretty awful sense of security, just ask her for a copy as well as what I sent a little earlier to Dr. Rod Smith a founding partner of our Clean Water Fund project.


No one obviously really that caring so well illustrated in the 10 DAY NOTICE bullshit, agree?


The failure of the law profession to address this simple but egregious act so well designed to keep the rich getting richer and the poor the picture places u and every single member of your profession right this very instant in “check” and very possibly more than a handful of u so fricken full of yourselves in “check mate”, the game of chess like the game of life getting your opponent to play to your advantage, my willing to be my bottom dollar u r very much not only feeling you age, aging faster than ever thought possible but more importantly feeling as rotten as any human being can feel at this time other than those dying of thirst or starving as a result of u disgusting people failing so miserably in a profession that begin on such an incredibly solid footing.


So go take all that, stuff it in your pipe, and come 7 days from now if I and/or the executor of my worldwide estate, Mr. Devin Standard do not hear the right words coming out of each and every single one of your partners mouths I will simply have to make love, no strike that, let me think,,, make signs on sandwich boards, u know what I mean jelly bean?


I will continue this communiqué perhaps even during my 1 week sabbatical and if I don’t return I hereby instruct Mr. Devin Standard to take the draft of what I sent attorney Tony Pissante, make appropriate edits forward it on to u and every single fricken lawyer-liar in your law firm and then, not bothering to purchase any liability insurance given the fact that I can back everything I say with facts and proof, the better the evidence the better the proof, liquidate all my assets other than my intellectual property and to use the proceeds to take out ads in each and every newspaper in every single country, words INFORMERS WANTED ring a bell, never forgetting Timbuktu where for all I know Dr. Jonathan Beare who I believe more than ever is the cash richest person on the planet may still be thinking of taking refuge altho good word has it that he looks forward to visiting with me once again.


Good Day,


Gary S. Gevisser


The Rattlesnake
