From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:20 PM
Chanin and Thomas
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: NOTICE


I don’t know why u would think my mother, or Dr. Leizer “Save Zena” Molk, her ex-brother-in-law, or my amazing father Bernie Gevisser, Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman’s first husband, would send u that one of a kind communiqué?


This preamble might not only be wordy but very possibly if not boring u to death may then very probably put u to sleep in which case please be so gracious as to write me a check at least to the extent of the cost of a sleeping pill allowing u to wake up tomorrow with that all important ear to ear smile on your face, regardless of how small the amount if acceptable to my bank will be deposited generally within 6 months, a number of folks feeling so awful for me since being evicted by Landlord Jeff Simple Smith along with my poor poor street dog Pypeetoe they feel the need to call and grieve instead of simply doing the right thing for the general good and contributing generously to our social cause.


So interesting what turns certain people with a specific agenda hoping against all hope that I was in fact “down and out”?


Why not at the same time after u have printed this all out and read it time and again to assist me in my endeavor to make it more understandable, go ahead and make copies of the edited printout finding a suitable location perhaps at the roundabout right outside Seacrest=Ccrest and hand it out to folks just walking by on their way to Burgundy Chapel losing themselves in the most enchanted forest in all of England, agree?


Given how well u representedthis listing” I would have thought it would take no time at all to get your arms around the Seacrest=Ccrest Bed and Breakfast café less than a handful of folks carbon copied, thousands, however, blind copied a statistically valid sampling of the world literate population, the vast majority I suspect able to track rather well.


Then again a good number of these folks have been tuned in to my missives for several years able to get with the program pretty quickly these days to mention in passing it probably going to take less than a week for all the world’s literate masses to understand that while the “rule of law” was founded on a solid footing, Moses perhaps losing his footing on the first go around, the superrich have manipulated things by mixing non-fiction with fiction, don’t waste your time reading bullshit like my Royal Mater’s The Winking Cat, to the point that most if not all “common law” provides most of the hard working people, the vast majority good just trying to make ends meet, no more than a paycheck from being out on the street with nothing but a “false sense of security”, agree?


This communiqué the other evening to the first named partner in a rather large, rapacious regional law firm year in southern California providing an elephant sufficiency of what it is that has the greedy, guarding their secrecy, most of all how they got their ill-gotten gains now walking on egg shells, agree?


Slowly but surely I have been revealing deep dark hidden secrets only now for the first time being fully revealed, please be so kind as to place in the local Minehead newspaper my response to this question “Please explain to me why I should vote for Bush, not why I should not vote for Kerry” with the ad reading as follows:


A Name From Here You Can Trust Over.


Please GsG explain to me why I should vote for Bush, not why I should not vote for Kerry.


Go to for a one of a kind dialogue between my one programmer, Adam Tucker, and yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser


A Name From Here You Can Trust Over.


Feel free to send the bill to my Minehead attorney the most honorable Mr. Rob McLusky who felt that the local taxing authority had not charged me enough as the operators of Ccrest Café broke all records this summer and to add salt to the wound Mr. McLusky will very possibly charge me an arm and a leg for being so on top of his game, what can I say, I just love this man.


More than a handful of folks on this planet know exactly where I am headed, less and less relatively speaking wishing me dead, my most recent revelations connecting up The Diamond Invention to liberal imposters not only in terms of how it came about but how it has managed to thrive all these years so hidden off the radar screen, the DI facilitating the movement of “riches” totally undetectable, agree?


The financing of wars once the poor and downtrodden begin to agitate so important to examine in this “dog eat god” [sic] world where as a result of the masses being bred to believe in “blind faith”, constantly turning a blind eye to evil, now more than ever folks of all religions beginning to question how this all came about right at the same time the ruling elite came out with their bullshit of “We rule by divine authority”, agree?


The Romans morphing into the Roman Catholic Church making ever so much more sense without the poor there is no church and without the church in cahoots with the ruling elite there would be no poor and downtrodden, there more than enough to go around given how in fact we are all pretty much programmed right from the start, having all the answers if only our elders weren’t so full of themselves as they get “phat as pigs” [sic] making new rules along the way to keep them in the pound seats while interfering with our sequencing, agree?


This going around in circles in defiance of G-D-Nature having got rid of our tails would in fact continue ad-infinitum unless someone such as myself, the ultimate insider, opens their big bloody mouth to mention little of the connecting dots all coming together with this U.S. Presidential election just days away, agree?


Once, however, my Jewish brothers and sisters come to terms with by voting for Mrs. John HEINZ Kerry and against our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush they are doing nothing short of perpetuating the myth of others being responsible for their almost total annihilation, agree?


The failure first and foremost of us Jewish people to confront the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth that it is mostly our own Jewish brothers and sisters who have been used and abused providing the backbone of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel a major if not the primary financiers of the 3rd Reich, the DI networks in clusters all around the world, mostly off the beaten path rarely if ever drawing the attention of the masses on main street, agree?


There is no beginning, middle or end to any investigation when one lacks a money trail, agree?


Can u count on your one hand the number of public corporations operating on 47th Street just a “hop jump and a scotch” [sic] of Wall Street, agree?


Moreover, the South African Oppenheimer family with their ill-gotten gains from trading with Nazi Germany “polished up their act” post WW2 financing a much greater holocaust, the South African Apartheid Government taking root right in their backyard, agree?


So easily forgetful was a shell shocked world no different to any time in history, thank G-D again and again for the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, agree?


Never to forget it was the United States of America made up of mostly Christian fearing men and women who provided the muscle, limbs, and lives, never to forget the necessary heavy water, to blast away the fascists, few if any G-D fearing Americans aware of the insidious nature of the DI aided and abetted to this very day by predominantly men and women shrouding themselves in Jewish orthodoxy who continue to provide the back bone of the DI, agree?


Worth repeating time and again until such time as we hear from the likes of international scholar, Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss, my family’s closest friend who in addition to koshering our home barmitzvahed me at age 13.


So far not a single human being has provided any logical rebuttal to my contention that it is us Jewish people who aided and abetted the mass murder of 6 million of our own, agree?


“Risk assessment” is my business, my credibility rather well established in a number of disciplines, my fixation on searching for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me G-D, has me coming forth time and again with pure logic and for anyone to debate me including an ostrich like Tony Unruh, a fellow Jewish person born and raised in a South Africa shtel-ghetto is perfectly fine as long as they don’t waste my time, agree?


Most critical at this time is to get the elderly Jewish voters in Florida many still carrying the guilt of the Holocaust rightly and squarely on their shoulders to vote what little remains of their conscience and logic, the fact that one of my very closest Jewish friends in the world, Sidney Abelski Esq., a product of 2 holocaust survivors now sends out his wifey Linda with the message, “Save Sidney”, while quite pitiful, his deafening silence speaking volumes, agree?


Sidney Abelski without a doubt the smartest legal mind I have ever met, altho my mother might possibly argue were she not so incredibly senile since what else can explain her childish behavior of sending out Knights in shining white armor to shoot her poison tipped arrows, that Mr. Julius Gurwitz who resides in Israel stands above all legal eagles, my mother assuming G-D were to gift her back her sanity if given the choice between having the pick of the litter coming out of any law school in the world, experienced or inexperienced lawyer-liar would if I made myself available choose me as her advocate since not only can I manage to spit things out assuming there is no one in the room who I detest as much as Simple Smith and his lawyer-liars my command of numbers able to compartmentalize the facts, helped in no small measure by my laptop, no substitute tho, for having quite the Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion at my side.


I am now calling for the Supreme Internet Court [SIC] to bring be4 it all those who gained competitive advantage as a result of the DI thus making me “conflicted out” in serving my extraordinary mother who when all is said and done while failing most of all to come to terms with how she deserves full credit for raising me in the ingenious traditions of Jewish orthodoxy is suffering horribly the result of being hoodwinked, Zena RAG Zulman a genius of geniuses, not by someone incredibly smart as her first husband my amazing father, Bernie Gevisser, but by his idiot of a first cousin David Gevisser the heir-apparent of Mr. Charles Engelhard the co-conspirator in the DI.


We must never forget that the South African Oppenheimer family the other co-conspirator in the DI have since I can recall always clothed themselves in Christianity, speaking out of both sides of their forked tongued mouths, liberal as the day is young when impressing upon the world, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” that hard work leads to freedom while putting in place corrupt governments all around the world not just in South Africa but wherever precious metals can be found, agree?


Nothing again like diamonds while in abundance, found in clusters, untraceable as they get moved around the globe being switched time again as the authorities so “very bought and paid 4” [sic] get giddy going around in circles.


So brilliant is the DeBeers Diamond Cartel in mesmerizing the world with slogans such as “A diamond is 4ever” [sic] while back at the ranch enjoying their beer laughing all the way to the bank having worked out how easy it is to co-opt those such as diamond merchant Maurice Templeton who stepped up to the plate to take care of the former First Lady of the United States when Aristotle Onassis got so tired of her whining within moments of the matrimony vows being spoken, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’ anorexic look never quite appealing to my Royal Mater’s client as the connections the former First Lady of the United States of America had at one time to the United States Justice Department, her favorite lover Robert F. Kennedy having served his masters rather well, agree?


It takes just one grain of sand to produce a pearl, and one “most average” human being to rise to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve, the Hitlers, the Stalins, the Saddam Husseins so malleable with their oversized egos, the rich having up until this very moment in time got richer and the poor the picture, now feeling the weight of their ill-gotten gains, seeking higher ground, agree?


Interesting as they go in search of spirituality not quite equipped as they have been in the past to circle the wagons as I expand my inner circle able at least up until this point in time to run circles around them, their deafening silences so incredibly informative even to the Lumpen proletarians, agree?


Bottom line should u think u r best equipped to market this one of a kind real estate-business opportunity please provide me with all the particulars spelling out your best guess in terms of the price we could get based on us wanting to sell Ccrest along the following timetable and/or enter into a long term lease with a qualified operator of a Bed and Breakfast café, the likes of Kennedy lover Pierre Salinger to be avoided at all cost:


1.    Within the next 5 minutes which is how long it took me to first see just the outside property on a dark winter night and conclude the transaction with the Costers bypassing all protocol.

2.    Within the next 24 hours.

3.    Within the next 72 hours.

4.    Within the next 3 months.

5.    Within the next 6 months.

6.    Within the next 12 months based on another summer of stellar results that may include us doing the marketing spelled out in this communiqué never to forget the liquor license along with renting out a couple or more of the bedrooms.

7.    Within the next 18 months which I consider to be stretching things to the limits of what will undoubtedly be the greatest collapse of the world’s stock markets ever envisioned by the smartest amongst us in the “risk assessment” business unless we get real smart and ensure our great great President George W. Bush gets reelected and gets with the program to immediately suspend trading of public corporations and in so doing protect the innocent and naïve momworker63s, orphans, widows, widowers, pensioners as well as the “brainne dead” [sic] in no way shape or form being able to compete with the smart money sitting on the sidelines hoping to pick up the scraps from the implosion just around the corner.


I prefer to keep communications via email – this way nothing gets lost in the translation.


Again if there is anything that does not make the most perfect sense please spell it out in “black and white” unless of course u have a cartoon or photo that u think would be suffice to help increase the circle of those dependant on me to keep them informed of the events of the day.


Again, your communiqué below is a very affirmative action on your part, much appreciated.


Yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser



-----Original Message-----
Chanin and Thomas
Saturday, October 23, 2004 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: NOTICE


Dear Mr Gevisser,


Please could you firstly confirm that you sent the below email to us recently and if so also either contact Raoul Hewitt at our Minehead Office on 01643 706666 or email to clarify our instructions as we are unclear from the email.


Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.


Chanin and Thomas



----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:14 PM
Cc: rest;
Valerie Coster; Barry & Annie Taylor;; Rob McLusky (
Subject: NOTICE 


Good day,


I am the owner of the Seacrest=Ccrest Bed and Breakfast Café in Minehead, Somerset, England...---...