From: Gary S. Gevisser c/o MDG email account
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:01 PM PT
Mike Emerson - Code enforcer Del Mar
Cc: rest; Kasner - City Engineer - City of Del Mar; W. Foss - Deputy Building Official; J. Brown - Admiinistrative Asst - Planning & Community Development - City of Del Mar; M. Bator - Associate Planner - City of Del Mar; D. Blackstock - Maintenance Superintendent - City of Del Mar; R. J. Scott, AICP - Senior Planner - City of Del Mar;
DM - Cindy Brandon (; DM - Dan Halverson (; Karen Jewett - Admin Asst - public works;; Henry "Loo" Abarbanel - Del Mar City Councilmember;;;; David Scherer - Public Works Director - City of Del Mar;; Whitman Knapp Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.;;;; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG
Subject: FW: Visit from San Diego Sheriffs Department...charade...---..RAT RACE...




Ps – If you have already received a prior copy of what I sent Devin Standard, the executor of my estate, please notice not only the changes in green but the additional hyperlinks that assist greatly in highlighting the corrupt City of Del Mar’s “offense” strategies.


You of course have noticed how Ms. Kathy Rat Face Clark’s brick work has expanded since you stopped by delivering your “cease and desist” orders.


Please share with me-we how much tougher it is for your kids to look into your eyes?


You of course have no problem like anyone without a conscience looking into the mirror, the more the better, since mirrors afford one endless possibilities to lose “wonself” [sic] as you notice increasingly a little blotch here and there?


Your mortality not quite getting to you given your lack of sensitivity, feeling, however, the initial “shock” of the weight of the world being lifted on to your shoulders as the not “al-to-get-her” [sic] perfect vacuum of space between your ears reflects increasing a light bulb?


You noticing it is not just me with my hand on the “dimmer switch”?


A fair amount of Science and Math in that previous “Art rendering” of the last Big Bang?


SMART Technology serving as “beacon” to help light up the faces of the mirror image of me and my amazing wife?


“Negative” folks such as Ms. Kathy Murray whose father, a mafia lawyer stationed in La Jolla, California and murdered in “cold blood” before her very eyes, while seeking “negative attention”, you a perfect example of her type, all of you type BS personalities getting increasingly silent as you find increasingly “little room” to maneuver?


The next generation with of course better looks than me-we, increasingly hooked on “positives” of being in a constant search for the truth now effortlessly stand on top of you again using the increasing perfect vacuum of space between your ears to light up their imaginations.


Such enlightened kids recognizing that they cannot really see any further than Einstein who was smart to stand on the shoulders of giants but with so many of you nincompoops lightening up the way, increasing paralyzed from the head down, feeling the need for someone such as me, a poor, poor, Little Rattlesnake to “land you a hand” [sic]?


Yes, let me help you spit it out, The Fish Rots From The Head Down.


Are you looking forward to joining the sardine run upon your quick return to this most amazing planet Mother Earth.


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost within spaceship ME, Deep Space the entire cosmos not just Deep Space so extraordinarily “balanced”, matter and anti-matter canceling each other out, such perfect silence much the same that the next generation of independent thinkers see right this instant when looking into your eyes.


Not quite certain that you like soul fish as you once did?


I am still waiting for Sergeant Maryon of the San Diego Sheriffs Department to return now 3 calls we have placed since his “tTOo” [sic] Deputy Sheriffs came over late yesterday afternoon to do exactly whose “dirty work” we will soon find out in this “prediscovery period.”


It has been a week since I last saw Greedy “Let me land you a hand-I have not had sex in over a year” [sic] Beckham trooping down in front of our other rented residence here in Del Mar, known as both the Carriage House and the Cliff House, even longer since I last saw running away up 11th Street with his spade in hand after I caught him on camera digging his personal path on the ever eroding cliffs of Del Mar, you noticing in the previous hyperlink Beckham pointing his finger at me saying,


Don’t you dare think of interfering with my right to grab a rich chick and if need be I will find a way to have sex with the Rat Face, her CIA connections coming in handy should I get busted for drug dealing” [sic]!


Then again, you were waiting outside the courtroom last Thursday when Greedy Beckham made his ASTONISHING announcement of not having had “sex in over a year” as the reason why I was so “evil” using “personal information” to get him, a guy who repeatedly “thumbs his nose” at the City of Del Mar, to act in a way that I want.


To repeat verbatim the 366 word voice message Greedy Drug Dealer Beckham left on my voice answering machine at 2:43 PM PT on June 3rd, 2005 that was introduced into evidence without Beckham or his lawyer-liar objecting, both lawyer-liar Kristin Conner Esq. and Beckham believing that by providing the “lack of sex” defense it would prove so distracting to the Judge that he, Judge Bloom, would not be able to connect up the rather simple dots that has my wife and I refusing to get out of this rather sick town with our tails between our legs:


Yes Gary it is Greg Beckham calling


I just wanted to address the situation that we encountered this morning between the two of us.


Really it very unfortunate situation to see someone who I have let into my life on a personal level take information or things that were between us and then threaten me with it to intimidate me to act the way you would like me to act for you.


To me that is evil.


And you have poisoned the water between us.


And I really don’t want to do business with you anymore. 


An apology or whatever else won’t really cut it.


I guess I gave you enough rope to hang yourself so to speak.


I shouldn’t have really been so closely involved with you.


I am sorry we let it get to this situation because I know you enjoy intimidating others and I see you doing it to Kathy as well and I need to talk to her.


I had a good talk with Marie and I think as long as you are in that unit there I had better deal with her because I can at least have a decent conversation with her on a calm level.


And like I said there is no way that I want to have you in my life.


So take your energy and deal with it.


And I will deal with Kathy [Rat Face Clark] and see what we can come with here to make your arrangement up there more comfortable whether that be her moving out or just getting herself in line and under control but that will take time.


And I know you have 11 months left on your, the original agreement I signed with you and I think I am willing to go along with that arrangement because I know how important it is to Marie and the kids and that will get them through another year of school without being disrupted and, but as far as renting the downstairs or doing any more business with you that is not an option really. I don’t really imagine that happening and so even if Kathy moves out don’t plan on taking over that space.


All right!


I recall the court reporter telling my one advocate Pinkerton that she was busy with an Appeal trial and that we should not expect the transcript costing over $600 being available for me to place on to www.SupremeInternetCourt.comanytime soon.”


“Sumhow” [sic] I don’t think your mouth is drooling right now.


Dry is how my mouth feels right now but less than 2 meters away as the crow flies is some freshly squeezed orange juice.


While you may not have understood prior to the space between your ears accelerating in becoming a perfect vacuum there is every reason to believe as remote as it may be that possibly one person working for the so corrupt City of Del Mar has figured out not only the “method to my madness” that continues to have my websites on track to have me-we owning the number one network of all time but how I managed to tap into the algorithms that have search engines like Google worth tens of billions of dollars only just now figuring out.


Bear in mind that while I have some gaps in my formal math education I know enough about this rather important language, the most precise known to man, to listen ever so carefully.


For example you would not know to pay attention when a smart guy like Derrick Beare tells me about his one friend who you see “squeezed in between” Derrick on the right and me on the left, the photo taken outside the Mexico City soccer stadium on World Cup Day 1986 after the 3 of us flew from Los Angeles just for one day of the most incredible partying, the fact that only when we got back to LA did we hear who had won not in the least bit taking away from the “fun and games”, healthy mind-healthy body.


So important the information DB recently shared with me about this friend who supposedly has quite a patent infringement lawsuit pending against Google who apparently stole his search engine, I figured that while DB’s mate, whose name I forget, is a software engineer to boot, he can’t be all that bright to have found himself relying on others such as Derrick and his uncle Dr. Jonathan Trouble Bubble Beare to get him his pound of flesh that had me then essentially “reverse engineering” the “genius” behind the search engines but with an added “twist”.


Coming in handy” is my understanding of human nature beginning with how much mankind, the oxymoron of all time, so unkind to G-D-NAture it no wonder we are unkind to ourselves, just can’t get enough of reading-hearing all the “sh1t” [sic] on other “people” especially those we don’t care for like Ron Bellows Senior, inevitable their “crap” will rise to the top of the search engines, so extraordinarily “democratic”?


So forgetful as we go around in circles, Pie not round Pi r², all our lies eventually catching up with us, what goes around comes around but with a vengeance?


2 Rest In Peace is a figment of some extraordinary drug, aspartame certainly not helping matters, us forgetting that we are all one and the same, our DNA knowing only to keep “doubling” to “replicate faithfully”.


Number the essence of all things, good or evil, “good” and “evil” a concoction of man, not an Almighty SMART G-D imploring us to be one SMART people who don’t like to be told what to do and how to do it since we have been given all the answers at birth.


Now we will see how long RBS with not “al-to-get-her” [sic] grubby CV can stay quiet?


My pal Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk has to be just cracking up inside despite knowing that I am pretty much complete in destroying his most insidious “shell gamebusiness model.


Yes, Mr. so fricken co-opted government employee you should have been taught by at least your parents not to judge a book by its cover especially one like my forthcoming book Manager Minute One that is an amalgamation of my simply having remained “SMART” no different to any kid anywhere in the world who is brought into this world by smart parents providing the child with just the basics, healthy food, clean water and lots of “love”, i.e. trust and respect that the Good Almighty SMART G-D was smarter than them, the key to never expect or get no matter what any inheritance just their knowledge and “good name” with the right to dispense with both should their formal education interfere with their learning.


For “sum” [sic] reason parents, teachers, professors as they get older instead of figuring out their purpose in life which is to learn continuously from teaching their children who have again all the answers, they end up in this “rate race” that has turned from “survival of the fittest” to “survival of the richest” so selfish, co-opting as quickly as is humanely possible those so ingeniously engineered to guide them to the “promised land”.


Each of us pretty much born geniuses, no more than 24 perhaps 25 standard deviation points of intelligence that separate the smartest of us from the dumbest at birth which amounts to “nothing to speak of” since the most important Science and Math has already been figured out with Einstein’s “Mind of G-D” equation, “2 c mE” in “reverse”.


Come to think of it, I believe I have an extra complaint form you handed me when telling me-we a week ago today how I-we should go about “socking it” to your Lilly White Wheaty Eating sun dried tomato very possibly more incompetent-culpable boss Ms. Niles?


Hard to believe such an accurate designation exists.


So now you want to know why we have so many sunflowers?


In a nutshell, I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.


Yes, Mr. Code ENFORCER with the storm trooper boot, please as you go about picking on dogs, small business people, renters who you assume to be both poor and stupid, be mindful of my poor, poor, poor, “god” [sic] Pypeetoe especially when you are so increasingly out of control.


My “work product”, you imbecile, saying everything about not only my clear state of mind but how extraordinarily peaceful I am and will always be, just angry and now very hungry, just “sum” [sic] orange juice and a cup of coffee since a rather light meal last evening over at Il Fornio, just thinking about the leftovers allows me to continue.


Please forgive me for reminding you to refrain as much as possible from using a shredder, scissor, ax, or even your stomach to dispose of evidence supporting both your gross incompetence and/or culpability, take your pick!


Furthermore, I will be covering in our Educational Light Journey – One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop how best to address the “anger”, one letter away from “danger” of heavily co-opted underlings forced to suck so low on the hind tit.


I know also expect you to play your part in making as certain as any human being can be that nothing goes wrong with my 4 Ps, People, Property, Plants and Pets not just here in Del Mar, but around the world before giving thanks to our Lord for our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush.




[Word count 2442]



-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser c/o
Marie Dion Gevisser’s email account
Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:53 AM PT
To: Devin Standard
Cc: rest;
Walter E. Pinkerton, Jr. Esq.;; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State ; Ernest Patrikis Esq. - General Counsel AIG; Linda Niles - Planning and Community Development Director; Bill Phillips – Deputy Sheriff -; FBI;; Sam Haim; T. Smith - Attorney City of Del Mar; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General
Subject: RE: Visit from San Diego Sheriffs Department...charade...---...


Devin – The email I sent you did in fact “draw…---…