From: Gary S. Gevisser
Friday, December 03, 2004 3:17 PM PT
To: KC
Cc: rest;
sam haim
Subject:Quite Enjoyment
” [sic]


Kathy hi – I understand that u had “sum” [sic] concern with the kids last night moving around. They were in fact a little hard in their feet when walking up the stairway and I made a point of reminding them to be considerate that there was one person living below us in my former digs known as The Cave.


They were, however, in bed asleep by 9 PM PT. At about 10:30 PM PT Marie Dion, my Client-Partner-Wife, and I were awoken by incredibly loud guitar playing along with someone singing who no doubt has a far superior voice to me.


Sleep, peace, harmony allows one to make a fortune of money especially in this “dog eat god aspartame” [sic] world but I have yet to hear of anyone other than perhaps my one close colleague Dr. Rod Smith who is working with me on a rather large Clean Water project, able to make up for lost time.


In less than an hour from now a conference call relating to this Clean Water project geared toward providing every single human being on this planet with clean drinking water, the most basic and precious human right, is scheduled to take place, would u be interested in participating?


Wouldn’t u agree that the more we know about one another the less likely we r to go to war with each other, never allowing one’s formal education to interfere with one’s learning eventually leading to us all learning to get along by appreciating what is meant by “quiet enjoyment”, 99.99% of all my gold, no strike that, 99.98% of my communications take place over the Internet and there r times when I get a little carried away and pound away at the keys on my laptop so please don’t hesitate to let me know when this disturbs your peace and I will naturally do the same, since I really see no benefit in hearing 99.99% of everything u say, either.


Wouldn’t u agree that the best way to resolve issues is to put them down in “black and white”?


Good Day.




Ps – Perhaps u could encourage your friend Sam, who had this one of a kind spot for all of 12 years before hightailing it out of town to respond to this communiqué, at least letting me know what became of my digital camera.




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, December 04, 2004 2:30 AM PT

To: KC
Subject: "sum" [sic] neighbor


Kathy - your outbursts “fcuken hypocrite” [sic] that began at around 1:45 AM and continued until well after 2 AM it seemed were designed not just for me but at least one other person in The Cave with you.


Given your passive aggressive nature deciding yesterday to interfere in my relationship with our landlord without first even discussing the matter with me about the “tTOo” [sic] kids disturbing your peace despite me being “sumone” [sic] who is “sumwhat” [sic] literate and now thinking the way to “BUTTer me up” is to wake me in the middle of the night with such outrageous display of your ability to conjugate foul language leads me to believe that you must share a number of things in common with the former occupier of the top spot.


I will continue to document your abusive actions and will be suggesting to Greg that despite his reluctance to carry a cell phone he at least try for a period of a month, my willing to lend him my cell phone 1-858-SEL-NEXT so that in the event either one of us is disturbed we call and if Greg has the phone turned off at least he can retrieve the message and act accordingly.






From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 7:11 PM PT
To: KC
Cc: rest

Subject: 357 Parish Lane


Kathy – obviously we r having problems here communicating but we don’t know what your problem is but we certainly don’t appreciate being called “fcuk heads” [sic] in the middle of the night so lets just stick to business.


We don’t need to be friends, no strike that, we don’t want to be friends but there is some respective respect that needs to be established and the better way to express ourselves is in the written form not in your verbal abuse of the English language yelling at the ceiling, we do hear you and I am sure u don’t want to hear us. And since we r moving there is disruption but we are trying very hard to respect your peace. Let it be mutual peace, agree?


I don’t see any point in us wasting any time in working out “rights of passage” as it relates to getting our wash done. Please remember not only did I live in The Cave, a name given to your area by the former renter of the top spot, your friend Sam Haim and his buddy whose name I forget who lived in the front house who derived “sum” [sic] of his income being a foster care parent to underage teenage girls, but I never once had an issue with Sam as it relates to the common area around the washer and dryer provided by our gracious landlord.


I would like to suggest that we establish a period or “tTOo” [sic] when we will each do our respective washing in this way we continue to limit physical interaction, your behavior the other day choosing to make a complaint to our landlord without first even trying to work things out with someone such as myself who didn’t exactly arrive off a ship just yesterday, moreover who learned by the time I was done living on a kibbutz in Israel for 4 months at age 15 all about picking up after myself when in the company in others, i.e. if u were to choose to live in a pigsty blocked off from the rest of the world I could care less, been there, done it, to mention little of your totally out of control behavior that evening although it was as I documented in the “fuck” communiqué around 2am the next day when u had your bout with alcohol, no strike that, your verbal onslaught about me being a “fcuk head” when in fact I have only been rather pleasant towards u, never once even commenting when greeting u in the morning with my very broad and friendly smile what an incredible train wreck u look like that now has my dog barking whenever he gets wind of u, agree?


U should know from previous communiqués that I know a thing or “tTOo” [sic] about Charm School and those English expressions like, “U can catch more of a cold with honey altho vinegar I am told is good for yeast infections” [sic] my getting back earlier from the dermatologist who felt this incredibly ugly lump on my chest should have me survive at least another 24 hours, this most wonderful lady pointing out that what is more offensive to the general public is the dry skin on my face, apparently an overabundance of yeast perhaps dating back to when my ancestors trekked thru the desert for 40 years, the rising tides of change “sumthing” [sic] to embrace, agree?


I live each day like it was my last, loving every single moment that the gr8 Almighty SMART G-D has afforded me looking forward, however, to meeting my maker once again despite my believing that this happens to be the greatest time in the history of our species to be alive, agree?


Not to forget the devastation of the rain forests on a par in my humble opinion with having to look at all the ugly “phatsos” [sic] more likely to suffer from dementia, agree?


Then again we have our cappuccino machines, and yes the grind of having to get up in the morning at the crack of dawn can takes it toll if one is not of a sound mind, healthy body, healthy mind, how about joining me tomorrow say around 6:30 AM for no more than a 15 mile run followed by at the most an hour in the surf, and believe me after about half an hour I resort to breaststroke, agree?


I hope u get the drift of this communiqué, my preferring to do the wash on Monday and Tuesday, so why don’t u get back to me what days work for u.


Take care,




Ps – I am intimately familiar with all the games that can be played by passive aggressive folks, again consult with Sammy Haim or better yet click thru my hyperlinks and u will c I have pretty much covered every conceivable act of mankind so unkind to nature it is no wonder G-D-NAture may decide to give up on all but a handful of us hell bent am I on letting this world go to the dogs, think again and again of my one website, and once u get your arms around its SMARTs that G-D is DNA the 4 letters ACT-G spelling out pretty much everything, the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, there nothing to gain by going to war with me The Rattlesnake who would simply prefer to be left alone but if stirred will sink my fangs into evil never letting go, pumping away knowing, versus believing, in the power of one Almighty SMART G-D, G-D is one.




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Thursday, December 09, 2004 8:59 PM PT
To: KC
357 Parish Lane


Kathy – u have yet to respond to any of the 3 emails I sent u, the last this Tuesday, the second this past Saturday at 2:30 AM and the first the day before, Friday December 4th altho u did confirm verbally receipt of this email that referenced u handing me a piece of your cherry pie but for some reason u choose to keep involving our landlord in matters that don’t require his input and instead of providing Greg with the full story u selectively choose to milk something out of nothing regarding a comment I made about your father being a spook.


If it is such a secret u shouldn’t go around advertising.


Second, your decision this evening to turn off the power without first consulting with me while I was on the computer could have caused irreparable damage.


Again mutual respect amongst neighbors is the only way to get along.






From: Gary S. Gevisser
Friday, December 24, 2004 5:22 PM
To: KC
Subject: The Cave...chaos




I am “sumone” [sic] light on my feet but like every young rattlesnake I don’t have total control over my reflexes, my reaction to your loud music last evening along with your voice, again while far superior to mine had me hurdling to the bathroom slipping “enroot” [sic], never tho bothering to verbalize a single thought managing to make to it the toilet before vomiting uncontrollably, then again I don’t make my living whining, agree?


I saw you the other evening dining out at Il Fornaio across at the Del Mar Plaza where most of the young rich chicks looking for someone so awfully pitiful as poor poor Gary who has trouble at X spelling things out in black and white, earlier getting off the phone with an incredibly annoying Verizon technical specialist who kept repeating time and again, “Mr. Gevisser is there anything else I can help you with?” instead of just answering my question,


Would u join me in protest, not suggesting u wear a sandwich board, simply sign a petition assisting Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk whose wife Marcy “Campbell Soup” Campbell is the lead plaintiff in a one of a kind class action complaint against this telecommunications giant add a claim or ‘tTOo’ [sic] nailing shut Verizon’s coffin, so important u know to survive legalize stuff like ‘motions to dismiss’ in an effort to open up more competition such that the next player in this incredibly lucrative industry has a backup system for when things go haywire”,


One other point as the masses around the world prepare for my 4th grade English stiletto like explanation to Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York State why all the current ills of the financial markets all stem from the Diamond Invention is that I am now for the very first time in more than a decade taking out renters insurance feeling that the risks with u renting the space beneath me in what we used to refer to as the Cave is so high that for me to self-insure makes absolutely no sense considering it still possible to play the incredibly rigged insurance game and have ultimately even u share in your so risky behavior, agree?


Risk Assessment is my business.


Gary S. Gevisser


Ps – Copied on this missive is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population.


Ps I – Click on to to get a chronology of our “back and forth”, and should u at any time wish to get input from the rest of literate world population or simply be concerned with doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing realizing that within each one of us there is both good and bad but so much easier to choose the easy way out and then justify one’s poor behavior on every else pretty much doing the same thing, grabbing as much as one can as quickly as possible be4 one’s time runs out not necessary giving much thought to why it is that we of all the animal species have both soft skins in common with one another as well as a sense of our mortality from a rather young age something that very possibly no other creature is “gifted” with, agree?


So important to get the Science and the Math down in order to be SMART recognizing the incredible genius of an Almighty SMART G-D unless of course one thinks one is either SMARTer than G-D or G-D does not exist and have u noticed that so far not a single individual on the planet has taken me up my challenge to debate me in the flesh on the subject matter, “G-D does NOT exist” as I go about my business lining up grass roots organizations around the world to take over the instant our maker decides my time is up on this most incredible SpaceShip, agree?


Mother Earth blasting thru deep space at one incredible speed leaving us more alone than ever be4 to work out the puzzle of life that is really not that complicated one again once has mastered the genius of the greatest minds that came before bringing the likes of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Pythagoras in to one


Unified theory

For the inner workings

Of the universe.


Again, no one likes to be told what to do and how to do it, sumthing u would agree an Almighty Smart G-D figured into our DNA and why the importance of each one of working it all out at our own pace, my simply planting seeds for each and every one of us to get smart and why wait given the advent of the Digital Age, so important to go “back and forth” as opposed to around in circles which only creates short-circuits in defiance of G-D-Nature who got rid of our tails, agree?


If not now then when? If I am only for myself who am I? If I am not for myself who is for me? spelling out a number of things that don’t require much of a command of mathematics and science, remember the most difficult math has already all been worked, Einstein’s General Relatively, 2005 the 100th year anniversary, spelling out in this genius of geniuses own words, “The Mind of G-D” given it’s one of a kind incredible precision that has stood the test of time in direct experiment one after the other, Einstein’s failure to embrace Quantum Mechanics, that things work both forward as well as “in reverse”, again in his own words, “possibly my greatest mistake”, there no “certainties” in QM only “probabilities” again it all comes down to truth, proof, the better the evidence the better the proof, G-D is DNA, ACT-G, agree?


Don’t fiddle with a rattlesnake.


Ps II - While picking thru emails sent to me from unknown sources I don’t there was this one sent to me just on a half hour ago that u might find interesting.




I stumbled across this site which seems to be some form of encrypted messages. What was amazing were certain passages of information which relatively unknown to the public; were quite accurate.


If you wouldn't mind telling me what

is all about?


Kind Regards,



How would u suggest I respond bearing in mind while u protest u have stopped reading my emails there r others out there looking for “sumone” [sic] to make sense of all the chaos.




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sunday, January 09, 2005 6:56 PM PT
To: KC
357 Parish Lane


Kathy – I apologize for the pizza delivery man knocking on The Cave front door earlier, hopefully that will not happen again nor do I hope either of us will get a repeat performance of what appeared to be a stranger feeling quite at home first coming to your spot before ringing our doorbell at 11:30 PM or thereabout this past Friday night, not to forget if u get to speak with your friend Mr. Haim, the former renter of my top spot, to let me know what became of my digital camera.






From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 5:37 PM PT
To: KC
Subject: Gas


Kathy – I need to get hold of Greg and don’t have his home number.






From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:31 AM PT
Cc: rest;;
Devin Standard
Subject: The Cave


Please pick up your cat litter that was spilled weeks ago by the garbage cans. It is now goowee from the rain.


Can u also refrain from slamming your door shut in the middle of the night.


Cc:rest; Greg Beckham




From: GsG []
Saturday, May 14, 2005 3:49 PM PT
To: (
sam haim; Devin Standard
Subject: ...----...mess..---...favored class...---...


Ms. Clark,


Earlier I placed up on The Internet my recent communiqué to Tefo Mohapi who, G-D willing, will be our guest next month when my math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser] and I motorcycle “thro-ugh” [sic] Europe, that posting following this ParaLYSIS post no doubt being monitored by more than just one law enforcement agency not that I would want you to think I was excluding the CIA who you recall you had me advertise your relationship, why else would anyone in their right mind be so idiotic as to waste their breath talking or emailing me especially now that there are more than a handful of autobiographers hurriedly working on their epilogues, wouldn’t you agree?


Try putting yourself in the shoes of Nelson Mandela right now,,, a man about your age, possibly “tho-ugh” [sic] younger than 60, so hard to tell for sure his age as he is wearing this cape trotting with what appears to be a permanent limp along the cliffs in front of the Cliff House in the heat of what is another wonderful day in May which leads me to my next point.


So many of us it seems still in a state of denial about a number of things beginning with the importance or lack of importance of the Money Supply numbers which leads me to my next point.


How many people do you know would be able to survive an epic economic collapse that will take place unless of course trading is suspended in public corporations which leads me to my next point.


Where would we put all those folks currently collapsing in to a heap of tears until such time as they meet up once again with our ever so SMART maker following yesterday’s “blastings”, agree?


What exactly do you recall about the Battle of Hastings back in 1066?


No doubt Nelson Mandela is seriously consideration updating his life story, one gentleman we ran into last night at Il Fornio over at the Del Mar Plaza where the “rich chicks” increasingly hang out this time of year anticipating finding the right catch for first day at the Del Mar races, indicating that he was seriously considering hiring one person just to respond to my broadcasted emails to mention little of my Royal Mater’s The Winking Cat becoming a genuine best seller “to-get-her” [sic] with my eldest brother’s picking up the pieces of your miserable life without Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman having to orchestrate lines of momworker63s, widows, widowers, orphans like my step-father’s first wife, pensioners as well as the “brainne dead” [sic] standing in lines, “u” [sic] get the drift?


I maintained as one of my residence your area commonly known throughout the world as The Cave for more than 3 years probably close to 4 and Mr. Sammy Haim who lived an extraordinarily hectic single lifestyle attracting barflies from all walks of life which really didn’t bother me in the least since I make it my business-personal to learn from every experience good and bad, number the essence of all things never once complaining about me doing my laundry, so what’s your problem?


Of course I could arrange for my black slaves to come from South Africa and instead of using the shortest route to go “thro-ugh” [sic] the one garage pressing the automatic garage door opener until such time as you awoke from your slumber, certainly not before 5 AM when most people who have to work for a living get up beginning with flushing the toilet say 4200 times not forgetting to also exercise all the others limbs while stampeding in a single spot until such time as an African witchdoctor communicates telepathically to the rest of my Zulu warriors that Zulu Chief Katsha Buthelezi has abdicated in shame, worst of all, forget selling his peoples down the drain, Katsha just now getting up to speed on his Lilly White Wheaty Eating hosts’ black slaves letting my family’s black slaves know that they had been mixing in to the salad dressing feces picked up off the inside rim of LWWE kids’ toilet bowls?


Each and every one of us in this “dog eat god aspartame” [sic] world knowing full well it has never been about different tribes or the color of one’s skin but for us guys to have the women expand their responsibilities in taking care of the household to afford us both the space and time to simply get as good as Tiger Woods well within our lifetimes, G-D forbid we were to develop a sweat in this lame sport and why bother you might ask getting in once again in to how baseball certainly from what I have seen is all about non-athletic males bullying defenseless kids, most of all when it is all said and done simply about scoring big time with the chicks dressing not like you are 20 years younger in 2 sizes “tTOo” [sic], spandex going only so far, unless of course one has both the mind and body of someone from out of this world like my incredible math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser] who again if she were willing to pay $1.99 a month to be a member of I might take her more seriously when she threatens me with divorce if I ever mention her name in a broadcasted communiqué, G-D forbid I use a naked picture of her again and again and again and again especially one that doesn’t really show her best assets without her written permission, all for the purpose of creating the most valuable charitable foundation envisioned by man, exploiting anything and everything that I “own” from now until Kingdom Come, a far cry from the others of our both our “favored class” as well as the “under class” each us void of a conscience exploiting not only what we own but whatever we can get our hands on which brings me to my next point.


What do you think of the “back and forth” with Mr. Sammy Haim the former tenant of what we refer to as the Tree House that sits atop The Cave regarding my digital camera which has prevented me from providing you and the millions who will read this email within the next 72 hours clicking on time and again to more explosive hyperlinks which you simply cannot resist doing given how I might decide to put up one most incredible picture of “u” [sic] which brings me to my next point?


If a man speaks in a forest and there is only a woman around, is he still wrong?


Everything in the end not only adds up but balances out rather well which brings me to the point of our quiet enjoyment and don’t give me any bull about my mother-in-law running a brothel, no strike that, drinking until all hours of the night partying with her other 1/32nd Huron Indian daughter which brings me to my next point.


Danger exists when drinking firewater while intoxicated, i.e. Beware of still water which brings me to my next point.


I have already expressed concerns about my personal property that could never be replaced the same with my pets, plants and people making up the 4 Ps which brings me to my next point.


Until such time as we have total trust in our government where people feel 100% confident in giving back their real property to the people from whom it was taken away putting to an end this business of making one’s offspring nothing but co-dependants who expect to be “ruled from the grave” I will remain the most ardent supporter of an individual’s right to not only own real property but G-D forbid some communist dictator whether it be the Royal British Family, the Greenbergs, the First Family of Insurance or simply the mostly buffoons sitting on the Del Mar City council were to think of “taxing to death” a property owner, let me simply say, “Over my dead body” which leads me to my next point.


Being a sperm donor and a sperm recipient is not a qualification for being a father and mother OR DOES IT?


Since Mr. Haim departed with his new wife and very possibly my digital camera, the evidence very strong wouldn’t you agree that something rather foul was in the air, our incredible landlord has seen fit to go the extraordinary expense of insulating the area between our “tTOo” [sic] arenas, no strike that, areas and for “sum” [sic] reason it is not enough which leads me to suggest that one of us or both find alternative accommodation bearing in mind I made the decision to find a 3rd property to hang out at when not traveling the world invigorating the next generation to support our “social cause” which leads to my next point?


What exactly is your hang-up again?


If your lifestyle is too much you may want to consider other living arrangements bearing in mind that whoever were to eventually live in the main section of what is essentially a one of a kind extraordinary one bedroom house which requires that all the peoples being so afforded such incredible luxury be properly nurtured, i.e. crybabies and dependant thinkers should go back to where they were poorly conditioned in the first place, i.e. such tenants in our section which is the main section of the house may not be anywhere near as accommodating as me-we which leads me to my next point.


What would your mother, father, husband-s and everyone you have ever met be prepared to say in writing about your infantile behavior?


Let me state very clearly in black and white, this communiqué will be posted on the front entrance to our one of a kind rental property located at 357 Parish Lane, Del Mar, along with the notice to the Sperm Donor DO NOT ENTER given your refusal to supposedly read my emails, everything well documented including your “cool” notes left on our guest’s motor vehicles which leads me to my next point.


We plan on staying put.


In other words we, Marie, the kids along with the 2 dogs are here to stay bearing in mind again we have 2 other residences that we use as much as this to mention little of my mother-in-law and sister-in-law who were only here for 10 days while we were all in Costa Rica and my brother-in-law who came later with 2 friends never to the best of my knowledge slept more than a single night in our one of kind spot that you must surely agree looks out of this world given the attention to detail of my math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser] making it her business to stay ever so private unlike me who has this poor habit on dancing around in peoples heads who get up to mischief, you know what I mean jellybean which leads me to my next point?


Don’t expect a single smile or communication from any of us including our guests no matter how much you try to let them know how impressed you are with their good looks and bodies to die for.


Finally, we know the converted garage would be a great place for the kids and our colorful and might I add very funny friends from all over the world who know a thing or 2 about respecting the 4Ps, again Property, Puberty, no strike that, Plants, People and Pets eliminating all your negative energy but if not lets all at least try to get along beginning with sticking exclusively to email avoiding the He says-She says otherwise we will need to pursue renting the entire property from the landlords bearing in mind while I am on a long term lease you remain on a month to month.


Good day,


Gary S. Gevisser


[word count 1977]




From: GsG
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 8:25 PM PT
To: Kathy Clark
Cc: rest; Sam Haim;
Devin Standard; Paul S. Teirstein, MD., F.A. C. C.; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Peter Evans -Author of NEMESIS, c/o Harper Collins; Jim Mazza - Cornell University - Campaign Director, Special Projects
Subject: FW: ...----...mess..---...favored class...---...disturbing


Ms. Clark,


Over the course of the next few days, G-D being well, I will continue to bring people like your uncle who you had me advertise was-is a high ranking CIA operative as well as grass roots organizations coming at light-G-D-speed “to-get-her” [sic] all over the world as they better appreciate the “significant risks” of the United States Justice Department failing to follow up appropriately with 2 very important pieces of information provided to them in 1974, first, see The Diamond Invention, Chapter 18, The American Conspiracy,


Engelhard directors flew to London and met with [Harry] Oppenheimer and a number of De Beers executives. According to a secret justice Department source, who had access to that meeting, there was an intriguing discussion between Oppenheimer and a top executive of Engelhard [Minerals and Chemicals Co, Newark, New Jersey], of the implications of the [Grand Jury] investigation. According to the September 27, 1974, Justice Department report, the executive guaranteed Oppenheimer that there would be no criminal indictments of De Beers' personnel resulting from the diamond grand jury investigation. Moreover, "the executive demanded a substantial increase in his salary [because] ... he would be required to have closer dealings with De Beers."


And second,


On August 4, 1974, the Justice Department received information that the "De Beers organization is a large contributor to both [United States] political parties and should this investigation get to a stage where cases were actually filed [the antitrust division] would probably receive much political pressure." The informant also disclosed that one major diamond dealer in New York was in "constant contact" with Harry Oppenheimer and was somehow relaying to him "information on the progress of this antitrust investigation." The diamond dealer in question was further alleged by this source to have "arranged the meeting for Harry Oppenheimer with John Kennedy when Kennedy was President-elect ... at the Carlyle Hotel," and to have served as an intermediary between Oppenheimer and American concerns in a number of deals.


Ms. Clark as you can well imagine it does not take a genius to figure out not only where I am headed with all this very crystal clear evidence of what happens when one CHOOSES to be “indifferent” such a conscious decision all comes down to greed, agree?


Payoffs been around since the beginning of time but such a meeting between President-elect John F. Kennedy and the head of the mafia of mafia organizations had as more and more people around the world including even those who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning, a colossal impact on pretty much everything that has occurred in the past 45 odd years.


Bear in mind a good number of folk will find even given our “addiction” to sex more distracting very possibly than any other basic need other than food and water, increasingly LESS endless opportunities to find distractions, agree?


This meeting, taking place within the borders of the United States, by the soon to be Commander in Chief of the world’s largest military, following orders by the DAAC who were doing nothing more than “testing the mettle” of the most powerful human being on the planet, JFK coming away with “flying colors” given how Mr. Harry Oppenheimer never ended up handcuffed, the same as you would know from reading Peter Evans’ NEMESIS which “missed the boat” could not be said for another operative of the DAAC, Aristotle Socrates Onassis.


Let me know if you would like to see a copy of the email I sent Ms. Valerie Coster the young lady who is managing Ccrest our B&B Café in Minehead, England that woke up people all over the world thinking it worthwhile listening to more about what I had to say including folks in China who I believed has been massacred in the Tiananmen Square massacre.


Bearing in mind one other thing besides the bacon, lettuce and tomatoes sandwiches inhaled by the top operatives of Codiam Inc. located in the heart of the diamond district in New York City at least during the time period back in 1980 when I got “face to face” with the real money laundering business of the DAAC weeks, prior to the showdown between peaceful protestors who had been unsuccessful in exposing infiltrators into their ranks, hell bent on “lighting fires” that would allow the Chinese Communist bosses to exercise their might, I was giving a tutorial to a group of Chinese kids less than 10 years of age at the Beijing Hotel overlooking Tiananmen Square.


There is grave danger when tolerating the most dangerous elements opposed to the spread of democracy.


The absolute worst is academia who has replaced the corrupt church followed by the “indifferent” who “sit on the fence” thinking that just going with the wind, being ever so non-confrontational but increasingly expert given the past’s lack of the Digital Age, a G-D-Send, to play the deafening silent game, “gorilla attacks” from cowards hanging out in caves simply an archaic strategy as the past and the future all come “to-get-her” [sic] in the Digital Age, a G-D-Send.


So important you read the Mission Statement of www.NextraTerresTrial which in a nutshell spells out that the more we know about one another the less likely we are to go to war with each other, resolving conflict without going the lawsuit route where the richest get the “pick of the litter” of the biggest gorillas amongst the lawyer-liars very much as thing of the past, agree?


Presently I will be following up with Dr. Paul Tierstein who spelled out in black and white very recently in addition to calling me an “asshole” that may be a violation of the law, “sumthing” [sic] much more damaging in my humble opinion, when throwing in the word “acquaintance” to describe his relationship with me when calling upon his bosom buddy Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk to help him out, agree?


Mr. JRK is much more than a 1,000 pound gorilla lawyer-liar but rather one of the very best if not the most “skilled and experiencedSCALs [Shareholder Class Action Litigators.


Moreover, it is my very strong opinion that Mr. JRK now or will very shortly begin referring to Dr. Tierstein, ranked in the top 3 cardiologists in the world, as one of his “acquaintances” despite Dr. Tierstein visiting a whole lot more frequently with Mr. JRK than me this poor little Rattlesnake, surely once I spell out the “Scienter”, i.e. culpable state of mind of Dr. Tierstein in simple English, wouldn’t you agree?


While it is “common knowledge” that “any PR whether good or bad is good” i.e. human being’s just love reading the dirt on other human beings as much as only wanting to back winners, much like I think you would agree why our ever so SMART G-D kept dogs, my man’s best friend, continuing to go around in circles sniffing the butts of other dogs, rare that you come across say my dog, Pypeetoe and your cat sharing airborne particles of feces which brings me to my next point about why G-D-NAture go rid of our tails.


When able to “cut to the chase” remove all the bs in the conversations, not be distracted by all the “huffing and puffing” most human beings would agree our purpose is here to “evolve” in to something surely more spiritual than getting a high out of the greatest sex imaginable that can only really take place between 2 human beings having worked out a number of things,





Built tTOo




including using mathematics and science at the highest levels to provide “proof” of G-D’s existence bearing in mind that proof is a function of evidence the better the evidence the better the proof, agree?


No one yet willing to engage me in “open debate” on the subject, “G-D does NOT exist” never to forget that while I gave up on all religion around the time of my Barmitzvah when looking around at all the religious institutions noticing how the most crooked members of the community had the best seats in their respective houses of worship, through painstaking analysis I concluded not only that G-D exists beyond a shadow of a doubt in my own mind but given my “command of numbers”, i.e. common sense, much more importantly, I would one day be equipped to explain “my findings” to kids 12 years of age and older so long as their formal education had not interfered with their learning which brings me to my next point.


Given how much “DAAC” [sic] there is in this “dog eat god Aspartame” [sic] world it didn’t take me very long to figure out how best to capitalize not only a business but leverage many of my “findings” in the “path to heaven” not wasting time PRomoting all the “good” in one’s “product offering”, again man so extraordinarily selfish when it comes to sharing the truly “good news” but to market until Kingdom Come each and every single human being who had even the slightest thing “negative” to say about what I had through painstaking “due diligence” concluded to be a “good”, good people not taking long to figure out that when a rotten person says something or someone is “bad” that the person or “product offering” in question is most likely “good”, not exactly brilliant but at the same time not “al-to-get-her” [sic] dumb?


Better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt, very likely end up dead or as ‘practical’ medical experiment growing up in the deprived society, so slow the medical profession all over the world to respond to the AIDs genocide in South Africa, agree?


Again, I treat every I meet as a friend until the evidence proves otherwise having again worked out again through painstaking quantitative analysis that “balance” is built in to every “equation”, Number the essence of all things, good or evil.


Special-General Relativity most would agree the most “balanced” equation known to man, an extraordinary equation that had its inventor Einstein, a most humble man who gave credit continuously to others who allowed him to stand tall on the “shoulders of giants” in particular the mathematician Grossman who facilitated Einstein being able to “convert” his imagination in to mathematics the most precise of all languages coming up with E=mc² that has at is “core” c, the speed of light, traveling at 10.8 billion meters per second, remaining a constant and the rest, m, Mass, and E, Energy being the “variables” both “inversely” dependant on one another, agree?


This “Mind of G-D” equation which remember is how Einstein not considered a religious man in the traditional sense, referred to his own work product given its incredible precision proven time and again in direct experiments has at its “core” the speed of light traveling at an unimaginable speed at which we all can agree is when “time stands still” and everything becomes “mathematical”, agree?


And, YET, despite Einstein knowing that he had turned Newton’s principle of mass always being a constant, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost, totally “on its head” not bothering for “sum” [sic] reason to look “in reverse”, reflect on, given how again he in his true infinite wisdom, a most humble man, considered E=mc²The Mind of G-D”, if he were G-D just for an instant how would he, the genius of geniuses, arrange things in an ever so SMART fashion in order to demonstrate the Holy Grail, the so-called, “Hand of G-D”.


Why not embrace Quantum Mechanics that says what goes forward must work “equally well” in reverse, while not as precise as “The Mind of G-d” has allowed man to make Quantum Leaps in Technology?


Perhaps if Einstein had also thought more about English while “lot” [sic] as precise as mathematics, Pi not round Pi r², was RIPped out of the Latin, one of the spiritual languages like Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and Greek by politicians mostly in the form these days of lawyer-liars hell bent on confusing the masses he might have been “impressed” with especially since Einstein like Jesus Christ was born a Jewish person, educated and died proudly a Jewish person was very likely conversant both with Hebrew and the Old Testament which has as one of the books of Moses, Numbers, so very repetitive, Number the essence of all things, good or evil. 


G-D-Nature is truth.


DNA replicates faithfully.


Perhaps, as I assist my extraordinary wife prepare curry for tomorrow’s celebrations, living each day as “tho-ugh” [sic] it is our last, you will post haste address the following:


  1. Do not use the common wash area for storage.


  1. Make sure when you start a wash you can complete the whole process including getting it out of the dryer.



  1. Your smelly litter (cat) is “tTOo” [sic] close to the dryer. Move it.


  1. Singing is something we all do and it should be done in a respectful way aware of one’s surroundings.


  1. Talking to yourself in incomplete sentences, “I need to pay those fucken losers” loud enough for our 15 year old, carefree as she is, is crude, inappropriate and disturbing.


  1. Music should be appreciated at a low volume when we know that our neighbor is there. We do not want to disturb the whole neighborhood with a sound system war. Maybe when you want to listen to music outside you should use a portable CD player.


  1.  It is bad enough for us all to hear 2 adults in a shouting match within their 4 walls but it is a whole other matter to take it out on to the street at midnight. I am quite certain we were not the only neighbors who heard your row the night before last, your male friend screaming, “You bitch” and since we could hear laughing and talking along with the clinking so late of bottles we assume there was alcohol involved.




[Word count 2348]



-----Original Message-----
From: GsG [mailto:]
Saturday, May 14, 2005 3:49 PM
To: (
sam haim; Devin Standard
Subject: ...----...mess..---...favored class...---...


Ms. Clark,


Earlier I placed up on The Internet my recent communiqué to Tefo Mohapi who, G-D willing, will be our guest next month when my math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser] and I motorcycle…----…


Finally, we know the converted garage would be a great place for the kids and our colorful and might I add very funny friends from all over the world who know a thing or 2 about respecting the 4Ps, again People, Pets, Puberty, no strike that, Plants, and Property eliminating all your negative energy but if not lets all at least try to get along beginning with sticking exclusively to email avoiding the He says-She says otherwise we will need to pursue renting the entire property from the landlords bearing in mind while I am on a long term lease you remain on a month to month.


Good day,


Gary S. Gevisser


[word count 1977]




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Monday, June 06, 2005 3:23 PM
sam haim
Subject: Cat shit


Ms. Clark


Since you didn’t move your litter box and the smell is very offensive I had to cover it up with one of your oily towels.


I had thought about moving it to your sitting area in the front since you don’t seem to mind the odor of cat shit but I don’t want to touch it.




Cc: the world!