From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 7:11 PM PT
To: KC
Cc: rest

Subject: 357 Parish Lane


Kathy – obviously we r having problems here communicating but we don’t know what your problem is but we certainly don’t appreciate being called “fcuk heads” [sic] in the middle of the night so lets just stick to business.


We don’t need to be friends, no strike that, we don’t want to be friends but there is some respective respect that needs to be established and the better way to express ourselves is in the written form not in your verbal abuse of the English language yelling at the ceiling, we do hear you and I am sure u don’t want to hear us. And since we r moving there is disruption but we are trying very hard to respect your peace. Let it be mutual peace, agree?


I don’t see any point in us wasting any time in working out “rights of passage” as it relates to getting our wash done. Please remember not only did I live in The Cave, a name given to your area by the former renter of the top spot, your friend Sam Haim and his buddy whose name I forget who lived in the front house who derived “sum” [sic] of his income being a foster care parent to underage teenage girls, but I never once had an issue with Sam as it relates to the common area around the washer and dryer provided by our gracious landlord.


I would like to suggest that we establish a period or “tTOo” [sic] when we will each do our respective washing in this way we continue to limit physical interaction, your behavior the other day choosing to make a complaint to our landlord without first even trying to work things out with someone such as myself who didn’t exactly arrive off a ship just yesterday, moreover who learned by the time I was done living on a kibbutz in Israel for 4 months at age 15 all about picking up after myself when in the company in others, i.e. if u were to choose to live in a pigsty blocked off from the rest of the world I could care less, been there, done it, to mention little of your totally out of control behavior that evening although it was as I documented in the “fuck” communiqué around 2am the next day when u had your bout with alcohol, no strike that, your verbal onslaught about me being a “fcuk head” when in fact I have only been rather pleasant towards u, never once even commenting when greeting u in the morning with my very broad and friendly smile what an incredible train wreck u look like that now has my dog barking whenever he gets wind of u, agree?


U should know from previous communiqués that I know a thing or “tTOo” [sic] about Charm School and those English expressions like, “U can catch more of a cold with honey altho vinegar I am told is good for yeast infections” [sic] my getting back earlier from the dermatologist who felt this incredibly ugly lump on my chest should have me survive at least another 24 hours, this most wonderful lady pointing out that what is more offensive to the general public is the dry skin on my face, apparently an overabundance of yeast perhaps dating back to when my ancestors trekked thru the desert for 40 years, the rising tides of change “sumthing” [sic] to embrace, agree?


I live each day like it was my last, loving every single moment that the gr8 Almighty SMART G-D has afforded me looking forward, however, to meeting my maker once again despite my believing that this happens to be the greatest time in the history of our species to be alive, agree?


Not to forget the devastation of the rain forests on a par in my humble opinion with having to look at all the ugly “phatsos” [sic] more likely to suffer from dementia, agree?


Then again we have our cappuccino machines, and yes the grind of having to get up in the morning at the crack of dawn can takes it toll if one is not of a sound mind, healthy body, healthy mind, how about joining me tomorrow say around 6:30 AM for no more than a 15 mile run followed by at the most an hour in the surf, and believe me after about half an hour I resort to breaststroke, agree?


I hope u get the drift of this communiqué, my preferring to do the wash on Monday and Tuesday, so why don’t u get back to me what days work for u.


Take care,




Ps – I am intimately familiar with all the games that can be played by passive aggressive folks, again consult with Sammy Haim or better yet click thru my hyperlinks and u will c I have pretty much covered every conceivable act of mankind so unkind to nature it is no wonder G-D-NAture may decide to give up on all but a handful of us hell bent am I on letting this world go to the dogs, think again and again of my one website, and once u get your arms around its SMARTs that G-D is DNA the 4 letters ACT-G spelling out pretty much everything, the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, there nothing to gain by going to war with me The Rattlesnake who would simply prefer to be left alone but if stirred will sink my fangs into evil never letting go, pumping away knowing, versus believing, in the power of one Almighty SMART G-D, G-D is one.