From: Gary S. Gevisser c/o Marie Dion Gevisser’s email account
Friday, September 09, 2005 2:05 PM PT
To: Mike Emerson, Code Enforcement officer – City of
Del Mar, California, USA.
Cc: rest;
FBI;; Henry "Loo" Abarbanel - Del Mar City Councilmember;;;; Jim Kerr - Del Mar Times Editor; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State;; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC];; Playboy; Robert H. Frank - Profefessor of Economics - Cornell University; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Roy Essakow; sam haim; Yoonjee Park; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.;; Tefo Mohapi; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters
Subject: Gevisser Vs Beckham et al - 357 Parish Lane...2905




You would know that your vagueness on the stand yesterday in Judge Bloom’s luxurious courtroom 70 in Superior Court in downtown San Diego might not have hurt our case but it certainly didn’t do much to impress upon the youth who are all our futures that they can rely on anyone but themselves for the truth which simply requires them to logically thought process?


While you blame your supervisor for failing to get her “arms around” what IT IS that you, I, property manager Greedy Gregory Beckham, the Knutsons, owners of the 2 residences located at 357 Parish Lane and each and every literate human being on the planet KNOW to be a very straightforward issue, i.e. the “illegal living area” currently lived in by Ms. Clark in the illegally converted garages below the main dwelling, an architectural glass and wood masterpiece, built some 50 years ago, termite infested, never once tented, IS an “Accessory unit”, the code says clearly,




What you, your supervisor, each and every one of your colleagues at the City of Del Mar, each and every city councilmember past and present, the FBI, the Attorney General of New York State, the President and each and every person on my 300,000 + email list and eventually each and every literate human being on the planet WILL NOT miss are the hand written words of Greedy Beckham dated December 14th, 2004, such a 2 page document submitted into evidence without any objection by Greedy Beckham and his lawyer-liar Ms. Kristin Connor, to repeat,


“…You [Gary] know the studio is not a conforming residence and the city has closed me down before. It’s also illegal to have a family of 4 living in a one bedroom unit. They could definitely force us to move you out. So it is important that you ‘disappear’ as much as possible…”


Whether or not Greedy was accurate about the legality or illegality or having been “closed down before” in his attempts to not only intimidate me but loop me in to his criminal activity IS NOT as important, in my humble but seasoned opinion, especially to the next generation getting up “to speed” at Light-G-D-Speed, as the fact that Greedy Beckham is so bold in his defiance of telling you so co-opted underlings to go take your dagga, i.e. pot, stuff it in your pipe and if you DARE mess with his “system” you had better watch out to mention little of Greedy Beckham making out in court when caught time and again with his pants down that he is being so “noble” in now spending the monies to get “in compliance”.


You would KNOW one man’s system is another man’s corruption.


You may not know that the German word Gevisser is “The knower”.


You would know given your dealings with me that I don’t lie, steal or cheat, never so dumb as to allow myself to get caught up in someone else’s web especially a dope dealer so extraordinarily dumb to have got “high on his own supply”.


Moreover, I have a rather stellar track record of ferreting out crooks at all levels of the pyramid, not thinking myself so godly as to judge one evil as more evil than the next, relying on nothing short of logical thought processing to get me through the day and to sleep at night like a log not having to worry about any lies “catching up with me”, only liars need good memories.


Let me know if you, your wife, your kids, your colleagues, past, current and future employers would be interested in contributing to my-our “social cause” that will include local, regional, national as well as international ads highlighting such important matters.


Please forgive me for now using this email to request Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk, beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the most “skilled and experiencedSCALs [Shareholder Class Action Litigators] have one of his secretaries, perhaps even Kim the receptionist, walk a dozen or so hard copies along with to start, say 10,000 disk copies of this communiqué over to the San Diego new court buildings on Broadway just up the street from the very modest law offices of Finkelstein & Krinsk.


Instead of wasting time trying to locate Judge Bloom who could be in chambers all day reading up on me, possibly even getting to see this communiqué appearing on the Google search engine to simply bypass all the incredibly attractive people I got to shake hands with yesterday when we were leaving at the end of the day who could right now be all lined up waiting to go through security with their laptops and portable printers at the ready, making it then real easy, especially for Kim who takes excellent direction, to give to those few out of shape looking forward to a free meal and bed in prison, to earn a bit of pocket change so that when they are released they might be able to afford a cappuccino waiting in line to get another series of directives.


You get my drift!


I have already tested today with about “tTOo” [sic] dozen folks of all ages showing them the entire December 14th letter of Greedy Beckham as well as the 366 word message he left on my voice recorder on June 3rd of this year in which he makes clear reference to my having the “goods” on him, also informing such individuals that under cross examination by my extraordinarily competent as well as amazingly patient advocate, Mr. Walter Pinkerton Esq., Greedy Beckham responded to Walt’s question,


What else other than you being high on your own supply did my client Gevisser have on you?




“The abusive, pathological and psychotic liar Gevisser was making fun of me because I have not had sex in a long time” [sic].


You can click on here for the entire 366 word voice message that I will in due course be uploading on to the Internet along with the entire transcript of the all day trial which Judge Bloom has yet to rule on.


Bear in mind that in answer to Pinkerton’s question of what Greedy Beckham was specifically referring to when saying very precisely in his voice message left for me,


“Really it very unfortunate situation to see someone who I have let into my life on a personal level take information or things that were between us and then threaten me with it to intimidate me to act the way you would like me to act for you”,


Beckham did not on this occasion when testifying use the words “abusive” or “pathological” or “psychotic liar GevisserBUT this heathen liar did in fact find buried deep in his psychotic mind to explain, under oath, under penalty of perjury, that what he was referring to when spitting out, “take information or things that were between us…” was him, Beckham, “not having had sex in a long time” something I don’t specifically recall him once mentioning.


On the contrary, he has made a point time and again when not taking care of his responsibilities as a manager to both maintain the property as well as ensure my right to “quiet enjoyment” he has been very successful with the “rich chicks” thinking him to be so generous with his time digging personal paths on the ever eroding cliffs of Del Mar, right down from my second residence on 11th Street, “landing a hand” [sic] on “damsels on distress”, Greedy-sleazy Beckham once laughing his head off as being far more ingenious than my wife’s suggestion since his wife abandoned him in his Buddhist Temple he try hanging out on Sunday, if not successful in church or if the Buddha in his back garden doesn’t come through, in the produce section of a supermarket.


Go ahead right this instant, use a paper towel quickly if you have spilled your lunch over your groin area, not exactly the way I would suggest you feed your soul, everything “tho-ugh” [sic], heals in time, thank you for thinking about how Pypeetoe is doing since getting his nose scratched the other night by a cat desperately holding off being shaken to death by our friend’s pet wolf, saved in the nick of time by my incredibly athletic and beautiful wife leaving me in the dust, PUT your leg that is in a cast up on your desk and call each and every colleague into your new offices in Del Mar’s collapsing City Hall and let me know, in real time, I am very much “under the gun” plus I am now suddenly very hungry, if any of them have a different opinion to the overwhelming majority of individuals I met with who I should for clarity sake stipulate do not represent a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population.


Greedy Beckham’s testimony may in fact be all that is needed for the next generation to come to terms that anything coming out of the mouth of any adult whether it be a parent, teacher, professor, judge, jury or executioner isn’t worth the paper it is written.


Moreover, it not taking a rocket scientist, not even close, to get their arms around how it is possible for anyone to believe a single word coming out of this scoundrel’s or Ms. Kathy “Rat face” Clark’s mouths even if it only to acknowledge that there is plenty of sea water on planet Mother Earth for those without a pot to pee in to relieve themselves and if not to then let them eat cake, naturally filled with Greedy Beckham’s dagga of course.

