From: Gary S . Gevisser

Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 6:43 PM
To: N. Cowperthwaite
Cc: rest
Subject: Perfect Storm XIV



Ms. Nilou Cowperthwaite

Branch Manager

Bank of America

Del Mar Heights.


Dear Ms. Cowperthwaite,


When I was last in “your branch” you and I once again ran into each other. The previous time though, you managed to do a good job of holding your tongue. So what happened, did the cat eventually let go?


I make it my business to avoid running unless I am in to exercise. Doing mental gymnastics with you is simply no fun nor is it profitable. There has to be sum gain somewhere along the line otherwise I simply get bored and I tune off.


You may recall my BUS-chooling to mention little of my dogs and how you could have been the top dog to introduce “My God’s credit card to the word” [sic] and beat Roger Hedgecock to the punch; butt no, you had to do things your way since you learned your skills at business school to defer hoping for silence which I didn’t quite master as well.


I am not yet deaf nor am I altogether a bum, perhaps you might think a little dumb, more likely simply numb from the deafening silence.


Maybe you think I am a caveman just because I spend time at The Cave butt I also know a smart babe when I see one. Ipsofacto why I had the other lady in your “stor[sic] who happens to be very good looking help me.


She recognized not simply the fact that I had the right credit line account number without bothering which car if any I was driving. More importantly, she seemed to recognize that I had pretty good taste including my choice of cigar shops where I purchased my Prometheus cigar lighter while celebrating July 4th a little early with the executor of my estate after hearing sum good news about Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman.


Those celebrations did unfortunately spill over into the street where some of San Diego’s finest had congregated simply trying to do their job.


To my surprise and enlightenment these folks, most of whom were black had got it down pat. I still need to send a letter to the white lieutenant who eventually came on to the scene to complement him on the folks who make him look so Lilly white smart shoes good. No dodo head this cop.


Ms. Cowperthwaite you no doubt fully appreciate the art forms in business with the sciences having been thrown out the window to be eaten by the birds who have avoided the kills that came with the hits from the curriculum that is supposed to separate the wheat from the chaff butt which in fact leaves those doing the milling and investing with the short end of the premier prime ribs, scraps to boot as in, “Oh what a tangled web we leaf when first we practice witchcraft looking at tea leaves while sturing the pot” [sic].


Having examined up close the art you have displayed in “your stor” [sic] I can tell you don’t have the foggiest clue about what distinguishes a great artist from a good artist which is in how well they paint shadows. Butt don’t feel bad, most people I know who have spent a lifetime traveling around the world, visiting the so-called best art museums alive, most good artists having died poor and saws up the kazoo, ears burning no doubt, even those who actually studied it at school, don’t know their art as well as they know their pooh as in Winney The Pooh.


I am today being very careful about my language since I no longer want to distract from the essence of what I have to say, purposely in the past thrown in a zinger or tTOo so as to keep the folks who are the focus of my attention continuously praying against all odds that I am not still mad, at them that is, knowing full well that I am neither crazy, yet still hoping others will shoot their arrows better yet that I remain still and just continue to eat my apple a day as in what I refer to as “arrow lane” where the “Toyjoys” [sic] had their hired guns perfect their mark.


I have never, however been a pig at the trough so I don’t see why anyone would want my hide, never though will they be able to prick my pride although I have made a few mistakes in the past including indulging in the our family’s brand of Gip-sy Coffee.


It is rare though that I take coffee straight up black as I once told you but I think it is always important to smile even when you having a bad hair day and if necessary wear a hat and never more than one otherwise I am likely to throw you a knuckleball, at a minimum a speed ball, never though a hairball. I trim my hair noses as best I can.


If I recall correctly you were wearing a hat as I believe it was opening day at the races here in Del Mar.


I did quite a lot that day, just like I do every day but I don’t make it a habit to tell everybody everything that I do as in the words of my neighbor Sammy, “Tell me everything” sticking to my knitting, occasionally taking a break to venture out into the world only interfering when I see that I can make a little difference and yes my style is different than most “retards.”


Now I have been called that once although I doubt my “step-daughter” who still thinks she is one step ahead of me would ever think to do that again.


She is 13 and still a teenager. She and I mostly have a lot of fun together especially in the last couple of years and in fact we both spent the evening of first day at the races shopping at the UCT Mall looking at those out and about, not quite fitting into the Bell Shaped Curve.


At the entrance to the mall there are these rather large sized bells that caught my attention but not as much as her question about the compression of mass under water.


For the next two hours I battled to keep up with her as she went from store to store trying on bunches and bunches of things from shoes, to sunglasses, to short to pants, to blouses and eventually she didn’t buy a thing despite being told immediately after “mass” that she could have the mall if she wanted it.


Sometimes she isn’t quite sure whether I am kidding especially when I tell her about some of the people I run into. I have yet though, to tell her about you. Danielle did, however, agree to grab a takeaway which she 8 on the go.


Yesterday though while sitting on the side of the railway tracks eating my lunch and watching the surf as well as the surfers from the corner of a property I hope to Sunday rent, an 88 year old gentleman came up to me wanting to know if I could give him a job.


I was just minding my own business and at first I thought he had probably taken one tTOo many falls and it turns out that he did in fact have a stroke recently but he was dead serious about wanting to get back to work even though his resume says that Mr. Erwin Sawade has been retired some 35 odd years. Later he invited me over to his house for a cup of coffee.


The picture of the bird in the hand is something I saw on his dining room table. Apparently it was taken fairly recently. The hands are those of his son whose name happens to be Gary.


Although this man lives alone he is clearly well cared for although he could benefit from more entertainment, perhaps even some music but I didn’t stay long enough to find out about all his tastes.


I agreed to come and visit him next week and return his resume and the bird picture which he said, “just flew into my sun’s hand as he ate a cookie” although he wasn’t insistent that I do anything.


AND he has certainly not lost all his marbles perhaps he just needs a new set of springs.


When I met him he was working with a cane but he climbed the steps like he would have been a model for one of those before and after surgeries which it seems may not be all that beneficial.


He took me in to the back of his house where he has two cars parked in a garage, a 1967 Pontiac and a Mustang, I think he said it was either a 1965 or 1966. The engine of the Mustang was out of the car ready he said to be simply hoisted in, “It is all reconditioned and more powerful than when it was new.”


There were less than 60,000 miles on the odometer and he said they were original. I had no reason to disbelieve him. He clearly though wasn’t interested in selling either vehicle even though the Pontiac he said had “about 150,000, still runs very well but not quite as good as the Mustang. “Erv” said he still planned to drive the Mustang “one of these days.”


This rather interesting man said that the only thing about the stroke that seems to linger on is that, “it affects my memory from time to time.” He was having trouble finding the resume and kept going back upstairs to look for it.


I was worried that he might have another stroke and I would be blamed for putting him into an early grave.


While he was upstairs I was kinda snooping around looking at different items of interest. His wife was of Irish descent, his ancestors “great grandfather” came from an area between Germany and France, “both countries have been fighting over this stretch of land since the beginning of time and today I don’t really know who is in control.”


He named the area butt my French isn’t good enough to “stor it write in my brain” [sic]. He and his wife were married for “51 and a half years. She passed away in 1993.”


A little dust had collected on a plague his wife had put up in the kitchen area titled An Irish Blessing. 


Mr. Sawade came downstairs for the 3rd time just as I was making a note of what I had seen in an oversized dictionary that had a rather large magnifying glass lying on the one side of the page.


The top left of the page had the word “KICK-TURN” and the top right side, “KINETIC.” A large magnifying glass covered the word, “KIKE” all the way down to “KILL” just above a map of “Mt. Kilomango” [sic].


I have a picture somewhere which shows me flying over this mountain quite a few years back, hoping to make the climb up there one of these days as soon as I can get folks like you to start acting right and hunkering down and yes if you put things down on paper it is most likely you will think at least twice, certainly it is less likely you will get it wrong more than once, that is if I am still around.


My friend Anne Miller who passed away at age 94 this past Christmas day left me a whole stack of dictionaries, several I have yet to open. There seem to be notes written to me all over them.


When I first began to tell Danielle about Mr. Sawade asking me for a job she didn’t find it at all strange perhaps thinking to herself, “Well I heard you saying that you might one day work...”


When I then told her that she has a grandmother who is just a few years younger than Mr. Sawade, “wouldn’t it be something if she decided to go out and do sum good with her time” my not-so-little girl got the message.


She doesn’t like it though when I start quizzing her friends or her grandmother let alone her father looking for material to place on our websites butt she is allowing me to put up a photo or tTOo of her on the websites.


Danielle is not only beautiful but she photographs very well.


Please Ms. Cowperthwaite send me your best photo or else I will simply have my cartoonist go at it with reckless abandonment.


At the moment we have going on 20 Perfect Storms brewing in our effort tu bridge the credibility with the youth of today because as your children will tell you the generation gap argument is not only nonsense it is bad for the “jeans” [sic].


Talking of which, yesterday just before I ran into Mr. Sawade I bumped into one of “The blonde” anchorwomen while shopping for a collar and some treats for my Pypeetoe.


I have promised Ms. Kimberly Hunt that the she wont be disappointed in the sum of our stories and I suspect that this “babe” not only can add butt she will soon see that “this dog does hunt.” 


I hate though hot air although I love the bagpipes especially when they are played by one of my favorite people in the "word" [sic].


I always try and remember to pat my dog since I for one don’t know if he really truly is a God.


Who is to say and that is why I always start out looking for the best in folks since it is always possible that God is within each one of us, some more so than others, possibly.


Again, there are so many possibilities about everything that I feel the need to start narrowing the field, beginning with the worst that is out there but never forgetting that not everyone gets the opportunity to ride in an elevator twice with the likes of Ronald “O. Ring” Perelman and live never to regret it.


When he finds out the story behind that roller coaster elevator ride I took him on corner of 64th street and 5th Avenue back in late 1993 although it could have been early 1994, I just wasn’t paying that much attention to podgy bald men as I do today, he might need more than a respirator.


Right now I suspect he and his lawyers are starting to breath more and more uneasily, perhaps even beginning to lick their chops not knowing what if anything I plan to let them hang on to.


Ms. Cowperthwaite why not take the time and read Perfect Storm II on the website. I actually went rather easy on those folks butt make no mistake I didn’t only prove my point that one can resolve conflicts without going the lawsuit route with the lawyers ultimately cleaning up good, I also got a good bite of the pie, certainly those I care for got their “Jew” [sic].


There were no lawsuits just the occasional follow up communications that all said and done didn’t amount to the amount of time I have taken to write this email.


What really slows me done is having to scan the photos into the computer and then to upload them on to the Internet.


So far it has taken me all of one hour to pull this altogether; that hour could have been spent doing other things that help pay “the rent” butt obviously though I see sum upside to taking on you and those who support you.


You may not know this butt I was raised orthodox Jewish and I happen to subscribe to the basic tenants of Judaism although I don’t always agree with everyone who preaches what is supposedly gospel. I do like gospel singing just like my eldest brother who attended a protestant school.


Obviously, if you feel I am being unjustified in my criticism you could join forces with Mr. “Ring a ding ding DONG Pearlman” [sic] who is surely losing his charm along with his hair butt even he hasn’t quite yet decided how best to set his hounds on me.


No doubt though there is going to come a time pretty soon when Mr. Perelman, Mr. Ron Burkle and his partner Mr. Davis, the current Governor of California as well as Mr. Burkle’s new partner in arms, Mr. Bill “Pinocchio” Clinton and their French legionnaires i.e. Vivendi all get together for a powwow.


Butt I wouldn’t hold you breath expecting relief from these “good news” fellows.


I would suggest you pay attention to at least see how the networks decide to handle the disconnects I have uncovered between Mr. Christopher Byron who wrote the bestseller Martha Inc. and Ms. Martha Stewart who Mr. Byron somehow failed to remember had “sum-ever-so-close-ties” [sic] to Mr. Perelman.


I used to love those “Eet sum more” [sic] cookies from South Africa. I never once got sick from them. Butt there were folks from where I grew up who really gave us youngsters earfuls of absolute garbage which I am soon about to spew 4th.


Already sum have started to duck for cover including a former headmaster.


Yes, Ms. CowPerthwaite we are going to rock and rock and make no mistake the folks at CALPERS are going to also take quite a beating.


My only hope though is that President Bush wakes up real quick and takes my advice to suspend trading on the stock markets because it is all about horses for courses butt this horse is on its last legs.


As the Chapter 11 bankruptcies gain momentum so will the masses rise up especially those who have not succumbed to the brain-washing that goes the heart of what causes the marble in our brains.


By the time Chapter 7 comes along, remember we go from right to left as in EmanANDdog the only thing left is going to be the writing on the wall, etched in stone.


Of course the airlines who blanket our skies preventing those of us from enjoying the fruits of our labor plan to stay “in business” just so long as the management team works out sweatheart deals for themselves and the idiots who financed them in the first place.


AND of course they are not all idiots, butt they are certainly rapacious. So how does your 401K look today?


I can all butt guarantee you a whole lot better than it will look one year from now assuming Mr. Warren Bail us out Buffet is wrong. Have you ever got sick eating at a Buffet?


Just this very second I got off the phone from one of my lawyer-colleagues who informed me that his grandmother had just passed away at age 99,


“Nana was from Marblehead, 30 miles from B.ston. It seems the earth will still start stinking from the aggregation of your enemies congregating on the b.ack end of the planet to unbalance the gravitational pIll of the earth dnA in so doing the earth will slowly sink in tTOo Jupiter’s satellite, new paths to conquer boot-straps to pull or are you simply saying we are going to have to go back to bootstrapping our business ventures with the coming demise of the stock markets around the world? You are hopefully on the side of the sun. I for one am going to bounce off and take a detour to Mars, Venus to boot. Byte” [sic].



Ms. … I must tell you I am having such difficulty in spelling your name that in the future I am just going to refer to you as Ms. C.


Were you aware that there are according to the Koran 99 known names for God and that the camels know the 100th. I cannot stress it enough, now is the time for a deep breath.


It is now a 6:30pm PST on my computer clock and I as soon as I finish typing this email I am out of here, no spell cheche and whathaveyou.


When my time is up no matter what I wont be put on any artificial devices. “Our Marie look-alike engineer” who has his finger on the pulse will make the say so as to whether or not to pull the plug assuming of course I make it back in “one peace” [sic].


You and I though will hopefully resolve things to both our satisfaction well ahead of that.


You know I never did check out the head at your branch. So you should therefore ask yourself the question what was I doing there in the first place?


I don’t think you have been on my email list before so I will repeat it again and again and again and then a 100th time if necessary:


I detest people who derive great enjoyment in exceeding the limits of their small authority; i.e. evil doesn’t come with a pointed tail and pitchfork.


Back on July 23rd I think it was around 11:50 pm PST a picture of Martha Stewart holding a pitchfork appeared on either CNN or the Fox Network Martha Stewart.


I wrote down the exact time somewhere. I would love to get my hands on that photo.


Eventually our early July 4th celebrations made their way to one of my lawyer-colleagues’ houses and “Campbell Soup” was dressed to kill.


I have a picture somewhere of my travel companion, probably on one of the hypolinks wearing what I described previously as a “red and white Andy Warhol dress" [sic] which had the name GLASS hanging all over it when in fact it wasn’t red at all.


My travel companion's "engineer" did assist her though in snipping off the excess thread.  Butt if I had said “pink” folks would have thought that I had possibly talked this ever-so-smart amazing mother of tTOo + the animals+tomatoes+sunflower+art+me into buying something just because I might have had another agenda or tTOo going.


There are in fact some folks who go by the last name Glass who I will be communicating with in “Jew course” [sic] sometime in the course of the next several days.


There is, however, another Glass family who I don’t believe are related but who had a hand in all those not-so-odd items we see in movies bought and paid for by Cokes and Pepsis of the world and I want to stay on their good sides because I may yet need them.


I actually used to work with a relative of theirs and I think he still thinks I am someone to be trusted but not easily fooled with.


I still have now over 500 emails to respond some going back to the beginning of the year. Trust me though, by this October 23rd I will be all “court up” [sic].


Despite you telling this “good looking” Bank of America assistant not to assist me she assured me that she had placed the order for my credit line checks.


They have not arrived and I recall you watching over her as I left “your stor” [sic] reminding you at the same time that “altitude is everything” [sic].


You may also recall me mentioning to you that I had a Latin teacher with a similar name to yours. Mr. Braithwaite was really someone special.


All in all I never let my formal education interfere with my learning butt I did on occasion serf up a storm in his class especially when it came time to discuss “Pluto” [sic] and the head trips played by the ruling elite as they ripped English out of the Latin.


We have butt minimum time to mend the fences before the storm awakens for real. And those in the other side of the equator decide to unite and stand tall.


Remember it wasn’t all that long ago when South America and Africa were joined at the hip.


Not that long ago when we were all one…dust to dust, atom to atom.


“Old man” Braithwaite was a surfer and I bet he not only knew how to ride a tube he would have done so why conjugating his “amicus amice amicum…amo, amas, imacunt” [sic] Its been a while since I spoke Latin so please excuse my rustiness.


I must now run off to Rustys, a surf shop down the road, before it closes.


Please call the Bank of America folks who handle my credit line [1xxx 553-6494] and explain to them why you would interfere with my business matters.


Also please copy me in on any and all correspondence. One way or the other I will get my hands on everything.


I know I am repeating myself but be aware now is the time for you to take a deep breath. The train is just “passing byte” [sic].




Gary S. Gevisser



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