From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 2:14 PM
To: ''
Cc: rest
Subject: RE: Unsecured Credit Line sine bank account.



One other thing, Mr. Ferrell, besides for u failing to respond to my request to have your associate follow through on his commitment last week to contact me about his decision after reviewing my "relationship" with Bank of America, all such communications to be shortly broadcasted to the world, I am now advising you to suspend any automatic withdrawals against my Wells Fargo bank account, the last one taking place on 09/15/03, saving me the bother of having to place a “stop payment.”


U may have sum difficulty covering all the ground I have laying as of late in preparation for a mass uprising, all peaceful, but deadly serious, nothing quite like being on the right track and tenacious tu boot, not ready though to jump ship, worse yet seek out a safe harbor with the likes of Professor “BrownNose” Brown, surely not?


Suffice for u to know that when I first came to this country back on March 17th 1978, that last hyperlink simply sum verification for Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. tu use should anyone supposedly from Home Land Security call regarding my “status” to mention little of folks from all over the world now wanting my “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval”, I assisted in performing an audit or too of foreign owned banking entities.


And just like when folks get wind, now take a deep breath, of my Part 8 of the 8 Part mini series to Diana Henriques of the New York X who is again copied on this email along with a statically valid representative sampling of the world’s population, spelling out quite clearly even for brain dead fellows like yourself how rigged the insurance industry is, has been that way, perhaps as long as the New York Stock Exchange has been in existence to mention little of the recent article about Hank Greenberg of AIG, Mr. Greenberg I can assure you, perhaps, the best of the very best and most ethical business leaders I have ever had the opportunity to speak with, which will then dovetail how it is that folks like yourself are granted nothing short of a license to print money to mention even less of who anointed you king to “cop an attitude”, u may want to think about kissing your tochas goodbye, agree?


And remember, buster, I contend that we all suffer from strokes almost from the moment we exit our mother's womb, sum though suffer more than others, survival of the fittest, what do u think of a class action lawsuit against all those physicians who spanked children’s backsides, naturally it wouldn’t make sense to go after those already deceased but what if the preponderance of the evidence suggests that such folks have been reincarnated in tu say mosquitoes?


I am now off to lunch and then to get in sum exercise including getting on my Pilati machine, u also remembering to breath in 5X thru the nose, and out 5X thru the nose, blah blah, and when I get back I will be sending a follow up E-mail to the Honorable Trevor Manuel, South Africa’s Minister of Finance, no doubt a little shorter than the 20K+ email I sent him a year ago this past September 2nd.


And of course I will include your email address in the cc section for the tens of thousands of folks who will c that email perhaps even quicker than you can count to 10, or r u simply cing stars at this point?


Quite remarkable wouldn’t u agree that despite the tens of billions of galaxies perhaps a whole lot more to mention little of the hundreds if not billions of billions of stars within each galaxy, when we look out on a clear night it is unlikely we would be able to see more than a couple hundred, perhaps 500 stars at the most, with our naked eye.


Butt if u are fortunate to have an imagination, better yet, never allowing not simply your formal education to interfere with your learning but had terrific parents like mine that allowed me to fly free and high from the earliest of ages then you too could consider yourself tu be a man at this time, able to stand on your own too feet, not waiting for a higher up to command you to do things like going to pee, as opposed tu say a wimp, agree?


And of course I could have called you a chimp bearing in mind that your intellect relative to someone whose sequencing hasn’t been interfered with places u, relatively speaking, on a level closer to that of not a chimpanzee but very likely a chip monk, not to suggest that u, like Mr. Newell Starks consider joining the missionary, hopefully your significant other finds something else to keep her attention span, focused, on the moment, nothing like the present, when in history has there been a better time to be alive, agree?


Let me know how many books of Manager Minute One with my personal signature as opposed to that of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk or in the event of my incapacitation the paw prints of my dog, Pypeetoe, you would like to order ahead of time.


Please understand that people like Glen Shapiro understand the difference between fact & fiction, the numbers never lie, nothing quite like the bottom line, tu attract flies, now the likes of me, The Rattlesnake, facilitating a reexamining of one’s principles, all part of my Bottoms Up Schooling [BUS].


So do you c any tie in between someone farting at the back of a bus which u would agree is a non-vacuum environment and the impact it would have on the acceleration of the bus, just yesterday having renewed the domain name and what damage would u say can be apportioned to that individual even if they were tu say “Excuse me” created a possible drag effect, as the bus driver fails to slam on the brakes in time running over say someone as “extraordinary” as my mother?


By now u surely have read about the story of my wife and her toes, I suspect that at this moment Marie thinking where she is going to place Ray Anne Marks masterpiece in her beach-art studio-house.


Which leads me to now ask u, how far back do you think our ancestors had sex together?


Finally, may I just suggest that you don’t be foolish like Dr. JBS and take the advice of others who may simply c u as an easy target to be MOBBED.









Good Day,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake - The Pisser having gone thru “metermorfeces” [sic].



Ps – copied on this email is both Patti Smith, Mr. Manuel’s most trusted assistant as well as our pal David “Crazy” Altman who will undoubtedly provide South Africa’s Minister of Finance with a “heads up.”



[Word count 1150]



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Thursday, October 02, 2003 9:39 AM