From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: TCo
Subject: Next Symposium L "The great massses of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie." - Adolf Hitler L
TCO – I was alerted earlier today to your latest vomit on’s The Buck Stops Here and be4 taking off 4 a few days, dropping in once and a while checking on how my seeds r taking root, I will use a few minutes of my time “wright now” [sic] no more than 3 in responding both tu u as well as following up with a handful of other folks waiting ever so patiently, vengeance is sweet to the heart of an Indian, agree?
My wife expressing herself once again so eloquently last evening, this time tu her 14+ year-old daughter who once more was used by her Sperm Donor telling her mother, “He says he doesn’t read emails” which of course is not true but this would not be the first time a pathological liar wouldn’t think they could get away with the unthinkable, Hitler u know, sumhow managed to get sum 100+ million co-conspirators, captivated by the prospects of having an Aryan looking race, “tall, blonde haired, blue-eyed”, so fricken “shell shocked” that few if any thought tu ask let alone use the airwaves tu broadcast the following question:
Dear Mr. Hitler,
We can understand u having this thing about The Diamond Invention, its author, Mr. Epstein highlighting the complicity of the South African Oppenheimer family in providing your illegitimate regime with the necessary diamond bits tu keep the German war machine operating so smoothly, not tu suggest that either Charles Englehard
Ernest Oppenheimer were anything butt good Roman Catholics simply turning a blind eye using the likes of Jewish Capos much like what we see today on 47th Street in New York City,
Butt what exactly should we do with u after killing all the Jews, Gipsies, not tu forget the Kaffirs and Niggers, us seeing so very little benefit wouldn’t u agree of a preheated gas chamber, instead why don’t we give u the honor of being the first one in considering the fact that u r shorter than that Jew boy Gary Steven Gevisser now married tu a white-teethed-Roman Catholic-1/32nd Huron Indian, both of u, that is “Gavriel Shoenail Ben Baruch Nachman” [sic], not his milk-skinned radiant partner-wife, having dark hair and dark eyes, u possibly,
No strike that,
U r probably even uglier than this youngest son of Bernie and Zena Gevisser, neither of his parents looking in the least bit Jewish?
TCo, u know of course that
the literal translation of the word Israel is, “Struggle-wrestle with
G-D” so important a first step in redressing those parents who
confuse the commandment “Honor thy mother and father” with
the first commandment, “I am the Lord thy G-D, blah blah” perhaps thinking that the first commandment
had these over-controlling parents speaking such profound words of the One and
S H ONE T is a word I heard 4 the first time coming out of the mouth of my incredible wife and u simply had tu be there in the room
On the other end of the line to fully appreciate the splendor of her French-accented intonation in describing what would happen if the Sperm Donor didn’t “stay with the program” and should u
Anyone else have another suggestion in terms of what name I should give this disgusting Sperm Donor of my wife’s too children other than Sperm Donor considering the fact that he used his children as nothing short of a shield to wield his bloody spear tu mention little of my Next Symposium being geared toward those who use others tu shoot “their poison tipped arrows”, so go ahead make my day and lets see what else u can fart out, ok?
Not tu suggest that u borrow the Finance Professor’s ram’s horn tu mention in passing the speech Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss should have given on Yom Kippur tu hold the “feet tu the fire” of those who forgot not only who G-D is but what His-Her teachings r all about, agree?
I now welcome u to the latest rendition of the Gong Show, bearing in mind as things heat up those authorities charged with doing "investigations" will no doubt get hold of u no matter what shavings u do to your face, the shaving of the truth getting more and more difficult with each “light stroke” that reaches the surface of Mother Earth altho u have surely nothing to add as can be seen by the pitiful way u go about getting a job as if BrownNose can do more at this point other than brush his teeth and shave, concerned very possibly about his "mug shot"?
Suffice to say u really shouldn’t be clowning about doing these yoyos’ "dirty work", intimidation so incredibly infantile, and remember I am the guy with quite the track record and maybe if u need a nickel
Too u should begin by "shorting" Citicorp shares.
Given my "public
announcement" of taking on Citicorp I no longer feel the concern I
generally have that 4 every dollar made in the stock market someone loses a
dollar, remember my one website alone
is getting well in excess of 1 million hits per day on average, more than a
handful of folks tuned in to what I have tu say know just like u et al that I
have rather good prescient timing as well as sufficient intestinal fortitude
and plenty of resources tu take on the likes of
No doubt in my mind Weiss hoping that BrownNose and his gang of “dead beats” would help him beat out his competitors including possibly his soon-to-be-messy-divorced partner, Bill "Roach Motel" Lerach Esq. by going after the likes of Mr. Kitchen, Chairman and CEO of Jameson Inns, Inc., green mail the one name of this game that will come to an end as soon as our very enlightened great President George W. Bush does "the right thing" and suspends trading of the public stock markets tu mention just in passing that Newell Starks, the current chairman of one of Citicorp’s “fronting companies” that recently acquired Stratos Lightwave which BrownNose says he “covers” ever so closely, “vetted” that “one of a kind letter” I sent Mr. Kitchen, courtesy of the website my posting this email on The Buck Stops Here the instant after I hit the “send” button on my screen.
Not tu forget either that BrownNose when seeking a “Peeriless Systems” [sic] shareholder
“quickly” never, tu the best of my
knowledge, contacted Mr.
So how much would u charge tu wash my Mini Cooper S, not tu forget no back window, Bonnie having dispensed with the snake, any discount if I throw in my Ducati ST4s?
Perhaps Mr. Tom Brecht, a little pissed
Simply playing possum first
waiting tu c what I post up on the Heads
Up hyperlink be4 responding, tu mention little of Ms. Dobransky
et al from WAMU not tu the best of my knowledge having contacted Mr. JRK
Esq. who may be trying tu reach me on my cell phone, the batteries tho dead, no
“Deals behind closed doors” we r getting tired of hearing “Just Say No To Drugs”, worse than “hot air” this hypocrisy from the older generation, less and less of them it seems no longer choosing tu avoid dealing with The Truth as those more in tune, with less deficit needs, get with each passing minute more hooked up to this real rather incredible world, when in recorded history has it been better tu be alive, Manager Minute One just minutes away from being broadcast live on The Internet, not tu forget tu tune in later today to the “Osprey Winfrey Show” [sic] when our neighbor Steve with his good-looking wife appear, and who knows Patty who was in the audience when the show was taped might flash one of my business cards.
C u later alligator
Take very good care,