From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:18 PM
To: Mr. George “Money Talks” Hurst Esq., attorney 4 Dr. Sperm Donor JBS et al.
Cc: rest; JRK; Jean Dion
Subject: a) “Cut & Paste” mistakes complicate matters when one’s attorney has “No skin in the game”? b) How tu improve your English, move over rover?; c) Jean Dion RCMP the next French Canadian Pope?



Mr. Hurst,


The purpose of this greeting is tu provide u as well as “those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day”, with nothing short of the most explicit SCAL [Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit] complaint that is going tu be delivered in the format suggested by my very close attorney-colleague Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. but with a “twist






U r now fully informed that the number of hits is presently getting is well in excess of the 64,000 odd u cried about in Judge Hendrix’s Superior Court back on October 24th 2002, my just minutes ago sending out a “skin” email tu a David Wolf who graduated from Carmel College in Durban, South Africa back in 1969.


I am also communicating with JRK as well as others telepathically, i.e. thru my “G-D” [sic] at the present time, the details of one such communication with this “one of a kind” attorney will be able accessible in “Jew course” [sic] at this Beware of still water hyperlink.


This hyperlink is located on the same pdf website directory that I as well as others far better schooled in the area of Internet law contend, u et al violated, my “right and privileges” tossed tu Timbuktu, costing me, i.e. I have the damages well documented, as well as possibly shareholders of Revlon Corporation nothing short of an “arm and a leg”, agree?


Tu mention just in passing one former executive of Revlon Corporation whose code name is “The Nose” not quite as intimidated as other executives of this “one of a kind” United States based public corporation, so willing tu come forward and give the likes of JRK Esq a “helping hand” asking 4 nothing in return thanks tu the efforts of me, agree?


U should, in my opinion, while making as certain as any one human being can be that your client et al never, ever, ever again “usurp their limited authority” make equally certain that Ronald Capo Di Capi Perelman doesn’t step over the line with my “Nose”, agree?


So why not whisper into a District Attorney’s ear that he-she should contact me




JRK Esq. in the event u feel that your client, Dr. Sperm Donor JBS remains out-of-control, my one other attorney Mr. James C. Ashworth Esq. “taken out of the loop” due to exactly what pressures placed on him, your relationship with his father, Judge Ashworth?




Could this series of communiqués with his niece Ms. Gabrielle Forsyth a “higher-up assistant” with the NRCC [National Republican Blah blab] have caused Jim, who I have known going on a quarter of a century tu have become, “hospitalized” as in “knocked 4 a loop”?


First let me begin by addressing the concerns of a number of folks “perturbed” it seems that I might be a little “to hard” on u?


As in,


Hey Gary,


Money Talks is simply a “hired gun” albeit having possibly arrived from Mars “armed tu the teeth” with weapons galore courtesy of a Wal-Mart branch?


Not tu suggest that Money Talks subsequently “fell off a tree” landed in Pypeetoe’s shit?


And will remain here on out, locked out, in the dog house, until Kingdom come?


He, that is, Money Talks, still, tasked with providing his client, The Sperm Donor, with the best possible defense available “under the sun”, agree?


Naturally, it seems, u may have been poking fun at his client, The Sperm Donor in your response communication back on August 20, 2002 11:25 AM PST tu a possible colleague pathologist, Ed F who had “thked” [sic] u with your “brief” tu a Bank of America branch manager sum 4 days earlier on August 16th, Ed tho, clearly loving your opening paragraph,


The previous time though, you managed to do a good job of holding your tongue. So what happened, did the cat eventually let go?


Such entertaining material being deposited on the same day JRK Esq. notified u that his grandmother, Nana had passed away at age 99, blah blah.”


Mr. Hurst, in due course I will be doing my “level best” tu address such a question just in case it should appear either in interrogatories




during depositions where unlike your client who has many, more, years, of formal education than me with little, or no, space, however, under his belt tu stuff his medical certificates tu mention little of his hospital’s liability insurance policies,,,, I do not need tu be reminded that I will in addition tu swearing tu tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me G-d, I will, review such document-s, I will, be signing “under penalty of perjury”, just one of many rather “poor excuses” your client has given 4,


“Pity me, I had no time tu review the utter nonsense I had possibly someone else write, he-she-it paying ever so careful attention to the concoction me and my team had pulled together, working feverishly over a 3 day period, period” [sic].


Quite “hell bent” your client et al on taking the light out of me and the incredible mother of the too children, never should I forget tu thank him 4 providing the sperm, agree?


I assume Dr. Sperm Donor JBS is currently taking all necessary medication tu keep him from committing any future illegal acts, suicide as u know against man as well as the Almighty G-D’s law, agree?


Surely u will also c tu it that The Sperm Donor still retains a sufficient supply of neutrons circulating what remains of the non-vacuum of space between his ears tu have u





King Golden Jnr. Esq.




Harvard Law School educated Mr. David Henshaw Esq. review both his personal liability insurance coverage as well as that of San Diego based, Sharp Memorial Hospital, not tu suggest that any of u have a 24 inch “kid” [sic], agree?


Let me further advise u that I have already begun the initial work on posting up on the Yahoo Revlon Message Board a response tu This is Big!


Suffice tu say at this time given my self-imposed time constraint of not being in front of a computer screen 4 more than 3 hours per day, 5 days a week, weekends and public holidays all devoted tu “making love” tu my incredible wife who did nothing short of smacking u and your client et al’s big “phatso” [sic] asses on October 24th 2002 in Judge Hendrix’s Superior Criminal Court Room 25 tu Kingdom come, what exactly should I make of the fact that when Marie Dion and I first sat in that courtroom we heard u distinctly telling your client, Dr. Sperm Donor JBS,


“You have committed perjury, now listen to me.”


Yet, several weeks later when you were given ample opportunity to do all your “due diligence”, giving my attorney, Mr. James C. Ashworth, assurances which he passed on tu both Marie and me that matters with your client would be settled so avoiding a public display of The Sperm Donor’s “dirty laundry” u proceeded to “hammer away” down the exact same path paved back on September 11th, 2002 when your client filed a “false & misleading” complaint against me all geared tu “murdering” my very, very, very, good name, agree?


So what exactly were u and your client thinking after Judge Hendrix made it patently clear tu your client’s one former wife, my Marie, again as in Marie Dion Gevisser, and if it makes u feel better that I take out the name “Gevisser” so be it, that she ran the risk of losing both her children as a result of this criminal proceeding if there was “a shred of evidence” that I had committed so foul an act of “rape”, the Judge again on the day he dropped “the guillotine” on both u and your client’s heads, doing nothing short of pleading at the start of the formal proceedings with you and your client, his supporters having quite obviously “headed 4 the hills” that


U should reconsider going this criminal court room route when Family Court seems a much better suited venue given the fact that we could then hear from both kids, bringing in all the necessary experts tu support your position and even though the word “rape” is not contained in The Sperm Donor’s initial complaint very little if anything is left tu the imagination of a reasonable person, tu mention little of if The Sperm Donor has an issue with Mr. ”Abnormal” Gevisser then surely u being so competent an attorney would recommend that he sue Mr. Gary Steven Gevisser in civil court for all that this “pitiful” speed-skater is worth, agree?


Your client leading me to believe that Mr. Gevisser has in fact “bought off” Ms. Dion, agree?


So if it turns out to be another of his “false and misleading” assertions this could in fact make me a Superior Court Judge tasked with upholding the law quite mad, to mention little of both your client and Mr. Gevisser remaining ‘under the spotlight’ which means I will take your word on it that The Sperm Donor’s one biological child which he mentions twice in his initial complaint, again, “signed under penalty of perjury” was in fact responsible 4 sending Mr. Gevisser this “ERROR” [sic] email sum 3 days after your client sumhow, incredible as it may seem tu many, was able to obtain a Temporary Restraining Order [TRO] without the children’s mother being contacted, not even a phone call made, could it possibly be because your client is a “Godly Doctor?”




could it have helped the fact that the Sperm Donor brought his other one sperm child that we know of, JoNathan, with him tu the courthouse on September 11th 2002 so as tu make a further “good impression” on the authorities so impressed with a Lilly-white-wheaty-eating fricken doctor? So-sic.


So should it come tu pass that I, it is now me speaking Mr. Hurst, have tu revisit, in say Judge Hendrix’s chambers such “declarations” of your client et al, again, “signed under penalty of perjury” I will be willing tu bet my bottom dollar he, as well as every single member of the judiciary along with all members of law enforcement on this entire fricken planet will very likely, at a minimum, frown, agree?


And should they sumhow come across an email from your client such as this teeth email sent sum 146 odd days after this rather important criminal court ruling that had u most would have thought, permanently in the “dog house” then what would such independently minded individuals such as say Judge Lisa Foster, or Judge Ashworth although at this time I am only interested in what Judge Hendrix may have tu say, agree?


And please remember tu remind your client that the TRO which he illegally obtained did not simply “expire” as he has on at least one occasion blasted over the “airwaves” my now seeking information from others other than Marie who heard such “expressions” while at one of JoNathan’s lacrosse games, agree?


And make certain Mr. Hurst Esq. that u do a better job this time in providing Judge Hendrix with all the information although I must say I believe he saw through all your bullshit the instant Marie Dion opened her incredible mouth, now write the following down 1,000,000 times,


When the dialogue becomes two monologues it is the beginning of the end.


Now get on your hands and knees, and begin praying to the Good Almighty Lord for forgiveness, telling Him-Her exactly how u plan tu make amends 4 your insidious actions, agree?


And then give me, The Rattlesnake, 500 push ups followed by 250 sit-ups, remembering u idiot, tu breathe, in, to the count, of 5, all through the nose, and, breath, out,,,, u moron, again, all, thru your fricken nose, and, now, this very instant, jump immediately in to the bicycle maneuver and stretch those fricken stinky toes.


So Mr. Money Talks Hurst Esq. do u get my drift?


I will be back, rest assured, no fricken rest, however, 4 the wicked.


Don’t forget tu check in, from time tu time with this “cut & paste” hyperlink, in the words of Jean Dion, Marie Dion’s brother Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman+++, “Mistakes can happen when you cut and paste.”



Next tTOo

Breeding is everything!


Take care,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake


Cc: rest including Detective Steele, San Diego Police Department + FBI