From: Gary S. Gevisser
Monday, August 09, 2004 2:09 PM
Dad (
Cc: (;
Jeff (; Leader (; Sternshow (; Roy Essakow;
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...Tu the heat is on.{:}


Dad – Thanks for your efforts in getting me the email addresses I needed to get things moving.


After lunch with Marie who just got back from art class with Sebastian, probably going to our friend Stefan’s restaurant, I will continue the dialogue with your first cousin’s son Mark Gevisser who replied graciously to an email I sent him early yesterday, Mark appearing quite eager to offer his input on the INFORMERS WANTED ad I plan to begin running in the Republic of South Africa, agree?


Now of course u can only agree if u r able to click on to my hyperlinks.


Perhaps unless u can give me reason to go elsewhere we will move into Mozambique which I believe was at one time Mrs. Theresa Heinz-Kerry’s old stomping grounds?


Interesting the 2 photographs I have of Aida Parka the rather smart journalist very pro South African Nationalist Nazi Party supporter once married to mom’s brother, Joe Ash, the one contained in the “z” hyperlink showing this disgusting human being looking Joe in the eyes in the photo in the top left corner and the one of Aida once again avoiding the camera lens “making eyes at u”, agree?


The first photo I seem to recall when the Ashes and u visited another South African Oppenheimer cheap labor pool during a “cash crisis” when it is possible mom first got acquainted with the likes of rather brilliant South African attorney Julius Gurwitz, the son of fellow Del Martian Clive Gurwitz who recently asked me to remove him from my email list but based on my response probably had second thoughts, certainly if he placed a call to his mostly retired father in Israel who in turn would have wasted no time in contacting mother in the United Kingdom, direct dialing from the United States of America, 011-44-1-984-6-24-0-88, agree?


I am just beginning a follow email to Yasmine Martin the incredibly beautiful and sexy General Manager of Peru Rail which u can access at your leisure by clicking on the “pound” hyperlink give me tho again until after lunch in order for me to upload the all important hyperlinks which the likes of Rex Solomon find “informative and broadening” what an incredibly descriptive choice of words wouldn’t u agree?


At the risk of repeating myself verbatim there was this terrific young lady who I am quite certain u would fall in love with the instant she smiled at u who Marie and I meet with on occasion when visiting our rock cabin retreat up in the mountains east of San Diego who back on 8/8/88 gave birth in room 8 to an 8 pound baby girl who was the 8th baby born in the hospital that day, 16 years ago yesterday, birth taking place at 7:10 PM PST Beth not willing to wait a moment longer despite the protestations I would have thought of her painter husband, agree?


Certainly had I been around I would have at least thought of suggesting to the baby to try stretching her arms and legs and if necessary to get into the Pilates bicycle maneuver




Simply trying breaststroke in an effort to avoid the trap door into hell, which of course u know is only here on planet earth, while imagining the marketing potential of waiting another 50 minutes when compared to how much time some people waste each and every day putting on a wig to avoid would be assassins, agree?


The possibility is that I could have succeeded running tho, the risk of course that while communicating with the infant in patterns, each of our first language, it is doubtful I could have had my Partner-Wife Marie Dion protecting me as she did later on yesterday from Beth pulling out her portable guillotine and going “chop chop.”


Sure, why not take a break at this time, hop along to the head, watch tho, that u don’t break a leg since I could c u joining Neil Gould and I as we continue this “dog and pony” show without any of us having to leave the confines of our respective homes, what do u think South Africa’s prime minister, Thabo Mbeki, is doing at this time.


It is now 1:55 PM PSt and Marie says I am pushing it?


Think, yacht.


Dad, I am back, just earlier repeating to JoNathan’s one friend what u once described to our boy when he was much younger how u would come in from a rather dizzy height with your machine guns blazing, strafing “enema[sic] anti-aircraft guns often decoys in “soft targets” having to also worry about pulling up in time be4 hitting the ground while tipping the nose of the plane crashing into your bombs at times as heavy as 1,000 pounds as they were released given the speed of your single seater fighter-bomber-plane on the descent, and then still be focused on scoring a D/H, again your 60th operation now visible to world courtesy of The Internet removing any doubts some might have of my vivid imagination, agree?


It is tho, rather important that no one interferes with the process fully underway in bridging the gap between those who have stolen the most to be afforded the pound seats and those downtrodden who thru no fault of their own find themselves hooked on an entitlement programs that benefit the most, when u cut right down to the bone, the likes of Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk and his puppeteers, Messrs Melvyn Weiss and Bill Lerach, very possibly suffering the shakes much like this one attorney Marie decided to read the “riot act” yesterday without so much as once raising her voice not coming even close to using an expletive as I first smiled from ear to ear before providing this Parkinson’s candidate with enough of my CV to have him repeating himself ad nausea as he short-circuited before our very eyes.


The only reason I am giving u and a handful others a “heads up” at this early stage of what will hopefully be meaningful dialogue with my cousin Mark Gevisser is because I want to save as many folks as possible from any further embarrassment since I have it from now several rather reliable sources that my communications r being “intercepted”, doubtful it has anything tho, to do with me simply suggesting if I were to be placed in a 10 foot padded cell without any distractions other than cross ventilation I could very likely produce the blueprints for a suitcase size nuclear bomb in less time than it takes for the earth to go around the sun for the simple reason the authorities as well as my potential kidnappers know I would probably need someone to help me with some very basic math that was missing in my formal education and the chances of any Iranian Islamic fundamentalist group kidnapping Dr. John Pollard in broad daylight at the Turf Club in Del Mar altho very possible, is, however, rather slim at this time, agree?


And besides the gold medallion John wears around his neck should be enough to scare even mosquitoes, at a minimum distract would be kidnappers sufficiently for him to make a quick escape, jump on to one of the thoroughbreds programmed to go cross country to our rock cabin keeping of course to the speed limit where he would be protected by all the wildlife to mention little of the incredible array of birds, Marie and I yet to work out how there was this pool of water in the pond on the property full of water, temperatures close to 100 degrees Fahrenheight [sic] without any visible source of water that attracted swarms of bees when we visited there yesterday.


My communications last week with the United States Attorneys’ office in Los Angeles could be one other factor why u and others such as TU should choose your words ever so carefully, u may have noticed that Tony Unruh is now only forwarding me gobbledygook, perhaps tho, this communiqué will flush him out further exposing the extent to which the United States Democratic Communist Party has “used and abused” those suffering the most from their formal education interfering with their learning, the likes of TU suffering more horribly than say Poli Footsak Pollak, the new poster boy for the Democratic Communist Party since china TU has the added weight at this time of, thanks to yours truly, only now coming to grips with realizing at the time Robert F. Kennedy, Attorney General of the United States of America visited Cape Town University on June 6th 1966, again just 3 months to the day, “be4 a” [sic] Greek ex-patriot assassinated Hendrik Vervoed, the supposed “Architect of Apartheid” under of course the “command and control” of the South African Oppenheimer family in cahoots with the American Charles Engelhard who wrapped himself in the good graces of the South African Jewish community by being ever so smart as to loop in Mark Gevisser’s father, David Gevisser, as the executor of his worldwide estate, agree?


Such a brilliant tactical move u think first discussed with Harry Oppenheimer before




After Attorney General of the United States of America had his publicists contact a South African journalist who would know to choose my extraordinary mother who would not have to dig that far into her rolodex to know who RFK should NOT meet with when visiting Durban, South Africa on his PR blitz of PR blitzes providing Blacks in South Africa already so incredibly “brainne” [sic] dead with more of a dose of a false sense of security as if the despicable, disgusting Kennedy “Clambake” Clan so fricken intimate with communist boss Charles Engelhard wouldn’t have powwowed ahead of the plane leaving JFK International Airport so incredibly smart to choose to mess more with the heads of those like TU that the only person this head of United States of America Justice should NOT meet was my uncle David Gevisser and members of the Oppenheimer family who carried this mantel of being ever so fricken “liberal” as the protest banners at our Orthodox Jewish synagogue, again mom having a problem with me referring to that “over the top” mosque as, “our Temple was destroyed blah blah” on the corner of Silverton and Musgrave Road as well our Jewish day school just down the road from the “crappy 3rd World University” of Natal, South Africa disappeared into thin air courtesy of the Durban North South Africa Lazarus clan who while low down on the totem pole of “beneficiaries” benefiting very handsomely from the Nazi tactics so well fine tuned after World War II during which time the South African Oppenheimers were perched ever so well enabling them a “birds eye view” to enjoy the “spoils of war” that under the ever so watchful eye of the scoundrel RFK, Attorney General of the United States of America, the flowers continuing to blossom to this very day, ugh, ugh, ugh.


Dad, would u be interested in meeting Jennifer Flowers?


Shame is all I can say on anyone copied on this missive who continues not only to “duck and dive” but who fails to forward this communiqué on to each and every one on their email list, just a matter of time be4 I publish each and every individual-group on my email list in addition to those on my infamous “delete list.”


Admit it u r having a whole lot of fun?


Surely this all reminds u of April 1st 1945 of your 1 hour and 25 minute 60th operation bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards without having to worry about your own bombs exploding as u came in low and fast, a U.S. Marine helicopter just flying by, agree?


Take my word I both smiled and saluted our courageous men and women fighting the right fight, and please do not assume that just because I use the color brown over the previous 2 hyperlinks that I was suggesting u were not smart enough to evacuate your bowls well ahead of every one of your 71 miraculous operations.


Sidebar to Tony Unruh: How many pushups can u do these days in less than 60 seconds while keeping your eye on your billings?


Moreover Dad, given my communications with the FBI going back to April-May of 2003 when I received on our wedding day an email from Ms. Kathryn Murry who continues to derive great satisfaction in “pushing my bottoms” [sic] letting me know that I was on the “FBI’s Watch List” could be yet another factor slowing up folks getting my emails to mention little of the difficulties others r having sending me emails, agree?


Ms. Murry getting quite a thrill of going on the Montel Williams daytime TV talk show reminiscing about her intimate communications with a murderer who I have mentioned previously saw fit while Ms. Murry was still in her teens to murder “in cold blood” her father, a “bought and paid 4” [sic] prominent San Diego mafia attorney, right before her eyes.


Dad we r trying to figure out what to do with the Ccrest Bed and Breakfast Café during the winter months so if u would like a break perhaps take on the responsibility of overseeing renovations assuming we decide to keep this “hot spot”, I am told the electrical is all up to scratch, let me know, okay?


A real estate broker unlikely connected to Ms. Lori “BullshitGoetz yet very familiar with our Minehead property letting me know today that the value of property in the area is up some 30% in the past 12 months which is embarrassing when compared to real estate prices here in Del Mar, then again we r talking about English Pounds Sterling, doubtful prices of food in England r rising as quickly as they r in sunny southern California and I assume u r paying some attention to the Price/Earnings ratios of public corporations, more than ever “be4” [sic], agree?


The instant one turns a blind eye to evil so one messes with one’s memory, the Digital Age tho, with things like “flash memory” cards providing the youth who r all our futures with the means to make certain that the mistakes of the previous generations don’t get repeated ad-infinitum, incredibly uplifting, agree?


Quite revealing yesterday’s “brush” with an attorney who witnessed Marie’s will back on January 3rd 2002 on the very day the shares of Vivendi, the French multi-national water conglomerate very much tied in with the rigging on the California Gubernatorial elections held some 11 months later on November 8th 2002, began a 280 day precipitous decline, between Vivendi and its 63% owned subsidiary, Vivendi Environmental which owns 100% of U.S. Filter losing some $63-$64 odd billion in market value, such witnessing of this rather important document which in time will be the “blueprint” for getting rid of over-controlling parents as well as estate attorneys all over the planet, coming some 6 days after Vivend’s top dog, Andy Seidel, sweating bullets a little further east in the hot California desert, met with former Democratic Communist Party California Governor, Gray “Ho Chi Min” Davis, this rather timely meeting ending and the next one beginning some 10 minutes later with Mr. Rod Smith of the, agree?


The deep rot within the mind of the biological father of Marie’s tT∞” [sic] children brought out the very best in my rather well put together Partner-Wife who in reacting so appropriately in suggesting this former attorney neighbor go thru some “self analysis” following his rather rude behavior earlier in the day when he used the telephone to “shoot his poison tipped arrows” also quite frankly helps me now explain to the next generation in rather straightforward prose how when some even as amazing as yourself comment in simple English,  


“What you appear to be doing  in my opinion, in bringing up the past of 30, 40, 50 + years ,you  will  find that your endeavoures will  not have  any positive outcome, and only cause you and others to have  misgivings” [sic],


is nothing short of gobbledygook.


Love u.




Ps – Please continue to spread the word how effective my one website is in getting out the truth, particularly as it applies to my efforts to c to it that our GREAT GREAT President George W. Bush gets reelected, need I remind u how Norma Essakow played a significant role in getting me off my “phatso” [sic] backside back on November 8th 2000 helping provide GWB the necessary votes in places like the Florida Panhandle where the voting booths had not yet closed despite the bought and paid for media folk like Dan Rather et al calling it, “Florida Gore”, ugh.


Ps IAlso do not hesitate to give me your verbiage on the language I should use in the next A NAME FROM HERE I CAN TRUST OVER THERE ad.


Ps II – Any idea how yacht sales r doing in South Africa these days.


Ps III – Please forward me Uncle Joe Ash’s email address and I assume if he is cruising the Mediterranean at this time he has the necessary equipment to stay in touch especially with those in tune with the heartbeat of the universe...the heat is on.