From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 8:19 AM
To: Bernie
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: Legal ACTion
Better yet
when Charles Engelhard visit Moshal Gevisser “on occasion” as he along with the
South African Oppenheimer family hiring themselves a fricken Jew boy like David
Gevisser who thanks to his incredible fricken stutter could be counted on to
keep his big fricken mouth shut then maybe, just maybe the slavery of the 40
million plus peoples of color living on the southern tip of Africa may have
come to an end that much sooner, history is not simply repeating itself in
South Africa, nothing has changed since the Nationalist Nazi Party came to
power in 1948 and the Lilly White Wheaty Eaters keep sticking to business as
Kathy-David get u the necessary software which can in fact be downloaded off
the internet assuming u have the software to allow u to get in touch with those
who not only want to be in touch with the heartbeat of the universe but who
know enough despite the bs heaped on them by the previous generations wanting
to sweep things under the carpet that there is no “sleep for the wicked” and
until u prove to me that u r in fact G-D much like Abner Weiss who has chosen
to go deafeningly silent on me once again then u will also wake up to the fact
that “silence is only golden” in perfect vacuum environment such as Deep Space
where not a sound can be heard.
A number of
head trips were played on u by those who u trusted no different to the poor
Jews out of eastern Europe who when escaping the pogroms found themselves in
Germany where the Jews were getting as “phat as pigs” [sic] seeing these
sidewalk traders not paying their “FAIR Jew” [sic], and so along came Hitler who
simply got these rich Jewish people to play to his advantage and be4 u could
count to 3 some 6 million were dead, nothing like being sideswiped and the
culprit making off like a “band-id” leaving u feeling like u have just be
Shame on anyone who just prior to meeting their maker would choose to
bury their head in the sand – just warming up for “going to war” with Mr. Paul Baker of BWR
not to be altogether confused with BMW.
living each day like it was your last.
Love u,
Ps – Would it be “tT∞ much” [sic] to
ask if u would get hold of Mark and David Gevisser’s email address as well as
send an email to the South African Sunday Times telling them that your youngest
son would like to place a similar ad to the one I ran back in the late 1980s, u
remember a NAME FROM HERE YOU CAN TRUST OVER THERE, no need tho, to remind them
of the incredible number of responses I got particularly from the Indian
community – I am copying my niece Debra
who may be able to assist.
II – Remember from time
to time to check in with the website, and
don’t forget to click on both “Less said the better....”
III – I am also copying
a handful of other people including a young lady who sent me this email that
might prevent u from going “overboard” forgetting that there is no such thing
as a generation gap only a credibility gap.
From: Denise Bell
To: GG
Subject: Your mission statement
Mr. Gevissor,
Its Denise again. I was just reading your mission
statement on and
I realized that it is very similar to my recent thoughts after speaking
with others while abroad and also since I have been reading, Thieves
Among Us, by Jim Hightower (a book given to me by my father, of
course). Anyway, all these new impressions inspired me to search for or
create a sort-of political group on my college campus. The purpose
initially would be informing other students and sharing information and next
would be taking action.
thought the first step for my generation to make any kind of difference in the
world would be to re-create a democracy in
was one of the first things I noticed being abroad. My program, DIS had around 300 students from top Universities
all over America, as well as students from Russia, Prague, Hong Kong and
of course Denmark. The Danes were often interested in talking to the
Americans about politics. The funniest thing was that when asked, no
American wanted to admit to voting for Bush...they would say that the actions
of the American government had nothing to do with them... it was not their
recently spoke with an opinionated, yet knowledgable, German History Professor
while visiting
my lifetime, I have not seen the government listen to the demands of the people
in such a way in ). I have seen
overcrowding of jails - teens being locked away for many years for possession
of weed or piracy of music, while fraudulant CEOs, who cost the nation millions
in tax dollars are still able to break sound barriers as they cruze in their
gas-guzzling private jets to their mansions in the mountains. (just a tad bit exaggerated, but you get my point)
first step (what I have concluded so far)
finance reform would have to occur simultaneously with breaking down the 2
party system. Dont ask me exactly how this would
occur... like I said I still have a lot to learn, but it seems to me that much
of the problem lies in the influence of corporations as well as the fact that
during elections, Americans seem to feel they are left with a decision of
"the better of two evils," and that Democrat or Republican, it doesnt
make a difference really becuase in the end they only act as their corporate
sponsors tell them to. Is there a way to have an election in which a
third party candidate actually has a chance at being elected? Is
there a way for a man to lead the country without being influenced by the
demands of corporations? Would this destroy our position as a superpower?
anyway.. those are just some of my thoughts. If
you have the time, let me know what you think. I get tired of people who
complain and complain about the way things are in
for reading and hope to hear from you when you have some time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie Gevisser []
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: Legal ACTion
Hi Darling. I have glanced through your e-mails of the 1st [ one ] and 2nd [4 ] and am sorry to see that when I last received e-mails from you in + - June/July last year in Cape Town, and notwithstanding having told you that I had great difficulty in trying to understand the contents of your very long e-mails, and suggested that you shorten them and concentrate on the subject at hand, you continue to 'confuse' me with the method you are useing. I feel sure that you could condense them considerably, thereby enabling me to follow your thoughts and reasoning.
No I never received copy of your e-mail to Hylton Strous,
nor do I have no knowledge of any Gelman family in
You asked me in one of your e-mails ...''Do you think that I am going just a little overboard" Darling I believe that you must know the answer, for as you know I have always followed the adgage ' of never forgetting , BUT always forgiving , in the course of time ' . What you appear to be doing in my opinion, in bringing up the past of 30, 40, 50 + years ,you will find that your endeavoures will not have any positive outcome, and only cause you and others to have misgivings.
Love to Marie and the children.
Love you .
I have no idea how to connect up with 'hyperlinks'.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Dad
Cc: rest;;
Michael Kinsman – Big HOOD
Business Reporter for the San Diego Union
Subject: FW: Legal ACTion
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Legal ACTion
Thank you for continuing to include me in your email missives, I find them to be highly informative & broadening. I especially like your hyperlinking. I am working on my family tree and I've found that a branch of my family immigrate to South Africa from Petach Tikva [then Mandatory Palestine] when my great grand parents came to the U.S. to settle and uncourage a imigration back to eretz you have any knowledge of th Gelman family in South Africa, I believe there was a Harry Gelman who was a M.D.?
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: Legal ACTion Subject: RE: Legal