Repeat of posting 23490 on the BUD Yahoo message board.



Earlier, inspired by your “ignore” I sent Bill O Reilly this communiqué containing the following:


“Bill - I have evidence of a scandal and voter fraud at the highest levels of the Democratic Party during the Gray Davis California Gubernatorial win in 2002”

Your 300 word, “...It wasn't my intention... but I couln't help it...” [sic] response reminded me of what my “china” [friend] of some 30+ years TU wrote me on July 22nd,

“...I can't even believe that I am following through with this thought...”

Click on 4 my not exactly bs reply the next day that was primarily geared toward placing a lid on top of my china’s head in an effort to minimize the collateral damage as he imploded which is not to suggest that my one cuzzie and TU have checked into a mental ward, at least not to the best of my knowledge.

While u can choose to ignore me with your head in the sand soliloquies I remain very much appreciative of the fact that u r increasing the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day. This is a very affirmative and positive step on your part that is highly appreciated.

What I think we can also agree on is that unlike at any time in history, the result of the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, by going “back and forth” as opposed to going around in circles forgetful that G-D-Nature got rid of our tails there is less chance of things falling in between the cracks, the importance of maintaining a sense of humor is just one other thing I know, versus believe, we can almost certainly agree on, agree?

There is also every reason to believe that you would agree with just about every word I wrote Bill O Reilly of Fox News back on July 23rd 2002 which even to those absent but hopefully mindful is meaningful agree?

My one website rather busy these days remaining on track to be the number one network on the planet.

To repeat;

From: Gary St-even Gevisser

Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 6:10 PM

To: Bill O Reilly; cav-uto

Cc: rest

Subject: Epi-logue to Manager Minute One, i.e. one minute tTOo man-ag-e.r


Attention: N e i l Cavuto + Bill O-Re-ally = Fox News



Gentle-man dnA  G-eN-t-ILE-wo-men


The collapse of the stock market here in the United States is all but certain. It makes no sense that a publicly traded company should be valued more than a private business which generally sells for between 3 and 5 times predictable earnings plus liquidation value, i.e. "less godwill blah blab phat" [sic sic non-sic]. And remember management of private companies are much more accountable assuming they have the checks in place for their "au-dirt-ors not writely balanced."


Publicly traded companies with their diverse shareholder ownership allow management much more flexibility to mix things up, taking with the right and hooking the owners with their left, left-ys tTOo boot. Right now the smart money has left or is in the process of leaving the markets in search of "safer heavens" [non-sic], safe harbor provisions a thing of the past.


President Bush should do the smart thing and immediately suspend trading of public corporations, thereby protectING the innocent dNa naive who are simply throwing good money after bad. Those well run public companies should have no fear for they will be at a competitive advantage relative to the capital that has been so smartly socked away.


The scars of 1907 remain on the masonry buildings housing the stock exchange of Wall Street. The fundamentals of the economy at that time were much worse than in 1929. One man J.P. Morgan saved the day, not so LIky for the victims of 1929. Hi-stor

-y has a way of repeating itself but today the "risk markets" are more fragile than at any time in his-tory.


"Risk  Assessment" is my BUSiness.









[1] Ak-a-ka  footsak = South African slang for giving someone “a kick in the rear.”