From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, February 08, 2005 2:50 PM PT
Steve Lander Esq.
Cc: rest;
Devin Standard;;; Enid Enga Pigors - Office of the Chairman & CEO of Coca Cola
Subject: FW: FW: Who is G. Gevisser


Steve good morning,


Continuing with the “end game” I am forwarding an email I sent Mr. Alan Cramer yesterday bearing in mind once you’ve had as much time on your hands as me to ponder your navel, i.e. the meaning of life the only logical conclusion assuming u have not allowed your formal education to interfere with your learning, such a statement as close as it “gets” to an oxymoron, mankind the quintessential oxymoron, is that the universe is endless, no beginning, end or middle much like E=mc² the most precise-balanced mathematical expression “known to man” that has us constantly revisiting no different to, Alan’s response coming 41 odd minutes after I sent it out yesterday:


    I actually agree with your positions many more times than not.  I did not think with all that you write and send that you would write me personally and when Tefo's email appeared I thought it interesting to ask about you; he actually called from Africa at 4:30 AM.  I really did not mean you to take offense and I admire what you are doing;


 I am actually on your side, for real.


Redundancy won't really hurt me if the same thing comes twice, that was a bad busy day and I read all you send, how many other readers say that?


    At your ever, with, where and when;


Your neighbor,

Alan A. Creamer
Teeth Curing and Whitening Products Division: Well, truthfully there is only one division but it sounds really good, does it not?


Assuming Alan is correct that he like the rest of us is his own worst enemy I was thinking of entering into a strategic alliance with him assuming he were to articulate what exactly he disagrees with me on, other than my poor grammar, that will entail taking photos of passengers on the Amtrak trains that go back and forth in front of our one of a kind studio window on the cliffs of Del Mar overlooking the Pacific “Oshon” [sic] and then when selling the photo at the next station in either direction to also offer passengers a sample of Alan’s teeth cleaner and to have our salespeople, training to take place outside the boundaries of Del Mar for reasons previously enumerated ad-nausea, when making the pitch state time and again, The Meek With Teeth Shall Inherit The Earth.


What do u think?


BTW I pitched this idea to my Artist painter-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion at around 2AM today and without giving the full drosha of her indifference suffice to say she stated in not so many words,


“Is there anything else u have to say? I have a class with Sebastian tomorrow and maybe u would want me to ask him to join u as u take the photos, have an assembly line of his students do oil paintings with Sebastian simply providing the highlights which will undoubtedly blow all your plans to die the richest person in the grave bearing in mind it is doubtful Sebastian would give u more than a 5% commission especially if u were to be so courteous and allow me to get a word in edgeways” [sic]!


It is not often that I refer to even morons as morons let alone the idiot who currently sits in the Lucasian Chair reserved for truly great contributors to the betterment of mankind, Stephen Hawking can tho, at least program his computer that has him uttering utter nonsense to respond in kind, my offering this nincompoop a whole lot more courtesy than he afforded Albert Einstein the genius of geniuses back in the mid 1970s when Mr. Einstein possibly the most humble astrophysicist of all time was some 6 feet under ground to mention little of why other than the fact that Mr. Hawking got a lot of attention did his colleagues allow someone who created a problem out of nothing fail to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and toss him out on his ear, the possibility that Mr. Hawking may have had a thing or “tTOo” [sic] on them, agree?


So difficult to tell in this “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] world what is each of our agendas when it is so incredibly easy given our command of language to come up with all sorts of pitiful excuses for justifying a position and when finally nailed down to implore G-D to come to our rescue which is why I painstakingly go about throwing in on occasion my willingness to debate anyone including the smuck Stephen Hawking on the subject, “G-D does NOT exist”.


So important to give Albert Einstein his due for being so humble and rather quick to admit his mistakes so incredibly few that they were and to learn from him and those that came be4 like Isaac Newton the importance of “stepping back”, taking a breather, masturbating like procrastinating allowing the subconscious to “work things out” not necessarily as bad as some might protest, agree?


Critical to constantly reflect “back and forth” which group benefits the most from garbage ingrained into our skulls like, “preservation of life and limb” while recognizing that the system was designed to always be in balance, agree?


Up to each and every one of us to simply while not taking ourselves all that seriously, keep building upon all the good in the past and to learn from the mistakes of others than to keep repeating them time and again.


Einstein’s acknowledgment that his failure to embrace Quantum Mechanics was very likely his biggest mistake and what he saw as its weakness, QM’s lack of “certainty” was at the same time, at least in my humble opinion, it’s greatest asset, since to have each and every one of us agreeing all at once Einstein’s “Mind of G-D” equation also “reflecting” the “Hand of G-D” might be more than any of us r willing to deal with at this very precise moment in time given our quick fix pennytrate mentality, agree?


Then again, if one concludes that there is no time like the present to make paradigm shifts in the way we think and go about solving the problems of the world by getting each and every one of us to unite by finding common ground, why not see if we can provide the Science and the Math to support that the past and the future all come together in the present?


With that in mind along with Newton’s principal of mass always being a constant which as u would know got thrown out the window with Special-General Relativity we can surely see that E=m has within it the basic building blocks, c the speed of light with m=mass the constant “driving” E=Energy=Evolution for each and every one of us to now this instant “see eye to eye” nothing quite as profound in the scripture as, “Let there be light”, agree?





Built tTOo




So important to go “back and forth” always aware that our intelligence level has not really changed all that much since the time the Bible was written reflecting supposedly at times the words of G-D which were really not all that many considering how much is in the 5 books of Moses that has a whole lot of repetition not to forget the Bible continues to sell rather well which brings me to my “N game” to die the richest person in the grave, something I don’t think my wife Marie Dion really cares all that much about given her refusal to read not only my emails but what others send me, it possible that MD has her own agenda which may include her dying the richest “rich chick” in the grave which brings me to my first point of how u and I might do some business to-get-her.


When need be I can in fact be quite precise and very quiet perhaps tho not as precise as Marie who has a number of advantages over me besides for being good looking, her superior formal education particularly in the math that together with an ability to draw well places her should my forthcoming book Manager Minute One not outsell the Bible to very easily die the richest person in the grave assuming, however, a number of things including her at least twice divorced former husband, increasingly better known as The Sperm Donor doesn’t after his recent eye surgery follow thru with a frontal lobotomy providing this scoundrel with another pitiful excuse to take out her lights which could come about in a number of ways including continuing to poison the well with their “tTOo” [sic] children, the possibility exists that this evil doer of evil doers will at some point as he ponders more MD’s will take one of his guns jump into one of his 4 automobiles, G-d forbid this “so old phatso” [sic] were to ever endanger a train when riding one of his 2 motorcycles, more likely simply use his motor boat that had him on at least one occasion end up in traffic school for reckless driving, perhaps even his canoe, G-D forbid again this incredible non-athlete were to take out one of his dozen or so surfboards hook them all up to his old windsurfers stashed in the most cluttered garage imaginable and while holding on for dear life simply glides in front of our one of a kind studio with quite the view of the best looking men and women in southern California running by and relying on his girlfriend Dawn to line up the sights of the gun takes pot shots at one of us, all this of course forgetting the Almighty SMART G-D who I know, versus believe, is at this very precise moment in time making His-Her presence known to each and every one of us willing to open our eyes recognizing nothing but the “Hand of G-D” can really explain why the world’s financial markets have not imploded, yet, agree?


I could have transitioned much smoother in to the “greed factor” but again I was up rather late this morning finally figuring out just moments be4 the sun rose that Marie Dion is my strongest competitor to beat me in this epic race, now feeling once again rather hungry, again a picture tells a thousand words.


The information I have been feeding incorruptible grass roots organizations around the world very much focused on our Clean Water Fund project aimed principally to get the masses thinking clearly while slowly letting them come to grips with the extent to which they have been “had” by so-called liberals particularly here in the United States as well as over in England where the DAAC is most entrenched has in fact found its way in to the hands of the most corrupt mafia of mafia organizations ever to have surfaced on this planet responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and murder of all time, the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel fully up to speed on how they could theoretically, “beat me to the punch” by doing what they do best which is to ferment unrest right when it looks like the masses r catching on to their very very very dirty tricks of corrupting governments, and of course u know the business of corrupt governments is to never allow grass roots organizations to take root.


So the question is why given how I have telegraphed my punches rather clearly in terms of what I plan to do next which is thru my INFORMERS WANTED ad campaigns to decapitate not only the head of the DAAC but each and every one of its limbs not forgetting of course the torso which could in fact mean destroying each and every one of us on this most incredible planet given how their evil is systemic so incredibly imbedded in our psyche, agree?


More than a handful of literate folks in this world still actually believe a diamond is worth more than a pebble which has everything to do with the fact that as one follows the money trail, examining how folks like Marvin Davis managed to end up owning places like Pebble Beach, one recognizes instantly if one has been following along like members of my most favored class how the DAAC today have had the ability to convert their so incredibly ill-gotten gains in to mostly real estate dishing out crumbs in the form of tax loopholes that benefit mostly those further down the pyramid, G-D forbid it would reach all the masses then we would by now given the fact that the world’s population is around 6.3 billion and still very much growing out of control not enough, however, to justify “going to war” which of course almost everyone knows in war money is no object, leading back to the fact that the DAAC is now in a “check mate” position understanding perfectly well the game is up, the game of life like the game of chess getting your opponent to play to your advantage, agree?


More and more folks with each tick of the almighty powerful clock all around the world realize that with George W. Bush in the White House with a mandate to spread democracy “at any cost” leaving it up to the rest of us to help the DAAC and those most dependant on them for handouts to “see the light”, getting the message clear and clearer to missives such as this that it will be lights out for all of us should they interfere with the most basic human right, the right of each and every one of us on this most amazing planet Mother Earth to clean drinking water, leading to smart decisions which includes not getting caught up the DAAC’s desperate moves as they spin out of control, lighting fires by suggesting it is time for the masses in the 3rd world to get their fair share of our over the top share prices of public corporations but to simply wait for the likes of me and Mr. Devin Standard to get the likes of Coca Cola and their local bottling companies to ante up sooner rather than later to mention little of multinational conglomerates rarely if ever paying their fair share of taxes instead fixing the poor and downtrodden populace on quick sugar highs without fully disclosing how very dependant such brands r on the 3rd world’s masses populating like there was no tomorrow, agree?


The DAAC r at this very moment in time fully up to speed thanks to members of my family anxiously anticipating my follow up email to this one that by taking out my lights even if means messing with one person who means “sumthing” [sic] to me which will possibly incapacitate me from sending out another email won’t effect the ultimate outcome whether or not any one of them have an ounce of spirituality running thru their veins since they like The Sperm Donor aka Dr. John Ben Stewart, know perfectly well that while at “x” [sic] wordy, knowing a thing or “tTOo” [sic] about “playing 4 time” [sic] not wasting a moment of time praying to our Almighty SMART G-D to deliver anything more than the perfect non-vacuum of space between each of our ears best kept that way by never allowing a foul act to pass one by, I can cut to the chase and be stiletto like while biding my time, storing such bits of information until this precise moment in time as it makes simply common sense to share what I know with those not possibly quite as gifted but who have other strengths like an ability to communicate in a variety of languages the essence of how to preserve one’s mind from turning into a perfect vacuum of space much like Deep Space where sound as we know it does not travel, agree?


Interesting that the first word we hear coming supposedly from G-D was “Hear...” the one and only sense specific to SpaceShip Mother Earth, a “fact of life” brought about by advances in Techology, agree?


The bottom line is that the DAAC’s goose is cooked and now it is just a question of time be4 they begin to beg for mercy to mention little of what delaying doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing means for those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil does not come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.


With all that said, please give some thought to referring my Artist-painter-Client-Wife Marie Dion to a lawyer-non-liar who may serve her as well the “tTOo” [sic] kids’ best interest in the event The Sperm Donor is non-compliant with her demands.


Second, let me know if u can see any value in meeting with me and/or someone close to me like Devin Standard, the executor of my estate, the next time u visit southern California.


Be well,




[Word count 2844]


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, February 7, 2005 2:23 PM PT
Alan Cramer
Cc: rest;
Tefo Mohapi
Subject: RE: FW: Who is G. Gevisser


Alan – I find it interesting that instead of taking me up on my offer to meet u choose rather wisely in my opinion someone such as Tefo Mohapi to conduct your “due diligence” and of course I appreciate not only the fact that u have communicated with me in the past not to delete u from my email list, to simply try and limit the same emails I send u to no more than a handful altho I think u may have got confused by the one email I sent my amazing dad that I broke down in to several missives but most importantly to let u know how very much I appreciate the fact that you are increasing the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day. This is a very affirmative and positive step on your part that is highly appreciated.


No doubt like most people tuning in 4 the first time either to one of my broadcasted emails or visiting the hub website of approximately 100 in various stages of construction from the “bottom up” u will have noticed that in addition to there being no beginning, middle or end in sight, it does take quite the insight to be constantly in a pivotal position to bring about positive change, agree?


Most people can talk until the cows come home about all the positive things associated with change but should it possibly negatively impact their own little world just for the shortest period of time, and I assume u agree wholeheartedly that the world would be far better off if women were on permanent PMS then they would put up with any of the bullshit, they begin to withdraw feeling “sumwhat” [sic] uncomfortable but once I point out the direction the world is going in at this precise moment in time as most of us continue to go around in circles no doubt more than a handful justifying that they r simply following the rotation of Mother Earth as ME hurtles thru Deep Space at a blinding speed that is ever increasing knowing full well that should we stop for moment to ponder the inevitable where everything becomes “mathematical” at the awesome speed of light “sum” [sic] 300,000 kilometers per second time we will all stand still as one much like most experts would agree took place at the time of the big bang when mass would have equaled energy, again at such a point when the speed of light indicated by the letter c equals the speed of 1 kilometer per second rather well reflected in the most awesome mathematical equation of all time, E=m, referred by the genius of geniuses Albert Einstein as “The Mind of G-D” given it’s incredible precision that has stood the test of some 100 years, direct experiment after direct experiment causing all of Einstein’s detractors including the moron Stephen Hawkings to finally “fall on the sword” which is not to say I am about to open up a chess game with this intellectual midget who back in the 1970s when Einstein was long buried raised a mathematical problem that most who were intellectually honest knew rather well never existed in the first place, agree?


Who really cares who came first or second as long as we don’t lose both our place when making a point or our perspective on things so important at this most incredible moment in the history of time that we come together as one, each and every one of us having defied quite considerable odds beating out to begin with some 300 million odd sperm, each of us part of the problem as well as being part of the solution, agree?


Remember once u get your arms around there being no such thing as a coincidence it automatically means that design is everywhere, the sharing of energy is much the same as concluding it takes just one coincidence for it not to be coincidence but whichever the number the only logical conclusion again is that design is everywhere, the past and the future all coming together in the present.


I’m in the process of establishing Manager Minute One’s west coast headquarters at 101 11[1]th Street in Del Mar which is not to suggest that I plan to conduct any business here, G-D forbid I would not only need to fill out a form but hand over to the Del Mar City Council all of $5, the vast majority of our city’s elected leaders in favor of a real estate tax surcharge without feeling the need to conduct a “risk assessment” to determine what if any negative effects would result from such a moronic proposal when all that would be needed was for these genius councilmembers to get with the program spend less money with me than they did with some fukukta real estate consultant promoting the merits of why the next generation of kids should be raised like me never to expect from their parents anything more at the time of their death than their good name.


I am getting rather hungry right now and perhaps if I have any further thoughts on the subject I will state them in my next communiqué to Jonathan-Saul.


Be well,




[Word count 884]



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Who is G. Gevisser


Never heard of Twin Pharma, I am just your neighbor in Sane Diego and wonder who you are?  

I most of the time agree with what you are saying, do you find that strange?

I am never been a threat to anyone but myself.


Alan A. Creamer
Curing and Whitening Products Division (as in teeth)
9885 Mesa Rim Road
Suites 126

San Diego
, CA.

[1] It is the New England style house with the large window on the far right of the photo in the previous hyperlink.