From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:56 PM PT
To: Dr. D...
Subject: ...---...Tick talk...----....The Meek With Teeth Shall Inherit the Earth


Dear Dr. D


Thank u for confirming there was nothing else going on with my dog, Pypeetoe other than mostly exhaustion the result of such unnecessary delay in getting our 12 year old to open his eyes and remove nothing more than a tick.


With each tick of the clock that Ms. R, the administrator of your world renowned veterinarian hospital ignores responding to me has me more convinced of the accuracy of my diagnosis that something foul was in the air.


Please do your best to impress upon her not to test my courtesy for a minute longer, Manager Minute One addressing in no small measure those who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning.


In a nutshell, I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of the small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.




Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There


[Word count 164]