From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 5:46 PM PT
To: Peter Elkind author-journalist
– Fortune Magazine - November 15th edition
Cc: rest;
Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New
York State ;
Subject: Remember me?... Day 12 since we last heard from Mr.
- Spitzer's Crusade - Inside the muckraker-in-chief's campaign
against insurance companies and why—surprise,
surprise—this investigation is just getting started. [Click on here for non-hyperlinked version.]
Mr. Elkind – Remember me?
Lets first back up a little for folks not all that familiar with
your voluminous work product, my first becoming aware of your writings in the
September 4th 2000 edition of
U must have just loved my Client-Partner-Wife’s “huff and puff”, Marie Dion helping me nail shut Professor Aaron “BrownNose” Brown’s coffin
atop Machu Picchu on June 27th of this year and of course while u
saw fit to quote from my pal Joe Grundfest, a former
chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission, “Fraud
is wrong, it has to be punished.
But what we have here is a shell game" in reference to my other pal Bill Lerach Esq. the co-chairman of
the 2,000 pound gorilla law firm of Milberg
Weiss-Lerach, Melvyn “Mweissman” Weiss BrownNose’s pimp, agree?
had to have been familiar with Bill Lerach’s ingenious “slight of hand” fiddling
with u so incredibly “bought and paid 4” [sic] members of
the mainstream media when in the spring of 1999 Bill so boldly announced to the
world “sumthing” [sic] each and every one of us intimately familiar with the
business of SCALs
knew like the “back of our hands”, to
repeat what I stated in this Risk Assessment summary that had
Quite the decision at the 1999 “Business Weak” [sic] Chief Financial Officer
[CFO] Conference in Phoenix, Arizona by SCAL Bill Lerach Esq. to “go public” with something those of us in
the “risk assessment” business have known a
lifetime about the magnitude of corruption in the corporate world,
“Astonishingly, 67% of the Chief Executive
Officers [CEO] of
Resignation stage grabbing like me as much as they
can out of the insurance carriers who play quite the game with
keeping their combined ratios in the 100% range - by shifting reserves
to offset income - playing the spread between in-coming premiums and out-going
loss payouts - to effect the greatest tax benefit - until that is - the market
turns with investment income out the window - big players like Reliance -
Atlantic Mutual – Royal - Kemper etc – getting caught with their pants down
incapable of writing enough premium to offset the wave of losses burgeoning in
areas like medical malpractice, Workers compensation, malicious bedroom fraud, Directors and
Offices [D&O] Liability, Asbestos and Pollution which they never truly
contemplated for in their rates or policy wording, agree?...[sic].
Elkind, to be clear what Bill Lerach Esq. has now placed in “public
print” on at least 2 occasions is
the following:
the spring of 1999 around the time Gary S. Gevisser began to get immersed in
the business of SCALs the ‘method to his madness’ in getting
colleagues of mine from Finkelstein & Krinsk and Kaplan Kilsheimer and Fox
to take Mr. Ronald O. Perelman of Revlon Corporation,
one of our own big time Democratic Communist Party supporters, I addressed the Business
Week CFO [Chief Financial Officer] Conference in Phoenix. I spoke to 100 CFOs
of top
that as an introduction what is it exactly about the “true nature” of the
Insurance industry that u don’t understand?
me help u by pulling out a handful of statements in
the November 15th edition of Fortune Magazine, “... Like most of Eliot Spitzer's
investigations, the earthquake that rocked the insurance industry began with a
tip...” u well aware of 2 things at this time, first to repeat the “shell game” and second that the vast majority of the largest
100 corporations were “cooking
the books”?
right this very instant get on your hands and knees and pray that the likes of
Mr. Tefo Mohapi increasingly getting up
to speed on how I am painstakingly moving at light speed to get our Clean Water
Fund project up and running so as to keep his equally well informed and ever so
eloquent friends from losing their patience with the likes of nincompoops such as yourself, G-D forbid I were to call u full on “incompetent”,
do the words “or culpable take your pick!” ring a bell
and after giving me 500 pushups followed 1000 sit-ups give “sum” [sic]
thought to the information I broadcasted to the world this past
Thursday at 5:44 PM PT, to repeat
and while getting the spread between the wholesale price and the retail
price have Martin [Rappaport] share with them [Attorney General Spitzer
and his lieutenants] his take on the logistics of having an objective party,
i.e. a gemologist not on the DeBeers payroll stationed alongside each and every
customs official in the world providing a valuation of the diamonds being worn
by honest hard working poor and middle class folks having simply bought into
the Diamond Invention.
Elkind, with this communiqué, u no doubt fully up to speed on my “credibility” I am informing my
database made up of “sum” [sic] 40,000 individuals-groups that they should NOT, I repeat should NOT
inundate u with emails but simply watch u squirm, u miserable sellout, agree?
doubt u r looking forward to my follow up to Mr. Spitzer the missive titled, It's like fishing here. I have baited and cast the hook but
the fish is still obligated to do the biting soon to have every
single honest, hard working custom agent around the world sitting up ever so
smartly wondering what in hell have they been tasked with doing all this time,
looking for drug monies, cocaine, every single consumable item under the sun
whilst in broad daylight the likes of the DeBeers Diamond Cartel have for going
on a century dazzled the masses with their utter unadulterated bullshit, agree?
And even if I were not the “ultimate insider” not that many Lilly
White Wheaty Eating Boys and Girls having worked for Codiam Inc. the front of
fronts for the DeBeers Diamond Cartel responsible for the greatest enslavement,
torture and murder of all time coming forward to “spill the beans”, not even a nincompoop
such as yourself, get a shave, can be confused by the
facts, agree?
Please let me know if u would like to join Stephen Cohen,
president of Codiam Inc, his son Leon and I as well as
possibly as many as 20,000
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Take care,
Gary S. Gevisser
A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There
Ps – I assume u r
aware I have yet to run another A Name
From Here, You Can Trust Over There ad in the South
African Sunday Times.
Ps I – Sidebar to
Nothing quite like the “Sly English”
to “beet around the
BUSH” [sic] while keeping the perpetual money making machine of the
Diamond Invention “properly and adequately” greased, the DeBeers Diamond Cartel
headed up by Mr. Nicholas Oppenheimer must surely, however, give thought to not
only the ability of a more representative South African Government introducing
whistle blowing laws such as the USA’s Lincoln Laws but how they have to very
soon deal with honest hard working folks having bought in to a “Diamond is 4ever” [sic] being harassed
each and every time they wear anything that even resembles a diamond when
entering or exiting a border crossing, agree?
Ps II – Mr. Elkind
once u have completed your
The collapse of the stock
market here in the
Publicly traded companies
with their diverse shareholder ownership allow m
President Bush should do the
smart thing and immediately suspend trading of public corporations, thereby
protectING the innocent and naive who are simply throwing good money after bad.
Those well run public companies should have no fear for they will be at a
competitive advantage relative to the capital that has been so smartly socked
The scars of 1907 remain on
the masonry buildings housing the stock exchange of Wall Street. The
fundamentals of the economy at that time were much worse than in 1929. One man
J.P. Morgan saved the day, not so lucky for the victims of 1929. History has a
way of repeating itself but today the "risk markets" are more fragile
than at any time in history.
"Risk assessment" is my business.
Gary S. Gevisser