From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Rodney
Cc: rest;;
Subject: Clean Water Fund project - ... will never give money to a
politician... not spend money on the political game
while continuing to organize the new digs asks having picked up on what she
overheard us speaking about earlier today as part of our Mission Statement,
“... will never give money to a politician...
not spend money on the political game” commenting:
“Why r we bypassing not being influenced by paid for
lobbyists.. why not explain our position more clearly, not fall into the trap
of California, don’t be afraid to talk about all the corruption that is
happening here while bringing a solution even though the system here is
corrupt, provide the answer... there is still an answer here in
California despite the population in denial if people at the bottom embrace the
solution, grass roots at a different socio economic level here in California -
if u consider the debt we r in we r probably poorer than all these other
developing countries their potential versus our potential - their future much
greater than ours – they have more options than we have and can really
make a difference for all the developing countries in showing how to m
if my Client-Partner-Wife
Marie Dion makes sense now about to start a fire, I
am now focused on following up with Attorney General of New York, Eliot Spitzer
which in due course u can read about, “It's like fishing here. I
have baited and cast the hook but the fish is still obligated to do the biting”
by clicking on here, it more evidence that women should
rule the world i.e. the world would be far better off if women were on permanent
PMS then they wouldn’t put up with any of the bullshit
and/or simply her far superior formal education than mine clearly not having
interfered with her learning, and/or her mastery of art, having nailed the
science and math much earlier in life than the “most average” who
rise to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve now able to reflect “picking up the pieces” moving
effortlessly from “negative space” in to the
“positive”, “back
and forth” the swing of the
pendulum, “forward” and “in reverse”, the Digital Age, Quantum Mechanics an
Enjoy the weekend.
Ps – Marie just commenting, “Rod is a well balanced man.” No doubt your assistance in pointing all the possible areas where people could trip when walking around this one of a kind spot, not everyone that neighborly, coming in to her thinking, what goes around comes around but with a vengeance!