From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:59 PM
Jeff Krinsk (
Cc: rest
Subject: Pong set...---


Jeff - There is lot going on everywhere and this email is not to get further into your head which I happen to believe has a ways to go before the final stretch when I know you will come through with flying colors but to get you to help me come to terms with things like coincidences and the likes and most of all I just want to give you a big hug.


I just got back from first taking care of some business matters with Marie which was consummated with her taking me to lunch despite it being her birthday. It’s a practice my parents introduced to us at an early age that those celebrating coming of age more so those of the same age should be made to give as well as take. Now please understand not only was there wine at lunch but dessert was replaced with the two of us giving a guy who apparently owns a fitness line of equipment by the name of HOIST what I think is at least a billion dollar a year idea.


Of course I have no idea whether this guy had been drinking as well during his lunch as we were only introduced as he was set to leave the restaurant. It was in fact his lunch companion that introduced us and this pretty in shape guy who I noticed had a salad before his pasta just like me and as it so happens he happens to be one of those 360 folk on my email list. The “HOIST” individual was in fact dressed more casual than me and so it is possible that he may be who he says his is but in time we shall see what if anything comes out what I think was a productive lunch bearing in mind that I didn’t pay a dime. My mom would say that one can never go wrong by overdressing. She and I agree on many things but I happen to think the most important thing is to pay attention to those who “wash up” good and of course I sometimes do the dishes.


There were a couple of ladies at the table over and one of them was certainly South African with a “Joburg” accent which is a quite combination, Yiddish mixed with Afrikaans with a twang of “Valley” on the end. Their conversation seemed to end when ours began and of course things get boisterous once Marie gets up on the table and dances, just kidding. As well dressed as I happened to be on this very rare occasion she still stole the show. On the ride home she naturally critiqued my performance knowing full well that I had got at least one set of eyeballs to the website which brought a smile to her face without me having to drive home the point. And right now there is just one point set aside for her; and God only knows what that might some day be worth, wouldn’t you agree?


This fitness equipment guy gave me his business card but before he did I made him fully aware of what to expect once he’s on my E-mail list without me having to spell things out. I think he really got my drift but if truth be told every single idea placed on the table was Marie’s. Now in the interests of full disclosure I didn’t tell this guy that should he decide to be removed from the list we have a “delete” list which gives folks the opportunity to reconsider such a foolish move. I am assuming it is legal for me to have such a list and if it isn’t guess who is going to pay for me being embarrassed? Now of course you have nothing to worry about since you are not one of my attorneys and besides you always have the excuse that we mostly play pong. 


Now of course I love you but the real question even more important than liking one another is really how much alike are we when all is said and done? I believe we are all placed here to sow seeds of one kind or another but mostly it is to be kind to each other which Annie George, my best friend of some 10+ years “ncounting” has tried to impress upon me for at least the past 9 odd years we have not made hey. My eldest brother would always say to me when it looked like others might not have always appreciated my efforts, “All you can do is give it your best, plant the seeds have them fall where they may.”


Now I am not going to get going on the breakdown of the word “effort” as important a word that it is for the simple reason I have it addressed somewhere in the million or so lines of code I have deposited in places that possibly only God knows where.


I just checked to see how many words I had written above which probably amount to the cumulative number of words I have ever presented to you in what is now going on a 4 odd year relationship that was kicked off with Marie wearing the red feather hat at Matre D which I assume remains off limits to your partner Howard. In some footnote somewhere I go into this matter in more detail, so in the event Howard is offended I will make accommodations for him and at the same time ask him if he would like to be added to my email list. In due course I will be following up with a couple folks if not all of them currently on that list including of course Professor Bernie Black of Stanford University. Someone emailed some time back wanting to know, “Is this the famous Professor Black whose name appears on all the law school books?” I have no clue. Do you?


Believe it or not I have a number of things that I need to get out today besides for wanting to just say hello to you and make sure you are keeping warm and staying out of the rain. For starters I have this real estate lady Debbie Lokanc calling Marie’s house like there is no tomorrow wanting “to talk.” I thought point number 2 was pretty clear although perhaps I should have replaced “No need 4 calls” [sic] with “Don’t even try calling” [sic] which reminds me I have to follow up with my other lawyer Mr. Ashworth who I believe still loves me very much; he’s just having a hard time expressing himself right now.


With all that said, I am not so certain I am going to be around for the final stretch despite being energized more than ever plus the fact that nothing would give me more pleasure than to take the $32 off you should I make it through this Passover but I also have to be realistic. You have yet to see some of my best “story” writing which Annie George has been telling me to do for quite a while. She like me like just about everyone I have ever known doesn’t really like being told what to do. This it seems is the mistake of many leaders in the past who tell people what to do and why to suggest is generally the best course of action assuming it is essential to say anything in the first place, an art form you have mastered to perfection. You do though have to explain to me what in God’s name kept you on the phone with JW August of KGTV for some full half hour?


I have lost a number of things over the years including money here and there but never have I lost a dime in business that I haven’t somehow managed to make up for and then some. What frustrates me most is that perhaps my best story telling has got lost on my computer including some of my more recent stuff. I am probably repeating myself right now but besides for the festivities I am really only now getting up to speed.


But of course I know nothing is lost it just goes through metamorphosis and one shouldnt make a big deal out of anything as long as one is constantly moving forward. Sitting still, making speeches, telling people what to do and what not to do is a recipe for disaster and more to the point it is likely to result in someone pulling out a gun and blowing your head off just for the hell of it.


Now of course President Kennedy wasn’t standing still nor did he do a whole lot to get to the point that would have the mafia so pissed off not with him or his brother but his papa that they would decide to take him out. I have never though been much in to conspiracy theories knowing that in the end as soon as one other person knows more than they should it is no longer a secret and things will always catch up with you when you piss off the boss.


And of course since I believe in God who therefore is watching each and every move and knowing it is just a matter of moments in the scheme of things before we meet again why would I be so reckless as to not execute his will which was to provide each one of us with free will, to make choices that are neither good nor bad as long as we move ahead and pay for any mistakes along the way including a toll tax but not a penny more assuming we drive a motorized vehicle and of course you know that I now love to drive.


The system of taxation is absolutely crazy and it began with the powerful who usurped their authority imposing their will on the people to toil the land never being allowed to get rich enough to afford either proper nutrition or education to feed their minds let alone help light the fires within their children’s brains. The psychologists got it right about us starting out in life as unconscious incompetents, so-called “unprofessionals” and as we nurture our god given skills, i.e. competency and acquire knowledge, i.e. consciousness, we eventually become conscious competents i.e. professionals but what happened to the thing called conscience? So these yoyo heads got one part of the equation absolutely perfect but have you ever heard of anyone scoring high in any math test by getting “tTOo close?”


Now my Dad had a few close calls as well as near misses but no doubt he scored “above average” in the Direct Hits. You have to love that notation in his logbook that reads, “2 D/H !! & ONE FAIR MISS.” Today’s brainstorming gave me some ideas I hope to explore with this HOIST individual who is a rather tall individual. Earlier today I had a phone conversation with Rod Smith of the Water Strategist and he mentioned an attorney from up north by the name of  Mike Maloney who is representing some farmers in the Imperial Irrigation District who I suspect are not too happy with the turn of the events.


One can only wait to see if someone like Kimberly Hunt, that fearsome investigative reporter who no doubt JW August is heartbroken to have lost to a competitor station would do to lift Mr. Mahoney off the ground? But first she has to show me that she can in fact hunt. I got the sense from talking with Rod that Mike Mahoney is in the super heavyweight division in every category. If that is the case how come he isn’t one of my clients going after the biggest thugs in the game? How good can he possibly be if he isn’t willing to take on the likes of Ronald “O. Ring, Bald Eagle, Finagle King” Perelman?


In any event suffice to say I hope some of the ideas we discussed over lunch will capture the minds and imaginations of many of the young who lack role models and by the way 3 glasses of wine spread amongst two individuals over a 2 hour period is not exactly a criminal offense although for the first time I clearly had more than my fair share. I did though have my silver bar in the mini minor S armed and ready[1].


Back to my soapbox and how come psychologists and psychiatrists got it all just about right and yet so many of them are going to be the first to become unglued during the upcoming depression? Someone told me that a good lawyer never asks a question that they don’t already have the answer to and for all I know it was probably you. One of these days I am going to start calling it straight and I don’t see why I shouldn’t start right now. I am assuming that if you have got this far you feel it is entertaining enough but on the other hand you might be thinking that the more time you spend reading through this stuff let alone the hyperlinks then you will be able to reduce my bill accordingly?


This raises some interesting issues that I have yet to explore in my business model. Once I get with my programmer Adam I think we will find a way to turn it into a positive so please think twice about sticking it to me. You do have to love that story to mention little of how much I like this 10 ten year old kid who would probably be a master chess player by now if I would only stop turning the board on him whenever he is losing, but there are more important things to pursue in life than possibly becoming the next Bobby Fisher.


What I like most about you and its not you hairdo is the good nature of your work. You go to bat for folks on your own nickel and you are not exactly up against folks who are totally “brainne dead” [sic] like probably many on the board of the IID which reminds me to get my cousin Nigel Gevisser to get me some quotes for a line of tee-shirts and head gear to send to folks who like Professor Klein of Stanford have the courage to respond to me although I think it is time I checked on him to see if he is still okay excavating. Come to think of it I think I once heard that this one guy Mike Sagorin is in the clothing game. Now if I cant get either of these two what about your old Hang Ten stomping grounds?


It is now 5:55pm PST and time to speed things up. My one point there is that folks who wear their professional qualifications on their lapels when they go to bed at night generally don’t get much rest nor is their sex life I suspect all that great. Now I don’t know this for certain because I haven’t slept with anyone falling into that category. Most though it seems are in the business of making co-dependants for life.


The government is also hooked as much as any addict. Kissinger at least had the intellectual honesty to call it right when he said, “Power is the greatest aphrodisiac.” And like any addict the government has to find a way to pay for its addiction and so we have a tax system where only the working class and the brain dead superrich pay any taxes. And of course as you know man’s brain turns to rot from the wa.ste up. It is now pouring down. I assume you are still in the office?


I came across a book about the trees of Berkeley that was published in 1969 which could be the year King Golden Jnr graduated from Berkley before going on to the “University of Virgin Law School” [sic]. I just love how they got one of the authors confused with Dale Carnegie. The last time King and I strolled together was along the tracks above the cliffs of Del Mar. How I keep track of things God only knows how but King was never much a believer in God. I might as well copy him on this email. Its been a while since I heard from him, the same with Kathy Murray who I know will never forget the message she received from Marie while trying to make up for the ills of her way, “Don’t even try.


The last time I remember responding to one of King’s fast balls was with a knuckleball that mentioned something about “bandages.” I am not sure if I copied you on that email or not but it was back in late 2000 or perhaps early 2001 and who knows maybe King got superrich following my “tip-s.” I have copied King on several of my recent emails and in due course he will be copied on another email I will be sending to Mr. Ashworth as well as possibly Mr. George Hurst a local attorney here in town who got far more than he bargained for when he decided to go to bat against me. On the other hand I don’t know if Marie’s ex-husband paid him much nor do I care.


I purchased Trees Of The Berkeley Campus along with a number of other items from a friend’s estate, a guy by the name of Charles who recently passed away. I referenced this in my email to Annie George titled “Hey.” Yesterday I moved some of the stuff up to Stonehenge II and lost another day in my quest to beat the odds but along the way I learned a thing or two from a guy whose family may in fact be the largest property owners in the Imperial Irrigation District. His name is Jeff Stark who has many things in common with my pal Newell Starks who has yet to repay me the monies I loaned him. I noticed something in today’s New York Times about old Sandy Weil. I wonder if he is aware that I plan to give him a call sometime soon.


Jeff Stark has come to terms with the things that matter most, hard work, telling the truth and belief that “God gave us free will to carry his will out [assuming we haven’t lost tTOo many brain cells.] We are gifted free will and our will is supposed to be directly aligned with God to be charitable… When a human being becomes consumed by self the self will run riot… people are selfish and self-absorbed and stop working the free will that god blessed them with to work god’s will… Most peoples become consumed trying to achieve more wants then needs and their wants eventually exceeds their needs and of course there are many out in the world whose basic needs are not met… Intellectuals get involved in processing information based on certain wants which become tedious and Rife starts passing them by… God shed his grace for man to enjoy his creations, the birds, the sky, the ocean all created to enjoy and what happens people get so consumed in wants when their needs are basically met and life goes by them and the self will run riot… their business will run riot” [sic].


It all comes down to an individual’s legacy what they leave behind and why reputation is everything and for each of us to have the courage to make a will that doesn’t take the light out of the next generation making them co-dependants from the earliest of ages, i.e.


It is also possible that I didn’t lose a thing on my computer and that I was simply dreaming when everything makes perfect sense during which time there isn’t a math problem with human nature spread throughout that I cannot interpret in the clearest of terms, both monetarily and with fiscal responsibility to boot.


I am as certain as the day I was born that given less than 3 months I could have the problems of the world solved without one person being out of work, without a soul starving and better yet without one more drop of blood spilled. Now of course I would need to live through March 13th, April 13th and May 13th assuming I got the rest of the 7.5 billion people on this planet to agree letting me fly free although I wouldn’t expect to be paid a dime for my services.


In a nutshell, it doesn’t seem to me that it was meant to be that I could count on the mainstream media to get the attention I need which if truth be told it is the last thing I really want which also might explain why those closest to me have never had children of their own, at least not to the best of my knowledge although I haven’t heard from Annie in quite a while.


Not a day goes by when I think to myself where would I be but for the will of God driving me insane? I have so many options as to where I could go and have a jolly good time it isn’t funny, and what’s really funny although not surprising is that I can’t find my passport and I simply don’t have the time to even look. I have in fact lost a number of things as of late including that pink slip for a black Mercedes referenced in an email I sent out earlier today.


I’ve had that car for over a year and never got around to placing it in my name and I now have this buyer who happens to be the sister of Charles who passed away now wanting  to buy it for a fair price although I could probably get that Jewish organization that has folks donate their cars provide me with a valuation perhaps in excess of 3X as much and therefore donating it would seem to make the most sense for me to not only get the tax savings but to impress upon the world that I don’t have a perfect “investing record” i.e. that I am fallible but never do I lie and this whole business of donating stuff that gets marked up to hell and gone is what ultimately what is going to be the final nail in the coffin of the superrich who have almost to a whole either lied stolen or cheated their way to the top and of course we know there is no such thing as a perfect hole which gives me some leeway to continue to run circles around most of these folks who have let their formal education interfere with their learning.


I have however done my bit in gathering enough evidence to sink a battleship in terms of my not being a pig at the trough and that going forward my plan is capture the market just long enough to get it to hold still for just one moment in time much like what occurred at the beginning of this Big Bang when God simply squeezed his fist and provided enough energy to set in motion the building blocks for us to have both clean teeth and to knock out teeth and of course there is nothing like kissing a woman who has the smoothest of teeth and a smile to die for. Both Annie as well as Marie have the most beautiful smiles.


So naturally if I could get the tax saving benefit now and if someone where to legitimately be willing to pay some 3Xs more than what I think it is worth then I would donate the car albeit to a Jewish charity which would perhaps have Sammy upstairs decide to retract his statement that I am “anti-septic” [sic]. But as you know that savings is a lifetime away in terms of someone who cannot see beyond this Passover[2].


There are more than simply visions I have right now that tell me I have to cash in all my chips and then some if I am going to beat the odds. As you know I have zero fear for myself, only what it would mean to my credibility let alone my message if something were to happen to me before I was fully up to stride or worse yet any member of my inner circle including you. Again, I don’t fear anything for anyone who has played it absolutely straight with me and we are both pretty good straight men and just like me when you mean business you mean business.


The business that I am most interested in right now is the business of saving minds and leaving it to god to save lives let alone souls and of course we should be singing a whole lot more which is how I began today singing to Marie, “Happy Birthday” but I make it my business to sing each and every day when I get up which is probably why Marie’s neighbors are not as depressed as they could be. In due course there will be an update that addresses some of the additional disclosure documents I believe are a must if we are to start trusting one another again.


First we have to address head on the corruption in the two biggest businesses on this planet, namely government and charity and to begin with undressing layer by layer what I believe to be biggest single event in keeping the masses from deriving their fare share of energy, the biggest lie in at least 2000 years, namely, The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.


There is almost no two ways around me ultimately pinning it on Mathew 5.5 which I happen to just come across last night on The Internet which could make me a target now of the Christians as well my Jewish brothers. Of course I have the answer to this verse and then sum beginning with my bottoms up schooling.


With that said, spend no more than 3 seconds from when the “sum” hyperlink comes onto your screen to know that I have answered with of course all the help from God the $64,000 question.


Beginning today I am selling my remaining real estate in very short order, not however one piece of art which at “cost” is probably more than the total settlement with Revlon and I would be very disappointed if any of it has dropped in value. There is a slight scratch on the latest painting I bought of Sebastian Capella’s which I expect he will fix at no charge and of course not everyone has charged me for their art including quite a bit of children’s art that I have collected over the years.


I am not, however, selling the bed and breakfast Café in England nor Stonehenge II which was really purchased for Marie as a refuge from me and of course it is only right that she should pay for it. I tried to get Marie last night to give me a sense of what she would expect me to settle for when selling my one remaining property here in the U.S., my apt/condo building in Santa Monica that is worth anywhere from between what I paid for it back in 1987 and 4X the amount and I am expecting an offer from what I have been told is the “Perfect Buyer” sometime today although it is now going on 6pm. I just realized my phone is turned off and I have more than a handful of messages.


The range has mostly to do with the fact that my rents are on average 50% below market and I don’t plan to change that aspect of how I do business one iota. For the most part these people are paying what they can afford. Marie who I owe some cash to doesn’t really care what I settle for since she knows I can be counted to bring home the bacon and then some and of course she doesn’t think I have anything to really fear in this world nor will God allow her to think for one minute she or her kids could be in any danger.


Our God is ingenious I tell you especially when you consider he made women out of man. Both Marie and Annie are quite amazing women to have put up with me for so long and it cannot simply be the fact that I am one hellava good lover but I do know that I need to demonstrate to my would be adversaries that I have the cash to mount not only a very quick exit for all my loved ones but to counter with superior and overwhelming forces, all of course within the spirit as well as the letter of the law of the land including all laws currently on the books here in the United States, recognizing that my adversaries will spare no expense should they decide they are no match for me in a court of law.


The battle ahead is a chess game I am certain I can win even if it means taking on the entire Congress which is exactly my plan. I have it all mapped out which I will be happy to share with you when we next meet at which time I want you to give me the bottom line number of what sort of bill I should be presenting for my efforts vis si vis Revlon since I have lost my paper work that had everything down to the last second of detail. The space once again at The Cave is a mess but this is where I do my very best thinking although no longer needing the distractions in order to make sense of all the Chaos around. Perhaps it might help you to simply look at the Revlon Make Up Chart and value its benefit and then just play with the words and the lines on the computer screen and come up with something reasonable.


I would also like to hear your thoughts on whether anyone would be interested in buying my “receivables” sooner rather than later. Please give thought to how your friendly competitors will react once they see that it is more than just you and a handful of folks in the highest offices not just here in the US but around the world who consider me at a minimum “credible.”


I am sure “they” could be made to understand that I can not only play the odds I happen to know more about energy “evening out” matter and what it means to be fortunate to have someone like me around who happens to show up at the right place at the right time again and again, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and why e=mc² proved out evolution something Marie worked out without me having to explain to her 5 additional steps. Since she doesn’t play chess I keep forgetting that she is “above average” in math. Now the question to put to her is whether she is willing to concede that I have the proof there is a God?


How folks will interpret some of the relationships the Weatherly capital folks managed to cultivate in rather short order will in large measure depend on the interrogatories I would be putting before them, or my trustees for that matter and by the way would you be willing to be a trustee or at least be willing to give the folks like Devin Standard a pointer or two? His father just returned from Seattle and I look forward to another visit soon.


All I want are for my needs to satisfied and of course what is fair and for everyone to think very carefully what that victory ultimately means not just in terms of “real” things but those which are “imaginary”, like any good neighbor we have to take care of one another but first we have to take care of the “self”.  You see a lot of “self” in my father’s logbooks but he too knew a thing or tTOo about making love, just like you my good friend Jeffrey Krinsk whose last name my computer seems to always have a trouble spelling. most of the time it comes out “krinks” and of course we are perfectly matched circles kissing only when need be.


With that said I do want to settle things as soon as possible and I have to find another spot to just “hand out” during the day. Cash though is King to make certain the Finagle Kings of this World get to meet their maker and are humbled by the experience that we are all pretty average when we start out but folks like my father somehow got it perfectly right when they somehow weren’t perfect in “school” but when it came time to turn on the heat you can bet your bottom dollar Bernard Nathan Gevisser was the guy everyone wanted on their team.


I don’t know when or if in the fact President Bush has already given his State of the Union speech but clearly the union of our States is on a back burner and war is approaching. My mother started out fast, made it big and burned out by age 40. My father saw there was more to life than finishing first and that not finishing would never be an option. Anyone who cuts short their own life commits perhaps the most atrocious act imaginable for it can dim the light of those left behind in ways that are unimaginable. Opting out on any level is something I am certain God frowns upon just as he would those who are indifferent which is where my “Last Peace” first began back on December 1st 2000.


We fly alone most of the time but when need be we fly in formation and most of all knowing


Although I have moved through this email quite briskly I don’t think there is anything that confidential nor would it violate the “work product” privileges at least that is my hope and if so then you could say to me, “You blew it. Now come over and lets play tennis.” Of course I feel it would be wrong to leave out Kimberly Hunt and some of the other media folk. Tomorrow I hope to get to JW.


I just got off the phone with a real estate friend who said I should expect an email sometime this evening on the Santa Monica Apt/Condo building. Check with Howard if he is looking for a “safe haven” in Santa Monica. He will have just one shot at beating whatever offer comes my way. This building will be sold no later than 5pm PST tomorrow and I truly have no idea what to expect.


Those copied on this email I can assure you are a statistically valid sample of the those on the far left, those in the center, and those on the far right and of course society has to fear the left wing intellectuals the most who let their formal education interfere with their learning.


With all that said, please enjoy the rest of your evening and let me know whether the chicken-pot-pie is still good.









[1] In South Africa these cars used to be called “Mini Minors” and there was a school gang much like the Brady Bunch in that they were fair skinned, played pong most of the time, hung out with others equally inbred butt as opposed to my “travel companion” who is flying higher with me through life with each tick of the clock and is at last count 1/64th Huan Indian, these yoyos most with fake English accents have even today more larceny going on their hearts a direct result of  their brains having turned to rot.


These kids who came from affluent families didn’t think that going on joy rides in other peoples’ cars without their permission constituted theft much less so an “invasion of privacy” a phrase I cannot recall once hearing in the almost 21 years I lived in a country that was without a doubt the cradle of civilization and the Black peoples of South Africa were very much enlightened just like the first peoples of the Americas to mention little of the Indians from India who were unquestionably the first Jews who soon after arriving on the shores of Durban’s Bay of Plenty hearkened to do business with people like my father and grandfather but who also treated my mother and her mother when her husband passed away like queens and of course the Black and Indian community supported my family’s brand of Gipsy Coffee and Tea and we didn’t make it a habit of eating pig or collecting more than what we needed to live a rather comfortable life, better than most but no where near as much if there was just the slightest bit of larceny in any of our hearts.


 Now in the interests of full disclosure I wasn’t exactly a perfect child especially when it came to underage driving and God help anyone of the truck drivers who wouldn’t let me drive once I had proven to both my parents how responsible I could be behind the wheel although all it really took for them to move over to the passenger side was my giving them a broad smile. Today I have a perfect example of crows feet tattooed around my eyes and of course I still have my dimples and the ears and nose are getting bigger but rarely if ever do I frown.


There is one mother of a good friend of mine by the name of Mervyn Cohen who remembers how her heart began beating again once she saw that it was me behind the wheel of one of the biggest trucks in the fleet as I “raced” through the school parking lot and why I remain so attentive in parking lots especially when there are kids around. Mistakes seem to happen only when we are rushed or when our brains have turned to mush.


I could never quite add up how people who were so self righteous in their beliefs that God hears all our calls equally which means that he must have more than one set of ears would go about in their daily lives talking at 200 miles an hour knowing full well that God gave us two ears and one mouth that we should listen twice as hard as we speak, totally at odds with their preachings and hence why I stopped calling out to God recognizing that he was probably getting more than earful and it was unlikely he would just walk into say a 7-II grab hold of a box of aspirin and walk out without paying.


These thoughts led to what I would do if put in his shoes and of course the first thing is to produce a business plan much like what pharmaceutical companies do when sitting around with media network executives in deciding what sells, that the more interference one throws through the TV sets in peoples living rooms the more coach potatoes they become until such time that one of them might get into the white house bump off the president who is asleep at the wheel the result of one train smash after another the brain a terrible thing to lose, and guess what you have a perfect fund raising machine that will last for eternity, i.e. as the viewing audience gets dumber and dumpier they then go down to their local grocery store and instead of thinking about fresh fruit and vegetables they head immediately down the isle to the “non prescription” drugs.


Now the greatest con job that these bastards have managed to pull off is getting the masses to buy into there being the need for “prescription” drugs and how on earth a President like Reagan who I voted for and supported to the moment when I knew that folks in the NSC were in bed with guys on the far left and probably weren’t telling the president everything he may have wanted to know not because they were disloyal but for the fact that they knew he differentiate fact from fiction.


Now I can understand it if everyone was brain dead and couldn’t read about all the side effects without a degree in nuclear physics but what if just say a handful of us out there were able to look say at what internal documents had to say about something like Asp-artame, how many of us would have our kids by diet drinks let alone candy that may in fact cause them to more than fart to mention little of the harm folks like the National Association of Broadcasters [NAB] are supposed to protect us from.


Oops, I forgot; the “BAN” folks are there to protect the TV Network monopoly that has folks like JW August of KGTV in San Diego in quite a bind at this time perhaps thinking just like “Peter” who I met with the other day at an In N Out Burger stand who remains seated in his “cell shaking to bytes” [sic].


The first order of business in producing a Business Plan is to come up with a product and/or service that reaches out to the masses. Then one goes about building the right team and before you know it you have this thing called profit. So I assume that God then called on these prophets in times of need who had been schooled not to let their wants ever exceed their needs and the rest is history, i.e. start working from the bottom up, starting with excellent buses, on the ball bus drivers, schools that have fitness facilities for after school where instead of baby sitters who know diddly squat about better living conditions one has kids learn about nutrition while doing their squats riding next to their friends kibitzing about the things that are important to kids and to hell with all the “God bites” and simply let the kids be kids so that when they grow up to be adults they can make up their own minds about God knowing for sure their minds have not been interfered with by folks and teachers and doctors and we’ll leave the priests for a later time, who think because of their academic qualifications think they are above it all some clearly believing that they are gods oblivious to have inhaled more farts than they care to remember, and of course everyone by now is familiar with the fact that a fart is nothing more than airborne feces.


It is my hope that people like Sebastian Capella will produce a “How to book” that will apply not only to art lovers everywhere but also to those academics who let their own parents’ poor conditioning lead them to turn to academia eventually allowing their formal education interfere with their learning..


Once we get kids thinking straight, exercising their minds as well as bodies, understanding how little energy it takes to gets thinking to function right then they will be in a position to help parent the parents who need the most help, i.e. Manager Minute One, that we should become our own manager from the moment we are able to breath which probably comes about at the same time a kid stops wanting their parent to blow their nose although I will leave that study to those airhead NASA top scientists who should be thrown out on their ears and let the families of the those "astronoughts" [sic] take their pot shots and of course I would offer those folks my services free of charge.


Now of course those of us with bigger noses than the rest obviously require more lung capacity and why we tend to do our best thinking when floating on the bottom of the ocean or just looking at the fish and feeling great that God is alive and taking care of all the bottom fishers once they are done feeding off the masses in their previous life on land. We know for fact that nature had some of the animals returning to the sea yet for some reason we cannot see the “wood for the trees.”


So arriving at who is responsible for the history books being so messed up is the easiest part of the puzzle to work out and hence I got immediately into the “work out” business and it is only natural in the course of time to end up meeting up with a guy involved with  HOIST,”.


The brain is an incredible piece of machinery and one not to take lightly as anyone who has ever tinkered with the brain knows all too well. A good friend of mine’s father was a brain surgeon who clearly taught his children the risks involved in surrounding themselves with tinkerers. Alan Landry happened to be just a few years behind George W. Bush at Andover and was considered by at least one classmate to be the “2nd smartest guy in the world.” Alan may not like me for using his last name but since this is a footnote it can always be deleted.


Like me, Alan may not be the best dresser in the world despite that fact that he probably still has the means to corner the world gold bullion market assuming he found a way to hook into the Internet and has also violated my website database although some of the things I have been saying in my emails should give folks still in the stock market enough ammunition to say to their spouses, “Enough is Enough, lets take our losses now as opposed to letting the bottom fishes cut deals with management which will result in our entire life savings going down the tubes.”


I doubt though that anyone in my inner circle has traded one share or bought one ounce of gold ahead of me first letting the folks on email list know ahead of time. And not all of them have as strong a belief as I do in God but they also know that there are things out that as brilliant as they happen to be that cannot be explained in simple math equations but are now more than ever examining more closely things like e=mc² and of course Einstein’s most profound statement “How many coincidences does it take before it is no longer a coincidence.”


Now all that is needed is to match the two and unite the forces of nature with God’s greatest gift to our species, i.e. our brains which leads me back to the mini minor brains of many raised in South Africa or who spent more time under the watchful eye of a media gone blind, failing to examine closely why stealing a “racecar” or tTOo can lead to permanent brain damage let alone go unnoticed by a higher authority preached day in and day out at their private schools and synagogues.


When, however, you have been raised by “bra.n dead” parents how can one expect the school principals to whip you into shape especially when the principals themselves are bought and paid for by a bunch of Capos which brings me to a point a recent good friend made about the “kick butt” photo of Marie.


First let me say that at the speed I type and with all the things on my plate right now and never wanting to spend more than my limit of 3 hours in front of any screen let alone a boring computer screen there are times when I end up hyperlinking on to photograph or tTOo that some folks somehow find objectionable.


Getting to the root cause of someone’s objections is as people like Jeffrey Krinsk knows first hand, the nature of what has him not wanting to be deleted from my email list to mention little of being paid so well.


Here we are with the world going “topsy turvy curvy” where everything it seems is left up to interpretation even a Judge’s very clear ruling to mention little of Marie’s ex-husband’s recent contention that a judge’s ruling in my favor was nothing more than a Temporary Restraining Order having “expired.”


So why is it that some folks are so quick to jump up and down make calls to someone like Marie who may have read one certainly no more than tTOo of my emails over the past year or so who knows only too well how to take care of herself feel the need to bother her about , “This picture doesn’t do you justice” particularly on her birthday just after singing her “Happy Birthday?” By the way my V Gift is a quite a work of art.


Now of course I am jealous that I don’t have the voice to go with my poor looks let alone the fact that she “supports” me when folks don’t do as they should and naturally I don’t believe in dying the richest person in the grave but you have to wonder what is really going on in people’s minds especially those who know that I am sitting on “smoking gun evidence” that could help get this train moving in the right direction once I find just one individual in the main stream media to grab one of my hooks.


And of course things are getting hotter where I sit but I know a thing or tTOo about how to deal with that like not wearing too many clothes that tend to catch on to other peoples’ hooks.


It is just a matter of time for folks to understand why the likes of  JW August who is unquestionably a representative sample of a network executive in a market that is known to be a representative market of the entire U.S. population, doesn’t want to touch what I have to show him in black and white with a 100 ft pole and of course there is some color thrown in between.


Naturally some might think if only I would send JW August a photo of Marie and give him a guided tour of one of our art galleries than maybe he would come to terms with the fact there is nothing he can really do to turn the clock back, that the end of the TV Network monopoly rule is soon at hand just as certain as I am that President Bush will eventually suspend trading of public companies.


Once the masses come to grips with why JW August prefers to have his “competitors” get the scoop story that this is nothing more than an act of self preservation of folks who are already in deathly tail spin it will hopefully have them simply taking a deep breath before hitting the streets en masse where folks like JW August and his buddies at the NAB will have local, state, and FBI forces ready to pounce on anyone who dares to disrupt their elitist playing field.


Now stay tuned for my follow up e-mails and please don’t anyone call up Marie with any more nonsense. I suggest to those with time on their hands right now who are looking for a meaningful relationship simply go down to the local Vons and God only knows who they might meet in the isle. Marie seems to think this is perhaps the best pick up joint. I try and do as much of the shopping as I can fit into my exercise routines.


[2] I don’t spend much time in The Cave these days given my preference to remain off the radar screen but the other day when open up the cupboards I found that Sammy’s bathroom area had leaked and now I am down to just one suit along with my wetsuit that was fortunately hanging in my bathroom.