Randall Kaplan [co-founder
of Akamai Technologies Inc. – AKAM]
Subject: Party
is the 27th anniversary of Ben Gurion’s death.
am using this occasion, this last “unsolicited” email to reach out to you and
anyone else who wants to come and partake in what I hope, will be one great
party to celebrate “New Beginnings.” Randall, before you decide to simply hit
the delete button or summon Larry, just think about this one other crazy
thought of mine.
many other known species out there including those which are now extinct, know
how to party? Many like to have fun nearly all the time, my dog Maggie is one
example although she on occasion can get grumpy when we humans do dumb things;
just like the lady who works at the market who decided as she was leaving the
other night to share her “goodies” with Maggie, thinking that just because she
also has a chocolate Lab my dog would recognize her distinctive chops. Trust me
when I tell you this dog lover will think twice before even giving her own choc
Lab “tongue” again.
Randall, just think about this Party “bit” that makes us all so unique; how we,
peoples of all different shakes, skin tones, and dialects can just come
together, have fun, get connected, then go our merry ways, having bothered no
one other than perhaps an uninvited neighbor or a local law enforcement
officer. Do you think the anthropologists missed this one? We shouldn’t,
however, be too harsh on these professors for have you ever met an
anthropologist at a party? If you know one bring him or her along. If they
belong to UCSD faculty be even more encouraging. Click right on to the Party
Invitation – Addendum IX; but of course, you still have the “Larry option”.
Remember though, there may several hundred others who may decide between now
and December 9th to read every “bit” of email going back to the year dot in
determining whether what all I have said is also “nutty.” For the real “Knotty”
stuff click on Building Blocks – Addendum XII or the Knotty Jews – Addendum
anyone who has ever worked with me knows how strongly I feel about wasting time
– that we can always make money but never can we make up for lost time. So why
all of a sudden would I break so sacred a rule? How crazy could I have actually
gotten that I would be sending you and others unsolicited emails? Or was I
simply borrowing a play out of my friend King Jr.’s
playbook, the one where he had the opportunity to bail out “crying” Senator
Muskie and save the world from Richard and Henry back in 1972 by acting crazy
-- of course, it was a badly executed play, actually he failed to execute
period. Before you decided to lash out at me, you could have thought it through
a little more, perhaps asked
you were not the only person to have received the FOOTSAK “business plan.”
There was one other individual. “Kahuna” also
happened to buy the beach cottage that I was previously renting. Like you, he
made a few hundred million in his and, like you, he also hit the
lecture circuit where he and I met up. Actually, the only spot left was a seat
next to him at a speaker’s table at a UCSD sponsored function with the former
commissioner of the FCC, Nicholas Johnson, the guest speaker – “What do you
mean? How do you know?” [I too have yet to see a merger I like.] Kahuna and I had never met before and only weeks later when
he showed up at my place did we both realize that he was now responsible for
putting me out. Like you, he may not have got along with every one of his
previous employers/investors. This spot is one of the last remaining bungalows
located above the best right-break south of
Kahuna also received his
dose of emails but unlike you he never expressed his agitation in any form, at
least not to me. Maybe he was looking at the checks from Milberg Weiss that
kept showing up at his address. For some reason these particular lawyers never
got my new address at The Cave nor,
by the way, did any of those checks get returned. My final check arrived this
past week. It will join (uncashed) all the other
memorabilia on display at The Cave.
right to the point. Kahuna, like you, never received
any financial projections with the “business plan” about information being the
“prized resource.” No one has ever seen a financial projection. No financial projections were ever
prepared. Remember now, I am a numbers guy! [Chase Brass - One Hope for
the future – Addendum III and Leucadia National et al – A “paid for” commercial
– Addendum IV, provide a better sense of what I mean by the numbers thing.
Randal continuum – Addendum V may also help clear things up for newcomers.]
This must all now be making a little more sense to you et al.
should you wish to see more of the addendums just email me or have Larry call.
X-Mail - Addendum X which is attached to this email is sort of like a summary
which may also need a summary but I cannot delay any longer getting this
invitation out.
– Judge Cecil Margo whose son is a friend of mine passed away last week. Judge
Margo was the commander Ben Gurion chose after the 1948 War of Independence to
develop the blueprints that would become the foundation of the Israeli Air
Force. The funeral started the clock on his full comeuppance.
Addendum I - “Nutty”
Addendum II - Lifetime Offering.
Addendum III - Chase
Brass – One hope for the future.
Addendum IV - Leucadia
National et al – A “paid for” commercial.
Addendum V - Randall continuum.
Addendum VI - “Washington
Addendum VII - Change of Heart.
Addendum VIII - The Knotty Jews.
Addendum IX - Party Invitation
– Attached.
Addendum X - X-
email – Attached.
Addendum XI - Just before… A non-privileged
communication with my lawyer.
Addendum XII - Building
Blocks - Attached.
Addendum XIII - Email to another Navy Officer and a
Addendum XIV - One Perspective
– A tribute to… - Attached.