From: Gary S. Geviser

Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:37 AM
To: Ilerner (
Cc: rest
Subject: MERC 1985


Ian hi – I am currently on the phone speaking with Juliana Hughes who is wanting to buy the black Mercedes. I have once again mislaid the title. She is over at the DMV and has all the particulars on the car and of course neither of us can vouch for what the “Twins” got up to in it while it was in their possession up in LA.


With that said, Juliana has had a friend check out the car and is willing to take it “as is” just like I did when I bought it from you. This will in fact be the first time I have lost money on a business transaction with my “eyes open” and of course I don’t hold you in the least bit responsible. You did everything you said you would do and therefore our deal was fair and square and it is no one’s business other than yours and mine what I paid for the car although I have told Juliana the truth.


With that said, I simply never got around to doing much with the car besides for investing some $3K + into a variety of things and possibly putting maybe 300 miles on it although I would hazard a guess and say 263 to be precise. I am assuming you have kept records of the speedometer reading although I don’t think that is something necessary at this stage of the game.


Just a little earlier I got back from Starbucks where I ran into a guy wearing a tee-shirt that read, “If we were to agree on everything then one of us would become unnecessary.” I was thinking of getting a tee-shirt with this on emblazoned on along with my mother’s quintessential statement about her current state of mind, “I only debate people who agree with me” which reminds me I have to follow up with Debbie lok-b-ox-anc” and a guy by the name of Cleland Mann who has the lock I am told on the COLD SORE ELIMINATOR – “Eliminates Cold sores & Genital Herpes before they appear.”


Next I am looking forward to a sensory device to be implanted into each of our brains that sets off all sorts of alarms when people lie to us that doesn’t actually interfere with our brain waves but sends out a shock wave to the person who is lying which then causes the liar to palpitate as the exact same speed as their pulse. Remember now my focus is on protecting kids from predator adults and not the old farts who have perfected the art of lying stealing and cheating while blackening their hair while using the charm of a snake oil salesman who sees anyone pretty much as fair game, pretty or not.


By the way I ran into one of your former partners a few months back over at the Plaza who was having dinner with Jim, a mutual friend. She had only positive things to say about you although she felt you too may have been blindsided much like what occurred when your uncle “Sammy” and my mother decided to play pong together. Sammy left me some biscuits which he picked up on his recent trip to Asia Minor with some fukukta note and I can only wonder what the minors over there thought of my mini minor s. I forget very little and nor do I think we should be too quick to forgive those who play it fast and loose with the truth who think that just because they run around and around in circles all of us are Brainne dead.


Many today think that life sucks especially those who are working hard for a living just trying to make ends meet while others are out and about building up their debt living the high life on all of our backs no doubt. I make it my business to get the most out of every situation resting ever so peacefully at night with the knowledge that I have been doing something to improve the lot of others especially those just 4 paychecks away from being out on the street, i.e. combating evil whenever I see it inspired each time I see a child to know that they can be saved for the simple reason that their innocence prevents them from letting their limited education with their learning, thus preventing bloodletting when they get older.


Just because someone hasn’t actually pulled out a gun or a knife and taken the lifeblood out of another human being doesn’t mean that person is less guilty than those murderers who sit on death row and that is why when I heard that the Governor of Illinois had pardoned all those waiting to be hung I gave a loud cheer even though he may have had another agenda going at the time. Whenever I see someone inspired to do the right thing I don’t ask that many questions knowing that if there was something else going on in their minds at the time at least God was watching. Moreover when it comes time for folks to give to charities at some point in their life that is what often brings them that much more into my focus.


I tend to focus differently to most but it is really our differences that I hope to exploit in the hours and weeks ahead in bringing folks once more together. You gave me insight one day about “polishing” for which I will never really be able to pay you back for it helped put the finishing touches to the “work of the art” I have been laboring with for sum time, some would call it my baby but for the life of me it has suddenly disappeared from my computer but I am sure it will appear someday.


While at Starbucks earlier this morning I picked up a newspaper for the first time in months, The New York Times let me add, and there was this item on the front page about a Solar Storm possibly contributing to the demise of the spaceshuttlle which reminds me I need to get out another email to my one business partner and executor of my estate Devin Standard that should be all the ammunition his partners need to get the NASA folks convulsing all the way to TimpucktTOo.


I am trying to improve my writing skills each and every day at bat and the last thing I want is to waste anyone’s time nor do I want to end up dead. Space though on my websites continues to escalate at a premium although this is all in my mind and it is has been a while since I have eaten any great fig. As you know I nearly got to eat more than cement back on October 21st of last year and now I must make hay while the shine shines although thank God the rains have finally arrived.


Today is Marie’s birthday and I have got lots to do besides for getting her over to John Pollard in 48 minutes including taken a poll from my sample base of “supporters” which reminds me I need to get an email out pronto to Jeffrey Krinsk who might think I got washed under the bridge yesterday while over at Stonehenge II. Obviously the storm was coming in from the south which had to have screwed up things for the skiers. I took a picture yesterday of a guy who helped me move stuff in and out of our retreat whose family are apparently pretty large property owners in the area of the world that I am particularly focused, i.e. The Imperial Irrigation [IID] that you might have been reading about lately in the press.


Your uncle “Sammy” happened to visiting The Cave back on April 4th of last year when I received as you may recall a FEDEX package from the folks at Wetherly Capital who sent me an unsolicited “Settlement and Confidentiality Agreement although I think they were just hoping I would resettle in another location on this planet as far removed from the Salton Sea perhaps living out the rest of my life equidistant from the equator at sum 33 degrees with my riches and harems to boot. This guy Jeff happened to be standing under the even sign that you see hanging from the roof. I am the guy though in the photo taken last year before the rains arrived and the tee-shirt you see me wearing has 33 imprinted.


My dad flew during WWII both as number 3 and number 2 to Syd Cohen considered by everyone I have ever spoken to who flew with him as perhaps the greatest fighter-bomber pilot of his time and as we know generally evolution tends to improve performance. Syd Cohen’s name is ranked right up there with the founders of the Israeli Air Force and that it was his was his energy that created the critical mass that to this day confounds the very best of the Top Gun instructors although another friend of mine’s father provided the “Blueprint.” All that my Dad ever said about “Uncle Syd” was that he was “a very good pilot.” I know I am repeating myself here in terms of my father being so understated in his accolades of others while humbling himself like no other person I know.


When you continue to go down this one page of his logbook don’t miss what occurred between operation 25 and 26 though pay attention to operation 31. Many believe that I most closely resemble my mother in terms of our common looks but more so how we both compute pretty quickly when it comes to numbers, butt it is in fact my father who I think is the best mathematician in our family who understood angles while wearing a “geVISER” in scoring “average” on his “instrument flying” rating. I doubt though my Dad would admit that he was more than “above average” at anything not even in his looks at 70+.


I have never relied either on instruments while pulling myself through thick and thin but understand the importance of not ever being placed in a position of being “creamed” which now reminds me I have got to get out an E-mail immediately to Jeffrey Krinsk to get Campbell Soup out of his diet. I saw a movie the other night about these people trapped in the Sahara desert and all they had to rely on to get them through the day were cans of food and of course they had plenty of sex at night as well.


I did in fact finish my call quite a bit earlier with Juliana and just got off the phone with another close colleague of mine who happens to be perhaps the most informed person in the country on water related matters, at least Governor Davis thought so on or around December 28th of 2001 but for some reason this information didn’t seem to filter through to William Simon who came out of nowhere to win the Republican Primaries. Our conversation ended with the need for everyone to “keep cool…try to keep reasoning through what are the options based on facts as opposed to suppositions.”


Can’t is not in my vocabulary; the impossible shall be done; miracles take a little longer.


Time to fly. I would appreciate it if you would provide Juliana with the necessary signatures she might need in order for her to get proper title to the car and of course she will need insurance. I happen to believe that a belief in God is the best insurance for the right passage to the Kingdom of heaven but we need to rethink a few things here on earth such as how it came about that Matthew in 5.5[1]. got this thing in to his head about “The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.”


I think if will make great strides in solving the problems of the world if it is replaced with THE MEEK WITH TEETH SHALL INHERIT THE PLANET getting one step closer to solving the $64,000 question, wouldn’t you agree?


All the best,



[1] By the way I never got beyond reading the first page of the New Testament.