From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sunday, September 05, 2004 4:48 PM
To: Abby
Cc: rest; Marie Dion [Gevisser];
Tony Unruh
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...hypocrisy...physicians...full frontal lobotomy ...still be able to deduce that the biggest problem facing the entire world..pie...{:}


Linda – thank you for the card and photo showing my dog, Pypeetoe and I after being thrown off the train about to climb onboard the tiny all-in-one locomotive-coach providing, however, the most incredible 360 view of the awesome landscape of Peru not yet destroyed by greed and corruption.


This atypical train ride from the village of Machu Picchu to Cuzco was “sumwhat” [sic] described in this July 6th email to Yasmine Martin, General Manager of Peru Rail.


If u r new to my one of my emails it is like coming in to the middle of a horror story.


Suffice to say that our website, which sells nothing other than laying out in “black and white” the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us G-D, with a whole number of photos thrown in for good measure, the colored hyperlinks all part of the distraction to distract each of us away from the pitiful distractions that has many of us avoiding the responsibility of not simply taking up space on this rather extraordinary planet, and I might add the entertainment very much free at this time has us tho, remaining on track to be the number one network on the planet.


NTT is only 1 of some 100 odd websites geared toward empowering the kids to parent the parents who needs the most help without going the lawsuit route, all such websites in various stages of construction from the bottom up with a whole lot of pressure being applied to those at the top to get with the program real fast be4 the Digital Revolution fully underway bridging the gap between the haves and have-nots turns any more violent, agree?


The best way to understand why I can claim such incredible results at this rather early stage of the “game”, the game of life like the game of chess getting your opponent to play to your advantage, mindful always of destroying all the good that is out there, is to go to the NTT website and scroll to the first “...less said the better” and then start reading my missives backwards bearing in mind that we have in fact solved all the clean water drinking problems of the world which in time will result in solving each and every problem of the world, the end game being world peace, so help us G-D, agree?


So easy to rip apart all that is wrong, but with the solutions in hand it is just a matter of moments in the history of time be4 everyone gets in tune with the inner workings of the universe that simply requires each and every one of us being nothing more than SMART, going “backwards and forwards” never forgetting that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction nothing is gained nor is it lost, agree?


And second, coming up with your own answer to the all important question of, “How many coincidences does it take be4 it is no longer a coincidence?” the conclusion that design is everywhere best illustrated in the incredible design of the universe first described in earnest in General Relativity, Einstein’s “Mind of G-D” now having more than a number of us rather good at math and science exploring the “hand eye coordination” of an Almighty SMART G-D embracing all that we know within Science, Math, Art, Religion and Technology to see that the equation E=mc² in “reverse” [] as prescribed by Quantum Mechanics has us reading from right to left this masterful equation that described the working of the cosmos as 2 c mE, leading to not all that much of a “twist” taking place when moving from Deep Space, i.e. the cosmos in to the atmosphere of earth which is in addition to being the only non-vacuum of space that we know of but the only space we can actually hear sound, the Doppler Effect, u know the trains moving “back and forth” very much a “mirror image” of the Red Shift Effect that tells us we r not only moving at an accelerating rate thru Deep Space but the odds of us finding another SpaceShip such as Mother Earth slim and none given the fact that the sky we see no matter how much we amplify things is as a getting darker with each tick of the almighty clock leaving us increasingly all alone to solve our problems be4 there is another Big Bang, agree?


The universe undoubtedly endless once one examines the Science and Math using all the available Technology and only then can we really begin to understand Religion, agree?


Those folks responsible for writing the Bible having neither the Science, Math nor Technology to state without some amazing imagination some of the things so very much in “black and white” as in Numbers one of the 5 books of Moses, Numbers in Hebrew pronounced, “Divarim” which can also be translated back in to English as “Things”, not to forget the very first command by G-D to man-woman, “Hear O Israel I am the Lord thy G-D, G-D is One” which taken on its own may not mean very much but when combined with what our ancestors knew, so incredibly little at the time which when combined with the one of a kind expression of Pythagoras who emerged out of the Greek island of Samos, i.e. nowhere, right at the time of the destruction of the first Jewish Temple, “Number is the essence of all things, good or evil”, his Right Angle Triangle Theorem, “This and This = That” better known as x²+y²=z² taking all forms of mysticism and superstition for the very first time out of the equation, never forgetting Newton’s for every action blah blah with mass being a constant, leading us back to General Relativity where only “c” as in the speed of light is the constant, forcing us to reexamine that which was “right” and that which was “wrong” being again ever so reluctant to throw out the baby with the dirty water, clean drinking water is what will begin to unify us people once again, the missing dots above can be found in this missive-s which links Pythagoras with Einstein.


Remember, we are all pretty much born within no more than 24, 25 at the most, intelligence quotient points that separates the smartest of us from the dumbest, the divergence taking place when we allow others to interfere with our sequencing worse yet stand idly by failing to protect the youth who r all our futures from over controlling individuals whether it be a parent, a guardian, a teacher or simply a nincompoop bully.


On average the 2,000 odd individuals-groups on my email list which constitutes a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population forward each missive to 15 other individuals-groups which result in the rather incredible number of hits we r getting at our main website, the likes of and “biding their time” as I leverage my presence on other websites such as BUD and REVLON, time relative only to us mankind, who so easily distracted in his-her quest to die the richest person in the grave is so unkind first to G-D-Nature no surprise he-she loves seeing our own species down and out in the gutter, more than a handful of us thinking that this world is about “me, me, me” for “sum” [sic] reason not able to figure out the connections with the past which along with the future so obviously coming together in the present enough to make a whole number of us laugh if it were not so tragic, agree?


Our hypocrisy having things such as the Hippocratic oath which while prolonging life mostly lines the pockets at least in the western world of physicians who if they had a full frontal lobotomy would possibly still be able to deduce that the biggest problem facing the entire world, forget bombs strapped to kids coming in from less affluent neighborhoods wanting their fair share of the American pie,,, get my drift on the lunacy of laws on the books that protect so-called “life and limb” as we go about exporting along with our pollution to the rest of the world the art of larceny perfected at the type of business schools where I made my first mark to help clean up the mess, priding myself on being a “failed university tutor”, steering as many young people full of ideas, ambition, and most all imagination to get real world experience and only if one truly seeks an education to first consider the study of art but to go no further if one cannot draw since one will only become a co-dependant with someone else at least equally as troubled since an artist who cannot get the shape down better leverage their and their co-dependant’s “gift of the gab” to sell their trash modern art, agree?


The other option of course is to be simply intellectually honest and study the liberal arts as in “O what a tangled web we weave when first we the Tony Unruh’s of the world when tying our short hairs in a knot practice to deceive first ourselves that we r in need of a lobotomy, blah blah” [sic] given the fact that at business school all that one learns beyond never being so stupid to produce more than that which u cannot sell at a profit is the art of larceny, so fricken easy to teach lazy folk how to “lie, steal and cheat”, and I assume u know enough about “repetitive stress injuries” to be ever vigilant when typing away and if not then may I suggest u read up on the DEC lawsuit which can be viewed by clicking on the “deceive” hyperlink, the “heat” hyperlink simply providing an excerpt describing my involvement in getting Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein to do the “right things” for the “general good” by overturning this landmark multi-million dollar jury award, agree?


I will for now add your email address to my email list and should you wish to be taken off just let me know and I will not add you to my “delete list” which comprises very possibly a statistically valid sample of the world’s literate losers.


Again, thank u very much for one terrific photo, my partner-wife who was also on that one of kind train ride thinking possibly I was going to be tossed in a 10 foot padded jail cell having earlier today got her photo taken by a one of a kind sculpture to be used as the face of Mary in the making of a good sized bronze statue of Joseph, Mary and little Jesus to be displayed on the campus of Notre Dame with a replica possibly at the University of Southern California [USC] as well as the new Catholic Cathedral in Los Angles, my “virgin” partner-wife soon to be immortalized for some 1,000 years or until the Romans come along once again and melt down the bronze for cannons, not, however, on my watch will anyone tho, have the balls to try anything so incredibly infantile when we now have The Internet to hold all the rapacious, both over testosterone clad men and women in, check like never before, agree?


Most of all what we like about this next sculpture of Mr. A. is that it will be different to any other, promoting most of all the celebration of family.


Be well.





Ps – I didn’t think u would mind if I copied a few pals of mine including my sidekick Tony Unruh who I have known since our mutual friend lost his leg in a motorcycle accident some 30 odd years ago, our friend David soon after the doctors sawed off what remained of his one leg not mincing any words when asked about what he planned to do with the driver of the motor vehicle that got in the way of David impressing his incredible number of female admirers, “The Mother F... wont have a leg to stand on when we get to court”, TU in demonstrating in addition to his lack of a sense of humor further evidence of the divergence in intelligence that begins when one allows others to interfere with the non-vacuum of space between one’s ears leading eventually as in the case of TU to a perfect vacuum of space much like what we find in Deep Space, TU tho, just doing the most marvelous job in this “dog and pony” show that has been going on for some 5 years now, but only in the last several weeks have I been really turning up the heat.


Ps I – Please don’t hesitate to let me know most importantly what u don’t agree with, forget telling me about what u may not fully understand at this time and worse of all please don’t bother telling me that u r like most of the people who have not let their formal education interfere with their learning that u not only agree with everything I am saying but follow along 100%, simply do the “right thing” for the “general good” and forward each and every one of my missives to your entire email list, pleading with everyone even those like TU who may be on your email list to not be so judgmental and let those on their email list decide for themselves why along with my book Manager Minute One will be very shortly both the #1 network and the #1 best selling book.


Ps II – Given the number of things I have on my plate over the next week it is unlikely I will find the time to review what I wrote above, my only reading what I have written when others such as my good and very smart friend Derrick Beare ask me for clarification then again db is a very busy person and rarely has time to read any of my writings, still, to the best of my knowledge, working on this one huge deal that began well over a year ago.


I am tho giving thought to asking his uncle, Jonathan Beare, to invest not a couple of million U.S. dollars in our intellectual property but rather one billion Euros, to mention little of JB in my opinion being the richest person in the world, at least in terms of his ability to raise more money in a single week than anyone else I know, and of course JB should not be confused with J & B Whiskey, my father’s favorite just prior to when dive bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards during WW2, never to forget to say hello to my cuzzies, Mark Darryl Gevisser, Jonny Gevisser and author-journalist Mark BrownNoser Gevisser.


It is p who I believe