From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:56 PM PT
To: Enid Enga Pigors - Office of the Chairman & CEO of Coca Cola
Cc: rest;;
Rodney Smith; Devin Standard; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers Diamond Cartel;
Subject: FW: Coca




To be even clearer than what I wrote Messrs Derrick Beare, Devin Standard and Dr. Rod Smith earlier today.


I am already well on track to “die the richest person in the grave”, having nothing to prove, constantly tho redoubling my efforts, trying everything possible to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing, teaching most of all the next generation that the problems of the world have nothing to do with race, color, sex, or religion simply poor parental religious teaching, the fundamental teachings of the isms spell out nothing short of “brotherly love”, greed tho has a way of taking over once one has won enough times at the tables, the instability in the financial markets has us within moments in the history of time from entering “gridlock”, my expertise in “risk assessment” now very much part of the public record, i.e. my conscience is clear, no reason why I shouldn’t have “sum” [sic] fun waiting for our extraordinarily SMART G-D to take the next steps should the likes of Coca Cola fail to see the light.


My quantitative skills no doubt inherited from both parents my extraordinary mother teaching me perhaps more importantly, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN eventually led me to recognizing after having abandoned religion that there is in fact one incredibly SMART G-d, my incredible wife Marie Dion who left earlier our one of a kind wood and glass A frame rented house in the heart of downtown Del Mar, California with the most incredible panoramic view of the Pacific “Oshon” [sic] to hang in our rock cabin east of San Diego had me during lunch feeling the need to follow up with this addendum not to forget MD’s one classic statement, “The world would be far better off if women were on permanent PMS then they wouldn’t put up with any of the bullshit” putting to an end all forms of spousal abuse, both verbal and physical in an instant, agree?


Do not fall into the trap of thinking for more than a minute that I am crazy, which of course I am, no different, however, to anyone in this world who cannot explain why the world’s financial markets have not imploded, yet, while at the same time buying into the bs of “preserving life and limb” while recognizing if not suffering from a frontal lobotomy that the biggest problem plaguing this world is human overpopulation, agree?


Then again I can in fact explain such matters in 4th grade simple English which brings me back to my feeling the need to have u fully understand the “method to my madness” in “telegraphing my punches” my now blind copying a number of folks on this communiqué such individuals-groups representing a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population.


Maintaining credibility with the increasingly less patient masses means simply drawing the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel out of the shadows, DeBeers now fully up to speed that they r in a life and death chess game, agree?


Remember they have had a century to perfect the distraction game with a myriad of financial vehicles and gobbledygook investment terms that has the average Joe Blow Joe now mostly happy if getting sex half a dozen times a day indifferent to things such as Dutch Sandwiches a more cultured form of, “Let them eat cake”, agree?


Nothing like wanting what the church says u cannot have, agree?


Unless we “play ball” and screw like monkeys, agree?


Then again, we didn’t evolve from other species the church would argue, our “ACT of d-G” [sic] smarter than any and all previous “ACTs of G-d”, agree?


While the masses remain incredibly bored to death with the game playing this time, however, when the house of cards comes crashing down unlikely will we hear the cries of Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori since the Digital Age, a G-D-Send won’t have them buying in to the plan of DeBeers to bring about once again a bloody culling amongst the increasingly less “brainne dead” [sic], agree?


Other than G-D is one, truth that which does not change, taking a deep breath, saying the words, “I am” there is yet another great truth, "The great masses of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie" – A. Hitler which leads me back to the importance of maintaining my rather stellar “track record”, the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel u can bet your bottom dollar at this very precise moment, 8:19 PM PT, seeking to cultivate unrest in the grass roots organizations I have been painstakingly developing going back to our fall of 1989 when I first became fully aware of my family’s very good name, A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There, the brainchild ad of my Royal Mater bringing out of the woodwork South Africans of all colors who so trusted both my paternal grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser and his son, my father, Bernie Gevisser, quite surprised, however, that my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser’s name was never once mentioned by any of the hundreds of respondents including 2 members of BOSS, South Africa’s Secret Police to this ad that only ran once in the South African Sunday Times, either positively or negatively which I found rather strange since David was the “blue eyed boy” of not only Sol “Little King” Moshal the crooked accountant and Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the board of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies, a public company but the “male stuttering heir” of Charles Engelhard considered the wealthiest person in the world, both the Little King and The Platinum King only had daughters and wives who preferred to be schtooped by other men working for the “tTOo Kings” [sic] agree?


I am bending over backwards to give u folks the “benefit of the doubt” that like each and every one of us on this planet earning a single dime has us being part of The Diamond Invention-Conspiracy your hands not quite as “blackened” as those of Charles Englehard, Harry Oppenheimer and of course to a lesser degree my uncle David Gevisser who may not have even attended Charles Engelhard’s funeral despite his $6 million advance, never to forget Harry’s son Nicholas, agree?


There is a need for everyone at this time to come clean and dispense with conventional wisdom that, “black hands can lay white eggs” and for each and every one of us still living including my mother, my uncle David’s “senile” very good friend, to answer the all important question, “Who knew what and when did they know it?”, agree?


Again my reference to my mother being “senile” the result of me not yet being able to fully explain her childish behavior in ignoring me, Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman even if she were 99% percent senile, however, could still run circles around her good friend uncle David who probably thinks his decision to call me “naïve” after I had visited with Trevor Manuel, South Africa’s Minister of Finance, then Minister of Trade and Industry had me understandably a little upset.


It isn’t always easy for me to “play the fool” while at the same time able to keep a number of balls up in the air and why I want u to think carefully your very next move since like anyone I am capable of a “knee-jrk” [sic] action-reaction-overreaction, bearing in mind just 2 more things at this time, the first is that to ignore me at this critical moment in the history of time when I have laid out a rather excellent case that would position Coca Cola apart from the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and murder in the history of our species that continues to this day would be utter folly, a word I came across for the first time in my final high school English exam questions, my passing one of the first indications to me of their being someone other than my amazing parents looking over my pitiful shoulders and second having worked out the mathematics of the game of chess which as u know is like the game of life getting your opponent to play to your advantage I saw no reason to do further brain damage by playing the game according to conventional wisdom that has one constantly recalculating the odds each time either player made either a good or dumb move but instead to focus on simply having a good time watching my opponent implode as I paid only attention to my pawns who could be relied on to move in only one direction one square at a time until they turned in to a queen and if in fact a beautiful woman appeared on the scene then I thought there had to be a good reason, agree?


And it wasn’t all that long be4 I worked out that there was in fact a reason for everything beginning with the Bible beginning with a preposition, number the essence of all things, good or evil, to the point that I could figure out a whole series of events to distract my opponent who may not have imploded yet from figuring out stuff best left to computers leading me to focus more on the number of coincidences it took be4 figuring out it would take an infinite number of coincidences to satisfy my brain be4 accepting there was no such thing as a coincidence, that in fact design is everywhere which stands to reason if in fact there is one almighty SMART G-D, that had me thinking further why we don’t often hear of G-D, Jewish people remove the “o” in God and replace it with a “dash”, being SMART, gifting us the Technology, Religion, Art, Mathematics and Science to reason on our own, us such whiners only wanting to be told what we want to hear, the purpose of continuously being dealt “SMART Cards”, leading me given all the time I had on my hands ever since I made enough money back in my early 30s, getting the nod from my extraordinary mother to “hang up your gloves... open an ice cream parlor” Zena Gevisser also imploring me to keep enough stashed away in the event of a rainy day, to examine the most precise expression known to man, E=mc² which Einstein anything but a religious, certainly not by any stretch of the imagination an arrogant man referred to as, “The Mind of G-D” and despite my lack of much formal mathematics it didn’t take me long to see the connections with “The Hand of G-d” lighting up, as in 2 C mE, combining Special-General Relativity with Pythagoras’ Right Angle Triangle theorem along with both the Doppler and the Red Shift Effect that has light as in c driving m as in mass, the constant, to produce E as in Energy as well as Evolution,





Built tTOo




Tracking what the Bible scribers who came be4 Pythagoras, the first mathematician-philosopher to remove both mysticism and superstition out of the equation, not quite as difficult as getting my arms around the second most balanced equation known to man having the speed of light traveling at a constant 90 billion kilometers per second while just about every literate human being knows that at a fraction of that speed, a mere 300,000 kilometers per second time comes to a standstill and everything becomes “mathematical”, matters which I doubt the scribes listening to both Abraham and Moses thought relevant to their times, agree?


Certainly it would be a stretch to assume those who began the Bible with a preposition in violation of a cardinal rule of English had the math and science nailed down as did Einstein and Marcel Grossman, getting, however, the “sound” thing down as in “Hear O Israel I am the Lord thy G-D, G-D is One” amounting to a 1 in 5 odds of guessing it right that of all the senses hearing is the only one specific to our non-vacuum environment of SpaceShip Mother Earth, agree?


And why again Numbers, one of the five Books of Moses when translated from Hebrew into English also reads “things” as in Pythagoras’, Number is the essence of all things, good or evil, so going “back and forth” as well as at times “up and down” seeing everything no different to a newborn in terms of geometric shapes the result I believe of having been allowed from a very young age to fly “free and high” to capitalize on the “mistakes” of others, Einstein acknowledging his failure to embrace Quantum Mechanics with its lack of “certainty” allowing me to get folks from all walks of life, rich and poor alike as well as those who allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning to pause with “expressions” like EmanANDdog.COM which in conformity with QM that things should go both forwards as well as in “reverse” reads, moc.GODdnaNAME to the point that it allows me just enough time to have people think about the “real world” and how easy it is in fact to bring things back in “tTOo” [sic] “balance” once we all accept a certain degree of responsibility for the mess we’re in if such responsibility is only our “indifference” in “turning a blind eye to evil” while being intellectually honest when examining the math-chemistry of DNA to conclude that G-D is DNA, agree?


Well at least think about it not being ok to mock G-d, agree?


The damage we end up doing first and foremost to our own brain is very likely more damaging than the evil doer pulling off another wicked stunt on the next person who may in fact be better equipped to deal with the brain damage to his-her brain should he-she in fact decide to “turn a blind eye” since that occasion might be one less time he-she does such a dumb act whereas it could be the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or infinite amount of times we have attempted suicide, agree?


Only liars, those who go around in circles in defiance of logical thought processing need good memories, remember Pi not round Pi r², mathematics the most precise of languages, English tho ripped out of the Latin one of the spiritual languages like Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and Greek still has vestiges of spirituality, G-D-NAture having got rid of our tails telling us it so much SMARTer to go “back and forth” working out all the kinks in the chain, then again no certainties in QM just “probabilities”, the better the evidence the better the proof, truth that which does not change, agree?


And I for one would have no problem should every single human being on the planet agree to fixing the handful of mistakes we find in mathematics beginning with once we have our Clean Water Fund project fully funded to seek a consensus on an alternative to Pi r² when calculating the circumference of a circle.


I stopped listening to my teachers at about the time of my barmitzvah, my foundation tho was rather solid the result of a beautiful math elementary teacher making this one of kind subject matter so incredibly interesting altho it is possible that today I might be able to improve on Ms. Smith’s teachings better yet if I had the support of my amazing Artist-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion whose math had her skipping a couple of classes while remaining the smartest in her classes all the way thru high school and university so much so that once we get the next generation hooked on clean drinking water, setting aside time for a bottle of coke once in a while, I happen to like Aspartame Free Classic Coke with tons of fresh lemons, then we can begin in no time at all to fix the educational system from the bottom up bearing in mind our current educational system is all geared toward the “most average” of us heavily polluted nincompoops rising to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve.  

Looking forward to hearing from u with a date certain when we can all meet, not to forget that people like Tefo Mohapi need time to make provisions for being away from their work.


So important that Coca Cola don’t play the “Coventry game” the increasingly informed masses, particularly in the 3rd world with more access to “worthless cash” to mention little of the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel’s access to untold billions in laundered monies accumulated over the past 100 years reflected where else besides for the over the top valuations of public corporations and out of control real estate development fully expectant of the masses remaining brain dead could despite the safeguards I have helped engineer into our incredibly rigged stock markets still bring about “gridlock” followed by worldwide havoc playing right into the hands of the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel, not to forget Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori getting increasingly passé, agree?


Even our young men and women in uniform when returning from the war on terror so unappreciated by many even here at home living the “sinful life” the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel doing what they do best mesmerizing the masses,,, Hitler the failed artist-painter really such a genius, Josef Goebells also alone in fine tuning the bullshit propaganda that resulted in 100 million plus German co-conspirators, give me a fricken break!


Hell only on earth for those who don’t get with the program and understand the maniacal thinking of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel hell bent on democracy never spreading, specialists at getting our so-called “free media” here in the United States of America to have our awesome young men and women fighting the right fight needing constant Tylenol moments while quick to point the finger at our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush were it not for the likes of me helping set the record straight, agree?


Time to head to the beach.


Yours truly,




Ps – Following a quick break I will be posting these communiqués on the Coca Cola Yahoo Message Board as well as the DeBeers-Anglo American Yahoo Message Board giving both of u a “first strike” at not wasting a moment longer in doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing.




-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:32 PM
Devin Standard; Rodney Smith
Cc: rest;;
Solly Krok

Subject: FW: Coca Cola


Gentlemen – At around 12 noon today I got off a 45 minute phone call with Ms. Enid Pigors, the assistant to the CEO of Coca Cola.


The purpose of my contacting Coca Cola at this time as opposed to waiting for private banking groups like South African funded Investec to provide the seed capital for our Clean Water Fund project has everything to do with the “baggage” that Investec brings to the table, Derrick so far giving me no indication that the top dogs have heard the calls of “off with their heads” by an ever enlightened but not necessarily peaceful ground swell of black South Africans tired of waiting for my pal, Trevor Manual, South Africa’s Minister of Finance, to share not simply the spoils of war but to many what is increasingly becoming more important, the truth, the ANC Government like the Apartheid Government financed by the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel.


I provided Ms. Pigors with some of my background spelling out in no uncertain terms my intimate knowledge of the DeBeers-Oppeneheimer-Engelhard-Gevisser-Beares-Anglo American Diamond Cartel that did one incredible job during the Apartheid years of blowing smoke not only in the face of the tens of millions of South Africans of color who were in fact gaining ground thru the ingenious business-marketing strategies of companies such as Coca Cola in business for the long term as opposed to the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who haven’t been able to believe their “luk” [sic] that The Diamond Invention has lasted this long but the vast majority of Lilly White Wheaty Eating Boys and Girls such as myself thruout the world.


At this time, it is going on 1:15 PM PT, Ms. Pigors may still be wondering about a number of things including the smarts of Coca Cola’s receptionist in placing my call thru to her, bearing in mind neither the receptionist nor Ms. Pigors had anything to go on other than everything I spoke smacked of common sense including my explanation of the effectiveness of The Diamond Invention that had companies like Coca Cola bearing the brunt, hightailing it out of South Africa during the height of the Apartheid Government, political pressure coming from within the United States as well as from supposedly “grass roots” organizations in South Africa, Nelson Mandela and other seemingly independent thinkers strong supporters of the United Nations sanctions, and in so doing I believe I managed to convince Ms. Pigors that such distraction techniques perfected by perhaps even more ingenious marketeers than Coca Cola made not only sense to her but to the masses of more educated and thanks to The Internet better informed peoples around the world not just in South Africa, no longer is it a secret what one could do with untold amounts of anything but “soft money” used to buy off corrupt politicians, the business of corrupt governments never allowing any grass roots organization not under the “command and control” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel to take root, the likes of Coca Cola to the best of my knowledge not having access to diplomatic pouches, agree?


I see no reason why we shouldn’t share with Ms. Pigors the overview of our Clean Water Fund Project since I have it on “good word” the likes of Tefo Mohapi may not in fact despite his eloquence in understanding the “sly English” very different to us not all that appreciated North Americans trying to spread democracy throughout the world, be able to hold back the tide of radical elements in South Africa gaining the upper hand, agree?


Again one does not need in this day and age to be a rocket scientist to gauge how much longer the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel will “choose” to keep the “lid” on The Diamond Invention be4 choosing once again war, agree?


Chapter 18 pretty much saying everything other than my uncle David Gevisser being Charles Engelhard’s “male heir” and why Harry Oppenheimer in cahoots with Charles Englehard, my father’s first cousin’s major benefactor who in fact took over the “running of the family business” upon the death of Charles Engelhard in 1971, would “shoot himself in the foot” by allowing Edward Jay Epstein, the author of The Diamond Invention such incredible access to write such a “conspiratorial” story, agree?


Then again Harry Oppenheimer never counted on 3 things when looking to be able to say down the line as DeBeers went about slowly leaking out The Diamond Invention to the mainstream media, bought and paid for by DeBeers, how “forthright” they were and who would, “Dare to suggest that DeBeers after being so candid and so very transparent to then have to fork over their ill-gotten gains”; first, in 1978 the Digital Age was beyond the thinking of people who invented the greatest fictitious asset of all time, second that someone such as myself with “independent credibility” would not only emerge on the scene having been allowed a one of a kind “look into” the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel’s operations on 47th Street in Manhattan where to speak out of turn could result in being sent instantly to “Coventry”, much like when calling up someone to be placed on hold indefinitely, at least until such time as one has repented, and 3rd that I would have the “balls” to call Coca Cola and spill the beans and while informing them of how they like many other international public corporations had been “had” I was now providing them with a “vehicle” to get the support of incorruptible grass roots organizations around the world to not only support each and every human being “entitled” to clean drinking water at a “fair market price” but for the likes of Coca Cola to benefit by marketing “from the source” to other parts of the world water such as Machu Picchu Water to mention little of the 638 odd rather highly educated Inka Trail guides who at this precise moment in time, 1:10 PM PT still want to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and give the likes of Coca Cola, their emblems so smartly positioned just below the lapels and above the heart on jackets gifted to law enforcement personnel, an opportunity to step up to the plate to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing.


Once we have communicated I will then give Ms. Pigors a “time certain” to respond, my feeling quite certain that once Mr. Isdell, chairman and CEO of Coca Cola knows exactly who he is dealing with versus more radical elements under the “command and control” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who would have little trouble reducing the Price/Earnings Ratio of Coke from around 20 to say no more than 5 in the flash of an eye, again Ms. Pigors is aware of my rather stellar track record coaching the most rapacious Shareholder Class Action Litigators how to respond to fast balls thrown at or near head, Mr. Isdell will do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and proceed post haste to set up a time for us all to meet, and I am quite certain I will get Solly Krok to provide T4 Mohapi and a handful of his friends “bread money” to join us, the downside is that I might decide to “throw in the towel” and simply live the life of Riley.


I don’t see any harm in me repeating what I told Ms. Pigors, it’s not class warfare I am encouraging, it’s the welfare system I am questioning, and I am a member of the favored class.





-----Original Message-----
From: Enid Enga Pigors
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: Re:


Gary -

Got your message.  

"Gary S. Gevisser" <>

01/11/2005 02:51 PM

Please respond to


Enid Enga Pigors/US/NA/TCCC@TCCC








Enid hello

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