From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 9:03 AM PT
To: Tefo Mohapi
Cc: rest;; Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel; FBI;;;; Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
Subject: ..."If there wasn't a black problem...---...DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel...--...


Tefo – It is getting close wouldn’t u agree to us having a heart to heart talk with South Africa’s Minister of Minerals and Energy and perhaps even getting her opinion on the wording of my next INFORMERS WANTED ad, titled the same as the ad I ran just once in the South African Sunday Times back in the fall of 1989, A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There.


My thinking is that the verbiage under the title read something along the following lines:


“Hey Mark Gevisser, I understand you’re about to do a TV series to tie in with the publishing of South Africa’s Prime Minister’s autobiography, what exactly does Thabo Mbeki know about your father’s role in The Diamond Invention responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and murder of all time beginning around 1932 just when Hitler was securing his financing from the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel, picking up steam in earnest in 1944 at the time when the Revolution of Biology first began, the Brettonwood Convention and our knowledge of our DNA being so polluted enabling wouldn’t u agree quite a spin that would have the world’s masses going along with the world’s monetary system getting out of control putting monetary policy in the hands of bought and paid 4 government workers simply required to exercise ‘good judgment’ not having to worry about stuff like gold to provide sum measure of logical thought processing enabling David Gevisser’s major benefactor Mr. Charles Englehard and his co-conspirator Harry Oppenheimer to translate their killing fields’ winnings into real money, he-she who controls the water, grabs the land owns the bank, so easy given the Digital Age, a G-D-Send to connect up all the dots between the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel, agree” [sic]?


T4, my scheduled call with this one of a kind London based private banker is scheduled to begin in less than 30 seconds.






Cc: Dick Ziman and the world!


[word count 324]