From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:16 PM PT
Rodney Smith
Devin Standard; Po-Li (; Guy Friedman; Enid Enga Pigors - Office of the Chairman & CEO of Coca Cola
Subject: ...---...timeless...---...


Rod – When I spoke with jb this morning I never mentioned bringing u along to our meeting tomorrow eventho I am quite certain he has not only read everything I have been “broadcasting” over the past 6 weeks which talks clearly about both u and I meeting up with him on the 13th but if placed on a lie detector machine jb would admit everything I have written is further confirmation of my being not just “crazy” but an out of control lunatic to be kept off the streets and thank G-d he would fail the test.


I think it best that I go alone since should he begin whining after the first hour of bullshitting there is a better than an even chance that I would know someone else in the room well enough to excuse myself from jb’s table, not have to worry about u making small talk that could later result in u joining me in Coventry, pitch them on the deal, return with a check in hand, endorse it over to jb, have him take whatever discount will allow him and the Rothschilds to save face should they refuse to be the first in line to turn down our offer and if need be I will draw from my very limited French vocabulary enough choice words to have them worried about the reintroduction of the guillotine, asking for nothing less than a firm commitment of a pitiful $5 million, such that in a worse case scenario it will again leave the door wide open for u to smoothly lace, no strike that, lay the groundwork for those further down the down pole, i.e. 6.3 billion of us minus 1[1] to feel better about stepping up to the plate, so very, very, very, very, very, very, important never not for a moment to forget even if one does not subscribe to the empirical evidence of the math-chemistry that all of our DNA is heavily polluted, some no doubt more so than others, that evidence of this can be found in just 2 and ½ examples, the first being how “preservation of life and limb” has become part of the human psyche when even my dog can sniff out the reality of there being too many of us, Pypeetoe just loving this idea of leashing white collar criminals and allowing the likes of him to run free, so unkind is mankind to G-D-NAture it not surprise he-she is so unkind to our own; second, the failure of the hardworking middle class, one pay check away from being out on the street, 2 weeks vacation per year if they can in fact afford the luxury of staying put in their crappy housing to simply stop this very instant slaving away and create an instant gridlock given the fact that they r now this very instant thanks to the likes of Enid Enga Pigors and Debbie Schlussel helping to broadcast this missive fully aware that 67% of the Chief Financial Officers of America’s largest corporations admitted back in the spring of 1999 that they have been asked by their Chief Executive Officers to falsify the financial statements, 12% admitting to have actually done so, the evidence simply overwhelming of us being brain dead when one then inputs into the equation, a) there no evidence over the past 6 years that man’s greed has subsided, b) that the educational system continues to breed the “most average” rising to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve so difficult to get folks to maintain more than 3 thoughts at a time which is why I introduce letters into the equation, and c) the likelihood that the 1/3rd who answered “No” to this anonymous interactive questionnaire “promoted” by my pal Bill Lerach the biggest and most crooked yet ingenious lawyer-liar on the planet were in fact either inhaling aspartame laced diet Coca Cola thus suffering from an acute case of short term memory and/or were simply in denial their poor breeding now part of their DNA,



Next tTOo

Breeding everything,


Leaving a reasonable person such as myself, confirmation to take place tomorrow by jb who if he does the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing will retain at least for another 24 hours the bragging rights of being the cash richest person on the planet, and the half being it took just a ½ crazy person such as myself all of a picosecond to figure out that Bill was putting on one incredible act when blurting out the word “Astonishingly!"


So smart was Lerach to figure out not a single member of the entire world’s media including those with Internet websites would think to even question his disgraceful antics when even the most dimwit lawyer-liar out there knows never to ask a question without first having a good idea the answer coming from your bought and paid for audience, agree?


The failure of the lawyer-liar community throughout the world to take exception to the insidious business practices of abusing tenants, mostly poor thanks ultimately due to u know who, providing the poor and downtrodden undernourished to stand on their own 2 feet quick from the start to question things like the Diamond Invention, with misleading time sensitive documents and for these lawyers-liars to have the gall of later standing up in court when confronted by me protesting that such a practice is “fair play” is of course fully understandable but also incredibly rotten when one can provide as I have all the irrefutable “smoking gun evidence”, the better the evidence the better the proof, that Public Defenders, the lawyers-liars at the bottom end of the totem pole sit on their hands refusing to budge to do anything about such “abuse of power”, providing the poor and downtrodden nothing but a false sense of security, no different to the lawyer-liars like Lerach-Weiss at the top end of the totem pole, agree?


Again simply further evidence of our heavily polluted DNA which can with just one flick of the switch be changed in an instant, there good reason why I have strongly recommended that the incorruptible grass roots organizations I have been painstakingly fostering these past several years hold back just a little longer be4 lighting up their websites, agree?


It all comes down to gamesmanship when dealing with my most favored class who pride ourselves on how well behaved so many of the honest, hardworking “intellectuals” remain in this “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] “di-amond” [sic] invention world.


In a nutshell, with u and I aligned the 6.3 billion minus 1+ don’t have a hope in hell of ignoring reality, quite “sumthing” [sic] the 4 digits 1421 which when added or multiplied result in the same incredible #8, quite the finite set?


And there is one reality I believe u have yet to fully confront and don’t hesitate to correct me if I am mistaken, the reality of the very, very, very, very, very, very, very sick people who for now 3 generations have got away with the greatest mass murder never contemplated by Hitler in his wildest bloodthirsty dreams, the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel managing not only to continue the 3rd Reich’s push south but in every direction imaginable to the point that when they got the world to fully substitute diamonds for gold as the backing of the world’s monetary system by the time the masses got to see the light even their enlightened leadership like Nelson Mandela would be so dazzled by their fast footwork he would without even knowing it, and remember Mandela was at one time an incredibly gifted attorney, support his and his peoples’ murderers as they did such a fine job toward completing Hitlers Final Solution, and of course u know about from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in 3 generations!


Take care,




Ps – I spent most of this incredible day walking the bluffs of Del Mar with our almost 90 year old designer friend Gene Requa who in no time at all completed not only one incredible rendering but the most detailed scaled drawings of the improvements to our rock cabin which Gene refers to as simply, “Stone House” which if approved by the United States Forest Service since we lease the land will have this “timeless” work of art become the standard not just here in the US but around the world, Gene u may recall worked most of his career for Studebaker designing the Studebaker Lark which he continues to drive.


Ps I – A few minutes ago I got a call from my mentor Amos “Your ‘Yes Men’ will kill will kill” Wright who like all the smart money people I know is tracking things rather carefully, Amos suggesting rather strongly in this ever so brief call that I have a friend accompany me to Los Angeles, perhaps Amos concerned that if my Ducati gets stuck in a mudslide Pypeetoe despite his iron man training may refuse to dirty his ever so soft feet to mention little of his manicured toe nails, then again Amos was probably thinking my friend Guy Friedman would enjoy jb’s incredible hospitality and we wouldn’t have to worry about jb engaging gf in much small talk other than gf possibly confirming that Flotilla 13, his and Israel’s most elite special forces commando unit might not have been enough to overcome Israel’s ever diminishing first strike capability, the day will surely come when the entire world including all the uninformed Jewish people who failed to read my missives this past election day will give thanks to our godly inspired great President, the most honorable George W. Bush having taken the “bull by the horns”, not whined about the incredible mess he inherited from his predecessor, the not yet disgraced enough Bill “Kitchen-Wallpaper” Clinton and saved the day by invading Iraq saving each and every one of us on this planet had Israel been left to take care of the very dirty business of “food 4 oil” [sic] the likes of Marc Rich being granted a presidential pardon at the 11th hour and 59th minute of Clinton’s despicable presidency eliminating the possibility of open hearings into the “slave trade” leading back once again to The Diamond Invention, the problems of the world having nothing to do with race, color, sex or religion simply poor parental religious teaching, blah blah, Marie just this minute calling wanting to meet me at Gene’s house to view this “timeless” masterpiece.



[1] I will assume even if there is no one else seated at our table that 90% plus of the people in the room including the waiters r members of the French Rothschilds.