From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:22 AM PT
Paul Landon
Cc: rest;;
Anne Applebaum
Subject: RE: Seacrest=Ccrest...---...The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.




I was just about to respond to my incredibly reasonably priced attorney in Minehead, England giving power of attorney to Mr. Derrick Beare of Investec to handle the sale of Seacrest when I noticed your email and part of the reason for this is that Derrick might charge me even less than Mr. McLusky, quite “under the gun” to get caught up on things.


I am scheduled to meet with DB’s uncle Dr. Jonathan Beare in a half hour from now, security at an all time high, and my plan unless I hear otherwise from DB after spending the first hour beating around the bush to let Jonathan know that while I “want” him to provide a good chunk if not all of the seed capital for our Clean Water Fund project assuming Coca-Cola cannot get over being “had” by the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel ahead of Jonathan and I agreeing on who is going to pay for breakfast, I am doing everything in my power to get his favorite nephew DB fired from Investec since I really “need” to have Derrick involved full time in order that I can possibly keep better track of things including Jonathan’s whereabouts who remains at this time still, in my humble opinion, the cash richest person in the world, agree?


Not to forget that the geniuses that run Investec, perhaps the most solvent private banking institution in the world initially funded by Jonathan wouldn’t be willing to work for even less than Derrick, my hearing more and more feedback of Americans in particular willing to work for significantly less than minimum wage, and of course I expect Jonathan who is blind copied on this missive to not let anything I have to say between now and when we argue about who is going to pick up the check for today’s breakfast to get in the way of us having one terrific time and who knows by the time the waiter who is probably the son of the head of the French Rothschild family brings the check Jonathan who is a rather excellent chef might decide to purchase Ccrest just so that he doesn’t have to hear me whine.


At this time we have yet to make up our minds about which real estate firm to give exclusivity on the sale and/or master lease of Ccrest=Seacrest, the possibility exists that DB may even decide to set up Investec’s headquarters in this one of a kind spot given the business proposal I am moments away from proposing to Investec’s board, not to bore u with what may come across as superfluous subject matter, point being, however, if u have someone absolutely real that would net to us after your commissions £300,000 then now would be the time for them to show us the color of their money, i.e. with a group like Investec simply having nothing better to do with their time than sitting around a table “bull-hitting” [sic] could drive the value of this property into the zillion pound range give or take a couple of pounds, agree?


Please bear in mind that while DB may come across when at the casino tables as a low-flung private banker, drives a beat up motor scooter all around London lends me his wife’s worn-down-tire “lamborgini” [sic] to chris-cross through the countryside of England, he is certainly the most successful gambler I know, so proud to let me know this past Monday of his unparalleled winning streak making a point of reading me the riot act that I should not assume everyone who wins at the tables never knows when to walk away then again everything in life as Einstein confirmed is relative, DB’s biggest win to date it turns out after causing me to rethink how I might get his uncle who is gay to play ball today was probably just enough to cover the cost of pots and pans he purchased on the upper east end of Manhattan during Passover last year so as to avoid his mother-in-law stepping on her toilet seat in the bathroom of her master bedroom on 57th Street and Park Avenue and shouting not necessarily at the top of her lungs across the street at her neighbor Mr. Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman, Chairman of the Board of Revlon Corporation to borrow a handful of his pots and pans fearful that I might appear on the scene and while returning the items used by Derrick the only member of this rather large family who knows how to do more than boil an egg, roast leg of lamb with perfectly cooked potatoes his specialty, G-D forbid this rather in tune family, right now listening to some great opera on the radio, would get wind of me deriving once again great satisfaction in yanking Perelman’s chain much like I did in December 1993 when he was trying to buy his way in to a co-operative under the “command and control” of former clients of mine, the Hearsts feeling rather superior to Perelman who from their perspective was simply a “Jonny come lately poor Jew” who while having stolen $10 billion odd from shareholders hadn’t quite managed to build into his “cost of sales” the “cost of getting caught” despite a graduate of the “Warton” [sic] Business School certainly not to the same extent as Hearst Corporation a very private assembly of not the dumbest people in the world who could afford to hire someone such as myself to keep an eye on “bought and paid 4” [sic] former government employees like Al Sikes a former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission [FCC] whose hard work at the FCC had paid off with a top spot at Hearst’s new media’s division, agree?


I should add that db’s in laws while not priding themselves on their culinary skills reflect, however, the essence of the genius of Judaism without of course all the commentary, db’s wife in less than 60 seconds ingeniously explaining to the kids the message of the Exodus from Egypt without her and db’s amazing “tTOo” [sic] kids feeling the need to consult a shrink.


I have this thing of focusing first and foremost on those supposedly Jewish people like Perelman who give the rest of us hard working and honest simply G-D fearing, independent thinkers a rather bad name, The Finagle King like the Hearsts, like the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel showing no signs of being in any way shape or form connected to anything spiritual failing miserably in the essence of Judaism, Christianity, Islam all informing I believe, have still only read the first couple of pages of the New Testament, certainly no more than page 3, those throughout history who have stood up to the corrupt interpretations of one Almighty and extraordinarily SMART G-D to watch out, agree?


All the ills of the world come down to “land grabbing”, nothing to do with race, color, sex or religion, us just moments away from connecting up all the dots, perhaps very possibly in the next communiqué to my amazing dad who u can see in the “zing” hyperlink standing in front of the café section of Ccrest=Seacrest, just hearing earlier today a suggested revision to my INFORMERS WANTED ad that seems to have a lot of merit to mention little of Mr. Tefo “Kgotso” Mohapi commenting earlier today,


Wait a minute.....I've just had a lightbulb moment. The Business Model of De-Beers is similar to all industries where prices are fixed (e.g. cars, software) and there's a minimum price and recommended retail awakening is slowly-speeding up.....”


When one has the sort of acreage adjacent to a property whose views cannot to be the best of my knowledge be obstructed other than by say a tsunami to mention little of the path to Burgundy Chapel beginning at our doorstep who is to say what it might be worth to someone like db’s one incredibly beautiful Brazilian maid who might decide to stop digging this trench to serve as a moat around Folly Farm db’s one of a kind property-farm 9 miles from the center of London and retire to Minehead bringing with her the best looking bronzed Brazilian women and men to liven up Minehead, agree?


The purpose of me spelling things out is to impress upon u how I believe it is so incredibly easy to market this unique property-business that simply has no comparables and just wait until my extraordinary Royal Mater provides her input Zena Rosand Ash Gevisser Zulman who lives most of the year in a one of a kind fortress in Wivesliscombe just an hour or so inland, so important us over-testosterone clad men learn to multi-task not all that loosely connected subject matters, Zena RAG Zulman, deep breath, besides for teaching the likes of Aristotle Onassis and the sellout Robert F. Kennedy everything they needed to know about THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN, so incredibly smart was Mr. Onassis to have Zena Gevisser around on October 20, 1968 marrying a former First Lady of the United states no matter how much she suffered from dysentery, no strike, anorexia, some 3 months after RFK got his comeuppance having United States Department of Justice Officials “bouncing off walls”, his assassination occurring some 3 years after he visited with us in Durban, South Africa cementing the fate of not just tens of millions of people of color but more importantly another full generation of peoples throughout the world buying into the fictitious currency of Diamonds allowing further laundering of untold fortunes today found in over the top public corporations’ share prices and real estate values, my terrific mother Zena Gevisser also just happened to be the first on the scene to market Oil of Olay, somewhere I have a photo of her, as opposed to one of her top international models in the very first photographic shoot done for these 2 Durban, South African chemists who invented “clay” [sic] knowing that they had really struck gold when able to enlist the services of this one out of this world marketing genius, agree?


Business u know is more art-form than it is science whereas marketing is all numbers, number the essence of all things, good or evil, so important to reflect time and again on the last rather hilarious conversation I had my Royal Mater who upon hearing I believe for the first time that her good friend David Gevisser, my father’s first cousin, derived most of his-our wealth from doing the dirty work of Charles Engelhard the co-conspirator-inventor along with Harry Oppenheimer of The Diamond Invention went from disbelief to letting me know that the South African Oppenheimer family that she has always considered “the evil incarnate” should be “absolved” since a member of their family had now embraced Jewish orthodoxy.


Now may I suggest u take a careful look at this GOLD AND ECONOMIC FREEDOM article which I believe was penned by “our” one pal Alan Greenspam in 1966 who u can see in the background of this one of a kind photo taken in the fall of 1989 at the opening of the Broadway musical, Meet Me in St. Louis[1]


...Thus, under the gold standard, a free banking system stands as the protector of an economy’s stability and balanced growth...


It was limited gold reserves that stopped the unbalanced expansions of business activity, before they could develop into the post-World War I type of disaster...


But the process of cure was misdiagnosed as the disease: if shortage of bank reserves was causing a business decline - argued economic interventionists - why not find a way of supplying increased reserves to the banks so they never need be short! If banks can continue to loan money indefinitely - it was claimed - there need never be any slumps in business. And so the Federal Reserve System was organized in 1913. It consisted of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks nominally owned by private bankers, but, in fact, government sponsored, controlled and supported. Credit extended by these banks is in practice (though not legally) backed by the taxing power of the federal government.


Technically, we remained on the gold standard; individuals were still free to own gold, and gold continued to be used as bank reserves. But now, in addition to gold, credit extended by the Federal Reserve banks ("paper" reserves) could serve as legal tender to pay depositors. When business in the United States underwent a mild contraction in 1927, the Federal Reserve created more paper reserves in the hope of forestalling any possible bank reserve shortage.


More disastrous, however, was the Federal Reserve's attempt to assist Great Britain, who had been losing gold to us because the Bank of England refused to allow interest rates to rise when market forces dictated (it was politically unpalatable). The reasoning of the authorities involved was as follows: If the Federal Reserve pumped excessive paper reserves into American banks, interest rates in the United States would fall to a level comparable with those Great Britain; this would act to stop Britain's gold loss and avoid the political embarrassment of having to raise interest rates.


The "Fed" succeeded: it stopped the gold loss, but it nearly destroyed the economies of the world in the process. The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market - triggering a fantastic speculative boom. Belatedly, Federal Reserve officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally succeeded in braking the boom. But it was too late: By 1929 the speculative imbalances had become so overwhelming that the attempt precipitated a sharp retrenching and a consequent demoralizing of business confidence.


As a result, the American economy collapsed. Great Britain fared even worse, and rather than absorb the full consequences of her previous folly, she abandoned the gold standard completely in 1931, tearing asunder what remained of the fabric of confidence and inducing a worldwide series of bank failures. The world economies plunged into the Great Depression of the 1930’s.


In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold.


If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.


This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.





Alan Greenspan

for The Daily Reckoning


Editor’s Note: Alan Greenspan is chairman of the Federal Reserve and conductor of the world’s greatest experiment in paper money.


And so on that note, bearing in mind that “sum” [sic] would argue it is a bunch of gobbledygook that, “The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves  it will not take a rocket scientist to figure out that I will continue the dialogue with my amazing Dad beginning by asking this rather bright man, qualified at age 19 “Above Average” to fly as wingman to Dr. Sid Cohen perhaps the greatest Jewish fighter-bomber-pilot of WWII, only finding out in his 60s that he was dyslexic, who aside from the likes of the DeBeers-Oppenheimers-Kennedys-HEINZ-Kerrys-Engelhards-Gevissers-Beares-Rothschilds-Kroks-Krinsks-Greenbergs-Buffetts-Anglo American Diamond Cartel benefits from the welfare state?


To repeat, it’s not class warfare that I am encouraging, its class welfare I am questioning. And I am a member of the favored class.


Look forward to hearing back from you ASAP.




Ps – Would u agree it is more likely that Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk as opposed to Dr. Jonathan Beare posted this “motor scooter” non-response response on the BUD Yahoo message board or do u think it has the handwriting of Warren Buffett written all over it, Buffett now after one incredible United States taxpayer bailout fleeing the United States dollar knowing perfectly well, however, that I know that his one lover, Ms. Graham of the Washington Post is not worth schtooping these days, long since dead is the publisher of this washed out newspaper, managing possibly to get Ms. Anne Applebaum to be the “fall guy”, all such minor league players bracing for the minute my next A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There INFORMERS WANTED ad runs in newspapers throughout South Africa in all the 11 official languages anticipating the ever so controlled ground swell that will follow while making the recent Asian Tsunami just the start of what essentially began as nothing more than an uneventful day in a water park, agree?


More and more folks getting increasingly up to speed on how incredibly fortunate we have such a godly-balanced woman backed up by one incredible man who knows The IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN in the White House, George W. continuing to demonstrate a great presence of mind, urging donors not to shortchange other parts of the world, agree?


Anyone who fails to take their eye off the ball, not questioning why the world’s cash richest people in the world still hang in South Africa with its incredibly high crime rate do so at their own folly, never forgetting for a moment the ingenious “leak” by Mr. JRK’s “arch rivalBill Lerach Esq. of Milberg Weiss-Lerach, “An Alarming Decline in the Quality of Financial Reporting” going back to the spring of 1999 getting the likes of Anne Applebaum and Paul Krugman of the New York X to make small time talk of what those of us in the business of SCALs [Shareholder Class Action Litigation] knew all too well, the likes of T4 Mohapi I think u would agree unlikely to continue working so hard just for scraps dished out by those higher up the house of cards hell bent on milking this fictitious economy right to the bitter end, agree?


While longer than my 324 word email to Mr. Mohapi, no doubt signs of sleep deprivation beginning to show, this communiqué allows the likes of my Dad relaxing in Melbourne, Australia to draw more circles as I-We go about exposing only those who choose to opt out from being part of the solution to solving all the problems of the world, agree?


More and more of the literate world waking up to how it comes about that we have expressions such as “preservation of life and limb” while at the same time one only needs say the IQ of the drunk Senator Ted Kennedy or Mrs. John “Perfect Vacuum” HEINZ-Kerry to figure out that the biggest problem facing the business models of their public corporations is that less and less of world’s literate masses find such protestations of the welfare state all that appealing, quite at odd in fact with the contraction of the human population in the 1st world while the over the top stock market valuations of public corporations allow the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel proponents of the welfare state simply to continue sucking the lifeblood out of the hard working masses both in the 3rd as well as 1st world, can’t wait to hear back from the Chairman & CEO Coca Cola no matter how long it takes him and his board of directors, past and present, to get over the incredibly horrible feeling of being had, just ask my extraordinary mother, her telephone # in the United Kingdom 44-1-98-46-24-0-88. 


[word count 333]


-----Original Message-----
Moira Douglas []
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:47 AM
Subject: Seacrest, Quay West,



Dear Mr Gevisser


Just a quick email to see if you have had anymore throught with regards to marketing Seacrest, because we currently have a couple of applicants registered with us seeking a seafront property upto the £300,000 price.  I informed them there is a possibility of a property coming in the near future and they would be interested in making an appointment to view the property, if you decide to sell.


I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Paul Landon


[1] Not to forget what my father’s first cousin’s major benefactor, Mr. Charles Engelhard, the co-inventor-conspirator in The Diamond Invention was doing with his gold smuggled out of south Africa in the form of statues to mention in passing there “sum” [sic] lessons from the Bible never to forget the 5th Book of Moses, Numbers which in Hebrew translates also into “Things”, interesting that Pythagoras the first mathematician-philosopher to take mysticism and superstition out of the equation with his, X²+Y²=Z² also concluded that Number is the essence of all things, good or evil, then again the Bible was first translated in to Greek, everything in the end does in fact add up, there no such thing as a coincidence, i.e. design is everywhere, up to each one of us independent thinkers to work out for ourselves how incredibly balanced is the universe, so important to look at the big picture as in the cosmos and how it manifests itself in things at the subatomic level, one cannot win, however, all gambles with mother-G-D-NAture: