From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:05 AM PT
Cc: rest;
Enid Enga Pigors - Office of the Chairman & CEO of Coca Cola; Debbie Schlussel -Bosom Buddy of Howard Stern;; Rabbi Abner Weiss; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers Diamond Cartel
Subject: ...If there was not a Black problem there would be a Jewish war money is no object.


Dad – It really isn’t that easy to draw circles but when u consider that this may end up being your obituary do your best to put in a good effort recognizing that the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel have no “business” in spreading democracy only civil unrest as the masses awaken quicker than ever be4 thanks to the Digital Age, a G-D-Send, that their life’s efforts, their meager savings r not worth the paper they’re written on, war the only remaining option since as we all know in war money is no object, agree?


No doubt it is getting less and less confusing at the same time more difficult to come up with names-faces to intersect with the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel whose business model is exclusively dedicated to the corruption of governments, funneling their fictitious currency into the hands of radical elements on both the left and the right to have a “field day” with those caught in the middle, the “most average” rising to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve along with Dutch Sandwiches ringing a bell to mention little of the civil war in Angola that had me hightailing it out of South Africa in 1978 just one rather small example of the greatest enslavement, torture and murder of all time, agree?


The difficulty u have tho besides for a rather mild case of arthritis and a pig valve to supplement your leaking valve is that most of the people u knew in South Africa in any way shape or form connected to the DeBeers-Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies-Anglo American Diamond Cartel r now dead, even the few remaining has u still wondering where exactly to place them on the sheet of paper with the circle depicting the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel dead center, agree?


And why it is so important not simply to remove the head of this most insidious Cartel but each and every one of its limbs one by one until such time as Nicholas Oppenheimer concedes, “Black hands cannot lay white eggs”, agree?


Rabbi Abner Weiss’ continuing deafening silence must surely have u feeling rather ill or is it the burning sun exposing marks that remind u of how incredibly easy it would have been had just one single member of the Durban Jewish Orthodox Congregation found the courage on Yom Kippur just as Rabbi Weiss got on his pulpit to render one of his ingenious sermons of what it means to be Jewish and the importance of acknowledging one’s sins first to our fellow man to ask this incredibly literate human being,


“Hey Rabbi, how much money would it take for you to turn your eyes to the right of where u now stand and tell those scum Durban North Lazarus clan, our Jewish Capos, to get the hell out of our sacred place of worship, and would u be willing to accept as payment one of those non-manufactured diamonds included in Zena Gevisser’s one of a kind diamond broach arrangement?”


Everything I have written so far on the subject of the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel, many thousands of words, was all covered in the last conversation I had with my extraordinary mother all in less than 60 seconds about the same amount of time it took from the time the receptionist for Coca-Cola picked up the call from me yesterday, listened to what I had to say and for Ms. Enid Enga Pigors, assistant to the Chairman & CEO of Coca-Cola to begin a 45 minute conversation, resulting in your ex-wife simply asking, “Aren’t u afraid for your personal safety?” to which I replied,


That’s almost as funny as what u thought of the question put to u by a journalist friend back in 1966 when Robert F. Kennedy’s publicist asked this bought and paid for journalist, ‘Do you know of someone who can come up with a list of people RFK should NOT meet with when he visits Durban, South Africa?’


Mom tho, did not laugh at my “wicked sense of humor” not that she doesn’t have a sense of humor but for the very first time in her life she was now one step behind me and while able to compute at light speed the implications of David Gevisser being so closely joined at the hip with the South African Oppenheimers ripping Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman to her core, eventually tho, after I gave her a couple of moments to gather herself responded with, “Well I read something about one of the Oppenheimers now orthodox Jewish” to mention little of there is still probably not a single human being on this planet that can read close to the speed of my Royal Mater while comprehending every possible nuance despite being possibly 99% senile, capable of explaining pretty much anything on any subject in the most precise terms, unless of course it involves anyone questioning her judgment, agree?


Most people including Jewish South Africans have always considered the South African Oppenheimers as Jewish the exception being our immediate family, my mother’s reaction tho, reinforced the tough road that lay ahead given how incredibly brain dead was perhaps the smartest Lilly White Wheaty Eater I have ever known, the result of buying into the utter garbage she as well as every single LWWE supposedly Jewish person I knew would spit out continuously when asked to explain their lethargy,


If there was not a Black problem in South Africa there would be a Jewish problem.”


Thanks to people like me it is not all that much of a secret that human greed is what separates the worst of us from those trying to make a difference while having to play the game, the business of religion within moments in the history of time of going bankrupt, agree?


No one likes to be “had” especially those of us who fought the right fight, dive-bombed the crap out of the Nazi bastards, miraculously surviving 71 operations by gripping one’s buttocks, pulling hard on the trigger, knowing that by only going in fast & low could one score D/Hs [Direct Hits] now simply means u should be respected and revered as u contemplate meeting up once again with our Almighty SMART G-D who perhaps deserves “sum” [sic] credit, agree?


Dad, I am going to take another break but don’t let that stop u with your circle drawings.


Remember again, u r not alone in this exercise each and every single literate human being on the planet will eventually get around to doing exactly the same thing arriving ultimately at the same conclusion, agree?


So difficult to get by in this world not being able to trust a soul, even your grandchildren once they get to become independent thinkers helped immensely I think u would agree by, may choose to remain silent and see fit to let u live out the rest of your life in your own misery, not feeling in the least bit sorry but rather pity for the fact that all that is required of u at this time is to pick up the phone to your first cousin and have stuttering David Gevisser take as long as he likes in explaining when he first became aware his major benefactor Charles Engelhard was joined at the hip with Harry Oppenheimer and Co in the greatest enslavement, torture and murder of all time, such a one of a kind Diamond Invention-Conspiracy apparently even hoodwinking the marketing geniuses of Coca Cola who hightailed it out of South Africa with their tails between their legs, the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel wringing their hands as they expanded their tentacles as others more accountable to international public attention bore the brunt of their insidious yet ingenious marketing strategies,,, notice how more customs agents r whispering under their breath, “A diamond is 4ever, really” [sic]?






Ps – In a matter of days u will be contacted by a South African attorney seeking your input on how best to approach Royal Mater to have certain assets of mine under her “command and control” to be made available to the likes of Tefo Mohapi to buttress extreme elements aided and abetted by the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel who can be counted on while slowly infiltrating peaceful grass roots organizations around the world seeing the virtue “of a slow awakening because if a mass of people got awakened to this very quickly, there would be chaos...the 1976 Soweto riots in South Africa would seem small compared to this. We might just have a Zimbabwe situation in South Africa if people were awakened too quickly....and that might not benefit anyone...” to without any warning dump South Africa in a flash, agree?


Remember the DeBeers-Anglo American Diamond Cartel have no loyalty to country or G-d simply the preservation of the status quo, again in war money is no object.