Yahoo! Message Boards: REV

dogtTOo - ignore list

10/10/04 12:09-12:14 PM PT

Message 5556-5559


Dr 850 - u seem hurried and in an effort to prevent u from imploding, doing my level best to contain the collateral damage, may I make the suggestion that u first review my communiqué to u of September 23rd one more time making note of the increasing number of hyperlinks that has my one website remaining on track to be the #1 website on The Internet by clicking on.


Then examine once again my response to Garbrielleshorn666’s post 5538 followed by clicking on this hyperlink taking u to my most recent communiqué with physicist Dr. John Cotter.


And if u still choose to ignore me give some thought to how others who might know the real coward behind the pseudo name Dr. 850 will view u when your real name is revealed my aware the possibility exists that u r Dr. John Ben Stewart my Client-Partner Wife's ex-husband who along with his Money Talks attorney Mr. George Hurst and their other co-conspirators r just moments away from being taken on another epic educational light journey, click on.


Again I would be willing to bet a buck by u constantly feeling compelled to stay in touch with the heartbeat of the universe u will do us the honors by clicking time and again on the hyperlinks, your state of denial getting rather boring, hard to imagine u really wanting to remain in the dark as we go about providing unique and universal solutions to the problems facing our world both big and small, agree?


The need to not simply have faith but to ACT, G-D within each one of us, just a basic understanding of the math and chemistry of DNA should have u able to follow most of this stuff then again u could be “brainne dead” [sic], agree?


R u beginning to run out of breathe, feeling your own mortality, go ahead and read Zquestion, agree?


The biggest problem of a greedy society instead of getting educated about what is important we would rather get more money knowing that money can get us pretty much anything including art, agree?


Such quick fixes over time lessen the importance of education in things such as Art which most of all teaches balance, shape, values and color all working in perfected harmony, agree?


Once we pass a certain age we don’t want to make a certain effort, we just let ourselves go, we let ourselves have big meals, we let learning go out the window, we forget eventually the teachings of the past as in Moses telling Pharaoh, “Let my people go”, agree?


I pay attention not only to what people say but what they fail to say which is why SCAL [Shareholder Class Action Litigators] like Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk who handled matters 4 me in getting Revlon Corporation shareholders the $10 million odd out of the scoundrel Ronald O. Perelman pay me the big bucks for my one of a kind "risk assessment" services, agree?


Enjoy the rest of your stay as u now ponder who amongst your friends, family co-workers, co-dependants will really care as they notice u sweating more with each tick of the almighty powerful clock, my ability to explain things both in the “real world” as well in the so-called “metaphysical world” u not quite able to feel your oats, agree?


It is all the same once one has reached the highest levels of spirituality which does take not much more these days thanks to the Digital Age, a G-D-Send, than a basic understanding of science and mathematics, agree?


Slowly but surely I am able to explain such rather important matters in simple English all getting easier as we gain momentum with each passing moment, everything not simply standing still when we reach the awesome speed of light but more importantly from a mathematical perspective mathematics the most precise of languages fall apart, everything becoming mathematical, agree?


The universe from our perspective is expanding at an accelerating rate there more and more evidence that the universe is a complete set, i.e. no beginning, middle or end, agree?


That which goes around comes around but with a vengeance, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction nothing is gained nor is it lost, Einstein's, “The Mind of G-D” in the awesome summary equation of E=mc² being revisited time and again by those taking note of “sum” [sic] of things I have to say along with Einstein’s acknowledgment that his failure to embrace Quantum Mechanics as in 10, 01, was a very big mistake, understandably tho, the “back and forth” with it’s “crashes” not quite as precise as General Relativity, agree?


Again the awesomeness of the words, “The Mind of G-D”, Einstein like myself not one to buy into bullshit, mysticism and superstition, however, first being taken out of the equation by Pythagoras the mathematician-philosopher with his Right Angled Triangle Theorem, X²+Y²=Z², which together with his 0+1+2+3+4=10 has me asking u to examine the “finite” set associated with digits that when added or multiplied result in the same number, there being in my opinion only 9 combinations, 1421 quite awesome along with 123, agree?


But in order to understand the extent to which your sequencing has been interfered with, remember each of us born pretty much a genius, when we allow others to treat us like ants that we become ants, u would need to be able to get your arms around some of the stuff I delved in to with Milo Gardener who is now on my “delete list” having gone awfully silent once I asked him to reveal more of himself perhaps my repeating a couple of segments of an article titled Quantum Gravity that appeared in the December 1983 edition of Scientific American written by Professor Bryce C. Dewitt of Texas University the cause of Milo imploding,


“As with the ordinary Pythagorean theorem, one first squares the sides of the triangle. In special relativity, however, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the difference of the squares of the sides rather than the sum...


If Einstein could come back in spirit to witness what has become of his theory, he would certainly be astonished, and I think pleased. He would be pleased that physicists at last, after years of hesitation, have come to accept his view that theories that are mathematically elegant deserve to be studied even if they do not seem to correspond immediately to reality. He would also be pleased that physicists now dare to hope a unified field theory may be attainable. He would be particularly pleased to find his old dream that all of physics may be explainable in geometric terms seems to be coming true. Above all he would be astonished. Astonished that the quantum theory still stands pristine and unmoved in the midst of it all, enriching field theory and itself being enriched by it. Einstein never believed the quantum theory expresses ultimate truth. He never reconciled himself to the indeterminism it implies and thought it would someday be replaced by a nonlinear field theory. Exactly the opposite has happened. The quantum theory has invaded Einstein’s theory and transmuted it.”


Have u read the book, “1431 The Year China Discovered America” [sic]?


Good day,


Gary S. Gevisser


The Rattlesnake



Ps – Take a look at my “delete list” currently made up of 27 people who have requested that they be taken off my mailing list, an interesting number considering there r several family members feeling at one and increasingly alone with this rather small group considering the number of people of my email list who represent a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population an increasing number of illiterate people with each tick of the almighty powerful also getting up to speed as I again go explaining the connectivity of everything applying both Science and mathematics at the highest levels in simple English even the Lumpen proletarians coming to terms that there is design everywhere that there is no such thing as coincidences, agree?


My knowledge of some of the basics texts contained in the Bible and what could have contributed, remember there is no such thing as a certainty in Quantum Mechanics only probabilities, the better the evidence the better the proof-truth,  that would have resulted in such awesome text other than it all coming from “The Mind of G-D” given the authors of such sacred text lack of Technology to know a number of things regarding their limited knowledge of science and mathematics at the time beginning with the 2 first statements attributed to G-D, “Let there be light” and “Hear O Israel [Wrestle with G-D] I am the Lord thy G-D, G-D is one” it having to take some “luk” [sic] as well as imagination which Einstein nailed down when declaring, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, agree?


The spark that drives us all today in this nuclear age goes back to that awesome E=mc², c the speed of light, some 300,000 kilometers per second not to the power of one but rather squared which in the perfect vacuum of space remains a constant having m as in mass and E=Energy=Evolution in quite the “tap dance”, there not much space for folks to get away with the bullshit of poor excuses, going around in circles, G-D-Nature having got rid of our tails for us to think, therefore we exist, most scientists agreeing that at the time of the Big Bank mass equaled energy, agree?


G-D-DNA-TURE within each of us, the solutions at our fingertips, the blueprint of the universe quite awesome, G-D is where u look then again our DNA is rather heavily polluted and 2 c mE has those forgetting the awesomeness of our ability to draw a perfect circle yet at odds with mathematics the most precise of languages which has Pie not round Pi r², man-woman ripping him-herself apart in race to finish first, ridiculous, agree?


Until we come to grips with the birth and sustenance by “Liberal elitists” here in the United States of the Apartheid Regime in South Africa that ruled with a “diamond studded iron fist” for some 40+ years after what many believed to the death of the 3rd Reich following WW2 we will keep repeating the mistakes of the past, the future all coming together in the present, agree?


There is no beginning, no end or middle to the universe, the ying and yang not quite as precise as again, "The Mind of G-D", again E=mc² the most precise of mathematical equations explaining not only the cosmos made up of mostly Deep Space, a perfect vacuum, but also the uniqueness of SpaceShip Mother Earth, our ability to hear sound the only difference between ME’s non-vacuum of space and Deep Space’s perfect vacuum along with the increasing evidence that speed of light in a non-vacuum environment is not a constant, agree?


Spelling out therefore that E=mc² represents Einstein long sought after quest to come up with a


Unified Theory

For the inner workings

Of the universe


when reintroducing Newton’s “4 every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost” [sic] into the equation, mass once again becoming the constant, agree?


More and more folks on this one of a kind planet heading further and further away from the rest of the heavenly bodies [Red Shift Effect] the “mirror image” of the Doppler Effect which measures sound waves all being translated into almost perfect mathematics has greater numbers of us seeing “The Hand of G-D” on the “dimmer switch” controlling E=Energy=Evolution, agree?


Back to “Let there be light” and “Hear O Israel I am the Lord thy G-D, G-D is one” the destruction of the first Jewish Temple taking place around the time Pythagoras first appeared on the scene, nothing quite nailing things down again, as his, “Number is the essence of all things, good or evil”, agree?


Again, the truth all a function of proof, the better the evidence the better the proof, truth best defined in my humble opinion as, “That which does not change” back to Pythagoras’ awesome, “This + This = That.


The world is about to go thru dramatic change, one wanting as opposed to needing to embrace change allowing one to move between the “real world” where the numbers do not lie, not to forget Numbers being the 4th of 5 books of Moses, the “back and forth” critical made so much easier in this Digital Age, a G-D-Send, agree?


Back to transposing numbers the difference always being divisible by the number 9,





Built tTOo




It does come down to “love thy neighbor as u would love thyself” but first needs to know oneself, agree?


Once the Dow Jones begins in earnest to collapse under the weight of the bullshit numbers put out by folks like the Federal Reserve who don’t have the slightest clue to go about their task of exercising nothing more than “good judgment” when including and excluding critical numbers from the all important money supply numbers then will each and every one of us become increasingly transparent, the more we know about our neighbor the less likely we will be to go to war, money tho, no object when it comes to war, agree?


So Dr. 850 choose any subject u wish to debate with me that u think just one person on this one of a kind planet will “care 4” [sic]and I will take the time out of my rather busy schedule to debate u as I go about spearheading the biggest project ever conceived of by man-woman, inka-coca-cola, bringing into each and every one of our households clean drinking water and the proper disposal of waste, our Clean Water Fund project should tho, have u standing still so as to give those of us perhaps more in tune than u aware of the extent we r all on borrowed time one final shot of giving peace one last chance, agree?


The other option is World War IV where there will be not be a single winner all of us losers for not being smart enough to read the writing on the wall, recognizing at least that our Good Almighty SMART G-D wouldn’t be so dumb to hand over all the answers at once, how many of us comfortable with being told what to do and when to do it?


If not now then when? If I am only for myself what am I? If I am not for myself who is for me?


The Meek

With Teeth



The Earth” [sic], agree?