From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 2:54 PM PT
To: Neil Gould - ngould@biznetvigator.net; Evelyn Huang - DeBeers
Cc: rest; Hilton Wolman - Vocal Gay elder brother of Merrick "crap talking" Wolman - Nephews of Sol "DAAC Gambling Czar" Kersner; artbell-coast; Oprah; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Tefo; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; jimandjoe@ussliberty.com; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Roger W. Robinson; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Guy De Chazal - Partner Morgan Stanley; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Augusto Benito Vargis; barbarellainfo@yahoo.com; Austin Auger; Larry Winokur - Baker Winokur Ryder; mallorca agent; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; South African Consulate General; editor@shanghaidaily.com; Editors@newsweek.com; Sternshow@howardstern.com; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: FINISH OFF IN A FRIEND....quiet....neutron bomb...quiet


Wow – I was not absolutely certain you and Alex were serious about paying your Chinese slave wage earners US$2 per day.


Thanks for also confirming you read my emails religiously and not just simply once or twice and course up and down as well as sideways occasionally but you drop everything else you are doing.


Can we now hear from your wife, silly to still be married to you, and have her explain why you so live in your past sexual fantasies when writing:


Gary Gary Gary

You make me laugh and make me amazed at the same time.

Linda  was the girlfriend of Jonny Isaacs in SA when we were  16 or 17. She was 15 and stunning

Just prior to that, her and a friend came over to another guys house called Barry Nuttal


We swapped the 2 girls around and I got the chance to have my willy rubbed against the outside of her cloaca. The shock of being in that position caused my member to bend in the middle from anxiety and had to finish off in the friend


I dont know why you always seem to appear in the same quantum field that I was in


She was actaully a dumb  black haired silly girl




Please have both Jonny Isaacs and Barryl Nuttal “drop me a line.


It must be you who has me fooled - a wild turkey walking right in front of the east facing windows here at our Stone and Glass Home.


Who else but you and your “friends” have been clicking on my hyperlinks taking you time and again to this email that gives you, a name no one of importance knows, apart from me, such a high profile on the Internet?


Remember, you have seen “in the flesh” the awesome beautiful body of my gorgeous F-C wife who expects me to be in very good physical shape even if it means me only dreaming about how in very good shape I was in my mid-twenties after very close friends of mine from around the world congregated in New York City to help guide me back from “deaths door” having first thought I was smart enough on my own to tackle the DAAC in their own backyard of 47th-Wall Street, Manhattan, the money laundering capital of the world.


In other words, were I to be the one clicking on the hyperlinks moment after moment 24/7 it is very doubtful my in the most extraordinary physical shape, out of this world sexy, very easily bored, super athletic partner-wife with the most mouthwatering sexy French accent who really knows how to French kiss like you cant imagine, would toss me out on my ear, without a thought given to my intellect when she has so many choices such as yourself and Jonny come who?


Lately, you are boring me as well with your denial dribble.


BTW even though you know better than to respond while of course checking out to see what additional hyperlinks have been placed on top of new spots as well as old hyperlinks replacing new hyperlinks and new hyperlinks replacing old hyperlinks 24/7 thus increasing the circle, not of friends but of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day, I don’t recall a single person ever once commending Neil Gould on his math, the very best test of an individual's ability to logically thought process and conclude in an instant the mind is the first substantive evidence of the Supernatural as the mind is all chemistry, the science translating back in to the math the most precise and therefore spiritual of all the languages which is not to suggest that a “once born” mathematician and we all know not argue with the “once born”, has "humanity" but logic would dictate that those smart don’t need to cut corners unless they are like Dr. John K. Pollard hiding from their past that cant escape them as the past and future all come “to-get-her” [sic] in the Digital Age, a godsend, Knowledge-Information-Light traveling at Light-G-d-speed.


When has it ever been better to be alive and most importantly well, as information, the great divide between the haves and have-nots is now not being bridged, but is already bridged, you not having a clue as to who is as up to speed as you, less or more so, forcing you to go increasingly “deafeningly silent” which talks volumes both to those still talking as well as those “deafeningly silent”?


"Good people don’t need friends” which you would know from your Plato Latin studies with Mr. Braithwaite at heavily DAAC corrupted Carmel College high school, Durban, South Africa where you learned such good Afrikaans while calling yourself SUDDENLY NOW an "Englander".


At least Roy and Jeffrey Essakow played a good game of rugby.


When last did you break a sweat?


Were you even aware of the 1976 Soweto Uprisings when I can assure you were not attending Eaton or Oxford or Cambridge since you were stoned out of your mind in Durban, South Africa, the armpit of the world even if you had physically left South Africa right after you finished high school and who cares when, apart from at least we know when to start looking for when the dummying down of Great Britain began in earnest.


Worth repeating once again the 76 words my highly literate and mathematically minded French-Canadian wife wrote to Windy Winn on June 10th 2005, the 6th anniversary of me first “going public” on the Internet with this posting on the Revlon Yahoo message board that had Dr. JKP turning his nose up,  the first sign I received that he needed to be watched as carefully as Windy Winn and The Sperm Donor, two most extraordinary foul mouthed spitters.




Gary and I agree that lack of knowledge–information-light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth.


The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of all their lies from day one.


Your lack of knowledge-light is betrayed by your silence regarding 2 questions Gary posed to you and that he reminded you of this morning at the beach when we met with you.


Marie Dion [Gevisser]


Not to mention the “silence” had to do with the United States Federal Reserve failing repeatedly since its inception back in 1913 to explain, not just to the American people but the peoples of the world including those illiterate how when computing the Money Supply numbers, so important in maintaining the “trust” in those printing money, coins, paper money as well as digitized monies, how do these so very trusted non-elected DAAC government officials who are only tasked with “exercising good judgment”, take in to account stuff like Certificates of Insurance issued by folks like Lloyds Insurance Of loNdon [LION] whose members/investors are allowed, when only having to put up their balance sheets as collateral, the use of Diamond Currency that is “fixed” by the same DAAC non-elected individuals issuing Diamond Currency Certificates of Authenticity.


What I have written in the above paragraph should have you squirming in your seat before then looking around knowing there is more than just you and me receiving blind copies of this heavily broadcasted communiqué; inevitable but you don’t know exactly when all your financial wealth will disappear in a heartbeat the possibility increasing with every one of your heartbeats before next meeting up with our Maker and then you wont know the difference.


But lets now return to your fascination with my Royal Mater and how Zena might think about me exposing corruption at the very top, something no one including Gandhi dared to do, the burning of Pass/Identity books laughed at by the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel just like they still laugh at idiots like you whose parents allowed your brain to be so pushed around.


But you don’t want to take on your miserable and for good reason foolish parents because you have children of your own who haven’t exactly turned out perfect Jewish independent thinkers, not even close.


And G-d forbid they were to suddenly start thinking Jewish and question you, then who would you turn to apart from these miserable Carmel College co-dependant-friends of yours thinking just like you and why you all so congregate, the shtel pennytrate mentality you all have in common.


Don’t you just love the genius of the individual who came up with the idea of FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES?


Do you recall me mentioning in one of my heavily broadcasted missives that I first heard it from sculpture A. Wasil, a Navy cook during the Vietnam War, as the two of us stood outside an art gallery in West Hollywood, California directly across from a synagogue on Yom Kippur a few years back and there were all these old farts “dressed to kill”, each one putting on their fashion show to outdo the next person who when not looking to make a “business connection” could be seen looking at a roster of donors displayed on an outside glass covered board.


To fully appreciate the moment you had to be there to enjoy the so subdued way A. Wasil sculptured the moment that will stay with MDG and me a lifetime.


It is really not in the least bit important that you and your geek looking bunch of anti-Semites who should know better that it is not all about, “Money, money, money, me, me, me” agree with a word I have to say but at least make our debate interesting even if you cant compete intellectually.


Remember not once did your parents or my parents for that matter, walk in to Carmel College and demand that all the teachers including Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss discuss the inexcusable "Money Power" of the DAAC, backed to the hilt by the Armed Forces of the United States of America whose personnel so very poorly trained and commanded for very good reason couldn’t figure out, until now that is, thanks to me, that the 3 Branches of the United States Government tasked with serving the citizens of the United States have only known for a century now to only “pay homage” to the DAAC who butter their bread, hence the “deafening silence” of Senator Ted Kennedy and Co. who remember a number of things that keep them so quiet including attending the funeral of American “Liberal-Conservative” Charles Engelhard on March 2nd 1971 at St. Mary’s Abby Church in Morris Town, NJ.


So numbing of the senses that meeting in broad daylight between President-elect John F. Kennedy and Harry Oppenheimer at the Carlyle Hotel!


Your children will inevitably agree that what is important is that there is a record of each of our legacies that is today, thanks to the Digital Age, a godsend, better than cast in stone.


It is not for me to say that your fate is sealed but I think you would agree if you believe in an omnipotent power that has granted me both the time and space to take intellectual midgets such as yourself, so very selfish a miserable slave wage master, that G-d/God also has the smarts while keeping the entire universe in perfect balance to return you as a bottom fisher although go ahead and make a wish.


Again you have the choice of keeping quiet, letting people who know you to be a crooked fool and think nothing of you, than to speak out and remove all doubt or continue to do as you do, thereby increasing the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day which include of course how you manage to keep on that waistline were it not for your Russian Mafia partner Alex in cahoots with your wife keeping you on a very short leash.


Please send me the best photo you have of your eye popping out of your forehead.


BTW when my Royal Mad Hatter Mater first told me, “Who do you want to be in business with, an honest fool or a clever crook?” neither you nor Alex came to mind.


You of course remember now exactly why when Black Hatter-kick backer Mr. Laviev visited Hong Kong and you thought because you had contributed to the Black Hatters who may or may not have anything to do with your eldest son’s heroin addiction Mr. Laviev didn’t even bother giving you the time of day while gladly shaking your hand.


Hymm, you must be saying to yourself as you begin to try and count your true friends on your one hand, don’t forget to at least think about Alex and your wife, and not one I wager willing to engage me in a “live debate”.


At what point will you conclude that you are “out of your league”?


Remember Dr. Jonathan “Trouble Bubble” Beare flew across the world just to ask me in person to simply remove his name NOT from my email lists BUT from my emails that were already posted up on The Internet.


Trouble Bubble understood perfectly well having dealt with me from the very early 1980s when I was assisting the very deep underground Jewish Underground keep very close tabs on “our man Roger” that I was going to get very pissed off given how there was no doubt in either of our minds that Trouble Bubble had “tricked me” in driving up all the way to Beverly Hills from heavily corrupt Del Mar, California; a distance of over 300,000 meters.


So why is it that we don’t hear from all your friends who only give you “lip service” given how they only know from what the so very little they know, no different to you.


The difference between you and “Trouble Bubble” is that TB who is way down the “totem pole” of the DAAC infrastructure has considerably more to lose by the exposure I am giving him bearing in mind this big nonsense talker has a net worth, at this time I conservatively estimate at US$15 billion, bearing also in mind my extraordinary “access” to his books and records beginning when he and I first met in his parked car outside the Century City shopping center in Century City, Los Angeles which he happened to own and was in all probability one of his worst real estate investments.


Not to mention that TB had as his partner here in the States, Mr. Avi Lerner, an Israeli with a very big mouth who TB ended up settling with for chomp change which didn’t stop all the talking.


The time before TB and I last met on January 13th, 2005, some 63 odd days after I broke my 24 year silence when reconnecting on November 11th, 2005 with top DAAC officials, you recall my, “Hi, remember me?”, members of the French Rothschild family were TB’s “guests” at the same restaurant at the Beverly Hills Regency.


I was with Derrick Beare, TB’s “favorite nephew”, at the time, the Beare family congregating for one of their many annual pilgrimages where as Derrick would later put it on January 15th, 2005,


it is not up to me or my family to justify to you what charities or what we do to stop our guilt for our privelaged lifestyle[sic].


Both Derrick and TB who remember cannot blame G-d for what they do and write because they don’t of course really believe in a higher authority otherwise they wouldn’t behave so atrociously, so utterly devoid of humanity, were under the impression that TB was the Big Kahuna, the Numero Uno, the White Don of Africa, the “Capo Di Capi” of “Capo Di Capis” presiding over this gathering of big time crooks who had flown in from around the world to pay their respects to him, an absolute nothing whose every move from the time he did his first deal in Amsterdam was approved by the DAAC thanks to their Black Hatters following TB also laughing their heads off when TB and his so very co-opted-corrupted Beare family of Durban, South Africa would provide them with handouts for the “privilege” of the Black Hatters then sharing every piece of intelligence with the DAAC.


Not to mention that only very recently did Derrick Beare get to shake the hand of Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc. and TB the hand of my uncle David Moshal Gevisser Engelhard Oppenheimer.


The French Rothschilds like the Gevissers like the Ashes are a “mixed bunch”.


Do you notice yourself squirming just a little more?


Or have you long since collapsed on the floor into a heap of tears, more likely?


Go ahead and give me 4200 push-ups followed by 3600 sit-ups and before getting in to the Pilates bicycle maneuver where you know to breath in to the count of 5 and out to the same count of 5 all through the nose, remember to point and stretch your toes.


You may be able to spit out words such as “String Theory” but you have not a clue what you are talking about, much the same with those who have a significantly higher command of mathematics than you which of course doesn’t say much but you do know just like them that it would require a mind such as Einstein with an imagination second to none to figure out the direct experiments to prove such utter nonsense.


There is, however, a number of things each one of us can get our arms around beginning with why NO Diamond Invention from Hollywood blockbuster Producer-Director Steven SPIelberg who got so many things right in his epic 2005 action-drama-documentary MUNIch beginning with those most awesome Roman Catholic French Resistance fighters who were so very Jewish in everything they did even to the point of crossing their hearts before saying grace.


Try it sometime. I can assure you that you will not go to hell because you are already condemned to hell which is as any logical thinker perfectly understands here NOW on Planet Mother Earth for those who usurp their limited authority.


The greatest Jewish people are Roman Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, Tibetans, and most of the awesome Peoples of Communist China, the Lost Tribe of Israel.


You are what you eat as well as who you also choose as company.


But using and abusing each other gets more than just a little boring after a while?


Allow me to make a final suggestion besides for following my suggestion that you don’t always wait for your atrociously smelling dog’s bowls to burst and instead of using the elevator use the stairs – another wild turkey is now walking up to the same east facing windows, now putting its head down to pick up some of the seed I left earlier when out and about along with our two dogs on a rather long early morning hike where we beat the rattlers – KICK BACK, think about all the crap you have eaten as well as spilled over the airwaves, all far better than cast in stone, while trying to make sense of why it is that you so envy my lifestyle beginning with how I managed to attract the hottest chick who every day has the choice of either being alone or with someone you could recommend besides for yourself and I will gladly pass it on to her or why not email MDG yourself? Who knows she might enjoy going on your BLOG!


And while we are all made up of mostly salt water kept in sacks surrounded by bones and thin sensitive skin that can all change in a flash, a motorcycle fall, a bullet to the front or back of the head, dormant cancerous cells being commanded to takeover, there is nothing quite like being able to “live in the moment” with such extraordinary beauty that includes a mind that you cant even begin to imagine.


[Word count 3332]


-----Original Message-----
From: ngould@biznetvigator.net
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 1:37 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: NEUTRON BOMB...quiet...hypocrite...con...




Nobody reads your mails. You had me fooled for ages.

At first I believed you  had readers. All your E mails addresses are dead links, blocked.


Yr Computer was also made for US$2 per day in China. Pls enjoy it


From: Neil Gould [mailto:ngould@hkstar.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:03 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: You are a phoney mother seller






Ma I am doing well, alone on Diamond Hill, with my hund -


Attached is your audience. ALL dead links, I tested them with some software. Your station was closed down long ago



Now Gally time for you to join me and serve the Martians. Watch them land this year. Their ships are powered by Diamond chips. Galactic federations own DAAC


Boy did you waste your time. Come to HK and set up the school. Many fools here will buy your plan. 50/50 deal??


By the way, the Martians made us - a fact


From: Neil Gould [mailto:ngould@hkstar.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 8:53 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser;
Cc: rest; loulamolfesis'; 'Wally Stiller'; 'Trevor Barrett'; 'Travers Barrett'; 'terry gevisser'; 'Susan Barrett'; 'stephen grolnic'; 'raz elmaleh'; 'pini'; 'NSeymour@Scholastic.com'; 'norrissk@aol.com'; 'Neil Gevisser'; 'MrLu'; 'MIKE1COHEN@aol.com'; 'Mervyn Shneier'; 'melvin gevisser'; 'mallorca agent'; 'LindanCourt@aol.com'; 'liana k'; 'Korrigan'; 'kerrymolfesis'; 'Kathy and David Danziger'; 'katherine courts'; 'Julius Zabow'; 'Jonny NORRIS'; 'Joe Ash'; 'Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers'; 'Ivan Ferkolj'; 'israel wiesel'; 'INorris@aol.com'; 'HonestReporting@hotmail.com'; 'Harry Heller'; 'GWerbel@aol.com'; 'greg kentros'; 'gino'; 'francis andrew correial'; 'ETHSTAN'; 'esther francis correial'; 'deniseskitchen'; 'Debra Danziger'; 'david danziger'; 'DaoComm@aol.com'; 'Clarasol'; 'Christine Prefontaine'; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Dad; Dr. Barry Molk MD; Bernard Lazarus; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; Augusto Benito Vargis; Gary "A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money" Legator; Noreen@steinabel.com.au; Norman Lazarus (NLazarus@NBM-Houston.com); JRK@class-action-law.com; Raymond Oshry Esq.; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Raymond Bloom (E-mail) (rayb@mweb.co.za); Cliff Benn; Sidney Abelski Esq.; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Adam Tucker; John Maudslay - Lloyds of London - Agent; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; James A Mackay - LORDS-LLOYDS OF LONDON; Tefo; Huell Howser; ian@coasttocoastam.com; South African Consulate General; South China Morning Post; Arthur Carter - Publisher of the New York Observer; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; Dr. Laura Family; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; David "Poli" Pollak - Co-Chair of the NY "demoratic" [sic] party; drudge@drudgereport.com; Merrick Wolman CA blah blah - nephew of Sol "Gambling Czar" Kersner; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Mossad; President@whitehouse.gov



You see GALLY, they all are leaving you . One after the other.


It is getting lonely on Diamond Hill


----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:46 AM PT
To: trevor.tucker@cloakware.com
Cc: rest; loulamolfesis'; 'Wally Stiller'; 'Trevor Barrett'; 'Travers Barrett'; 'terry gevisser'; 'Susan Barrett'; 'stephen grolnic'; 'raz elmaleh'; 'pini'; 'NSeymour@Scholastic.com'; 'norrissk@aol.com'; 'Neil Gevisser'; 'MrLu'; 'MIKE1COHEN@aol.com'; 'Mervyn Shneier'; 'melvin gevisser'; 'mallorca agent'; 'LindanCourt@aol.com'; 'liana k'; 'Korrigan'; 'kerrymolfesis'; 'Kathy and David Danziger'; 'katherine courts'; 'Julius Zabow'; 'Jonny NORRIS'; 'Joe Ash'; 'Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers'; 'Ivan Ferkolj'; 'israel wiesel'; 'INorris@aol.com'; 'HonestReporting@hotmail.com'; 'Harry Heller'; 'GWerbel@aol.com'; 'greg kentros'; 'gino'; 'francis andrew correial'; 'ETHSTAN'; 'esther francis correial'; 'deniseskitchen'; 'Debra Danziger'; 'david danziger'; 'DaoComm@aol.com'; 'Clarasol'; 'Christine Prefontaine'; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Dad; Dr. Barry Molk MD; Bernard Lazarus; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; Augusto Benito Vargis; Gary "A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money" Legator; Noreen@steinabel.com.au; Norman Lazarus (NLazarus@NBM-Houston.com); JRK@class-action-law.com; Raymond Oshry Esq.; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Raymond Bloom (E-mail) (rayb@mweb.co.za); Cliff Benn; Sidney Abelski Esq.; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Adam Tucker; John Maudslay - Lloyds of London - Agent; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; James A Mackay - LORDS-LLOYDS OF LONDON; Tefo; Huell Howser; ian@coasttocoastam.com; South African Consulate General; South China Morning Post; Arthur Carter - Publisher of the New York Observer; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; Dr. Laura Family; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; David "Poli" Pollak - Co-Chair of the NY "demoratic" [sic] party; drudge@drudgereport.com; Merrick Wolman CA blah blah - nephew of Sol "Gambling Czar" Kersner; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Mossad; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: SIN...hypocrite...con...con...


Good luck?


Please share all our communications including this with your entire email list who you would agree are not all that enamored with your insincerity.




[Word count 27]


From: Trevor Tucker [mailto:trevor.tucker@cloakware.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:24 AM
To: 'Gary S. Gevisser'
Subject: RE: HYPOCRITE...con...


Gary, cousin, please remove me from your email list. Thanks and good luck with all your activities.

Best wishes,



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 12:08 AM PT
To: Dr. Teri Lawton
Cc: rest; Neil Gould; ngould@biznetvigator.net; Hilton Wolman – vocal gay elder brother of Merrick "crap talking" Wolman; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; michael.reid@dowjones.com; James A Mackay - LORDS-LLOYDS OF LONDON; nusoil@actcom.co.il; John Maudslay - Lloyds of London - Agent; Jimmy Wales - Wikipdia.com; david.altman; denis.overbye@nytimes.com; Gary "A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money" Legator; LKahn09@aol.com; artbell-coast; Simon Wiesenthal Center; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA; Bernard Lazarus; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; jimandjoe@ussliberty.com; Gerard Arpey - American Airlines - President and Chief Operating Officer ; Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle Airlines; JRK@class-action-law.com; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Steve Terry - General Manager American Eagle - San Diego; Oprah; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Dad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; greer@jpost.com; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; Simon Constable - Street.com; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Roger Hedgecock; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; Senator@mccain.senate.gov; sabrinac@bluenile.com; Ashley Armstrong - New Yorker; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; Dan Weinstein - co Managing Director of the Wetherly Capital Group; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: NEUTRON BOMB...quiet...hypocrite...con...




The French have the expression, “One Stone Two Hits” and of course you know the English.


Equally important who really cares about anything let alone what I or Neil Gould have to say.


Not to mention Mr. Gould is a fool’s name that means nothing to you and a whole lot less than my good name to people that matter both at the top of the dark DAAC pyramid as well as those at the very bottom?


To mention little of Mr. Gould while not exactly the scholarly type, even stoned out of his mind as he was most of the time in high school is significantly more both scholarly and intelligent as either of the Essakow brothers, Jeff Essakow in the same year at Carmel College, Durban, South Africa as Neil while Roy, some two years younger, in the same year as me.


You would of course understand perfectly well why Mr. Gould chose not to have either Jeffrey or Roy invest in his and his Russian mafia partner’s kettle switching business given how the monies the Essakows would have been investing came from the exact same source as Mr. Gould’s partner Alex and besides Alex carried real “muscle” whereas the Essakows just talk a “good game”.


Nothing, not even the size of a gigantic shalong would have Roy Essakow impressing Neil who didn’t need Roy so very eager to get in to the Chinese market, to remind Neil of Roy’s and Marc “Trading with the enemy” Rich’s connections to former President Bill Clinton who granted Mr. Rich a Presidential Pardon at the 11th hour and 59th minute of the end Mr. Clintons’ nonsense Presidency.


And had Roy been so foolish as to bring up that he also had in his “back pocket” Ahud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel and a highly decorated Israeli Special Forces commando who used his “muscle” as well to get Marc “Trading with the enemy” Rich a so very important Presidential Pardon that most Americans know nothing about and those that do only very vaguely, then Neil after first pulling his one awesomely funny eye move that makes it look like his eye is about to pop right out, would have burst out laughing right in Roy’s face.


Ahud Barak is a punce.


Ahud Barak should have known better than to do a “deal with the devil” especially when there are still those of around intimately familiar with the highly top secret covert Susannah Operation that failed in the summer of 1954 only because the top Israeli intelligence officer “turned”.


Money is not the root of all evil that your misinformed parents-teachers-professor-clerics tried to cement in to your brain.


Bad people come in all shapes and sizes as well as religious orientation.   


I am right now focused exclusively on figuring out what incentive do you have for getting your two kids to complete the 8 hour assignment ahead of them becoming irrelevant just like Mr. Gould.


First you must understand the importance of South Africa sitting atop the world’s richest mineral resources at the turn of the last century which attracted people like the German Oppenheimers and Engelhards and whose sons Harry Oppenheimer and Charles Engelhard would in no time create such a gigantic monopoly which most of all bought them “access” to those in power.


You can follow along just as easily as Mr. Gould as well as all those he chose to carbon copy in his latest response which of course will go up along with this on your BLOG as well as the BLOG I created for him on my one website www.NEXTraterresTRIAL.com


When you also factor in to your thoughts on how best to get your children to really care about the assignment the fact that Charles Engelhard was an American citizen who went back and forth between the States and South Africa while wearing two different “hats” which all the politicians at the time understood perfectly why, so you will find yourself doing the right thing by helping both children find the necessary time.


In South Africa Mr. Engelhard who very carefully chose my father’s first cousin David Gevisser as the executor of his estate that had my uncle Dave selling out his brother and cousins for a measly $6 million, this extraordinary mineral rich American wore the hat of a right wing conservative and openly flaunted his support of the South African Apartheid Regime that Mr. Engelhard financed in 1948 around the time he first “journeyed” to this extraordinary mineral rich country.


In American Mr. Engelhard was as left wing liberal as you can only possibly imagine but you don’t need to take my word for it, just read carefully Chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s non-fiction Internet only most fascinating novel, THE DIAMOND INVENTION.


There is absolutely nothing left to the imagination that Mr. Engelhard and his mafia partner Harry Oppenheimer financed the rigging of the 1960 Presidential election given how Mr. Engelhard and Mr. Oppenheimer went out of their way to let the whole world who cared about this sort of stuff know all about their extraordinary “Money Power” as they made John F. Kennedy after winning the rigged Presidential election when he was now President elect meet with Harry Oppenheimer at the Carlyle Hotel located in Manhattan, a short taxi ride from 47th street where the DAAC and their rather stinky Black Hatters launder their Diamond Currency in full view of the Feds and have been doing this from before the United States Federal Reserve was formed in 1913.


Neither Senator Ted Kennedy nor Senator Hilary Clinton have any incentive to inform the American public of any of this for the simple reason that they believe you simply don’t care about either the truth or your children’s conscience, forget for the moment their financial future.


Now I should mention George W. Bush perhaps the most vilified leader since the stooge Hitler.


Just mentioning GWB’s name brings feelings to not just most Americans but the overwhelming majority of the western world if not the entire world of utter disgust to the point that if anyone no matter how logical they might be were to say anything in the least bit positive about this most incredible human being doing the most excellent job of the most thankless job on planet Mother Earth has them either going silent or leaving the room but most of the time such individuals focus all their negative energy on a man just doing his job extraordinarily well.


Again, the job of the President of the United States is principally to protect the citizens of the United States, not to be a world peace maker.


The job of the President in protecting American citizens is first and foremost to protect their currency that he as President is tasked with printing as much of before another country or currency producer says they will not accept our worthless fictitious and utterly nonsense DeBeers-Dollars backed up exclusively by our out-of-control military complex thanks to Socialist big government spending Democrats in particular but there is enough blame to be shared with the cowardly bastard Republicans and then the President of the United States, protected by the Secret Service who for good reason are also tasked with protecting our counterfeit currency from other counterfeiters, to then declare war on all those refusing to accept our worthless currency as legal tender.


Did you who surely cant get enough of Hilary, praying day and night that she will be the next Commander In Chief to do battle with those increasingly unwilling to supply us goods, services and strategic minerals in exchange for our worthless-fictitious so very blood stained Diamond Currency, feel yourself just moments ago squirm in your seat?


To help ease the discomfort, lets now go back to Mr. Gould who I noticed has sent me an additional two follow up emails despite my instruction that he go quiet. I may just place both emails up on his BLOG without even reading them for reasons I think you surely understand.


I just made myself hot green tea from the young green leaves we purchased from Dr. Tea last summer when visiting China while adding in both honey and a small leaf of arugela and right now throwing in a piece of dried ginger from the Mango & Ginger Go Nuts (over almonds & cashews) Trek Mix that was purchased from Trader Joes. It is interesting, the taste that is but please don’t feel the need to put me in touch with your patent and trademark attorney.


You have to first ask yourself how would Mr. Gould know that my mother’s “heart has been broken” unless he has communicated directly with Zena and I can assure you that my Royal Mater like my wife Marie wouldn’t give Mr. Gould the time of day unless of course my RM had an agenda to expose Mr. Gould for the scumbag that he is while of course at times when it suits his agenda to show “humanity”.


Are you beginning to feel a little more compassion toward Hitler or would that result in your thanking God for George W. Bush which is simply too much to ask of you at this time?


But you will agree it is a great feeling to walk into a drugstore when purchasing a tampon and they haven’t yet told you they would much prefer gold that is essentially counterfeit proof.


The next question you might think to ask yourself since we all know the expression, “There are at least two sides to every story if not three” especially when looking at the size of Hilary’s big butt which of course has you “feeling at one” and then of course there is all the “men abuse” that has you forgetting but only for a moment that you can still feed yourself with worthless counterfeit currency thanks to George W. Bush, is how can Mr. Gould be so sure that Marie will eventually leave me?


You have also heard the expression, “Proof is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof.”


Marie D. Gevisser was mostly interested in taking photos as we cruised last summer on Mr. Gould and his Russian mafia partner’s boat but MDG can also multi-task rather well very possibly a whole lot better than Mr. Gould’s wife who for good reason Mr. Gould chooses not to talk about, at least not yet.


Alex and Mr. Gould pay their Chinese slave laborers $2 a day for the pleasure of knowing that neither Mr. Gould nor Alex actually work for a living.


Let me know if there is anything you would like to tell Mr. Gould although of course you can email him directly.


You may want to remind Mr. Gould how he and Alex first tried interesting me in financing their mafia business in China given how Mr. Gould by this time was fully aware of my connections to the DeBeers-Anglo Anglo American Cartel although don’t be surprised if he comes back with his knowledge, for example that “85% of the receipiants have invested in software to bin your mails” [sic] because of the fact that Mr. Gould as well as Alex are too busy keeping track of their lies from day one that causes their minds not to be quite as agile as mine or that of my awesomely beautiful and so over the top sexy wife versus the dogs that Mr. Gould had accompany us as we journeyed in the filthy waters of Hong Kong harbor where not only did Mr. Gould and Alex swim but Mr. Gould saw no problem in letting his young boy jump in as well even though Mr. Gould’s wife had the good sense to stay out of the disgustingly dirty water where we could see stuff like dirty toilet paper floating all about.


Then you might want to have Mr. Gould “replay” the very important discussion that took place between him, me and Alex, Mr. Gould seated to my right and Alex standing across the lower deck directly in front of me with MDG seated to my left with her back half turned taking photos of the kids getting out of the disgusting filthy dirty water before climbing on to rocks that I believe she has now produced at least one oil painting that Mr. Gould might be interested in purchasing using of course his “ill-gotten” gains.


You may already be totally bored with all of this until I mention the importance of Russian President Mr. Putin’s decision to have one of his operatives explode a miniature Neutron Bomb in Piccadilly Circus just recently rather than simply use either a poisoned dart or small handgun with a high caliber explosive bullet to silence one of his more vocal opponents who on his deathbed never, at least to the best of my knowledge which is all gleamed out of the bought and paid for media - you understand the “liberal” and “conservative” media of course one and the same - brought up why Mr. Putin would be so extraordinarily “vocal” to use a weapon that did not come out of some science fiction movie.


Let me explain this in a little more detail.


In August 1945 the United States thanks principally because of the groundwork German Jewish immigrant Albert Einstein did, exploded two very big bombs on two different heavily populated Japanese cities.


The first big bomb was an Atomic Bomb.


The second big bomb, dropped a few days later, was a Hydrogen Bomb which you may not know is a much, much bigger bomb than an Atomic Bomb which don’t forget killed and maimed several hundred thousand people in the flash of an eye.


Remember as well that it took us dropping not one but 2 VERY, VERY, VERY BIG BOMBS to get the Japanese who are no where near as good fighters as the Chinese, to surrender.


Are you turned on by the thighs of this one Chinese farmer who later gifted MDG who was seated right behind the stone you see further below on the coffee-dolphin wood and glass table in the Cliff House?


Remember as well China has a very hard working population numbering close to 1.5 billion more than 20% of the world’s population.


Remember as well the Chinese since the beginning of time LIVE TO LEARN and set the scholastic levels wherever they go including here in DAAC bs Bell Shaped curve educated America where the people cannot be told the truth because they cannot handle the truth.


To say Einstein was “disappointed” by the decision taken by Democrat President Truman is one of the understatements of all time and may have contributed to Einstein not completing his life’s goal of coming up with a Unified Theory for inner workings of the universe despite being so extraordinarily close which didn’t prevent Mr. Einstein from still thinking not just smart but very smart as he told the world how “ashamed” he was that he “couldn’t” accept the Presidency of Israel as he “worked away” tirelessly at Princeton University. Give me a break!


Now type in on Google Search the 2 words, Neutron Bomb and you will find that Wikipedia provide a pretty good overview of its historical development and capability which they correctly point out is designed to “leave the infrastructure intact" but at the same time Wikipedia don’t make mention of the miniature Neutron Bomb Mr. Putin decided to explode in the heart of downtown London, England while making the point that to the best of Wikipedia’s knowledge such a weapon still causes significant infrastructure damage while mostly killing human beings.


Wikipedia also make mention that Conventional Wisdom says China who invented both paper money and gunpowder has perfected the Neutron Bomb, no different to Israel and very possibly well ahead of the United States, France and England and perhaps 10 or more laboratories around the world that have no loyalty to any particular country.


But still, no mention of miniature Neutron Bomb, at least when I looked which was at 11:42 PM PST.


So have you read the book, 1421 THE YEAR CHINA DISCOVERED AMERICA?


On second thoughts do not bother answering but you can let me know what you think of my “observation” of the 4 digits 1421 when added or multiplied result in the awesome number 8 which is lucky to the Chinese.


In the interests of saving time and space just delete the last 2 paragraphs from your memory bank.


Please let me know when you next check with Wikipedia if there is mention of not only Mr. Putin’s miniature Neutron Bomb capabilities executed to perfection so that I can inform my audience which lets just assume is you, me and Pypeetoe although I think you would agree it would be fair for me to include Mr. Gould, but lets not assume anyone on Wall Street needing rosy scenarios, shall we?


Most Americans on the left, right but mostly those in the middle being eaten alive, don’t know who to believe but knowing something is very seriously wrong with the media so very obviously biased on all sides but then the shell-shocked American masses think about how the “conservatives” dominate talk radio and the “liberals” TV which has them then thinking, “well that’s balanced, just like we have the 3 Branches of Government checking on each other”.


Are you ready to vomit, from what exactly?


Mr. Putin hasn’t to the best of my knowledge exploded a miniature Neutron Bomb in your cereal while his operative who fired the weapon standing right next to you survived intact?


How long would you date someone who after inhaling your French gourmet dinner went to bed and in the middle of the night got up and ate cereal?


Have you when possibly picking up David from The Sperm Donor’s big 3 level house, kitty-corner from Mr. King and Sarah Golden’s Del Mar home, ever checked out the size of his daughter’s bedroom that he built in his closet?


So lets now come back to the “dialogue” you and I have going with Mr. Gould and his Russian mafia partner and their knowledge of Hasidic-ultra orthodox Jewish-Black Hatter Mr. Laviev who just very recently purchased The New York Times’ building in Manhattan with part of the $1.5 billion kick back he received from Mr. Putin for laundering some $14 billion of Diamond Currency, most if not all taking place on 47th Street thus guaranteeing Mr. Putin’s reelection and in charge of letting the world know that when he doesn’t like something like the United States placing long range missiles in Europe what he, willing to explode a Neutron Bomb in downtown London, England, says goes!


Let me know if there is anything else you find interesting in what either I or Mr. Gould has to say, and remember if in fact Mr. Gould is right about that 85% number then that still makes my network made up of approximately 100 websites in various stages of construction from the bottom up on track to be the number one network on the planet.


Again, my focus is to get you to stop focusing on your needs of being so nauseatingly needy but to help me get your two great kids to become superstar independent thinkers without you so much as throwing in your two pennies worth unless you think it will help me just like what Mr. Gould has to say and increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.


Doesn’t all that talk during the Democrat Presidential debate about whether English should or shouldn’t be the one and only official language of the United States seem so very unimportant as Mr. Putin who is not alone, far from it, is simply waging war on the United States Dollar that when it collapses along with our industrial-military-complex all those Mexicans and south Americans flocking to the U.S. will not only be no more but those already here doing the heavy lifting that Americans don’t and cannot do will be returning back to their countries armed with more than simply the skills on how to work hard and smart but why they were forced in the first place to come seek crappy jobs in the United States, the same country that supported American Charles Engelhard’s most brutal South African Apartheid Regime sitting atop the world’s richest minerals.


To be continued, maybe.


[Word count 3424]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:46 AM PT
To: Neil Gould - ngould@biznetvigator.net
Cc: rest; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Conrad Wolff; Trev@trevortucker.com; Devin Standard; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; scot.paltrow@wsj.com; Diana Henriques - NY Times - author of The Sharks of Wall Street; artbell-coast; Ageoffri@anderson.ucla.edu; Joseph Steinberg - President of Luecadia National Corporation; JRK@class-action-law.com; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund; Michele Malkin; Augusto Benito Vargis; Austin Auger; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; South African Consulate General; South China Morning Post; Stephanie Saul - New York Times; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Oprah; calev@jpost.com; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; jimandjoe@ussliberty.com; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: QUIET...hypocrite...con...


add this to the blog ...you mother seller





Your idol God gave you powers to judge

sadly there is not one opinion that will budge


Alone on your hill you should take a pill

Its gods will, it might keep you still


Your keyboard finger is thick, it looks like a prick

seems judging others is what makes you tick


It wont be long before you cannot use your dong

your wife Marie very soon will want to be gone


There will not be a friend left in the world

but then you don't care

You own it anyway, you have much to say

you have nothing interesting to share.


Your mothers heart has been broken

you forgot her skin was like silk

when she lay you  on her chest,

she caringly gave you her milk.


Now her sons heart is very bitter

what did I do wrong, I hear her titter

he is probably a good poet, but yet does not know it

or maybe a slob, like Gary Glitter



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:46 AM PT
To: Neil Gould - ngould@biznetvigator.net
Cc: rest; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Conrad Wolff; Trev@trevortucker.com; Devin Standard; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; scot.paltrow@wsj.com; Diana Henriques - NY Times - author of The Sharks of Wall Street; artbell-coast; Ageoffri@anderson.ucla.edu; Joseph Steinberg - President of Luecadia National Corporation; JRK@class-action-law.com; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund; Michele Malkin; Augusto Benito Vargis; Austin Auger; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; South African Consulate General; South China Morning Post; Stephanie Saul - New York Times; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Oprah; calev@jpost.com; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; jimandjoe@ussliberty.com; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: QUIET...hypocrite...con...




Do I need to remind you to remind Alex to keep checking your blog?


Now be quiet and let me think how President Putin’s Alex had a hand to play in Black Hatter Laviev who now owns the New York Times building in Manhattan being your partner in the kettle business in China.


Think about it.


What is worse having as your partner the guy who got $1.5 billion for laundering on behalf of President Putin some $14 billion in Diamond Currency, all taking place on 47th-Wall Street in Manhattan, the money laundering capital of the world OR our buddy from Carmel College high school Roy Essakow whose DAAC benefactor, Marc "Trading with the enemy" Rich got a Presidential Pardon from President Bill Clinton at the 11th hour and 59th minute of Clinton's second term in office when the industrious Peoples Republic of Communist China hampered only by the likes of you messing with the “free market”, ate up DAAC Cecil Rhodes-DeBeers Scholar Clinton for breakfast, lunch and dinner?


And not to forget that while you have SIGNIFICANT gaps in your logical formal education brought about mostly by your Absent Parent Disease, the Chinese who LIVE TO LEARN have always even during the DAAC sponsored Cultural Revolution [1966-1976] ending right at the time of the Soweto Uprisings in South Africa all the while you were high as kite on Durban Poison, set the scholastic levels wherever they go.


It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt! - Proverbs


[Word count 264]


-----Original Message-----
From: ngould@biznetvigator.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:56 AM
To: gevisser@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: HYPOCRITE...con...



Despite my advice, you still type mails which are far too long for people with or without ADD or ADHD to absorb.


Being ADD I hv learned to precis your mails into three phrases....DAAC- Pypeetoe- and I am clean great white man born in a bubble "so I am not from Durban".



Gary, sunshine, still a load of verbal diahrea my boy.


You have to change tack now and go for the government behind the government who has been supporting DAAC. (I hv patented that saying- so do not copy me or if you do , pay me a royalty)


BUT please, change tack again after that otherwise you will saturate your one or two readers in more Shite.


Best you come over here to Hong Kong and do that money thing. You will have a virgin audience, who would not understand you anyway.





By the way if you bring pypeetoe your hund, keep him next to you otherwise he might be served up and garnished as a delicasy, with the head suspended by a carrot and a challot stuck up his date


Totsiens - ek is van Engeland nicht DURBAAN


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 6:21 AM PT
To: Neil Gould - ngould@biznetvigator.net; ngould@hkstar.com
Cc: rest; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; Jeffrey Essakow; Hilton Wolman - gay elder brother of Merrick "crap talking" Wolman; YVETTE SIMPSON; Mike Kessel; denis.overbye@nytimes.com; Gary "A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money" Legator; LKahn09@aol.com); artbell-coast; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Simon Wiesenthal Center; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA; Bernard Lazarus; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; 'jimandjoe@ussliberty.com'; Gerard Arpey - American Airlines - President and Chief Operating Officer ; Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle Airlines; JRK@class-action-law.com; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Steve Terry - General Manager American Eagle - San Diego; Oprah; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It; Dad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; greer@jpost.com; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; Simon Constable - Street.com; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Roger Hedgecock; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; 'Senator@mccain.senate.gov'; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; sabrinac@bluenile.com; Ashley Armstrong - New Yorker; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; Dan Weinstein - co Managing Director of the Wetherly Capital Group; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: HYPOCRITE...con...




You will recall that our woodwork teacher and high school rugby coach Mr. Carl Botha would go around calling friend and foe alike, “You Joker”.


Your response tells me exactly where not only I stand with you but for those “unsure” it will help them make up their minds that much quicker.


Instead of taking my advice and trying to figure out a logical response other than the one I gave for why I have, thanks to the “likes” of you, such a significant “footprint” on the Internet that bothers more than my Royal Mater who is not the worst person in the world - that designation belongs to the Sperm Donor and Co., but this didn’t stop my Royal Mater from stealing, no different to had she bought me off with a trust fund - you decided to throw out a very specific percentage, knowing of course it was rubbish, all in an effort to distract.


Of course you will inevitably have the excuse that you forgot to take your pills no different to any drug addict and that includes poorly bred children who seek negative attention and cannot separate themselves first and foremost from those who blacken their hands.


Bear in mind that anyone who fails to tell their children the truth violates the one 10 Commandment of “Honor thy mother and father” and both my maternal as well as paternal grandparents would frown on my Royal Mater despite all the many sacrifices she made since my Royal Mater also knows that she is not God/G-d.


You, quite the “joker” when it suits you, also make a conscious decision to have as your “muscle” partner not someone like my beautiful secret weapon partner-wife who knows how “skin deep” is pretty much everything and everyone and why Marie D. Gevisser and I live our lives without any fear to speak of, but rather a member of the Russian mafia.


Of course you can come up with more excuses why you have no choice, your best of course is that you have “proof” that the Chinese are the most corrupt while again you ignore your extraordinary poor breeding in Durban, South Africa that was not under Chinese rule, far from it.


It is a daunting task too busy keeping track of your lies from day one that has you increasingly incapable of following along what is happening in “real time”.


Plant now permanently in your skull the fact that the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel’s top dogs who I know and they know me have never for a century had to actually go out and “make a living”, instead their Diamond Currency, unlimited in supply, untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried has been used first and foremost to buy them “access” with each and every one of the world’s dirty politicians and for the remainder of their “work day” all they plot besides for their next vacation spot is both who and how to kill that “trouble maker” individual in order to send the “right message”.


Name me one person you know as well as me, just look at your email list, who has as significant a “footprint” on the Internet only because of people on your email list doing their part to increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.


I don’t expect you given the hypocrite I know you to be to share with me your email list to take a poll although you have an increasing uncomfortable feeling that my email list will inevitably include those on your list who haven’t already informed me that they are on your email list and loving every minute of this.


I do expect you, however, to now once again go deafeningly silent as I prepare myself for the same thing while knowing versus believing you and everyone who knows you including your and your Russian Mafia partner’s Chinese employees will not be able to help yourselves from reading this and what I sent you earlier, edits in green, while clicking on to my hyperlinks ad-infinitum.




[Word count 684]



-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Gould - ngould@biznetvigator.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 2:39 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: martians



By the way, the Martians are landing soon


-----Original Message-----
From: ngould@biznetvigator.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 2:28 AM
To: gevisser@sbcglobal.net
Subject: reply



Thanks for yr elongated reply. Seems you still are not convinced by my advice.By the way hitting the reply all button ended up with my sophisticated spam bully notifying me that 85% of the receipiants have invested in software to bin your mails.


Look at it this way, perhaps you will understand.

If you threw up into the air a zillion trillion atoms an infinite amount of times, you would never expect the atoms to fall and form a duplicate of this world.


However if I threw all your E mails, (strings of verbal diahrea) only three times into the air, I could duplicate at least a dozen of your mails.


So to extract the diahrea, would hopefully leave you with a rich vein of messages, and I guess someone would read them


Look Gary, I did my mail to you in such a short time and I will get a round of applause from your audience, that is if your mails are not on autogarbage.


Hv a good one




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:01 AM PT
To: Neil Gould
Cc: rest; denis.overbye@nytimes.com'; Gary "A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money" Legator; LKahn09@aol.com; artbell-coast; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Simon Wiesenthal Center; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA; Bernard Lazarus; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; 'jimandjoe@ussliberty.com'; Gerard Arpey - American Airlines - President and Chief Operating Officer ; Peter Bowler - President and CEO, American Eagle Airlines; JRK@class-action-law.com; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Steve Terry - General Manager American Eagle - San Diego; Oprah; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Dr. John K. Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Dad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; greer@jpost.com; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary; Simon Constable - Street.com; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Roger Hedgecock; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; 'Senator@mccain.senate.gov'; sabrinac@bluenile.com; Ashley Armstrong - New Yorker; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; Dan Weinstein - co Managing Director of the Wetherly Capital Group; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: STEVE BIKO...---..."economics".




I want you now, this minute to try something I suggested to a stay at home mom also helping raise an 8 year grandchild just minutes before I emailed you wanting to hear your thoughts on the “economics” of what I sent you last Friday which you can access by clicking on this hyperlink.


Plant now permanently in your skull the fact that the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel’s top dogs who I know and they know me have never, for a century, had to actually go out and “make a living”, instead their Diamond Currency, unlimited in supply, untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried has been used, first and foremost, to buy them “access” with each and every one of the world’s dirty politicians and for the remainder of their “work day” all they plot besides for their next vacation spot is both who and how to kill that “trouble maker” in order to send the “right message”.


Now each time as part of your regular life when watching TV and listening to the radio and you hear anything that has a monetary value associated with it and right now the next Presidential elections are big news you will increasingly notice a broader smile on your face.


You know everything apart from being able to enjoy great art, the extraordinary little that there is, as well as of course the most awesome love making, is a charade.


The Knowledge-Information-Light that I have been sharing with you, and lets just assume no one else, or at least no one else is interested even in giving me the “time of day”, must make you a little more suspicious than you used to be and remember you are over the top paranoid about Martians having already landed and taken control of your mind as well as mine, of course!


It is though, you would agree, an expensive charade!


Are you capable of giving a thought to the distinct possibility that I have already created a gigantic audience?


Have you read as carefully as the heads of each of the world’s official intelligence services the very brief “back and forths” starting November 11th, 2004 between myself and the very top DAAC principals operating in the United States after I had been so very quiet for some 24 years when I wasn’t exactly “asleep at the wheel” although when I once rode my Harley Davidson in to the back bumper of the car in front that had correctly stopped at the red light on the corner of 11th Street and Broadway in the Peoples Republic of Santa Monica, I was distracted by a good looking young woman who at first I thought was my Greek Goddess girlfriend at the time?


My gigantic audience is from all sides, the ones for me and against me and the ones unsure sitting back seeing what’s happening.


Now when you next hear about a man who rapes a horse getting a tougher sentence than a rapist raping children thanks to animal rights activists doing the right thing which only points out all that is wrong in this “money, money, money, me, me, me” sick society, you will remember to smile, not necessarily from ear to ear, but happy with the knowledge you have of the daily grind of the top dogs of the DAAC, the most vile, the most devious terrorist of terrorist financing organization responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and mass murder that continues to this day thanks to those many of us suffering from Absent Parenting Disease.


You now have a much better idea of why it is that the overwhelming majority of kids feel there is nothing they can do to change the status quo and the reason they feel so powerless is that they don’t know their history, forget ancient history, just look at very recent history of the Soweto-South Africa Uprisings of some 31 odd years ago tomorrow and once understanding how without guns these most awesome Black South African kids without any support from their Lily White Wheaty Eating brothers and sisters brought the DAAC United States of America’s South African Apartheid Regime to “its knees”.


Yes, a good number were shot and killed brutally but it is very, very, very important that you don’t forget just like you wont forget the daily grind of the DAAC who don’t take long at all to decide on either a poisoning where there are more questions raised by the easily distracted or a bullet to the head, that it was Soweto school kids’ request and ONLY request that they get taught whatever nonsense their corrupted teachers were teaching them so long as it was in English, the language of their slave masters.


Those kids including you who prefer to say they don’t have a much better idea of how the real world works are lying because the status quo suits them, deathly afraid of those not “living the good life” coming to terms with their awesome “Money Power”.


Apart from what I write, you are unlikely to find anything out there in the “public domain” that is totally unbiased.


Kids today, no different to kids during ancient history when they read something they believe it is true, but because they are not taught to question they only know from what they read.


In our culture, you read it, it is therefore true, that’s the way it is, SAYS WHO?


How many kids besides for you and me are encouraged to question everything we read in the books we are given in school and college where a DAAC board devoted to selecting what the kids read also have to make a living?


What teacher besides for you and me and again lets just assume my gigantic audience is limited to Pypeetoe who is yet to communicate with me in English, can just bring anything in to class without it being approved by the DAAC’s board?


How many renegade teachers like you, me and again lets call on Pypeetoe willing to sit on the edge and just lay out the facts for the brain dead kids who have brain dead parents like everyone you know including possibly yourself and then allow the kids to draw some conclusions?


When last were you encouraged to learn this way?


All you have ever heard is a DAAC individual's opinion who to cover themselves tells you what is someone else’s opinion.


It is really not in the least bit complicated.


We, again you, me and Pypeetoe have allowed the DAAC to stifle free thinking and the right to question.


Don’t you remember growing up in the DAAC United States of America South Africa how you felt that approaching a policeman was as safe as going to “mom and dad”, that your mommy and daddy would tell you, “that’s a good person”?


Now it is common knowledge that not every single policeman in the world as part of their daily grind rapes and kills our kids.


We simply have to teach our kids to question authority by going back to the beginning of this heavily broadcasted communiqué that I daresay will be read by no less than 5 million individuals/groups within the next 72 hours.


Just because you don’t wear a uniform that says you are a DAAC stooge is not “blanket approval”.


Kids can figure out all the nonsense by simply taking the information and using their own instincts that haven’t already been bred out.


Even you know better than to walk off with a policeman holding on to your shalong not because you need everything to be “black and white” even if his vehicle is a black and white.


Again, just because you read something does not mean it is true.


The DAAC are masters of disguise and coat over everything, make you think it is one thing when it is something else.


Remember, all of us including the top echelons of the DAAC are entitled to our opinions which are just generally one opinion of the DAAC not the stone tablets that came off the mountain. Now if I saw those I would look at them and believe them. What about you?


The DAAC decided to murder Black South African Steve Biko because they wanted to send a message that they could get enough people to think he committed suicide even though they planned in the end to have his DAAC murderers fess up.


Wake up Mr. Gould.


You are now in the real world.


Your Mafia partner’s buddy, President Putin knew exactly what he was doing when he exploded very recently a miniature neutron bomb in downtown London and the fact that Tony Blair and President George W. Bush are not talking about this so very unnerving terrorist act tells you how right Mr. Putin is when he says he is the most Democratic Leader in the world.


Mr. Putin talks the talk and walks the walk.


Questioning is in fact something that has been bred out of us. Here in the U.S. Americans are by far and large the most gullible people on the planet given how we have got everything taken care of for us including all our DAAC corrupted politicians who we jokingly allow to be the world’s biggest freeloaders.


When you go tricka treating do you have your mommy and daddy inspect your candy before guzzling it down?


Or are you thinking that like with everything there has to be at least two sides to the story of how and why Steve Biko was so brutally murdered by the DAAC United States of America’s South African Secret Police, the same folks who visited with me back in 1989 at my offices at 100 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica on the 20th floor overlooking Santa Monica Bay?


Have you noticed how certain names are becoming increasingly familiar?


Different people becoming real people including people like David Ben Gurion who you have vaguely heard before?


Don’t you just love it hearing it all enough times, the familiarity it breeds?


Even Sargent Brian Jensen of the San Diego Police Harbor Department who is the person “the buck has been passed” to may no longer feel it is going over his head.


How are you doing with your flowchart and timeline of historical events ever since the DAAC had such extraordinary “Money Power” access?


Can I assume you are making sense of it to the point that you could explain it to Pypeetoe?


My comments to what you wrote me earlier are in red.


[Word count 1755]


From: Neil Gould
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 7:44 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: Neil - I am waiting to hear back from you the "economics". Gg



I know you hv a lot of points and strong feelings in the long mails you send. the problem is for your readers is that they ramble on and on with the same old thing, year after year. For the reader they are not stimulating. Remember your levels of aptitude are way above most.

It is hard to look at something like that and then give you an opinion. In any event they al without exception end up in the trash box. I know this for a fact. Lets just assume you are only talking for yourself when you say “I know this for a fact, they al without exception end up in the trash box” [sic] receiving “the long emails that ramble on and on with the same old thing, year after year”, are responsible for my very significant “footprint” on the Internet.


Go ahead right now and type in Google Search your name alongside the 2 words, “Diamond Invention” and what you will come across at the very top amongst the trillions upon trillions of web pages being searched 24/7 is this 1464 word email I sent, not you, but graygator@earthlink.net who I believe is Gary Legator who has been a Durban, South African friend of mine since we were kids.


Not to mention that Gary’s “claim to fame” besides for being “intimate” with Linda Philips, a South African Model of the Year but only after I assume Linda got “bored” with me telling her that because of being my girlfriend she had no chance of becoming one of my Royal Mater’s top international models even though she had everything it took beginning with an acute understanding of most men’s pennytrate mentality bearing in mind my Royal Mater’s profound verbiage, “Men can be highly successful but they never grow up!”, was the time Gary and I spent together on Ulpan in Israel for 4 months back in the fall of 1972 when we were based at Kibbutz-Midrasha Sde Boker where we got to meet David Ben Gurion on November 1st 1972, some 57 odd days after DeBeers Anglo American Cartel sponsored PLO terrorists began brutally murdering 11 defenseless Israeli athletes at the MUNIch summer Olympics.


Long mails are not the method in which to teach. They ultimately create a negative energy. A resistance to the longmails, then a resistance to the writer and then the human reflex appears, and bins them. Not to mention the dead baby rattler we met on the return leg of today’s morning very long walk that was being gobbled away by the most ferocious red ants right before our eyes but still I felt the need to throw sand its way just in case there was just an ounce of life remaining, and of course you know that baby rattle snakes are the most dangerous since they have little control over their reflexes and don’t know when enough is enough.


A mouthful should have you thinking back about the sperm looking substance that was congregating on the edges of the so foul mouthed Sperm Donor back on September 8th 2002 when the name “Roger” came up to my total astonishment.


Not to mention how 3 days later on September 11th, 2002, the first anniversary of 911, The Sperm Donor, my wife’s X husband also known by his birth name John Ben Stewart, filed a baseless criminal complaint against me that “backfired” rather awfully some 6 weeks later on October 24th 2002, one week after very skilled and experienced Shareholder Class Action Litigator Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk conducted this very brilliant 9+ hour deposition which of course was helped immensely not only by my “due diligence” but in first getting Mr. JRK to file this epic class action lawsuit on October 1st, 1999 with about 2 hours to spare before the statute of limitations ran out.


Patience is a virtue unless you are suffering from Absent Parenting Disease that is most commonly diagnosed by doctors needing to make money as Attention Deficit Disorder.


You should hear my so very funny French accent 24 year American resident French Canadian wife describe how “our man Roger’s” bosom buddy’s wife, Sarah Golden would harp on how much she envied Marie Dion Gevisser when MDG was married to the X more commonly known as The IT AKA THE SPERM DONOR since Sarah Golden PhD. a top dog in Washington DC with Head Start was extraordinarily disappointed in her husband, my one American attorney, King Golden Jr. Esq., again the “bosom buddy” of DAAC master spy “our man Roger”, more commonly known at organizations like the National Security Council and the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission as Roger W. Robinson, given how King “battled to eek out a living” when of course he wasn’t on assignment for me and of course the fact that King couldn’t afford a decent suit was one of the most if not the only redeeming quality of this big talker, “loose lips sink ships” Socialist big government spender Democrat King Golden Jr. Esq.


I would pay whatever it took even if it meant me getting back in the same physical shape as I was in my mid 20s after I had fully recovered from the DAAC trying to poison me to death by poisoning my liver beginning with the sandwiches that were delivered in daily to Codiam Inc., the DAAC’s lead money laundering and information gathering operation headquartered on 47th-Wall Street, New York City, the money laundering capital of the world, just to hear so non-gossipy MDG in her so very sexy French accent describe how she would feel as Sarah Golden would go on and on about MDG and the X being able to afford being members of a country club where not only does everyone know your name but you get served.


Children of “privilege” especially those such as ourselves educated under the DAAC United States of America’s Bell Shaped curve educational system that has the most average of us rising to the top can learn a valuable lesson from the Soweto Riots that are only NOW going to BEGIN to shake the DAAC and all their supporters in their boots until Kingdom Come.


At least Gandhi got off his thin ass and took his stick and walked the walk, face to face. He had an aura of purity and sincerity. No hyperlinks.

Martin Luther King stood on his box and faced the crowds. People had a chance to see who was talking. He was so good that he was silenced. A sincere risk. BUTT, (excuse the pun), sitting behind your machine with no audience with which to measure, or to show your aura, you cannot succeed to convince anyone at all.


Remember my dear Durban, Jewish South African friend who provided us with so many laughs at our DAAC controlled Jewish Day School of Carmel College and now smart enough to have as your business partner a very well informed member of the Russia mafia, I was born and raised one week shy of 21 years under the DAAC United States of America’s South African Apartheid Regime who dealt with anyone who even whispered the name DeBeers in any way other than in the most positive light with the utmost brutality and the fact that I cannot name you a single person apart from my Royal Mater who ever said anything about the South African Oppenheimer family that was in any way, shape or form derogatory tells you how very few if any true heroes survived this most beyond belief repressive illegal of illegal regimes.


But we are well beyond talking “legalities” as I have spelled out in very simple English even for those clamoring to file lawsuits against their parents for Absent Parenting Disease how the DAAC have made a total mockery of the United States Constitution which is the one thing a good number of people not just here in the United States tend to hang their hats on when it comes to “individual freedoms”.


There is an article in today’s New York Times Internet edition titled The Universe, Expanding Beyond All Understanding authored by Denis Overbye in which Einstein is quoted as having once said,


The Lord God is subtle but malicious he is not.”


Einstein would not have known about the bruising; i.e. bleeding of internal organs death of Steve Biko since Einstein died in 1955 and Mr. Biko at age 31 only went on his bumpy head 740 mile car ride driven by members of the DAAC United States’ Secret Police commonly known as BOSS [Bureau of State Security] on 9/11/1977 and the next day was dead on arrival at Pretoria prison, South Africa.


The exact same judiciary that spared the life of Nelson Mandela after the future DAAC Black President of South Africa spoke out loud his, “I am NOT Prepared To Die” [sic] speech from the dock of the Supreme Court of South Africa on April 20th 1964 less than a handful of months before DAAC President Lyndon Johnson directed the captain of the nuclear powered aircraft carrier Enterprise to “pay his respects” to Johnson and the rest of the corrupted 2 Branches of the United States Government’s DAAC benefactors residing in South Africa, declared Mr. Biko’s death a “suicide”.


Now of course you ask who really cares about “ancient history”?


I do and I am the one writing this communiqué that you don’t have a clue who is reading it at the exact same time, before or after, not once but time and again until such time as you and all those “dragging your heels” decide to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and at a minimum keep me informed of how long you are all betting I will survive.


Steve Biko was one of the organizers of the 1976 Soweto Riots that had school children The Sperm Donor’s kids’ age taking to the streets demanding only to be taught in English, the language of their slave masters.


It was a masterful and brilliant “stroke of luck” that very few South Africans including Black South Africans who have benefited from being able to fully understand the “Sly English” have really cared to think about given all the reasons we all perfectly understand beginning with the fact that we all know most if not all of the true heroes are all dead and their “protégés” know better than to talk.


Afrikaners who the DAAC United States of America Government put in “command and control” of the South African Apartheid Regime whose backing was exclusively the Armed Forces of the United States couldn’t really understand why the kids and those organizing them such as Biko were making such a “big deal” given how every single human being on the planet with just HALF A BRAIN understood perfectly well it was the “Sly English” business people based in the United States, Great Britain and South Africa who were “calling the shots” and once the kids “came of age” it would be so much easier to figure out which of them were the most dangerous to the DAAC.


I was just 19 years of age, a student at the University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa on June 16th 1976 when the “Soweto Uprising” began.


In December 1977, 3 odd months after Mr. Biko’s death on September 12th that the BOSS initially claimed was the result of an extended hunger strike, I was visiting the United States for the first time following up on personal leads obtained both from South African friends older than me including Linda Philips’ best friend’s brother, Lionel Kahn who had already graduated university in South Africa and were now living and working in the States as well as leads provided to me by my Royal Mater which included a retired high ranking Israeli general living on a ranch in northern California who I only met for the first time more than a decade later when I was already “well established”.


My Royal Mater knew better than to ever ask me a silly question like “Why didn’t you follow up?


My RM never once told me what to do and given how for 21 years shy of one week I followed her suggestions “to the T”, never once failing to meet anyone she recommended as well as make bank deposits even if it was of an amount that was less than the cost of transportation which I did 3 times when I was on Ulpan in Israel back in the fall of 1972 for a period of 4 months, my RM got the message “loud and clear” that I was now “on my own” which is how she raised to be.


Steve Biko’s name was never once mentioned in our household and remember, even if it is of no interest to your dog who I assume like Pypeetoe is yet to start speaking English, that I lived with my VERY AWARE parents in Durban, South Africa for 21 years shy of one week when I immigrated to the United States back on March 17th 1978, March 1978 a very, very, very important month in The Diamond Invention.


According to Wikipedia, Biko “was found to have massive injuries to the head, which many saw as strong evidence that he had been brutally clubbed by his captors.”


More from Wikipedia about one of the handful of heroes who survived beyond age 30, not to mention I have never seen any record of Steve Biko or his supporters taking issue with the DAAC who own you and your mafia partner and all your family and friends, apart from me of course.




Stephen Biko was born in King Williams Town, in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. He was a student at the University of Natal Medical School.


He was initially involved with the multiracial National Union of South African Students, but after he became convinced that Black, Indian and Coloured students needed an organisation of their own, he helped found the South African Students' Organisation (SASO) in 1968, and was elected its first president. The SASO evolved into the influential Black Consciousness Movement (BCM).


In 1972 Biko became honorary president of the Black People's Convention. He was banned during the height of apartheid in March 1973, meaning that he was not allowed to speak to more than one person at a time, was restricted to certain areas, and could not make speeches in public. It was also forbidden to quote anything he said, including speeches or simple conversations. In spite of the repression of the apartheid government, Biko and the BCM played a significant role in organising the protests which culminated in the Soweto Uprising of 16 June 1976. In the aftermath of the uprising, which was crushed by heavily-armed police shooting down dozens of protesters, the authorities began to target Biko further.


Death and aftermath


On 18 August 1977, Biko was arrested at a police roadblock under the Terrorism Act No 83 of 1967. He suffered a major head injury while in police custody, and was chained to a window grille for a full day. On 11 September 1977 police loaded him into the back of a car and began the 740-mile drive to Pretoria. He died shortly after arrival at the Pretoria prison, on 12 September. The police claimed his death was the result of an extended hunger strike. He was found to have massive injuries to the head, which many saw as strong evidence that he had been brutally clubbed by his captors.


Due to his fame, news of Biko's death spread quickly, opening many eyes around the world to the brutality of the apartheid regime. His funeral was attended by many hundreds of people, including numerous ambassadors and other diplomats from the United States and Western Europe. Journalist Donald Woods, a personal friend of Biko, photographed his injuries in the morgue. Woods was later forced to flee South Africa for England, where he campaigned against apartheid and further publicised Biko's life and death, writing many newspaper articles and authoring the book, Biko.


The following year on the 2 February 1978, the Attorney-General of the Eastern Cape stated that he would not prosecute any police involved in the arrest and detention of Biko. During the trial it was claimed that Biko's head injuries were a self-inflicted suicide attempt, and not the result of any beatings. The judge ultimately ruled that a murder charge could not be supported partly because there were no witnesses to the killing. Charges of culpable homicide and assault were also considered, but because the killing occurred in 1977, the time frame for prosecution had expired.


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which was created following the end of minority rule and the apartheid system, reported in 1997 five former members of the South African security forces had admitted to killing Biko who died a year after the Soweto riots which rocked apartheid South Africa, and were applying for amnesty.


On 7 October 2003 the South African Justice Ministry officials announced that the five policemen who were accused of killing Biko would not be prosecuted because of insufficient evidence and the fact that the time span for prosecution had elapsed.


Like Frantz Fanon, Biko originally studied medicine, and also like Fanon, Biko developed an intense concern for the development of black consciousness as a solution to the existential struggles which shape existence, both as a human and as an African (see Négritude). Biko can thus be seen as a follower of Fanon and Aimé Césaire, in contrast to more pacifist ANC leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Albert Lutuli who were first disciples of Gandhi.


Now take a look at my Royal Mater’s memoirs which she began broadcasting via email on October 9th, 2001 the day after I informed her that I had attended a board meeting of the Wetherly Capital Group whose principal financier is Ron Burkle, a name you will find in headline news today as Burkle who hired Bill “Wallpaper-Kitchen Sink” Clinton immediately as he exited the White House leaving with everything but the kitchen sink,  attempts to own with the rest of his DAAC sponsored buddies the Wall Street Journal.


You can access Zena’s “Life Story of Zena” by clicking on the hyperlink above Albert Lutuli.


Please let me know if I am spelling things out in too much detail.


You and your message would be best served by going along to a filmmaker like Blood Diamond, and make another film which I am sure would supercede the existing film because you have the depth of knowledge. - providing you do not piss them off. What proof do I need to provide you before you will believe that the DAAC sponsored Blood Diamond to take the edge off increasingly edgy Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention?


You see, flogging a dead horse until it dies again and again and again makes no sense. You have to animate your horse, show what you are and ride it, then ride it to the center of town, then kill it once but be sure you nailed all your objectives at the same time within the same blow. I assume you are currently working on that animation. That would be in my humble but seasoned opinion an excellent use of your remaining time when not trying to get people like Art Bell to respond to your emails asking him to explain what stopped him from continuing to communicate with me once seeing how everything leads back to the DAAC’s extraordinary “access”.


Very soon you will not be able to pick your nose, because your fingertips will be flatter than a pancake from typing the keyboard, and you in a sense will start to believe your own story. Not that you don't, if you know what I mean. Could you try rephrasing this point you are trying to make while recognizing that my smooth hands don’t interfere with making love 24/7 to the most sexy and might I add the word most beautiful woman in the world who isn’t really in the least bit surprised that I have lived this long given how smartly I have gone about sharing my KIL.


By exposing people and showing them up and then plugging your story, only serves to place your image amongst those of POL POT, and I know you are not like that that but it is the picture or the art you create. If you asked your wife to read this my comments, she might very well agree. You cannot be judge jury and executioner. You have to be author, teacher and implementer. Please go back and read both your points and my comments from the beginning and then do it each time just before you go to bed and then immediately upon waking up in the morning even when I am dead which now has you thinking no different to anyone else pulling out all stops to maintain the status quo what it is exactly you have to look forward to without me around as time runs out for you next meeting with our Maker who I wager my bottom worthless-fictitious so very blood stained DeBeers-Dollars knows exactly what to do with the “sly” who know exactly who they are.


Set up schools, set up films and books and create an awareness that's positive.Pissing on peoples chips is negative growth. Please give me the names, better yet the email addresses of people you know who you think are responsible for you having such a high profile on The Internet and don’t include Roy and Jeffrey Essakow or anyone else who has known you a lifetime and doesn’t necessarily wish you well, bearing in mind I did notice how you failed to address my repeated point about the Durban Jewish community a very slimy bunch.


And of course you recall perfectly well that Dr. Jonathan “Trouble Bubble” Beare who most Durbanites consider the richest Durbanite went out of his way to have a meeting with me on January 13th, 2005 only to ask me to remove his name from all my heavily broadcasted emails.


Let me know if you want more details directly from me as opposed to simply typing the name Jonathan Beare alongside Diamond Invention on Google Search and you won’t be all that surprised that the same email bearing your name appears once again at the very top.


Once you hammer your mother in public, irrespective of whether she is right or wrong, you kill your own essence and others will feel the same way. Sadly  when you hang the guilty with the same charge over the same story time and time again, you also kill your own story. Unless you convince me that you are God, I will leave it to G-d to judge me whether I am capable of judging my mother or anyone else including you who talks rubbish.


So to answer the point on the economics was hard because I could see that the picture does not fit onto the screen. You have found a Chink in the Armour of the world financial community but are using a peashooter to win the war. Peas irritate people, cannon balls make you listen. So this is your way of saying I have no balls?


Hope you take this criticism in the spirit it was meant and hope you can set out an improved modus operandi.





----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser

To: Neil Gould

Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:17 AM

Subject: Neil - I am waiting to hear back from you the "economics". Gg