From: Gary S. Gevisser
Monday, September 19, 2005 8:09 AM PT
Cc: rest;
Robert H. Frank - Profefessor of Economics - Cornell University ; Devin Standard; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Dr. Jonathan Beare; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Miriam Ross - Survival International;; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Whitman Knapp Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC];
Subject: RE: Emailing: aspartame-0...---...TRAUMA...---...




Given how Neil Gould begins his “mea culpa” repeating “Gary” 3 times, imploring at a minimum at least the “tTOo” [sic] of us to spread the “good word” on how fortunate we were that Linda Philips kept her clothes on when faced with his shalong, let me share with you and my email list of some 300,000+ individuals-groups representing a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population other redeeming features of Neil’s input on how important it is that we “share” while I seek immediate assistance in posting my broadcasted communiqués up on the Yahoo message boards whose Board of Directors may not be fully briefed from all the positive “fallout” I anticipate from my next “briefing” of the President.


Apparently at least one individual at Yahoo has decided in my humble but seasoned opinion, that enough Yahoo customers hell bent on increasing the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day have complained for one reason or another, now letting me know in so many words:  


“It seems, Mr. Gevisser that you have hit that threshold. Since your policy is to goad the doubters or folks who ask to be removed from your list; Yahoo's response is not surprising.  In short, you poor Little Rattlesnake, you are out-numbered by the vocal minority. Readers who are interested or do not care one way or another don't vote.”


Gary, you are surely hearing the loud ringing that is occurring in the space between the ears of a good number of folks we knew rather well when growing up in South Africa who have had so much to say, so cocky as they “milked the system” convinced that none of us would have the balls especially those amongst us “favored class” to ever “call them out”, assured given their “command and control” of our extraordinarily meek religious leadership, teachers, school principals and professors that we could be counted on to “tow the line” at least until such time as we were co-opted and if not then to rely on the increasingly desperate working poor such as we find in local government, city officials here in Del Mar, an excellent example, to then when feeling the pinch from those above trickling down the costs of them getting richer to be relied on to use law enforcement at the bottom of the barrel, such as Sheriff Deputies, to make certain everyone from top to bottom stays with the program until such time as the world goes topsy-turvy-curvy and erupts in to war when once again “money becomes no object”.


Such a cycle of violence has been the closest we have got to a perpetual motion machine, but now, this instant, just like the previous instant, such an insidious business model is fast grinding to a halt.


I am principally focused over the next few minutes in reviewing the markets before joining my incredible wife at our rented Tree House residence for breakfast, fairly decent sized sets coming in towards our rented Cliff House, the sound of waves music to the ears.


Gold continuing to rise, last trade, 8:17 AM PT, $468 a troy ounce, having reached a 17 year high this past Friday, despite extraordinary fear by every central bank with a “license to print money” that I-we have already achieved “critical mass”.


There is simply no way possible for Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve tasked only with “exercising good judgment” to hide from the words he wrote back in 1966 at the height of The Diamond Invention when folks like Robert F. Kennedy, Attorney General of the United States, tasked with executing our sacrosanct Anti-Trust laws, geared toward protecting the hard working masses from repressive organizations, were providing while visiting a hell hole like South Africa under the diamond-studded iron fist “command and control” of the DAAC further “proof” that rich Democrats in the United States intended no matter what to place their personal interests above all else.


So important that meeting just 6 years prior between RFK’s brother, President elect John F. Kennedy and Harry Oppenheimer in “broad daylight” at the Carlyle Hotel in New York and not say at HO’s partner’s very private  Camp Chaleur across the border in Quebec, Canada.


So very important that American Charles Engelhard, the Kennedy’s very SIGNIFICANT benefactor saw no problem in being an “open supporter” of the South African Apartheid regime, the 3rd Reich’s southern division, that was “swept in to power” in 1948, the same year the State of Israel was founded, just 3 yeas after the defeat of Nazi Germany, some 15 odd years after a very sickly Democratic United States President nominated JFK and RFK’s father, Joe Kennedy, to become the first Chairman of the SEC.


So very cocky those who we allow to build into their “cost of sales” the “cost of getting caught” all because of our greed followed by indifference following by resignation of grabbing everything we can, oblivious of us having any purpose to our lives, at least this time around?


So critical to appreciate how the problems we all face today stem from when the DAAC began in earnest following having purchased the Presidency of JFK to demand their “return on investment” beginning with giving the Commander in Chief of all United States Armed Forces his “marching orders” to escalate the Civil-drug war in Vietnam.


All these facts were available back then but we were all in denial since we, us in the western world in particular, were getting the “lion’s share” of the “graft”, all on the backs of the so extraordinarily shell shocked masses.


Without the church there would be no poor and without the poor there would be no church.


The fact that our jails in the United States are full with mostly black men on drug related “crimes” can all be traced to the Diamond Invention.


Bear in mind from this moment forth, the SIGNIFICANT problems of the world have never been, NOT ONCE, about race, color, sex or religion simply poor parental religious teaching brought about by greedy “financial engineers” working in concert with the corrupt church.


The continued deafening silence of academia, the new corrupt church, best illustrated by Professor Robert H. Frank, Professor of Economics at Cornell University, now in his 17th Day of implosion, nothing short of ear shattering.


In my humble but seasoned opinion, there really isn’t a single thing to discuss right now other than what gift we should send Neil Gould to help overcome his trauma of 33 odd years ago.


Then we should simply “kick back” and wait for the United States Government to announce the collapse of The Diamond Invention.


Bear in mind that not a single member of the Federal Reserve, current and former, not a single Member of Congress, current and former, has yet to explain “diamond currency” and its “influence” on International Security, no doubt waiting for me in my next “brief” to the President to tell them all exactly how to do their jobs.


Repeating the tail end of Greenspan’s most brilliant essay written just shy of 40 years ago prior to “selling out”, his Gold and Economic Freedom, making it crystal clear that without the backing of a unique material such as gold, spread evenly throughout the world, it all but impossible to control the fruits of our labor, relying instead on such an evil institution as the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, the mafia of mafia”


In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold.


If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.


This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.


I look forward to speaking with my friend Devin Standard currently in Puerto Rico who may also decide after checking things out in New Orleans to visit with me to help “nail down” our Educational Light Journey – One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop. 






[Word count 1464]


From: Neil Gould
Monday, September 19, 2005 5:11 AM
To: GsG
Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: Visit from San Diego Sheriffs Department..RAPP...]


Gary Gary Gary

You make me laugh and make me amazed at the same time.

Linda  was the girlfriend of Jonny Isaacs in SA when we were  16 or 17. She was 15 and stunning

Just prior to that, her and a friend came over to another guys house called Barry Nuttal


We swapped the 2 girls around and I got the chance to have my willy rubbed against the outside of her cloaca. The shock of being in that position caused my member to bend in the middle from anxiety and had to finish off in the friend


I dont know why you always seem to appear in the same quantum field that I was in


She was actaully a dumb  black haired silly girl





-----Original Message-----
Gary Legator
Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:06 PM
To: Gary Gevisser
Subject: RE: Emailing: aspartame-0039.htm




-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser c/o MDG email account
Sunday, September 18, 2005 9:21 PM
To: '
Gary Legator'
Subject: RE: Emailing: aspartame-0039.htm



Do you have the email address of Bill Strubbe, the author of Killing Me Sweetly?..---…