John Loftus Esq. – United States of America Justice Department Nazi prosecutor




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 8:12 PM PT
To: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Cc: rest; Hilary-Bill DeBeers-Rhodes Scholar Clinton; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD of Sharp Memorial Hospital - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It;; Marcia Kramer - Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV ; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary;; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Arthur Carter - Publisher of the New York Observer; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Roger W. Robinson; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Laurie Black - Strategic Partners with Southwest Strategies, Steve Alexander Group,;
Subject: STUPID YANKS! not comment....wired...daac...nazi for thought...--...


As far as I am aware your only source to prescribing that I voluntarily take LSD and such apart from possibly medical doctors egging you on unwilling to come forward for fear not so much of losing their license to “practice medicine” and only “practice makes perfect” but concern their medical malpractice insurance coverage would be insufficient to keep them out of the “poor house”, is my amazing veteran Fighter-Bomber-Pilot father, Bernard Nathan Gevisser, Bernie to his friends.

















Have you met Dr. Syd Cohen MD, very possibly, according to the many including Bernie, that flew alongside him in his several tours of duty during WW II, the greatest Fighter-Bomber-Pilot, a dying breed?

And the reason why Syd was so warmly accepted by his colleagues to take over as commander of Israel’s most brutal Air Force during Israel’s War of Independence when Modi Alon was killed!


Pretty impressive wouldn’t you agree that uncle Syd would be comfortable in having as his “wingman” my “miracle man” father who prior had only 3 missions “tucked under his belt” dive-bombing the crap out of you DAAC Nazi bastards.

I lived in my father and mother’s household for one week shy of 21 years when I left on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, 1978 along with my father for the United States, first settling in the windy city, Chicago, Illinois, warmed by my father’s two logbooks with photos which he very kindly left with me.


In the interim 29 odd years I have remained very close to both my father and mother as well as 3 elder siblings, only very recently following my “out of nowhere” decision to question my orthodox Jewish Royal Mater-Mother why back in 2001 during Hanukah-“X-mess” [sic] she had failed to light a single candle.


Now of course there is more to this story than simply her answer, “There are no grandchildren around” just like when an Austrian got shot and the next thing some 9 million soldiers die rather horribly in the first diamond drilling bit oil war.


One thing all 6 members of my immediate family can agree on is that neither of my parents use four lettered words, even the word “fart” was never, not once, part of their vocabulary.


And nor were either of our parents, “uptight”, on the contrary, they were both beyond a shadow of a doubt the “coolest” parents one could ever wish for even if I didn’t fully appreciate it at the time.


Every so often, once possibly twice in the 50 years I have heard my mother’s voice has she used the 4 lettered word “sh*t” [sic] which she would simply spell out as “S H ONE T” and even then she would feel uncomfortable but not to the point of going overboard and vomiting in your face.


Consequently, I didn’t need to go to China to understand the principle benefits of always allowing someone even a mongrel as demented as you an opportunity to “save face”.


But well before I went to China I was questioning what it actually meant to “save the world” when I was having difficulty even figuring out why I would be worth saving when it seemed the world and I was part of the world was getting increasingly worse to the point that I could see no point.


But since I wasn’t depressed it didn’t make sense to choose suicide but to continue down the path that seemed to get easier the fitter I got eventually believing, like in an instant, that life could only get better.


Helping convince myself was the knowledge I had of how very corrupt were those “calling the shots” but yet not smart enough to figure out they couldn’t keep up their “charade” indefinitely” even if there was not a God to eventually “take care of business”.


And when figuring out that religion had become big business I figured that so long as I remained fit I would inevitably get a terrific kick out of watching all the hypocrites age worse than their parents.


Send me a photo of you and your parents at your age and don’t forget to include all your vital signs such as blood pressure, diabetes count and the such.


I never really cared much for Shakespeare nor simple English for that matter which is why my Royal Mater wrote each and every one of my junior, high school and university essays which not once did I score a high mark despite the fact that there is in all likelihood never been a more brilliant writer than my Royal Mater who would always provide a simple example to lessons of Confucius, the one she felt most appropriate for me, “The tallest trees attract the most wind!”.


Even when I reached my tallest height of 5 feet 8 and one half inches and of course when jumping barrels on ice while wearing ice hockey skates I would most likely achieve a height of one inch shy of 6 foot, my Royal Mater would have this so very annoying habit of buying me clothing that was at least one size too small.


When Zena Gevisser makes up her mind to do something come hell or high water it will get done!


No matter what problem I was having my awesome mother had a way of leading me to the solution without ever once telling me what to do or how to do it, just very gently suggesting that I apply “your abundant common sense” and then instantly change the subject.


My father, on the other hand, knew best not to “cross” my much more protestant than Jewish Royal Mater who made his life both easy and miserable at the same time but of course given her ability to impress upon her audience the end justifies the means my amazing Dad simply “went with the flow”.


You not quite getting the drift?


Okay, you want me to “cut to the chase”!


And life was great for all of us because of the fact that deep down all of us knew that my father loved, i.e. trusted and respected our Royal Mater and at the same time my Royal Mater trusted and respected our father as far as she could throw him.


But there was never a need for my parents to come to blows because each day when we arose we could count to 6 and know without anyone telling us so that we were all alive and well and that was all that counted.


A poem written for Neil, Kathy, Melvin and Gary - December 1983

 The fingers of my hand symbolize to me

The five special people who are the base of my tree

The thumb is my mother her many uses you can see

Combine this with my forefinger, my father

And you will feel the strength and harmony

They gave to all us children when we were very small

Nourishing mind and body until today we all stand tall!

The remaining three fingers, I can do without I'll not deny

But, if I'm asked to cut them off I'll refuse, do you know why?

For their loss would diminish me in ways I can't explain.

There may not be pain in losing them, but, my hand would never be the same!

So judge them wrongly, tis your right, but, understand this well:

They are part of me and I of them as if developed from one cell.

Any causing destruction of such a vital part of my anatomy

Tis not just fingers they destroy. It is the base of me

Yes, the five fingers of my hand are precious as can be

And, I am proud that they and I are proven family.


Zed [our mother]

Now it is nice to hear stuff like, “Money can’t buy you happiness” but if you are an ugly bastard such as yourself and cant even attract a hooker it certainly can’t hurt to own say a porche.


The closest my father ever got to a “fancy car” was a jaguar, actually at one time we had two identical sedan jaguars, one for my father and one for my mother who didn’t drive.


The last time I recall my mother driving was when I was about 11 years old and she drove the two of us in her white Triumph 4 door sedan to go fishing at the docks in Durban, South Africa when the two of us got blinded by chemicals that were being unloaded off a ship, blew into our eyes.


My mother was much worse affected than me and so without even getting her permission I drove this stick shift car to medical emergency at the closest hospital which was Addington Hospital.


From then on either my father would drive my mom or she would be chauffeured by devout Indian Muslim Mascot Salot, my immediate family’s closest friend who prior to working for my mother exclusively served as my her mother’s bodyguard following the assassination of my maternal grandfather Alef-Albert Badash-Ash.


Not to mention that Mascot was the person who called my mother late at night one evening to let her know that she should get my father to remove the equivalent of some 50,000 United States Dollars representing some 10% of his late father’s estate that was about to be split amongst 3 children, 10 grandchildren and my grandfather’s 2nd childless wife who was on the payroll of the DAAC.


Right after I immigrated to the States, again back in March 1978, armed with two very important Letters of Introductions signed by my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser the “male heir” of Mossad-assassinated American Charles Engelhard who was laid to rest on March 2nd, 1971, his funeral at St. Mary’s Abby Church in Morris Town, two words, New Jersey, drawing the likes of DAAC Senator Ted Kennedy, DAAC former President Lyndon Johnson and DAAC Vice President Humphrey, all Nazi-Socialist-Democrats, my long haired Chiwawa Chichi who was getting on in years was left “under the care” of Mascot Salot and his immediate family and every so often after my parents moved from Durban to Cape Town to “live the life of Riley” in the most awesome double flat on 2nd Beach Clifton, my amazing but penniless father would visit just to send my best wishes.


Chichi was a special dog but she was not Mutik - sweet in Hebrew - my mother’s short-haired light brown and very good looking chiwawa who was the reincarnation of my beloved and so very missed Pypeetoe, friendly with the world unless coming across a miserable bastard such as yourself and he would growl but ever so slightly before moving on and finding me or better yet my wife who he ended up being very possibly more attached to than me given how well Marie Dion Gevisser anticipated well ahead of me, Pypeetoe’s every need which was to mostly not just be close but to lie right on top of both of us even if it meant his bones would be right on top of our ankle bones making both Marie and me uncomfortable before of course, since there was “role reversal” going on, he was the Alpha Dog and has us trained, we would move giving him the wet-warm spot and when he got too warm after licking us both bone dry he would simply make his way to whichever pillow was closest to Marie’s most beautiful face and when perfectly settled he would give this long sigh that had us forgetting he was “just a doD” [sic].


My father is a sick man both physically and mentally but compared to you Bernie Gevisser is like a young puppy, with a long way to go, however, before being in the very prime of life which is when the very Good, extraordinarily SMART G-D chose to take our very co-dependant one-of-a-kind Pypeetoe away, but only for an instant and then there is strong memory of his unimaginably invigorating spirit that constantly brings forth the knowledge that he was not “once born”.


I have often heard my Royal Mater refer to someone as stupid which always jarred me a little since I thought there might be a better English word but there isn’t.


Never, not once did I ever hear my father refer to anyone as “stupid” or use a similar word to denote the same thing.


I have heard him use the word “bastard” but only in reference to his “nemesis”, Sol “Little King” Moshal, the Managing Director of our family’s trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies following The Little King in conjunction with his God awful second wife, DAAC Jennie Moltz doing an underhanded deal with Natie “The Maze King” Kirsch who was nothing more than a front for the DAAC whose agenda you know and who don’t take kindly to honest entrepreneurs especially smart Jewish honest entrepreneurs the handful there are.


So now let me come back to Bernie Gevisser’s 40th mission which reads:


Mission 40 on March 6th 1945 which was to “D.B. FACTORY IN PARMA” reads:




You do understand you have a problem.


You also understand that I can write, not as well as my Royal Mater but compared to stupid Yanks such as yourself, well you get the picture!


Actually you have a very big problem on your hands beginning with the fact that you know it is not wrong to call anyone who deserves it a “bad name” and to repeat it time and again until such time as you make a convincing case that you deserve a break at which time I, a rather decent “problem solver” with in all probability a better command of logic than a DAAC lawyer, physician etc etc will put it to a worldwide vote over The Internet.


Not to mention you are a very bad person which a jury of our peers will undoubtedly agree which is why you continue to email me hoping that someone else will get rid of me prior to you leaving bankruptcy court broke without a pot to pee in although you can be assured I will hand you a banana peel that you can wash off repeatedly in the surf but always remember to when leaving it out in the sun to dry, turn it over every so often.


Let me know if you need any help deciding which end to insert first.


May I also strongly suggest you have all the kids you know as well as all the kids who know the kids you know type in Google Search your name, John Loftus Esq. alongside the two words, “Diamond Invention


For lunch today I ate the most healthy leftover vegetarian chop suoy that I made single-handedly and shared not just with my awesome great chef French-Canadian wife who simply nodded in approval, no doubt without saying so, thinking that I had overcooked the very fresh vegetables by about 30 seconds even though they were on medium to low heat as well as her son JoNathan and his very strong swimming-water polo playing friend Jesse who when complimenting me made up for the “back slap”, however, mild of MDG even though I felt she was being ever so gentle and kind when letting me know without saying so exactly how the next time I could make it perfect.


This one moderate serving meal followed my doing most of the “heavy lifting”, finishing off the stacking of at least 4 cords of wood the result of a relatively large oak located very close to our Stone Home deep inside the Cleveland National Forest having died most likely of thirst given the drought we have been having now in to its umpteenth year with no end in sight.

And you know to always wait 10 minutes before giving yourself a second serving and then if a fatso and your fat cells rather than your mind are increasingly in control of your poor eating habits to go brush your teeth but first to dental floss leaving though always enough room in the space between your so miserable ugly teeth for a little taste of dessert because you know the next bite of diabetes is increasingly less pleasurable particularly as you think about all the exercise you are going to have to do just to get back in shape to be in any position to make love to a very demanding lover such as my beyond belief sexy wife.


My guess is that you have a lot of sex by yourself, no different to The It?


When last did you break a sweat as in “cold sweat”, thinking you had “dodged the bullet of bullets”?


Never in a million years, in your worst nightmares believing it would be possible that anyone let alone someone as credible as myself, the ultimate DAAC insider, would ask you with the entire world looking on in “real time” the so very logical and straightforward question,


How many members of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel have you, the so flamboyant United States Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor, brought to face DAAC justice here in the United States?


How are you making a living now that you have been fired by NBC, owned by renegade General Electric yet another awesomely DAAC name in The Diamond Invention, making you the so miserable son-of-bitch U.S. Attorney with unimaginable prosecutorial powers such as convening a Grand Jury against any DAAC opponent, their “scapegoat”, as you know no better than to so recklessly place innocent human beings in “harms way”?


I am assuming if that innocent family whose address you shared with the world haven’t already sued and bankrupted you it is just a question of time?


And for a moment there you were feeling self-righteous again as you compared your Nazi War Crimes to that of GE but then I had to be such a “spoilsport” and go and break your train of thought and warm feelings by having you just focus on your pocket book, no different to The IT and others poorly bred who have nothing going on in their miserable lives apart from thinking that “money is everything” while we all know money is worthless in war when it all comes down to bartering what has been stolen from the poor with money but yet at the same time you continue trying to remind yourself that war is a business where people “make money” which of course does not have a shred of truth to it but go ahead and continue to be delusional.


Now as our Superior Being takes more control over your mind as you increasingly have difficulty keeping your thoughts “to-get-her” [sic] the result of being for so long now too busy keeping track of your lies from day one, you are reminded to go back time and again and read again and again from the very beginning of this heavily broadcasted missive and not until next meeting up with our ingenious and most vengeful Maker will you forget Chapter 13, THE DIAMOND MIND authored by DAAC Wall Street Journal editorialist and celebrated Hollywood author, Edward Jay Epstein.


So very well organized with the most telling photos and attention-getting names in each of the 22 Chapters which become 24 when combined with the Prologue that begins “In Japan…” right below the caption, “COURTSHIP HOLLYWOOD-STYLE”, right below a photo of Lily White Wheaty Eating Tarzan and Jane in the foreground and in the background the “uncivilized” Black peoples of Africa most including their American counterparts like Kenneth Standard Esq. the immediate past President of the New York State Bar Association yet to figure out why apart from being bought and paid for by the DAAC, the most racist, vile, terrorist of terrorist financing organization the world has ever known who make Genghis Khan appear saintly, they cannot be freed since they don’t see themselves as slaves.


Now remember although I have only met Kenneth Standard and his awesome wife once it was in a very intimate setting at his son’s home here in San Diego.


Not to mention that Devin Standard now 40 used to be the executor of my estate and despite his presence on my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list saw fit to visit with me at our Stone Home fairly recently where we “shot the breeze”.


To mention little of Devin Standard perhaps apart from David Janeczko , very possibly the most “intellectually honest” as well as smartest person on this one email list of mine that may not include your most miserable name.


Devin is today a DAACapproved-legal” gun runner for Smith & Wesson.


David informed me this morning without me asking but in response to this “end” 184 word heavily broadcasted email to Greggy Birnbaum,


My Agenda is to ride new expensive Ducatis. and I do. "Here or nowhere is our Heaven". Also, "Do what you will" (Henry David Thoreau).


Birnbaum remember makes a nothing but groveling living out of a nothing irrelevant heavily DAAC sponsored Senator Hilary-Bill “Cecil Rhodes-DeBeers-Scholar” Clinton looking more and more like she will be the next President of the United States assuming I am unsuccessful in galvanizing the American public to “wake up” and smell all the rats beginning by focusing on any “freeloading” government official afforded airtime even someone as low down on the DAAC pecking order as yourself.


Not to mention that while David Janeczko prior to meeting me may have been the most anti George W. Bush person on the planet he happens to be while a good decade or so older than me one most extraordinary athlete and you can just see this by observing how well he rides Ducati motorcycles; beyond a shadow of a doubt the most ingeniously engineered but most unforgiving motorcycles apart from possibly MV Agusta with strong lineage to Ducati of Bologna.


In due course you can click on to this hyperlink that will take you to my response to David Janeczko’s thoughtful email in which I will connect up a number more dots between U.S. Offense-Defense Minister Robert Strange McNamara’s depiction of American pilots during World War II as a bunch of poorly trained-disciplined wimps who kept aborting their flights over Japan long before reaching their targets and only beginning to look halfway decent after being threatened with Court Marshall if they didn’t complete their mission or their remains got returned in body bags;


Dot 2, McNamara avoiding like the plague any reference to how deathly afraid he is of his financial wealth disappearing in a heartbeat where he to explain to the people of the world the United States Government’s decision to bury the investigation of Israel’s most brutal unprovoked attack on the defenseless USS Liberty spy ship on June 8th, 1967 when Israel’s victory over all its Arab neighbors was assured;


Dot 3, the U.S. Government’s decision to lambaste Israel for destroying in a preemptive air strike Sadam’s Hussein’s French built nuclear facility on June 7th, 1981, not to mention one of the Israeli pilots involved in this ingeniously planned and executed to perfection raid that gives you a sense of how significantly superior is Israel’s Air Force when compared with that of the U.S. was Ilan Ramon who would later become Israel's first astronaut and died in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on February 1, 2003;


Dot 4, the U.S. Government’s exclusive focus on preserving the U.S. Dollar by creating refugee crisis in neighboring states to the civil wars we create which allow our military bases that are the greatest polluters in the world to remain highly mobile;


Dot 5, how well trained and experienced fighter-bomber-pilots such as my father now age 83 odd and with one leaky valve and a non-kosher pig skin substituting in for the other failed valve the result of chewing on too many chicken bones, perhaps, could even today flying the exact same aircraft he flew in World War II bring about peace throughout the Middle East in 24 hours or less assuming he was granted “air space” to when dive-bombing civilian targets in our civil war zones instead of dropping 500 and 1,000 pound bombs to drop easy-to-read flyers directing first Italians still bearing the brunt of the Yalta Conference, followed by Iraqis and Afghanistanis as well as all the 3 million odd refugees we have created just with our latest DAAC media covered war in the Middle East forget about a 40 or so others just as unconscionable that justify our presence for the never ending War On Terror serving only to be in position to kill each and ever one of our tyrants throughout the world, all party to the Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944, in less than 5 minutes, 10 minutes at tops were just one of our tyrannical regimes to announce they were no longer going to accept as payment for their valuable commodities that go well beyond oil, our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars;


Dot 6, U.S. Offense-Defense Minister Robert S. McNamara’s decision in his DAAC movie-documentary THE FOG OF WAR, not to discuss his role when ordered by President Lyndon Johnson who in turn had been ordered by his DAAC bosses to instruct the captain of the U.S. nuclear powered aircraft carrier Enterprise to hightail it to South Africa in mid-1964 to “pay his respects” to Messrs. American Charles Engelhard and Anglo South African Harry Oppenheimer, the co-inventors-conspirators of The Diamond Invention;


Dot 7, the beyond belief recording of the actual phone conversation between U.S. Offense-Defense Minister McNamara and President Johnson, like the Kennedy clan, a “close friend” of Charles Engelhard, an “open supporter” of the DAAC’s South African Apartheid Regime sitting atop the world’s richest mineral resources including gold, diamonds, platinum and uranium, in which Johnson does not need to spell out why he is deathly afraid of meeting the same fate as his predecessor President John F. Kennedy who forgot so very quickly who was “buttering his bread”, when bullying McNamara who couldn’t get a word in edgeways that if he wanted to keep his job he would have to stop being so “dam naïve” and instead of pulling troops out of Vietnam which would do nothing to keep the civil war from getting even more out of control but to send in more troops like never before which may ring a bell in your head;


Dot 8, Ron Bellows of AIG sending out an email on May 3rd, 2004 where he ends “I need a drink  . . . .but not before writing the following:


WE AIG [megalopoly] insure... Haliburton


my point the other day - that these people have been taken and treated as war combatants when there is no war - is totally against the constitution - which apparently doesn’t exist anymore


BUT  get this .. ..


I have now been given the project of trying to figure out our exposure for our overseas defense contractors we insure -


thing is - the policy excludes 'acts of war' ( as most do ) - BUT - includes Terrorism ??


so.. .If a contractor dies from an act of war - we pay the widow and the gov't is supposed to reimburse us from their war chest


so now - the feds are saying - "there is no war" - and we don’t get reimbursed - for all the dead, captured and "lost" contractors  ( and our loss numbers are showing lots more than the news is reporting ) 


so all the actuaries and underwriters are freakin out - watching their policy breach limits and bleed cash


so I got the order Sunday - go and figure out what KBR, Centcom and Haliberton employee exposure are and what they are doing to control their contract employees exposure ??


AND - this is a no win - If I pull the plug ( write a report that says its a poor risk ) my name goes to the head of KBR etc - If I say its all good - we loose money and megalopoly stomps on my tushy




later boys



Please speak to G-d and ask if there is anything of importance I still need to cover.


I have yet, however, to hear you invoke the support of God/G-d?


G-d only helps those who make it their business-personal to expose corruption no matter how small or big and to be willing to risk both life and limb but intolerant of the arrogant and stupid, the two synonymous with evil.


Please don’t try making the argument that by reading and commenting on my heavily broadcasted communiqués such as this response to you “wishing me well” you will “sumhow” [sic] clear your name.


You like others on my FOOLS NAMES FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list as well as my 4 or is 3 other “sh*t” lists, never for a moment to forget the slimeball of slimeball The Sperm Donor who makes Hitler look like a choirboy but one who hadn’t been molested, will now until Kingdom Come rot in hell which like heaven is here on this most awesome, so very exquisitely beauty abundant Planet Mother Earth.


Living well is the best revenge.


I now want to hear from any human being or those returned as ants what it was like to have sex with you.


In the meantime, again, check with Ron Bellows of AIG whether he thinks you have “proper and adequate” liability insurance coverage to cover your “naked assertions” as well practicing medicine without a license.


And if you feel you need a second opinion email no longer practicing pathologist with the most awful eyesight Dr. John Ben Stewart, the lead dog at the Sharp Memorial Hospital for authorizing fraudulent billing of insurance carriers which naturally results in this crook of crooked physicians continuing to not only get his pension funded but support from the Medical Director of Sharp Memorial hospital who just like JBS has no clue which one of them may already be “copping a plea” with the Feds yet, as far as I know to officially raid the offices of the pathology department at Sharp Memorial Hospital which shouldn’t stop you or anyone from standing outside on public property wearing sandwich boards that begin, “SHAME ON…”.


Ps – You can surely appreciate my continued patience in fully responding to your baseless assertions with a “knuckleball” given all the “intelligence” that is being shared with me from around the world, not to mention the price of gold on the spot market did reach today US$686.00.


Bear constantly in mind my ability to focus on the “end game” which includes as you know perfectly well, coaching the most rapacious and successful Shareholder Class Action Litigators such as Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esquire of Finkelstein & Krinsk how to respond to fast balls thrown at or nor head by “stupid Yanks” such as yourself hoping after getting a nonsense freeloading job working for the United States Justice Department where you know to avoid the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel “like the plague”, to get a real paying job one day possibly doing no more than carrying the likes of Mr. JRK’s briefcase so long as you do not open your mouth when you will be afforded by someone as generous as Mr. JRK’s partner, former U.S. Attorney Howard Finkelstein yet another who suffers fools badly, nothing more than another banana peel.


You also know perfectly well that my “credibility” long precedes meeting up with Mr. JRK and Co. in the spring of 1999.


My unique and universal “risk assessment” skills extend even much further back than famous Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein dishing out these accolades below when reversing on April 29th, 1997 based on the evidence I had presented before him, a landmark multi-million dollar repetitive-stress-injury jury award


- against - 
Jack B. Weinstein, Senior District Judge:…)


2. Application of Law to Facts


National publicity followed the announcement of the jury verdict in December of 1996. See, e.g., Diana B. Henriques, Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards, N.Y. Times, December 10, 1996, at D1; Jon Auerbach and Laura Johannes, Digital Equipment Loses Verdict on Carpal Tunnel, Wall St. J., Dec. 10, 1996, at B4. The news of Ms. Geressy’s nearly $5.3 million verdict against defendant reached Gary S. Gevisser, Chief Executive Officer of Sunmed, Inc. (formerly known as Injury Evaluation Consultants (IEC)) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The information struck Mr. Gevisser as particularly noteworthy because, before the litigation had been commenced, doctors from his company had examined Ms. Geressy, prepared a medical evaluation on her condition for The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (the IEC Report) and, contrary to the jury finding at trial, had determined that her ill health was unrelated to her work. See Affidavit of Kenneth J. King, sworn to March 25, 1997 ¶¶ 10, 11, Exhibit A (King Affidavit). Mr. Gevisser contacted Digital Equipment Corporation to explain his knowledge of the Geressy case and his company’s own information regarding Ms. Geressy. See King Affidavit ¶ 11. Defendant then subpoenaed the IEC Report and filed the instant motion for a new trial based on discovery of this evidence.


 Not to mention the next day the Wall Street Journal made it public.


You would also know that prior to December 1996 when before approaching the lawyers for Digital Equipment Corporation who then moved rapidly to inform Judge Weinstein of the wrongdoing of plaintiff attorneys such as yourself out there sucking lifeblood of the poorly bred-misinformed I first made the smart move to contact Maurice Hank Greenberg, Chairman of the board of AIG who then along with Thomas Tizzio, President of AIG summoned the head of AIG’s Mergers and Acquisitions Division who in turn instructed his “blue eyed” Lily White Wheaty Eating boy Ron Bellows to hightail it out to Las Vegas, Nevada to meet with me.


You would also know that I have visited Vegas previously on occasion including some 14 years ago when doing a highly sensitive assignment for the grandson of Mr. Hearst who made his fortune in the mining industry, allowing his son William Randolph Hearst to build for himself the most extraordinary DAAC media empire which paved the way for the very start of the dummying down of America leading to the two words, “Stupid Yanks”.


Hearst, Rhodes, Oppenheimer, Engelhard, J.P. Morgan, Rothschilds, Duponts, Rockefeller and maybe two other DAAC names all eventually died but in their hearts they had to know their evil legacies would eventually outlive them but of course it didn’t matter since they were dead and they had “lived rich” which is better than poor.


Jan Smuts is also dead but I doubt he was as discombobulated as those he and rest of the deep underground Jewish Underground watched ever so closely so recklessly spend that which they all knew did not belonged to the culturally rich peoples of the world who only very recently got hooked on nonsense monies.


It is a great Hebrew word, “L’ChaimTo Life”.


A shame so few of us know what it means to live a life without any fear of meeting our Maker.


We should all go out like Pypeetoe with hearts full to the brim with love versus those high such as yourself on atrocious over-consumption.


Plato, an elitist who most probably never thought for a moment his words, many so very profound, would endure a day after his death let alone more than 2,000 years at a time when it is increasingly highly conceivable the chances of the human race surviving another day get exponentially slimmer to the point that no one in their right mind would bother either working or investing in the future.


That day is today.


And if not then when tomorrow ends I will say the same thing and the day after that until someone tells me otherwise.


Good people do not need friends just like human beings apart from those so very few needing to kill wildlife to survive don’t NEED to eat meat but when we are so used to our WANTS always being met why not dig our so protruding canine teeth into a bloody juicy steak but that doesn’t change the facts that we don’t NEED to kill other animals to begin living a spiritual life.


Good people do not need friends because it is only bad people who need friends.


[Word count 6209]



From: []
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: DO NOT COMMENT...---...: WIRED...daac...nazi for thought...--...


Gary, many many people suffer from bipolar disorder and go onto to lead normal lives.  Calling me names does not alter the facts:  you insult me for no reason and refuse to take me off your mailing list.  I hopy you get well.


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:52 PM PT
To: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Cc: rest; Ron Bellows Jnr -; Marcia Kramer - Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV ; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996; Roger W. Robinson; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Larry King Live; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Tefo Mohapi; Jacob; Jacob; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA; Capt. Ronald L Pouch; Captain Dale Dye; Professor Trevor Jones - Economics Dept - University of Natal, South Africa; M.A. Sanjayan, Ph.D. - Lead Scientist, The Nature Conservancy - Planet Earth BBC commentator; Paul Baker - Baker Winokur Ryder; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild;; Guy De Chazal - Partner Morgan Stanley; Rush Limbaugh; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation; Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund;; Nigel Hanbury - Chief Executive - Lloyds of London - Agent; Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; John Maudslay - Lloyds of London - Agent;; Professor Joe Grundfest - Stanford University - former member of the SEC; Gregg Birnbaum - Political Editor for New York Post - webeditor of Just Hilary;;; Connell Lund - Assistant to the President of the Screen Actors Guild.;; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.;
Subject: DO NOT COMMENT...---...: WIRED...daac...nazi for thought...---....RE: From Dell - Serv...


What apart from nervousness, a good sign that you are continuing to lose your mind to our Superior Being, prevents you from simply being patient and await my response to your previous same diagnosis that my “only excuse for rudeness is mental illness”.


Please try and keep God/”doG” [sic] from taking over more of your mind although you can assume our Superior Being has already figured out my forthcoming response now already shared with a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population who may include those egging you on.


Keep checking the blog I have set up for you as well as with your insurance agent to make certain you have “proper and adequate” liability insurance coverages.


Not to mention what you have yet to say about the DAAC’s Lloyds Insurance of London so very tackie, still no longer accepting American citizens as investors while deciding which American businesses will stay in business and which will be bankrupted by not being able to afford insurance.


If you have the time check out the movie-documentary The Fog of War - Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara.


Then ask yourself why my friend, United States Leutenant Colonel Dwight Kroesch, today credited with being the first Allied pilot to drop Allied paratroopers mostly in harms way on D-Day June 5th-6th, 1945, when paging through my one-time amazing father’s logbooks that detail his spellbinding 71 odd missions dive bombing the crap out of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel’s Nazi bastards kept repeating time and again, at least each time he turned the pages, “He is the miracle man”?


Not to mention why the only time my beyond belief “lucky” father, Bernard Nathan Gevisser ever came across during those very many missions anything that resembled a “bogey-enemy” aircraft turned out to be in my dad’s words, clearly spelled out in his logbook, “STUPID YANKS!


Remember back in July 1944, at the time of the Bretton Woods Conference when we had our British actor-economist John Maynard Keynes inform the 735 delegates from the 44 nations in attendance that going forward they could count on a good number of Allied barrels of guns being pointed at their heads were they or their “second-in-commands” to ever question the Almighty United States Dollar backed up entirely by the DAAC’s military mite whose figureheads remain the same, just the names that change, my dad was already a qualified Allied fighter-bomber-pilot clicking his heels in Idku, Egypt where he had his Black “slaves” – a word he placed at the top of one photo showing 3 of his “slaves” – taking care of his every whim as he mostly played rugby.


His first mission only taking place on November 18th, 1944 when it was essential to the DAAC to kill off as quickly as possible as many remaining Jewish “problems”, i.e. “problem solving” Jewish people as possible and of course in addition to the tens of thousands being shipped in daily to Auschwitz and the such there were those best of the best Jewish fighter-bomber-pilots from Squadron 11.


Not to mention the best of the best fighter-bomber-pilots of World War II who had a significantly better accuracy rate than what we have today with laser guided smart bombs only because we are in the business of mostly killing and maiming civilians, creating refugee crisis in neighboring territories which then harbor our future terrorists who were one time our friends – does the name Osama Bin Ladin ring a bell -  did not need to hear it out of the mouth of U.S. Defense Minister Robert Strange McNamara of how very poorly disciplined were American trained fighter pilots even those flying bombers high above the clouds versus fighter-dive-bomber pilots who had to come in fast and low from a very dizzy height, at times only pulling up when some 50 to 100 feet above their targets, own bombs exploding damaging the aircraft all the while scoring Direct Hits.


To mention in passing yet again of my dad’s mission 60 should take your breath away, were it not for you being a DAAC Nazi bastard.


Shame on you for being so bold as to self-righteously suggest that if President George W. Bush’s grandfather were alive today you would prosecute him for Nazi War Crimes!


Who but the DAAC had you move from the military to become a DAAC Nazi Prosecutor who brought how many members of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel to face DAAC justice here in the United States?


Do you hear Edward Jay Epstein, author of The Diamond Invention now pleading with you,




Do you know the expression, “The kettle calling the pot black”?


Today was yet another most glorious day in paradise having risen relatively early at our cliff house in heavily corrupt Del Mar, our studio home perched atop the bluffs and after going for a quick walk with our chocolate Labrador increasingly displaying the character of her “guardian” Pypeetoe who made a point when the 3 of us were out and about to always go back and check on Maggie who is slowing down, not quite the puppy she was some 13 odd years ago, I then had a most relaxing and enjoyable breakfast with my awesome artist painter French-Canadian most gorgeous wife before then heading out to our Stone Home deep inside the Cleveland National Forest where I am right now.


Please provide your complete physical description and if possible include your body fat percentage.


You know of course that even if you are as skinny as the rat you are that does not make you intelligent.


But, on the other hand, if you are a fatso, then there is every reason to believe that you are suffering from dementia, since what else besides for you being corrupt, too busy keeping track of your lies from day one, can explain your insane childish behavior.


Ps – note when clicking on the word “wired” below that I have added the word “rest” which as you know like all additions to previously broadcasted missives is colored green.


You cannot escape thinking about all those blind copied as well as carbon copied who not only help increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day as they undoubtedly make sense of all your nonsense that can be traced back to the fact that you are all about “money, money, money, me, me, me” but when clicking on repeatedly to the things they find the most interesting they are expressing their “vote” of “no confidence” in you and those who increasingly feel the need to distance themselves from you.


The instant you take a penny from the hard working peoples of the world as either an elected or non-elected government official such as yourself, you can never, in my humble but seasoned opinion, go back to being a private citizen.


[Word count 1163]



From: John Loftus Esq. -  Not yet disgraced enough United States Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: WIRED...daac...nazi for thought...---....RE: From Dell - Serv...


Gary, your mental illness is no excuse for rudeness.  You are behaving badly.


From: Gary Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:11 AM PT
To: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Cc: rest;; Ron -AIG;; artbell-coast; ian -coast to coast; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; FBI - Sand Diego FBI; Howard Schultz - Founder Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention;;;;; Dr. Laura; louis; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy;;
Subject: WIRED...daac...nazi for thought...---....RE: From Dell - Service call...


DAAC Nazi United States Justice Department Prosecutor,


There is a slang Afrikaans word you, despite a spokesperson for DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel's South African Apartheid Regime, may not be familiar with.


"Vasbeit" literally translates into the "sly English" as "Hang tough!"


Field Marshall Jan Smuts' Afrikaans as well as intellect while vastly superior to yours and others co-opted-corrupted of both the American and British judiciary, one and the same, would not have been surprised that a very senior Israeli agent in charge of the very important covert Suzannah Operation in Egypt that took place in the summer of 1954 had "turned" resulting in the torture and execution of other Israeli agents who in all probability were fully aware that British-American fighter pilots provided air cover-escort to Egyptian fighters in the waning days of Israel's "War of Independance" [sic].


At least equal in importance to appreciate as you witness the past and future increasingly coming "to-get-her" [sic] in the present, the Digital Age with Knowledge-Information-Light traveling at Light-G-d-Speed a Godsend, is what caused such a very senior Jewish military intelligence officer to sell out not only his very close colleagues but place the State of Israel at even greater risk.


People like David Ben Gurion did not need to attend DAAC educational institutions like the London School of Economics or Oxford or Cambridge University, not to mention our Ivy League universities to know how very easy it was for the DAAC to not only "make money" but distribute their exclusive unlimited supply of untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried Diamond Currency amongst those the easiest to corrupt beginning with the worst poorly bred within each of our families.




Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There


Ps - A little earlier I tried calling my Royal Mater-Mother in England. Her number of some 30 years, direct dialing from the U.S., 011-44-9-84-6-24-088 now belongs to a lady who lives just outside of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England.


In due course I will be responding to one of your earlier communications and of course blind copying the world.


With each tick of the clock and the relative calm continues to prevail around the world so do you feel increasingly uncomfortable knowing that truth will inevitably prevail.


Those on the front lines of our War to Misinform are not all stupid. On the contrary even those in the worst shape are increasingly "wired".


From: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 7:39 PM
Cc:;;;;;; MDGART@SELLNEXT.COM;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: DAAC...nazi for thought...---....RE: From Dell - Service call...


gary,  you are npt making things better,  stop sending u r emails to people who donot want to receive included.


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1:59 PM PT
To: Louis Scop
Cc: rest;; ''; Marcia Kramer - Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV ; '';;; MDGART@SELLNEXT.COM; John Maudslay - Lloyds of London - Agent; Tefo Mohapi; Anne Applebaum - Washington Post; M.A. Sanjayan, Ph.D. - Lead Scientist, The Nature Conservancy - Planet Earth BBC commentator; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Dan Fullen - General Manager - The lodge at Torrey Pines; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Joyce DeBeers Bursary-Scholarship Mohapi; Dr. Laura Family; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; John Ziegler - KFI 640 AM "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad;
Subject: DAAC...nazi for thought...---....RE: From Dell - Service call information.

Unconscious people are not questioning until




From: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 8:51 PM
To: "Gary S. Gevisser"; "'John K. Pollard Jr.'"
Subject: RE: LESS IS MORE....You have my profound sympathy on the loss of your best friend, Mr. P., in the very prime of life.


One of our list allegedly learned from gary's father who allegedly claimed that Gary is severely mentally ill with a borderline personality disorder,  a condition which is exacerbated by his refusal of lithium medication.  sadly, it is common for the severely mentally ill to refuse lithium because it interferes with their creativity.  if this information from gary's dad is true, it would explain a lot.   Gary's type of mental illness is symptomatically common for med refusal, as the victims do not want to miss the "highs" from their manic phase.  So lets stop being rude to Gary, but always encourage him to go back on his meds.   Get well Gary. and sorry about your dog. 




John Loftus


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:02 AM
To: John K. Pollard Jr. – Alumni of MIT and Cornell University
Cc: rest;'
Subject: LESS IS MORE....You have my profound sympathy on the loss of your best friend, Mr. P., in the very prime of life.


Yes, at 10 days shy of his 6th birthday at zero to 10 meters he was the fastest and sweetest living thing on the planet.


Not to mention that for some reason being vegetarian helps tremendously with the loss of such unconditional love.


Even the one young coyote who “toyed” with our Pypeetoe the other evening seemed to know that “something was up” and the rest of coyotes circling deciding to give him a break as Pypeetoe made each and every choice beginning with choosing twice to spend his remaining time with Marie who is momentarily devastated but knows that the moment she comes back to living in the moment made so very easy not having to be too busy keeping track of lies from day one, all of Pypeetoe’s mass was instantly converted at Light-G-D-Speed into Energy and you will remember how very quickly my extraordinarily quick wife figured out Einstein’s E=mc² was not only the “Mind of G-d” but proof of both the “Hand of G-d” and Evolution.


I didn’t make it back to Del Mar last night even though it would have helped falling asleep hearing the train, even the one that helped carry back to our Master the soul of my best friend and soul mate Mr. P who also knew he lived the greatest life imaginable; nice to hear from Nitza, the owner of the dog that Pypeetoe was absolutely crazy that my boy had moments before taking his last breath of fresh ocean swept air his head held high, wagging his tail, less said is more.




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 5:21 PM PT
To: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Cc: rest;; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Dad; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers; Jimmy Wales -; Joe Ash; Professor Joe Grundfest - Stanford University - former member of the SEC; Dr. John K. Pollard -;; Selwyn Gerber - Economist - CPA;; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Richard Cooper - only son of Irving Cooper, founding limited partner of the $5 billion Steinhardt Hedge Fund; Richard Regis - Wall Street Journal - Editor; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Roger Hedgecock; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Roger W. Robinson; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; James Glanz New York Times; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It; Huell Howser; South China Morning Post; South African Consulate General; Neil Gould; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Professor Jagdish Bhagwati - Columbia University; Mossad; Professor Jeffrey Sachs - Columbia University; Hilary-Bill DeBeers-Rhodes Scholar Clinton; Joyce DeBeers Bursary-Scholarship Mohapi; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996;;; Oprah;;;; Kenneth Standard Esq. - Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association;


Listen up!


It does not really matter whether you or anyone believes what I say right now, I still win because I have made people start thinking.


We put Saddam Hussein in power and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We put a gun to his head that said he could build as many palaces as he wanted, live like a King and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We also said that he should not forget he was a nothing before we put him in power to give us Iraq’s oil in exchange for our worthless dollars that would become increasingly worthless if he were to distribute what we also call Petro Dollars to his people to provide them with better housing, better food, better education, better roads, better cars, better overall living conditions, faster Internet connections, better vacations spots, better everything because if he, and remember we are talking about Saddam, not Ahud Barak, did in fact the right thing distributing our monies to his impoverished but like all people increasingly aware, it would cause a run on the worthless-fictitious U.S. Dollar that is backed up increasingly since August 15th 1971 when we officially went off the Gold Standard, by our increasingly out of control industrial-military complex and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We also said the people of the United States of America are very familiar with our Regime Change Foreign Policy that has its beginnings in the Monroe Doctrine better known as Gunboat Diplomacy and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We also said that we the people of the United States are brain dead and would go along with this nonsense given how we the people couldn’t even figure out that while we the people of the United supported this policy of Regime Change everywhere around the world where we wanted something for nothing we the people of the United States of America for good reason never laid a glove on the most brutal dictatorship the world has ever known, the South African Apartheid Regime sitting atop the world’s richest mineral resources which the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel with support from both the British and American out of control industrial-military-complex had stolen from the majority of the peoples of South Africa who happened to be Black and who didn’t have big guns and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We also said how very easy it was to execute our Regime Change policy which simply meant we would support the next in command also known as the second-in-command if our first in command aka as our tyrant-dictator were to start distributing our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars causing a run on our currency and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We also said that it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how we the people of the United States of America could use all our ill-gotten gains to own all the propaganda outlets, radio, TV, print newspapers, magazines and the such and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


We also said that to reinforce how very dumb are us Americans with the biggest guns that cost us nothing as the rest of the world’s poor spill their blood and fight amongst themselves “until death do us part” with all the clerics of all the major religions also all bought, just by looking how we the people of the United States of America got hooked on empty slogans, “A Diamond is Forever-A Girl’s Best Friend” and Ahud Barak also knows this fact.


If I were that “emissary” meeting with the next Saddam Hussein I would know to let it all sink in and have Saddam’s look-a-like extrapolate and put other things together beginning with how the DAAC Nazis beat a path so very quickly to the southern tip of Africa.


All mind-boggling but not if you are not completely brain dead, and I cannot speak for you but I remain convinced that Ahud Barak can understand perfectly well what he must now do and if not I could become an “emissary” to Israel so long as I am allowed to leave the United States alive.


You would think that when I am done with my forthcoming book THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE, subtitle, A Message For The President I would write a book about my very interesting family which thanks to you and your kind I am already doing so when you send a check to celebrate Pypeetoe’s 6th birthday this coming July 8th, some 4 days after July 4th, feel free to make as big a contribution as you feel necessary and if you have any more words of wisdom to first have an editor check your atrocious grammar.


You do understand perfectly well that here in the United States of America we have our own “Apartheid” going where a small group govern the masses who are really not doing all that well considering, not aware and when told would not believe it,,, at first anyway.


Republican candidate for President Fred Thompson is fully aware. He has already heard it, received a command performance by the Director of the Secret Service.


Have you ever flown in a small aircraft anywhere between 50 and 100 feet above the buildings you are bombing with three 500 pound bombs attached, one on the undercart- fuselage, and one on each wing while hoping that when coming down at a breathtaking speed from a dizzy height you have killed with your machine guns on both wings those “unfriendly” who know you are coming and whenever possible hold hostages chained close to openings to serve as quite the “canary”.


But you don’t have to be Jewish to recite until you believe it, “Cant is not in my vocabulary; the impossible shall be done; miracles take a little longer.”


Isnt it interesting how when one’s “back is up against the wall”, all your threats of physical violence, threats of getting Big Brother who you believe you have in your back pockets to use and abuse to do your dirty work even if only to inevitably bankrupt your more worthy opponent, all amount to a flat zero, you suddenly find yourself so very peaceful, so very, very, extraordinarily civil towards the person who all you wanted to do was kill, throwing your hands up in the air and saying so pitifully, so cowardly,


Aren’t we all bought and paid for?


Not even my uncle Dave when he and I last stared each other out and he was the first to blink would have had the courage to suggest such a dismally poor excuse for bad behavior given how much it would have taken to buy me off to lead the DAAC to perpetual bliss until of course Armageddon or when our Superior Being thought otherwise or the sooner of the two.


When last did you wake up at the crack of dawn to the sound of hundreds if not thousands of the most beautiful birds in the world crying out loud to be fed and when you begin your walk from the bedroom through the living area able to see through your glass and stone home deep inside the Cleveland National Forest in every direction a kaleidoscope of G-D-NAture and by the time you open the backdoor in the mud room leading out all taking no more than 3 seconds after first finishing you 4200 sit-ups in bed, the crescendo is so awesomely loud that you forget for a moment that with all the monies spent in the exploration of Deep Space we have yet to come across a single fig leaf let alone a heartbeat.


When last when not at your 1,000 square foot or so stone and glass home but at your main residence perched atop the cliffs of heavily corrupt but still so spectacular scenery with the best climate in the world, all said and done well under a 1,000 sq./ft not including of course the vaulted ceilings which of course I will not hang my beyond belief sexy and so awesomely beautiful with a smile to die for wife’s portrait painted by master Spanish painter Sebastian Capella who “owns” more buildings in Valencia, Spain than possible the Royal Family of Spain which of course he has painted and then some, and when you finally go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning all you hear is the thunderous crashing of the waves below that when the side front windows along with the side windows running continuously perfectly perpendicular to the ocean which remember is west, it is like being seated in the front seats at a symphony but unlike having to worry about a musician with an upset stomach, G-D-Nature has a way of wiping out all distractions.


This morning after heating up my coffee cup before making a cappuccino I had failed to properly close the faucet, only hearing it now since I have been mostly out and about all day, and just got up from the rather comfortable bar stool my wife and I bought along with a companion stool at the local consignment store in Del Mar that had to move because a lawyer who makes a dishonest living finally passed through Del Mar where because this store along with others were not in compliance with the American for Disabilities Act had to shut their doors and more on to the next town north, Solana Beach and of course in time if there is time they will eventually be put out of business and when returning back, first checking to see that the birds are just as happy with me this late afternoon as they were this morning as they were yesterday if not more so since today I gave them almost double what I handed out yesterday which was twice what I have ever put out, I got down on my hands and knees and did my 3600 pushups, bearing in mind that I can also count very fast, about a 100 counts for each push up and sit-up, but not quite as fast as my Royal Mater can read.


And you recall that Zena Gevisser could read going back to December 2001 when we last visited at her cozy mini estate in Wivesliscombe, Somerset, England, a 500 page book in less time than it takes the average human being to do business #2 and you could quiz on the minutest detail and she would remember it all.


What else apart from the fact that you are so out of touch with G-D-NAture can explain your lunacy which of course has you so purposefully mixing up my emails and emails unrelated parties send you with my website and which website exactly is that?


Not to mention you are now calling my list, “my list”? Are you trying to steal my list and/or want a job?


Again, Google search your name “JOHN LOFTUS PROSECUTOR” alongside that of the two words, “DIAMOND INVENTION”.


First you see this email I sent you on November 12th of last year and right below this email I sent the next day to Mr. Devin Standard the former executor of my estate, of course referencing your so very misleading statements that coupled with your deafening silences not only speak volumes but help get folks “out of the DAAC” [sic].


Knowledge-Information-Light is Light-Information-Knowledge.


Not to mention that you have given me reason to now follow up with Devin that you should get your copy between 10 minutes before he gets his copy and 72 hours after, all depending. 


Here you are big time Justice Department Nazi prosecutor with your own spot on Wikipedia being granted airtime like no other U.S. Attorney I know and your English is atrocious.


Remember I know a handful or “tTOo” [sic] United States Attorneys including Howard Finkelstein Esq., of Finkelstein & Krinsk and Robert Kaplan Esq. of Kaplan, Kilsheimer & Fox, both law firms finally “getting it together” on October 1st, 1999 and filing an epic class action complaint against Revlon Corporation and Ronald “Capo Di Capi” Perelman with less than a handful of hours remaining before the statute of limitations ran out, thanks in no small measure to the Revlon Make Up Cartoon [see below] I had my wife draw in no time with all the verbiage and expressions provided by my Royal Mater.


Mr. John Joseph Loftus Esquire, born February 12, 1950, in Boston, Massachusetts, consider what follows the “Recital” to my counter lawsuit should you decide very foolishly to file a baseless complaint against me.


Continuing to “cut and paste” from Wikipedia,


Loftus currently has a daily radio show on Nova M Radio at 8 pm. He also serves as a media commentator, appearing regularly on ABC National Radio and Fox News. On August 7, 2005, he provided the United States address of a suspected terrorist named Iyad K. Hilal on Fox News. Only afterwards was it revealed that Hilal had left the address three years previously and the home was now owned by a family that was subjected to threats and vandalism and required police protection as a result of Loftus' words. Fox fired Loftus after the event. Loftus said "I thought it might help police in that area now that we have positively identified a terrorist," but he did not say why he did not contact police in a more direct manner. Loftus apologized for the mistake and expressed frustration about FBI inaction on an earlier tip.


Loftus is an American author, former US government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer. He is a president of The Intelligence Summit and a president of the Florida Holocaust Museum, the first Irish Catholic president of that institution. Loftus serves on the Board of Advisers to Public Information Research. He is a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida.


Son of a Boston firefighter, Loftus was a graduate of Boston College (BA, 1971) and Suffolk University (JD, 1977). He served in the US Army from 1971 to 1974, attaining the rank of First Lieutenant. He began working for the US Department of Justice in 1977 and in 1979 joined their Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US.


Loftus is the author and co-author of several books on Nazis, espionage, and similar topics including The Belarus Secret (1982), Unholy Trinity: How the Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets (1992), The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People (1994), Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks (1998).


Moving right along.


Mr. Social Critic, what prevented you apart from being so out of control, so full of yourself from contacting Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – office 1-619-238-1333 ext 24; home 1-619-222-88-42, also a graduate of Boston College perhaps the two of you sat next to each other at the graduation ceremonies, possibly even rode the same motorcycle that left, I seem to recall a girl with a bump on her head after she was dead, when you first heard from me while you were on Ian Punnett’s radio show, Saturday, November 11, 2006 when at 9:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, my email very explicit:


A caller mentioning, “shady dealings working with the Rothchilds…” 


Mr. Loftus is wrong about the Rothschilds losing all their money as a result of the Nazis….ask him if he has read THE DIAMOND INVENTION


As you know the next day, Sunday, November 12, 2006 at 11:09 AM, Mr. Punnett responded:


Please feel free to contact him.


I don't know anything about his source material.


Sorry I'm just getting this.


God bless, Punnett


As you also know I responded the same day at 12:08 PM PT, copying approximately 5,000 individuals-groups including the following:


John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; John Pollard -;; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG;; artbell-coast; Dr. Laura Family;

I placed in the subject line the word, “CREDIBILITY.”


The text read as follows:


It is you who I am most interested to contact.


You should know without having to do much research on me that my credibility will far outshine that of any Government prosecutor, current and former, including those who promote themselves as “Nazi Prosecutors”, focused so inexcusably on the Bush family while not even bothering to look and see who else besides for Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson and Democrat Vice President Humphrey were forced back in March 1971to pay homage” to Anglo Harry Oppenheimer at the church, NOT SYNAGOGUE, funeral of Charles Engelhard, the American head of the DAAC.


Bear in mind just the fact that NOT A SINGLE Federal prosecutor WHILE intimately FAMILIAR with Department of Justice files NOW AVAILABLE under the Freedom of Information Act for more than 3 decades is out there on “talk radio” focusing attention on “money”, specifically “Diamond Currency”.


Not to mention there isn’t a single Federal Prosecutor “worth their weight” who DOES NOT KNOW about a number of MINDBOGGLING connections between the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel and the Nazis not just in Germany and the U.S. but throughout the world prior, during and subsequent to the "cessation of hostilities" on June 8th 1945 when the 3rd Reich's Southern Division under the “command and control” of the American Charles Englehard, an “open supporter” of the South African Apartheid Regime and LONG TIME KENNEDY CLAN FRIEND, then "took root" in South Africa, the country of my birth.


To mention little of the extraordinary meeting between President elect John F. Kennedy and Harry Oppenheimer, the Anglo head of the DAAC, at the Carlyle Hotel, again such information about the cartel of cartels, price fixers of price fixers AVAILABLE under the Freedom of Information Act for more than 3 decades.


To mention in passing as more than just my immediate family feel “paralysis setting in” on what is yet another most glorious sunshine filled day at our rock home deep in the Cleveland National Forest where the U.S. Forest Service may well one day soon allow us to grow our own organic vegetables, you may choose to wait for me to have the Attorney General of the United States share his “point of view” of what my Royal Mater while still 19 years of age and just married to my amazing Allied fighter-bomber-pilot father doing:


From the earliest days of 1949 she visited Israel two and three times a year writing reports for different publications. Her paternal grandmother had been an early resident of Tel Aviv only returning to England when Zena was born. The Gevissers (she married Bernie Gevisser when she was 19 after only a few months in Durban) owned land in Haifa harbour and Zichron Yscov and she rapidly felt at home in Israel.


Those 72 words taken from my mother’s LIFE STORY which she emailed on October 9th 2001 should have everyone including our troops “in the middle” slowing down, in order “to give peace a better chance”.


Give me a telephone number and I will gladly call you right now.




Ps - click on this hyperlink that will take you to what I sent Mr. John Loftus last evening while he was still on the air with you.


[Word count 54]


I don’t believe I ever heard again from Mr. Punnett


You will recall, however, that I didn’t hear a response either from you when I emailed you the following at 9:04 PM PST on November 11th, 2004 some 16 minutes before first contacting Mr. Punnett.


Again, just in case you are having difficulty accessing my hyperlinks, below is what I emailed you that began your tailspin to hell which of course you can forgive me repeating time and again can be found alive and well here on the most resilient, most beautiful planet Mother Earth where goodness coexists perfectly well with evil, you just got to know not only that it is a “game” but how to play it smartly.


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:04 PM PT
To: John Loftus – Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor
Subject: ....DIAMONDS FOR HITLER...---....


Mr. Loftus – I am listening to you now on KOGO.


I was a little surprised that as you went about naming FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES you never mentioned a single name spelled out rather clearly in Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s INTERNET ONLY most fascinating book THE DIAMOND INVENTION.


May I suggest given how I am quite certain you are not part of the “distraction game” you start at Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.


Diamond Currency is unlimited in supply, untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried and of course I am talking about both industrial as well as so-called “gem quality” stones.


The only question you should have after reading THE DIAMOND INVENTION is why the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel would allow such a book detailing their devious nature to be written in the first place.


I happen to be not only the only individual alive who can explain precisely why but more importantly why I, who was raised Orthodox Jewish in South Africa, am the only person willing to “speak out” given how I have painstakingly and methodically gone about “lining up my ducks”.




Gary S. Gevisser


[Word Count 191]


What stops you even at this late afternoon hour from explaining your read of THE DIAMOND INVENTION AND don’t take any comfort from its author Edward Jay Epstein’s explaining his reluctance to engage me in a public debate as to why exactly did the DAAC, the master marketers allow him to write such an ugly book of the DAAC’s extraordinary “Money Power” well beyond most human being’s belief system?


Was Hitler honest when he said, “The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie?” or was Madison Avenue just stating the obvious?


I grew up in South Africa for 1 week shy of 21 years and although I don’t recall ever once meeting Nazi of Nazis American Charles Engelhard buried in a church, his name was mentioned on enough occasions that immediately upon his death I asked my Royal Mater what he died from.


Without missing a beat my RM answered, “From an addiction to coca Cola”.


My RM, the head trader in our family, may have been on anti-depressants at the time but I wouldn’t have known but you should care about the fact that I have caught you with your hand in the cookie jar.


So very crafty are you to talk about my website in the same vein you speak of me responsible for the profanity of others, all of you filthy disgusting hypocrites remind me so much of why I was so very quiet as a kid knowing that something was terribly rotten and I knew we were not living in Denmark.


Your refusal to follow the money trail places you in the company of a good many number of people I know well perhaps even better than I know you who I have yet to meet but your writings say everything about you and how very different you are to me who only cares about in the time I have remaining informing as many people as possible that we have you and your kind beat.


It is not a good thing to be so very unkind to the next generation who have so little to look forward as we spend the earth at an alarming rate just so that we get in a few more licks of fat, ice-cream, a quickie, a night out on the town at a fancy restaurant where we might run into a famous celebrity and along the way picking up a bug or “tTOo” [sic] in addition to those cancerous cells lying dormant to be turned on in an instant by our ever present Guiding Light.


I can only strongly suggest you go now very quiet and if you feel the need to talk even to vent just email someone like Dr. John K. Pollard who manages to get through his day waiting for his last breath of air finding the best jokes to send my wife who has yet to find anything funny enough to share with me so that I could intern Dr. JKP to the closest mental ward.


There is something very funny about highly educated people who have all this wealth of knowledge about math and science in particular and yet are incapable of translating all that KIL into something meaningful as they prepare to depart this earth to return in the next instant as not much more than an earthworm to breath fresh oxygen and absorb their prior life’s hot air.


What goes around comes around with a vengeance!


As God is my witness I promise you that from this moment forth you will never ever get out of your head the fact that with all the knowledge you have of the Diamond Invention and the pivotal role played by the Kennedy clan going back to when Joe Kennedy was one of the original “players” in Hollywood, the same with old man Engelhard who bequeathed his son Charles, my uncle Dave’s major benefactor, not just a fortune but the title, The Platinum King and yet you saw fit to use the DAAC’s airwaves to try and make dirty money by dirtying the good name of George W. Bush doing the best job humanely possible of an impossible and so thankless job of President which is very simply to wage war on any of our tyrants or weaker nations who refuse to accept our worthless-fictitious US Dollar.


My perspective of things is important not only because I can logically thought process allowing me to piece together all the “numbers” but given my immediate family’s nexus with Charles Engelhard who visited our family’s The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies at their headquarters on Madon Road, Durban when this very busy “traveler” you would think had better things to do apart from the fact that our trading company represented a “big problem” for the DAAC who were and remain dead set against any type of entrepreneurialism where they don’t control ever aspect of the deal.


Anyone who knew the founder of this highly diversified conglomerate, my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser knew he could never be bought, the same with his youngest son my father and his wife, my Royal Mater.


The Ashes, however, were another story altogether, much more worldly, much more money sophisticated and very deadly.


Speak to anyone who has been raised by an orphan who watched their parents and siblings getting their throats slit right before your eyes.


Speak to any orphan of such a massacre who raises not only a couple of handfuls of strapping sons but decides to leave Israel and return to England to raise her most brilliant numbers son’s just one “born to perform” genius beyond genius child, my mother.


There was only such individual I know of in modern day times and she is my great maternal grandmother, Nechie Badash who for good reason did not trust too many people even if they saw fit to call themselves honest.


[Word count 4577]


From: John Loftus – Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 7:17 PM
Cc:;; ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Mr. Gevisser,

I am an honest man with a good reputation. Yet my good name is tarnished by an involuntary association with yours.  Take me off your silly list.  This is not the first time I have complained of the vulgarity of your correspondents.  You have no right to keep sending me this vulgar drivel.  If you do not remove me from my list, then you are intentionally inflicting more on me.  Why do you keep sending your asinine emails to me when i clearly want nothing to do with you?

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 10:35 PM
To: John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor
Cc: rest; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Steve Cohen - Jews for Jesus; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Roger W. Robinson; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; William Clark - Petro Dollar Wars; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad;; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It;


Mr. United States Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor,


Let me answer your simple question by first having you look at the lead story in the New York Times Internet edition, “Poor Nations to Bear Brunt as World Warms” which I have yet to read and then explain to me why it is that the rich get richer by trickling down the costs to the poor apart from you not doing your job to uphold the laws of the United States.


Nothing more important than our sacrosanct anti-Trust laws to prevent monopolists like the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel being in “command and control” of what we refer to as the “free enterprise system”.


Now help me explain to “law abiding” Americans having to worry about finding the money to pay ever increasing parking tickets but who still think that America represents the “free enterprise system” why they shouldn’t be disheartened and lose any more faith in President George W. Bush when hearing that there are some 100,000 mercenaries on the payroll of the United States military when the United States military along with all 3 Branches of the United States government has been for more than century on the payroll of the DAAC, the monopolists of monopolists.


You would also agree with most Americans that Mr. Giuliani the former Wall Street prosecutor who went on to become Mayor of New York City and during 911 prevented the sky from falling down as he went down one marriage isle after the next is unlikely to be elected the next President of the United States since who in their right mind would vote for anyone who has been married twice let alone 4 times.


Dr. JBS is unemployed. He has my vote for President so long as we pass a Constitutional Amendment banning liars, cheats and thieves from public office.


Devin Standard, thinking possibly of joining Hezbollah, is now laughing so hard his stomach hurts.


Let me now have you come back to the 100,000 mercenaries that I gather not every citizen of the United States knows is in fact the “backbone” of the civil wars we waging throughout the world.


Allow me to further address in an equally forthright fashion this notion that Bill Clinton is both scholarly and worldly.


Bill Clinton is a business person’s backside.


Bill Clinton took the thankless job of President of the United States that pays less than what most bums working on Wall Street pay their hookers because he did in fact “pass the grade” when being accepted by the DAAC as a Rhodes Scholar which didn’t require him to play a good game of rugby just to talk funny and then rest his head against the palm of his hand.


The economy that Bill Clinton inherited wasn’t doing exactly great, not even close, but when he left office he showed what a “bad ass” business person he was when leaving the United States with the most extraordinary cash surplus.


Allow me to yet again remind you and all my listeners that the job of the President of the United States is to print money and protect the Almighty Dollar by declaring war on any nation apart from DAAC controlled countries like South Africa and the United States of America who refuse to accept our worthless-fictitious utterly nonsense DeBeers-Dollars.


You would know being such a “smart ass” prosecutor with unchallengeable “money power” that the only way to gauge the health of a nation when you have one President after the next printing money 24/7 without any backing apart from its military mite is to look at the “risk markets”, i.e. what is happening with DAAC controlled Lords-Lloyds of London.


Just the fact that well prior to Bill Clinton leaving office insurance megalopolies like AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd had their foreign-owned entities division growing at 45% compounded annually should have you and everyone else with worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars in the bank going very quiet while thanking only G-d for George W. Bush doing the most thankless job of printing money and protecting the currency by declaring war on any nation who refuses to accept our worthless-fictitious DeBeers Dollar.


Saddam Hussein will not be the last of our tyrants the President of the United States has to deal with who is awash with worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars that they cannot distribute to their masses because they fear for their lives both the U.S. with guns pointed at their heads to accept our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars as well as the increasingly aware masses, thanks to the Internet, demanding their share of the worthless-fictitious Petro DeBeers-Dollars.


The job of the United States President is to protect the currency “at all cost”.


The job of the Secret Service is to protect the President so that the Commander In Chief can do their thankless job of protecting the worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars “at all cost”.


People have been communicating with me and sharing their knowledge of wrongdoing long before Ron Bellows, an American International Group senior risk management specialist sent me this eye opening email that upon completion had him turning to drink.


Bear in mind the analysis of mega Shareholder Class Action Litigator Bill Lerach stemming from his questionnaire put to the “Captains of Corporate America” in the spring of 1999, long before Enron, that left no illusions about the systemic rot in America’s “free enterprise system” that existed only in Hollywood.


Also take note of the incriminating documents sent “anonymously” to Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. pertaining to the epic class action lawsuit against Revlon Corporation during the “pre-discovery stage” that were literally taken off the desk of the General Counsel for Revlon under the “command and control” of Ronald “Capo Di Capi” Perelman who didn’t get his nickname because he was an honorable boy scout or when he was in training to be an alcoholic like King Golden Jr. Esq. the moment he passed the grade to become an alter boy.


Have you heard of any Jewish alcoholics starting out having their rabbi get them drunk on Maneshevitz?


If so please forward to me the most recent email address you have for South African arms trader "Muni" [sic] Simcovitz, Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss as well as Abe Dubin who co-founded South African Clothing Industries with my step-father Alan Zulman and because Abe stole the monies deposited in to a Swiss account resulting from the standard operating procedure in every noteworthy clothing company of “over and under invoicing” he was supposed to share with Alan, I guess my Royal Mater thought it mighty fine to steal my “nothing” bachelor pad with a balcony view of Nelson Mandela’s Robin Island, South Africa.


The instant you begin subscribing to the notion, “The end justifies the means” so you begin to think of yourself as omnipotent since you allow yourself to take over your mind, the first indicator of the supernatural – the mind all chemistry that translates back in the science and the math the most precise and spiritual of the languages- inevitably leaving no space for G-d to inspire you, leaving our Superior Being with no choice but to create within the mind, using the short-circuits trying to keep track of your lies from day one, a perfect vacuum like Deep Space where no sound as we know it can travel.


You understand perfectly how this “light bulb” effect mirrors in many ways the Red Shift effect measuring light waves, the first indicator we had of the “Hand of G-d” going up and down like a dimmer switch, the RS mirroring the “back and forth” Doppler Effect measuring sound waves, the mind becoming in no time at all to speak of, nothing short of brain dead.


Bear in mind that time is relative only to mankind.


So it stands to reason that the overwhelming majority of filthy rich Medical doctors in the United States consider themselves so godly, but increasingly less so as we all, those of us not getting our fair share of the graft-spoils of diamond-drilling bit oil wars derive great satisfaction in exposing these thugs to the “bright lights” G-d has created.


Bear constantly in mind how little we can trust the Justice Department to do their job when they have granted now for than a century a free pass to the anti-trust violators of anti-trust violators.


It is my opinion that you made a very serious error when deciding to use the public airwaves, under the command and control of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, to distract the ignorant BUT NOT STUPID general public with your attack on the Bush family when back on November 11th of last year, as guest on Coast to Coast AM you minced no words when expressing that if President George W. Bush’s grandfather were alive today you would prosecute him for Nazi War Crimes given the knowledge you have of Justice Department files that you believed in your infinite wisdom show Prescott Bush to have “enriched” himself during the rise of Nazi Germany.


The fact that you have in my humble but seasoned opinion pretty much all your facts 100% right about a great deal of the Bush family’s source of wealth only tells me that you, again given your access to Justice Department files are being extraordinarily selective, i.e. extraordinarily fraudulent in choosing to single out the Bush family having “blackened hands” that of course predates the wholesale slaughter of not only 6 million of my innocent Jewish brothers and sisters.


Even if we were to assume that you were in fact ignorant of voluminous Justice Department files detailing the extraordinarily transparent “blackened hands” of the DAAC whose leadership are well known human beings with flesh covering their bones and organs and fat asses who also bleed and of course they can cry at their own funerals, you have absolutely no excuse for CONTINUING to “PLAY OSTRICH” after indoctrinating millions of Coast to Coast AM listeners with your absolute nonsense.


But of course I am wrong in suggesting anything other than the fact that you are now, having been caught with your hand in the “cookie jar”, deciding once again to be selective and “play victim”, wanting to just be left alone to dwell in your own misery.


Once you have asked each and every of the 20 million or so listeners for forgiveness and each one informs me that they have granted you such absolution I will accede to your request.


Remember though, I was one of those listeners and I don’t know that I will ever forgive you which shouldn’t stop you from at least asking.


Moreover, I do not forget for a moment your very aggressive tone when first demanding that I leave you alone.


Immigrants coming to the United States do so because they are either escaping the tyranny of our tyrants or to earn worthless-fictitious and very blood stained DeBeers-Dollars.


Most of the hard working immigrants whether legal or illegal who along with our military bases on foreign soil prop up our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars send a good chunk of their hard earned and heavily taxed wages back to their families who in turn by accepting such worthless-fictitious absolute nonsense DeBeers-Dollars perpetuate this extraordinary money making machine.


But what you, Coast to Coast AM, all their talking heads as well as guests and the same applies to all of us who perpetuate this extraordinary cycle of violence against the world’s hard working poor who again are not stupid just very poor and of course just like you and others so poorly educated under the Bell Shaped curve educational system suffer from “Poverty of Thought”, now, this instant, have to deal with the awesome power of the Internet.


Moreover, it is my extraordinary “footprint” on The Internet that I have achieved using just a very small fraction of my wealth while of course a great deal of my intellect that has you shaking in your boots.


Not to mention that you also know perfectly well, hence your more “conciliatory” tone, the DAAC will never be able to control this most awesome World Wide Web.


O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


Buried now permanently deep inside whatever remains of your brain that God/G-d hasn’t taken over is the reality that you will never be able to figure out who precisely is aware of your duplicity.


You are, however, no different to every one else on my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list.


Not to mention all the others on my other email lists who keep checking to see whether their names have been added and when feeling temporary relief then feast on the names of those highlighted who they know and more often than not detest more than they do me who they know speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and more importantly G-d has “seen fit” to keep me around a full half century.


Moreover, I have never felt better which of course has my adversaries choking.


Money remains an important “means of exchange” for the poor of the world but with each tick of the almighty powerful clock they are figuring out with help from me and very trusted friends throughout the world that there is nothing in the least bit almighty about the United States Dollar were our military to be defeated in battle against a real military such as China and/or Israel.


Moreover, should the State of Israel come to its senses and request the Peoples Republic of Communist China to take the “lead role” in forging an everlasting peace between Israel and its neighbors whose tyrants are increasingly exposed for the stooges that they are, in the very next moment the British Crown and the United States wont be able to find a spot at the peace table, i.e. no longer will any nation be willing to accept our worthless-fictitious so very blood stained DeBeers-Dollars since all we have to offer are F-16 fighter jets and the such which will only come in handy for our mercenaries.


But of course this everlasting peace assumes the 100,000 mercenaries on the payroll of the DAAC U.S. military can be neutralized when TRYING to pay for their groceries in worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars versus other more “acceptable” means of exchanges such as gold.


Remember it was the United States with its brute military force who decided for the world to get rid of the Gold Standard back on August 15th 1971.


Bear also constantly in mind Mr. Justice Department Prosecutor both the Israeli government as well as the PROCC are not all a bunch of brain dead peoples who set the scholastic levels wherever they go.


They understand PERFECTLY WELL why it is that scumbags like you are allowed such extraordinary access to the PUBLIC AIRWAYS as you fail TO EXECUTE FAITHFULLY the most sacrosanct Anti-Trust-Anti-Competition-Anti-Price Fixing laws against the DAAC, the most FLAGRANT violators.


Wouldn’t you agree it is a very good thing that the PROCC filter out from their hard working and very intelligent peoples the nonsense put out by our DAAC talking heads?


The vast majority of Americans don’t have the “stomach for war” because their principal belief system is imbedded in their “love of money” above all else including family.


If you cannot trust your father you don’t have a family.


If you cannot trust your President you don’t have a country.


The DAAC with their mind-boggling media propaganda have managed to destroy whatever “American Fighting Spirit” we might have at one time had although that was all Hollywood right?


The very possible “saving grace” for the United States might be the fact that the awesome 1.5 odd billion strong Chinese have a “soft spot” for a little known 4 Star American General, the General Stilwell museum located on prime property in the city of Chongching, housing a population of some 30+ million.


The Chinese leadership know perfectly well that they don’t “curry favor” with any American politician by paying such an awesome tribute to a general who got recalled by DAAC stooge President Franklin D. Roosevelt following Stilwell’s “findings” that “our man” Chang Kai Check was not only a crook but a very poor military leader when compared to incorruptible Mao Tse Tung.


Not to mention that at age 60 Stilwell who led a march of old men, women and children through some 140 miles of the Burma jungle in the heat of the summer with the rifle slung, was dead some 3 years later.


Again while the Chinese don’t forget either their 8,000 year old culture, they who also set the scholastic levels in each and every discipline have no difficulty understanding why Americans bred on nonsense, know nothing about their true heroes have this very annoying habit of making a “boogy man” out of those they fear most.


Go right this minute and conduct your poll inside your head to see which peoples, the 300 million Americans or the 1.5 billion happy faced Chinese trust their government more.


Notice how often in the course of a day when thinking about the increased purchasing power of the happy, happy, happy Chinese having done a fine job in protecting their wet and greenlands as you drive aimlessly here in the U.S. on overcrowded freeways or just in quiet neighborhoods, finding every so often a moment’s rest to count the number of law enforcement whose clothing and black and white vehicles have this so purposefully aggressive mask and then notice how extraordinarily safe you feel throughout China whose law enforcement don’t carry guns and whose clothing is so very welcoming.


But again, the Chinese who come top at all our schools and universities know not only their history of being invaded time and again with all their invaders apart from the Allied nations adapting very quickly their so peaceful but hard working culture based on the merit system where art is so intertwined in everything beginning with their written pictorial language, but also the history of the United States and the British Crown so very intertwined.


An aware individual doesn’t need to read Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention to know the connecting dots between Cecil Rhodes, the Brit who founded DeBeers and a Rhodes Scholar such as President Bill Clinton who at the 11th hour and 59th minute of his illegitimate presidency granted Marc “Trading with the enemy” Rich a presidential pardon and who while playing with Monica’s private parts got eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner by the Chinese who only sleep when having sex.


An aware individual listening or reading the speech Clinton gave at Caltech University on January 21st 2000 with a full year remaining in office, not to mention there wasn’t even the thought of being able to kick around George W. Bush or Dick Cheney or the great Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld, would come away aghast as this nonsense talker ended his rousing speech which had zero substance to it until the end by presenting the most extraordinary problem that the United States despite its extraordinary budget cash surplus was ripe for a Bosnian style ethnic cleansing civil war.


But Bill Clinton did know a little about history beginning with Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944 where we had British Crown economist John Maynard Keyes delivering the ultimatum to the 730 delegates from 44 nations to accept our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars or face our superior and overwhelming military force.


George W. Bush had however, both the knowledge and the intestinal fortitude to take on his father’s generation by denouncing the atrocity of the Yalta Conference that followed some 6 months after the 730 returned to their countries to begin enslaving their masses.


And then we have this awesome picture below taken right after the Yalta Conference of DAAC stooge President Franklin D. Roosevelt letting Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia know that he and his family could count on the U.S. to maintain a shortfall in our oil supplies thus allowing our military bases in places like Saudi Arabia to protect the corrupt and tyrannical Royal Families so long as they NOT ONLY accepted our worthless-fictitious and utterly nonsense DeBeers-Dollars but never thought for more than a moment of distributing such monies to their poor, downtrodden and uneducated masses thus causing in the next instant a run on the worthless-fictitious and so blood stained DeBeers-Dollar.



The fact that anyone in the DAAC media would even bother to give Clinton or his wife or for that matter any member of the United States Congress the “time of day” is bad enough but when you consider the fact that Bill “Rhodes-DeBeers” Clinton could very possibly be reelected President were he to be allowed to run again, is again, not lost on aware people who remember what happened to 4 Star General Stilwell.


Before responding may I suggest very strongly you contact Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. of the law firm Finkelstein & Krinsk and see what Mr. JRK can suggest you do to assist give peace a better chance but first examine carefully this business plan he drew up for me on December 31st 2003, a year to the day when my French-Canadian wife Marie Dion Gevisser wrote an email to a gold broker that began:


It seems that Mr. Gevisser might in fact be on to something…---…


Gold last trading in the spot market at $663.60 a troy ounce


Then examine even more carefully those in the carbon copied section of these “back and forth” emails between myself and the principals of DAAC controlled Codiam Inc. back in November 2004 following my decision to break a 24 year silence.


Then give thought to those members of the world’s military who are not corrupt and who mostly joined the “economic draft” still believing that they weren’t mercenaries, now waking up to how very misled they have been, and very eager not to take on any military who have not only the “rule of law” in their favor but such an awesome military that you have my word that Israel’s most brutal Armed Forces would “stand down” were the PROCC to decide “enough is enough”.


And that includes all members of Israeli Special Forces including Commanding Officers as well as the Mossad whose assassination unit recruit from the best of the best of Israel’s most elite special forces units as well as members of the very deep underground Jewish Underground who make it their business-personal to “keep honest” the Mossad the least DAAC infiltrated of the intelligence services which include organizations like the megalopoly of AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd and each and every drug cartel including of course the U.S. military-CIA making certain that Afghanistan continues to break all records producing some 40% more than the worldwide demand for opium that is mostly consumed by Americans beginning with American service people which is a major factor in the Israel’s Special Forces units’ decision to “run circles around” American Special Forces who in addition to not being able to trust the intelligence from their Commanding Officers will shortly have no trust in their currency, beginning the instant the Israeli government does the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and invites the PROCC to assert themselves having again both the “rule of law” as well as the “military mite” to neutralize all DAAC forces and in the very next instant there will be everlasting peace and all we have to worry about is finding jobs for Wall-47th Street pencil-pushers and their grossly overpaid and very corrupt medical doctors.


And if I am wrong, G-d, you can bet your bottom worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollar, will NOT help us.


Gary S. Gevisser


[Word count 3944]


From: - John Loftus – Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:26 PM


please explain why you refuse to honor my many requests to be taken off this list?



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:25 PM PT
Cc: rest;; Devin Standard; Dr. John K. Pollard -;;; South China Morning Post; Dr. Laura Family; Rush Limbaugh; Roger W. Robinson; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.;;;; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State; Elizabeth - WHY WE FIGHT!; South China Morning Post; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild;


Interesting the different reactions of those such as yourself whose lies from day one are now catching up with you all in “real time”.


Not to mention on this Jewish Sabbath day the reaction flowing in from around the world to an “insane knuckle fork” communiqué I sent earlier to a Chinese lady working for the Pearl Center in Beijing that I know versus believe has begun to take on a, “life of its own”.


Devin Standard is now focused exclusively on the rise of the gold price following the start of my “heartbreaking” response to his utter nonsense,


You are making progress; but taking DeBeers down will be a long, hard fight. Check out… 


You would think well western school educated but worldly Devin Standard would have trouble forgetting that Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein, the DAAC author of the most fascinating INTERNET ONLY book, THE DIAMOND INVENTION, also writes editorials for the DAAC controlled Wall Street Journal.


Of course it would be impossible to bring down the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel so long as there are enough people like Devin “playing business” with his college pal David Poli Pollack, now co-chairman of the New York State Democratic Party who prides himself on being far more intellectually honest chasing chicks at Democratic Parties versus Devin and his lawyer father Kenneth Standard Esq., the immediate past President of the New York State Bar Association presiding over some 72,000 lawyers-liars heavily dependant on maintaining the status quo of the “Filthy Rich”, thanks to the DAAC, not having to abide by our sacrosanct anti-Trust/Anti-Price Fixing laws that cascades down impacting slowly but surely all the nonsense petty crime laws that keep the poor in a permanent shell shocked state when not shot to death, constantly getting deeper in the hole; the dirt poor just to survive finding themselves no different to the filthy rich in a habitual state of lying, stealing, cheating, eating then getting drugged before passing out.


Can you figure out how life, death and sex fit in with the grand scheme of things?


Dr. John K. Pollard, an alumni of MIT and Cornell University and whose last regular paying job was a stockbroker for the nonsense talking AG Edwards, today Dr. JKP, no relation to the American-Israeli spy Dr. Jonathan Pollard, heavily invested in “shorting” the stock market eagerly awaiting a cataclysmic collapse of the western world’s house of cards’ capital and financial markets, thinks it smart to give me a lesson in economics when all I asked of him was to be nothing more than a “messenger” in a gold transaction where I had done all the necessary thinking and in return for my over-the-top smart, beyond belief sexy, dressed or undressed French-Canadian wife who has better things to do than help me beat her to die the richest person in the grave, would have cooked him with me acting as assistant chef one most incredible gourmet vegetarian meal and were I to have invited about 15 of my wife’s two teenage kids’ friends along, increasing numbers of them noticing that a cow is much like my beloved dog Pypeetoe apart from cows not keeping us all awake at night as these beef providers while big time polluters most likely don’t suffer at night horribly like my super sensitive Italian Greyhound from nightmares for the next day’s possible increasingly worse separation anxieties, Dr. JKP would have left our studio cliff house with the most mesmerizing and ever changing seascape views a, “basket case”.


Like you realizing that having “played ostrich” a lifetime to The Diamond Invention there is very little to say let alone do apart from helping me find a publisher, writer, and editor for my forthcoming bestseller, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE!, subtitle, A Message for the President!.


Or how about instead of increasing the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day find out as well why it was so very important to Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister of Israel and highly decorated Israeli Special Forces commando, that he “throw his weight” behind the treasonous act of Bill Clinton granting Marc “Trading with the enemy” Rich a Presidential Pardon at the 11th hour and 59th minute of Clinton’s DAAC Presidency.


Have you researched as thoroughly as me both the correlation between cold sores that affect some 80 percent Americans and dementia as well as obesity and dementia.


I assume that before you went to work for the Justice Department as their “hot shot” Nazi prosecutor they checked to see that you passed elementary math?


Did you count your calories today.


How many other Americans do you think failed to count the calories they consumed today?


How long do you think it will be before everyone on your email list is on mine?


No longer can any of you scoundrels count on your “brute force” to show up at my front door and find “sum” [sic] excuse to pull out their guns and pump a bullet or “tTOo” [sic] in to the back of my head.


But of course you have DAAC courts, increasingly “spotlighted”.


You understand perfectly well that this doesn’t mean you wouldn’t try despite coming to grips with the reality that during the 24 years I kept EXTRAORDINARILY quiet following my foray on 47th-Wall Street where I got to “press the flesh” with DAAC’s Hasidic-ultra orthodox Jewish Black Hatters who serve principally as informers on less religious Jewish people who have going back well before the rise of Nazi Germany “towed the line”, I wasn’t exactly “asleep at the wheel”, figuring bringing Public International Attention might have you realizing that were the United States to disappear in to one big dark hole, the rest of the world would be SIGNFICANTly better off.


You would know as do highly secretive and deadly intelligence services like the Israeli Mossad that I made it my “business-personal” to move in the circles of the next generation of the western world’s future DAAC co-opted-corrupt leadership beginning with Roger W. Robinson who you and everyone on this one email list of mine knows needs no introduction, the same with his bosom-buddy and my personal American Attorney for some 15 odd years, Mr. King Golden Jr.


Both Mr. Golden and Mr. Robinson who most recently served as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the all important U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, so very intimate with Ms. Valerie Schulte Esq. a senior lawyer for the National Association of broadcasters although Valerie’s most impressive feature on her Curriculum Vitae besides serving for some 15 years as Ted Turner’s mistress was the day she got on her hands and knees alongside King, a retired alter boy, in a Roman Catholic Church located in Rosarita Beach soon after a Mexican Federale on a motorcycle let us go after first busting King with a whole stash of pot.


Not to mention that apart from the “Hand of G-d” at work what mostly impressed this officer was my placing the cash inside Howard Stern’s Private Parts book which both King and Valerie thought was “beneath them”.


To the best of my knowledge I have never met Israeli Admiral Ami Ayalon who prior to becoming the head of Israel’s most brutal Navy was the Commanding Officer of Flotilla 13, Israel’s most brutal Special Forces unit.


As you would know Mr. Ayalon is personally credited with hundreds of missions as well as being rather well formally educated.


Being so on top of wanting to nail those who profiteered from the rise of Nazi Germany so long as it is not the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, you would most likely know that Mr. Ayalon “sat home” during this past summer’s war with Hezbollah where it was Israel who showed her “true colors” as most likely no more than 100 Hezbollah Special Op commandos, split evenly in ten groups and mimicking Israeli Special Forces, not only held off the extraordinarily poorly commanded Israeli army and Air Force but caused using the most unsophisticated missiles imaginable the evacuation of Haifa where my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser once owned priceless properties right in the harbor that shortly after my Royal Mater and her immediate family arrived in the port of Durban, South Africa, following in the “footsteps” of American Charles Engelhard, the American head of the DAAC, was “handed over” to the Mossad.


For now you can just assume that the total source of my “knowledge base” comes from my over-the-top secretive and shrewd mother while at the same time you can examine in as much depth as you like all the events in my life following her writing on this one photo of me, age 10, kneeling on the ground rather awkwardly pointing an Israeli semi-automatic rifle where the bullet clip had been removed by the Israeli “guide” whose one shoe you see in the right bottom corner.


Not to mention that this photo shoot in January 1968, no different to the other photo in the lower left corner contained within the second “son” hyperlink, taken 18 months earlier in the summer of 1966, titled, “1st trip overseas” where you see me holding and pointing an Israeli Uzi submachine gun towards my middle brother Melvin who has his “hands up”, was not lost on David Ben Gurion and a handful of his close advisors who I first met with on November 1st 1972, some 13 months to the day before this very sharp first prime minister of Israel was laid to rest, and may the good, SMART and ever vengeful Lord continue to rest this great man’s soul.


You can also assume that while I have never been a member of any official or unofficial military or intelligence gathering institute like the Mossad it is possible that I am the only person on the planet “equipped” to explain in very simple English how and why the highly compartmentalized Mossadset up” Hollywood Producer-Director Steven Spielberg that had this so full of himself, loyal like most poorly bred to the Almighty DeBeers-Dollar, stating so very categorically in his mind-boggling 5 minute 100 mile per hour introduction to his epic 2005 Hollywood movie Munich,


Ex-Mossad Agents have attacked it but it [the book Vengeance] has never been discredited”.


DGB nor great Israeli Commanding Officer Yitzhak Rabin, assassinated in 1995 by a “deranged” ultra-orthodox Jewish academic didn’t need the Lavon Affair to take place in the summer of 1954 which brought DBG out of retirement to first become Israel’s Minister of Defense followed by another 9 odd years as Prime Minister, to know that it was just a question of time before top agents of the Mossad would be “compromised” by their unit’s Commanding Officers.


DBG like scoundrels such as yourself seeing fit to continue distracting the downtrodden masses throughout the world did not need to read Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA to know not only the “Money Power” of the DAAC, the mafia of mafia, special interest of special interest money laundering group more responsible for the tyranny in this world these past hundred years than all the rest of THEIR torturers and murderers combined who look and act no different to you and each and every person I continue to add to my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list.


Do you wake up in the middle of night hungry?


Do you do cereal or ice-cream?


Do you also so rudely inhale your gourmet dinner that your wife-girl-boyfriend has slaved over for an hour or more?


What is your body fat percentage?


What is your height?


How much do you weigh before and after 8 hours of lovemaking?


There is a lot someone such as myself could accomplish “out of the public eye” in the space of 24 years that included much more than “flushing outRWR known by his “intimate circle” as “our man Roger” who along with his buddy James A. Baker III who RWR proudly went along with King declaring, “Baker is the most dangerous person in the world”, were in charge of the White House during the Being There President Ronald W. Reagan’s first and most important administration when the DAAC were granted a “new lease on life”.


It not taking more than a single phone call by someone such as “our man Roger”, a protégé of DAAC operative banker David Rockefeller and expert of Soviet Economics, another terrific oxymoron, to shut down the DAAC Soviet “EVIL EMPOWER’s” access to its price fixed Diamond Currency that remains unlimited in supply, untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried and used repeatedly to purchase everything from oil that is priced less than a diamond to a high class prostitute, the best of course working for the Mossad and/or the deep underground Jewish Underground who continue to “keep tabs” on the Mossad.


By age 15 when I met DBGface to face” along with other spoiled rotten Jewish South African kids my age on a small patch of green grass in front of his very humble abode on Kibbutz Sde Boker, near Beersheba in the Negev Desert, some 57 odd days after the PLO began murdering 11 defenseless Israeli athletes at the summer Munch Olympic, I could do a whole lot more than squeeze a gun trigger sending a bullet extremely accurately towards its target beginning with my ability to “read” financial statements “backwards and forwards” with equal precision, leaving me given my “heritage” with several unenviable options well before finishing high school where in my final year I made it my “business-personal” to attend 3 different high schools before “settling down” at Damlin College better known as a “school for dummies” although as you know it is on the extreme ends of the distribution curve where all the “important” information is contained versus what you see when looking in the mirror and noticing the so horrible effects of the western Bell Shaped curve educational system where it is the “most average” who rise to the top.


As you would have gathered I never took off this past Monday either for China or Peru prior to the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange which didn’t prevent me from continuing to increase my “footprint” on The Internet.


Nor did I think it made sense to bring up to my wife the possibility of us leaving shortly either for Tahiti or China or both since the legal American-Mexican kid helping clear out our attic at our Stone Home had obviously more important things to do including I assume play with his friends down in “Taiwan” [sic] Mexico where for $20 you can party all weekend.


Below is the first half of the 3342 word email I sent out earlier to Amy at the Pearl Center in Beijing and when you get to the end and interested to see the rest simply click on the hyperlink above the word, “continuing”.


Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:48 PM PT
To: Pearl Center
Cc: rest; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist
Subject: KNUCKLES...FORK...INSANE.....ear...l CenterµÄÓʼþ


Dear Amy,


Did you assist us back in June of last year when accompanied by our radiologist guide Maggie who you see standing without the red roses in this photo – click on this hyperlink to see another photo of Marie and me.


Not to mention the similar looks and closeness of age between Maggie and the 20-year old college student who served as my guide when I first visited China back in the spring of 1989 before traveling in the fall to Israel where I shared with trusted Israelis my utter amazement at the Tiananmen Square massacre that had the earmarking of the heavily DAAC infested CIA.


Do you believe in “coincidences”?


What do you make of Marie coming up with the title to my forthcoming book, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE! on June 22nd just as we landed in Xian and then 3 days later going to the “hole in the wallDali Museum that seemed smaller than our studio cliff house, nothing I found in the least bit interesting before this most awesome 2,500-year old bronze sculpture showing Chinese money growing on a tree, caught my eye.


If I knew I had one day left in my life I would go back Dali just to look one more time of something that symbolizes to me the essence of the hard working-hard playing so very creative, not in the least bit money oriented peoples, certainly when compared to the so very corrupt western world.


And of course Travel Group China can skip this time throwing me in to the middle of a military maneuver when going by car with of course the same awesome driver to Lijiang when of course, since remember it would be my last day, I would bring along my paddle-wave ski to go down Tiger Leaping Falls.


BTW, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat a bowl of cereal?


How long would you tolerate such an individual who did this regularly, like every night after going to bed, before withholding sex?


Do you think when Hollywood makes fun of such increasingly out-of-control, Hollywood is in fact depicting probably the majority of the self-indulgent people who live 24/7 to feed their fat cells?


Up until Marie mentioned this one of many awful habits of her X-husband I had never heard of a single person apart from Israeli Special Forces commandos who would do something so utterly disgusting and that was only when they would skip dinner while operating “in enemy lines” when only using a fork and even then unlikely to use the knuckles on their other hand to shove the food on to the fork!


I am thinking of adding a column to my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list that describes in the most intimate detail the poor eating habits of each of the individuals that is updated based on feedback I get from their family members, nurses, secretaries and the such along with the blogs I have set up for each of them.


What do you think?


I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t waste time in being “businesslike”, not thinking it “important” to wait for my follow up communiqué to this email I sent you on Tuesday.


Yes, I have a bigger agenda than purchasing a pearl necklace that will go well, no matter the quality, with Marie’s “open front” eye-popping sexy black silk dress-shirt.


The so relaxed and peaceful peoples of China don’t need to believe a word of the Kabala-Jewish mysticism to know the Chinese are the “Lost Tribe of Israel” and why only a fool would suggest otherwise.


By The Way, do you think it would be a good idea for China to fully explain to western style schooled kids not only the expression, “Emperor without clothes” but why the west still holds on to their “Emperors without clothes”, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of illegitimate Representatives, the House of Lords to boot?


The “Jews of the Orient”, like most non-fanatical Israelis are industrious, innovative, non-aggressive, polite, slow to anger but only a fool would awaken abruptly a, “sleeping giant”.


You wouldn’t need me to inform you of the “inexplicable” large numbers of Israeli visitors to China, most using their life savings to make what they believe to be nothing short of a “pilgrimage” before next meeting with our Maker who while having a lot to say “saw fit” not to make sex taboo, yet the so sickeningly out-of-shape priesthood, especially the Roman Catholics, only to control their greed, the result of stolen wealth, introduced celibacy some 1,000 years after the birth-death of The King Jew, Jesus Christ.


By and large” Israelis are the least “trigger happy”, no different to the Chinese who today have the numbers, the economy as well as the most unchallengeable military that all combined could bring about world peace in 24 hours or less.


You would know if able to follow along half as well as those on this one email list of mine that I didn’t get “off a boat” when deciding at “short notice” both to leave South Africa in March 1978 and even shorter notice to bid farewell to Skokie, Illinois when joining Codiam Inc. on 47th-Wall Street in 1980.


Not to mention that just yesterday my French speaking wife when deciding to take another look at the book, Le marché aux voleurs, suggested by a Belgian lady I recently met, informed me that the author, Jean Montaldo while naming all the crooked French officials, makes mention of how he, with witnesses present, dressed as a bum, rummaged through the trash of the Soviet central bank, coming across documents that talked to the Soviets knowing that the price of gold would dramatically rise twice during the latter part of 1979; and when seeing the first rise, Montaldo decided to purchase gold for his own account, when in less than 4 weeks, beginning in late December 1979 and ending on January 21st, 1980, two days before President Carter’s last State of the Union Address, the price of gold doubled, reaching an all time high of $850 a troy ounce when the DAAC knowing that they would be granted a “new lease on life” to continue using their counterfeit Diamond Currency to expand their wealth with the incoming U.S. Administration, under the command and control of DAAC stooge banker David Rockefeller.


Moreover, if you didn’t understand perfectly my writings you would find someone such as our one guide Philip, an in-shape English literature major, to assist you as well as your superiors who would know exactly how to get my “message of hope” in to the hands of more of your government officials who I know versus believe to be SIGNIFICANTLY more honest and cultured than our money grabbing, so poor bred elected and non-elected crooked government officials.


I now have to take issue with American Vice President Richard Cheney who I believe has served President George W, Bush extremely well given the disastrous economic mess GWBinherited” from President Bill Clinton who has now made some $40 million on the lecture circuit without a single DAAC sponsored western reporter asking him to explain his “doomsday scenario” at the end of a speech he gave at Caltech University exactly 12 months before leaving the White House in “shambles”.


VP Cheney’s decision to “lambasteChina for its most brilliant strategic offense-defense moves WAS ONLY, however, designed to SCARE mostly AMERICANS to prop up our industrial-military-complex that is, “falling apart at the seams”.


Not to mention China’s latest “quiet show of force” demonstrating even to U.S. Army cooks, still cooking disgusting hotdogs, how very easily China could “wipe out” in a matter of seconds the west’s space based military technological advantages using basic but highly accurate missiles containing zero explosives.


While your government “sees fit” not to mock what at “first blush” appears to be impressive, well dressed as well as equipped U.S. military personnel, all you need do is first look at how easily you Chinese, along with your neighbors such as the industrious Vietnamese, can produce far more superior lightweight and of course highly fashionable garments and then focus all your remaining attention on how lightly dressed are members of Israel’s “mainstream” forces who while still very possibly the best trained soldiers in the world don’t “touch shoulders” [sic] when compared to the effectiveness of Israel’s most elite Special Forces units whose commandos as well as Commanding Officers are very swift on their feet and of course very lightly armed but expert at deception, would not want to do battle with the least muscled Chinese farmer Marie and I met this past summer on our 24 day “fact finding mission” to China.



Not to mention in what appears to have been a “secured line” call yesterday from a member of Israel’s Flotilla 13 Special Forces unit that began at 3:41 PM PST and lasted 34 minutes and 50 seconds, I was asked to spell the word, “muscle” and were anyone to have been listening in they would have just loved it when the other party said just prior, “How do we steal back the money?


To mention little of the extraordinary short term memory loss of the overwhelming majority of Americans who forget that “Communist” North Vietnam won the Vietnam War that Americans CONTINUE TO BE TAUGHT was to stop the “spread of communism” that was, they were also told at odds with the “Free Enterprise System”.


No matter what else you forget between now and when next meeting up with your Maker, you CANNOT forget how for some VERY CRITICAL 45 odd years, following WWII, the Allied western nations headed by the DAAC controlled United States Government, while executing their Regime Change Foreign Policy with the most brutal CIA led force never “laid a glove” on the DAAC’s South African Apartheid Regime that ruled with a diamond studded iron clad fist over tens of millions of the most colorful South Africans sitting atop the world’s richest and strategic natural resources including uranium, diamonds, gold, platinum to name but four.







From: John Loftus – Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 12:39 PM
Subject: 3rd request: please take me off your email list


please this is my 3rd request:  take me off your email list



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 3:05 PM PT
To: John Loftus Esq.
Cc: rest;; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant;;; Tefo; Oprah;; artbell-coast;; Steven Levy - Newsweek; Dr. Laura Family; Roger W. Robinson; William Clark - Petro Dollar Wars; Leutenant William Kemery - San Diego Sheriffs Department Internal Affairs Unit; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Fane; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Nigel Hanbury - Chief Executive - Lloyds of London - Agent;
Subject: RE: ... WHAT WOULD YOUR ENEMIES MAKE OF ALL THIS?....get laid at least once...


It is fine not to reply but perhaps well known radio talk show host Ian Punnett who had you on coast-to-coast back on November 11th of last year, may care to respond appropriately.


And if not then certainly Ian can be counted on to maintain a record of all our “dialoguing” that began when I heard you, while taking “pot shots” at the Bush family, failing miserably to follow the “money trail” that leads both easily and SIGNFICANTly more than to the Bush family, to the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, the cartels of cartels, mafia of mafia who Justice Department records show beyond a shadow of a doubt played the  most extraordinary pivotal role in the rise of Nazi Germany.


Moreover, you have now had since November 12th when I sent you this 191 odd word email titled, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, to think through carefully your DISGUSTINGLY EVIL, so mind-boggling-stupid vulgar response.


The fact that you, a former Justice Department lawyer with the ability to “pull fast moves” including convening a bogus Grand Jury , can THINK you can get away with your so SLY ENGLISH verbiage trying to play off the email I sent yesterday afternoon to AT&T and suggest what I BEGAN sending one minute after midnight on Sunday is “spam” does in fact make a whole lot of sense assuming you have allowed your formal education to interfere with your learning and are therefore incapable of logical thought processing.


Make note of my follow up earlier today to AT&T.


Also make note of my forthcoming follow up to what Windy Winn sent me earlier today that in “Jew course” [sic] you can access by clicking on this hyperlink, not to forget what I have “in store” for Rand Leshay of A-Mark that you can access HERE!


I would be more than happy to convene each and every jury who has ruled in your favor since you began priding yourself as a Nazi Prosecutor and for them to be a “jury of our peers”.


Moreover, if you agree not to have a whole bunch of lawyers at your table I will agree to defend myself all the way up to and including the Supreme Court of the United States where if dispensation isn’t afforded me to represent myself I would possibly ask my friend Don Barr to reinstate his lawyer license, I will front the costs, to represent me but first lets just stick to placing this all up on my one website; scroll down all the way to the bottom and click on “SuTfOL


Now stop this instant playing “funny buggers”, look yourself in the mirror, but first grab hold of a hard copy of what I sent you on November 12th and if your hair isn’t standing on end, then just brush it to the side so that you can read upside down as well as backwards and forwards, all the Knowledge-Information-Light that I BROUGHT TO YOUR ATTENTION as well as Mr. Punnet and a whole bunch of NOT STUPID PEOPLE”.


Bear in mind you don’t know whether you are coming or going with all the jolts so ingeniously engineered into all our wiring.


Furthermore you are in humble but seasoned opinion nothing short of a spineless-spin character who failed to execute in a just and competent manner the “pursuit of truth” for some 64 days instead choosing to continue going after an “easy target” like our great and honorable President George W. Bush doing the most thankless job, in an effort to sell more books and make a whole bunch more of money before it becomes inevitably worthless.


To top it off you have the bloody gall to state that you are “quite tolerant of political opinion” begs many a question which doesn’t require someone attending university to get their arms around beginning with:


Are you incompetent, culpable or both?


What law school did you go to?


Did you lie, steal or cheat at any time prior to my catching you with your pants down on coast-to-coast?


What would your enemies make of all this?


Moreover, as I now enlist more people who know you to come forward with more evidence of your wrongdoing let me remind you once again what exactly IT IS that has you now so showing your “true colors”.


You are not alone amongst college educated people who are dumbstruck as to how easy it now is to understand why the rich who are not any smarter at birth than poor kids get as they grow older both richer and more corrupt given how the price fixers of price fixers have all the means as well as all the time in the world given how folks like the Department of Justice don’t do their job in stopping the price fixers of price fixers, to price everyone who is “good” out of the markets.


And if lying, stealing and cheating doesn’t get the “job done” to get hold of a clothing manufacturer like South African Clothing Industries expert like ever single purchaser of raw materials to hand knit a custom made Pierre Cardin military style suit that fits horribly a thug like Hitler angry with the whole world because he is such a shmuck and then local law enforcement and inevitably world’s industrial-military-complex can be relied on to do the DAAC’s bidding.


Let me remind you Mr. Heavy Duty Justice Department Lawyer that despite the extraordinary infiltration of the DAAC into all of our 3 Branches of government going back way before the outbreak of World War II, we remain a “nation of laws” albeit so very civil so long as everyone who is anyone accepts our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars.


Let me also take the liberty of informing you that one of those laws is that those accused of “wrongdoing” while doing nothing more than exposing the systemic rot, are entitled to face our accusers.


You are aware of how opposed I was to having Saddam Hussein hung and for everyone who is as good as the last person they saw to see him as a man with “courage” showing himself for the way he once was, that I attracted us so much to support him making the most illogical war on Iran that of course suited those of us who profit the most from war, “down to the ground”.


Again, I didn’t get off a boat just yesterday.


Again I was raised 24/7 by my most extraordinarily busy, so very sought after Royal Mater who in turn was raised by her paternal grandmother; Nechie Badash was first confirmed to me as being head of the deep underground Jewish Underground on or around November 1st 1972 by both close aides to Nechie Badash’s very close friend David Ben Gurion as well as other members of the deep underground Jewish Underground who protected my highly secretive RM and her family where they were most vulnerable.


South African Jewish people, so very talkative, like most Jewish people throughout the world know nothing about their Muslim neighbors who are not all Arabic.


Once you realize that simple and obvious fact of life then you are left with no choice but to think through what exactly do you all including all of you who make a living from feeding controversy where none exists, know about Arabs and who amongst the Arabs is more fanatical than any one of the many fanatical Jewish and non-Jewish people.


I do have the advantage of separating “good” from “bad” possibly better than anyone on this planet only because of how loved, i.e. trusted and respected were both sets of my grandparents as well as both of my parents by the South African Durban Muslim community who also liked my white long-haired Chiwawa, Chichi enough that they took care of her when I left South Africa on March 17th 1978.


Again, I am not a lawyer but there are few lawyers in the world who understand better the extraordinarily lucrative business of “price fixing” that I am explaining in simple enough English to be understood by any literate human being in the world with just an elementary school education and an ounce of spirituality.,


Not to mention how invaluable it was for me to hear how the “real world” works from an extraordinary mother who only provided “clues” so as to not interfere with my thinking that she knew “sumhow” [sic] was very precise.


The one “clue” that Zena Gevisser get repeating was that she thought I would be a “good lawyer” while never once commenting on the disconnect of her telling me a total of twice that it was a “crooked lawyer” who had stolen her father-in-laws priceless properties in Haifa Harbor which of course was confirmed by members of the deep underground Jewish Underground to be a bunch of “poppycock”.


My Royal Mater was smarter than all of her many lawyers around the world all combined who were in fact responsible for playing a pivotal role in the fixing of manmade borders that had closely knit tribes like the Arabs and the Jews with their many tribes to be at each others throats constantly never getting enough of a breath of fresh air to look just once closely at their governments who go one day by the name “regime”, the next “freedom fighters” and then “corrupt government”, all in an effort to make the not stupid masses simply feel “hopeless” and “dejected” and either “opt-in” or “opt-out”, both options I found unsatisfactory.


Again, I am also fully aware of what rogue prosecutors are capable of doing in order to get their way when finally caught with their pants down.


The President of the United States of America, the Justice Department, the Mossad are not the only individuals-groups receiving a copy of this rather important communiqué.


It is not only what you say but what you fail to say that counts.


I am now also setting up a blog for you that you and anyone wishing to inform me of more of your wrongdoing can access by clicking on this hyperlink and feel free to comment at any time if you think it does not reflect an accurate record of our “back and forth” which of course includes your “deafening silences”.


You must not forget Mr. Loftus that long before the DAAC attempted to poison me to death when I simply wanted to spend a little time on 47th Street right after they had begun crashing the gold market just a couple of days before anti-Semitic President Jimmy Carter’s last State of the Union address, I was well versed, having spent just 1 week shy of my first 21 years living in South Africa, of the extraordinary “Money Power” of this special interest of special interest institution who as KIL travels closer and closer to Light-G-D-speed have got increasingly desperate.


And yes they are stupid as well as sloppy and you are a prime example.


Your hypocrisy is self-evident!


[Word count 1829]


From: John Loftus – Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: ... GET LAID AT LEAST ONCE....


ok, that is it.  i am ordinarly quite tolerant of political opinion spam, except when it crossed the line to vulgarity. take me off your list.  do not reply. just do it.


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:04 PM PT
To: John Loftus – Justice Department Nazi Prosecutor
Subject: ....DIAMONDS FOR HITLER...---....


Mr. Loftus – I am listening to you now on KOGO.


I was a little surprised that as you went about naming FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES you never mentioned a single name spelled out rather clearly in Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s INTERNET ONLY most fascinating book THE DIAMOND INVENTION.


May I suggest given how I am quite certain you are not part of the “distraction game” you start at Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.


Diamond Currency is unlimited in supply, untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried and of course I am talking about both industrial as well as so-called “gem quality” stones.


The only question you should have after reading THE DIAMOND INVENTION is why the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel would allow such a book detailing their devious nature to be written in the first place.


I happen to be not only the only individual alive who can explain precisely why but more importantly why I, who was raised Orthodox Jewish in South Africa, am the only person willing to “speak out” given how I have painstakingly and methodically gone about “lining up my ducks”.




Gary S. Gevisser


[Word Count 191]