DOG KO=OK GOD... Continuing

02/06/05 07:52 PM ET
Msg: 78544



U sound so much like Mr. Ron Bellows Senior, a senior Risk Management specialist for AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd, Mr. RBS' recent moronic comments flying in the face of earlier laudable emails expressing how "impressed" he was with my articulation of the "true nature" of the insurance industry which has a lot to do with my focus at this moment in time to get Coca Cola to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing, beginning by publicly acknowledging how, thanks to me, they’re now fully aware of the extent to which they had been had by the former Apartheid Government of South Africa doing the evil bidding of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC, agree?


Each tick of the clock, however, that Ms. Enid Pigors, personal assistant to the chairman and CEO of Coca Cola who spoke with me a few weeks back for all of 45+ minutes fails to “respond in kind” gives our incorruptible grass roots organizations around the world reason to question further the extent to which Coke were either incompetent beyond belief or culpable, the DAAC responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and murder of all time, agree?


U wouldn’t happen to have the direct line telephone number of my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser, the “male heir” of Charles Engelhard the co-inventor-conspirator of the Diamond Invention, u certainly capable of working out at this time with any input to speak of from me that the intense focus of the DAAC now that I have “let the cat out of the bag”, my DAAC family not quite expecting one of their “own” to not only be willing to “spill the beans” but more importantly have the broadcast medium to get word out be4 the DAAC would be capable of fermenting unrest to distract attention away from this mafia of mafia organization as our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush has a rather clear mandate to spread democracy around the world?


So important to understand why Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York State chose to settle with Mr. RBS' employer for a pitiful $850 million while getting this criminal megalopoly to admit their conduct was both "unlawful" and "shameful" bearing in mind that Mr. Spitzer while filing a rather refreshing complaint last October was in fact totally overmatched and why all those intimately familiar with my "work product" agree with me that Mr. Spitzer was left with no choice but to settle than take the time out of his hectic campaign schedule to sit down with yours truly who in probably less than 5 minutes would have provided Mr. Spitzer and his assistant United States Attorneys all the proof they needed, proof u recall is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof, leading to a total revamping of the entire insurance industry, agree?


Surely u have heard of Greek expression, The Fish Rots From Head Down and with that almighty force of gravity works its way rather easily thru the torso, agree?


Just got word that Dr. John Ben Stewart, a practicing pathological pathologist, commonly known as The Sperm Donor, just had emergency eye surgery.


No doubt Mr. Spitzer hoping that by the time the electorate woke up to the extent the rot had filtered through the entire fabric of the independent insurance agency network, "sumthing" [sic] I know a thing or "tTOo" [sic] about he would already be in governor of New York's mansion to mention little of my having "run" one of the largest if not the largest insurance marketing-publishing companies in the mid to late 1980s, Insurance Marketing Services Inc. certainly the most financially successful, to mention in passing a rather famous Federal crediting me with providing the irrefutable "smoking gun proof" of malfeasance by plaintiff attorneys that resulted in judge Jack B. Weinstein deciding to overturn a landmark multi-million dollar repetitive stress injury jury, award, u surely heard of “tunnel vision”, agree?


With all that said, may I suggest u read very carefully the E-mail I sent Mr. Devin Standard, the executor of my estate, back on Saturday January 29th, and feel free to check out further my credibility with both his father Mr. Kenneth Standard Esq., the President of the New York State Bar Association as well as Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk a former client-lawyer-liar SCAL [Shareholder Class Action Litigator] , u can find Mr. JRK’s telephone number by clicking on the hyperlink below:



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, January 29, 2005 1:25 PM PT
Devin Standard
Cc: rest;
Enid Enga Pigors - Office of the Chairman & CEO of Coca Cola;;;

Subject: ...---...ONCE PROUD...---...


Devin – The purpose of this communiqué is to assist u and/or perhaps your father seeing the connecting dots with bringing under control police brutality against black people who drive while black make the case to Enid Pigors of Coca Cola that while the likes of Robert Lenzner of Forbes Magazine and Roger Hedgecock provide the appearance of a “free press” in the United States of America that there exist avenues for folks from all walks of life to have their respective viewpoints heard the reality is that those on the far left and far right r feeling increasingly less secure about their ongoing ability to continue feeding off those in the middle slaving away just trying to make ends meet, less than a paycheck from being out on the street, in the words of my eldest brother,




Once proud beat

Of black feet,

Lost to a history past,

Treads the land,

Now, foreign sand,


Too fast.


Hurried to an order.

Fast to earn some bread.

Culture disintegrating.

Children half fed.

School, if, lucky.

‘Varsity’, if, dead!

(to be used in a practical for medical students)


The problems of the world have nothing to do with race, color, sex, or religion simply poor parental religious teaching, money as a form of measure no longer having meaning the result of our monetary system having all but gone down the tubes.


Again an armored Brinks truck full of hundred dollar bills not enough to cover the cost of standard pitiful lot in a town like Del Mar whose owners’ right to build come from organizations like the utterly corrupt California Coastal Commission whose unelected members help grease the wheels of corrupt politicians who simply charge more than their counterparts in the 3rd world.


I have learned a number of things from when I first started posting on Internet message boards back on June 10th 1999 with this Revlon makeup job - What is with this company? followed up the next day, 6-11-1999, with Where's the beef? that flushed out momworker63 with, HELP HELP Help - My brother is a broker on wall street in New york. He manages all of my investments. On Monday he put my whole portfolio into Revlon (even my child's education fund)!!!!! ultimately leading not only in my ability to hold the feet to the fire of the most “skilled and experienced” SCALs doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and filing the class action lawsuit within hours of the statute of limitations running out but every step of the way building credibility with hard working people all around the world feeding me stuff like there was no tomorrow.


Nothing quite tho like having co-opted high level executives like Ron Bellows Senior feeding me the most incredible material so supportive of not simply my credibility but at least equal in important further proof, remember proof is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof that the Bell Shaped Curve produces nothing short of the “most average” rise to the top, such mediocrity now within moments in the history of time from collapsing under its own weight there little chance of those of us in the very favored class with our so shameful mea culpa guilt pleas of being able to count on support from the poor and downtrodden getting increasingly up to speed with each tick of the almighty powerful clock, tick talk...----...The Meek With Teeth Shall Inherit The Earth.


Repeating my reaction to Derrick Beare coming to the aid of his uncle, Colin “bouncing around our living rooms” Cowie’s lover of umpteen years, never to forget DB reinforcing Dr. Jonathan Beare’s threat of me “one day getting in “trouble”:


We use the excuse of family when it is plain simply money, pure greed because if u were really concerned with family would u want to raise your kid to be this corrupt because they will have to be more corrupt to survive unless of course they inherit the money, is that what u r planning to do?


Coca Cola’s survival no different to every business is a numbers game and I am hell bent on preventing the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC] from getting their fangs into the next generation as they have in the past, snuffing out their light by neatly lighting fires amongst those increasingly feeling so left out in this “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] world, us having won the race for “survival of the fittest” for “sum” [sic] reason not even pausing from breeding ourselves out of existence, agree?


Why other than procreation being one incredibly selfish act given all the orphans out there would we continue down such a self defeating path, i.e. if feeling the need to have a co-dependant get a fricken “goD” [sic] but surely not refer to scripture when debating yours truly in the flesh?


Not really all that amazing we don’t hear people like Democratic Senators Diane Feinstein and Ted Kennedy calling this instant for Congressional hearings so that it is not only those tuned in to my networks knowledgeable about why it was that my pal Hank Greenberg decided not to insure SG Searle the manufacturer of the drug aspartame to mention little of why would the medical profession do anything to interfere with their gravy train so effective have those who benefit the most from government entitlement programs that hook the masses on “4ever” [sic] being dependant on those who derive the most benefit from the malaise of the masses that surely begins with that outrageous concept of “preservation of life and limb”?


The instant my INFORMERS WANTED ad campaign begins in “ernest” [sic] making the masses particularly in the 3rd world sustaining our over the top so incredible disingenuous lifestyles aware of how “used and abused” they have been in multiplying like crazy when all the signs including the SMARTs as in Technology, Religion, Art, Math and Science support there being a rather SMART G-D places the likes of Coca Cola in a “catch up” mode incapable in my opinion, of outrunning the “light speed” of the Digital Age, A G-D-Send.


In turn there will be no escaping either for those on the “sh1t” or “deafeningly silent” list, the failure of the media and professionals around the world to not have woken up to the pending disaster of the Enrons with the incredibly high profile SCAL litigator of all time being so incredibly crystal clear of what 9 years of the Clinton Administration had done to hard working masses losing their “right to work” moving to places like China and India and those handful of States within the United States that support independent thinkers refusing to be sucked in to being dependant on corrupt local and state governments to mention little of how the insurance industry is running out of options to keep its combined ratios in the “black” rests fairly and squarely on the shoulders on those us bouncing around in our living rooms?


The more we know about one another the less likely we r to go to war with each other and cutting out the rot must surely begin with answering the all important question of “Who knew what and when did they know it?” as it pertains to The Diamond Invention.


Following the money trail which begins and ends with war when money becomes no object remains key to beginning the healing process, the “Astonishing” declaration in the spring of 1999 when my former clients Milberg Weiss-Lerach went “public” with not only my “findings” but something those in “command and control” of Wall Street have known a lifetime Shareholder Class Action Litigators thinking that they could outrun the herd of “brainne dead” [sic] masses, the corrupt church along with “bought and paid 4” [sic] politicians allowing the likes of Coca Cola a “head start” in feeding off the sick masses particularly in the 3rd world must surely be ringing at this time in Enid Pigors’ head.


Our 15 year old Danielle getting back earlier from an interview with a competitor to Starbucks planning on opening up across the street, my suggesting ahead of time that she should let the owners know that she would be willing to work for less than minimum wage while possibly falling on “deaf ears” may have been suffice to get Danielle to put on one incredible job interview enough to have her get such a sought after job.


Then again one just needs to think about what kids her age in other parts of the world r thinking at this time, those particularly in tune with my missives knowing what an incredible competitive edge they have should either the likes of Coca Cola not get with the program




the DAAC fail to ferment unrest and prevent our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush from spreading democracy.


Interesting how our 12 year old JoNathan who was the first to unearth the rot at this local world class veterinarian hospital responsible for misdiagnosing and mistreating my dog Pypeetoe has now asked me twice how the administrator and attending physician have responded to my declaration of “all out war”.


Let me know what u think.




[Word count 1544]