From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Robert Lenzner – Forbes Magazine
Cc: rest;;;
Subject: ...rib...sound asleep...hypocrisy...Greenspan...
Mr. Lenzner,
The “Deafening Silent” list it is.
Please wait as least 71 hours for this to become effective coinciding with the number of operations my amazing father, Bernie Nathan Gevisser, at 19 years of age dive bombed the crap out of the Nazi bastards during WWII as the DAAC cleaned up big time, with enough of a down payment to be in the command and control of the 3rd Reich’s southern division, u surely heard of the South African Apartheid Government?
But of course u know all this 4 u were surely part of the 60s generation that didn’t buy into the diamond bs?
Then what happened, u grew a penis, agree?
Isn’t it time u and the likes of my other pal Peter
Elkind of
Your denial of such critically important disclosures by
one incredibly smart Shareholder Class Action Litigator
[SCAL] in the spring of 1999 at the Business Week Conference of Chief Financial
Officers, the
U wouldn’t happen to have made additional copies of my pal Colin Cowie’s appearance yesterday on the Oprah Winfrey Show, he has yet to send me his private email address, shucks!
I am still sitting at the local Starbucks in downtown Del Mar, California where the average wage earner may earn more than most of us lazy American “phatsos” [sic] but surely not enough to be able to pay in cash the cost of the tiniest of lots which right now go for a cool $2 million.
Then again we could always revalue the United States dollar,,, I thought the phone I heard ringing a quarter mile away was Alan Greenspan calling me to know that he would arrange if I would only keep my big mouth shut a Brinks armored truck to deliver the $1 million I plan to give this one lady as down payment on the most incredible one of a kind studio in all of Del Mar with the most incredible Cyprus tree just to left of the studio’s oversized windows, quite amazing the gracious hands coming my way these days as I haul the likes of u thru the most intense educational light journey envisioned in your worst fricken nightmare.
Good day,
Gary Gevisser
A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There
Ps – Let me know if u can think of another Internet message board or “tTOo” [sic] where we can help spread the message of the extent to which your formal education interfered with your learning.
[word count 693]
-----Original Message-----
yes, deafening silence “pleasse” [sic]. thank you.
From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Debbie Schlussel
Cc: rest;