From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 3:45 PM PT
To: Michael "Windy" Winn
Cc: rest; Jim Frace; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Dr. Teri Lawton; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; South China Morning Post;; Marsha Wilson; Mossad; David "Poli" Pollak - Co-Chair of the NY "demoratic" [sic] party; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Roger W. Robinson; Diana Henriques - NY Times - author of The Sharks of Wall Street;;; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Goldman Sachs; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; James Glanz New York Times;; Oprah;; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor; Steven Lee Parkinson - Mothercare - Middleast; Tefo; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; William Clark - Petro Dollar Wars;;
Subject: RE: ...FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES....i accomplished what i wanted...---...


Windy Winn,


The world, particularly smart hard working people are not as disconnected from the “real world” as you would prefer.


And there are many here in the United States, hence why IT IS that despite people such as yourself out there with too much time on your hands in such poor physical and mental condition inhaling junk food and your beer like there was no tomorrow while managing to “spit outdisinformation, our great and most honorable President George W. Bush won the last Presidential election by nothing short of a landslide which has a lot to do with why people such as myself who could live anywhere in the world choose to “stay put”, stand tall and continue to “fight the write fight” [sic] with G-d of course at our side.


Once again, your lack of Knowledge-Light is betrayed by your silence.


Moreover, your decision to spit at me just as the wind picked up, your slobber ending up what didn’t go in your eyes lodged deep inside your flaring nostrils that combined with the so white saliva drooling out of both sides of your mouth from your slapping lips, the short-circuits in your brain causing so foul slippage, a sight to behold.


And to think I had my cell phone with a built in camera in my water resistant ARC’TERYX bicycle jacket.


But then again I did feel the need to keep my hands at my side in the event you did try and follow through in your pledge to give me, “one big smack” which while possibly causing a more severe break than Saddam recently experienced had my “chicken legs” managed to twitch at one hundredth their current maximum output it is doubtful you would have got laid this evening.


So when last did you have sex apart from with yourself?


Sticking to the big O, how big a factor have both prescription and acid played in you being a one-time big Hollywood director’s assistant?


So how many times have you clicked on to Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s INTERNET ONLY most fascinating book, The Diamond Invention while not able to conclude what came so easy to a middle school kid who only managed to get through the first 20 pages:


Diamonds have been monopolized and DeBeers have kept diamonds so expensive.


When you can’t do something about it you stop trying.


I don’t see much point to it. DeBeers can buy the law, the livestock, the food and control how people live. It [the book] has me confused.


When last were you checked out for Absent Parenting Disease?


In the end, the numbers do not lie, everything adds up.


I have not only the right to expose corruption but name such FOOLS NAMES FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES.


You fail to explain why you feel the need to greet me with this big smile and then you get so angry with yourself for me reminding you of your mischief back on or around November 7th of last year which since it was “months ago” means that it didn’t happen?


How many diet sodas containing aspartame have you also inhaled since this short-term memory loss drug was made available over the counter back in the mid-1980s around the time many Americans began getting so round around the middle without remembering why?


To repeat my response to your most recent “mischief” which as you know was heavily broadcasted so as to make as many people aware of why they should not only avoid asinine, vocal minority intellectual midgets - who give the young and impressionable the false impression with only your command of the “sly English” that there is “open debate” - as much as possible given how you have this way of “pissing on other’s peoples parade” but to bring Public International Attention to your “plight”:


You are not only a very naughty “old boy” but for you to think my very smart landlady would buy into you trekking over to her house to provide her with your so warped interpretation of what I sent Mike Cody when I had let him know quite clearly that I had my doubts about his clients, your former landlords, that would have been so “uninvolved” to have let their multimillion dollar property “go to hell” by what Mike Cody refers to as a, “scam artist”, is EXTRAORDINARILY funny including the fact that you also “sumhow” [sic] thought my landlady, an anything but “absentee landlord”, would NOT be able to get her “arms around” your rather unusual “deferred rent” agreement that now has the landlord who allowed you to stink up the place suing you for the “deferred rent” that somehow ended up in Timbuktu?


Just because you can chew gum, drink a beer, whine, BLAH BLAH even know how to ring the doorbell of a very classy lady does not mean that anyone I know well and care for takes you in the least bit seriously other than you increasingly appear to be rather desperate and therefore someone to be “avoided at all cost”?


I don’t, however, scare easily nor am I dumb enough to think myself smart enough to “play God” and why I consider it very important to call “evil” when I “see it”.


If you think that you could possibly have got away with convincing my rather sophisticated landlady that what I wrote was suggesting she was willing to get “involved” in placing an ad to spell it all out when what I am doing now is a whole lot more effective than some local newspaper only means that you have nothing better to do with your time than “chance your luck” yet again?


Consequently, I am putting one of your “backers”, Jim Fraceon notice” that he should at least attempt communicating with you even though it may be nothing more than talking to a “brick wall” but Jim Frace I suspect has a whole lot more to lose by continuing to back a “loser” like you although I sincerely hope you do get elected so that I can have you seated alongside the rest of the council members when asking why no one thought it important to question how after some 15 years “living like a King” in a poorly maintained property your landlord would “out of the blue” evict you?


I know it makes no sense asking you to at least tuck your stomach in and if it interferes with you “spitting sh*t” [sic] to try wrapping it around like a hula-hoop when making a point of going past our house versus choosing so many other alleys to expose our eyes to your obscenities under the guise of walking your dog!!!!


Thank you once again for increasing the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day including why you, supposedly a secular Jew, so interested, or so you say, in exposing corruption have nothing to say about the ultra orthodox Hasidic-Black Hatters who not only oppose the State of Israel, the most democratic of all western style governments, but such anything but godly street money launderers whose main function is to silence the secular Jews with their “dirty pictures” and who represent such an infinitesimally small percentage of the Jewish people have as ALL SECULAR JEWISH PEOPLE KNOW an extraordinary LOUD VOICE given the EXTRAORDINARY close relationship BLACK HATTERS have with the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel.


You would know unless you have been wearing blinkers all you life as well as covering up your eyes when reading my so informative emails there is a reason why the vast majority of secular Jewish people such as yourself support the United States Socialist Democratic Party who are the largest benefactors of the money launderers of money launders, the DAAC, the mafia of mafia, go hand in glove with their so their so very “black handBlack Hatters.


So let’s now hear from a “jury of our peers”!


Timing is the essence of all things, good or evil.


NO DEVIL LIVED ON=no devil lived on!


So increasingly logical to people like my terrific no-nonsense Gentile Landlady why it is that those Jewish and Gentile who get the biggest handouts from big DAAC controlled governments are so aligned with the not-silent shuffling “back and forth” Black Hatters who play their role in silencing so many of you suffering from “Poverty of Thought” resorting in the end to violence thinking that you would end your lifetime by protesting that Hitler was some sort of evil “genius” when he was nothing but a buffoon, a smalltime punk who could be so easily bought off.


The DAAC have been extraordinarily successful well prior to the rise of Nazi Germany in sending their “poison tipped arrow” messages via their heavy breeding Black Hatters to all 4 corners of the earth.


Remember, not only do I have a pretty good “command of numbers” that allows me to grasp rather easy when those go about complicating straightforward economic principles but I was I raised in a Jewish orthodox but non-fanatical household that visited frequently with worldly Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss, that allows me today “perched on top of the world” to take you and all the Black Hatters who should at least get the message to avoid you like the plague on one most extraordinary Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshops.


I am in your case willing to make an exception from my current no entrance fee, one copper penny.


In time it my plan that the only ones standing will be Black Hatters who make even the most fanatical Muslims look like saints.


[Word count 1610]


From: Michael Winn
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 9:54 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser



You think you have the right to hurt people because of your beliefs. You do not have such a right in this country. You have a right to legal recourse if you feel you are damaged by others actions.

You baited me by assaulting me with foul language and making false accusations and you have admitted having published these lies and slanders to others. You have no right to interfere with my peaceful enjoyment of my life.

Stay away from me. Do not speak to me. Do not send email to this address.

Michael Winn


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 9:31 AM
Cc: rest;; Jim Frace

You say you “accomplished what I wanted” when I asked you just earlier outside our house on the cliffs of Del Mar what you thought you have achieved when presenting my Landlady with an email I had written that in your “opinion” had me including her in my ongoing efforts to expose you for the “trouble maker” that you prove yourself to be time and again.
Not to mention how you “saw fit” to taunt me to bring a “legal action” against you even letting me know that if I stepped foot off my-our property line that you would give me “one big smack”.
The fact that when Merna comes out of her house because of the raucous you initiated and just like me Myrna is entitled to the right of “quiet and peaceful enjoyment” of our 4 Ps, Property, Pets, Plants and People you think you can mouth off using 4 letters along with telling her that I was “verbally abusing” you when you came walking down the alley with your dog, says what exactly?
And of course you can think and of course you can do and say whatever you want but that doesn’t mean for one moment that you speak the truth.
Proof is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof.
I know better than to “interact” verbally with you given how you only hear want suits you.
I simply asked you not to be hypocritical when greeting me as you make a point of always doing when either driving your motor vehicle or when walking your dog making a point of coming right up to our property line and when you think no one is watching allow your dog to do his business #1 and #2.
Again, for you when “caught with your pants down” to smirk and then suggest, “I accomplished what I wanted” may be your opinion but when you examine the facts that include all the circumstantial evidence it explains why it is that you are so angry with yourself.
To repeat what Marie wrote to you back on June 10th 2005


Gary and I agree that lack of knowledge–information-light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth.
The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of all their lies from day one.
Your lack of knowledge-light is betrayed by your silence regarding 2 questions Gary posed to you and that he reminded you of this morning at the beach when we met with you.
Marie Dion [Gevisser]


[Word count 434]