To: Danielle [A special 13-year-old]

Subject: “Xmess” [sic].

Date: December 25th, 2002


Dear Danielle,


It is all about character and how we use our God given skills to acquire knowledge to go from being an unconscious incompetent i.e. a moron to being a conscious competent i.e. a professional, someone who knows what to do in order to “pick up” his or her game. Never though, to call someone an ox unless you see them wearing a ring through their nose and then again you would need to know a little bit more about their nature and what brought them to this particular spot to mention little of what ability they might have to throw you a knuckleball, at least to respond to your fast balls thrown at or near head.


No one really likes to hear speeches unless the person speaking has some degree of respectability and generally only when the audience is required to pay through the nose does the person speaking get much attention.


Yesterday during lunch with your grandmother Rochelle, your mother and Jonathan I brought along the latest issue of Time Magazine to point out just a couple of things. There were a number of other interesting subjects that I thought were important to discuss but knowing that your mom would have wanted to keep the conversation light I chose to point out just two items even though the feature story was all about the Indians and the curved balls they have been thrown right from the very start.


The first dealt with a rather roundabout comment by our former president, Bill Clinton, talking about “write” [sic] and the other was how the percentage that us Americans on average give to charity today is four tenths of a percentage point different to what Americans were giving at the time of the Great Depression that befell this country in the 1930s, perhaps more so than the rest of the nations of the world who were supposedly poorer at the time who didn’t really have as much of a field day during the roaring 20s.


Over the course of the past several days I have made it a point to hear from both your French Canadian grandparents some of the stories from that time period that had many a “Wall Street” American sitting on their “arse” or on their feet standing in line hoping that by the time they reached the end of the line there would still be enough soup left over for them while their counterparts just across the border were running on their toes making a bee line for the hills, making the most of God’s blessings, mother earth and of course our rather special brains.


Your grandparents’ parents didn’t exactly sit on their “ly-rics” or for that matter their laurels having both the morals and the intestinal fortitude to pack their bags and head even further north to a colder climate knowing that they really had very little choice but to use their brains, work hard and save just a wee bit for on those days that it rained where they would have less wood and therefore needed to eat more food.


I have already used a couple of words that you might have some difficulty with but given the fact that at dinner the other evening in Julian where you left behind more than a handful of pig you kept using the word “oxymoron” as many times as the number of baby ribs you chewed on leaving enough just on those half a dozen just half chewed through to probably have fed more than another hungry mouth or two. Had my father who doesn’t eat pig been with us it would have been interesting to see his expression since he made a habit of putting very little on his plate knowing that I would leave enough to feed a family of 4.


One of the stories your grandmother Rochelle told was how your grandfather’s mother fed a family of 10 on 6 Canadian dollars per week having already set aside 1 dollar in saving.


Everything in life is relative, meaning that it is often very difficult to compare one thing to another which is another way of saying one shouldn’t compare apples to oranges especially when one is also talking and chewing at the same time while trying to figure out different exchange rates and computing in a factor for the time value of money let alone understand the difference between what one “saves” and what constitutes “charitable giving” especially when all one is doing is “just kidding.”


I make it a point to let you know when I am “just kidding around” and when I mean business but given the fact that you really don’t how I spend my time when I am not with you I make allowances for you not always paying full attention. It was a year ago today that my good friend Anne L. Miller passed away and make no mistake when she meant business she meant business.


There has though got to come a point in time when you will have decide who is deserving of your attention to mention little of love right now because as you get older you will see that time will in fact pass you by if you don’t get on board the chew chew train earlier rather than later when you might find that there is no spot left for you even in coach.


You have traveled pretty much “first class” ever since you were born and I perfectly understand why the prospects of having to take 7 vacation trips during the summer months is more than a little backbreaking. I also traveled a lot growing up having to spend many more hours in smoke filled airplanes than the average business traveler and when one considers the amount of smoke I inhaled as a kid it is a wonder that I don’t already have lung cancer. Now for all I know I could have lung cancer since I haven’t had a physical check up in several years but I rather doubt it considering the fact that I feel today as good as I did when I was your age perhaps a whole lot better.


Now this is not about me but until such time as you know everything about me it is unlikely you will ever pay all that my attention to what I have to say no matter how much sense I make at any given moment because there have been times when I might not have made that much sense and in the process perhaps made you a little mad at me. Mostly though I am simply sad when you fail to grasp the issues at hand to mention little right now of that silver spoon you left dangling outside the rock cabin.


The question of madness is perhaps a good starting point for you to understand why it is that some of the smartest business people in the world continue to seek out my advice when I have already made it clear that I no longer am in the business of consulting for a living having increased just several months ago my hourly rate to some $63,000 per hour. How I came about choosing to increase my rate just 5%, resulting in such a round number like 63, has a lot to do with the message a person posted back on 6-11-1999 on the Internet which was a sign to me that world was now completely topsy turvy and it was just a question of time before the lights would finally go out.


You may have noticed lately how I have made a point of walking around the house turning lights off having you think about turning the computer off even though I have grown to expect you to come with some “poor excuse” which simply takes up more of my time and achieves very little given the fact that once again you don’t really know all that much about me and what makes me tick and the same applies to your mother who is most often taken for granted, no different to most households in western civilizations. How much you know about your father is another matter altogether but I recall both you and your brother both thinking not that long ago that your ancestry was “Missouri” [sic] although your recollection of events that day are different to mine.


One of the reasons that people continue to want to seek out my services has a lot to do with what is going on with the website which I recently launched that is essentially telling my life story but I am doing it in a rather around-about way because I am wanting to be sensitive to those who have been a part of my life and to respect their rights to privacy and of course their safety.


There are few things one can be certain of in life. My parents used to use the expression, “You can only be certain of two things in life, paying taxes and dying.” I am though certain of at least two other things. One is God and the other is dying with my reputation in tact. We are born with our names and we should look forward to dying with a good reputation. I care not so much for what other people think of me but preparing for when I meet my maker and the few questions I will have given my understanding of how the universe actually works.


Today if one were to pay attention to the media, whether it be magazines like Time Magazine or TV one comes away with the impression that very little has really changed since the beginning of time other than tremendous improvements in technology and of course we have a rather sick planet which are neither of your making and so when I see a lack of respect for one’s elders I perfectly understand what is going through your mind, just like I perfectly understand math and more than the average person when it comes to physics although I have had only limited schooling in both.


Most of my schooling came from having two sets of grandparents who lived long enough to download on to me the things that matter most. My father’s mother died before I was born but my Dad held on to a lock of her hair which let me know that she was once a very real person who did a rather good job with all her children, certainly she continued to guide my father when she passed away when he was just 8 years older than you.


Considering how some kids grow up without any parents my father was rather fortunate. People like Bill Clinton were far less fortunate having a drunk as a mother and a stepfather who may not have treated him all that worse than some “real” fathers I have known in my time.


The story that I am telling on the website is causing quite a stir amongst the people who know me leading one of my very close attorney-colleagues to conclude “If I were a member of your family I would take steps to have you certified insane” leaving me no doubt to the wolves. Unfortunately for anyone who doesn’t really care about me for what I might say there really isn’t much for them to hope for other than if they were to believe that by blowing my head off it would stop the inevitable.


For starters I have been rather diligent in protecting my remaining assets depositing items of value in far off places where in the event I need to draw down on them I can do so in rather short order. I am, however, not planning on relying on all these assets in order to do what I believe is right which is to help this world stabilize.





Built tTOo




Anyone reading very carefully what I have written as of late knows that I am a force to be reckoned with, that I not only have a way with words but I can back up my claims with very strong evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof.


Lately you have heard me talking a little more business around you than I have in the past which includes some of the work I do for attorneys whose business is to root out crooked businesspeople in an area of the law referred to as “Shareholder Class Action Lawsuits” or SCALs for short which is an acronym I came up with that is intended to help folks get a graphical depiction of the nature of our work which has us going deep underneath people’s skin in order to get at the truth.


In the end the rule of law can only be effective if in fact we all believe in the truth, which requires us understanding precisely what Truth actually means. And that is why today being Christmas it is time we all started telling the truth, measuring our words ever so carefully, paying attention to the things that matter, knowing that just because someone has managed to lie, steal and cheat their way into a position of power and authority like the former president of the United States Bill Clinton who deserves to be in jail for he lied under oath, that he gave depositions, and signed declarations “under penalty of perjury” which he knew to be lies and should therefore be treated no better than a common criminal who say lies on his tax return while trying to feed a set of twins.


None of us are identical, not even identical twins and now with the world in such a mess, with people sick to their stomachs worrying about what will happen in the weeks ahead, whether we will be at war with another nation or two or three makes them all want to stay close to those they care about not knowing for certain what tomorrow will bring. But the question is how well do we know each other and if you have to make the choice of who you want to spend what remains of your time whether it be your friends or family members than surely you would want to know all there is to know about them in order to make the best choice?


When, however, people stay at home insulating themselves, they end up creating more chaos in the world because the business infrastructure has been built on a whole lot of interconnecting networks that when one breaks down we can be hit with a snow ball effect that is closer however to a fireball. If there is just one link in the food chain that is severed it could start a run that would have the bulls heading for the hills but do not worry since as you know there is gold in the hills above our cabin.


There are though, more valuable things than gold that glisten, one is water and the other is the ability to listen very carefully. God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we would listen not simply twice as hard as we speak but the ringing we sometimes hear in our ears even when trying to fall asleep is a wakeup call that the mind is something that never sleeps and continuously needs to be fed. Healthy mind, healthy body.


I know very little about Jesus Christ but the more I learn about this great man the more convinced I am that he made a whole lot sense and understood business rather well. Business is all about relationship selling where one adds value continuously until such time that the item being manufactured can eventually be eaten which includes things like singing and dancing and never to forget the critical importance of art, never though to fabricate especially your past as it will catch up with in time.


When, however, folks begin to hoard, they oftentimes begin to believe the kuk they have been feeding their brains especially if they fail to chew slowly and carefully tasting every particle and they begin to lose touch with nature and how lucky we are to have evolved to where we can communicate with each other in so many different ways besides for language. When we chomp like an animal when we fail to respect the animal kingdom we start to believe we are better simply because we are physically stronger or simply have more powerful weapons like a gun.


It is, however, more than the throw of a dice that has us all today about to enjoy a day that has become rather meaningful to me. The laws governring Quantum Mechanics which power the computers that have you “every half hour” on the computer day and night are all about probabilities and having everything synchronized in straight lines that go back and forth at rather incredible speeds.


Our minds are a rather delicate substance that have to be treated with the utmost care but man along with the God given genius has often messed with the mechanics in order to keep grabbing more than his or her fair share.


In time you will understand more about the work I do and why my business of holding in check folks who have made themselves pigs at the trough is as important as any work done by other professionals although it is no more important than the person who cleans the dishes or mows the lawn or who picks up dog dudu although it would be a good thing if we all got together and built the compost heap in the backyard even if we wont be around to enjoy the fruits.


I live each day like it was my last and with that said I will continue this story another day. Remember though to give yourself a very big hug when thanking your mother and your two Canadian grandparents who made a very careful decision in choosing to spend this Xmas with you.


What comes next will address in no uncertain terms the hot chocolate mug with the silver spoon you left in your haste to get those pork ribs into a refrigerator and of course I see no reason why you wouldn’t share them with your father and his mother who called last night to wish us all a merry Christmas.


God Bless.

