From: Gary S. Gevisser
Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:32 PM PT
Cc: rest;
Tefo Mohapi;;
Subject:'s for the Jewish people to do!...---...


Mr. Brockman,


Folks on my email list representing a statically valid sampling of the world’s literate population thought u might be interested in what was earlier loaded up on the homepage of titled, Design-Designer-s-Design?


Think of the ingenious distracting design of a brilliant cut diamond and the connecting dots - as the price of diamonds begin to slide big time, customs agents around the world increasingly disappointed with having been had all these years taking out their vengeance on anyone so desensitized to wear anything resembling a diamond – between The Diamond Invention, Diplomatic Pouches, getting off the Gold[1] Standard, uncontrolled real estate development, 3RD world human population explosion, Price/Earnings ratio of public corporations, money laundering, whining, violence, chess like the game of life getting your opponent to play to your advantage by protecting “back and forth” one’s pawns moving in one direction hell bent on being crowned Queen, as well as the space between one’s ears avoiding mind-blowing “around in circle” permutations, the most difficult math long since figured out, andACTs of doG” [sic] behaving badly




Mankind so easily distracted yet still able to carry a look until our short term–selective memory kicks in, like we truly empathize for the suffering of the Tsunami survivors while when affording lunch so thankful that it is surely an “Act of G-d” that has prevented the world’s financial markets from imploding, agree?


Not a single mathematician-actuary-physicist-greedy business-professional person worth their salt willing to debate me, the ultimate insider, on this one of interrelated subjects, my verbiage aside of using “sum” [sic] "BIG" words, is coherent and tho-ugh I wouldn't say a 3rd grader would grasp it completely, anyone with a 5th grade reading level should be able to understand, agree?


Us US better informed so “appreciative” that the masses in the 3rd World have yet to catch on to why it is that the rich in the north have got richer and the poor while up until this very moment in time mostly in the south have been getting poorer, have increasingly thanks to yours truly with the most incredible support getting quite the crystal picture as we speed thru Deep Space from all other heavenly objects, our military remaining faithful to our great leader inheriting one incredible financial mess, George W. having to maintain quite a “balancing act” guided by “The Hand of G-D”, agree?


Notice how the left wing and right wing media failed to ask Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld why since he and the rest of George W’s “money grabbing” inner-circle wouldn’t have simply benefited their buddies making weapons of war avoiding the ridicule of being “asleep at the wheel” by spending taxpayers monies on more armor to better protect our young men and women fighting the right fight, agree?


The world is far safer than had we been forced to rely on our Israeli brothers and sisters to take out Saddam Hussein and then maintain the peace with their much closer brothers and sisters, internecine fighting rather bloody, especially since Israel with each tick of the almighty powerful clock continues to lose it first strike capability, agree?


The object being to now get fully behind the incredible work of Lene Hau and her gang of lovers who surely must be equally responsible for her having broken the “light speed barrier” as the non-vacuum of space between her ears, G-D forbid we were to credit and while turning the world literally and figuratively upside down each and every day of the year has those of us, willing, ready and able to compete on a level playing field brought about by the masses at the bottom of the pyramid pushing up ever so gracefully while those at the top begin to count their blessings in earnest how at the very least our downtrodden brothers and sisters at the bottom remain so nonvengeful and full of love, celebration time just around the corner, agree?





Built tTOo




Love=Trust & Respect.


Yours truly,


Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over



Ps – It has been suggested that if folks like u don’t get with the program that we should try posting on religious websites, but one individual within my inner circle doing searches to find specific sites more in tune with the heartbeat of the universe has concluded, “but the Catholics, at least, offer very few free speech forums if any discussion at all.”


Do u agree with the off-the-cuff response of another individual within my inner circle more familiar with absolution and the position of Church Officials commenting on COs being questioned,


We’re [COs] not saying you’re dumb. They figure there is nothing to question like blind faith. Roman Catholics are not supposed to question, that’s for Jewish people to do!”


So what’s up with this unholy alliance between business, church and politics there surely no difference I can tell so far between a Jewish person and a non-Jewish person while tending to focus on what we have in common beginning with our soft skins the essence of all the great religions subscribing to love and forgiveness, agree?


Not for a moment to forget the smarts of one incredibly SMART G-D leaving it up to each of us to come with a


Unified Theory

For the inner workings

Of the universe,


while Special-General relativity has “the square of the hypotenuse equal to the difference of the squares of the sides rather than the sum”, Pythagoras’ Right Angle Triangle Theorem also removed all forms and mysticism and superstition out of the equation, 0+1+2+3+4=10 spelling out the Digital Age with its 10-01, nothing quite perfect as X²+Y²=Z² other than so far “The Mind of G-D” which Einstein and Grossman also expressed as E=mc², 2 c ME, agree?


Mathematics the purest of languages despite its “mistakes” of Pi not round, Pi R²=2 rip apart has us coming “full circle” thru the advent of Quantum Gravity-Physics-Mechanics where there is only “probabilities” no “certainties”, agree?


Up to each one of us as u would expect from One Almighty SMART G-D to work things out on our own, none of us likes to be told what to do and how to do it, but what’s wrong with keeping track of everyone right from the start as suggested in our book Manager Minute One a takeoff of the business book best seller One Minute Manager, empowering the kids to parent the “diks” [sic] from minute one, the problems of the world having nothing to do with race color or religion simply poor parental religious teaching and a tax code favoring the major beneficiaries of the Diamond Invention, agree?


[Word count 1111]