Perfect Storm XXVIII


The Meek With Teeth Shall Inherit The Earth



Edythe, would you be willing to list the house in the Multiple Listing Services? I plan to hold the property open to the public tomorrow from 10am to 3pm. One broker who contacted me after seeing the ad we ran in the San Diego Union Tribune said he would do it for flat rate of $200. To his credit, Jeff didn’t give me the customary, “How much time will it take before you will consider interviewing an agent for the job of s-w-elling the home?” [sic].


As I have now mentioned to several brokers like yourself I am hoping to bring about a paradigm shift in the way the real estate industry currently operates which essentially swells the value of properties to unrealistic levels depending on the broker’s “gift of the gab” and his-her ability to create a "feeding frenzy" much like what we see in the stock market in terms of "spinning" and "laddering" terms not yet in common use amongst real estate brokers.


The practice of "spinning" where "founders" get to keep a “built in” profit irrespective of the company ever delivering a respectable profit, is not, however, quite as destabilizing as that of "laddering" where brokers get a back-end incentive much like what “tombstones” are designed to engender[1]. Oftentimes founding stock members head for the hills before the foundation cement has had time to harden which later serves as a reminder of what was originally contemplated in the “marketing materials” as the sheep ultimately get slaughtered.


There is a lot of emotion that goes on at funerals mostly from people too young to understand or a relationship not built on trust where the friends and family have not only failed to live each day like it was their last but equally important never got to say exactly how they felt about each other. Most, if not everyone who has ever dealt with me knows exactly where they stand relative to me and those that don’t will have their opportunity to soon figure it out on their own and of course they can always ask if unsure.


At we hope to start a whole new trend in “haircut” services where you are expected to pay according to means and not by the strand to mention little of what will happen to the South African Rand irrespective of the collapse of the dollar. Those stranded though will always find a spot as long as they demonstrate an aptitude for wanting to help themselves. The line though is getting rather long but in time I expect to get more support and then some.


Those who have been the most mean, i.e. lied, stolen or cheated and/or inherited wealth that was ill-gotten will be encouraged to do the right thing or we will simply write about it and each friend and/or member of “the family” will have their opportunity to respond in kind. I subscribe to the notion that God gets to pick our parents but from that point forward we have to get on with doing the right thing, looking left and right, always moving forward and most of all taking individual responsibility for our mistakes[2].


My goal is to help set us all on a new course and avoid the mistakes of the past which at the end of the day results in the momworker63s, orphans, widows and pensioners left holding the "bag" i.e. those at the rear of the BUS are the first to be impacted from a rear end collision while those closer to the front get to enjoy a lot of hot air coming either from the driver or the general flow of traffic so accustomed to going around in circles, i.e. what goes around comes around.


Some if not everyone I have ever met subscribes to the notion of “two wrongs don’t make a right” and I have always wondered not only why such a statement defies basic physics and math since “two negatives make a positive” but more importantly who would come up with such nonsense. Now of course the laws of the land say that one should not take the law into one’s own hands but that doesn’t stop those who have stolen the most, those who have committed the most egregious crimes from hiring the best top guns to go to war on their behalf.


Rarely does it happen that an attorney ever gets severely reprimanded for waging war on behalf of a paying client and of course when things get tTOo topsy-turvy-curvy nothing like a war to clear out the ranks of the poor and working class. Every so often though things get so out of control that even the privileged feel compelled to volunteer[3].


Privileges and perks seem to be mostly with those who ensure what laws get made in the first place, i.e. simply fork out the monies to buy the politician with the biggest set of hands[4]. If for example you are someone like Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman who has just been caught lying, stealing and cheating and his insurance company bails him out courtesy of the rest of us being socked higher premiums for totally unrelated coverages such as homeowners and auto insurance what incentive do you have to change your modus operandi? Let me explain myself clearly.


Let’s say you began your career coming out of business school thinking you were some hot shot and then you realized that other big hot shots say like the Kennedys who can’t quite get their arms around their bellies, Teddy bears to boot, now need a hand out. If you don’t have the deep pockets then you create a pyramid of sorts and draw on others to do your bidding, much like what the Pharaohs did with the Jews. Remember now the Kennedys had gone from rags to riches via bootlegging to having two sons in the White House, one a president who couldn’t keep his “Jesus” close enough despite having a most beautiful wife and the other attorney general who forgot how his brother first became president and also ended up being whacked.


So if you a Ronald “Topsy Turvy” Perelman schooled in business school as opposed to having learned his trade on the streets by constantly having to add value where he would have got his butt kicked by more in tune kids who were Kings of the block, the only thing picked up from the lessons of history is to build your kingdom as quickly as possible sucking in other people impressed with your education.


But you have to move not only fast, staying ahead of the curve but you have to make certain that you have enough layers of cloth to keep you warm if you have to sit out there in the surf awhile hoping that the serfers, the worker bees don’t catch on to your game plan and sting you from behind. So Edythe, now you understand why God directed us to invent Teflon, i.e. when lightening strikes you have a nest egg to protect you from the cold.


Perelman, in large measure due to his education having interfered with his learning then went about cloaking himself in a myriad of companies co-opting everyone who came across his path who ultimately paid with their hearts and souls but he was smartly schooled enough to have even got a rabbi to kosher his home[5]. He then goes even one step further by supporting politicians who are not interested in “tort reform” realizing that by betting on both horses, who both happen to be losers he might come out a winner[6].


So Edythe, here you are contemplating whose house you are going to be selling next and naturally the name Ronald “O. Ring” Perelman comes to mind since although his personal pocket book has not been affected by the recent settlement with my attorney-colleagues he has, in his efforts to stay off my radar screen, been buying up shares in his ailing flagship company Revlon like there was no tomorrow, at quite a premium I might add, and given the number of eyeballs that keep coming to my website keeping me informed on material matters there really is nowhere for him to hide. Trust me when I tell you that Ronald “Big Whack McDonald” Perelman is thinking to himself, “Will this Gary Gevisser only be satisfied if he sees me flipping handburgers” [sic]?


Now the last thing I would want to see happen is for someone to do something stupid like whacking this crook behind the head who should be allowed to be strung out to dry who is in large measure responsible for many folks walking the streets today barely able to make ends meet who think to themselves,


“Hey man, here is this big wig wheaty midget who has been stealing like this whole world is his personal candy store and finally he gets caught and why should he get to keep anything given the fact that we know his mindset is to lie steal and cheat and God only knows what he has buried in his upper east end digs. If I steal a loaf of bread and get caught I end up, if lucky, in some cuckoos nest at least though in a safe place with my meals all provided for but what about my family who must now scratch around looking for droppings from pigs like Ronald “Phat” Perelman?


We are taught in school that there is more of an iceberg beneath the water than above, much perhaps in the same way that most of matter rests at the subatomic, metaphysical level and every so often reveals its top end, i.e. who but God is to say how much Perelman has stashed away in his freezer, not yet visible to the eye such as physics? In the meantime Perelman gets to go on enjoying his ill-gotten gains while the world becomes more imbalanced.


There seems to be no beginning and no end to the games people play much like the universe which has no boundaries. Surely though God wasn’t trying to suggest when he laid out the “masses” that we should let folks like Perelman simply take up space in his Garden of Eden” [sic].


There is a lot of distraction going on in this world with the media and their highlight shows displaying on the one hand all the blood and guts being spilled and then cutting to a commercial before showing the ritzy folk with their latest set of whitened teeth chewing all the way to the bank. The mostly empty space is between our ears where time has in fact stood still for some 200 centuries were it not for the revelation of Quantum Mechanics that will allow the next generation to get on with the job of renewal. For Christ’s sake why can’t we keep it simple and stupid?


Energy, I think most would agree, precedes mass and no doubt there was quite an energy force prior to the Big Bang and it was certainly not the Japanese that financed the most recent making of the universe which was probably more of a squeeze as the hand of God said, “Enough is Enough, let’s give it another shot.” There is no center to the universe no matter what some fukukta TOES have to say for the simple reason we cannot even see electrons circling atoms and so why waste more money building ever faster speed tracks when the greatest evidence we have is that at the current rate of degradation of the earth’s resources we are not going to be around long enough to leave even a trace for the next set of palioanthropologists like Professor “deep dudu” Klein of Stanford University to get their arms around.


Our fingers and toes show enough of an imprint of what the first moments of our current universe looked like without us having to bother with more of the same research which only contributes to the ongoing distraction of the “hot and heavy” TOES in their race for personal glory, fame and fortune. As with the universe there is no beginning or end to the human body simply warning signs to pay attention to the bumps in the road that show clearly how each one of us can escape the lockhold of poor conditioning.


Our fascination with hair, perhaps the only thing we can naturally change about our bodies, lies at the heart of our sensitivities which folks like Ida Tardell the journalist who went after John D. Rockefeller perfected to an art form talks in many ways to what we choose to hear and why I contend that selective hearing is at the centerpiece of all that is wrong with our species. The moment we choose to ignore just one warning sign of something amiss we might as well close shop and open up one big tent since what we are really all about is being entertained with bigger “tits and asses” and the bigger the circus, the more distractions, the more football games, the more commercials the more everything just morphs into one and the better we feel, just, however, for one moment in time.


Time moment one began in earnest with God deciding that we should pay ever careful attention to those that have evolved longer and remain with us and paying less attention to those that didn’t make it although they too should be studied in silent surroundings much like what I have here at 6,000ft.


Most who have animals know that their pet is their best friend but it can never be taken for granted much less so abused. Friends tend to come and go only because we never really focus right from the start with all that matters most, i.e. a friend is someone who can be relied on to always tell you the truth. Truth though is a matter of perspective especially in this day and age and therefore it is critical to cut to the chase immediately in determining the prospective friend’s “value system” which can all be achieved in matter of minutes if one just asks the right questions.


Again, you can read all about this in Manager Minute One or simply stay tuned in to our array of websites. If one realizes that space is nothing but a void where time has no meaning and that it only exists in our measurement then one is one step closer to understanding the mind of God and it is all in the numbers as well as the proverbs,


“Tis better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool then to speak out and remove all doubt.”


There has never been in my opinion anyone over the past 2,500 odd years since Pythagoras like Einstein whose equation E=MC² is all butt perfect. In the end he was being ridiculed for failing to come up with a unified theory although to his credit he eventually was able to put aside all his arrogance and embrace the power of God that operates at differing speeds much the way light travels through a vacuum.


The moment we succumb to the notion that negativity cannot be redeemed we defy the foundation of physics that clearly shows for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and that is why when I see a bump in the road I am inclined to want to “gun it” knowing that once I am through it there will be positive forces that take the weight off my shoulders on an ever ending spiral that keeps rising until such time as we reach infinity and beyond.


The more one understands the inner workings of the universe the less likely one is to see things in terms of coincidences. Some like Einstein who asked, “How many coincidences does it take before it is no longer a coincidence” start out late in life asking the right questions not knowing for certain how they were able to arrive at genius equations that continue to captivate the imaginations of the young. They get caught up in their own self-importance believing that somehow they alone were responsible for the neurons that fire in the brain to mention little of the light force, the sparkplug that got the ball rolling in the first place.


Most folks on this planet despite having a high school education people still haven’t figured out what  E=MC² actually means let alone its importance in understanding the behavior of the universe which requires an understanding of the critical elements of matter, much akin to understanding the behavior light, artificiality to boot. Einstein was said to have died in 1955 or thereabouts and according to some reports he was found “on the floor of his home dead.” There are other reports of him having died “in bed” of an abdominal aneurism. Only two people know what is true. It is possible that he was reading “Worlds in collision” by Velakovsky and his blood pressure went up.


Energy may very well have preceded mass and it is generally agreed that energy is not visible from our human perspective. It is only when light is “applied” or “given” or in the case of E=MC²[7] it is “multiplied” that energy has any meaning. Light is fixed just as when turning on a flashlight. It is broken into 7 colors when mixed right creating a wavelength that is designed to propel us forward without static. Fine tuning requires an incredible balancing act much like the way a surfer threads through a wave. At some point light equals mass, i.e. it is both. Light will not do anything more than at the moment for it cannot go any faster or slower. It is the epitome of mass and needs a “light force” that travels at a speed faster than that of light to propel it forward.


And what it takes to a light a fire under the masses is what I have been contemplating for some time. With the impending Hot Water Wars here in the western part of the United States you can bet your life we are in for some Perfect Storms that will set the serfers amongst the pigeons and we accept anyone subscribing to our value system regardless of their tongue. Even my Jewish brothers and sisters who eat tongue will not be turned away. Jewish people have been a lightening rod to bringing about positive changes especially when the negative feedback starts outweighing the delicate balancing act that keeps energy and mass in “neutrality.” 


Knowledge is light and most would agree that light is knowledge. It takes skill as well knowledge though to see the light much like karate where light comes toward you never though should one be blinded by the starlight as much as it seems that it is all directed at you. It is important to move or end up being fried, no good simply being mesmerized by the light as some who sit cross legged most of their lives waiting for others to get on with the program. We are all probably born within 15 standard deviation points of intelligence that separates the brightest from the dumbest putting aside the “branine dead” [sic]. Things go array when we allow others to mess with our sequencing.


It is all a matter of perspective and having the right attitude that allows one to gain altitude to see things from more than simply one vantage point. Often smart people get trapped into what is commonly referred to as a “Cosmic Setup” where they see themselves as the epitome of all that is wrong as well as all that is right in this world and consequently they become entrapped within their own minds and end up going nuts.


Fortunately as well as unfortunately they become “neutral” and are mostly only a danger to themselves. Once, however, one realizes that the speed of light is not a constant that there is something faster than the speed of light but it is not light as we know it but forces that help bend the universe that create a never ending loop much like the infinity sign we can then project outward by looking to others to gain their insight building upon all the differing amalgamations of thought that begin with examining the basics of what makes us tick, i.e. nutrition.


Once one addresses the building blocks and how other life forms have evolved through careful conditioning that allows birds of prey to fly high while their much prettier looking cousins tend to forage then it should start to make sense how idiotic it is that we pay any attention to folks who are the best looking, who as in the case of the Hollywood elite are simply good at reading other peoples’ lines and eventually end up on the cover of tabloid magazines which mostly advertise stuff to take care of folks suffering from hemorrhoids who get “phat asses” from sitting around as the rot travels upward creating more voids in the ever increasing space between their ears, ipsofacto loss of hair, in my opinion, a function of poor conditioning. Naturally there are exceptions, Professor Aaron Brown of a prime example and then some.


So who is to say what becomes of those folks’ children who have to endure their parent’s farts and outbursts and thank God that I had 3 siblings ahead of me. Not everyone has been as lucky as me. On the other hand what would all those psychotherapists, psychologists and their drug pushing psychiatrists do for a living if everyone had common sense? For one thing they could start digging ditches for the latest and greatest magnetic railway trains that would crisscross the four corners of the earth and those who don’t have the muscle can go back to the basics of sowing clothes by hand or simply opening up a bread stand to feed themselves and the poor. If not now then when? If I am only for myself what am I? And then worry about “If I am not for myself who is for me?”


The world as a result of poor religious teaching has got most things in reverse and now is the time for us to finally get things back on track. By first going back in time to the period 500 years before the advent of Jesus Christ to embrace the teachings of the first and greatest scientist who got it all right and then some. Pythagoras set in motion a string of events by his, “This and this equals that” that did more than simply take mysticism and superstition out of the equation for unlike the TOES of today he was able to maintain a healthy perspective on the light forces that spark both skill and knowledge. As a result of the Digital Age we can rework all the sequencing that went wrong since we are all for the most part programmed right from the start.


By examining our lives right the start, making a digital record of all the “wrong material” that went into folks judging others by the color of their skin as opposed to their character we can make a head start, at least we should give the next generation the benefit of the doubt by blocking out the most rapacious and making certain they don’t raise their big fat ugly heads.


Just like we should weigh our words we should judge peoples’ character right from a very early age keeping very detailed records of what they have done right and wrong until the final time where they will have to account to their maker.


The Bible is pretty much “foolproof” but starts to go wrong with the commentaries that place the religious elders above the common folk who plough the land. We should keep our friends close and our enemies at arms length as opposed to the nonsense that past generations prophess such as “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” which has simply allowed the rulers, the one’s who make the laws, who gift not only ill-gotten property rights to their offspring, but worse yet, pass on their belief system that result in their “hairs” [sic] believing that they tTOo rule by “divine authority.”


The only things “divine” out there is the working of the cosmos and that at the subatomic level which amount to one and the same. Number is, however, the essence of all things, good or evil. The choices are simple, do good, go to heaven, do evil start off as an atom and hope the electrons surrounding your nucleus don’t become unstable.


Mass can only keep things together at a certain distance. In our solar system we are only seeing a small part of the elephant. We are looking at the mass not seeing the greater mass of energy that preceded the Big Bang. There is no center to the universe other than the sum of the individual parts. It is all about telling the truth and understanding that absolute truth is time and the ultimate truth is silence and eventually if one waits long enough one will get to the truth.


In a nutshell, in the center of the universe there is nothing going on. Science like medicine is an art, not a cookbook. It is all a function of feedback. Whoever came up with the infinity sign understood a thing or tTOo about math, physics and had a keen sense of spirituality.   


The stench from the collapse of the stock markets all around the world will undoubtedly impact the real estate industry particularly folks on the beltways, those who have got the "phatest[8]" [sic] around the waste the first to get sick, i.e. First In First Out [FIFO] versus those who are Last In First Out [LIFO] whose lives are forever changed mostly for the worse. 


What makes me sick to my stomach is that brokers have little or no “skin in the game” i.e. heads they win tails the homeowner losers. When have you ever heard of a broker sharing in the “mark down” which generally comes without warning unless one has "inside information"? The last person to buy in is left out in the cold while the perpetrators, the so-called promoters get away “scott free”, were it not for the likes of Mr. “Circle” K who plays pong with guys like me when not making love to “Campbell Soup.”


As the "smart money" flees more and more folks are going to be brown bagging it with the food lines eventually reaching Wall Street allowing those on the busy main streets to become at one with those on side streets and of course those in cul-de-sacs have only one way out. And of course you know what happens when bottlenecks occur, kinda like a sucking noise wouldn’t you agree? Although we have an orange tree it is unlikely we will be serving “freshly squeezed Jews” [sic].  


I believe the time is fast approaching for folks to take charge of their lives which begins with getting their arms around their most important asset second only to themselves and their children who are ultimately the biggest losers in a “show-dow.” [sic]. It is those deficit needs, the fear of losing something which is far stronger than wanting something which one is not accustomed to in the first place. The sooner we eliminate all the hype beginning with when we first start dating long before deciding to buy a home to set up a family, the more likely we are to coast through the bumps in the road. And make no mistake the bumps we have experienced in modern times, i.e. 1907 and 1929 are pale in comparison to what lies up ahead unless we all get our acts together pronto and of course it pays to ly low especially when going around the bends.


Brokers have little to offer in incentives given the access to information people have via The Internet especially when the people owning the asset may in fact know a thing or two about decor to mention little of why most well-equipped people would expect a sled bed to be in the center of the bedroom although I thought it would have looked better suspended from the ceiling below the mirror “wips et al” [sic] none of which are included in the selling price.


It also makes me sick thinking about all those folks out there who are not getting the message who haven’t yet come to grips with the fact that this real estate bubble is perhaps no more than a few months away perhaps just weeks from bursting


All of a sudden strangers are asking my opinion. It is one thing for people who know what I used to do for a living asking for my assistance without paying my hourly rate which has now doubled to $126K per hour but then again word may have begun to spread of my emergence once again on the “The Buck Stops Here” to mention little of the recent “inking” of the Revlon SCAL settlement that was almost 4 years in the making.


There was, however, nothing “made up” about my findings in the matter of “US Vs Revlon” and credit must be given to all those who played a hand in getting the powers that be to respond in kind to the Revlon Make Up cartoon including my mother and step-father who provided the key wording “Love that Pink” as well as an excellent critique of my cartoonist’s ink drawing that now has me the “King of Stonehenge” with moats and all sorts of wildlife keeping guard of the terrain, never though one to gloat although one of the terrific side effects of this grand experience has been an end to my hair loss.


That last hyperlink was taken in front of a marble boat while visiting China back in 1989 just a few weeks before the Tiananmen Square Massacre. I actually spoke to a group of young students while hanging out at the Beijing Hotel right across from where many kids ultimately were hung out to dry as the rest of the world watched helplessly and aimlessly as one man stood in front of a tank with its turret ominously poised.


TV can be great but it is also told me that no matter the advances in technology and our ability to get at bullies, smart bombs et al, the world was not quite ready to stand tall.


When I asked the San Diego Union staff writer who visited me a week ago yesterday why he thought I was up on “Peargrind” [sic] saga he answered something about my “English accent.” When I told him as he was heading back to the newspaper to meet a deadline that one of my neighbors was their former in-house general counsel his eyes lit up. I happen to believe in getting to know one’s neighbor but until such time that I have evidence that clearly demonstrates them to be an “evil doer” I will fight for their right to privacy and then some.


Now I know it pays to have a foreign accent unless it sounds Arabic but mostly I have found that one gets paid much more if one is attractive, especially so for attractive women. I was thinking of including in my multiple listings ad a hyperlink that showed my “travel companion” at work. Would you go for that?


There are some folks who think I will only be satisfied when South Africa is expelled from the United Nations but you would have had to have accessed my website database to have possibly come up with something that is the furthest thing from my mind although it would help the South African Government in balancing their budget given the UN being such a waste of time to mention little of what I would do with their prime real estate on the lower east end of New York.


Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to let you and others know how I really feel when once again I have encountered a situation where I see folks deriving great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come with a pointed tail and pitched fork.


Come to think of it I will probably be sending Martha Stewart a personal email inviting her to our house gathering letting her know of course the local police, FBI and probably the CIA in addition to special forces units will be on the lookout for “looky loos”.


We may also put up signs outside the bathrooms that ask anyone using the toilets to notify us should they find that the previous person had failed to lift the toilet seat. We will have a register that will allow us to keep track of those poorly potty trained as well as add their email addresses to our ever growing list of folks wanting to know what’s up at the NextraTerrestrial array of websites.


Now something else to think about. It may be one thing to have a newspaper man working for a newspaper that has a monopoly on things as does the San Diego Union Tribune drive all the way out into the mountains for a breath of fresh air although it is only about an hour as the “cow flies” [sic] to hear about a subject matter he had little or no interest in. It is another thing, wouldn’t you agree, for him to spend almost 2 hours in one spot in a room heated up to 80 degrees without finishing his glass of water hearing from someone promoting the benefits of water coming from deep water wells.


What he heard was not some "deep throat" the figment of “tTOo” [sic] industrious individuals but rather concrete evidence of our political system having been hijacked by a group of rapacious individuals in conjunction with a foreign conglomerate that is hell bent on cornering the water markets of the world, failing to realize, however, that water doesn’t grow on trees.


In just a matter of days you will be able to see The Hot Water Wars, aka Perfect Storm III take form. My suggestion is that you hold on tight, i.e. lock down the hatches and prepare for a longer than usual winter although my hope is that my "chess" opponents will get the message real clear that when I mean business I mean business and that the best way to stay out of a the hell hole, which is here on earth, is to start coughing up.


Make no mistake I also find time to play and take care of family matters and right now I am actively looking for a good looking woman who might be interested in my father who is still, at age 79, not only good looking but recently had a whole set of broken parts to his heart replaced and is unlikely to need an overhaul for at least another 3000 miles; nor is he high maintenance, he just goes with the flow.








---Original Message---


From: Edythe…

Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 4:45 PM


Subject: ?


I will be unable to hold your property open this Saturday.





[1] The problems of the wor.
