From: Larry Graff

Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 2:49 PM

To: Gary S. Gevisser

Subject: RE: Perfect Storm XVII - The meek with teeth shall inherit the earth


Gary, It appears you know someone from J&S…  My assistant's girlfriend works there.  We have a new audit I'll be sending.   Your e-mails leave me thinking..............and I think that its your intent to do just that.  My goal is to serve residents in our program to help them maintain a stabalized housing environment.  You have a great intellect Gary.  My "mental budget requests" are based on my desire to effect positive change.  Such desires are framed by monitary limitations.  Therefore, yes, a  new security system would be nice. 




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 1:22 PM
To: Larry Graff
Cc: rest
Subject: Perfect Storm XVII - The meek with teeth shall inherit the earth


Larry, really now! Where even in your mental budget request/s for funding did you have thoughts to the effect,


 The fact is that if you can't supply a safe environment it is difficult to be stabilized when you have mental illness, i.e. right now our biggest need is a security system for two of our facilities?”


That is why I subscribe to the notion that if you have something to say first write it down on paper, be willing to expose your “jew-bare-ash to the world, otherwise simply toss those thoughts in the wastepaper basket; i.e. in this bear market you are going to have to pull up your socks in order to compete, at least be willing to show you have clean underwear, wouldn’t you agree?


To repeat, the problems of the world have nothing to do with race, color, economics or for that matter religion, simply poor religious parental teachING.


As you can “sea” I know a thing or tTOo about cutting to the chase when need be weighing my words ever so carefully. Time to check your space compass; negatives to boot, unless of course you want to understand the behavior of light in which case get rid of your 12C Texas Instrument calculator, embrace integers, which I assume the professors at San Diego State University taught are both real and imagery, and then find a spot that computes the negative square root of minus one, i.e. time for some bottoms up schooling for you too.


Sorry for the delay but “Write now Dark Matter” is of paramount importance to me as I begin to turn up the heat, thermals of key importance in keeping things aloft. In the meantime each one of us still enough time left to kick butt.





From: Larry Graff

Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:05 AM

To: Gary S. Gevisser


Subject: RE: Perfect Storm ? - The meek with teeth shall inherit the earth


Gary, You trip me out........there is more going on in your head than I can possibly comprehend....I will send you our last audit.  I read your e-mail and it will take me some time at home to review the links.  You are a very interesting person.   LG




From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 8:29 AM
Larry Graff, Housing Director Alpha Project
Subject: Perfect Storm ? - The meek with teeth shall inherit the earth


Dear Larry,


Thank you for being so responsive. I am though quite surprised given your astuteness in recognizing “you can't supply a safe environment …” that the Housing Director failed to take care of putting in place a security system before opening the doors and paying his staff and himself a sufficiently high enough wage to live the “hi-life of Gods beach” [sic] wouldn’t you agree? I rarely change anything I have first written and if I do find sum sort of spelling error I simply throw in a “sic” and cover the previous expression with quotes.


With that said, it is very rare that I mix business and personal but when you handed me your business card followed by, “please be generous” my problem solving hat kicked in and I thought of the email I had sent a little earlier in the day to my Dad in South Africa that included the words “be generous.” My suggestion is that you take your time in reading this email along with all the hyperlinks before responding in kind. Footsak, by the way, is South African slang for giving someone a “kick in the rear.” Most of the time folks respond positively just like when being fired from a job. There are times though when more is needed, “ipsophattoe, SCALs” [sic].


With that said I have breezed through your website and although your goals are also lofty and on the surface look very much above board I don’t, however, see the transparency that we should be getting from those who seek our tax dollars to mention little of how orphans, widows and pensioners know for certain you are the best folks to be trusted. The fact that you wash up good, look to be a terrific father albeit, “I cannot think of a better person than their mother to be divorced tTOo” [sic] which came across to me as somewhat of a “pick up line.” Now the fact that I was with my significant other at the time is no guarantee that you weren’t picking on me, wouldn’t you agree? You wouldn’t be the first father with two kids who could have a hang-up or tTOo, “write” [sic]?


With that said, both she and I rarely discuss business especially when at the beach where there is so much to gather in. On the other hand when someone gets me going and the earth is moving onto the “horizon of the son and the pendulum keeps moving off center” [sic] I am prone to strike with devastating affect especially when I begin to pick up defensiveness, i.e. my opponent goes on to the attack. As you know the game of chess is all about getting one’s opponent to play to your advantage. There was nothing playful about any of the facts that I presented you with, yet you felt the need to equate my mental health with those of the kids you are entrusted to protect. I didn’t notice, however, anything on your website talking about “mentally ill” kids although again I simply glanced at the material. Time is my precious resource, sumthing you will understand in “Jew course” [sic].


With that said, who signed off on your budgets, i.e. where can I find the CV of your in-house accountant, the outside “audirtors” [sic], the members of your board of directors? Which members of the executive committees would refuse to produce their annual financial statement for the world to peruse?


With that said, please provide me with your last audit. This is the time to maintain the pace and then we can break bread. I do things a little backward as in right to left more than simply dumb, however, to take me for a midget. A physician, mind you a pathologist, who has known me quite sum time longer than you had me pinned at 5’11” and 180 pounds. Now I don’t know what he was smoking at the time he took my significant other’s 10-year-old sun with him down to the courthouse to file a false charge against me but can you imagine? Would you believe I know a thing or tTOo about real estate development as in whoever controls the water can wreck havoc with the land and then steals the money, wouldn’t you now agree?


With that said, I hate to repeat myself but given the light distractions of the setting sun I will remind you of the importance of insurance, i.e. a good risk manager would have recognized the downward tail of Alpha Project’s insurance premiums well ahead of time unless of course the fish rots from the head down, to mention little of protecting the kids at any cost from b.s. and of course the farts, bottoms up schooling a pre-requisite for folks who let their formal education interfere with their learning, wouldn’t you agree?


With that said, I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t always come in the form of a pointed tail and pitched fork, that we should take all necessary precautions to avoid running around in circles, i.e. why nature got rid of our tails, wouldn’t you agree?


With that said, I make it my business to pay very careful attention to the detail, i.e. things of matter all material, i.e. Beware of feigning mental illness in the presence of mental midgets.


With that said, never sweep things under the mat.


With that said, I had a scheduled meeting yesterday with the folks from Morse to put in a security system in my significant other’s house. No one showed up although there was another hang up. Guys have this thing that women seem to “ra-e-ally miss” [sic] wouldn’t you agree?


With that said, let me know how else I can help.


Stay on track, keep it up and continue to provide US with material, which keeps the stats looking so bright. Now go have a great day and reach for those stars.


Big hug. Time to "esc.ape"[sic].




Ps I– Remember the biggest business in the world is charity. Consequently, I know you would appreciate my skepticism to mention little of now wanting to question you that much more. Transparency is everything, wouldn’t you agree? See you in the serf.


Ps II – I just got word from a lady friend about a Housing Luncheon october 25, 2002 Wyndem Hotel. I would vote LBJ as I not so commonly refer to her, to be the first female president of the United States assuming her 4 children and current husband went along with it. Now Larry, don’t get any ideas. Not only is she happily married but trust me when I tell you that this dynamite of a lady wouldn’t have trouble having the best of the litter picking up after her throughout the day and at night, well that is none of our business, wouldn’t you agree?



Larry Graff

Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 1:44 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: Gevisser-Dion Vs Dr. Stewart


Thanks Gary, Right now our biggest need is a security system for two of our facilities.  The fact is that if you can't supply a safe environment it is difficult to be stabilized when you have mental illness.  We can supply you with a copy of our last audit if you like.   Thanks, LG