From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 6:57 PM
To: ''
Cc: rest

Subject: The meek WITH TEETH shall inherit the earth

Attention: Professor Goldstein, Mesa College, San Diego, California.


Dear Professor Goldstein,


Just yesterday I was told about your proficiency in physics and would like the opportunity to run ∑ stuff by you. I have little formal education in the area of mathematics let alone physics but I am rather good at numbers never though having let what little formal education I have interfere with my learning.


I was fortunate enough to stop working for a living quite early in life the result of my ability to read financial statements rather well which when put into practice with my understanding of the importance of women allowed me to do what I do best which is nothing and everything, going back and forth as in 10, 01.


I have though been rather guarded in playing the “short game” knowing that at some point in time some folks out there would blame me for the ultimate demise of the stock market which is nothing more than a gravy train for the already rapacious and of course God only knows how I have managed to avoid getting caught up in other peoples’ torts. Just very recently, September 11th 2002 to be precise, an out of control doctor and father of two decided to test my mettle by filing a baseless complaint against me that now has him and his attorney let alone his hoards of advisors now running for the exit signs, continuing to bark, “Fire Fire, how in Hell’s name do we now get rid of the Pisser.”


If you were to run an Internet search on me you would most likely encounter my role in a rather important court decision that many expert witnesses would argue correctly has saved U.S. taxpayers a bundle or two over the course of the past five odd years. Judge Jack Weinstein’s decision led me to do a lot more soul searching although if I had just the least amount of larceny in my heart I would have set up an off-shore company that would have targeted the poor all over the world funneling funds to them in brown paper bags, much like what the folks like FIFA and the Olympic Officialdoms do when not playing fetch, that would then facilitate the tired, old and decrepit to purchase an airline ticket to say Puerto Rico, the official capital of soft-tissue injury claims where they could summarily “slip and fall” in a supermarket of their choice although I think you would agree K-Mart shouldn’t be anyone’s first choice especially if the plan calls for a quickie insurance payout as in “cash & carry.”


Please be advised that the last hyperlink is not a picture of me despite the vast majority of people on my ever expanding email list thinking otherwise. Simply because I live the life of Riley doesn’t mean I have allowed my brain to turn to mush nor would I be dumb enough to be caught dead in a place like Bali especially since I have already picked out my burial spot, way out at sea as far away from Timbuktu as possible. Never though is it fun to be caught napping which I think is what happened to Professor Klein of Stanford University when he helped kick off my hub website, that remains on track to be the number one website on the planet based on the number of hits per person per day who know a thing or tTOo about what we are doing in bringing about a new peaceful world order while holding the rapacious in check through a series of “chess games” which I refer to as Perfect Storms. 


Make no mistake there are handful of folks who are getting quite skittish as they see my command of the English language getting better with each tick of the clock particularly as I go about fine tuning my basic mathematical skills converting arithmetic expressions in to meaningful words while developing techniques and business models that the masses could apply when trying to reason things on their own without having someone else always giving them their point of view which often comes not only full of BS but with a bias point of view.


Those most familiar with my work product over the years would agree with my mother who is depicted sticking to her knitting in the Revlon Make Up Cartoon that I have a better understanding of the way Chaos Theory works then anyone so far has attempted to explain to me what is a rather complex subject matter, wouldn’t you agree?


Should you wish, however, to get some references other than my own family members who are undoubtedly biased perhaps even jaundiced concerned mostly about the nature of the revelations that are so close to home let me suggest to you as I have to others like the folks from Random House or Bruce Bigelow of the San Diego Union Tribune that you simply contact Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk [619-238-1333] who I hope is starting to unwind having been caught up in a mini flood the other evening to mention little of the $71 billion odd President Bush has requested be printed that is eroding this countries wealth that of course is a rather ingenious way of leveling the playing field wouldn’t you agree?


No doubt though you will agree that this earthly spiral really began its nose dive during the Clinton Administration as the “SISI” [sic] President embraced the “Yellow Peril” while shoving his hand up young interns although some of his supporters would probably argue that a cigar butt is far less onerous as well as incredibly less odorous then a guy who picks his nose a lot to mention little of what happens to folks who talk with forked tongues. At some point you should come across my take on why the ants seem to be taking over the planet. If for any reason you are having trouble with your browser just contract my programmer Adam Tucker whose e-mail address is one which is exposed and he will take care of you in a matter of two twos.


Over the course of the past 4 odd years I have assisted Mr. Krinsk on occasion in getting to the meat of some of his more high profile Shareholder Class Action Lawsuits none more so important than the one he and Robert Kaplan of “Killsheimer Kaplan & Foxhunt” [sic] waited until the last minute to file against Mr. Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman although Mr. Kaplan might argue that less than two hours to go before the statute of limitations ran out is not exactly, “last minute.”


I happen to consider Mr. Perelman the biggest crook in modern history excluding the law firm of Milberg Weiss of course, not that the $12 billion odd Perelman is purported to have stolen is the largest amount laundered through Wall Street brokers by any one individual, far from it, by more importantly his unique ability to have coated himself in Teflon much like “Senator Bird” [sic] who I recently took to task in an e-mail which caught a number of folks flat footed none more so than Mr. Polie Pollak, a misguided liberal who was mentioned in the first frontal attack on a U.S. Senator that serves as a shot across the bow to anyone who may be thinking about waging war with me and of course I have the honor of liberating once again Mr. Pollak who may be looking for some help from what seems to be his mirror image, Mr. King Golden, although I have no reason to suspect that Mr. Pollak is a dope addict, dope being defined as nothing more than dagga mixed with cheap alcohol.


I have in fact taken issue with a number of folks as of late including other professors besides for “lame duck” Klein to mention just in passing Professors Kelly and Price of Scripps Research and John Hopkins University respectively.


I always start out not only giving folks the benefit of the doubt but more importantly I was taught from a very young age to be respectful especially to one’s elders. As I have got older, just this past Monday having turned 46 to mention little of my belief that with God’s help I may have finally answered the $64,000 question that The Meek WITH TEETH  shall inherit the earth which is clearly not a universal phrase but it “shell” [sic] soon be. I think I have also figured out what is behind each of us not being bothered by our own stink.


Never one to be arrogant for if nothing else I am a student of history albeit a rather late learner given my penchant to throw up when reading anything that came out of the history books I was raised on in South Africa, I have found though that most folks get too far abreast from the essence of life particularly as their waste band expands, their tits starting to migrate along the arms, an outstretched arm with a nipple attached that causes all sorts of malfunctions none more so than what occurs when mixing milk with meat although I have yet to work out the Japanese people’s fixation in the myriad of methods they employ while going to the bathroom.


No doubt the Jewish rabbis have their own point of view when it comes to why we should keep kosher and now would not be a good time to start with my Jewish brothers and sisters who have been comforted feeling that I had finally moved on to addressing the folks who have created more havoc around the world than all the Jewish people and Muslims combined, namely the Romans who today are made up of not just Roman Catholics, but Jewish people forced to walk on sand to protect themselves from marauding wild human beasts while simply wanting to practice their incredible religion as Columbus went about the Americas kicking butt and what goes around comes around none more so than friends of mine who have a home in a village next to where I have my Ccrest Café in Minehead England whose bedroom ceiling structure comes from the Spanish Armada that got torn apart off the English coast sometime back in the 1500s.


Suffice to say most Jewish people like most hamstrung folks anywhere can barely think straight let alone run the risk as poor sportsman that we are by kneeling on concrete floors although I suspect some churches have cushioning in place especially when one considers it was only just yesterday we Jewish people emerged out of the Ghettos to mention little of the Europeans, the so-called Occidentals who pranced around in rags for hundreds of years as the Indians fine tuned their curry that must certainly have something in it that producers such incredible engineers wouldn’t you agree or do you think it is simply the air the Monsoon fresh air or undoubtedly how it makes much more sense to have one’s parents choose for one a partner than simply leave it one’s hormones to make the right decision, better yet wouldn’t you agree that we empower the kids of today not to continue to make the same mistakes of past generations that would undoubtedly lead them to say moronic things to their children such as, “You will have your chance to blow it” and give our youth who are our future the tools to make as certain as one can be that one is choosing the right partner from the get-go which is a subject matter that will be covered in great detail in my book Manager Minute One.


Now you may be asking, assuming you have not clicked on to any of the text hyperlinks why I would be bothering someone who is embroiled with physics but please bare just a little byte more as I unfold the very sweat connection between art, math and science with your help as well as the input of others copied on this email; never though do I go around in circles using rather tangents to stretch the imagination of those who are not yet “brainne dead” [sic] and I would assume you would agree with me that the closest thing in our universe to a perfect circle is our anus that many use to promulgate their absolute nonsense?


More to the point, when one farts and as you know a fart is no more than airborne feces, the first orifices targeted are the mouth and the ears which lead directly to the brain. Now my intention is not to have you validate that there is direct linkage to those people who eat the most who often times crap the most assuming they don’t exercise properly which ultimately leads to a poisoning of the brain cells, degeneration though simply takes a while to become systemic but it is my hope that you will be entertained by what I have written to at least think about communicating back with me knowing that at a minimum I might be able to provide you material free of charge to use in what I understand to be rather interesting courseware?


The “proposal” I sent out this past Monday to Random Books publishing group was to see if someone over there was interested in first helping to edit my book that is geared toward uniting people on a global scale by showing that math, science, physics and of course woe be to anyone who forgets about the art are all combined at the centerpiece of God’s plan for us to all be in tune and of course that requires more than average sensitivity and this I don’t believe requires much of a voice. I could though have simply dialed 411 and got the telephone number for someone like Glen Shapiro who as best I recall lives in Connecticut. At one time Glen was the President of Prentice Hall a division of Simon Schuster who towards the late 1980s showed a strong interest in acquiring a marketing-publishing company that I helped run after saving it from the ash heap. Suffice to say that deal never consummated despite the best efforts of my management team aided by the very best investment banker on the planet.


My plan, however, calls for showing folks how it is possible to work things out from the bottom up as well as from the top down to mention little once again of right to left and back again as in Quantum Mechanics, backwards and “forewords” [sic] constantly improving the odds, i.e. probabilities.


I could possibly simply call and have Alan Landry help me set up a scheme in say the Pierre Hotel in New York and invite the CEOs of the major publishing companies including of course Veronica Hearst who I assume is still married to William Randolf Hearst VI, the last surviving son of the original William Randolf Hearst and create the same sort of play I described in an earlier e-mail where even in the event they were to call our bluff and not agree to have me purchase their combined companies for no more than a nickel and of course I would assume their debt, I would be willing to bet my bottom last dollar they would at least be kind enough to refer me to a good editor and who knows maybe even Veronika Hearst might buy Alan and I dinner at Le Cirque, my favorite spot.


Mr. Landry not to be confused with his even richer brother who runs TA Associates is my investment banker friend who was just a few years behind our great President Bush at some preppy university back east and perhaps the most literate white inbred friend I have who happens to have also retired also quite early in his career although if you spoke with the majority shareholder of our marketing-publishing company he, George Nordhaus, would perhaps argue that I had simply coasted for more than half of my 5 year stint that had him living the life of Riley but that when it all came to an end old George required nothing short of a stent, although of course I wish George well the great clown that I was, if only though he had listened more carefully to me.


Like other companies I have been involved with IMS [Insurance Marketing Services] has since gone through at least one change of name. I can assure you, however, that IMS’ demise had nothing whatsoever to do with the consulting job I performed for Prentice Hall which began the day immediately following the expiration of my non-compete. Suffice to say I think I got more out of Glen Shapiro then all the input I had gathered about the inner workings of IMS over 5 years which amounted to diddly although I learnt everything there was to know about how the insurance was headed for one big fall, just though a matter of time.


George Nordhaus was absolutely correct when he argued that I was “asleep at the wheel” which not only starts to lead in to why I am communicating with you today but perhaps why a handful of folks out there would very much prefer that I simply fell asleep while driving either my Mini Cooper S or Dukati speedster that in due course will have the bumper stickers “The Meek WITH TEETH shall inherit the earth” blazoned front and back, on the sides, on the roof which reminds me I need to get the new logo that is being worked on printed on to my motorcycle helmet. I had in fact planned to spend the day riding my Dukati up in the Laguna Mountains but the battery had died and now I am back in Del Mar waiting for the traffic to die down before heading back to our rock house aka Stonehenge II where I am expected for dinner in about an hour that gives me less than 10 minutes to be out of here.


You should also know as I bare my soul that there is a doctor out there by the name of Dr. John Stewart who also is known to get things a little mixed up none more so than his fairly recent communication with his ex-wife, my “travel companion” cum “significant other” of some 9+ years in which he described a Temporary Restraining Order [TRO] he illegally obtained against me as having “expired.” Dr. Stewart’s face in a superior court house in downtown San Diego on October 24th of last year was the best testament I have ever seen of any one being slammed with rights and lefts, uppercuts followed by rabbit punches that would have had someone like Eminem poking fun at him to high heaven especially when one considers that all the shots came from him and his attorney having unquestionably allowed their formal education, their chips on their shoulders, to interfere with their learning to mention little of the effects of the consequences of poor parenting which brings me closer to home in my quest to help solve the problems of the world.


I really would appreciate you getting back to me as soon as possible so that I can run by you my account of how perhaps Mr. Einstein missed a little something in his mission to come up with a unified theory as to the inner workings of the universe.    


In a nutshell my theory suggests that that when we move from a vacuum to a non-vacuum environment much like when traveling back and forth between earth’s atmosphere and “deep space” the constant associated with C, the speed of light, switches with m, as in mass, taking on the variable attributes, with m therefore, becoming the constant, more in line with the Newtonian principle that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is lost nor is their any gain.


I have found over the years the problems associated with the NIH syndrome which unlike the NHL who decided not go forward with the electronic hockey puck, the TOES out there have a vested interest in the “Not Invented Hear” [sic]. I happen to believe in my heart of hearts that God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we should think twice for every byte of information God has planted here on earth. I am copying the president of SporTVision, Mr. Squadron whose company invented the electronic hockey puck as well as a host of other nifty technologies on this email in the event he were to offer me some of his words of wisdom. My hope is to meet with Bill and perhaps his father who I assume remains in good standing with Rupert Murdoch who undoubtedly was generous with his top notch legal eagle making certain that Bill Squadron got the very best of legal schooling.


My theory of the inner workings of the universe are akin to what goes on inside of the brain, which I assume you would agree is the most naturally forming vacuum we find on spaceship earth, the difference being that whereas each one of us can control who we allow to infiltrate through our aufaces, thereby penetrating our minds, a mind a horrible thing to lose wouldn’t you also agree, the person controlling the light dimmer switch is non other than God himself perhaps playing pong?


It is my understanding that sound can only travel through the medium of air, that light requires no medium that the speed of sound varies with the density of the air, that the speed of light is different depending on whether it travels through a vacuum, water or glass which I understand is the cause of refraction?  As, however, we approach the speed of light which I assume can only be accurately computed in a vacuum, [186E3 = 186 X 10^3 = 186 X 1000 = 186000miles/second] everything starts to become somewhat “mathematical” wouldn’t you agree since light has both properties of energy and matter, that at some point energy could theoretically equal mass and then we have the chicken and the egg scenario in terms of what came first, energy or mass?


And then there is that all-important gravity which I understand suggests properties of matter and since it also defracts which suggest properties of energy which brings us to the all-important  “waves” and how best to get folks to stand tall and be counted, finding a common “crying point” and there cannot be anything more important these days then a clean water supply, wouldn’t you agree which must have you wondering at this point, “Why am I so lucky me to have this Gevisser character communicating with me?”


The same thing no doubt occurred with Professors Klein and Kelly who I continue to hope will both soon surface. While Professor Klein digs his way out of a rut let alone the massive black hole he dug for himself when taking me to be a fool no doubt, Professor Kelly is undoubtedly awash. Some may assume that at some point I will drop, find myself up against a wall, much like if one drops say a rock in a pool of water with the waves propagating until such time as they reach a wall with say two holes lined up one on top of the other and emerges in its original form and so we end up at square one, leading ultimately to constructive and destructive interference, no different when it comes to say light, wouldn’t you agree?


This is all rather tricky-dicky this stuff about light which has the property of particles as well as energy which is very much wavelike and it is my sense that what constitutes a mass build up of dark spaces within the brain structure that has prevented man from discovering more about the meaning of life is non other than his testosterone interfering with his ability to love and of course I know more than a handful of women who could shame any man I know including SammyShaim” Haim with the high levels of testosterone they have flowing through their veins which leads me back to Professor Kelly although it is my understanding that it is the long nerve cells which first become symptomatic of something array, and my being as certain as one can be that there is in fact strong evidence that suggests in no uncertain terms that those of “less intelligence” are more susceptible to degenerative diseases and why the critical need at this juncture to restructure the entire world debt that would allow more funding to go into early child education and of course we know nutrition plays an all-important hand as well as making sure that the parents and teachers who guide our children do in fact have a steady hand, wouldn’t you agree?


Everything no doubt gets very abstract when you get into the details which is why I am hell-bent on getting more folks to appreciate art and to learn from perhaps the greatest artist-painter-teacher of our times, Sebastian Capella and of course genii like you can throw in your pennies worth and don’t think twice about sending a contribution to PO BOX 307, Del Mar, California, anthrax not fully appreciated.


In short order it is my hope that Sebastian Capella will soon be offering classes over the Internet that will allow the average Joe Blow like myself who cannot draw if our lives depended on it just like 99% of the population incapable of drawing with precision and why so few can make a living as artist painters unless they simply have the gift of the gab and are able to convince some of the 99% of us who are clueless that their scratchings are in fact art and why we see so much abstract art that leads to so much bullshit interpretations. This leaves perhaps no more than 1% of the population still in line to become true artist painters but first they will have to understand “values” which is probably 3 times as difficult as understanding and executing a “shapely” and “precise” subject matter.


Being able to hold the “values” constant throughout a painting probably eliminates another 99% of that remaining 1% and still there is the 3rd leg of the stool, the equally important so-called “chroma” which calls for the colors to not only be mixed right to mention little of the technique of applying the paint to the canvas but staying true to the artwork whether it be in either low, medium or high chroma which then eliminates all but a handful of individuals on this entire planet.


Just knowing, however, how to appreciate art though is something even morons like myself and Jeffrey Krinsk can master assuming one has had the necessary training coming from a master professional such as Sebastian Capella although in all honesty I have only attended just one of his classes, Jeffrey though has yet to enroll, although during this one visit to the Spanish Fort in San Diego I ended up being sidetracked by a history lesson being given by to bunch of elementary school kids who were having an excellent course in what comes down when allow marauders to rape and pillage and ended up asking a bunch of rather stupid questions, at least most of the class thought so and I was too embarrassed to return.


Isn’t it great though that today we have as our one and only alley the Spanish? I understand that I have received an e-mail from the parents of one of Sebastian Capella’s students who happens to be Canadian asking that I remove them from my e-mail list although I am not exactly certain that this is what they really want. It is actually coming through an intermediary who I suspect doesn’t speak very good English, certainly my programmers tell me this individual has as much problems with spelling as I do.


In due course I will be hoping to take the mantle that Sebastian “bequeathed to me” although if truth be told it is my significant other who happens to be French-Canadian who coaches me each and every day and is equally responsible for the incredible art that adorns her home, a residence which has yet to be sold.


Now if you are interested in a great house at today’s bargain basement price of a net $620,000 and which could drop below $500K in a matter of months you can be the proud owner of a terrific home located in Del Mar and which can be viewed and read about ad nausea at, but please remember the price only includes the shell of the house, the stove, dishwasher and a beautiful looking bird that no one seems to want.


Let me know what you think. I will also be copying you on some if not all of my future emails to a variety of folks but none more so important than an email I hope to send out shortly to Professor Bernie Black a professor of law at Stanford university where I will be asking him a number of things including how I might get a United States Attorney to begin a grand jury investigation in to the rigging of the recent gubernatorial elections held here in California. I had mentioned in a series of postings on the “The Puck Stops Here” [sic] message board, “…if you couldn’t get an indictment out of a grand jury you just hung your spurs and dissolved into a puddle of tears…”


I understand that Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk’s partner, Mr. Howard Finkelstein, used to be a United States Attorney before he had Jeffrey join him who now does most of the work albeit my not even being certain Mr. Krinsk is a qualified attorney. Despite being over 21 years of age and for at least two decades financially independent like me of my parents, Mr. Krinsk has yet to hang his legal certifications on his lavish walls, allowing them instead to collect dust and cobwebs. Tomorrow morning I plan to head back to downtown San Diego proffering up amongst other things a suggestion that Mr. Krinsk in lieu of me submitting a bill for services rendered over these past 4 odd years he simply give me his certificates which I could then use as paper to light our next fire at Stonehenge II to mention little of the cheap wood frames that could be used to kindle the flames.


In due course I will respond to Professor Aaron “Brownnose” Brown who I understand remains a professor of finance at the Yeshiva University in New York City. This out-of-touch professor and I have had a long standing battle going on for going on for some 3 years ever since he posted , “I need a shareholder quick!” back on 6-19-00 to be precise.


Professor Goldstein it is my hope that you can help me pull together my thoughts into such a clear and precise way that will have the most skeptical of the skeptics give pause to at least listen, perhaps take a deep breath, for if I am right and e=mc² is both proof of evolution as well as God, it will also put to rest what most in-touch people already know that there is no such thing as a co-incidence and even if it wasn’t Albert Einstein who said, “How many co-incidences does it take before it is no longer a co-incidence” who is to argue that he didn’t at least think that to be the case? Certainly, he wouldn’t be alone amongst the great astrophysicists to have come to realize the “hand of God” wouldn’t you agree?


In just a matter of hours I will publish my views on why God is not only DNA “butT” [sic] & He is all about love, and of course you can see from where the word “love” first evolved.


Good Day.


Gary S. Gevisser



Ps – I will reread this tomorrow and should I feel that clarification is needed I will let you know accordingly.