From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2006 4:13 PM PT
To: Michelle Kube - Execuitve Producer, The Bill Handle Show KFI-AM 640 "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic].
Cc: rest; President@whitehouse.gov; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; Dan Weinstein - co Managing Director of the Wetherly Capital Group; Devin Standard; Guy Friedman; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Joseph Steinberg - President of Luecadia National Corporation; 60m@cbsnews.com; kbh@hulettharper.com; Melanie Gurvits Esq.; Rand LeShay - A MARK; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Dr. Laura Family; Rush Limbaugh; johnandken@johnandkenshow.com; zig@kfi640.com; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; Roger Hedgecock; Larry King Live; ian@coasttocoastam.com; georgechamberlin@clearchannel.com; george@coasttocoastam.com; SupremeInternetCourt@yahoogroups.com




And a dam good afternoon to you and what a great morning it was to be aware, as my computer clock now strikes 3 PM PST, of your DNA that while doubling, “replicating faithfully” has such unique design elements to it that suggest a pattern that is traceable.


Not to mention just 3 things:


First, let me know if you have any questions when reading THE DIAMOND INVENTION.


Second, your junk folder is as automatic as my wife’s non-existential pardon list which has already been invoked for Rand Leshay self-described as the Moron and corrupt gold trader.


Third, human beings such as yourself noticing how I am helping you connect up all the so obvious dots in the “real world” that has you doing just 3 more things:


First, “out of the blue” going back time and again to my repeated suggestion that you read Edward Jay Epstein’s most fascinating Internet only book, The Diamond Invention.


Second, having significant difficulty questioning the logic of why a smart designer would bother doing more than allowing those who allow others to treat them as ants returning as ants who we can all agree are winning the race for survival of the fittest.


Third, you not in the least bit sure whether it is the ants mimicking us when enslaving their own or us all part of an ongoing experiment by an extraordinarily smart designer who judges each of us fairly but with extraordinary vengeance for those who “play ostrich” no different to others who usurp their limited authority.


The more we know about each other the less likely we are to go to war with one another or at least be “sumwhat” [sic] reluctant to send the world’s poor to fight amongst one another while “fat cats” sit around tables full of food committing suicide so oblivious to “The Mind” and well as “Hand of G-d” exacting a timely vengeance.


Now back you go to the Mission Statement on the homepage of www.NEXTtraterresTRIAL.com.


And why should I be any different to those around you who you allow to treat you even worse than an ant, the shame of having to sell your off the charts physical measurements which I guess is less hassle than showing whatever little intelligence remains having now repeatedly allowed the likes of Bill Handle to interfere with the precision sequencing of what was at one time a perfect non-vacuum of space between your ears.


Yes, the more we know about you and your kind not very kind to the ears of your listeners the less likely you are all to mock someone like George W. Bush, the very first western leader to condemn the atrocity of the Yalta Conference of early February 1945 that stemmed from the DAAC infested Allies placing a very big gun at the heads of the 730 delegates from 44 nations attending the Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944 the result of Allied Commanding Officers KNOWING that their young flesh and blood were “on average” not to feared by the very disciplined German armies simply having run out of fuel, were purposefully allowed to be butchered on the beaches of Normandy.


You of course don’t remember a single Nazi fighter plane doing much to interfere with this so extraordinarily staged event, D-Day June 5th-6th 1944, the military scam of military scams which again for the umpteenth time was all part of the DAAC design to not let any side gain too much competitive advantage.


And of course you understand perfectly well that it wasn’t simply Hitler waking up one day, looking at himself in the mirror and saying, “bad hair day” before deciding to follow in the footsteps of Napoleon and be defeated by the very well known harsh Russian winter rather than invade Great Britain that would have taken just a matter of hours and the entire World War II would have been over long before us Americans got “sucked in” as the DAAC controlled United States Government went about “pushing against the wall” the Japanese who were in fact our allies, doing our bidding in the continued ransacking China.


Now after giving me as many pushups and sit-ups from 40 Four Feet away go back to the beginning of The Diamond Invention and examine Edward Jay Epstein’s so carefully crafted INTERNET ONLY book with human design everywhere that of course contains “trace elements” of a masterful designer written all over it which gives hope and inspiration to each successive generation who have not let their formal education interfere with their learning.


Forgive me for now “cutting and pasting” the first few paragraphs of Hollywood blockbuster author increasingly edgy EJE’s Prologue and notice how his editor didn’t seem to make a big deal about his rather bizarre use of the word “quartering”:




In Japan, the matrimonial custom had survived feudal revolutions, world wars, industrialization and even the American occupation. Up until the mid-196os, Japanese parents arranged proper marriages for their children through trusted 'intermediaries. The ceremony was then consummated, according to Shinto law, by the bride and groom both drinking rice wine from the same wooden bowl. This simple arrangement had persisted for more than a millennium. There was no tradition for romance, courtship, seduction and prenuptial love in Japan; and no tradition that required the gift of a diamond engagement ring.


Then, in 1967, halfway around the world, a South African diamond company decided to change the Japanese courtship ritual. It retained J. Walter Thompson, the largest advertising agency in the world, to embark on a campaign to popularize diamond engagement rings in Japan. It was not an easy task. Even the quartering of millions of American soldiers in Japan for a decade had not resulted in any substantial Japanese interest in giving diamonds as a token of love.


The advertising agency began its campaign by subtly suggesting that diamonds were a visible sign of modern Western values. It created a series of color advertisements in Japanese magazines showing very beautiful women displaying their diamond rings. The women all had Western facial features and wore European clothes. Moreover, in most of the advertisements, the women were involved in some activity that defied Japanese traditions, such as bicycling, camping, yachting, ocean-swimming and mountain-climbing. In the background, there usually stood a Japanese man, also attired in fashionable European clothes. In addition, almost all of the automobiles, sporting equipment and other artifacts in the picture, were conspicuous foreign imports. The message in these ads was clear: diamonds represent a sharp break with the Oriental past and an entry point into modern life.


The campaign was remarkably successful. Until 1959 the importation of diamonds had not even been permitted by the postwar Japanese government. When the campaign began in 1968, less than 5 percent of Japanese women getting married received a diamond engagement ring. By 1972 the proportion had risen to 27 percent. By 1978, half of all Japanese women who were married wore a diamond on their ring finger. And, by 1981, some 6o percent of Japanese brides wore diamonds. In a mere thirteen years, the fifteen-hundred-year Japanese tradition was radically revised. Diamonds became a staple of the Japanese marriage. And Japan became, after the United States, the second largest market for the sale of diamond engagement rings. It was all part of the diamond invention.


The diamond invention was an ingenious scheme for sustaining the value of diamonds in an uncertain world…---…


So now I am once again suggesting you “dig deep” and think about how you and all those with whom you keep company keep pontificating on how corrupt and brutal is the Chinese government which like our government reflects society as in, “We the people…We are a nation of laws”.


And then in the next instant as you reflect on both your travels and business dealings with the Peoples Republic of Communist China you notice how extraordinarily peaceful are the Chinese to the point that you cannot think of a safer country to visit let alone be so impressed with the extraordinary infrastructure so conducive for the Chinese now able to do business with all not only its own hard working peoples but those nations who have something valuable to “barter with”.


Not to mention that while the Chinese invented paper money, they also know money doesn’t “grow on trees” a whole lot more difficult to produce a single tea leaf than fictitious-worthless currency, most of all U.S. Dollars where counterfeiters all around the world are producing $100 bills that only but a handful of experts working for the Secret Service can determine after hours of painstaking analysis and even then such experts cannot be certain since both the paper as well as the Intaglio printing machines are identical to our printing machines producing bills 24/7.


To mention little of the unlimited supply of currency produced by those with casino licenses which combined with Diamond Currency being produced without a trace and never inventoried for more than 100 years has you now ready to crap in your pants.


To mention in passing all the times I have done business with Chinese people who don’t “know me from Adam”, all on a handshake and only once feeling like I have been ripped off which occurred on board the 5 Star Cruise line organized by Travel Group China, a quasi-government agency.


But be aware that each and every Occidental on board that Yangtze cruise ship not feeling “put out” enough to even bother complaining.


Not to mention Steven Parkinson of Mothercare who shared with me the extortion agreement between his British based company and their “sister” company Starbucks to both kowtow to the demands of the Kuwait Royal Family who insisted that our oil tyrants would destroy both companies were either to open a single shop in Israel.


To mention little of Mr. “deafeningly silent” Parkinson deciding to “snooze” when called up at 11 o’clock on the first night of the 5 Star cruise going on minus 1 to let him know that he could upgrade in to the type of suite which my wife and I agreed to pay an additional $600, so upset with himself was Mr. Parkinson for thinking it would be still be available in the morning or just simply sleep deprived that he began running off at the mouth divulging the same sort of highly sensitive information I am rather accustomed to receiving beginning long before I joined Codiam Inc. on 47th Street in New York City.


But of course you are not as much interested to know how exactly I came to learn everything I needed to know about DAAC controlled Lords-Lloyds of London at age 15 when I would devote a couple of hours of my Saterday afternoons to playing cards with Alan Benn who along with his business partner, Gerald Hackner constituted quite an extraordinary “brain trust”, their knowledge of each and every business deal going on in South Africa from the late 1960s to when I left South Africa destination U.S.A on March 17th 1978, simply “courtesy” of the DAAC.


Not to mention that Alan’s wife at a rather young age began suffering horribly from Parkinson’s disease.


You are, of course, much more interested in what Knowledge-Information-Light Roger W. Robinson, master spy of master spies working for David Rockefeller a very significant senior member of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel “passed on” to his bosom-buddy and my 15 odd year personal American attorney Mr. King Golden Jr. Esq. that would have King who like Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy attended the University of Virginia Law School where the motto engraved on one of the more prominent buildings remains, “We do not lie, steal or cheat”, declaring to me not once but twice,


James Baker III is the most dangerous person in the world.”


You also cannot get out of your head the reactions of my many friends in China that preceded me visiting the mainland of China for the first time in the spring of 1989 just weeks before the Tiananmen Square massacre all designed to embarrass the not at all bright new President George Herbert Bush who chose very poorly to have James Baker III as his Secretary of State as the Chinese who come top at both our schools and universities have now for several months been focused on the fact that RWR also known as “our man Roger” has been both Chairman and Vice Chairman of the so very important U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission appointed by Senate Republican majority leader Bill Frist, “our man Roger’s” appointments ending December 31st of last year.


Most troubling of course to “security experts” all around the world is “our man Roger’s” appearance back on January 25th 2004 on CBS’ 60 Minutes as part of one of many very carefully orchestrated efforts by the DAAC controlled United States Congress and media which of course includes people like Rush Limbaugh who look so very “conservative” to undermine President GWB who unlike no other President in the rather short history of the United States had surrounded himself with stellar individuals, some more competent of course than others, but all having strong egos and very much their own opinions that has never seemed to bother GWB at least from what I can tell.


Are you having trouble with a number of things I am spelling out in simple English and placing it in “black and white” and a little color thrown in here and there specifically for my wife who now tells me that she has stopped going, “delete, delete, delete” but scrolls quickly through looking for “colorful spots”.


Most troubling, no doubt, is my ability to keep track of the important events of the day and each and every scoundrel on my one of a kind email list that continues to not only grow but be shared with my friends throughout the world.


Yes, what exactly was going through the minds of the producers of that all important 60 Minutes segment that never revealed, at least to the best of my knowledge anything about “our man Roger’s” background or for that matter from October 2002 through July 2004 RWR was the Commissions chairman.


So now your so feeble mind is not all that bothered as I remind you to go back and think about what KIL EXACTLY was “our man Roger” leaking of such a highly sensitive nature about the Being There President Ronald W. Reagan who was as you would expect from someone picked out of Hollywood rather easily confused between non-fiction and fiction surrounded constantly by a wife who did not keep it a secret she paid as much attention to astronomical signs as the body language going on amongst those such as “our man Roger” who along with James Baker III were most definitely “in charge” of the White House; i.e. “calling the shots” during President RWR’s first administration as David Rockefeller instructed his Lily White Wheaty Eating boy RWR to begin the process of bankrupting the United States in earnest.


While the Chinese people are so very polite, so very hard working, so reflective of their government who actually care about the people who care about family who care about protecting their wetlands and greenlands which of course are no where near as polluted as our environment despite the fact that we produce so little here in the U.S. but yet we are by a long shot the greatest polluters in the world, the Chinese people and their government are not fooled by the likes of you who come “in and out” like the tide with at best an increasingly mediocre “gift of the gab” thinking that because you today STILL have such a loud voice that it will remain that way indefinitely.


Wake up and smell that delicious young leaf tea that I am now drinking.


China has a history spanning thousands of years of being invaded time and again by foreigners and only the westerners not smart enough to adopt their awesome culture which is not all about “me, me, me, money, money, money”.


Chinese people know all about the MONroe Doctrine aka American gunboat diplomacy that led to the invasion in 1900 of 8 Allied Nations that ripped off everything that wasn’t buried deep underground while Americans are so poorly schooled with a lawyer on every street corner pontificating, “We are a nation of laws” that increasingly is “falling on deaf ears” especially amongst those who have true wealth who have never bought in to the nonsense of stuff like, “money is the root of all evil” when they have been taught from the youngest of age just like me, that “money is just one means of exchange” but man’s greed is what leads to evil.


Chinese people are this very moment learning awfully fast why IT IS that Japan, one of the DAAC’s military wings has yet to apologize for their inexcusable atrocities committed against the Chinese people and their close allies the Koreans well before the continuation of World War I which we westerners refer to as World War II.


Art Bell reminds me a lot of Tokyo Rose more so than Goebells who used to broadcast all sorts of propaganda that served to deflate the spirits of America’s fighting men who one on one against the Japanese were no match just like they were no match against the Germans, us depending on our DuPont manufactured Big Bombs to win which didn’t command victory in Vietnam or Korea, not even close.


Americans love their heroes such as Hollywood manufactured Robert F. Kennedy whose not all that successful bootlegging father prior to being appointed by the DAAC stooge President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the first Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission was the DAAC’s “man in Hollywood”.


There is good reason that Americans have for the most part never heard of 4 Star General Stilwell who is nothing short of a national hero in China, my only getting to hear about this great man who exposed “our man Chang Kai Check” [sic] for the crook that he was before being recalled back to the United States by the very crooked and so DAAC corrupted President FDR who was of course no different to DAAC President John F. Kennedy who also CHOSE very carefully to follow in the footsteps of those who usurped their limited authority.


The educated Chinese people who constitute a group far greater in size than the masses of Americans who consider themselves “educated” know not only English taught from an early age but how to read in between the lines, an art totally foreign to American slave masters.


On top of being an increasingly excellent oil painter my wife Marie Dion Gevisser can also knit, such an innocent looking pastime, going as a kid from just learning how to knit to knitting a sweater without bothering with anything in between such as knitting a scarf, much the same and without any fanfare as she jumped two classes at school because of her extraordinary command of mathematics, the most precise of languages that could be spoken if it were only taught in an interesting manner.


There is nothing in the least bit civil about what “We the people of the United States” are allowing to take place in the rest of the world beginning not in the Middle East which is just a “smoke screen” for making China the “new enemy” just as we did when calling the Soviets when the White House was under the “command and control” of RWR and James A. Baker III, the “Evil Empire”.


GWB is both great and honorable for the simply reason he is only executing his responsibilities as President to the “t”, beginning this thankless job with both protecting and printing money.


Second, committing war against anyone who dares to oppose the Almighty dollar.


Third, GWB continues to get Americans to pay taxes.


Fourth, and possibly as important as all the previous 3 “responsibilities” combined, GWB has despite us being a “toothless tiger” got the PROCC to invest a good chunk of their extraordinary trade surplus produced by increasingly happy with their government Chinese in our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-United States Treasury Bills.


GWB has already pulled off more miracles than I would have ever thought possible bearing in mind I understand rather well the mantra,


Can’t is not in my vocabulary; the impossible shall be done; miracles take a little longer.”


Yes, think very carefully your next move and know that you cannot rely on anyone around you to speak the truth anywhere close to what you hear from me.


Place yourself in the shoes on any one of a number of my Chinese and Israeli friends who don’t rely on anyone but themselves and their trusted friends to interpret what it means to have people like “our man Roger” and James A. Baker III, “the most dangerous person in the world” controlling the likes of Bill Handle, Art Bell and the rest of the gang which of course includes Dr. Laura, John and Ken and of course John Ziegler who continues to promote with so much passion Blue Nile, the DAAC internet fronting organization.


Each of you have “cast your vote” on what will inevitably happen to each one of you on the next go around.


Each of you are at best, liars, cheats and thieves.


None of you have any clue when you will take your last breath but with each passing moment you along with the overwhelming majority on my one of a kind email list will be suffering the worst kind of hell only imaginable in your worst nightmare as the past and the future all come together in the present, the Digital Age, a Godsend with Knowledge-Information-Light traveling at Light-G-d-speed.


You would know assuming you are following along as well as the “authorities” all around the world watching not only the trading of gold, diamonds and other currencies more closely than ever but also the shipment of weapons into Israel more so than ever before as Israel gets ready to “go it alone”, that on December 1st 1998 I began a 6 week assignment that called for me to simply execute a “review” of HomeFed Corporation, the very thinly traded and relatively small capitalized public corporation under the “command and control” of the rather very significant New York Stock Exchange public corporation known as Leucadia National Corporation.


Not to mention Joe Steinberg is the “control partner” of Luecadia National corporation who actually hired me with the single purpose of this “nothing” assignment to join him at Luecadia that didn’t call for me to be in the least bit “confrontational” with any of the executives at HomeFed which Joe had told me in no “uncertain terms” was headed by someone he considered at best an “imbecile”, worse yet Joe made “no bones” about the fact that he derived great satisfaction from “toying” with Paul Borden, HomeFed’s President who left LUK soon after Joe and his partner Ian Cumming bought a bankrupt Leucadia National Corporation [symbol LUK] back in 1978, the year I arrived in the United States, Borden returning when LUK was already very successful.


It was a very pleasant afternoon in mid-November 1998 when Joe and I sat on the deck of his rather spectacular residence in Solana Beach looking out over the Pacific Ocean with a view not quite as great as our rented studio house in heavily corrupt Del Mar, the next town south, that has even a spectacular garden like none other that I have seen so very close to the ocean in over-the-top priced southern California.


And I think you would have no trouble agreeing that I have probably visited more spectacular residences all around the world than you have ever viewed on TV or in the movies.


All that “chatter” should provide you just enough of a distraction thinking that I would be going on and on and on all “about me” but you know it is much more than all about money which is only ONE MEANS OF EXCHANGE for the DAAC to allocate amongst its friends the world’s precious resources.


I don’t recall opening the Russian Pepsi Cola can that Joe handed to me although you would think I should have given how I have always so very rarely drunk or for that matter eaten “canned goods” but I certainly remember after taking just a very small mouthful spitting out what I thought was a high concentration of poison.


It was beyond a shadow of a doubt the foulest tasting beverage that had ever passed by my lips and all I could remember next was Joe smiling before telling me one most interesting story of how LUK while getting the exclusive rights from Pepsi-Cola to distribute throughout Russia this most foul tasting drink with payment via barter which I seem to recall was related to shipments of vodka although it could have been sturgeon eggs which also came up in the very incredibly interesting and what was mostly a very relaxing conversation between 2 adults who had known each other almost a decade, Joe highly impressed with how I managed to persuade, going on a decade earlier, a group of international investors with the most out of control egos to walk away from a real estate deal being sold by LUK that the investors prior to bringing me into the deal thought they were going to “walk away” in “no time at all” with a $100 million profit on an investment of a pitiful $10 million which the likes of Joe Steinberg “round off to” on a very pleasant afternoon sipping away.


Go ahead and stretch assuming you cannot take your eyes off your computer screen as I remind you more about what was going through my head when thinking that I had once again been poisoned, so very stupid to have allowed a particle of anything other than fresh air to have passed through my lips.


But I had in fact done exhaustive due diligence on Joe Steinberg who the very deep underground Jewish Underground had convinced me was not, despite LUK’s extraordinary large “footprint”, under the “command and control” of the DAAC.


And if in fact Joe Steinberg was “clean” then surely I should have seen “The Hand of G-d” at work warning me to “watch out” and of course from that moment forth I did.


The fact that when I showed up at the corporate offices of HomeFed on December 1st 1998 and Paul Borden had still not provided me with my consulting agreement had me deciding to “dig very deep” and become awfully quiet.


Those around me and familiar with both my style and “work product” have never understood perhaps up until reading right now why I simply didn’t go back to Joe and say,


“Hey Joe, let’s call it quits.


You are right Paul Borden is an imbecile and has no interest in having me do anything let alone have me around to serve as a reminder of how much you love toying with him.


Okay, so what besides for the fact that I have been poisoned prevents me from sharing my grievances with you so that you and I just remain friends visiting on occasion and just “shooting the breeze”?


The initial signs, however, were very soon visible to MDG who suddenly out of nowhere saw me, someone she had known rather well over a period of some 5 odd years, acting rather strangely bearing in mind all she had seen as had everyone who has known me including the DAAC who had me previously poisoned prior to my joining Codiam Inc. in 1980 where again there was no job to “speak of”, was that I was very calm, extraordinarily “easy going” without so much as “a care in the world”, but with just sufficient “charming naiveté” to attract the very best of the best.


But concocting poison is more “art form” than it is science particularly when it comes to its effect on the body that includes a rather strong mind such as mine.


I fought as best I could the effects of hallucinations managing to get my arms around the most extraordinary incompetence I had ever witnessed which of course only exacerbated my mostly sleep deprived, “state of mind”.


To what extend Joe Steinberg himself was involved in my poisoning didn’t really matter all that much at the time since I knew for a fact that Joe was watching very closely my progress and there was nothing to stop him from simply calling me up, not even once, to find out how I was doing bearing in mind ALL that had led up to me doing this “nothing” assignment.


Not to mention that Joe warned me in no uncertain terms that Paul Borden was going to throw “everything” he could at me to stop Borden from being “exposed’ for the imbecile that Joe Steinberg KNEW him to be which is why Joe had him, this nincompoop, in charge of this “nothing” public corporation while I was all the while being tasked with doing what sort of utter nonsense, “review of operations”.


By the time I figured out that Joe’s hands were “blackenedOr The Hand of G-d” was directing me to “move on” and “play the card” I was being “dealt” as quickly as possible, knowing “for certain” I was in “good hands” with MDG who had “passed the test” with my Royal Materwith flying colors” without my RM even knowing that MDG could “knit”, although it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if my RM was by then fully aware of these again unknown to me, “so innocent skills”, I suddenly began “losing contact” with not only very trusted not close to being “covert” former Israeli Special Forces Commandos who I haven known a lifetime but those extraordinarily “covert” outside of the United States in places like Copenhagen who seemed to all “disappear into thin air” just when I needed them most to simply hold on to my “work product” that detailed this extraordinary incompetence that had the clearest cut pattern of “design everywhere”; i.e. that I was being “set up”.


In my haste to complete this “nothing” assignment knowing perfectly well within days of me clearing off Paul Borden’s overloaded desk leaving him with absolutely nothing to do, not to mention no excuses for being so round shouldered trying to suggest to everyone including Joe Steinberg and all the attorneys that he was “overworked”, I drove up, I believe it was December 17th, to Los Angeles to get assistance from my former girlfriend, an expert in insurance, to help me complete the final segment of the “review” which I was then going to hand over to Paul Borden and his “white shoes” attorneys at the very same time that I knew they were going to fire me.


But by this time I was “manic” and ended up, thank G-d, knocking myself out against the driver side window as I backed my car while parking in to the front of stationary truck that was unoccupied causing just the tail light on my jeep to break.


When I awoke from my nightmare I was in St. Johns Hospital but by this time all my connections, each and every one of them around the world both “covert” and “overt” had “descended” on Santa Monica, California, watching over me like “hawks”.


Even my RM who never once visited me in New York City when she and I both knew that I had been poisoned prior to leaving Chicago in 1980 when I was “destined” to take over from her “lucky friend-enemy” my uncle David Moshal-Gevisser Engelhard as the American head of the DAAC, was now at my side along with her very close friend Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss who like the 2nd psychiatrist who examined me understood perfectly well that I didn’t need any “medication”.


I was in fact well enough within 48 hours to be placed “in the care” of rather brave and not all that “well informed” MDG who could “smell a rat” but chose instead to remain in hospital for 7 more days “living the life of Riley” amongst “crazies” who appeared at times rather “sane” but only once I was assured that I would be given first no medication whatsoever apart from the pills the second psychiatrist suggested I place between my teeth and gums which I promptly spat out when the nurse turned her head and second my laptop computer to complete my “status report” which I personally handed over on or around December 31st 1998 to Paul Borden at the swimming pool at one LUK’s two skyscrapers that adorn the San Diego downtown skyline.


Not to mention it took many months for whatever had “laced” in the Pepsi-Cola can to wear off which didn’t, however, prevent me even when talking to the “real crazy” people in my ward to question whether they were plants.


To mention little of how within a few months this psychiatric ward of St. Johns was shut down permanently.


Now may I suggest you pull out a pen and paper and draw a line that shows the path of HomeFed’s share price from January 1st 1999 to the present hour.


Let me help you by having you click on to this hyperlink that takes you HomeFed’s share price chart made available by Yahoo.


As you can see HomeFed [symbol HOFD.OB] ending today’s trading at $65.75 a share which I think you would agree is quite a rise from the 15 odd cents when Joe and I “broke drink” [sic] in mid-November 1998 when he all but assured me he was very much part of the Russian mafia.


Let me explain this both to you as well as Joe’s $6 billion join venture partner Warren “BO” Buffett as well as those members of the intelligence community who may not have all the facts, the very few that there are given how during the 7 days that I was in hospital I “rili” [sic] didn’t have much typing to do, just the one segment on the “nothing” review pertaining to insurance which I had not only my former girlfriend assist me with but also Ron Bellows, the very senior risk assessment specialist for AIG who along with Citicorp Venture Corporation officer Newell Starks had been providing me with daily input from the very moment I began my “nothing” assignment on December 1st 1998 that “coincidentally” coincided with the 25th anniversary of the death of David Ben Gurion, both Ron and Newell knowing without me having to tell them how very strategic is LUK in the capital and financial markets of the entire world.


After I “gathered myself” thinking that I had coughed out every last particle of poison contained in the Pepsi-cola can that Joe Steinberg, a fellow Jew, knew at a minimum tasted awful which is the reason he gave as to why this “joint venture” in Russia was unsuccessful, I then proceeded to waste no time “diving into” the “knitty gritty” of the “all important numbers” which Joe seemed to have no problem in sharing with me, the most important that LUK never ended up losing a dime, their entire $25 million investment being returned without “anyone being the wiser”.


During, however, one of the first lunches I had with Paul Borden over at the Palomar Airport near HomeFed’s previous headquarters which is just a “hop-jump-and-a-scotch” [sic] from their new rather lavish headquarters for WHAT IS not some hi-tech outfit but a fricken “nothing” property management company with a buffoon STILL as its “figurehead” where we were joined by a male cousin of Borden who “sumhow” [sic] had not picked up on the fact that I was Jewish, when asking me about the origin of my last name, all I said was that it was “German”, Borden began to mouth off with his fatso cousin sucking down on a hamburger but “smiling from ear to ear” about the “effen bloody Jews” [sic] and at the same time letting me know that he knew quite a few Hebrew words which so impressed the relatively few number of Jewish people working at HomeFed including one x-South African who felt the need to once remind me, “Paul is a good guy”.


Not to mention I can explain to you in simple English why pretty much every Jewish South African I have met apart from my immediate family can be relied upon to not only give great parties but serve as a “reverse barometer”.


To mention little of how very few Jewish South Africans knew the first thing before I started mentioning that Field Marshall Jan Smuts was beyond a shadow of a doubt not only a great statesman but very possibly the greatest friend of the Jewish people.


That evening after a rather sickening lunch Borden insisted that I meet him for a “drink” at his hotel across from the Del Mar race track where he was staying, so very proud to tell me that his boss, Joe Steinberg, had leased for him a brand new automobile as Borden knocked back one beer after the next while at the same time telling me that Joe and Co. had thought he had “kicked” his “bouts with alcoholism”.


Not to mention that Borden insisted that I arrive each day very early for work despite having shown him in the first 24 hours how very quickly I worked.


To mention little of how extraordinarily easy it was for me to impress the Lilly White Wheaty Eating “white shoes” attorneys with how quickly I “cut to the chase with their beyond belief “gross incompetence” as again I worked feverishly to pull out all stops to not only protect myself but to leave just like I did when working at Codiam Inc. a very clear trail of “wrongdoing” for my very deep undercover Jewish Underground friends to follow in the event of my death.


Out of the blue” Borden asked, “So do you want to hear about Joe’s connections with the Russian Mafia, and how this bastard sent me to Moscow to take care of his dirty business?


And of course Borden was too far gone even had I said, “Spare me the details!


Borden then went on to describe a scene in his Moscow hotel room where Joe’s Russian mafia partners arrived, carrying both pistols and semi-automatic weapons, pointing them aimlessly all around the room without demanding anything from Borden other than for him to call up Joe which according to Borden is what he did, resulting in Joe simply telling him, “Come home.”


Notice how very few shares Borden owns in both LUK and HOFD.OB.


Of course you have seen how LUK’s share price has also risen since not just since it’s “humble” beginnings in 1978 when the shell corporation Joe and his partner Ian purchased was some $8 million in the red but simply since January 1st, 1999.


Not to mention of course that LUK is not exactly a thinly traded public corporation with a market capitalization of some of $5.93 billion odd compared to HomeFed’s market cap of some $538 million which is just a fraction of the monies returned to LUK’s shareholders.


To mention little of LUK very possibly still, in my humble but seasoned opinion, the most honest and best run public corporation in the world.


The world is not really getting smaller as we all, however, get “closer together” whether we like it or not, each of us increasingly knowing more about one another which only bothers those “more closely” connected to the DAAC, the mafia of mafia who like every family is mafia, those of course who buy the silence of their members.


Not to mention I think you would agree that I am continuing to do a rather good job in exposing those with close connections to the DAAC by their “deafening silence”.


So where you ask is my not-so-happy HomeFed, “Status Report”?


One of the copies along with a copy of my “side agreement” with Ms. Vicky Schiff co-managing director of Wetherly Capital Group that had her paying me 10% off the top of everything she earned the rest of her professional career which is nothing more than being paid handsomely to lobby for the Nazi-Socialist United States Democratic Party, was handed to the former executor of my estate Mr. Devin Standard on the day I met him just prior to Devin and his family moving to Colorado.


I have asked Devin repeatedly to provide me both those documents which of course are in other much “safer hands” but all I have ever got out of Devin was nothing short of a “deafening silence” although one time when later visiting with me in Del Mar, he told me that he couldn’t remember that meeting.


Then again Devin couldn’t remember emailing me on November 13th, Trying to plan a visit for next week. Will you be home?and my responding in the “affirmative” with this  874 word email the same day but managing 9 days later to write me a whole bunch of nonsense that doesn’t make any mention of me being “home” during that week with nothing better to do than move my “big balls” from one side of my underpants to the other nor for that matter responding to my 1801 odd word response that very same day, November 22nd, to his non-response.


Not to mention how also repeatedly Devin chooses the “ostrich approach” when I suggest he sets up a meeting with Hach, his former multi-national conglomerate German employer.


To mention little of both Devin and his father Kenneth Standard, the immediate past President of the New York State Bar Association understanding perfectly well the “smokescreen” that my immediate family’s very close friend Deborah “Aggressive” Sturman Esq. created when she and her criminally indicted law partner Melvyn Weiss Esq. of MW-L, also former clients of mine, exhorted some $4 billion out of the remnants of the Nazi-German military machine all paid for by the DAAC without, however, there ever any mention in the “Settlement Agreement” of how the DAAC would continue to pay for their “freedom” ad-infinitum so long as the likes of Ms. Sturman Esq. can be trusted to remain “deafeningly silent” on her silence being “bought and paid for” by the organization responsible for the greatest enslavement, torture and mass murder that continues to this day.


And of course to write about “it” is problematic along with my incredibly sexy wife telling me during the most amazing 3+ days, forget the nights kept awake by most likely a squirrel versus a 200 pound mountain lion that MDG felt the need to remind me, “is a cat, light on their feet, no fricken pounding on roofs, you crazy charming naiveté man [sic], that if I ever discuss our sex lives over the internet or otherwise it would impact my sex life and for the life of me I cannot, quite frankly, think how it would be possible to improve my beyond belief sex life.


Not to mention the password I set up for MDG to access her email at MDGart@sellnext.com which she refuses to type simply saying in her very sexy French accent, “It will have to wait!” which has me thinking that I might start a competition to reward the first person who comes up the password a $100 in gold bullion, gold last trading at $645.70 a troy ounce, 


And while you may never ever get around to always seeing the glass as half full you wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised to know as you focus exclusively on money which is of course what you are all about that while Joseph Steinberg had the audacity to call me to my face a “Revolutionary. You almost caused a revolution in my company” Joe has since met with me at least twice since approving the payment for my “services” to HomeFed that DID NOT result in me acquiescing and agreeing to signing a series of Post Employment Confidentiality and Release of Claims Agreements and the such following my “meeting with counsel” which included a partner at the 2,000 pound gorilla law firm of Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes and Lerach, Kirk Hulett Esq. in fact so impressed with my “Status Report” and all the backup data I had managed to “secrete away” prior to my desk at HomeFed being ransacked, decided to hire my unique and universal “risk assessment” services.


Not to mention all the other “Break ins” I have had subsequently that as you may have noticed haven’t dissuaded me from moving “right along” without the slightest of fear.


But of course Israel is not alone.


Besides for me and my very trusted friends there are the Chinese so very polite and so very resourceful who remember while fueling the world economy still consume about one third of the fossil fuels consumed each and every day by increasingly out of work and very much in debt Americans who the Chinese military know are not even close to being in as good a shape as Americans during the Korean War who were of course no match for the Chinese troops that Mao Tse Tung massed along North Korea’s borders and we are talking about NOW not some 50 or so years ago when the Chinese military were relative to today extraordinarily poorly armed.


I remain here in the United States fearful only for those such as yourself so spin-spineless and yet so full of yourself at least until you finished reading the above paragraph.


The “Hand of G-d” only works in mysterious ways for those such as yourself so out of touch with the heartbeat of the universe.


I could, but choose not to leave the U.S. only because my French-Canadian wife is not quite ready to “pack her bags” but of course that could change at a “moments notice”.


Either way, whether I go or stay has little, no strike that, has zero bearing on the reality of very “to-get-her” [sic] people all around the world ready at a moments notice to strike against our so induced not so civil oil wars.


It taking just one of a myriad of highly realistic events such as the hijacking of a sitting duck oil supertanker by a splinter group of the very deep Jewish Underground who do NOT take their orders from me or, G-d forbid, the Mossad or worse yet the so incredibly inept Israeli government who, however, are fast getting up to speed that it is now time for seasoned military Commanding Officers who have the “love”, i.e. trust and respect of not only current Israeli Special Forces commandos currently in “enemy lines” but those former members scattered throughout the world whose numbers are rather significant ready at a moments notice should the call go out to “report for duty” dropping everything including watching very closely the movements of the likes of SPIelberg.


And one thing I can assure you that in addition to me being very possibly the strongest advocate for peace as well as having done everything I could to get Americans to “pull up their socks” and recognize the nonsense of the “Almighty Dollar” before it collapses, such very well trained fighting groups who of course include extraordinarily computer literate individuals based almost exclusively on “merit” I would be EXTRAORDINARILY SURPRISED if there was a single South African given how I made it my business-personal when coming to grips with the total lack of backbone by Jewish South Africans, the most humanity deprived of all Jewish people on the planet to express to those very much in “command and control” of the very deep Jewish Underground who “oversee” the Mossad, the most non-DAAC infiltrated intelligence network the world has ever known since the end of Anglo-Boer-Farm War of 1899-1902.


Not to mention how such Special Forces commandos are expertly deadly with every weapon system including miniature nuclear bombs such as the one used on this “former” Russian colonel in the KGB that has so many fingers apart from those belonging to the deep underground Jewish Underground pointing to Russian DAAC stooge President Putin.


Time to fly.




[Word count 8058]



From: Michelle Kube mailto:MichelleKube@ClearChannel.com
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:04 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: <<AUTO RESPONSE>>


Welcome to JUNK folder!  >From now on, when your email comes to us, you will receive this 'auto response'.

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If you'd like to express your thoughts about something Bill said or someone on the show, feel free to call the show at 1 800 520 1534 between 5-6am when Bill takes listener calls.  If you can speak, you're able to keep the foul language at bay, and are at least midly interesting, we'll put you on the air.

If you'd like to discuss being removed from this auto-response, please call me at 818 566 6425, anytime between 3am-1pm, Monday through Friday.

Have a great day!
Michelle Kube
Executive Producer, The Bill Handel Show
KFI-AM 640
"More Stimulating Talk Radio"
Office Phone:  818-566-6425
Address:  3400 W. Olive Ave 
                 Suite #550
                 Burbank, CA   91505


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 9:57 PM PT
To: Valerie Coster – Former owner of the Seacrest=Ccrest Bed & Breakfast Cafe
Cc: rest; Devin Standard; Kenneth Standard Esq. -Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; George Hurst Esq. - Lawyer-liar for Dr. John Ben Stewart aka Sperm Donor; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Mossad; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor; ymags@jpost.com; Roger W. Robinson; zenazulman; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; John Pollard -JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Goldman Sachs; editor@shanghaidaily.com; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; oreilly@foxnews.com; Oprah; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Rush Limbaugh; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; Stedman; Seymour M. Hersh c/o The New Yorker; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters President@whitehouse.gov; SupremeInternetCourt@yahoogroups.com
...I'm back...