From: Gary S. Gevisser
Monday, June 27, 2005 2:40 PM PT
Lee Selbo
Cc: rest;
Jeffrey Malatskey CA-CPA - South Africa, Israel, Australia blah blah; Rabbi Abner Weiss; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Whitman Knapp Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Guy Friedman; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant;;
Subject: RE: ...---...cho...---...


Lee - Interesting given how I have always suspected your formal education didn’t interfere with your learning.


How about the observation made by my wife that is not simply getting increased Public International Attention but awakening a good number of parents around the world who think they can “trade their way out” of their lies by leaving a “sizable” estate, you of course must recall what I wrote Derrick Beare that resulted in his mea culpa?


To repeat Marie Dion Gevisser’s words one more time when stopping journalist-politician Winndy Winn in his tracks:


Gary and I agree that lack of knowledge–information-light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth.


The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of all their lies from day one.


Your lack of knowledge-light is betrayed by your silence regarding 2 questions Gary posed to you and that he reminded you of this morning at the beach when we met with you.




Ps – Do you think Jeffrey Malatskey was right when he recently stated “you benefitted from apartheid just like everyone else”? In other words using accounting terms, do you think Malatskey looked at the “benefits” as in “assets” much the same way one should if keeping a clean set of books weigh up the “assets” as well as the  liabilities” in order to provide first and foremost oneself and then the investing public with an accurate balance sheet




Do you think in this day and age following the failure of the “audirting” [sic] profession to make everyone in the world aware of the “astonishing” deep rot in the corporate world following the Business Week Annual Conference of Chief Financial Officers held in Phoenix, Arizona back in the spring of 1999 that would be asking a little “tTOo” [sic] much?


Also what do you think of he next statement, “and only became so religiously zealous once you were safely far away from South Africa?” In other words being zealous about going after the truth has “sum” [sic] impact on my religion?


And then give me your thoughts to his next comments, bearing in mind your children as well as your grandchildren increasingly more knowledgeable as information-truth travels at Light-G-D-speed, the past and the future increasingly coming “to-get-her” [sic] in the present, most if not all those you know of our generation and older getting increasingly quiet these days not knowing really who to trust until each and every one of them open themselves wide to public scrutiny, “If you were a real hero you would have used your mightly pen there and then not here and now like a miserable coward?


In other words given what you know about the failure of any of our parents, teachers, professors and well as rabbis to simply raise the question who else besides for the DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] benefitted from the rise of Nazi Germany who in their right mind would think themselves so godly to use anything let alone a “mightly pen” [sic] given how well the DAAC had infiltrated not only into our schools and place of worship but into our minds, there not a single person I grew up with in South Africa including you who ever once commented that the Apartheid Government that ruled over us with a diamond studded iron fist were under the exclusive “command and control” of the DAAC.


So much for us Jewish people so misinterpreting us being the “chosen race” thinking ourselves so arrogant that we could milk our Holocaust ad-infinitum believing that there wouldn’t come a point in time when the next generation of Jewish people, i.e. SMART independent thinkers, seeing it not wise to play the victim role would wake up to our bs?


It not taking a rocket scientist to figure out why the biggest crooks in every religious community not just the Jewish communities spread all over the world get the best seats in the religious institutions including academia.


[Word count 669]



-----Original Message-----
Lee Selbo []
Monday, June 27, 2005 1:37 PM
To: '
Gary S. Gevisser'
Subject: RE:



I hadn’t noticed so cannot comment.




-----Original Message-----
Gary S. Gevisser []
26 June 2005 17:46
Lee Selbo (E-mail)


Lee – as you may have noticed I am answering your question about teaching children first and foremost the truth - I am about to place up on to the Internet 6 questions perhaps 7 questions for Senator Kennedy that I also hope to have placed in the NY TIMes and WSJ – I wanted to get your input before they go out. Please email me as soon as you are online.

