< From: Gary Gevisser

From: Gary Gevisser  
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 12:59 PM PT
To: Kathy-Louise Gevisser-Danziger

Cc: rest; President@whitehouse.gov; Melvin Gevisser; Barry Molk MD. Derrick Beare; Neil Gould; Dr. Laura; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention


Dear Kathy,


Since all my attempts to bring the light on the simple matter of who this flat in Seapoint Cape Town with a balcony view of Robbin Island belongs to, I might have to clarify for all those on my and Zena' email list this situation, i.e. explain my disagreement with our mother-Royal Mater-Zena in exposing all sorts of events and people that she wants protected.


In the end, forget what vengeance G-d will enact on all those who feign ignorance and protest too much their innocence, I will explain to the world and see if Zena's argument of me gifting the flat to her and that I have a "problem", i.e. that I am "sumhow" [sic] not well, is convincing enough.


How much longer is the family going to continue with this charade?


How disgusting is our father's lack of involvement in the whole situation where he could so easily have put an end to all this.


So what is Bernie's non-confrontational agenda?


Of course he must be getting support from the rest of the family otherwise how could he maintain his position?


What are you getting out of this?


This Monday I plan to send out the rough draft of the introduction to my book THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE, subtitle A Message for the President in which I will cover the correlation between money and violence that has mostly those at the bottom of the dark DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC] "Money Power" pyramid fighting it out amongst themselves while those the most violent further toward the top don't even bother with either carrying money or a gun knowing that law enforcement armed to the teeth will continue to protect them while taking on petty crime figures with access to increasingly sophisticated weaponry.


Of course to the Hollywood and Bell Shaped curve educated you are not the worst out there.


But you also have enough formal education and today a better sense of the "money trail" that led to the formation of the DAAC Federal Reserve one year prior to the outbreak of World War I which institutionalized via the banking system the separation of personal and business while cementing the alliance between the corrupt church and state to know you all part of this pyramid scheme, at the top, supported by the ignorant masses thinking yourselves apart from the problem, while ignoring what is going on, grabbing more than your fair share, void of all spirituality, thinking yourselves non-violent because you don’t carry a gun and remain so quiet, uninvolved, minding your own business, simply protesting you are doing nothing more than making money while your slave wage earners support your lifestyle!


It is not only what you fail to say that counts but those who protest the loudest the systemic corruption beginning with the burdensome overpowering government-church are the ones most profiteering.






Ps - Your silence about the systemic rot thinking your money will protect your daughter speaks volumes about your involvement in perpetuating this cycle of violence.


Not informing her of the truth doesn’t give her any choice but to follow in your footsteps and makes you out to be G-d deciding her future!


Children are objective in their view of the world when given the right information.


They have no greed until money becomes the embodiment of who they are and the envy you see from early on is the parents failing to teach.


They are not afraid of persecution if they speak their mind.


It is the parents that make them powerless giving them no or half-truth answers to their questions.


The DAAC controlled corrupt media helps in the desensitizing process.


We don’t give all G-d’s children a choice between right and wrong, denying them the truth, thinking our way of seeing and doing things and protecting our lifestyle is protecting them, "It is for their own good!"


Ps I - I am copying the President so that he knows he is not the only unpopular person when telling the truth!


[Word count 674]